a means of access must be provided to a scaffold
Additionally, the nature of the organizations services, and the importance of its work to peoples lives, dictates the speed and skill level required to communicate with LEP individuals. Effective September 2, 1997, the employer shall have a competent person determine the feasibility and safety of providing fall protection for employees erecting or dismantling supported scaffolds. Direct access is acceptable when the scaffold is not more than 14 inches (36 centimeters) horizontally and not more than 24 inches (61 centimeters) vertically from the other surfaces. If a ladder is used as a means of access to the scaffold, it must be securely attached and meet all other Cal/OSHA requirements for ladders. The ridge board for a 44' x 30' house with a gable roof that has a 12" projection would be __________. The standard for meaningful access evolved from Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its prohibition against discrimination on the basis of national origin. has two slopes on one side; the first starts at the wall and meets the second which extends to the ridge. A ladder or other safe means of access must be provided. Sound points of anchorage include structural members, but do not include standpipes, vents, other piping systems, or electrical conduit. According to OSHA, construction workers that have been on the job for less than one year account for _____ percent of all injuries resulting from falls. In 2000, Executive Order 13166 strengthened Title VI protections with the goal of improving access to government services for persons who were limited English proficient due to their nation of origin. In that decisionupholding Tennessee's cutback in hospital stays for Medicaid patients to fourteen days annually against a challenge that it disparately impacted the disabledthe Court . When conditions warrant, the height of the top edge may exceed the 45-inch height, provided the guardrail system meets all other criteria of paragraph (g)(4). Where there is a danger of tools, materials, or equipment falling from a scaffold and striking employees below, the following provisions apply: The area below the scaffold to which objects can fall shall be barricaded, and employees shall not be permitted to enter the hazard area; or, Where tools, materials, or equipment are piled to a height higher than the top edge of the toeboard, paneling or screening extending from the toeboard or platform to the top of the guardrail shall be erected for a distance sufficient to protect employees below; or, A guardrail system shall be installed with openings small enough to prevent passage of potential falling objects; or. The top edge height of toprails or equivalent member on supported scaffolds manufactured or placed in service after January 1, 2000 shall be installed between 38 inches (0.97 m) and 45 inches (1.2 m) above the platform surface. The toprail of each stairrail system shall also be capable of serving as a handrail, unless a separate handrail is provided. A means of access must be provided to a scaffold platform if there is no existing access within ___ feet of the platform 2 Repaired wire rope is acceptable for use on suspended scaffolds False Each platform must be fully planked and at least 18 inches wide True Which of the following are required in order to safely use fabricated frame scaffolds? Have slip-resistant treads on all steps and landings. A Compound angle cut on both sides of the top or bottom of a hip rafter, The total run of any hip jack rafter is equal to its, distance from the center of its seat cut to the outside corner, The common difference in length for a 16" o/c hip jack rafter with a unit rise of 9" is. 1. The minimum amount of stock left above the seat cut of the common rafter to ensure enough strength to support the overhang is usually _____. Since 1990, he has been advising on ADA compliance as both an attorney and professorof which during his time as a. Why then do we worry about high surface temperatures today? How many trusses would be required for a house 36' x 28', assuming 2' on center spacing? The defendants diabetes accommodation policy, mentioned above, was quite extensive. Metal brackets installed on ladders to hold scaffold plank are called _____. with the face grain running across the rafters, rigidity to the roof frame & a nailing surface for the roof covering, Roof sheathing should be fastened with 8d nails, every ____ inches along the edge and _____ inches in the field. Direct connections to roofs and floors, and counterweights used to balance adjustable suspension scaffolds, shall be capable of resisting at least 4 times the tipping moment imposed by the scaffold operating at the rated load of the hoist, or 1.5 (minimum) times the tipping moment imposed by the scaffold operating at the stall load of the hoist, whichever is greater. Fortunately, agencies that are now developing or updating their language access plans have a wealth of guidance from which to draw. The ladder must extend above the access point to the scaffold platform by at least 1 metre and a one-way self-closing access gate (or where space is tight, trapdoor) should be fitted at the. (The length of the common rafter per foot of run for a 6" unit rise is 13.42".). Tiebacks shall be equivalent in strength to the hoisting rope. When Does Statute of Limitations Begin to Run in Failure to Accommodate Cases and What is the Burden of Proof, If it Looks Like a Duck, Quacks Like a Duck, it is Not a Duck. FINAL EXAM Carpentry Study Guide Questions, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Capitulo 5 - Estratgia de Teste e Abordagem. The ADA entitles persons with disabilities to reasonable accommodations not to optimal ones finely tuned to their preferences. What Organizations Must Comply? At least three and one-half inches (9 cm) high from the top edge of the toeboard to the level of the walking/working surface. Each employee on a boatswains' chair, catenary scaffold, float scaffold, needle beam scaffold, or ladder jack scaffold shall be protected by a personal fall arrest system; Each employee on a single-point or two-point adjustable suspension scaffold shall be protected by both a personal fall arrest system and guardrail system; Each employee on a crawling board (chicken ladder) shall be protected by a personal fall arrest system, a guardrail system (with minimum 200 pound toprail capacity), or by a three-fourth inch (1.9 cm) diameter grabline or equivalent handhold securely fastened beside each crawling board; Each employee on a self-contained adjustable scaffold shall be protected by a guardrail system (with minimum 200 pound toprail capacity) when the platform is supported by the frame structure, and by both a personal fall arrest system and a guardrail system (with minimum 200 pound toprail capacity) when the platform is supported by ropes; Each employee on a walkway located within a scaffold shall be protected by a guardrail system (with minimum 200 pound toprail capacity) installed within 9 inches (24.1 cm) of and along at least one side of the walkway. Stairtowers (scaffold stairway/towers) shall be positioned such that their bottom step is not more than 24 inches (61 cm.) a small right triangle found on a set of prints stating the rafters' run and rise, the ratio of rise to the span of the roof, the horizontal member that forms the highest point of the rafters and secures the upper end of the rafters. Paragraphs (g)(1) (i) through (vii) of this section establish the types of fall protection to be provided to the employees on each type of scaffold. Ceiling joists lapped over a load bearing partition should be nailed together with _________ and toenailed into the plate with at least ____________. Since 1990, he has been advising on ADA compliance as both an attorney and professorof which during his time as a full-time academic at various institutions in Chicago, he won numerous teaching awards and achieved tenure. General access scaffolds provide a means of working at height while preventing falls and should be provided whenever practicable. Rafter tables are stamped onto the side of most ____. Where did this requirement come from? Midrails, screens, mesh, intermediate vertical members, solid panels, and equivalent structural members of a guardrail system shall be capable of withstanding, without failure, a force applied in any downward or horizontal direction at any point along the midrail or other member of at least 75 pounds (333 n) for guardrail systems with a minimum 100 pound toprail capacity, and at least 150 pounds (666 n) for guardrail systems with a minimum 200 pound toprail capacity. There is no minimum width requirement for boatswains' chairs. This provision does not preclude the use of systems which are designed to function both as suspension scaffolds and emergency systems. If there is a tail line below the hoist, it shall be insulated to prevent contact with the platform. Ladders that are a part of the scaffolding system, such as hook-on and attachable ladders, shall be positioned so that the bottom rung is not more than 24 inches above the supporting level. Vertical lifelines shall not be used when overhead components, such as overhead protection or additional platform levels, are part of a single-point or two-point adjustable suspension scaffold. Each employee on a scaffold more than 10 feet (3.1 m) above a lower level shall be protected from falling to that lower level. 2. Since the defendant already has a system so that the child can meaningfully access their programs, insulin injections are not a necessary accommodation. Meaningful access does not mean total access nor does it mean that a plaintiff's preference has to drive the . (x)=Acos(kx)+Bsin(kx). hip rafters are shortened half The diagonal of the ridge. Roofing brackets, also known as ___________ may be used as part of the fall protection system when the pitch of a roof is more than 4/ 12. When an intersecting roof is framed on top of the roof sheathing, ______ are nailed to the roof decking in place of valley rafters. 6, 1979, as amended at 58 FR 35182 and 35310, June 30, 1993; 61 FR 46025, Aug. 30 1996; 61 FR 59831, Nov. 25, 1996], Occupational Safety & Health Administration. work load should not exceed 500lbs, no more than two people. When scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet (0.6 m) above or below a point of access, portable ladders, hook-on ladders, attachable ladders, stair towers (scaffold stairways/towers), stairway-type ladders (such as ladder stands), ramps, walkways, integral prefabricated scaffold access, or direct access from another scaffold, structure, personnel hoist, or similar surface shall be used. Must have rest platforms at 12-foot maximum intervals. Handrails, and toprails that are used as handrails, shall be at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) from other objects. building length divided by on center measurement plus one and then double it. Note to paragraph (g)(1): The fall protection requirements for employees installing suspension scaffold support systems on floors, roofs, and other elevated surfaces are set forth in subpart M of this part. Paragraph (g)(2) of this section addresses fall protection for scaffold erectors and dismantlers. This updated edition delves more deeply into the complex topics associated with disability claims. Ropes shall be replaced if any of the following conditions exist: Any physical damage which impairs the function and strength of the rope. Guardrail systems shall be installed before the scaffold is released for use by employees other than erection/dismantling crews. Non-mandatory appendix A to this subpart contains examples of criteria that will enable an employer to comply with paragraph (a) of this section. With respect to title II of the ADA, when it comes to deciding whether a modification/accommodation to a public entitys service, program, or activities is reasonable, the question is whether the modification/accommodation results in meaningful access. When lanyards are connected to horizontal lifelines or structural members on a single-point or two-point adjustable suspension scaffold, the scaffold shall be equipped with additional independent support lines and automatic locking devices capable of stopping the fall of the scaffold in the event one or both of the suspension ropes fail. For all scaffolds not otherwise specified in paragraphs (g)(1)(i) through (g)(1)(vi) of this section, each employee shall be protected by the use of personal fall arrest systems or guardrail systems meeting the requirements of paragraph (g)(4) of this section. 2. Cross braces on tubular welded frame scaffolds shall not be used as a means of access or egress. unit rise multiplied by stud spacing in feet give you, distance hip jack is from nearest outside corner of building. William Goren is one of the countrys foremost authorities on the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Hook-on and attachable ladders shall be specifically designed for use with the type of scaffold used; Hook-on and attachable ladders shall have a minimum rung length of 11 inches (29 cm); and. Which of the following statements is true of side brackets? The top edge height on supported scaffolds manufactured and placed in service before January 1, 2000, and on all suspended scaffolds where both a guardrail and a personal fall arrest system are required shall be between 36 inches (0.9 m) and 45 inches (1.2 m). Trusses are commonly installed to what on-center spacing? 3. . A landing platform at least 18 inches (45.7 cm) wide by at least 18 inches (45.7 cm) long shall be provided at each level. The base of an extension ladder should be placed out from the wall about _____ the vertical ladder distance. Manually operated hoists shall require a positive crank force to descend. Platforms shall not deflect more than 160 of the span when loaded. Footings shall be level, sound, rigid, and capable of supporting the loaded scaffold without settling or displacement. Steps and rungs of ladder and stairway type access shall line up vertically with each other between rest platforms. Yet life was abundant on planet Earth in the Mesozoic era. Counterweights shall be secured by mechanical means to the outrigger beams to prevent accidental displacement. Ceiling joists are not needed when roof trusses are used. EO 13166 applies directly to federal agencies and recipients of federal funding. The slope of an intersecting roof is always the same as the slope of the main roof it intersects. Supported scaffolds with a height to base width (including outrigger supports, if used) ratio of more than four to one (4:1) shall be restrained from tipping by guying, tying, bracing, or equivalent means, as follows: Guys, ties, and braces shall be installed at locations where horizontal members support both inner and outer legs. Ropes shall be inspected for defects by a competent person prior to each workshift and after every occurrence which could affect a rope's integrity. 1 Thus, peripheral nerve repair is a challenging scientific field with relevant clinical implications. The _____________ is the horizontal distance from the outside edge of the wall to the end of the rafter tail. If the ends of ceiling joists resting on a load bearing partition are butted, they must have a ____________ to tie the joints together. Guys, ties, and braces shall be installed according to the scaffold manufacturer's recommendations or at the closest horizontal member to the 4:1 height and be repeated vertically at locations of horizontal members every 20 feet (6.1 m) or less thereafter for scaffolds 3 feet (0.91 m) wide or less, and every 26 feet (7.9 m) or less thereafter for scaffolds greater than 3 feet (0.91 m) wide. Find 7 ways to say MEANS OF ACCESS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Scaffolding in this Guide means the individual components, for example tubes, couplers 2. First-generation language access plans are often marginal, as organizations typically begin the process with limited information or history. Since the vertical distance between these two levels exceeds 2 feet (24 inches), then you must provide one of the means of access described in 1926.451 (e) (1). The type of roof that slopes upward to the ridge from all walls of the building is _____. The line length of a hip rafter with a unit rise of 6 inches and a total run of 12 feet is _______ (Unit length for the hip on a 6:12 is 18"). During the high point of the Mesozoic era, in fact, the sea surface temperature may have been 31F31^{\circ} \mathrm{F}31F warmer than at present. The independent support lines shall be equal in number and strength to the suspension ropes. with their ends lapped over the load bearing partition. Crossbracing is acceptable in place of a midrail when the crossing point of two braces is between 20 inches (0.5 m) and 30 inches (0.8 m) above the work platform or as a toprail when the crossing point of two braces is between 38 inches (0.97 m) and 48 inches (1.3 m) above the work platform. To reduce the possibility of welding current arcing through the suspension wire rope when performing welding from suspended scaffolds, the following precautions shall be taken, as applicable: An insulated thimble shall be used to attach each suspension wire rope to its hanging support (such as cornice hook or outrigger). how do you find the number of rafters needed for a building? Considering how federal funds flow into government agencies at all levels, as well as non-profits and other organizations, EO 13166 affects thousands of organizations. What is the line length of a hip rafter for the building in our lab, with a unit rise of 6 inches and a run of 3 feet? Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(ii) of this section, each scaffold platform and walkway shall be at least 18 inches (46 cm) wide. Find the corresponding energy E of the particle. shoeless joe jackson net worth do jay and daniel get together lookism a means of access must be provided to a scaffold. divide the numerator (top) by the denominator (bottom), What is the line length of a common rafter with a unit rise of 6" and a run of 16'? Sound anchorages include structural members, but do not include standpipes, vents, other piping systems, or electrical conduit. Non-uniform rung spacing caused by joining end frames together is allowed, provided the resulting spacing does not exceed 16 inches (43 cm). An active welding rod or uninsulated welding lead shall not be allowed to contact the scaffold or its suspension system. Have a maximum spacing between rungs of 16 inches (43 cm). When acids or other corrosive substances are used on a scaffold, the ropes shall be shielded, treated to protect against the corrosive substances, or shall be of a material that will not be damaged by the substance being used. Swaged attachments or spliced eyes on wire suspension ropes shall not be used unless they are made by the wire rope manufacturer or a qualified person. Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5) and (g) of this section, each scaffold and scaffold component shall be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight and at least 4 times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to it. The type of roof that has the fewest number of different-sized members is, The sloping structural member of a roof frame is a, The term used to represent the horizontal distance under a rafter is called, The unit run for common rafters is always. a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 Direct access is acceptable when the scaffold is not more than 14 inches horizontally and not more than 24 inches vertically from the other surfaces. Exception to paragraph (b)(1): The requirement in paragraph (b)(1) to provide full planking or decking does not apply to platforms used solely as walkways or solely by employees performing scaffold erection or dismantling. Tread depth shall be uniform, within inch, for each flight of stairs. The common difference in length for gable end studs that are 16 inches OC for a roof with a unit rise of 9 is _____. Fla. December 5, 2014), stands for the proposition that meaningful access does not mean total access nor does it mean that plaintiffs preferences determines meaningful access. Crossbraces must not be used as a means of access. When other types of hoists are used, the suspension ropes shall be long enough to allow the scaffold to be lowered to the level below without the rope end passing through the hoist, or the rope end shall be configured or provided with means to prevent the end from passing through the hoist. Stair rails must be between 28 inches and 37 inches in height, from the top of the stair rail to the surface of the thread. The ridge of an intersecting roof must be, all of the above: cut at an angle to match the slope of the main roof, installed level to the ground, supported by common rafters at the slope of the intersecting roof. EO 13166 requires organizations to assess the services they offer, determine which of those services may be needed by LEP persons, and then develop a system to provide meaningful access without unduly burdening the agency. Toeboards shall be securely fastened in place at the outermost edge of the platform and have not more than inch (0.7 cm) clearance above the walking/working surface. Single tiebacks installed at an angle are prohibited. Excess suspension wire rope and any additional independent lines from grounding shall be insulated; The suspension wire rope shall be covered with insulating material extending at least 4 feet (1.2 m) above the hoist. However, where the employer can demonstrate that it is not possible to place an outrigger beam perpendicular to the face of the building or structure because of obstructions that cannot be moved, the outrigger beam may be placed at some other angle, provided opposing angle tiebacks are used. Est=200GPa,=250MPa.E_{st} = 200 GPa, _ = 250 MPa. If we look at the specific requirements for integral prefabricated scaffold access frames 1926.451 (e) (6) we find that there are some additional requirements for safe access. No ramp or walkway shall be inclined more than a slope of one (1) vertical to three (3) horizontal (20 degrees above the horizontal). ___ scaffolds consist of one or more platforms supported by outrigger beams, brackets, poles, legs, uprights, posts, frames or similar rigid support. Access must be provided when the scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet (0.6 m) above or below a point of access. On scaffolds where scaffold planks are abutted to create a long platform, each abutted end shall rest on a separate support surface. How Far Reaching? Work on or from scaffolds is prohibited during storms or high winds unless a competent person has determined that it is safe for employees to be on the scaffold and those employees are protected by a personal fall arrest system or wind screens. In addition, masons' multi-point adjustable suspension scaffold connections shall be designed by an engineer experienced in such scaffold design. When canopies are used on suspension scaffolds for falling object protection, the scaffold shall be equipped with additional independent support lines equal in number to the number of points supported, and equivalent in strength to the strength of the suspension ropes. Integral prefabricated scaffold access frames shall: Be specifically designed and constructed for use as ladder rungs; Have a rung length of at least 8 inches (20 cm); Be uniformly spaced within each frame section; Be provided with rest platforms at 35-foot (10.7 m) maximum vertical intervals on all supported scaffolds more than 35 feet (10.7 m) high; and. Scaffolds are commonly used in construction work so workers have a safe, stable work platform when work cannot be done at ground level or on a finished floor. prevent the spreading of the exterior walls. The plaintiff admitted that the defendants policy as amended during the course of litigation would allow for her child to participate in the defendants programs. On scaffolds where platforms are overlapped to create a long platform, the overlap shall occur only over supports, and shall not be less than 12 inches (30 cm) unless the platforms are nailed together or otherwise restrained to prevent movement. 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