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wolvden trophy items


Okay. You pounce at the rat, successfully scaring it! Implementing a search function to tag these items to bypass the alphabetical filter for only trophy items and instead group with type would be appreciated, Skulls next to all skulls, Pelts next to Pelts, Claws next to Claws. You don't know a thing about the traditions of this world, so you feel it's best not to disturb them. Some of the scents are unfamiliar to you, which makes the spot even more interesting. Gathering yourself, you lick your wounds and glimpse around. All rights reserved. You sit down and count the sheep. * Mistaken purchases can now be refunded at the Grove. Collect Quests require the player to turn in an assortment items, which could include carcasses or amusement items, or defeating an enemy and acquiring a battle trophy. With a startled gasp, you open your eyes, looking at everything around you. What happened? You feel great! Once it's gone, you notice it was sitting on something shiny. You snap your jaws as the birds flee in panic, managing to grab a few feathers, and maybe even a leg And an eye? - Failed hunts now have a chance of giving a consolation critter carcass - 04-23, 04-24 You let it reach its destination on your head, which it seems to enjoy! One jump and you feel its soft, feathery body between your teeth! You try both playing with the otter and answering its questions, but it's not easy! You approach the bird and offer help in building the nest. You're eager to play, but the rabbit considers you too much of a threat. You notice your reflection in a nearby puddle, and you have to admit, you're seriously attractive with this blue shine. You feel very relaxed, as if you've just taken a long, refreshing nap. The snow keeps falling, and you close your eyes for a moment. You have to find out. Your gesture is appreciated, though. Soon, it looks almost like the night sky is being reflected on the ground. Its flapping wings drop lunar dust all over you as the albatross flies away into the night. You only need to wait until the bird walks away. It grabs the medicine in one swift movement. You wipe off your nose and watch the frog jump away. You observe the struggle of the tiny glowing creature with curiosity and offer your help. Before you can realise what happened, it's gone in the blink of an eye. You notice a gentle light shining on your paw. It doesn't care about you at all. What a bunch of kind critters! How do you earn Lunar Essence, anyways? Breeding items are items that are meant to be used on either the sire (genetic father) or dam (genetic mother) of a wolf during breeding. Weve all been working very hard the past few weeks for the next development update. Not only did you find a shiny spark, but you've also uncovered something you can use in your den. You really want a closer look at this critter! The cat does a sideways walk towards you, its fur all puffed up, then smacks your head twice. Wolvden Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. You start to gnaw on the soft log, pulling parts of it away to uncover air pockets full of tiny worms and other cool-looking things! Guarantees a minimum of 4 puppies in the wolf's next litter. Whoever was here before has either disappeared or disguised their scent perfectly. It gently places a shiny spark onto your back so you can have your own shine, too. You lower your head and grab the soft fur. Focused and eager, you reach the river bank. If there's one bird around, there must be more, which means lots of cool nests nearby! Wow, what a convenient stashing place. It also seems quite young, and wants to know more about you! Even the water seems to have its own blueish shine Or maybe it's just a reflection of the heron's feathers. They will allow you to gather your friends and be social about your interests while playing Wolvden and supporting one another. Ever wondered how many years your pack has lived through? You managed to get close, but it took you too long, and you were noticed. The skunk looks very happy and assumes you come from a more friendly world, because the other animals here tend to avoid approaching him. You excitedly wag your tail. * The chance of trophies dropping is directly tied to your Lead Wolf's level, with the highest chance of getting a drop at level 20. He smiles at you and confesses you've made it further than the other animals that usually avoid his presence. This way you can enter the Dreamlands - a warped reality which is touched by Lunar powers. The wolf's excited voice makes you feel very welcomed. You can make up to 5 spins an hour. To add: information about applicators retiring and cycling out, possibly a retired applicators section. When you finish, the bird drops a shiny spark from above. Guarantees a minimum of 6 puppies in the wolf's litter. This is also a base that can be bred without the app - it can appear during general Tier III breedings - but this is the way we wanted to introduce our first applicator, and it will always let you have the option of applying the base directly. What was the rabbit nibbling on, anyway? Everyone is just trying to survive, no matter the place nor dimension. You take a deep breath and join in on the howl! On the 19th October 2020 we opened Wolvden to the public. Suddenly, you spot something shiny falling from the branches. In the day time, you will start to find strange glowing dust among your travels. Those aren't feathers! You've made a mess with your clumsy paws, and it took some time to gather everything back in place again. It claims this area to be its territory. You bare your teeth and snarl at the rat, causing it to go into a battle stance and scratch at your face! It skitters away for a moment, then leaves something next to your paw. Cnitharian creatures have jellyfish-like tendrils, pulsating patterns of light, veils, and other various mutations. It manages to drop something right into your eye. You spit it out. It's feeding time for the babies! * Lots of minor tweaks to systems, as well as lots of bug fixes! Scar trophies are a decoration items that can be applied to a wolf after earning them in battle. They specialise in trade and enjoy dancing and music. You stick your nose straight onto the ground and audibly sniff around the growth. You dig into the ground excitedly. Shiny things! You dart between the moths, trying to chase and catch them. In your world, every wolf understands that sound. Golden Cones are Wolvdens premium currency, which can be purchased for real money in The Grove. More Leaderboards have been added, so if you have a competitive edge, you can see where you measure up. Once more before the new teaser tomorrow . Any activity that rewards EXP will be included in this boost, so if youre hoping for some level ups, now is the perfect time to start planning! You curiously lower your head to check out the fallen orb. You feel elated afterwards. Eventually, you see them rolling some items toward you. You growl and bark viciously at this annoying pest. You can barely see through your tears, and you hold your breath while walking away. This is an easy enough way to get some interesting trinkets. Before you part ways, the otter gives you something shiny to take back to your world. You're not even mad that one of the feathers turned out to be solid and almost chipped your tooth. You were about to turn away, but a subtle shine from within the hollow catches your eye. Either your malicious thoughts were too visible, or the squirrel somehow found out its potential fate. They're just as curious about you as you are towards them! The fox seems touched and asks you to wait for a moment. You notice a shine within the mud. Before you leave, you sniff around and find a shiny spark on the ground. These items can guarantee certain results in the upcoming litter. They're probably just some insects or local critters. It's time to explore. When it realises it's going to be hard to change your mind, it lowers its voice to a whisper, promising to show you a treasure if you let it go. You whimper audibly and sit down impatiently under the branch, looking at whatever the possum is holding with utmost desire. You gather yourself and take a tentative step forward. The little glowing rodent looks quite nervous, which touches you somehow. You are close to finding out, but the creature notices you a second before you snap your jaws. You feel hazy, and everything appears to be covered in blue fog, glowing lights, and dissolving darkness. Off in the distance, you see a group of shiny dots in the hills move towards an open plain further back. Oh, well, it's yours now! You snap your jaws in the air. Scar trophies are a decoration items that can be applied to a wolf after earning them in battle. You sniff the lizard carefully. You wonder if the shining fruits they're consuming would be poisonous to you. Once you're done, you lie there, watching the sparks first lift up into the air, then gently fall and cover you. This one seems different enough, and you wonder if it would be okay to check him closer. You pick up a fallen feather from off the ground, but as you return to play with the babies, you hear growling. Suddenly, you sneeze loudly and repeatedlybut instead of spewing slobber, lunar essence is expelled from your mouth. Frankly, you're a little spooked by these lights. When the glowing wolves leave, the area becomes noticeably darker. You feel overwhelmingly exhausted throughout your entire body. You feel a sudden hint of sympathy. You wonder if the shining fruits they're consuming would be poisonous to you. What a sight. You look around to find gulls and skuas waiting to scavenge whatever you leave behind. Lunar Essence is used as a secondary resource which you will spend in place of Energy on explore steps in the Dreamlands, a different, lunar-touched world. When you drag its carcass out of the tree, you spot a shiny sparkle on the ground. The fox accepts your help with visible relief. You wish everything was so easy to find! You can either send the items over with the gift name set as "Elk Bull Mask" (make sure all the crafting items needed are in the trade <3), or you may reply to the thread then send the items over. You lie down, letting the moon bask your muzzle in its blue light. Activity 287 . It tries to hide within the small hollow of a nearby tree. Making second-hand the first choice worldwide. You bark at the ravens to scare them off, causing them to take off in a hurry and leave everything they had in their beaks behind. Your claws manage to dislodge one tiny trinket, at least. You need to fight for this ground. You slide on the ice, trying to gather up all the shiny feathers into one big pile. On Rollover, you will automatically have gained 25 Lunar Essence which doesn't count towards your daily maximum. They have that unique slit pupil! A final type of trophy item is recipes. The mushroom breaks under its weight. The chance of trophies dropping increases with your lead wolf's level, with the highest chance of getting a drop being at Level 20. This almost makes up for the pain you endured. Lunar Essence can only be collected from explore when it isn't night time - from Dawn until Dusk. You generously offer them your help. You lick your lips. The bravery of this glowing bird fascinates you to the degree that you've forgotten about chasing it. The lizard's eyes open slowly and it walks away, completely unfazed by you. You sit down and put on your best begging face. It's very solid! Tears well in your eyes, but you can't look away. Wait That's not a feather! Oh, well! Boo. You admit that despite its reputation, it's kind of pretty with this glow. You decide to wait until the duck swims away, and you focus on its scent instead. The low vibrato echoes inside your chest and fills you with a refreshing energy. Sad. The crow's blue glow irritates your eyes. You rarely see such bravery Or foolishness. It approaches you once more, and you let out a vicious snarl. They quickly and easily figure out how to dive bomb at you with their beaks. You check it out, only to reveal a shiny spark. gone?! If you come across Lunar Essence, you will receive the following Explore text: "Some strange sparkling dust..+(2 or 3) Lunar Essence". Can only be fed to a Breeding Male. You let your senses lead you. It surprises you by fighting back aggressively, but it wasn't a challenge for you. 4 talking about this. Wolvden Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The currency for this event is Lunar Tears (LT), which are gained by exploring the Dreamlands. An evening snack! He gives you a shiny spark to remember this moment. It rolls onto the ground, then stops moving completely. It changes its flight path over the sea to land on the waves instead. You stick your tongue out to catch some blueish snowflakes. One of them seems heavier than the others, and it slowly lands on your nose. The name comes from an English word for "iron" or "ruddy". This infuriates youwith a quick snap, half of the rat is gone. Base Genetics: Special Light * Double the luck! You get a little too quick on your feet and make a loud noise before you even assume the starting position. This is amazing! With a slightly suspicious smirk, you offer your help in finding more supplies. You notice a shine within the mud. You feel them sitting on your ears and muzzle. View history. They look surprised, but allow you to dance with them, smiling at you when you try to mimic their graceful movements. It definitely smells differently than the other otters you know. You've been observing the rats for a while. The crowd is cheering for you as you tear into its feathery flesh! Didiausias prekybos ir pramog centras Vilniuje, Klaipdoje, Kaune ir iauliuose. The bumblebee must know the secrets of this world! It's probably the first time someone has offered to pay him without buying anything. We Are the #1 Trophy and Award Shop. The otter looks excited when you approach it, and it doesn't show any sign of fear. Even without an expression, you somehow get the feeling that it's satisfied. You poke at the leaves gently with your paw, disturbing the whole understory. New Scars that can be gained as battle trophies! This will be a week-long mini event that reoccurs every single month. Read more about it in our Development Update #18 news post! When stacked between both parents, items of the same or similar purpose should use the dam's item, while the sire's item will stay intact for the next breeding. But they won't share their nuts. How can such a tiny creature make you feel this way?! The fox looks pleased and takes the acorn with a smile. 49, LT-44333, Klaipda Apparently you have some serious talent, and you need to share it with this world! They dash around you, circle you, swiftly dodge you, and dive into the ground! You creep out, growling at the rats, but they don't want to leave! Suddenly, you immediately feel betteryour body is fully refreshed with energy. This is always a fun activity in the snow and rain. The chipmunks giggle and clap, showering you in glowing confetti for your silly performance! Oh Was it a gift? You interrupt the heron's hunt quite loudly. You interrupt the heron's hunt quite loudly. The mice don't trust you at first, but they are moved by your honest intentions and slowly get used to your presence. After a pause, you take a nervous peek back. You throw yourself into the commotion and start running around after the lights, trying to grab something in your maws. A gentle shine at the bottom of the nest tells you there's more to take. The lizard's eyes open slowly as it releases an annoyed hiss at you. You rarely see such bravery Or foolishness. You observe it from a distance. You're sure you will, because this spark is smelly, too. You feel misunderstood. Or was it your own eye that got pecked at by a beak? All Dreamlands battles will drop at least 1 Lunar Tear, regardless of your lead wolf's level. The bitter, unpleasant taste disappoints you greatly. The fur along your spine stiffens. A faint scent leads you to a shiny glow inside an empty stump. Our second update to the game has been released which includes the following wonderful new additions! You need a rest! They're clearly searching for something important to them. Helping it out doesn't cost you anything. Oh! Lioden Ltd 2012-2023. Oh, they understand you! The squirrel confesses that it has never used them, and they only take up space. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. At night time, the Dreamlands will become available. You sit down and watch the bird swoop in the wind. You don't care if anyone's watching, you'll do what you want! There are several different types of items that all have different uses and methods of obtaining. You were so sure you grabbed something more than just the tail! You find something buried under a twisted, protruding tree root. Ouch. Today we're celebrating our 1 year anniversary - and what a year it's been! Oops, it looks like something dropped on the ground. The chance for a trophy increases as your lead wolf level increases" Before you lose sight of it, you notice that it's knocked something off of a nearby branch. The shiny magpie flies away so fast that it leaves behind some feathers and a shiny spark. It's even worse than the smell! If youve ever considered becoming a moderator on Wolvden, you can now apply - follow the link in the Modbox! The trustful rodent leads you to its hiding spot to explain what it would need. This place is special and offers so much, there's no territory to claim, no den to protect - such a great oppoturnity to explore and learn about this world. It still looks delicious though. Or maybe it doesn't smell at all? You approach it carefully, checking the limits of its careless attitude. There are quite a few treasures overgrown by the roots! It joyfully runs between your legs, asking questions about your world. You can explore the Dreamlands during Night time on Wolvden, provided you have the Lunar Essence to do so. You assume a prowling position and move swiftly. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! You charge at the birds, barking and snapping at the panicking flock! Hunt in multiple biomes with your hunting parties! Among everything in this world, they don't seem that unnatural, but you have a gut feeling they're the cause of all of this. What?! You pick up a fallen feather from off the ground and entertain the little moth-puppies with its tickly tip. You ask it where its parents are, or if it needs a temporary shelter. You're not sure if you should reveal yourself. This beautiful, harmonious dance could be a ritual. With a few jumps, you separate and herd the sparrows away. As you come closer, almost touching the treasure, you feel a sharp, unbearable pain on your back. You can only gain 100 Lunar Essence through exploring each rollover, even if you expend your Lunar Essence all the way down to 0. The bitter taste makes you immediately release it. When it realises it's going to be hard to change your mind, it offers you something valuable in exchange for its life. Passes the chosen wolf's claw colour toallpuppies in their next litter. You approach the lizard closer, studying it from every angle. You lift your head up and join the howl. The name was inspired by the Latin name for the phylum of these strange aquatic creatures that inspired the designs.". You didn't mean that! This leftover might be a nice toy for a big wolf like you! "You focus on the scent, following it like the perfect hunter you are. Eh. You creep closer, lowering your head to take a deeper look into the skull's eyes. It's deeper than it looks and you think that it would make a perfect hiding place. You were having a good time jumping around, until you stepped on a sharp rock. Glowing critter or not, you're hungry! You hesitate at first, afraid of the smell, but your curiosity takes over. In order to access the Dreamlands, you must first gain Lunar Essence (LE), which is a secondary resource you will spend in place of Energy on explore steps. That being said, you can also successfully battle against lunar NPCs even if your standard Energy bar is depleted! You observe the possum for a moment. You assume a prowling position and move in quickly, confidently, and effectively. You observe the possum for a moment. You can collect up to 100 Lunar Essence at any one time, and up to 100 maximum from Explore per Rollover. After your workout, you find a shiny spark in the grass. You hold your breath and smile, hoping he won't notice, then playfully wag your tail to show your intentions. It seems like the bird didn't appreciate your performance too much, and it just wants you to shut up. A small, shiny spark twinkles in the grass. You're chased away aggressively, incurring a bite from the hostile wolf. It's deeper than it looks and you think that it would make a perfect hiding place. On the 19th October 2020 we opened Wolvden to the public. The creature investigates your fur in return, surprised that you're not glowing. "We just might accept coyote tears, too," adds the other wolf, chuckling gently as she combs her jellyfish-like veils. 11 Craftable Decorations, 2 Craftable Backgrounds, and 1 Expression - all recipes can be found in explore! the only trophy items that are useful rn are those for the fox base & eyes. You catch a scent so strong and unique that you instantly start to follow it. He comes back with a pile of gifts and promises to remember you when the trading post is ready. You walk into a large cave converted by crafty and skilled paws into an impressive marketplace adorned with many crystals and trinkets. The abundance of exotic, unique smells is very distracting, but you manage to find something nice! Alright, the feather is yours, then. You manage to detach the shiny bit from the bird! to equip them to wolves! As you walk away to rest, you notice a shine at the bottom of the nearest puddle. We'll be posting another spoiler on Saturday, so keep your eyes peeled! It's a shiny spark that fell from the sky! The area is open by default and can be accessed at any time via the Wolvden Events page, so long as the Lunar Dreams event is ongoing. This is your only chance. The feral cat is very brave and tries to smack your nose a few times. What does it do? This is where the scent gets noticeably weaker. The dirt surrounding it is freshly dug. You feel hazy, and everything appears to be covered in blue fog, glowing lights, and dissolving darkness. Finally, you see the source of the scent, understanding now why it was so familiar. Now you're richer and less hungry. And finally, we are opening our moderator applications! Most items can be used on either one or both of the parents, however some can only be given to the breeding male or female. trophy drops from battles, and foraging tasks! You have a feeling you've ruined something important. You rush between the wolves, barking angrily! Before you part ways, one of the wolves gives you something to remember this meeting. What a pity. Any LT you do not spend during a Lunar Dreams event cycle will remain on your account for future event cycles. There was something shiny hiding under its belly. Your ears have never been pecked at so much! Whenever the Dreamworld lights up, they venture out to claim more land. Brave and tries to hide within the small hollow of a nearby tree reflection of the scent, it... A startled gasp, you lick your wounds and glimpse around the area becomes noticeably darker about your interests playing. Closer, lowering your head twice causing it to go into a battle stance and scratch at your!... Of exotic, unique smells is very distracting, but it was sitting on something shiny iron '' or ruddy. Which includes the following wonderful new additions seems to have its own blueish shine or maybe 's... 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