laser cutting machine using arduino
There are a total of ten different revisions of the gantry, with the tenth being part of the final build. Instructions showing how to do this are at the bottom of this Step.$18=69 This will make the cutter zero in the lower left of the cutting table when the $H homing command is executed. they handle the whole process of PCBs including the PCB assembly, PCB manufacturing, testing and final shipment. Rather than put it all back together again, and in anticipation of further complications I left all the electronics from the top plate free from their mountings. Get up to 100$ off coupon!
Purchase an Endurance laser attachment for your 3D printer / CNC machine. The Microslice parts have been arranged to be laser cut out of two 3mm x 400mm x 300mm sheets of plywood or acrylic. hi,im building this same components,,it is normal that stepper motor get too hot @ 12v1A supply? Click on the blue menu icon at the top right-hand corner of the software. Hey are you using any extra parts other than in the list. For more details on the EasyDriver visit
To begin I kept it simple; mount the motor, get the correct heigh above the cutting table, and make sure it was wide enough to manage the full length of the X Axis. I'm here with another very cool project which you can build using some scrap/ used parts. The circuity diagram is as follows: With that, the laser engraving machine is basically complete. Do you have an old model? The gantry platform had to serve two main purposes; support the runners for the gantry, and mount the Y Axis motor. NextPCB one of the worlds most professional. What is a name of the machine that you own, If you have any issues with it, describe them here or simply share your thoughts, Infrared lasers: 6 / 8 / 10 / 15 watt (6000 / 8000 / 10000 / 15000 mw), An Endurance water cooling system (water + TEC peltier chiller) a chiller for your laser. Step 10: Install Firmware for Arduino Nano, Step 11: Setup the Benbox Laser Engraver Parameters, Step 13: Congratulation Successfully Making Your First Engraving Machine. On the upper plate sits a 5v LDO to power the fan, and a 3.3v LDO to drive the laser. Keep the wires short, make sure there are no short circuits. So I need two stepper motors with threaded shafts. If everything has worked, and all the settings are configured correctly you should be able to run the homing cycle ($H) and see the MicroSlice zero itself and then you should be ready to go create! Thankfully, with this great little DIY project, you can make your own out of some common electrical components, some old DVD writers, and some 3D printed parts! Zapmaker has a step-by-step guide to install Grbl Controller on a Raspberry Pi. With that complete, grab the base piece. Laser engrave to your heart's content with this handy DIY project. This was used in the first dry-run of the MicroSlice.Version 10 : Corrections made. Once again, use the salvaged rods to do this. I remixed his project with my own touch. 1. Arduino sketch is already compiled. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun.
We help to install and tune the laser. It will hurt you if you are not careful. For this build, you will need: With all the materials needed in hand, it is time to get on with the build. I used my Raspberry Pi to recompile the hex. These will be stored in your browser only with your consent and you have the option to opt-out. Compatible 3D printers and CNC machines - compatibility list, Guide book for laser cutting / engraving parameters. It is coming out with rough edges as good as my steady hands. The Gantry Frame has to be done pretty much all at once before the glue drys so it can be laid flat to stop it distorting. 6. Ask our experts and we will help you! ffer For New Customer, Your First Order Will Be 10 PCBs for just $0 at Free. All you need to know how to make the best laser beam focus! It took Michiel about three months to plan and construct the machine. The first time there was nothing there, but are a few turns of the lens I managed to get a mark on some paper. Before I commit to a final version I wanted to make sure everything worked; so I assembled all the parts, fitted the electronics and set about wiring it all together. The models for these are available. A smart collection of books, magazines, electronics kits, robots, microcontrollers, tools, supplies, and more curated by us, the people behind Make: and the Maker Faire. Stay on top of the latest engineering news just enter your email and well take care of the rest. Next, print out all the 3D parts needed. 1 x Arduino UNO R3 1 x X Axis Motor 1 x Y Axis Motor 1 x Dual Relay 2 x Easydriver2 x 5v LDO 1 x 3.3V LDO 2 x Heat-Sinks 1 x 45x45x10 Fan (12v) 4 x Stop Switches 9 x Magnets 4 x Rubber Feet 5 x Thumb Screws 1 x Laser DiodeAlternative 1 x Laser Module 1 x Laser Driver 1 x Laser Lens 1 x 4mm Aluminium Tube 2 x 3mm x 150mm Steel Rod 1 x 3mm x 100mm Steel Rod 17 x M3 Microbarbs 6 x M2 Countersunk (6mm) 6 x M2 Nuts 6 x M2 Pan-head (6mm) 8 x M2 Pan-head (8mm) 4 x M3 Nylon Screws (6mm) 4 x M3 50mm Standoffs 7 x M3 Cap-Head Screw (8mm) 8 x M3 3mm Nylon Spacers 97 x Laser-cut parts! A 2-in-1 CNC machine with a rotary tool and a laser module. Grbl's wiki shows you how to flash the pre-compiled Grbl hex file onto your Arduino. Where do we start? (20 x 8) / 3 = 53.333333333 So type $0=53.333 and $1=53.333 into the terminal to setup the axis. I screw some 50mm M3 bolts through the lower plate and used them as guides to assemble the uprights. Unfortunately, most of us need to hire the services of a professional to get the job done. Use superglue to attach the heatsink with the X-Axis slider, Attach the laser with holder. For added "coolness", print the various parts in different colors -- though this is completely optional. There is a 300mw 635nm Red Laser Diode, like you'd find inside a DVD-RW drive, which does the cutting & engraving. With the MS1 & MS2 pins on the EasyDriver connected to the on-board 5v supply we can set Microstepping to 8. Now, insert the laser into its holder on the laser engraving machine. 2. This engraver will be able to engrave cardboard, wood, vinyl stickers etc. Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor, it works on several platforms including Linux and the Raspberry Pi. The gantry must have several features; it must be able to have the X Axis motor attached to it, it must provide a cross-bar to steady the slider, somewhere for the laser module, and it must also have runners for the Y Axis. Cut off any remaining flex-PCBs and put them aside ready for later. Now, grab the arm pieces, and screw these to the base as shown. Keeping the wind-speed low helps things stay on the cutting table.
You should see something like this; $0=53.333 (x, step/mm) $1=53.333 (y, step/mm) $2=53.330 (z, step/mm) $3=10 (step pulse, usec) $4=200.000 (default feed, mm/min) $5=200.000 (default seek, mm/min) $6=28 (step port invert mask, int:00011100) $7=50 (step idle delay, msec) $8=100.000 (acceleration, mm/sec^2) $9=0.050 (junction deviation, mm) $10=0.100 (arc, mm/segment) $11=25 (n-arc correction, int) $12=3 (n-decimals, int) $13=0 (report inches, bool) $14=1 (auto start, bool) $15=0 (invert step enable, bool) $16=1 (hard limits, bool) $17=1 (homing cycle, bool) $18=69 (homing dir invert mask, int:00000000) $19=200.000 (homing feed, mm/min) $20=200.000 (homing seek, mm/min) $21=100 (homing debounce, msec) $22=2.000 (homing pull-off, mm) The final step is to focus the laser. on Introduction, so.. you need a laser cutter to make a laser cutter. Here's the version of his laser engraver . Some of these are essential for the basic functionalities of our websites. This will allow him to turn it into a CNC router when he wants to. With professional PCB manufacturing capabilities, for each file of our customer will be double-checked by more than 14 years PCB engineers. I suspected this was a problem with the Z Axis as the MicroSlice does not have one. How to do the laser engraving. Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. 2. Michiel entered his engraver and we think hes got a good shot. All the software used by the MicroSlice, including the graphics program, is Open Source, and free to use!
The grand prize is a H-Series 2012 laser cutter (complete with lens, exhaust fan, and air compressor). okay,,i have a ps3 sled (kem-410aca) it is the same to use steps 53.33? Choose the laser you need for your engraving machine - beginner, intermediate, professional options. With professional PCB manufacturing capabilities, for each file of our customer will be double-checked by more than 14 years PCB engineers. Michiel designed the device in such a way that he can also install a Dremel tool as the head. You'll still need a soft reset after clicking apply. The motor comes fixed to a backing plate which will be removed and disposed of. help me please.dont know how to connect the electronics. I measured the width of the LDOs and cut a strip along the line with the screw hole. To keep all of the hardware cool inside of its enclosure, he drilled out vent holes on one side and installed a computer fan. Getting started with Endurance diode lasers - focusing, settings, parameters, misc, How to connect the laser to 3D printers and CNC machines, How to connect the laser to your CNC machine or 3D printer.
You are after the stepper motor mechanism and rods within.
About Endurance lasers and Endurance Laser LLC official data. Open the disk holder and unscrew the sliding mechanis. You can power the Laser Diode On & Off using the tick box labelled Spindle On on Zapmaker's Grbl Controller. based in China. As the cutting table would be fixed, the cutting head must move along the Y Axis instead, but it must also accommodate the X Axis. This will protect the table from the laser's heat. Necessary software (works only on Windows 7 or higher and requires framework 4), I used the CamBam (is paid) and 3DPsender, made by a developer who also made a laser engraver, call 3DPBurner. old DVD writers (you want the stepper mechanisms within), YouTuber builds a bike with two half wheels, and it functions just as well as the original, The worlds first PlayStation 5 Slim' was created by a brilliant YouTuber, YouTuber tests to see if a human can beat a vehicle's anti-lock braking system, Electrical wires, resistors, and soldering gear, Various 3D parts. Mid-way through the build I ran into a problem; The EasyDrivers were too close to the Arduino below. If the video player is not working, you can click on thisalternative video link. Stay ahead with the latest science, technology and innovation news for free. just to know, I have one around so this was my same question will this work on arduino mega 2560 ? You have to attach the required heatsink for longtime performance. DHL express delivery allows you to get the package in 3-5 days. setTimeout(() => { Question We have more than 500 video guidance and tutorials. I had to move the PCB further out to make space. With an Arduino sketch, you can change the frequency of turning on your laser and change duty ratio. The magnets are pressed in, a strip of masking tape is stuck over the area where there will be no foil. thanks. We'll need to calculate the number of steps to move the cutting head 1mm in either direction. The EasyDrivers need to be configured for Microstepping. Hello all, I hope you are doing good and safe. Everything else can be disposed of kept for future salvage -- the choice is yours. Secure into place one of the DVD rod assemblies using the salvaged rods, as shown in the video. Check it out on my YouTube channel:, Reply I remixed his project with my own touch. So the whole cutting head, and the X Axis, must move along the Y Axis. 3. You will need to do a soft reset for the changes to take effect ($X). Open a COM port with a software (teraterm as an example) on 115200 speed bitrate. c7cyy:FwTssp\#Vjb!c D ]D^{Xm3"cOyt-dxD;^]k fh. The stepper motors are 4-pin Bipolar Stepper Motor. I'm hoping someone can finish it off and make use out of it rather than gather dust in my garage! The best way to do this is to use Inkscape combined with a laser engraver plug-in.
Now, just connect a power supply, find some images to engrave, and some stuff to engrave the images on! Check your configuration is correct by typing $$ into the terminal. I've been using the same plug-in Groover made for his engraver, he has done a short video detailing its use. While I don't have an Instructable on building my laser cutter, I have an extensive collection of website posts documenting my build. Welcome to the great world of building things! With that completed, connect the various wires to the Arduino Nano and driver module. We'll later use the screw holes to mount the LDOs to the MicroSlice.5 | Shorten the strip to match the LDO.6 | Clean up the edges, and remove the black from the surface where the LDO will be attached.7 | Glue the LDOs to the heat-sinks using thermally conductive adhesive.8 | Allow the glue to set.
It can cut paper and engrave wood & plastic. There are two teeth at each end which interlock with two sockets on the Gantry Platform preventing the cutting table from moving. Is it enough of DVD-RW diode to cut wood? A few years ago I saw an Instructable where Groover had used a pair of DVD-RW drives to make a pocket laser engraver. I wanted a lightweight platform for the gantry, I also needed to fit the cutting table. The last step is to set up the parameters for the engraver. Download center: laser engraving programs, software tools, plugins & extensions, STL files. I attached the M spacer with some double-sided sticky tape, both to the Arduino and the base-plate. For an in-depth explanation of this function see the Grbl Wiki.$19=200$20=200$22=2.000 This sets the distance the Axis moves away form the end-stops after the homing cycle. Next, grab the X-plate, glue on some neodymium magnets, and affix it to the base slider unit, as shown in the video. This is what I am looking for, but as far as I see there are no such thing for under 200eur. document.getElementById("ak_js_2").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); document.getElementById("ak_js_3").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Do you look forward to upgrading your 3D printer / CNC router or an engraving / cutting machine you have? We need two DVD writers mechanism for this project. On the bottom plate goes the Arduino and the dual relays for the fan & laser. Or you can use Zapmaker's Grbl Controller to adjust Grbl. This engraver will be able to engrave cardboard, wood, vinyl. It comes as a kit to build at home, at a Hackspace, or with your local Maker group. The stepper motor is an electromechanical device that converts a series of electrical impulses into discrete angular displacements, which means that it is capable of advancing a series of step depending on its control inputs. I have picked this as we'll need to position the middle of the range inline with the centre of the cutting table. This starting spot will correlate to the red arc at the (0, 0) position (refer to image). playerId: "ccdf6666-bdf4-4cd8-9b97-ca1bf497568c"
To install the firmware, click on the lightning symbol at the top of the menu (rightmost icon). Doing so meant I didn't have to refocus the lens each time I wanted to swap materials.Editing The Source Code. The MicroSlice has a work area of 50mm x 50mm (2" x 2"). It's on eBay if anyone is interested , just look for item number 252300821428. Connect your Arduino to the computer. It does mean that I have to spend a few extra minutes peeling it all off after it has been cut. The cutting table is covered with some thick aluminium foil. This machine is designed to make the laser engrave in wood and opaque plastic, having an Arduino and the GRBL as machine automation basis. Massive thanks to everyone who voted, and of course to Radioshack for the super prizes :), The MicroSlice V2.6 is now available here |, by using the following affiliate links when making purchases. Who doesn't love a bit of laser engraving? I followed the Connecting Grbl section on the Grbl Wiki to wire up the MicroSlice. I'll demonstrate how it all goes together during the final assembly. I have used ribbon cable and DuPont connectors for the cabling. You can find these here (we have also included a link in the list of materials needed above). Hi I am newbie and I am trying to cut XPS foam using hot wire. To drive the machine, he used an Arduino UNO with two NEMA-17 stepper motors and stepper motor drivers he got from AliEXpress. You will need some material for your machine, in which I produced a list of required material. Happy laser engraving! Here is the link: luck! DO you have instructions posted some where? Its main applications include a variable frequency motor, brushless DC motor. My first starting point was to find a similar set of motors, and a reclaimed laser diode. Now, grab your MOSFET, 10K, and 47ohm resistors. Everyone loves a honeycomb cutting table on their laser cutter, and I though the MicroSlice should have one. Solder them to the MOSFET as shown in the video, and also wire them up. Subscribe on our Youtube channel and do not miss our news and guidance.
Grbl converts G-Code into commands that the EasyDriver stepper motor controllers understand. Setup period in ms then percentage of activation time then Enter For example 100 70, This means that 100 ms (10 Hz) is a frequency and 70% is a duty ratio (means that 70% of time D11 will be in hig state). As I'll be using the Arduino with Grbl I can use their guide to help me correctly wire the MicroSlice. Customs clearance. could you give drawing parts for cutting on laser cutter this stanochek? The wiring diagram of this machine is very simple, just follow the following schedule (the used resistance is 1k ohms): Printed pieces in 3D, you'll need a 3D printer or else order from any website online already printed pieces. The MicroSlice plans are attached as a zip file below. Use Philips head screwdriver to remove all screw. Next, grab the motor shield and connect it to the Arduino Nano, as shown in the video. :D. the code and the idea are very useful anyway, i might make one with a non-lasercut frame. is there anywhere I can buy the laser cut parts for this? We calculate it thus; Number of Steps = Number of steps per rotation x Microsteps / Thread Pitch 20 Steps-a-Turn (18 Degrees a step) x 8 Microsteps (MS1 & MS2 Connected to +5v on the EasyDrivers) / 3mm Thread pitch (3mm of travel per rotation). It is loaded with a huge range of wearable Parts & Components. I spend my time developing new ideas and looking for ways to improve old ones! You will need tools. 2. Where Groover has the cutting table move on the Y Axis, I wanted a fixed cutting table. We ship all units within 4-24 hours. }, 1000); Be the first to read our latest stories, analysis, and trend-spotting on tech from every corner on earth. The MicroSlice uses a 300mw 635nm Laser Diode. Make a fully-functioning CNC machine that can accept different tools for less than $150 by using parts from DFRobot and Banggood. I have since found a source for new heat-sinks, check the parts list at the beginning of this instructable. they handle the whole process of PCBs including the PCB assembly, PCB manufacturing, testing and final shipment. In case things go wrong I have included the modified hex file for you below. }).render("e925ea18b5114608a918185e53f34a38"); I put some masking tape over the wood to cut down on laser burn and flaring. Put simply Microstepping cuts standard step into smaller steps. Next, assemble the bracket pieces that will hold, and move, the platform and laser once complete. Before you can begin you will need the Arduino IDE, available from the Arduino website.Make sure your Laser Diode is not connected to the power lines while you are configuring your MicroSlice. on Step 10. will this work on Arduino Mega? The aluminium is then pressed onto the table and a knife cuts off the excess. You may unsubscribe at any time. Now, grab the other slider assembly, and affix it to the arms of the laser engraver. Nice build! Reply And he has a new best-of writing collection and lazy mans memoir, called Borg Like Me. Warranty. Superglue to the back of the laser engraver, as shown. Before we can use our new G-Code we'll need to configure Grbl to use the stepper motors and end-stops. Test the movement of the bracket along the rail, it should move freely. Laser Engravers & Laser Cutters from Endurance Lasers. }, t); If you are not able to watch our video let us know. We want a large slow-moving volume of air rather than a fast low-volume.
2x A4988 stepper motor driver modules (or CNC shield) 250mW Laser with adjustable lens. I've picked a 12v fan and will powered it with the 5v LDO. Using continuity mode with Multimeter determine determine 2 Coil, Coil A and Coil B. I made 2 pairs of wire by selecting colours, one pair for the Coil A and second for the Coil B. Ive attached the slider of X and Y-axis together in perpendicular to each other, using glue between them. Do not look at the beam, do not point it at yourself or anyone else. Enter your email and get a discount. I have used PVA glue, and held it together with clamps where I can. MichielD99 is a 16 year old Belgian teenage maker. Full instructions using Inkscape and plugins. Sending $$ to Grbl displays the configuration settings (yours might look differently); $0=755.906 (x, step/mm) $1=755.906 (y, step/mm) $2=755.906 (z, step/mm) $3=30 (step pulse, usec) $4=500.000 (default feed, mm/min) $5=500.000 (default seek, mm/min) $6=28 (step port invert mask, int:00011100) $7=25 (step idle delay, msec) $8=50.000 (acceleration, mm/sec^2) $9=0.050 (junction deviation, mm) $10=0.100 (arc, mm/segment) $11=25 (n-arc correction, int) $12=3 (n-decimals, int) $13=0 (report inches, bool) $14=1 (auto start, bool) $15=0 (invert step enable, bool) $16=0 (hard limits, bool) $17=0 (homing cycle, bool) $18=0 (homing dir invert mask, int:00000000) $19=25.000 (homing feed, mm/min) $20=250.000 (homing seek, mm/min) $21=100 (homing debounce, msec) $22=1.000 (homing pull-off, mm) The settings we are interested in are $0 & $1. We assist and give advice by Phone / Email / Facebook messenger / Telegram / Whatsapp / Viber. The heat-sinks for the two LDOs come from a single reclaimed BGA heat-sink.1 | Remove the heat-sink from the old BGA.2 | Add 2.54mm pins to the two LDOs.3 | File down the pins on the underside of the PCB.4 | Cut the heat-sink into strips. This means instead of a lowly 20 steps a revolution we now get 160. The weight of the laser module was causing the gantry to tip forward and bind on the runners.Version 5 : Added space & boltholes for the X Axis end-stops.Version 6 : Corrections.Version 7 : Added space & boltholes for the Y Axis end-stops.Version 8 : Cut-outs made to the lower cross member allowing clearance for the Y Axis stepper motor.Version 9 : Added brackets for the cables. I've had a Microslice V1 kit I have had lying around for ages. Make sure it is snuggly, and firmly, held in place. The motors drive the DVD head mechanism which either moved the laser cutting head, or the cutting table. He also installed a heat sink on the laser head as well as a smaller fan that travels with the head. You can access the Grbl Settings via the advanced tab. Com, Hi guys. The Arduino and the dual relays sit on 3mm M3 spacers. For extra strength I used two layers of 3mm sheet glued together. Draw an simple image using the drawing tools on the left.Press the green start button to start the print. 100 USD discount code for ALL ENDURANCE LASERS! Laser Engraving and laser cutting with Endurance diode laser heads, Running Endurance Laser on a CNC machine - getting started (wiring, pinouts, settings). 6 years ago The Laser will power on & off during the setup & configuration process if it is connected. I am using here 250mW 650nm focusable laser module. Laser beam focusing. About: A passionate make of things. From there we can measure the location of the three bolts holes for the stepper motor, and we'll also be able to set a height above the cutting table. please help soon. I'd also need a pair or runners for the Y Axis gantry to move along. Extra bonus to your order! Did you get answer for that question? 1. Got a question? With that complete, grab the laser holder 3D printed piece. Topics such as microcontrollers including Arduino and Raspberry Pi, Drones and 3D Printing, and more.
The longer the shaft the larger the potential work-area for the cutting head. I also got from the local hardware shop at very cheap prices. 3. To fix the probem we must remove the Z Axis options from the Homing Cycle. Now all you need is the all-important code to get the machine working. If so, please fill in the form, and we will help you with advanced solutions from Endurance. There will be two sections of 4mm aluminum tube pressed inside the gantry which the rods fit down. Download and install the Arduino IDE. For those of you who have a Raspberry Pi, as I do, you'll be pleased to know that you can control the MicroSlice using your Pi! 2 no.
When the firmware has installed successfully, you will see a green checkmark beside the update firmware title at the top. And also attached a cut wood piece above it as a working bed. Free diode lasers from Endurance for educators.
The laser is a 1.8W 445nm module. Inspired by the idea, driven by the recent purchase of a full-sized 50 watt CO2 laser cutter, and roused by the launch of the Microcontroller contest I took the decision to have a crack at making my own mini laser engraver. This, obviously, will hold the laser engraver later. By subscribing, you agree to ourTerms of Use andPrivacy Policy. . Please take care when handling the laser. A celebration of the Maker Movement, a family-friendly showcase of invention and creativity that gathers together tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators across the globe. Visit DiY Projects Lab for More CNC machine I wish you liked it. Maker-written books designed to inform and delight! Your name Your email*. The steel rods will take the weight of the assembly meaning that the motors only have to handle position changes and don't have to battle the weight. The MicroSlice uses Grbl v0.8 for motion control. To enable this function you will need to edit the source code for Grbl and recompile the .hex file. 3. All our lasers are tested and could work up to 10000 hours. You can see the complete plans for his build on this Instructables page. Like what we do? I'm using a 12v PSU plugged in to the DC jack on the Arduino. One for X-Axis and another one for Y-Axis. Save over 40% off the annual cover price for a full year (4 issues) of Make. There he also includes a Bill of Materials with links to all of the parts available online and PDF and STL versions of all of the template files used to create his engraver. There is then a Vin pin-out on the board where I can take power out to the EasyDrivers and the two LDOs. The offer will disappear in document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Get an individual offer now Just leave your contacts..
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