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What we now need is the political willingness to act.”, Sophie De Jonckheere, Communications and Development Manager, Eurogroup for Animals. “It is important that we look at how further actions can be taken, both at European and national levels to combat this illegal trade, and today’s conference is key for exchanging ideas and best practices of how this can be done”. see all news Covid-19 and mink farms: Action Day to urge the EU to act . The Eurogroup for Animals, which represents European animal welfare organisations, welcomed the [...] vote in favour of a ban on cloning animals for food, which it believes will put "immense pressure on the European Commission to come forward with clear legislation to enforce such a ban and ensure that no products from cloned animals or their offspring are put on the European market". 28/04/2021 leggi tutto › No animal left behind: nuova campagna Eurogroup for animals. The Council Directive 2007/43/EC (Broiler Directive), together with the Council Directive 98/58/EC (General Farm Animals Directive), form the legislative Meanwhile the Netherlands has set up a dedicated sub-group under the EU Animal Welfare Platform on the health and welfare of pets. Quite symbolically, the conference date coincides with the first year anniversary of a joint declaration by several Member States showing a willingness to act together. Eurogroup for Animals 29 Rue Ducale 1000 Brussels, Belgium Tel. This conference is timely, as the European Commission is starting to unfold its plans for specific rules thanks to powers under the Animal Health Law, which could restrict the space for this the illegal trade to operate. A total of 1,617,405 citizens have signed the EndTheCageAge European Citizens’ Initiative to make cages history for farmed animals. Many, if not most, carry severe diseases and therefore pose a real threat to animal and human health. Estonia. #teamplanet Tackling this trade is a priority for the Austrian Presidency, and the conclusions from today’s conference will be outlined to my fellow Chief Veterinary Officers at our next meeting in December”, said Dr Ulrich Herzog, the Chief Veterinary Officer for the Republic of Austria. Through the #thankseBay campaign FOUR PAWS has been calling on online platforms to strengthen their policies and restrict the anonymous pet trade taking place on classified ad sites. Georgia Diamantopoulou, EU Companion Animal Policy Coordinator, Four Paws EU office. 10K likes. On 21 November, the Austrian Presidency, Eurogroup for Animals and Four Paws International’ gathered over 120 experts and stakeholders from across the industry in a conference entitled “The Illegal Online Puppy Trade: towards a safer EU for animals and people online”. ” says Helmut Dungler, CEO of FOUR PAWS International. Try. Tackling this trade is a priority for the Austrian Presidency, and the conclusions from today’s conference will be outlined to my fellow Chief Veterinary Officers at our next meeting in December, ”, said Dr Ulrich Herzog, the Chief Veterinary Officer for the Republic of Austria. These stories show many things about us. 474 persone sono state qui. European Delegation Law was published on May 23rd on Gazzetta Ufficiale (the Italian official law bulletin), therefore, the deadline for the implementation Law is May 8th 2022 . Dr Ulrich Herzog, Chief Veterinary Officer for the Republic of Austria. Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden had through the Declaration called on the European Commission to undertake measures to stop the illegal trade in pets across the EU – particularly with regard to the smuggling of dogs across Member States. Experience shows however that self-regulation cannot solve the problem of illegal online puppy sale. Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Pinterest; YouTube; Instagram; Feed; Tags eurogroup for animals 1 post trovati. Eurogroup for Animals, Brussels In the EU, the production of chicken meat is regulated by several legislative tools, namely Regulations and Directives. Eurogroup For Animals e i suoi membri uniscono le proprie voci a quelle dei cittadini di tutta Europa e invitano la Commissione europea a un'ambiziosa revisione su vasta scala, della legislazione In 2014, Eurogroup for Animals launched an important project to ensure EU’s 6 million horses and 1.5 million donkeys are covered by… Animal Health: Prevention is… Our Animal Health Campaign is aimed at raising awareness about the important inter-linkages between animal health and animal welfare. Eurogroup for Animals is the leading voice for animal welfare at European Union level providing a voice for the billions of animals kept in laboratories, farms and homes or living in the wild. Eurogroup for animals is a nonprofit organisation registered under Belgian law. Latvia. 02 740 08 20 Reineke Hameleers, Director of Eurogroup for Animals says: “, The conference outcomes clearly show that we are dealing with multifaceted and cross-border problems. It has never been easier to buy or sell a puppy online, more often than not, at the cost of the buyer’s emotional peace. A large number of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) made interventions and, overall, the ECI received overwhelming support. European Commission introduces mandatory SARS-CoV-2 screening in all European mink fur farms, Ukraine must deliver on animal welfare before getting more access to EU market, Fish welfare a high priority in EU’s new Aquaculture Strategy to 2030, Djurskyddet Sverige publishes their guide to help consumers to make animal welfare conscious choices, The unregulated exotic pet trade in the EU: a threat to health and biodiversity, Analysis of the EU campaigns to promote meat, eggs and dairy, Booming online puppy trade: Illegal, fraudulent and heartbreaking for dogs and buyers. This needs to be completed by a solid legal framework enhancing traceability of operators and animals.” says Helmut Dungler, CEO of FOUR PAWS International. Quite symbolically, the conference date coincides with the first year anniversary of a, joint declaration by several Member States showing a willingness to act together, . signatures collected by the End The Cage Age ECI network. Italy bans the import, detention and trade of wild and exotic animals. Many, if not most, carry severe diseases and therefore pose a real threat to animal and human health. 23 Marzo 2021 Animali / News. The numbers of dogs being smuggled has grown exponentially over the past decade, fuelled by a consumer demand for certain breeds, an increase in online classified advertisements, and a pet passport system which currently does not work. Meanwhile the Netherlands has set up a dedicated sub-group under the EU Animal Welfare Platform on the health and welfare of pets. The association represents animal protection organisations in 26 of the 27 EU Member States and several other countries. Worldwide movement of people working for the planet and -all- its inhabitants. New report on the hidden costs of meat consumption in Italy reveals the environmental and health impacts which fell on society.
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