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sculpfun s9 air assist thingiverse


These models do not work with the Air Assist Kit! If adjustments are necessary, I will change the template accordingly. What I liked about this nozzle is that the air channel is directed directly to the tip of the nozzle. This sometimes requires some adaptors, since most nozzles have a smaller inlet than the outlet of the pumps. Hier sind vier Lsungen, die allen zugnglich sind: WERBUNG: Deaktiviere deinen Adblocker und klicke auf unsere Werbebanner. No diode lasers that I'm aware of come with a compressor. This is normally achieved by adding an air pump / compressor that blows air to the tip of the nozzle. You can download it here. Unfortunately, I have not been able to test it myself yet, as I dont have an old module available. addy99060 = addy99060 + 'abayamanufacture' + '.' + 'com'; Er hat auch einige sehr gute Luftschlauchschellen entworfen, die dazu passen ( This email address is being protected from spambots. Etsy has lots of sellers for 3D printed things. See my other article for details. If you dont have the option to print a nozzle yourself, you can ask within the communities if someone will print it for you, or you could select a design and let it print at an online printing service. Can I just ask if anyone has made their own air assist nozzle for the sculpfun s9? I used a regular worm-gear hose clamp to fasten it to the laser engraver head and constant pressure (spring-type) hose clamps to fasten the tubing to the hose barbs and brass. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; A place to share your laser cutter creations, tips, questions and other laser cutter related information., Air is blown on the laser spot, which removes particles and fumes produced by the burn process. There are plenty of designs on printables or thingiverse that you could use. Thats a DIY addition. Copyright 2015 - 2016. Since I now tested the Sculpfun model, I would always use that one. Diese finden Sie bei eBay, 16 mm Auendurchmesser, 11 mm Innendurchmesser und 2,5 mm Querschnitt. Seite mithilfe von automatischer bersetzung bersetzt. MUND-ZU-MUND-PROPAGANDA: Lade deine Freunde dazu ein, die Website und die groartigen 3D-Dateien kennenzulernen, die von der Community geteilt werden! You can read how to do this here. Also, I am currently planning for an S9, does it come with an air compressor that the air assist can attach to or would that be a separate purchase? Unfortunately I dont have a 3D printer that would have been great. There are plenty of folks on that will print and mail it to you. document.getElementById('cloak99060').innerHTML += '' +addy99060+'<\/a>'; @MissMearsy yes i have created one for the S9 and you can actually see a photo off it in the for sale post. It is much quieter than the compressor version. It is quite noisy, though. The above nozzle is for an S6 laser. Mit welchem habt ihr gute Erfahrungen gemacht? Beachte, dass wir ein kleines Team von 3 Personen sind und dass es daher sehr einfach ist, uns dabei zu untersttzen, weiterhin im Geschft zu bleiben und zuknftige Entwicklungen zu schaffen. I am very impatient haha and want to know what I can use in the mean time while waiting for it to arrive. If you are in a home environment, you definitely need to check if thats ok for you. Regarding this, I really liked it. What I have taken from the numerous discussions: the airflow provided by the compressor should be around 60 liters per minute. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,, Sculpfun released its pump, which I tested and liked very much. It definitely made a difference. If you have such a module, refer to the 3D-printed versions below, those exist for this type of modules as well. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. I have a nozzle I could possibly use from my heat gun but Im just unsure how I would attatch it to the laser. There are a few others (e.g., see Tobias Vollmers page, in German) that have the same airflow rating but are much quieter (but more expensive). //. New replies are no longer allowed. Really any rigid pointed object could be adapted. If you dont have a compressor yet, you should take the kit with nozzle and compressor right away, they are optimally matched to each other. Die einzigen Grnde fr die nderung waren (a) ich hatte Probleme mit der Lufteinlassdse, die immer wieder brach, wenn ich versuchte, die Sttzen zu entfernen, und (b) ich wollte mit Dingen wie dem Einsetzen eines Metalleinsatzes in die Dsenffnung experimentieren - meine eigene Quelle zu machen bedeutete, dass ich Dinge ndern konnte, wie ich es fr richtig hielt. I found this like for the air assist, In der Beschreibung von Nunu57 finden Sie alle weiteren wichtigen Details, wie z. Sure that would be way easier/cleaner but my machine dosnt care. 2022-02-09 15:26. Also here is a laugh for everyone when I first got my laser I was asking why it wasnt cutting, everyone kept asking me if I had air assist. Achten Sie auf das Filament, das Sie verwenden: ABS beispielsweise kann giftige Gase freisetzen, wenn der Laserstrahl versehentlich mit dem Material in Berhrung kommt, whrend PETG und PLA einfach wegschmelzen. Sculpfun is already developing a fitting nozzle for those modules! Diese Option bietet den absolut geringsten Luftwiderstand fr den eingebauten Lfter des Lasers. I have a nozzle I could possibly use from my heat gun but Im just unsure how I would attatch it to the laser. It is worth noting that it will most likely only fit on a Sculpfun S6 laser. The file can be downloaded here: Link (LightBurn file). Hallo, es gibt ja viele verschiedene Ausfhrungen zBsp. Gefllt dir Cults und mchtest du uns dabei helfen,das Abenteuer in vlliger Unabhngigkeit fortzusetzen? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 100 % sichere Zahlung mit PayPal oder Kreditkarte. Different models might need a different design. Ich habe meine Dsen mit 0,2 mm Schichthhe, 30 % Fllung und PETG gedruckt. Moreover, burn marks are drastically reduced. In Ihrem Webbrowser ist JavaScript deaktiviert.

The most common question about Air Assist is what kind of compressor to choose. You can also think about different approaches, e.g., small fans directly attached to the laser head. All Rights Reserved. I have tried on the fly to develop an adaptor with which you can still mount the nozzle on a S6 / S9 module. Contamination of the lens is therefore avoided as far as possible. Not sure but maybe even the shaft of a ballpoint pen although youd want the opening to be relatively small (~2 mm). S9 owner here, no air assist compressor or parts included. See also the pictures at Thingiverse. Wenn Sie nur eine Luftuntersttzungsdse wollen und keine nderungen vornehmen wollen, dann ist der Entwurf von Nunu57 absolut geeignet. Ich empfehle, dass Sie die Einstellungen verwenden, die fr Sie und Ihren Drucker geeignet sind. If you search Thingiverse or Facebook, you find many designs. Ive seen many designs where the air is just blown into the nozzle chamber. If you have your laser setup in a workshop, that might be not of interest. It worked fine until I could create a proper air assist. The power is absolutely fine. Bewertung von Mitgliedern zu Druckbarkeit, Ntzlichkeit, Detailgrad usw. This fan blows the air into a smaller nozzle that only directs the air angular at the nozzle. Its very easy to shape to the proper shape, and can be done in just a few minutes. Sie bentigen auerdem einen O-Ring fr die Aussparung, der die Druckluft abdichtet. Next time, I would try the Aquaforte model, I also saw quite some people using that. Since I tested only one (the one that I bought), I can only provide personal experiences about this one. Air assist is used to increase the quality of the laser process.

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Durch die Nutzung unserer Seite erklren Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass wir Cookies setzen. Ich habe ein Messingrohr mit 4 mm Durchmesser bei eBay fr relativ wenig Geld gekauft (einige Anbieter verkaufen ein 50-mm-Muster fr wenig mehr als die Portokosten, was fr dieses Stck ausreicht). You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Do you have a 3d printer? Versuchen Sie, das weichste verfgbare Material zu whlen - ich verwende ein Silikonmaterial. I am not aware of any official upgrade kits, either. There will be different topics on our blog, not neccessarily fashion related specially related for the Abaya Manufacture is an online wholesaler selling Arabic clothing in, For retail purchases you can visit our sister website over at, With Abaya Manufacture being based in the heart of Dubai, we supply our products Worldwide, such as the. Check out our sculpfun s9 air assist nozzle selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our tools shops. Sie mssen den Code ndern, wenn Sie das Ansaugrohr aus einer anderen Richtung einfhren mchten.

You may also need to slightly adjust the inner or outer diameter (a few percent at most) to make it fit perfectly. Most diode lasers do not provide such a system out of the box. But doesnt have to be so robust given that its a temporary solution. Of course, you also need some flexible tube to connect the compressor to the nozzle. Die andere Mglichkeit ist die Version mit geraden Lamellen - hier kann der Einlass in jeder beliebigen Position erfolgen, allerdings auf Kosten eines kleinen zustzlichen Widerstands gegen den Luftstrom des Lfters des Lasergerts (aber nicht viel). To install this nozzle, the black cylinder / pyramid, which is already installed as a simple Air Assist version, must also be removed. Basically, it consists of only two parts: the compressor and a nozzle with an air channel that is directed to the tip. I made one out of 5/32 brass hobby tubing and 5/32 silicone hobby fuel line. The laser beam is less distorted by those particles and has more power on the surface. B. die Angaben zum O-Ring und zum Luftschlauch. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; WB-689 ( per piece 22 $ Minimum 6 pieces), WB-688 ( per piece 25 $ Minimum 6 pieces), WB-686 ( per piece 22 $ Minimum 6 pieces), WB-685 ( per piece 22 $ Minimum 6 pieces), WB-684 ( per piece 22 $ Minimum 6 pieces), WB-683 ( per piece 22 $ Minimum 6 pieces), WB-682 ( per piece 22 $ Minimum 6 pieces), WB-681 ( per piece 21 $ Minimum 6 pieces). But I don't have a 3D printer, is there somewhere I can go to purchase this part? You need to glue the rings together and also glue it to the nozzle, I guess (after you made sure that it works). Hence, most people build an Air Assist themselves. This email address is being protected from spambots. Last night I figured out how to add limit switches, mounting, and wire management without a 3D Printer. I created it on my cnc machine out of aluminum but can send you a 3D file if you wanted to try printing it. Sculpfun released a dedicated metal air assist nozzle that should fit nearly all S6 and S9 modules. FYI this air assist for the S6 works perfectly on the S9 and is the best one available on Thingiverse. 1 lange und 1 kurze Dse incl Schlauchanschlsse und 2m PVC Schlauch: 20220120_004358_autoscaled.jpg20220120_004341_autoscaled.jpg20220120_004316_autoscaled.jpg, Der grte Feind des Wissens ist nicht Unwissenheit, sondern die Illusion, wissend zu sein.Stephen Hawking, Der grte Feind des Wissens ist nicht Unwissenheit, sondern die Illusion, wissend zu sein.. var addy99060 = 'info' + '@'; SPENDE: Wenn du mchtest, hast du die Mglichkeit, uns hier ber PayPal eine Spende zukommen zu lassen. Dieser OpenSCAD-Entwurf basierte stark auf dem Entwurf von Nunu57 (auf Thingiverse), und ich erkenne die Arbeit, die er in die Erstellung seines Entwurfs gesteckt hat, uneingeschrnkt und dankbar an. Maybe zip ties, rubber bands, or hair ties really anything that can keep a good grip on it. Just make sure it has clearance for the beam, as you obviously do not want to be hitting the foil nozzle. Meanwhile, I also have an S9 laser available for testing. Keine meiner Versionen enthlt ein Lufteinlassrohr: Ich habe es so konstruiert, dass ein 4mm-Metallrohr in das Lufteinlassloch geklebt werden kann, was eine robuste Verbindung ergibt, deren Herstellung nicht von den Fhigkeiten des 3D-Erstellers abhngt. You might need to narrow down your search to your laser model. In my opinion, that creates a lot of turbulence within the nozzle and no directed output. Um alle Funktionen dieser Website nutzen zu knnen, muss JavaScript aktiviert sein. Here I use the following nozzle: And I replied yes only to find out yesterday that a table top fan sitting next to my laser machine is not air assist you live and you learn haha! If it is a truly temporary situation you require, you could sculpt a makeshift nozzle from aluminum foil, and affix it with tape. Before buying the nozzle, you should check if you have a suitable model.

Most nozzles I have seen are 3D-printed ones. But I also attached an image of the result, which might be a bit better than no fan, but worse compared to the compressor. I also did a test (see below) and can tell that it is far from what a bigger compressor achieves. Dankeschn: Das ist sehr wichtig! I have an air pump, tubing etc just dont not sure what I could use as a temporary nozzle and how to attatch it. Its MUCH quieter than any other model I have seen so far. In the following video, the installation is simply explained: Edit: Im uncertain if this will work because most likely the nozzle is too long for the focus to be set correctly when mounted to an older module.

This has changed, most brands now offer air assist kits or nozzles for their products. You can control the pump using a relay, which makes it very convenient, since the pump is only turned on when needed. Alternatively, if you have access to any small diameter metal tubing, large hollow needles, or any sort of nozzle head (like from a 3d printer) that you could bore out to a suitable size could work.

Die Version mit gekrmmten Schaufeln kann nur in einer Position angebracht werden, um die Schaufeln auf dem Khlkrper des Lasergerts anzugleichen, daher gibt es zwei Mglichkeiten fr die Position des Einlassrohrs - links, wenn man zum Laser schaut, oder rechts. Registrieren Sie sich kostenlos und nehmen Sie an unserer Community teil! Hey everyone, I did experience repeatable/provable gains with a home-made air assist. Die von Thingiverse haben alle mehr ider weniger das selbe Problem. This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. Installation is kept very simple and is easily explained in the enclosed info sheet. document.getElementById('cloak99060').innerHTML = ''; Thats basically what I had to do with My Atomstack when I first got it. This is a test I did for someone on Facebook, to compare the normal air assist with a design using a small 5015 type fan. Abaya Manufacture. Diese Seite verwendet Cookies. if you use something as a form to shape it, its very easy to make a nice durable temporary nozzle. I use the very common ACO-318 compressor (Amazon-Link). Sometimes you can look around at ideas and make your own. Press J to jump to the feed. The sealing ring ensures that the air cannot move towards the lens, but only downwards to the nozzle. Gru Janine. Ich habe von Thingiverse nur einen probiert und dann selbst einen entworfen.

A version for the shorter module is available here: auf Thingiverse. If you look for this question on Facebook, you find at least two questions a day when you might find some more recommendations. I also considered a hollow knitting needle a good potential material donor for DIY air assist.

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sculpfun s9 air assist thingiverse

sculpfun s9 air assist thingiverse  関連記事

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