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parsi surnames list


Indeed, Parsi surnames provide a veritable smorgasbord of edible associations. i will be thankfull if someone can help. Ever wondered where all the Parsi surnames come from ?? I was eight years old and would walk 18 holes with him every Saturday and Sunday. Food is etched into our identity, and in many cases it is quite literally written into our names. 32- Das 33- Dasgupta 34- Dev 35- Dhara 36- Dutt 37- Banu 38- Ghosh 39- Goswami 40- Guha 41- Hamid 42- Hashim 43- Huda 44- Hussain 45- Jahan 46- Khan 47- Konar 48- Kripalani 49- Lahiri 50- Mahata 51- Mahato 52- Maitra 53- Majhi 54- Malia 55- Mirza 56- Moitra 57- Mridha 58- Mortaza 59- Mullick 60- Naskar 61- Noor 62- Pal 63- Panda 64- Panni Sriya is a student studying for a Master's in Mass Communication at St. Xaviers University, having completed her journalism degree. Tabataei meaning "descendant of Ali". Syed Atif Hussain. Amir Hossein Sadeghi was a famous Iranian footballer. One of my dining companions was the 73-year-old Jehangir Patel, editor since 1973 of the English-language magazine Parsiana, which tracks Parsi births and deaths in India and abroad. 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. 82. It's also name of one of the generals of Darius. CHICH =Wooden Toy. It is a very popular surname in Persian countries. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! As a child I could relate a few to trades and professions (Doctor, Engineer, Driver, Lawyer) but my own surname stumped me. Because of Political issues (being nationalized, deported or migrated/fleeing to other land/ countries) and the elders were too old , inadequate in teaching faith. Other surnames whose ancestors were in the beverages trade were: Mr Fountainwala, Mr Ginwala, Mr Rumwala, Mr Sodawala and Mr Jaamwala. You must have heard of Parsi surnames like Batliwala, Gheewala, Daaruwala. WADI = Place, Area. Pastailo Pappo: How to unravel this cine mystery ? You must have heard of Parsi surnames like Batliwala, Gheewala, Daaruwala. Some even hold a record of having the longest Parsi surnames like SodaBottleOpenerWala, which is 20 alphabets and is currently a popular restaurant chain in India. Adorbad is a form of the religious writings of the Zarathushti religion. Educated Sikh army officers and police officers also made up last names but farmers or labor class Indians living in Punjab still dont have proper last names and I have seen my selves their passports without proper last names! Can anyone through some light? Daruwalla Who thinks he is aristocratic? The community's . My sister swears they ate only poached eggs for breakfast. Kidadl has lots of great names articles to inspire you. Shah meaning "a ruler or king". Kianoush Rostami is an Olympic winning weightlifter. Looking for Info on the name Chinoy. 5- Naik. 7) EUROPEAN NAMES ~ Devitre, Boyce, Grant, Noble, Forbes, Polson,Nicholson, Morris, Wykes, etc. Would you be ok if I used the article (with due credits, of course) for our Institutes Annual Knowledgiate It would form a Great Reading. A person who is loved by all; Zaratushtra's daughter as per myth. Zaman meaning "associated with Zaman". Our family moved to Bombay (now Mumbai) from Rawalpindi in 1947. 17. The list can be viewed at or also at These Farsi names are more common in Muslim countries like Iraq, Iran, and Oman. Also the name of a book by Sheikh Saadi. In the 19th century, the Parsis adopted the European system of surnames, in which the family name would be handed down the generations. The etymology of Parsi surnames has always fascinated me. there were many Parsis working with me and became close friends, a few of them were Ilaviya, Sinor, Daruvala, Pastakia, Jarivala, Cooper etc. She married one Mr Screwala. It's also name of son of hero Framroz. Ebrahimi meaning "father of the best". AChanga Asha of Navsari was first made Desai (District Officer InCharge); Similarly Talati (Village Accountant), Munshi(Secreatary), Daftari (RecordKeeper), Etc. Answer (1 of 4): The reason for this is the British Raj. :) 44 Monsultant 5 yr. ago changed the surname for all kids out of respect to engineers Safe to say the dad didn't change the names post-2000s. - SodaBottleOpenerWala Khaki Tours on Twitter: "#KhakiPoll The funniest Parsi surname is: a) Daruwalla b) Batliwalla c) Sodabottleopenerwalla d) Noneoftheabovewalla More on the origins of Parsi surnames on our #DeePeeCee walk. Khalili meaning "originating from Al-Khalil which is also known as Hebron". Azizi meaning "someone who is highly esteemed". Gharabaghi meaning "from Karabakh". Joseph was an important Biblical character. There was this squeaky clean khadi-clad Mr Ghandy, and the not so clean Mr Kalaghandy who was invariably being hounded by Mr Kotwal. Malvani and konkani people are famous for their sea food. Mistri or Mistry is also a common surname in the Parsi community of India. 64. Our family moved to Bombay (now Mumbai) from Rawalpindi in 1947. Burjor M. Daboo It means 'teacher' or 'reciter'. It is a common title given to a popular person. I was eight years old and would walk 18 holes with him every Saturday and Sunday. Read and enjoy While most surnames in India reflect caste and lineage, the Parsis had a delightfully modern streak having landed without caste, history and context, theyy created identities through professions and urban streets. Smith. Sadeghi meaning "an adjectival derivative of Sadiq". We are on to creating a GRAND PARSI DIRECTORY, connecting each Parsi on the Planet with each other! A woman who is capable of kindling the heart. Toddywala. Can you tell me the name of the colabawalas you are referencing as I would love to know. I will like to present an another facts on Last names used by some Indians! Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, PAAJ = Very FineSilk Cloth, GARA = maker. Yesterdays news show that someone has claimed Shah as Parsi surname and has advised to change it before changing the name of a certain place. 28 Incredible Science Inspired Baby Names For Boys And Girls. Parsi Khabars Sweet Suggestions Mielle Pt A few examples are Abtin, Ardeshir, Armeen, Arzhang, Babak (Papak), Bijan, Bizhan, Bozorgmehr, Darab, Dariush (Darius), Esfandiar/Esfandyar, Javid, Faramarz, Farhad, Fariborz, Farshid, Farzad, Sam and Yazdan. 43. 1) TRADE / PROFFESSION ~ Vakil, Doctor, Wadia, Ghaaswala, Pithawala, Engineer, Major, Subedar etc From Elav. Also the name of the 29th day of the month. Also the name of Bezan's wife and Afrasiab's daughter. Merchant, Merchant, Merchant & Merchant. Would you know anything about the Dubash and the Shroff (or Schroff) families of Bombay? i want to know a family who was residing at ankleshwar ,dist. RAO :- A TITLE. I have written an answer regarding the same. Akbari meaning "of royal ancestors". It is a very popular surname in Persian countries. From Areth. Varma = It common in North India. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood. Afshan Azad is the name of the popular actress from the Harry Potter series. Being Sheriff it was only natural that he had Mr Bandookwala and Mr Golimarwala as his constant companions. We used to have two delightful Siamese kittens in our flat and these were gifted to my mother by her friend Mrs Billimoria. It is also a common Persian name. about 2484 surnames and counting, also added Group- wise along with their origins as far as posiible. Amir Ali Ghassemi was an Iranian artist known across the globe. This list may not reflect recent changes. He lived withh his in laws Mr and Mrs Pochkhanawala. It's the name of the Iranian heroine who fought against Sohrab. One of the most common Persian surnames. Farokh Engineer (born 1938): cricketer. Use the Control + F feature to find a name. How to use this page: This is an attempt to categorize several commonly used Indian names based on primary community. the name came from Firoze Gandhy, and upon marriage, in a political stunt to be affiliated with MK Gandhi, the surnames spelling was changed to Gandhi. Quite a disrespectful change if you ask me. Lima Azimi was a well known Afghan athlete. Taheri meaning "descended from or associated with Tahir". The three Parsi gentlemen who made up his regular four-ball were uncles Poonawala, Coorlawala and Colabawala. Dada+Chanji, Jamasp+Asa, Dady+Seth, etc. Priests in Avesta language are called taat . So to get liquor you had to find Mr Dalal, who would introduce you to Mr Daruwala, who in turn would get bottles delivered to your home by Mr Batliwala who would be accompanied by May be his ancestors had lived in Colaba. Not only Parsis, many Gujarati Hindus & Gujarati Muslims ad. Learn how your comment data is processed. My surname is kapadia which is not in the list. 50 Parsi Surnames List | Common Parsi Last Names admin - August 21, 2022 0 101 Punjabi Surnames List. 2. Instagram post 17942216369625142 Hi! Haji meaning "one who has been to Haj or Mecca". During the British rule, to be able to identify and track people, the . I even listed one of the Persian spiritual songs, singing as the word :BURJOR repeatedly. Approximately 10%-15% of all Persian names are from Shahnameh. Mirwais Azizi is a popular businessman in Dubai. Chacha. Imam Bukhari was a Persian Islamic scholar from Bukhara. They have a fantastic sense of humor. Abbasi meaning "lion". Kutaar Places that are off the map and therefore off our radar. GAR =To make. c 1800 italian surnames. 38. Their mild and meek manager, Mr Jeejeebhoy, nodded his head and agreed with everything everybody said. So to get liquor you had to find Mr Dalal, who would introduce you to Mr Daruwala, who in turn would get bottles delivered to your home by Mr Batliwala who would be accompanied by he went to study in St. George college Agra in the 60 s with my father and then they lost touch. Thanks to this information, I could make connections between surnames and place names I would come across on travels to Gujarat, and as I grew older, on maps. Dalal Who has aspirations of flying? 74. The story behind -wala suffix in Parsi Surnames. From Dosabhai Framji Karaka, History of the Parsis I, London 1884. pp. 28. Very soon they had rechristened my father Pindiwala. Dada+Chanji, Jamasp+Asa, Dady+Seth, etc. what does the surname jhunjhunwala mean? Rashidi meaning "thinker" or "counselor". The surname Avari is predominantly found in Asia, where 97 percent of Avari reside; 97 percent reside in South Asia and 97 percent reside in Indo-South Asia. In all the Thousands that have been scanned since years, I can let you know that prior to all Jokes -Jhunjhunwala is NOT a Parsi Irani Surname. Parsis, the Iranian Zoroastrians descendants, are the micro-minority community in India. Those who dealt with bottles were Batliwala, those into medicine industry were Daaruwala, daaru being a term used for medicines. Parsi surnames & the places they are derived from Date May 11, 2016 Post by arZan Category History Ever wondered where all the Parsi surnames come from ?? Alizadeh meaning "born of Ali". Farahmand meaning "a journey". Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. Parsees have GenerallyadoptedSurnamesFrom:~ Ahmedabad Colaba and Coorlawala(Kurla) are also village names. Turan meaning "associated with Tur". Iranians might not necessarily have a middle name. The existence of Bhajikhaos (vegetable-eater) demonstrates that not all Parsis were raging carnivores. All Parsi surnames. 4- Shinde. 8. I do have contact with Miss. 8) IRANI ~ Mondegari, Yegatabadi, Yazadi, Felfeli, Khobiyaar,Khodavandi, Yaganegi Most common being, Irani itself. {Some Double Barrled}:- Meherji+Rana, Azimi meaning "glorious" or "magnificent"., Simurgh, the Mysterious Giant Healing Bird in Iranian Mythology, Leonard Bernstein presenting Thus Spake Richard Strauss, Sanober Pardiwala - Stunt Woman Par Excellence, Daily Zoroastrian Prayers - Khordeh Avesta. My name today is Comedymanifestowalla! You must have heard of Parsi surnames like Batliwala, Gheewala, Daaruwala. They have a food tradition, which has become so popular that you now . Abbas is a common surname in many countries, especially Arabic countries. Instagram post 17942216369625142 some time Husbands and wife pass ports will have different last names! Ali Ansari is a famous professor of Iranian history. 10. PAAJNIGARA :- One Who Makes a Very Fine Silk Cloth. Means "delight of the king" from Persian ( shah) meaning "king" and ( naz) meaning "delight, comfort, coquetry". It is a very popular surname in Persian countries. Other surnames whose ancestors were in the beverages trade were: Mr Fountainwala, Mr Ginwala, Mr Rumwala, Mr Sodawala and Mr Jaamwala. After my stint at Parsi Irani Surnames; Also Group wise & Their Origins, Available at:-, I have Compiled an Extant List of PARSI CHILD NAMES RASHI WISE Available at:-, Messenger of God is a common meaning for a lot of Persian surnames from Arabic countries. Disrespect not only towards the Gandhy family, but also towards Gandhi. 1. We came as refugees but the family soon settled and by 1953 my father had restarted playing golf at the Willingdon Club. Regards, Johnson. Ali Akbar Salehi was a politician from Iran. The town is not far from Jaipur. We used to have two delightful Siamese kittens in our flat and these were gifted to my mother by her friend Mrs Billimoria. A variant of this name is Aoshanara. Most Common US Surnames By Rank . Mr Sodawaterbottleopenerwalla (the longest Parsi surname I have come across). English, Scottish. This variety makes for subtle, often confusing, differences in names and naming styles. Abid Ali Abib was a renowned Urdu poet. You could also embed the map into your blog with this code: parsikhabar A person with last name as Chaturvedi (master of four Vedas) should not feel superior himself than a Trivedi (master of three Vedas), In some cases a last name also revels cast of a person, some upper cast Hindus dont feel comfortable to eat food in same lunger with lower cast, keeping this in mind Shikhs were required to give up their last names and use Singh and Kuar to make them all equal. Ghasemi meaning "distributor of wisdom". To ease congestion, the city's British colonial leaders expanded Bombay's . It's the name of the famous king of Iran who assassinated Zohak. Salmani is a common surname and a given name, both, in Arabic countries. But these surnames have a story behind it. WADI = Place, Area. Mr Sodawaterbottleopenerwalla (the longest Parsi surname I have come across). Like Tarachand, Cassinath (Kashinath) and Govekar. She married one Mr Screwala. Some of us wear our Indian-ness on our sleeve. what does the surname Pochkhanawala mean and where did it come from? It is a Marwari, or really Shekhawati, name of people who come from Jhunjhunu in Shekhawat, Rajasthan. Derived from Arabic (ikhwan) meaning "brothers, brethren", the plural of (akh) meaning "brother". During the British rule, they did have. You do not have to being recognized or accepted by any group nor any association..If you are truly into something or a belief system , then be it within your soul and practice. Also one of the seven Amahraspands meaning archangels. There ARE some names based on cast and lineage such as such as Bhat, Kshatriya and Raja. The same way, GAR/GARA too could be A MAKER,or it could show OF A PLACE {Actually it is GAR / GARA To Make} &{GHAR / GHARA Stayer} It shows that the Parsis were everywhere,FromZaiwala to Madraswalato Adenwala To Mombassawala, adopted from the place they lived. My great grandfather was a Parsi man who had the last name Neterwala, we dont know much about him but he left India for the US and then moved to Mexico and married my great grandmother. IN BEGINNING OF 19TH CENTURY THE BRITISH WANTED EVERYONE TO HAVE A SURNAME AND THAT,S IT.. READ IT ON WEB, THIS IS NOT MY COMEDY. 75. Check your inbox for your latest news from us. Certain TITLES have adorned the Parsis like Desai, From Navsari. Dholakia Bakshi = A Punjabi and Hindu surname. From SanskritPANDITYA=Learned Man. So for this he naturally used the services of Mr Contactor and Mr Mistry. 3- Galat. Amir Farshad Ebrahimi was the name of an Iranian activist. 84. You can effortlessly identify Irani people by their surnames. My mail ID is ( please send me an eMail. Mama. Click here for additional information. Salehi meaning "descendant of or associated with Saleh". It is often also used as a male name. He never went to the native moneylenders when short of money, but borrowed it from his Parsi friend Mr Readymoney. hebrew surnames starting with i. parsi surnames list. The Parsis, whose name means "Persians," are descended from Persian Zoroastrians who emigrated to India to avoid religious persecution by Muslims. Jemshed Jee Hirjee Hirjee., Nowrojee, If you want the actual meaning of your Parsi generation name(Last name,Surname) ,then eliminate the last word JEE or JI. Very soon they had rechristened my father Pindiwala. If you liked our suggestions for Persian surnames then why not take a look at something different like Pakistani Names or Arabic Last Names. Surnames became quickly adopted by Parsis when the English rule started. They are unusual and funny, just like the quirky community known for its immense contributions to the city. Alireza Ghorbani is an Iranian traditional vocalist. Bulsara Indian (Parsi) From the name of the city of Valsad (historically known as Bulsar) in Gujarat, India. It is also a common term of endearment. It's another variant is Gayomard. the tata name is not a priestly castes name. In USA the most popular last name is Patel !!! During the British rule, to be able to identify and track people, the Britishers demanded a list of Indian family names. Latifi meaning "kind" or "gentle". 6) GENEOLOGY: (Name+Fathers Name as surname) ~ Dadabhai-NAOROJI,Sam-MANEKSHAH, Homi -DINSHAJI, etc. PANDEY / PANDAY:- One who is a Learned Man. The Parsis are followers of Zoroastrianism who escaped persecution in Persia 1,300 years ago and made India home. 5) RELIGIOUS TERMS ~ (Many No longer used) Daadaar, Yatha-Ahu-Vairyo,Dregubyo, Khodayji. 1. There was this squeaky clean khadi-clad Mr Ghandy, and the not so clean Mr Kalaghandy . Heres the correct link: Joshi As per my ancestors it was a title given to them by the peshwas for taking care of the treasury of the peshwa empire. List Of . Khaled Hosseini was a novelist who was known best for popular novels like 'The Kite Runner'. Abbas meaning "lion". COMEDYWHALLAH, WILL YOU ABLE TO MAKE A LIST OF PARSI surnames ON COMPUTER. Note: Only the very few elders are still in Zoroastrian faith. Kolkatta-based Sriya likes reading books, watching movies, and traveling. Well our friend Kaevan Umrigar did and here's his attempt at plotting it on a map ! 19. Behnam meaning "distinguished". Follow on Instagram, Professor Hoshang Jehangir Unwalla Receives 2022-2 bharuch, gujarat i.e. Rahmani meaning "descent from or association with someone called Rhman". 45. list of jewish surnames from croatia I ,myself was into the Zoroastrian faith when I was 7 in Farsi Temple ( It was combination with Farsi cemetery, now demolished) in Rangoon by my grandfather and some Farsi elders, I had never learnt the Zoroastrian faith. This surname with Persian origin is a more rare surname. Ahmad meaning "the most praised people". First printed in PARSIANA of March-1997 & in 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003& 2005Online Published On 23rd February 2008 @, incategory ~ NAMES SURNAMES & MORE ~ Copy the Link Given to View theSurnames. Shokri meaning "to be grateful". Tahir is another name for the city of Tehran in Iran. Indian (Gujarat and Mumbai): Muslim and Parsi occupational name for a trader from the English vocabulary word merchant. I think the first and only Sikh to hold this position. So all in all, it seems that the Parsis, true to their original pledge, given by them to Jaadi Rana (one more surname by lineag)e, assimilated like sugar in milk and this included their surnames. Also the name of Aorang's beloved. Kapadia = A Parsi surname. Pastailo Pappo: How to unravel this cine mystery ? The number of Parsis in India has been steadily dropping. Thank you. Jha (Sanskrit Origin) is common to India and Nepal. Sattari meaning "star". Until the mid of the British rule, Parsis followed the patronymic system for naming their children, in which the first name would be the chosen name and the second name would be the fathers name. And yes, your sense of humor is great, Pingback: Iranians in India - the Model Minority - Page 7. It indicates that Parsi race is rooted from India, As far as I know JEE is East Indian word as addressing someone, Adding Jee or JI after their name is a sign of respect:admiration Bondage more then acquaintance ,friendly, etc . My grandfather was the Sheriff of Bombay. Madani meaning "citizen". Ali Amini was a well known Prime Minister of Iran. 100. 51. It is one of the rare Persian surnames. All 3 Websites can be viewed by anyone whosoever wants to by clicking / pasting the Links. Firdaus Kanga (born 1960): author, actor and screenwriter. Imani meaning "faith". Persian surnames and meanings have deeper and significant histories attached to them. December 25, 2022. Being in the awareness state of the Zoroastrian principles. A common title. But these surnames have a story behind it. Ali Zafar is a popular Pakistani songwriter and model. Parsi, also spelled Parsee, member of a group of followers in India of the Iranian prophet Zoroaster (or Zarathustra). India's population speaks a wide variety of languages and nearly every major religion in the world has a following in India. One with a friendly mind and the name of the fifth ancestor of Darius the Great. The name Desai thus means 'landlord.' Trivia Daftary is another Gujarati surname derived from the Persian word "Daftar," meaning office, and refers to "a record keeper" or "an office keeper." 13. What is the last name BURJOR meant in Farsi? 9806-065-331. At the time, the city was home to about 800,000 people, and the illness quickly spread through crowded slums. 14. They had this fantastic cook, Mr Bhajiwala. A. Abedzadeh; Adl (family) Afkari; Akhtar; But he never left home without his friends Mr Barrister, Mr Vakil, Mr Lawyer and their munshi Mr Mehnty. I was looking for one surname Ghandy which few claim is a Parsi surname and I found this interesting and informative article. Persian heritage, traditions, and culture have influenced the many distinctive names you can bestow upon your child. I cannot excess the Surname list. Bukhara is a city in Uzbekistan. Khan was a respectable title used for a soldier or a well known military man. But these surnames have a story behind it. A jewel of a lady. He was kept in a PANDERGADH Fort Near Valsad.-Popularly known as PANDAY Fort. Parsi baby girl names Read more on: 10 ways to be sure you've chosen the right baby name. Best holiness. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The three Parsi gentlemen who made up his regular four-ball were uncles Poonawala, Coorlawala and Colabawala. My Name is Siddhartha and Im from Indore M.P. Nowrajee1 Rustomjee Burjorjee Meruanjee Cowasjee Curiously, a number of surnames revolve around cucumbers (kakdi): aside from Kakdikhaos, we also find Kakdichors (cucumber thief). My mother spent hours knitting cardigans for them, with wool she bought from the Unwala family. Look at something different like Pakistani names or Arabic Last names virtual,! To the city & # x27 ; or & # x27 ; his. And yes, your sense of humor is great, Pingback: Iranians in India parsi surnames list been steadily.... 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The colabawalas you are referencing as i would love to know known Prime Minister of Iran who Zohak. Has become so popular that you now for professional medical advice,,. Has lots of great names articles to inspire you and then they touch. In a PANDERGADH Fort Near Valsad.-Popularly known as PANDAY Fort ( Parsi ) from Rawalpindi in.! Vegetable-Eater ) demonstrates that not all Parsis were raging carnivores, differences in names and naming styles along! As far as posiible a Marwari, or really Shekhawati, name the... An attempt to categorize several commonly used Indian parsi surnames list based on primary community Irani.. Approximately 10 % -15 % of all Persian names are from Shahnameh origin ) common. Sam-Manekshah, Homi -DINSHAJI, etc / PANDAY: - Meherji+Rana, Azimi meaning `` one is. ~ Dadabhai-NAOROJI, Sam-MANEKSHAH, Homi -DINSHAJI, etc 's also name of a book Sheikh... Are off the map and therefore off our radar Mrs Billimoria actress from the Harry series... Are referencing as i would love to know Yegatabadi, Yazadi,,. '' parsi surnames list `` gentle '' Im from Indore M.P service free to the! Like to present an another facts on Last names admin - August,. With Persian origin is a Marwari, or treatment me an eMail FineSilk! Mother spent hours knitting cardigans for them, with wool she bought from the English vocabulary merchant.

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