tesla manufacturing process pdf
The. given the uncertainty of the exact conditions under which a fuse melts. ToyotaRAV4 EV, and Freightliner's Custom Chassis Electric Van. Tesla isn’t only banking on automated processes to ramp up production of the Model 3. It is worth noting that Tesla’s supply chain management strategy focuses on a long-term growth strategy involving production, inventory management, and distribution. Tesla production system is renowned for its effectiveness and flexibility. This model worked for decades, but with the dot-com boom, a new generation of technologists and futurists began building solutions that could be stood up and torn down in a matter of weeks or months instead of years or decades using the new “world wide web” as a platform for communication, applications, and software development. the usable power than a 40 amp-hr battery pack. At the present, Tesla is trying to bring the lean management to a higher level by Political/Legal Environment The government plays a large role in the automotive manufacturing industry. As Tesla's production ramp for the Model 3 continues to improve, so does its process. The probability of small errors and unforeseen situations is proportional to the complexity of the process, especially when the process takes place in the physical world. Tesla “ boutiques” t end t o h ave m ore s table r evenue s treams t han t raditional c ar d ealerships, a s there a re a n o s alespersons, n o s ervice c omponent, a nd p rices o f a ll T esla v ehicles a re n on-negotiable. Tesla took ownership in 2010. Examples of the raw materials used by TeslaInc., include; Bauxite, steel, aluminum, leather, silicon, rubber and so on.The company is now a profit making and a high-volume company after itstransformation. 1. price and performance. 2020 Gigafactory Pack Output 50 GWh/yr! The importance of an integrated PLM system became clear during development of the Roadster, Lomangino says. Tesla Y Teardown and Benchmarking Study 5 Zone Eye Catching and Quick Cost Report Munro has identified ,n each Zone, specific observations of interest which are called Eye Catching Features. The impact of Thailand flood on the global supply chain of the japanese automotive industry -Focusin... Geometric Surface-Based Tracking Control of a Quadrotor UAV. This is a bit old documentary about Model S production. They really need the aid of an. with DC brushless, but average efficiency may actually be better. Zone Eye-Catching Features Download file PDF. they have in common? With DC brushless, as machine siz. “phase” is maintained in step with the angular position of the rotor. Documentary showing the manufacturing process at Tesla Fremont Factory. high-speed collision and to protect from road debris, How Tesla Is Driving Electric Car Innovation, Figure 11 Evolution of Tesla range and cost over years. w/ 1 … than any two given 6v batteries of the same capacity combined in series. "extreme precision and certainty" and has a rating of 1,500 A. The Model S P85D, a dual motor all-. To minimize the cogging torque, a global optimization algorithm (zooming algorithm) and the finite element method (FEM) are combined to find the best pole arc combination. including the tzero; and the Tesla Roadster. provides power directly to the wheels without adrive shaft. Interested in research on Automotive Industry? 2) The larger the capacity of the battery bank, the longer it will ta, Figure 7 AGM Life Cycle Vs Death Discharge. UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE School of Engineering and Computer Science Page 1 of 7 COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENT Module Title: Lean Manufacturing and Services Module Code: 6ENT1148 Assignment Title: Assignment 2 - Tesla Model 3 Rear Knuckle Assembly Facility Individual Assignment Tutor: Thomas Baker Internal Moderator: Dr. Peiqing Cao Student ID … Electrolyte Manufacturing! The company also highlighted that the vehicle was designed to … density of 265 Wh/kg. overnight, or there’s a power outage or some other problem, you’re out of luck.. about the size of AA batteries—the kind Tesla uses in the Model S. bring that future here sooner that I’d thought. Musk is taking a risk by building a production process from fresh rather than quickly iterating Tesla’s existing production process. An Audi executive involved in the Mexican plant launch, Peter Hochholdinger, is now Tesla… In particular, geometric surface-based controllers are developed and are shown, through rigorous stability proofs, to. Tesla will ship around 100,000 vehicles in 2017 — i.e., a comparative production of about 1%. Each module contains 6 groups of 74 cells. Coming out of the chaos of the dot-com boom was the dot-com bu… The Fourier coefficient of the square of magnetic flux density is analyzed to determine the feasible region, New quadrotor UAV control algorithms are developed, based on nonlinear surfaces composed of tracking errors that evolve directly on the nonlinear configuration manifold, thus inherently including in the control design the nonlinear characteristics of the SE(3) configuration space. Manufacturing Process Efficiencies Tesla has installed 160 robots at its assembly line12. If you believe the hype, Tesla has been managing its extreme growth and aggressive goals as an old-school taskmaster. The. underestimated. capabilities, when compared to DC type machines. Performance model equipped with an 85 kWh (310 MJ) battery pack is 265 miles (426 km), economy of 89 miles per gallon gasoline equivalent (2.64 L/100 km or 107 mpg, country, twice leading in Norway, in September and again in December 2013; and also in, Figure 3 Single Motor Model Figure 4 Dual Motor Model, differential on the front axles as well. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication. electrical to mechanical energy is optimally efficient. Regarding sourcing and quality assurance, the Senior ProgramManager has the responsibility to manage quality review and assessment,including documentation and records a… Production of model 3 is being compared to the famous model T of Ford, which revolutionized car sector and spread the process to other industries, and was the root for the lean management concept. Vehicles produced per production employee have increased less than 0.4% compounded annually over the 85 years of data. While vehicles produced today are higher in quality, the process of transporting a person from point to point has not changed. 40 STEPS AND 90 MINUTES TO PRODUCE A TESLA MODEL 3 AT THE FREMONT FACTORY. ¿ÃÄà$*Å©d T¯Ë¯¨HoUúd°X¦ÐR¯èòÐbzu@6®RpÞ ç°,Ð꦳¥¡-~©ÜÐH¨ åàëÔtVî¶Mº À½Z&±ª/ü [&I¢êÝBðt²ZID c`i3ì+sªmâ_¤2FJ&Xð²-^¥ýP,*4ÁÙ|⯿Ã~åÃÒ iþ~*çOئä°Ë©@Ó&jê='v-êUXúao¸úhßOHYj±zB°óµv%RNI|3?ùX~ ³' =ãÖlË{ Ã.-øÝôÉWO@ dual motors the power distribution among them is controlled electronically. That process allowed the plant to launch production 30 percent faster than usual, Audi said. Áý¯Æ'¢!8{&É1ÇÚV.º`gÈ"¶)NÍ«Ø+µ¨j1ùÿ^æ(ÀzN@îåÆn})¤âîþ¿á¨ßÐCU,»V j "Ðî°BRÅR¹/P;¹×ÖÐÌaf(mW |æSr. Single Motor Model Figure 4 Dual Motor Model, All figure content in this area was uploaded by Sakshi Yadav, Background research on Tesla Motora and Electric Vehicle, HOW TESLA IS DRIVING ELECTRIC CAR INNOVATION, of high-powered Superchargers across North America, Europe and Asia. Looking back on Tesla’s productivity issues, Musk undoubtedly missed the importance of adaptability in manufacturing. For instance, a robot at the Tesla factory can be involved in In this paper, the method with different pole arc combination was adopted to reduce the cogging torque in PMDC motors. The three largest automakers (GM, VW, Toyota) each produce a little over 10 million cars a year. Space Requirement Up to 10M ft2! This is also true for electric vehicle drives. Then the zooming algorithm and FEM are used to find the best combination. Gigafactory Process Flow!!! In an ideal brushless drive, the strength of the magnetic field produced b, In contrast, induction machines have no magnets and, becomes increasingly important as performance is increased. Just when you thought performance management was getting soft, along strolls Tesla hitting the headlines with its no excuses approach. Adaptive intelligence component of which is the desired rotor torque. Panasonic/Tesla’s production, Johnson Control’s Li-Ion production, and LG Chem’s expansion of their MI plant. While typical robots in the automotive industry perform a single function, Tesla robots perform 4 tasks on the Model S car13. There are cases where the electric automaker introduced certain improvements and modifications on cars in real-time during the manufacturing process on the basis of customer feedback from the social media. have desirable almost global closed loop properties. Õ&Éd&>®øpM¼D¾õ´ ÏDAúÞ%ÎåvÓMk,p(Ö ))jïáÿù?`'!tó hardware is common for both drives could mean that we will see induction and DC brushless live. Without it, brushless motors are useless motors. Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Optimization of the Different Pole Arc Combination to Reduce the Cogging Torque in PMDC Motors. “Tesla, unlike most companies its size, doesn’t have any known management structure. This piece throws no shade at Tesla, a company that serves as a highly-charged conduit for many a heated debate about the future of manufacturing, mobility, innovation, modern business models, and, what, space travel. Analysts estimate battery cost to be around 21–22% of the car cost. Unique organizational structure. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any references for this publication. Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk shares this viewpoint and strives to make a transition to a world of completely electric vehicles. brushless drive will typically be a few percentage points higher than for an induction drive. named the Model S the Car of the Century. Performance Management at Tesla: What we know. individual cell. development costs, but likely little or no recurring costs. I expect it to be as much robot-built as current technology will allow. This results in more performance advantages. When a 3-phase induction motor is connected to utility type 3-phase power, torque is produced at, their success. Figure 5 Cutaway view of a Tesla Model S drive motor. Let’s start with DC brushless drives. Manufacturers must abide by the safety regulations put in place by the government, such as putting seatbelts in all vehicles. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. This results in a significant increase in acceleration and top speed. Figure 6 The cylindrical cells used in the cars. Toyota has the Toyota Production System, which in my opinion is the only production platform in the world capable of ramping this up at a Musk pace. Tesla, Inc.’s Operations Management, 10 Decision Areas. Tesla has built an EV in a class of its own that fulfills Toyota's Global Vision and which the market is ready for TODAY. For the first time in regards to the geometric literature, a region of attraction independent of the position error is identified and its effects are analyzed. Figure 10 Cylindrical cells: about 74 used together, The use of commodity cells, similar to those found in laptops and mobile phones, is in c. of the aluminium used in the Model S is around 410 pounds (190 kg).
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