philippine theatrical forms and evolution
Arts in the Philippines refer to all the various forms of the arts that have developed and accumulated in the Philippines from the beginning of civilization in the country up to the present era. Around this raft, situated on the ground, two women dance, drink, and chant Christian prayers to, cure the sick. It is music that is a combination of both words and music. plays written by contemporary playwrights. This stops at, designated houses where songs are performed to lighten Mary’s sorrow. and Christ and Veronica are dramatized with chanted dialogue and moving images. Identify selected theatrical forms from the different art periods. Virgilio Vitug ’s Sinakulo ning Balen (Passion Play of the Nation), 1983, as, presented in Lubao, Pampanga, unveils a new Christ, Jesus Makabalen, who, condemns fiscals who accept bribes, fake recruiters who victimize hapless, peasants, candle sellers who commercialize the blessing of the pope, and government officials who are insensitive to the needs of the people. The Filipino contemporary culture (in this case also theatre) can be seen as a great example for anyone who would like to speak about the postcolonial identity of the nation. -Ukkil/Okir was the dominant design in Muslim. These artworks were dropped from Japanese plains all over Manila. which are the komedya, the sinakulo, the playlets, the sarswela, and the drama; and the theater with Anglo-American influence, which encompasses bodabil and, the plays in English, and the modern or original plays by Fihpinos, which employ, representational and presentational styles drawn from contemporary modern. Some of the most important playlets are associated with the Christmas season. Although its costumes are contemporary, Paat’s sarswela has all the, ingredients of popular traditional sarswela—namely, the love songs, the scenes of. What is a 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000-sided shape called? In fact, the history of theater can be traced back to 6th Century B.C. l. Digital art, Create professional timelines & roadmaps in minutes. Introduced in the 1920s from the United States, bodabil is not a play per se, but a, potpourri of songs, dances, and comedy skits which showcase what is popular in, the United States. Hudas- refers to the ritual burning of effigy of Judas held on Black Saturday. the Philippines (1898-1912} by TOmas c. Hernandez, is based on the author's studies when he 1oas a graduate stuient in Drama and Theatre. 2. This was the kumedya or moro-moro,an acculturated form of the Spanish comedia, While entranced, the shaman partakes of the sacrificial, offering, which may be a chicken, a pig, a carabao (depending on the gravity of the, spirit’s anger) or simply rice uncooked or in cakes, rice wine, and betel nut. Anton Juan Jr.’s Death in the Form of a Rose. The youngest of the Philippine arts, film has evolved to beco me the most popular of all the art forms. The huling hapunan or ultima cena (last supper), staged in some, Tagalog and Bicol provinces, reenacts the Last Supper in an actual dinner eaten by, the priest and 12 men playing the apostles. reaction, exposes the horrors unleashed by the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and finally attacks the establishment of nuclear plants in the Philippines. Then she dances, balancing on her head a bowl with rice or a bowl with candles or, a karis, while brandishing the palm leaves or two porcelain bowls or a piece of, cloth in her two hands, as she is followed by an assistant. 1. 2. - Artworks are mostly from the sentiments of artists during the war. The series of possessions is capped with, those present drinking and smoking and participating in the activities of the ritual, Interestingly, these animistic rituals survive today even among Christianized, Filipinos. For centuries people have enjoyed drama, comedy, music, and other forms of entertainment. Traditional Philippine drama comes in three Western forms introduced during the period of Spanish colonization. Theater in the Philippines is as varied as the cultural traditions and the historical, influences that shaped it through the centuries. Bellacos – male participants, they are the heads of the games. Moreover, the komedya propagated and continues to propagate a colonial mentality that, looks up to the European as superior in race and religion, even as the plays and, playlets on the life and sufferings of Jesus Christ and the saints discourage selfinitiative, a critical attitude, and decisiveness, preferring to forge a passive will that, bows to autocracy and its hierarchy of authority. The Filipino contemporary culture (in this case also theatre) can be seen as a great example for anyone who would like to speak about the postcolonial identity of the nation. The dramatic forms that flourished and continue to flourish among the different peoples of the archipelago include: the indigenous theater, mainly Malay in character, which is seen in rituals, mimetic dances, and mimetic customs; the plays with Spanish influence, among which are the komedya, the sinakulo, the playlets, the sarswela, and the… The Brechtian style with touches of absurdism is evident in Paul Dumol’s, Ang Paglilitis ni Mang Serapio (The Trial of Old Serapio), 1968, one of the most, performed modern plays of the last two decades, which shows how a syndicate, rigs the trial of a beggar, Mang Serapio, who “wastes” the earnings of the, syndicate by loving and caring for a “child.” Serapio’s eyes are gouged out—a. Asking for intercession when praying to Saint Isidore for a bountiful harvest. an ordinary Filipino, who realizes that wherever he may go he has no real rights; and Richie Valencia’s Iskolar ng Bayan (Scholar of the People), 1976, which. -The period BEFORE the first colonizers. PERSONALITIES: They reflect the range of artistic influences on the country's culture, including indigenous forms of the arts, and how these influences have honed the country's arts. aspect of Filipino contemporary life, e.g. One of the most successful productions of, KNB was that of Chris Millado, 1990, which reinterpreted the main protagonist, Taga-ilog as a tattooed native datu, a Bonifacio-type revolutionary, and a, Finally, the oldest of all traditional drama, the mass, was given new meaning in one, of the most popular protest plays of the 1970s. Why doesn’t lightning travel in a straight line? Bonifacio has likewise pioneered in the use of local folktales and various. Raised in the Anglo-American tradition, theater artists have created original plays, using the literary styles and tendencies of the West—both the representational, style which seeks to create an illusion of reality through three-dimensional, characterization, and the presentational style, which uses the play as a vehicle for, the exposition and promotion of social issues and ideas. History of Philippine Cinema INTRODUC TION. Also called Yawa-Yawa (literally, Devil-Devil), this. For a fee, Asalhayop informs Haring Bata of the planned revolt, but is exposed by, Inangbayan and burned alive by Taga-ilog for his treachery. Western theatre developed and expanded considerably under the Romans.The Roman historian Livy wrote that the Romans first experienced theatre in the 4th century BC, with a performance by Etruscan actors. This, is climaxed by the removal of the Virgin’s black veil by a little angel, who descends, from the “heaven” of the four-posted galilea to sing “Regina Coeli, Laetare”. Nonreligious Festivals and Representative Philippine Theatrical Forms. - Cave drawings are considered the earliest form of Painting done by early Filipinos. Drama—comedy or tragedy—can be performed in many different types of theatres, as well as outdoors, and theater, or revitalize traditional forms from within or outside the country. A Brief History of Theater Forms (from Aristotle to Brecht, Baraka, O'Neal, and Boal) by Alice Lovelace Atlanta, Georgia. In Tambo, Buhi, Camarines Sur, the passion play known as tanggal is a folk interpretation of events of the passion that is distinguished both by its charm and, naivete as by its faith and fervor. 3. Supported by hermanos mayores (sponsors) and by donations from individuals, the arakyo, like many traditional komedya today, is cherished by the townspeople, as a form of dance-prayer or an extended dramatic devotional to the Santa Cruz so. Paul Dumol ’s historical play, Francisco Maniago, 1987, presents the painful, realization of Francisco Maniago that absolute and unquestioning fidelity to the. While performative elements are present in every society, it is customary to acknowledge a distinction between theatre as an art form and entertainment and theatrical or performative elements in other activities. - Manila became the Asian hub of the Manila-Acapulco galleon fleet. dances to relieve long stretches of monotonous dialogue, of theatrical artifices. 10, percussion, neoclassicism. The history and culture of a country are reflected in its architecture, and in the Philippines, the evolution of houses show how far the Filipino has come and how we fit in the times As a country of over 7,100 islands originally inhabited by various tribes and later experiencing over four centuries of colonization from Spain and the United States, the Philippines … Read Theatrical Forms in The Philippines from the story Music 10 by schoolnotes21 (school notes) with 240 reads. theaters or to open-air stages in the provinces. -Juan Luna who won as Gold Medalist for his great work in making the Spolarium. Aside from the Philippine national dance, there are still many other forms of traditional dances that clearly represent the life and culture of the people in the Philippines. Before the Revolution, one major form of native drama which appealed exclusively to the masses flourished. -Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo- Madrid who made Virgenes Christianas expuestas al Populacho, ART FORMS: in this period. Examples are Denisa Reyes ’ Diablos, which uses a Bagobo tale about the evil bird Minokawa in order to comment on, the violence of nuclear arms; and Edwin Duero-Agnes Locsin ’s Hinilawod, which, narrates the epic of Labaw Donggon and his brothers Humadapnon and. Identify selected theatrical forms from the different art periods. 4. Among the Tagbanua of Palawan in southern Philippines, the ritual of the diwata, which crowns a series of activities addressed to the spirits of ancestors, is held, after the rice harvest on the last three days of the last moon, to ask the supreme, deity Mangindusa, the other gods, and the spirits of ancestors for a bountiful, harvest and for the well-being of the supplicants. Theatre - Theatre - The evolution of modern theatrical production: Underlying the theatrical developments of the 19th century, and in many cases inspiring them, were the social upheavals that followed the French Revolution. Flores- refer t o the whole flow er festival celebrated in the month of May in honor of the Virgin Mary . Deriving stories from native versions of European metrical romances, the orihinal, (script) of the secular komedya usually depicts the conflict between Christian, princes and princesses and their Moorish counterparts. Taking blogs or online publishing to the next level, PBNet is a solid mass marketing group to any business and clientele, who are seeking premium and professional online communication … more. It is short but has wide meaning and its typical theme is "nature.". The presentational style on the contemporary Philippine stage, which emphasizes, the discussion of social ideas derives principally from Brecht’s Theater of, Instruction and later from Augusto Boal’s Theater of the Oppressed. The American Colonial and Contemporary Traditions, Short as it was, the American colonial regime from 1901 to 1946 had a profound. -Zarzuela of Sarsuela is form of theater that is popular in this period. How many one-sixth yard pieces are in 12 yards? The Maranao panonoroon has a boy and a girl chanting, metaphorical verses to each other, with the boy offering his love to the girl and the, latter warding off his verbal advances. In the center of the large room, the ritual offerings are carefully arranged: a small wooden boat hanging from the ceiling (on this the ancestors “ride”); a mat, on which are spread the bowls or plates of uncooked rice, jewelry, betel nuts, rice, cakes (which are later consumed by the people), ginger, onions; a ritual bamboo, swing which the babalyan rides or chants on; a stool on which are arranged more, food offerings; and the all-important wine jars set in a line in front of the swing, and provided with oil-rubbed straws through which the spirits will sip the rice. Act I opens with Inangbayan, reprimanding Asalhayop (Filipino collaborators) and his friends for feasting on the, tombs of those who perished when Balintawak fell to the Chinese. - Retalbo which a is a form of altar. by everyone, so that harmony may reign in society. 1. Moors and Christians in the Battle of Covadonga; the palo-palo of Ivana, Batanes, which survives as a dance with sticks between Moors and Christians; and the, sayaw of Ibajay, Aklan, which underscores the defeat of the Moors in the hands, of the Bisaya. Typical of the stories of. Often, the theatre can be configured into the arena, thrust, and endstage forms described above. All that said, we’ve outlined the typical theatre forms for different performance types. In spite, of all these, the sinakulo’s world view, whether in Buhi or Cainta, and like those, of other religious plays, remains as simple as that of a medieval morality play. Category: MAPEH 07. Research on the history of the theatrical forms and their evolution. with freedom and why he founded the Lapiang Malaya. This, act, which represents the death of the supplicant at the hands of the spirit, adapts. and many others. Today, this dance drama survives in a few isolated towns. called malong) and the Pilandok character of Maranao culture among others; Ranaw: Isang Alamat which creatively combines the pangalay, ethnic martial arts, movements and chants with contemporary musical idioms; and Fe Remotigue and, Don Pagusara ’s Sinalimba which brilliantly uses Bagobo musical materials and. Act, III opens with women sewing the Philippine flag which will be raised when the, new moon rises. Principal obstacle to their, love is a rich old man, Don Silvestre, who frequents the kabaret where the, dalagang bukid sells flowers, determined to get the girl for himself. Komedya- is a play which dramatizes actual events, the lives about Christians and Moorish Royalty. EVENTS: These are the sinakulo and the komedya, which native playwrights writing between the 17th and the 19th centuries developed under the auspices of parish priests and landholding native elites in Manila and the provinces. the Marinduque parishes dramatizes the story of the Roman soldier, Longino, who while guarding the tomb of Christ witnesses the Resurrection, becomes a. Christian, proclaims Christ’s divinity, and is beheaded by Pilate’s soldiers. The history of Philippine theatre PHILIPPINE THEATER Theater in the Philippines is as varied as the cultural traditions and the historical influences that shaped it through the centuries. Satan, and their adoration of the Christ Child, as may be seen in Cebu and Leyte; or simply a group of males and females in colorful costumes dancing and singing, Spanish and native Christmas songs in front of different houses, as practiced in, certain towns of Bicol. In the end, a big battle is, waged between the Christians led by Constantino and Elena, and the Moors under, Costroas and Ordelisa. Important achievements in the successful use of ethnic performing, visual, and. Finally, these plays bind the members of the tribe in a stronger bond for, the common good. The salubong, (meeting), also known as sugat, encuentro, sabet, Alleluya, and padafung in, Catholic and Aglipayan parishes all over the country, dramatizes the meeting of, the Risen Christ and the Virgin on Easter Sunday morning in dance and song. Original sarswela. - Bahay na bato/ Bahay na Tisa The Philippine Revolution is one of the most important events in the country’s history, awakening a proud sense of nationalism for generations of Filipinos to come. -Ruz Lopez de Villalobos who named the archipelago Las Islas Filipinas -The Marcos Family and many more what was one advantage the constitution had over articles of confederation? Rhea Grace Pacot. -Lowland Christians were highlighted in this period and all artworks are Religious/ Devotional in nature. The Philippines – because of the difficult and complex history of the country – cannot be con-sidered in a binary differentiation: “Asian” vs. “Western”. Finally, other, companies adapted Western plays like Clifford Odets’ Waiting for Lefty and, Bertoit Brecht’s Caucasian Chalk Circle and Life of Galileo Galilei because of, Needless to say, the bodabil and the Western plays presented in the country by, Filipinos contain very little of Philippine life and culture in them. The general pledges his undying love for the, Moorish princess and proves it by laying down his arms. 3. -Willaim Parsons who implemented the Burnham plans and Urban designs in the country. (Who Are You? water; another may want to smoke cigarettes with those participating in the ritual; others may dance with a long knife or bolo on their heads; or oil the women’s hair; or lead the singing of the spirit song. Epic poetry is considered the highest point of Filipino folk literature, and dates back to … - Manyan of Mindoro Baybayin was the only preserved traditional writings of the Filipinos. In the end, Inangbayan begs for the country’s, independence but is refused. Read Theatrical Forms in The Philippines from the story Music 10 by schoolnotes21 (school notes) with 240 reads. him and is imprisoned. Thus, despite the continuous outside interference and imposi-tion of divergent forms, Filipino theatre has not only suc- divorce, gambling, and other social vices, usually in the framework of a love story. The PHILIPPINE. compose the majority of the total population. It is not difficult to see how, these plays contributed to the shaping of the native Filipino as colonial during the, Spanish period and how they continue to discourage the development of persons. Introduced only in 1897, films have ranged fro m silent movies to talkies; black and white to color. Some plays successfully blend realistic and nonrealistic styles. effect on 20th century Philippine theater, first in form and later in philosophy. Featuring a band of rock singers and musicians on a separate, platform and a group of dancer-actor-singers on stage, Al Santos and Joey Ayala ’s, Nukleyar!, 1983, strings together songs, dances, and slides that explain nuclear. Epic poetry. cross, but loses it to the Moors who intercept and attack her. decorated small bamboo raft with offerings of rice, oil, eggs, cigarettes, rice cakes, and a little chick representing the soul of the sick person. ), Bien, Aligtad, and Magsimula Ka (Make a Start), 1983; “ethnic” musicals, like. Of the representational types, it was Western realism, which seeks to move an, audience through empathy with well-rounded, flesh-and-blood characters, that, was adopted and adapted by Filipino playwrights. f. Feminist art • Explain the distinguishing characteristics of different Philippine theatrical forms. As a whole, indigenous dramas are well integrated into the lives of tribal Filipinos. ART FORMS: EVENTS: Essay on Evolution of Musical Theatre Lillian Davila 12858751064260 Evolution of Musical Theatre Lillian Davila Mr.ThoenPeriod two3 March 2018Evolution of … Taga-ilog. 5. -We were taught the Islamic Language, Islamic reading and writings, and Religious schools were built. The theater has been present in various forms and cultures for at least 2,500 years. English or in English translation. Research on the history of the theatrical forms and their evolution. itself to the occasion for which the ritual is held. In many locations, theater as performance evolved from other ideas and customs, such as events honoring gods and mythical creatures. Kabanata (May 21, and Other Chapters), 1977, traces the life of Valentin de los Santos through three, periods of struggle against colonial rule to explain why “Tatang” was obsessed. Recreating a Philippine festival or staging a theatrical form 4. defines what makes each of the Philippine festivals unique through a visual presentation A7PL-IVh-1 5. design the visual elements and components of the selected festival or theatrical form through costumes, props, etc. From these seeds grew and blossomed the dramas of psychological realism in the, last two decades, among them: Orlando Nadres ’ Paraisong Parisukat (A Square, Piece of Paradise), 1974, which shows how a young girl decides to sacrifice love, and idealism to the banality of a stockroom assistant’s life; Bienvenido Noriega Jr. ’s, Bayan-bayanan (Little Country), 1975, which exposes the personal dreams, and heartaches of Filipino expatriates in Switzerland; Rene O. Villanueva ’s, Hiblang Abo (Strands of Gray), 1980, which portrays four tragic characters in a, home for the aged; Isagani R. Cruz ’s Kuwadro (Portrait), 1980, where an aging, sarswela star pathetically “relives” the glory days of the sarswela; Tony Perez ’s, Biyaheng Timog (Trip to the South), 1984, which shows how an autocratic. to the genteel, albeit impractical, world of hispanized culture. monologue or dialogue the politicization of two brothers (a farmer and worker). The bodabil has, Filipinos twisting their tongues, belting/mellowing their voices to approximate, American singers, and gyrating like Elvis Presley or flexing their limbs in the air, a la Fred Astaire. -Gold has peen part of Filipino accessories even BEFORE the arrival of the Spaniards. Constantino wins the war and kills the Emperador of Turquia. On the other hand, although the Filipinos were Americanized in thought, taste, and temper by these plays, so were they equipped with many dramatic theories, and styles that opened new avenues for growth and expanded the horizons for, theatrical expression of Filipino playwrights, directors, actors, designers, and stage, managers. Like the sarswela, it could be presented commercially or, as a community activity, on a proscenium stage in a teatro or on an open-air rural, entablado, using telon (theater curtain or backdrop) and appropriate props to, denote setting. ART FORMS: exhorts everyone to rise against Haring Bata, the Chinese King. like the Assumption and Coronation of the Virgin in heaven. Dahumpalay (Filipino collaborator) wants Taga-ilog shot, but instead is, killed by Taga-ilog, who burns the traitor’s face and uses his clothes to escape, from prison. (Queen of Heaven, Rejoice). Using narrators and slides of, newspaper clippings, Al Santos ’ Mayo A-Beinte Uno atbp. Rituals of baptism, circumcision, marriage, as well as the, dances that instruct children on the techniques of looking for honey or fishing or, fighting in war, clearly work for the collective good. Church, which were introduced into the country by the Spanish friars. King of Spain is possible only with his betrayal of his own community, family. These rituals, dances, and customs express their very beliefs and depict their, activities and material culture. Indeed, in Asia, as will be seen later, the storytelling tradition served, at least partly, as the starting point from which the complex theatrical performances, based on the same oral and later written material, developed. Ingalla; in the Ilocos, by writers like Mena Pecson Crisologo, Mariano Gaerlan, Leon Pichay, Isaias Lazo, and Barbaro Paat; and in Pangasinan, by writers like, Usually in three acts with music and dancing interspersed within the prose, dialogue, the sarswela focuses on a love story between members of the upper, classes, which is spiced up with comic love episodes between servants, and made, more relevant with satirical attacks on usurers, corrupt politicians, oppressive, landlords, lazy husbands whose husbandry is wasted on cockfighting and other, vices and, lately, students hooked on drugs and “Saudi” recruiters who take, One of the most popular sarswela of all time is Dalagang Bukid (Country. BASILIO ESTEBAN S. VILLARUZ On or off stage, certain Christmas customs involve proto-theatrical dances. The Tagalog panunuluyan (seeking entry) and Bicol kagharong (going from house, to house) dramatize through a street procession the search by the Virgin Mary and, Saint Joseph for an inn in Bethlehem on Christmas eve. protest, is exemplified by Juan Abad ’s Tanikalang Guinto (Golden Chain), 1902, and Aurelio V. Tolentino’s Kahapon, Ngayon at Bukas (Yesterday, Today, Kahapon, Ngayon at Bukas chronicles the struggle of the Filipinos, here, represented by Inangbayan (Mother Country), under the leadership of Taga-ilog (patriotic Filipino) to overcome the oppressors in the country’s history: the, Chinese, the Spanish, and the Americans. Flexible theatres Flexible theatre is a generic term for a theatre in which the playing space and audience seating can be configured as desired for each production. - Baroque churches incorporated with Filpino design. The pre-World War II, melodrama which aims to make people cry is typified by Veronidia, 1919, by, Cirio H. Panganiban, which depicts the tragic death of a divorcee who only wants, to visit her dying (first) husband. As chairman of his doctoral committee, I had the privilege of watching his research evolve until its completion as a … in a dream sees Taga-ilog and his army preparing to fight America with cannons, air ships, and tanklike vehicles. View Philippine Theatrical Form.pptx from SOC 004 at Sacred Heart College, Lucena City, Quezon. Learning Competencies: Identify selected theatrical forms from different art periods; Define what makes selected Western classical plays and operas unique through visual presentation Traditional Philippine drama comes in three Western forms introduced during the period of Spanish colonization. the secular komedya is the arakyo still performed in several towns of Nueva Ecija, which revolves around the search by Elena and Constantino for the Cross of, Christ and the obstacles they encounter in that search. of Turquia to avenge his father’s death. Coincidences, accidents, and other dei ex machina are used to eliminate all obstacles and to come to a. correct (not necessarily happy) ending for all concerned. Most popular are the following: doleful scenes like Christ, saying farewell to his mother before he goes to his martyrdom; comic scenes. The comedy which entertains with laughter is. - Santos which are made of ivory and wood. PERSONALITIES: Of the courtship customs, the most. *Duplo – was a poetical debate held by trained men and women in the ninth night, the last night of the mourning period for the dead. -Tattoo Arts and Buildings of Bahay Kubo. What is the bandwidth (in Hz) of a system with the frequency response that follows? For almost three whole days and with financial, support from the barrio, older members of an itinerant group of tanggalista, (members of the tanggal group) chant the Bicol pasyon and other episodes from, the Creation of the World to the Search for the Holy Cross by Elena and, Constantino, while the younger members of the group dramatize the actions, narrated by the chant. PERSONALITIES: ART FORMS: Lastly, the tatlong hari (three kings) may be a simple. Jose Y. Dalisay Jr. ’s Sugatang Lawin (Wounded Hawk), 1978, explores the meaning of “heroism” during the Japanese Occupation and his, gradual realization of the meaning of true heroism. Today, ritual dances that follow in January, like the sinulog in … Introduced from Spain in the 19th century, the drama (to be distinguished from, the generic English term “drama”) is a play in verse and/or prose and usually in, one act. PHILIPPINE THEATER AND DRAMA Plays with Spanish Influence The New Sarswela Comedia/Komedya Zarsuela/Sarsuela *drama as tool for Christianization *drama as pedagogical tool *drama to attract people to the pueblos Predramatic Forms loas, declamaciones, oraciones - … A majority of these dances, which mark, important events like baptism, courtship, marriage and even death, depict, The tribes of the Cordillera have dances that reenact the hunt for and the killing of, a boar, as well as the practice and ways of headtaking; the Aeta of Zambales, perform dances which show the techniques of gathering wild honey in the forest, as well as hunting for fish; the Tausug of Sulu boast of dances that represent how.
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