how to read muster rolls
Although some of the stains remain, the information can be read and the muster rolls … vishwanadh9999. From March 1957 onwards, the muster rolls include lists of officers AND lists of enlisted personnel. 3. World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949.” There is a fee for this service. Muster Roll Of Captain Jas. Pre-1940 Navy muster rolls may provide the following information about enlistees: Name; Date and place of enlistment; Age; Civilian occupation; State and/or country of birth; Physical description. Please view Muster roll form 12 register format photos on this page to verify your requirement. Parliament passed an annual bill to fund the army, which was always subject to intense debate and scrutiny. Using the “Browse this collection” option on the right hand side, we browsed the muster rolls … These records include detailed muster rolls listing all personnel assigned to ships, stations, and activities for the U.S. Navy, 1939-1949, as well as reports of changes for sailors transferred to other ships or locations, and those discharged, deserted, hospitalized, missing, or dead. Your plan to push beyond these cards, to get the actual rolls, is also wise. The right-hand section lists all of the causalities for the period of the muster: that includes men who left for any significant reason. This means that requests for these records must be submitted under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Additional records will be added as they are identified in the catalog. The beginning of this journey in 2001 marked the start of the current recreated 17th Infantry. received his BA in History from the College of William & Mary in Virginia in 2003, and his MA and PhD from Brown University in Rhode Island in 2004 and 2016. Very useful information Mr.Nitesh , And here I do have one more question, When we show the wages records in form “XVII” under contract labour act, there are some columns to be filled like Types of information you will find in the muster rolls include: soldier’s name, both their soldier name and earlier name, birth date or age, number of years in the service, height and marital status. We also have Private Kelley, who transferred out of this company, probably into another company of the 17th. The Malicious, Morose Malady and the Vindictive, Vagrant Vixen: A 17th Regiment Story, Part 2, Our Officers and Men Behaved Like Men Determined To Be Free, ‘Taking the King’s Shilling’ : Joining the 17th Regiment, Officers of the 17th Part Four- Choosing Sides in the American Revolution. So we’re going to look at the bottom first, for the most important material. Search their catalog for the collection “U.S. His exploits in Revolutionary War Living History began with a chance encounter at Colonial Williamsburg’s Under the Redcoat event in 2000. Or you may view these records online at one NARA’s facilities for free. The same style is used for new recruits, so sometimes things can be a bit confusing when you know that men are being drafted and recruited in, but the muster master didn’t make a note. They can be read by tablets or smart phones from up to 50 meters. And then deal with the center portion, where everyone inevitably ends up. For now, I’ll focus on how one “reads” a British muster roll, because they aren’t necessarily straightforward to people who haven’t internalized British military procedure as I have. First, there’s the location and date when the muster was taken—in this case, on Staten Island, July 13, 1776. Usually these refer to a company, but they often refer to a regiment, a special detachment, or a band. 3. The Association began this Worldwide Roll Call to ensure that no names would go unanswered for Muster, a Texas A&M tradition more than a century old. Here is a photograph (taken in 2011, pardon the quality) of the muster roll for Captain Robert Clayton’s Company of the 17th Regiment of Infantry, covering the period from December 1775-June 1776. Muster Rolls Related material: It should also be noted that a Muster Roll for 1799 is attached to a file of Certificates of Deficiencies sent to Quarter Sessions by the Inspector General of the Army of Reserve - see QS.68/2/1. Muster rolls tell us what unit an ancestor served in, and during what time period. During the Civil War, muster rolls grew to include personal information including: Nativity (state or country) Date and place joined; Age when enlisted; Date and place mustered in; Place and date mustered out; Records of Marine Corps soldiers and officers are available at the National Archives in Record Group 127 for the years 1798 to 1904. Muster rolls not only identify the soldier’s rank but often contain notations of “on guard” or “on duty” that help provide additional proof of service. The soldier’s rank at the time of muster is listed, along with the complete name of the unit in which he was serving. This example shows a two-month period between this muster and the previous one, which would’ve been in December 1862. As military rolls are scanned, digital images will be made available through the Texas Digital Archive (TDA). So there you have your basic guide to reading a British regimental muster roll sheet: while they can be tiresome one at a time, taken collectively they open up grand new vistas on the busy internal life of the British Army. Pre-1860 muster rolls usually only provide the sailor's name, vessel or station, and service dates. Muster rolls do not provide daily lists of naval personnel formerly attached to a ship, station, or other activity. Focusing in on the casualty list, we see that it covers the same period as the rest of the muster and provides some interesting casualties beyond the men who died. The muster rolls are arranged by battleship and is a selected list. Be as specific as possible. In the 'Notes' section of the roll-- apparently written in Lt. Ward's own hand -- it is stated the Co. B was in the battles of Fisher Hill and Winchester. Requesting Muster Rolls/Personnel Diaries from 1971-1982: As mentioned above, muster rolls/personnel diaries from 1971-1982 use Social Security numbers as service numbers, and are therefore subject to privacy restrictions. Can’t wait to see those results! Muster rolls for the World War II era are available online via Clayton and Norris were present with the company on the day of the muster— when you see notes on the return that explain a man’s absence, that is only the excuse given for him being absent that day. So even if you aren’t in love with the 17th, the following instruction is transferrable to other corps. If you are requesting muster rolls/personnel diaries for a claim, it is also beneficial to fill out and submit a Certification of Identity form with your request. Names added after this point are called in the next year’s Worldwide Roll Call. Post. muster rolls and military commissions issued for the colony of new york between the years 1664 and 1760--covering the period of the capture of new netherlands by the english (sept. 1664), the recapture of new york by the dutch (aug. 1673), the resoration of new york to the english by the dutch (february and march 1674); the english revolution of 1688; the war between england and … This protects the muster roll while it is being handled and stored. Today The Old Soldiers Home Foundation has adopted the Muster Roll to reflect the rich history the … Muster Roll Read More » They may be as simple as a sailor’s name and ship, or they may be more extensive and include some of the following facts: They, along with pay lists, were effectively the main everyday service records kept by the army of men in active service. Then we’ll move back to the top. In most returns, they will be labeled as such, though not here. This eighteenth-century military legalese is concerned with the prickly question of paying the army. Muster Rolls are lists of naval personnel formerly attached to a ship, station or other activity. Muster rolls/personnel diaries do not contain current addresses of former naval personnel or their survivors. If it was known at the time the muster was taken, a soldier’s date of death can often be found recorded on the roll and can be utilized as a record of death. We are bound to produce the attendance register of the working class/employees as & when demanded by the law enforcing agency. Muster roll is required to be kept as per the requirement of applicable Act & Rules. This article describes Images of Muster Rolls of U.S. Navy Ships, Stations, and Other Naval Activities, 1/1/1939 - 1/1/1949. So we’re going to look at the bottom first, for the most important material. It is always important to note the date and location where the muster was taken and the dates the muster covers: in many regiments, several muster periods would be accounted for at one time, covering lengthy periods (sometimes extending to years) wherein the regiment could not be gathered and formally counted. Muster date; Station; About Muster Rolls: Muster rolls are lists, usually prepared bimonthly, of the names of soldiers assigned to any military unit – militia, National Guard, regular army or navy, or volunteer army or navy. Photography is provided by Wilson Of course, even more demographic information is contained in the general review returns (WO27), but that is a story for a different time. Remember, though, that knowing the regiment in which a man served can be a valuable clue to lead you to other information, such as where he might have originated or where he settled after the war, so muster rolls are still excellent sources for genealogical as … The return doesn’t indicate answers, hence we call these leads for further research. They will not tell you the daily whereabouts of a sailor during their service. All common payment modes are accepted here. One learns if the soldier was promoted and sometimes one learns about commendations. Colored Troops. 18. Now moving to the center portion of the return, we see two primary sections. Muster rolls/personnel diaries do not contain current addresses of former naval personnel or their survivors. Know Your Records: U.S. Navy Muster Rolls/Personnel Diaries. Corporal Daniel Webb and Corporal James Wilson were ill on the day of the muster, while Corporal Morris Rew was off on the recruiting service, probably with Ensign Murray. These reports are generated quarterly. WILL TATUM Maybe Walker was seriously ill and Wright had been sent to a long-term guard detachment? Beneath Walker and Wright, one sees the standard list of men who died. The muster roll covered the time period Aug. 31-Oct. 31, 1864, a period in which the the 3rd NC was serving in Jubal Early's Shenandoah Valley campaign of that year. They will not tell you the daily whereabouts of a sailor during their service. Not as easy to pull off in America, however. That’s why we use a range of sources together to correct for the weaknesses in individual sources. Select a commanding officer from the list above to bring up a TDA page displaying the military rolls associated with that officer. Looking at the information from the bottom of the return, we would expect to see two serjeants, three corporals, and one drummer listed, and so they are. In our last installment of the ‘Research Story’ series, we opened the door to the great cavalcade of eighteenth-century British Army demographic information known as the muster roll (found in the WO12 series in the British National Archives). Even if those musters couldn’t be made at the established intervals, the paperwork needed to be filled out at some juncture to satisfy officials in the Treasury Office. Muster rolls: Referenced in: 3901 catalog description(s) Broader Term(s): Military records: Comments on this (1) Login to Contribute. You can view the list, which is updated daily, at Names added by April 12 will be part of this year’s Worldwide Roll Call reading, to begin at 6:51 a.m. CDT on April 21, 2020, livestreamed at Muster Live. The card indicates how long the muster period was. © HM 17th Regiment of Infantry Roll each into a tight ball and put on a dusted baking tray, leaving some room between each ball for rising. Muster Roll Form 12 मस्टर. These are the serjeants, corporals, and drummers. Continue to carefully read till below for product details. Requesting Muster Rolls/Personnel Diaries from 1939-1970: If you are interested in requesting information from or copies of U.S. Navy Muster Rolls/personnel diaries for the period 1939-1970, please contact: We discussed deck logs in a previous post. Beneath that, you have a written synopsis of the information rendered above, which I’ll transcribe since the photo is blurry: “Mustered present in His Majesty’s 17th Regiment of Foot Commanded by the Honble Colonel Robert Monckton Lieutenant General and in Captain Robert Claytons Company the Captain, Lieutenant with two Serjeants and Drummer and twenty five Effective private men. You’ll see both the soldiers killed in battle as well as those who succumbed to disease, wounds, or accidents listed in this area, usually without any further explanation other than their official date of death. While plenty of period sources suggest that mustering was often accompany by significant bouts of corruption, with officer’s servants mustered to bring up the numbers of soldiers in a company to establishment strength, in general this process seems to have been taken fairly seriously by the Revolutionary War era. As in that synopsis, Serjeants John Neaile and James Richardson are present, along with Drummer John Harrison. Moreover with out this record how we will prepare the wages / salary of the workers/employees. Passenger lists for nonenlisted personnel are also included. Allowing the Ensign, with two Corporals Sick One Corporal recruiting, two men on Guard and five men Sick that are Absent to pass unrespited being Certified Effective on the back of this roll, Also allowing the Commission, non Commissiond Officers private Men & Casuals to be Effective for the intermediate times as set down against their Respective names above Mentioned being Certified on the back of this roll, This Muster is taken for 183 days from 25th December to 24th June 1776 both days inclusive”. Heading back to the top, we see the first of the detailed name information contained in this return: Beneath the unit identification and the colonel’s name, you see a list of the company’s officers: Captain Robert Clayton, Lieutenant Richard Norris, and Ensign Mervin Murray. Information usually available on muster rolls includes: Personnel diaries are the U.S. Navy equivalent of the morning rosters found in U.S. Army records. Most folks raised in the western tradition will want to read these from the top-down rather than the bottom-up, despite the fact that your most important information for understanding when and where is down near the bottom. For more 17th Regiment-specific data, keep your eyes out for future posts here. DHS is "District Headquarters Station (Recruiting)" The heading at the top of that page of the muster roll states that it covered the recruits arriving at Parris Island, South Carolina, for period from 1 January to 31 January 1943 inclusive: Related product & photos links ahead.. The two columns to the left list all of the men who were expected to be with the company on muster day, including the excuses for those men who were not physically present. Information such as age, height and nativity do exist on a few Loyalist muster rolls, but these rolls are few and far between. Reproductions of muster rolls/personnel diaries from 1939 through 1970 can be reproduced only on DVD. “Sick William Walker, Guard John Wright, Died 29th Feby 76 Benjamin Haken, Died 22d May 76 Simon Rampley, Transfered 35th May 76 Michal Kelley, Dischd 7th May 76 Stephen Bratt”. A number of images may be illegible due to the poor quality of the original which was transferred to us by the Department of the Navy. Tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and roll into a long sausage shape. U.S. Navy Muster Rolls/Personnel Diaries – What they are: Information found on muster rolls and in the personnel diaries may be helpful in identifying the ship, station or activity to which an officer or enlisted man was attached, as well as significant status changes that may have occurred during their service. All Rights Reserved 2015 – 2020 Submitting a FOIA request for Muster Rolls/Personnel Diaries. Perhaps the muster master forgot to list them and thus stuck them under the Casualties? 2020 Muster Roll Call List (and How to Add a Name) Each year during Muster, the names of Aggies who have passed away in that area during the previous 12 months are read aloud and one or more of their comrades answers “here”, symbolizing that … Held by: Doing so will allow the release of private information to you that would otherwise be withheld if requested by a third party. A narrow timeframe/specific information will expedite the processing of your request. Muster roll Capt B G Reads Co Kentucky Volunteers commanded by Col Chas L Harrison to 1st Sept 1836; 096" Continued Capt Reads Co; 097; Muster roll Capt Rockholds Co 1st Reg't 1st Brigade Texas Volunteers Commanded by Col E Morehouse to 30th Sept 1836; 098; Muster roll Capt Burnett's Co 1st Reg't Rusks Brigade T. A. to 30 Sept (torn) 099 Regimental musters, from the early 18th century onwards, were taken every month or quarter (frequency varied over the years) for pay and accounting purposes. You may also submit your request via email to Over the subsequent years, he has traveled throughout the United States and Great Britain researching the eighteenth-century British Army and used the results of those labor to improve living history interpretations. Please send your request to Martha Wagner Murphy, Chief, Special Access/FOIA Staff, National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, Room 5500, College Park, MD 20740-6001. Often, when a regiment is drafted, you’ll see notations made adjacent to soldiers’ names about when they left and which corps they joined. They record significant status changes, including reporting to or transferring from the activity; being promoted or demoted; departing for or returning from periods of leave, and temporary attached duty. You will also learn what duties he or she may have performed, as well as special details about that ancestor’s service. Variant Control Numbers Post a new Comment. Similarly, when men are drafted into a regiment, you’ll see that noted, usually with the comment “Enter’d” followed by the date. Blog of the Textual Records Division at the National Archives. The badges transmit unique signals including the identity of each person wearing them. To request access to this material, please contact the Navy Personnel Command (PERS-00J6), 5720 Integrity Drive, Millington, TN 38055. Archivists at the National Archives in College Park, MD (Archives II) frequently consult these records to answer researcher requests. The muster rolls may be found among Muster Rolls of Ships; the accompanying list provides the name of each vessel and the date(s) of muster examined. All of our research was provided by Dr. Will Tatum and the 17th Regiment of Infantry Members who continue to contribute to make the unit. Paper copies are not available. To request muster rolls/personnel diaries prior to 1939, please contact 28th April 2012 From India, Jaipur. Requesting Muster Rolls/Personnel Diaries Post-1982. Generally a muster roll contains names of officers and enlisted men, name of station, rank, date of enlistment or reenlistment, date of desertion and apprehension, and sentence of court-martial, including the offense upon which found guilty. Post-1982 muster rolls and personnel diaries are still in the custody of the U.S. Navy. Then we’ll move back to the top. USMC WW1 Muster Roll abbreviated term S.O.S. And yes you should maintain such records in muster roll as you described in your question. From that point on, essentially every penny expending for military support had to be accounted for, since a scandal on misappropriation of funds or embezzlement could have dramatic negative effects on the army’s funding for the subsequent year. Summary: This series consists of abstracts compiled from original muster rolls of New York State units that fought in the Civil War, including the 20th and 31st U.S. Type of information sought (more than one may be indicated), Both Quarterly Rosters and Quarterly Diaries, The name(s) of specific person(s) (if applicable). Information usually available on personnel diaries includes: Muster rolls/Personnel Diaries from 1971 onward utilize social security numbers as service numbers and therefore are subject to privacy restrictions (see below). Walker and Wright both stand out as outliers—plenty of the soldiers listed to the left were either sick or on guard. Freeman at Drifting Focus Photography and members of the 17th Regiment of Infantry. ERD is "Eastern Recruiting Division". That was one way officers could, theoretically, cheat the system: by being absent every day save for the muster and hiring local men to stand in for soldiers for the muster. U.S. Navy muster rolls and personnel diaries (online ID 594996) are among the most popular U.S. Navy records in our holdings, along with U.S. Navy deck logs. The Know Your Records series aims to inform our readers of the types of records in our holdings, the information found in those record types, and the process by which researchers can request/get access to these records. To make sure a name is on the Worldwide Muster Roll, take the steps listed at before 5 p.m. on April 14. NAID 594996 located in the National Archives Catalog. Below the officers, you have the list of non-commissioned officers. This way you can locate people in army, anddischarged soldiers (both honorable and dishonorably discharged) –, Know Your Records: U.S. Navy Muster Rolls and Personnel Diaries, U.S. Navy muster rolls and personnel diaries (online ID 594996),, Date reported for particular duty or on board, For the period of 1939-1956, muster rolls list the names of. These personnel diaries were compiled monthly. Muster rolls do not provide daily lists of naval personnel formerly attached to a ship, station, or other activity. The worldwide Muster Roll for each year is compiled by The Association from reports submitted by Aggies and family. Murray is listed on the recruiting service, meaning he is back in the British Isles with a serjeant and detachment of men attempting to drum up new recruit. moses orcutt Are you sure you want to delete this comment? Order can be placed directly from this page, or call. The original paper records were destroyed by the Navy after filming. Litum integrates BLE Beacon technology into electronic ID badges distributed to all personnel for this automated mustering (roll-call) system. The records are part of Record Group 24, Records of the … However, not all muster rolls include all of this information. An institution in your area may provide free access to Today let’s take a look at U.S. Navy Muster Rolls and Personnel Diaries! Each muster roll is then placed in a folder of polyester film, a clear inert plastic used in conservation. This particular sheet is fairly routine, only have a mix of sick and guard duty listed. In regards to the U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949 on Ancestry which you said you have already searched, our experience has been that sometimes gaps in the records, illegible records, misspellings on the original records, or errors and gaps Ancestry’s name indexing can prevent records being located using name searches. So Clayton could have been on command at headquarters, far away from his company, the preceding day. Each card in the jacket of a Compiled Service Record may carry a line that reads "Muster Roll" or "Pay Roll," but that simply means that the data on that card was taken from the muster roll or pay roll whose details are provided on the card. As you can see, it is a multi-part document, following a standard format that you will find with any other regiment’s muster roll (with a tiny few exceptions). In this view of the document’s bottom half, we see several important pieces of information. It was highly unusual for a six month period to pass without deaths in the regiment. Muster Roll Muster For The Old Soldiers Home The official function of muster rolls was that of enumeration of a particular military unit or a crew of a ship, recorded by officers for administrative purposes to distribute pay. What You Can Find in the Records. Most folks raised in the western tradition will want to read these from the top-down rather than the bottom-up, despite the fact that your most important information for understanding when and where is down near the bottom. A British regiment was expected to be mustered at six month intervals, so twice every year. D. Naylor Company, in the 16th Regiment, Brigade, of Texas Mounted Cavalry Volunteers, commanded by Colonel William Fitzhugh called into service of the Confederate States, in the Provisional Army, under the provisions of an Act of Congress passed in February, 1861, by Secy of War from the 1st day of March 1862, (date of this muster,) for the … Muster rolls and pay lists contain soldiers’: 1. Requesting pre-1939 Muster Rolls/Personnel Diaries: Muster rolls/Personnel diaries prior to 1939 are maintained by NARA’s Archives I Reference Section (RDTR1), National Archives Main Building, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20408-0001. Halve the dough, then divide each half into four pieces, so you have eight equal-sized portions. This soldier was listed as S.G. Morgan on other muster cards. For the nearest NARA location, please consult our web page at, If you are looking for US military records, use this database to find people in army, air force and navy. Yes Cancel. Or so my friends keep telling me. Details extracted vary according to the original document. Reading US Marine Muster roll. We are reliably informed that Don Hagist is working on a massive muster roll project, recording all of the surviving data on British regiments that served in America into an interactive digital spreadsheet. Documents indexed include muster rolls, payrolls, rosters, returns, and even some election returns. "enl" is "enlist (ed)/enlistment".
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