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have omitted the blue acrylic cu


We have omitted the blue acrylic cutting test since these machines cant cut blue acrylic since it is the same color as the laser beam and thus reflects its light. By scanning vertically and horizontally with different interval steps we can approximate the laser dot size. Which Diode Laser Engraver is THE MOST POWERFUL? All you need to know how to make the best laser beam focus! At a speed of 800 mm/sec the deviation is +-5 m . If you want to test your own laser, you can get the below test file HERE. We will test if this is true in real life application. Do you go slow at a low setting? This laser also has a 32-bit control circuit board, which should allow better motor control and better photo engravings. The New xTool RA2 Pro Rotary Chuck Will Make Your xTool D1 Laser Engraver 10x Better! Du coup, je prend une 3A ou 5A ? The Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro laser engraver come with a LU2-4 laser diode which outputs approximately 5.5W of optical power. Return. That wave artifact while engraving will lead to even worse results while laser cutting and will not provide accurate edges when it is better to have 3-10 repeats (loops), So we do not recommend those frames and suggest to explore high-end solutions by Endurance lasers. Pas de botier supplmentaire monter, tout est intgr. For the results of the Sculpfun S9, check our other post here! Custom CNC frame design. This means that the Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro will not be able to cut thicker materials as effectively as Sculpfun S9. J'avoue que j'avais pas not les sauts d'image c'est effectivement suspect. Sur le ct on accde lalimentation et la prise USB-A, cette fois, mais aussi lantenne du WiFi (2,4GHz uniquement) qui permet de piloter la machine depuis une appli sur smartphone ou une interface web. In a conclusion, we can state that the Ortur frame is slightly better but still does not provide an expected engraving quality. wood, paper, cardboard, plastic, white, PCB board, aluminum oxide, black-painted metal/ceramic. I'm in the same boat. This cuts the easiest. Le pilotage ncessite la connexion dun PC ou dun PC portable en USB et lutilisation dun logiciel (LaserGRBL ou Lightburn). Compared to Sculpfun S9 it starts to lag behind when cutting materials thicker than 6mm. An Endurance laser air nozzle: ver 1.0 / ver 2.0 (fully open-source). Les profils sont arrondis et le moteur Y est intgr larrire de la machine, ainsi que la carte mre. The included safety googles are not the best. Below is the engraving of two sets of squares on the right side, one inside the other. Globalement avec les pieds et le botier de la carte mre, le nombre de pices est important. Je ne suis pas super press donc pas d'office besoin de couper 50mm en une passe. The interval scale test is here to show if the laser focus spot shape is square or rectangular. Here you have the video showing how the tests were done and below you will find detailed images of the test results together with explanation. Le Laser une avance vers la puissance ct Ortur. From the results we can see that the laser dot of the Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro is rectangular, as the engraved pattern looks different when scanning in horizontal (X Axis) and vertical (Y Axis) direction. Ds son arrive sur le march, le potentiel offert par Raspberry Pi ma enthousiasm j'ai rapidement cr un blog ddi ce nano-ordinateur ( pour partager cette passion. Tried to engrave ORTUR on blackened stainless steel with full power and 100mm/min. The Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro is also a capable cutter.

With lower speed the accuracy increases as we will see later. Customs clearance. You can use the Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro laser engraver with free LaserGRBL software which works OK, but it is a little bit clumsy to use. In the video below we tested the performance of the Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro and have compared some of the results with its direct competitor Sculpfun S9. This test reveals the most pronounced waves. Engraving vector files is faster because the laser directly cuts on the path versus scanning like a printer and making dots when engraving bitmap images (photos). The result shows how big the dot is 3mm down into the material that is being cut. The Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro is a capable cutter with a quite balanced cutting performance. This engraving was done at a speed of 600 mm/min. But its still quite good. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. document.getElementById("ak_js_2").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); document.getElementById("ak_js_3").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Got a question? Seulement les rponses mes commentaires En comparaison, que ce soit pour la mcanique et lhabillage, ou pour la disponibilit de nombreuses manires de se connecter, la Ortur Laser Master 3 remporte le match sur la Sculpfun. When it detects a flame (your material has caught fire) it immediately stops the machine and starts beeping to get your attention. It is great for some tests, but I chose Lightburn instead which is much more capable software, and it is very intuitive to use. MERCI DE VOTRE VISITE !Nous contacter : Ne pas sabonner The laser diode is claimed to have a rectangular beam spot shape of 0.08mm x 0.15mm. But its not a big deal. Now lets test another machine. Paint Removal (toner) from Paper using DPSSL laser and a galvoscanner, Safe Light Visual Surveilance - Mechanisms of safe light countermeasures, Dynamic PWM Signal Adjustment ver 1.2 2022. We Put It to the TEST! [ ], Ou alors, faites un lien vers lun des contenus de votre site, Comparaison entre Ortur Laser Master 3 et Sculpfun S9. Les champs obligatoires sont indiqus avec *, Compltez ce captcha SVP * Ou connectez-vous avec lun de ces services, Bonjour,Ayant dj une Workbee 1500x1500mm avec un contrleur Duet 3 achet sur Ooznest, j'aimerais y ajouter un laser afin de faire des dcoupes surtout de maquettes genre contre plaqu 3mm. EDIT: A force de cherche y compris sur ce forum, je vous que laSCULPFUN S9 a l'air pas mal. The engraving and cutting came out great with a clean cut edge. But more on this at some other time. prend la plus haut de gamme et la plus puissante, tu sera tranquille si un jours tu change la tte laser pour une plus puissante, ce que je pense faire avec ma CNC. As we can see below, the Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro did engrave the photo quite well, although it looks a little bit less detailed than with Sculpfun S9, which had more contrast with its engraving and was able to engrave with less power for the same result which in practice means being able to engrave with faster speeds. Thus, the engraving deviation is 4 times less than the Sculpfun f9 has. Pour l'adapter mon contrleur j'ai dj pas mal cherch mais je trouve pas vraiment comment faire pour la coupler avec mon Duet 3 sans achet des contrleurs supplmentaire mais bon du coup ca impacte forcment mon budget. We obtained the following results. The MagPi : Tous les numros en tlchargement gratuit, Livre ENI : Scratch et Raspberry Pi 2nde Edition, Mentions lgales Politique de confidentialit, JLCPCB : Mieux fabriquer les Circuits imprims PCB, Fabrication de circuits imprims (PCB) chez JLCPCB, Imaginez un circuit imprim, JLCPCB le fabrique pour 2$, Crer sa carte HAT pour Raspberry Pi avec EasyEDA, Lien affili pour acheter Ortur Laser Master 3 chez Ortur, Lien affili pour acheter Ortur Laser Master 3 chez Madethebest, Lien affili pour acheter Ortur Laser Master 3 chez Sinsimall, Graveur/Dcoupe LASER 10 watts Longer Ray 5 autonome, avec cran tactile et connexion WiFi, En savoir plus sur comment les donnes de vos commentaires sont utilises, [ ], La Sculpfun S9 est construite sur des profils alu classiques. Je nai pas encore test le modle 10 watts. Tous J'avoue que les laser CO2 me paraissent plus compliqus mettre en uvre (fragilit, refroidissement, alignement, ) et plus dangereux. I know this is a month old, but did you wind up choosing one? Ill keep playing! Is it really worth 100$ more than the competitors? Maximum speed 6000 mm/min Machine power consumption without a laser 6W. At 6mm and 9mm the dot becomes quite thick compared to Sculpfun S9. Laser Master 2 Pro is their high-end machine, and it cost about 100$ more than the Sculpfun S9, or S6 Pro or an Atomstack A5 Pro we have tested previously. Dsol, je sucks en lectronique Vous devez tre membre afin de pouvoir dposer un commentaire. In this way, it will be easy to compare the engraving quality of the two machines at similar speeds.

Corrigez moi si je me trompe aprs je ne suis pas compltement ferm l'ide mais bon. aprs le but est quand mme d'avoir un rsultat satisfaisant mme si ca prend un peu plus de temps. Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro was able to cut through in 9 passes. The machine was stopping frequently when cutting wood near the sensor. We are testing their mechanical quality of them. Bark engraving I did with Sculpfun S9 using the same settings, we can clearly see that the Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro with LU2-4 laser diode is not as good at engraving stainless steel. Lightburn supports more formats: AI, SVG, DXF, PDF, HPGL, PLT, and RD for vector formats and PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, TGA, and GIF for image formats. We are going to make some speed tests to see how it performs. Au niveau budget matriel j'aurais espr m'en sortir pour genre 300 possible? The Ortur is probably one the most popular laser engraver brands on the market. et sur le schma je comprends pas trop toutes les alims entre le V_IN le 3V3 et le 5V. Vous pouvez cliquer sur les images pour les agrandir. Compatible 3D printers and CNC machines - compatibility list, Guide book for laser cutting / engraving parameters. 709,99 Vous pouvez aussi vous abonner sans commenter. J'avais repr l'ortus avez vous sinon des alternatives plus intressantes? In this test, the Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro tends to show signs of rectangular beam shape, as the vertical and horizontal scans look a bit different. Get your own special CNC frame for you and your business! Did a short test on 3mm black acrylic (plexi glass) at 600mm/min. Donc dans la vido il prend 4 passe a couper son morceau ce qui me parait raisonnable et plus raliste. The minimum speed of the wave appearance is 800 mm/se. Bon aprs comme dit pour moi si c'est 5-6 passes plutt que 3 ca me drange pas surtout que je vise plutt du 3-4mm. Or check the offer below.

0mm means that the focus is perfectly set (with aluminium block). Brand New Sculpfun S10 Laser Engraver Hands-on Review Better Than The Sculpfun S9? An Endurance lasers library all you need to know about laser applications. The engraving came out very light in color. We achieve this by progressively lowering the board by 3mm for each square, without refocusing the laser head. You can use the thickening effect to your advantage in cases when you want to engrave bigger stuff with low detail. The key thing is to evaluate the accuracy of the machines while they do laser cutting or laser engraving. You can get a very good Z axis screw focusing system from Ortur for around 50$ which should get rid of all these problems, but the add-on is quite expensive and we didnt decide to get it. The machine can cut wood, especially Poplar plywood which is soft and it is the preferred wood for all laser cutters. Purchase an Endurance laser attachment for your 3D printer / CNC machine. It took us well over an hour to completely assemble the machine, because some of the steps were not so clear and we have forgot to slid some nuts in the aluminium profiles in an earlier step and the machine needed to be taken apart again to fix that. 709,99 Le nombre de pices est relativement important, en particulier les vis dont on voit les sachets en haut gauche de limage. Then we tried harder and denser 3mm thick Beech wood. We installed our Endurance 10 Watt (10000 mw) DeLux laser on the machine to carry on a number of tests to evaluate the quality of the machine. But in our opinion it could use a stronger laser module and better light shield on the laser head. For big engravings you could increase the step to 1mm or more, to make engraving faster. Lets do some further testing with the digital microscope. All you need to know about bad laser beam quality in Ortur laser. The text engraving is done at 600 mm/s which is quite fast for such small movements, and therefore some shaking of the laser head is visible in the corners. Sur la Ortur Laser Master 3, les courroies sont des boucles que vous posez sur la poulie crante ct moteur ( larrire) et sur la poulie folle (image centrale) qui se rgle avec un tendeur., Sinon en montant en gamme: Screws and parts come in a few bags which are not labeled accordingly to the necessary step in the assembly manual. In this test we will see how the laser dot size increases further down into the material. You can not make a greyscale image though with this technique. Do yourself a favour and get a good quality OD6+ safety googles which offer a few magnitudes better protection for your eyes! Sinon effectivement il faut passer au laser mais quid de la scurit sans enceinte complte? In the second test, we engraved a snowflake on a piece of anodized aluminum. pour la dcoupe de bois, il faut un laser puissant, sinon a reste de la gravure, cependant en insistant beaucoup, mais vraiment beaucoup, (40 passes) j'ai russi a couper 4mm sur les 6 d'paisseur d'un panneau de medium avec mon laser diode de 2,5W, sans assistance air comprim, mon prochain essais se fera avec assistance air comprim et modification du focus en automatique dans le gcode. As the test shows waving takes place along the X-axis only. Movement is possible in two axes, and Y. We have performed the more or less standardized test which we perform on all the laser engravers and cutters. Our standard engrave pattern is designed to showcase the engraving capabilities at different settings, so you can see the effectiveness of the laser beam. (Review). This time, we have tested the machines in their standard configuration.

The beam will be larger and the engraving will be done faster this way as the distance between engraved lines can be bigger. Une IMPRIMANTE 3D qui fait LASER, test de la Tevoup Hydra, Les Lunettes + petits capots de protection genre. It is not free though, but the license costs 60$. You will find the Ortur results in this post. Elles sont livres en longueur et cest vous de les passer correctement pour entraner le chariot. The power scale test pattern shows how the machine engraves with different power levels at different speeds. I would also recommend getting more quality protection googles with OD6+ protection.

But compared to the Sculpfun or Atomstack manual, the Ortur assembly manual is a little bit less clear than the other two. We install the same laser on it and run the same test file. Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro is advertised to be 20W input power rated. Test was made at three different speeds with 3mm and 6mm thick Poplar plywood being cut.The test was performed in both scanning directions horizontal X axis (left-right) and vertical Y axis (back to front) as the cutting performance is different in each direction because the dot has rectangular shape. Auteur de plusieurs livres sur le Raspberry Pi publis aux Editions ENI. We can see that the Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro performed a bit worse than the Sculpfun S9, but not by much. This image shows that the wave amplitude is less even at a higher speed. Free diode lasers from Endurance for educators. La Sculpfun S9, je vous lavais prsente dbut avril. si tu regarde bien , il y a des sauts d'image lors des coupe, ce qui me fait penser a une coupure d'image sur plusieurs tours, avec 5,5W , je pense qu'il faut bien plus que le nombre qui est montr, ma fille avais un 80W C02 et coupais le 10mm en une seule passe sans soucis mais avec assistance air comprim, sur la vido, je n'ai pas vu d'air comprim, ce qui me fait douter du nombre de passes, je viens de voir la fin, une gravure sur mtal bien brillant, pour moi, hors C02, ce n'est pas possible, il faut "noircir" le mtal avant gravure , pour penser graver quelque chose dessus, a tres forte puissance et trs faible vitesse. La Ortur est plutt une machine haut de gamme et le prix est justifi par la qualit des rsultats obtenus. De plus la hauteur est moins importante chez Ortur (pas mal quand vous faites vous mme le caisson). I guess this is because they wanted to reach a very high engraving speed of 10000mm/min (which is very very high Sculpfunn or Atomstack are rated at 6000mm/min max). Ici pas dAir Assist intgr et on a recours la bonne vielle pige en aluminium pour caler la hauteur du Laser. Ce genre de vido sont truque du coup ou quoi? The machine can be assembled in a good hour or a bit more. lectronicien d'origine, devenu informaticien, et passionn de nouvelles technologies, formateur en maintenance informatique puis en Rseau et Tlcommunications. Connectez-vous ici. Non recommand sur les ordinateurs partags, Ayant dj une Workbee 1500x1500mm avec un contrleur Duet 3 achet sur Ooznest, j'aimerais y ajouter un laser afin de faire des dcoupes surtout de maquettes genre contre plaqu 3mm. The Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro Laser Engraver, Cutting and Engraving Different Materials, Mrs. The further down in the material the dot stays focused, the thicker material you will be able to cut. It will guarantee you the price tag of 409.99$. This is especially true when it comes to cutting 4mm ply. Lets see the result in more detail in the below chapters. You only have one pair of eyes. About Endurance lasers and Endurance Laser LLC official data. But thanks to the limit switches, the work can be continued by starting the job from where it was stopped. Si je comprend bien je doit prvoir: Au niveau du laser justement que prendre?

This can be easily avoided by reducing the acceleration and speed in the settings. The Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro has very little wobble which is probably due to the machine being lower and the laser head being lighter. The Sculpfun and Atomstack instruction manuals are easier to follow. Il faudra ensuite bloquer chaque extrmit avec un crou. Download center: laser engraving programs, software tools, plugins & extensions, STL files. Make your laser cutting fast and accurate! Le graveur Ortur Laser Master 3 est en prvente. It surprised us how small the laser head is compared to the Sculpfun or the Atomstack. Work field 410 by 420 mm. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Ce site utilise Akismet pour rduire les indsirables. With the machine you can cut paper and tape in one pass and cardboard or wood in multiple passes. First thing that we see is that the Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro has a dot shape, sized a bit less than 0.1 times 0.2 millimetres. We made a test trying to cut 10mm plywood at 600mm/min. a me permet de dterminer ce que je conserve latelier et ce dont je me spare Avec lvolution des matriels, il arrive frquemment quune machine qui tait au top soit dclasse par une nouveaut. Next, we have tested the Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro on a scrap piece of black anodized aluminium. Le chariot Laser de la Sculpfun S9 est entran par deux courroies.

La Ortur Laser Master 3 comporte beaucoup moins de pices, en particulier il ny a que 6 vis. Below is a photo of one more test, the engraving of a snowflake. It is my first lazer so I have nothing to compare it to, but it doesn't have the features you are looking at. Plus rcente, on naura pas dhsitation linstaller dans un milieu moins maker. Here, the first part of the test is over. With LaserGRBL you can import vector files (NC, BMP, JPG, PNG, DXF) and bitmap image files (bmp, jpg, png and gif). We need to take in the effect that the speed is also quite high for this test (600mm/min). Crez un compte sur notre communaut. Laserpecker L1 Pro Suite is a Laser Engraver ANYONE Can Use! Power is varied from 10% to 100% in 10% increments and the speeds are 600, 1200, 1800 and 2400mm/min. You should use Poplar plywood. Next we will further examine the separate parts of the test pattern. Si je comprends bien je doit acheter un composant 74HCT02D,653 et connecter au port heater de mon duet mais dj le port panel due heater c'est une fiche a 4 fils. A place to share your laser cutter creations, tips, questions and other laser cutter related information. If you want to engrave a very large photo, prepare to wait a couple of hours . Pas de surprise ici avec le minimum vital : Une prise dalimentation, une prise USB-B et un interrupteur A/M. Si on regarde maintenant le montage, pour la Sculpfun S9, il faut tre un peu bricoleur car il y a pas mal de vis mettre en place pour chaque angle et les pieds. Je suppose que la diffrence est consacre aux moteurs. For optimal cutting, the heatsink needs to be 40mm above the engraving surface. This test shows how well the Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro cuts harder woods at 600mm/min.First we tried to cut 4mm pine wood which is still quite soft. Je ne suis pas super press donc pas d'office besoin de couper 50mm en une passe. The focusing procedure can be done with the included aluminium focusing block. 1324 articles ont t publis sur le blog

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have omitted the blue acrylic cu

have omitted the blue acrylic cu  関連記事

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