electroculture gardening
Scottsdale, Arizona Bands and copper wire to protect bees: greatly reduces the problems of varroa, parasites and bacterial diseases of hives. Plants cultivated by electroculture hence benefit as much as possible from these energies which, if not picked up, would just be wasted. It means that last weeks perpetually electrified garden wasnt quite the complete dead-end I originally imagined and maybe not quite as hare-brained either. Like the cylindrical magnetic antenna, posed north south connected to a wire. 13. 12. Now he too tried watering plants with electrified water delivered from an insulated barrel on a trolley that could be trundled along by the gardener between the rows. The room wasn't big enough to accommodate everyone and people had to stan outsidethe door to listen. China is not the first country that discovers the electro culture. You should know that it exists since a very long time. The power of electricity has been used to replace the traditional petrol fuel power vehicle, stove and fertiliser.
24. The exchange of these forces determines the growth of a plant and the proper functioning of the chlorophyll system; briefly said, it organises life thanks to the ascension of sap. I recommend the book "Sacred Mission" of Matteo Tavera, he was one of the first pionneers of the organic mouvement in the seventies in France, he is cofounder of the association "Nature et Progrs". To come and visit a next presentation, here some details and links : Below you find a series of pdf articles and books you can download. Installed initially in a field of potatoes, plants within its reach were greener, healthier and produced more potatoes. ("naturalWidth"in a&&"naturalHeight"in a))return{};for(var d=0;a=c[d];++d){var e=a.getAttribute("data-pagespeed-url-hash");e&&(! [South Eastern Gazette, 28th January 1845]. Orgonites Pays Basque
Thunderstorms carry an electrical charge and somehow plants have learned to read that as a signalthat heavy rain is imminent. However, despite further research it was not until 2006 thatAndrew Goldsworthy, a plant biotechnologist from Imperial College, put forward what seems like the most likely explanation for what actually caused this reaction. Buried near or under trees, plants, or buried all around the plot and in the middle. ShungitStore
Energization of water. Acts as a harmonizer of schumann waves and electromagnetic pollution which reduces its harmful effects on life. In fact it was just the first sign of a complete new science or, as many others would have it, pseudo-science Electroculture. In next few days, you will be able to access more information on this site : Including e-books and articles about electroculture, pyramids and much more. Prayer. Another setup (oriented North-South) consists of a straight magnet (do not use horseshoe magnets) placed underground and connected to a grid of galvanised iron placed in parallel. Prsence Unitaire
27 to 29 th April 2012 on Holy Hills, Thorington, Suffolk, England. This was the first big event presentation about electroculture in Canada since several decades.
Plan of an experimental plot with costings from Mechis Letters, I wondered where Forster got the idea from, and discovered that he was far from unique and that there were plenty ofamateur scientists who had never stopped trying to perfect a way of getting electricity to boost plant growth. His book is very enlightening with his vision and observations of electricity, electromagnetism in nature, how animals, plants and nature gain their energy and communication. Natural cosmic and telluric antenna to place plants at the feet and strengthen their energy. Atmospheric antenna , lightning rod type for fertilizing: Atmospheric antennas of Paulin, Geomagnetiferous or electro - vegetometer type. 100 kg of garlic on a vegetable garden of 25 sqm, Mr. Thvenin had won his bet. Sonic transmitter. 26. Nowadays the Paulin system, named after its inventor, is the easiest to setup for an amateur. In the 1880s Professor Karl Selim Lemstrm of Helsinki University a geophysicist studying the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights began to wonder if they had an effect on plant growth becausehe noticed that the trees in the far north grew rapidly despite the short growing season. This was written up in a series of books including Response in the living and non-living[1902] Comparative electro-physiology(1907)and The motor mechanism of plants(1928). Without electricity, you would not be able to read this blog right now. He experimented in his own, Individual Houses, Gardens and Landscapes, Gardeners, Garden Makers and Designers & Plant Hunters, last weeks perpetually electrified garden. This is nothing says Mr. Thvenin. 14648 N Scottsdale Rd The vegetable can also defend itself more easily against illnesses and parasites. Lemstrms results attracted international attention and he was able toconduct some of his later experiments in collaboration with other scientists in Sweden, Germany and at Durham College of Science. Ia Orana Feng Shui
Almost everyone's least favourite tree Two Essex Girls & the exotic: Ella & Florence Du Cane, Follow The Gardens Trust on WordPress.com. Magnets for bee hives : Strengthens hives, increases honey production and significantly reduces varroa problems and diseases. The introduction of high-voltage kills all the virus-transmitting diseases and bacteria both in the soil and air. Meanwhile work in other countries including the US was less encouraging. The introduction of electricity accelerates the transportation of some naturally charged particles such as calcium ions and bicarbonates, which boost the metabolism process of the plant. There definitely isnt space to go into it all now and it would be very easy to get bogged down in the battle between conventional and non-conventional schools of thought so rather than suggest one or two starting points for further research as I usually do why not just try a simple google search for electro-culture and follow the sparks! 3. I want to thank each of you for your support, encouragements and enlightening testimonials and knowledge we all shared together. Paulin refined Abbe Berthelons electro-vegetatometer devising an atmospheric antenna that he called a geomagnetifere. If you want to organise one presentation, workshop about Electroculture, please feel free to contact me, I will be happy to help you for the organisation. Unfortunately their field trials,based on the idea proposed by Lemstrom, on a wide range of crops suffered from several years of bad weather and they were forced to use plants in pots. China, the country with the largest population in the world, has the highest demands of food. The vegetable garden of electroculture, this queen of gardening with miraculous methods. Keeping you informed about events, workshops, meetings, trips harvest on the control plot (no setup): 354g, 149 cobs, average number of grains per cob: 15. harvest on the electroculture plot: 795g, 240 cobs, average number of grains per cob: 25. harvest on the control plot: 610kg of potatoes. Learn how your comment data is processed. It might happen once.
Increases rooting and growth. This type of naturally occurring Magnetoculture inspires me to develop new techniques. Under the drive of Pre Tasse, the villagers using electroculture managed to cultivate tomatoes, mil and sweet potatoes. ");b!=Array.prototype&&b!=Object.prototype&&(b[c]=a.value)},h="undefined"!=typeof window&&window===this?this:"undefined"!=typeof global&&null!=global?global:this,k=["String","prototype","repeat"],l=0;l
14. Researchers looked at this phenomenon and found an explanation: some rocks are rich in electropositive metals (like copper), the soil being itself naturally a carrier of negative charges, they thought that at certain locations there was a natural production of forces beneficial to plants. The examples speak There are many setups available. Snail shells . No, what is needed is not to harvest one but hundreds. In Pithiviers, M.Marcel Thvenin harvested a plant of tomatoes (in a galvanized iron mesh with antenna system) of more than 2m height, loaded with very big and delicious fruits. What lab experiments showed was that the optimum electrical charge to be applied to plants to increase yield turned out to be similar to the charge in a thunderstorm.
They offered bulbs from 900 g to one kilo. Much of the early history of electroculture in both both Britain and the continent, including Forsters work, was written up by Edward Solly, a Fellow of the Royal Society, and Experimental Chemist to the Horticultural Society who published On the Influence of Electricity on Vegetation in the Journal of the Horticultural Society in 1845. Its not natural. A mini electric current hence results from this exchange and permeates the crops culture. Nevertheless it resulted in considerable interest from the agricultural and horticultural communities who lobbied the government for further research. The setup of the electro culture is simple, with high voltage copper wires hanging three-metre above the plant. The Department of Agriculture issued a bulletin in 1926 which concluded that a review of the literature of electrocultural experimentation up to the present time does not lend assurance of great progress., Ten years later in 1936 the British Electrocultural Committee was wound up concluding that there was little advantage to continue the work either on economic or on scientific grounds and regret that after so exhaustive a study of this matter the practical results should be so disappointing.. 8. No, electroculture and electricity providers have nothing in common. This free and natural electricity has several aspects: The aim of electroculture is to pick up the electro-magnetic energies for the benefit of the plants. 11. Hlaine faiseuse de fes
A copper wire connects the antenna to a mesh of galvanized iron (standard fences..) with a length of 3 to 4 meters, depending on the parcel to cultivate and of an height of about 20 cm. More than that, he patented several devices which went into commercial production. China is making its vegetables grow bigger, faster and stronger using electricity, China has made a shocking food production discovery electro culture. Magnets of different sizes for electroculture: to magnetize water, make antennas, etc 15. Wind chimes tuned to musical notes harmonized with nature, in 432 hz, for the garden, greenhouse, house. 5. However, the ultimate method of electroculture will in the future consist of getting rid of antennas, wires, etc. It was well reported in gardening and even national press andhe travelled the world lecturing eventually writing it all up inElectroculture which was also translated into English. He experimented in his own potager lectrique,or electric vegetable gardenusing what he called electro-magnetic terro-celestial power. An American, James Lee Scribner obtained, by plunging a bean in electromagnetic baths, a plant of 7m length. Here are the results: Strawberries (culture with antennas) were harvested on May 19th, other in a traditional culture on the 3rd of June only. [, wanted do away with chemical fertilisers but still improve plant growth, rejuvenate old plants and deal with many pests and diseases.
Yet scepticism continued with the Farmers Guide to Scientific and Practical Agriculture. Application of specific frequencies close to the songs of birds very favorable to the growth and the health of the plants.
Our current agriculture system cannot meet the requirement of population growth. Franklins lightning experiment probably never happened quite like this but its a good story nonetheless. Very effective.
28. Electricity is everywhere you look, and you dont. Magnetic rain stick pipe for natural dynamization of water , by the natural beneficial effects of paramagnetic basalt and fired ceramics in a bath of beneficial microorganisms information, to be installed on the water inlet: irrigation or spray water, by a pointed passive system. There were other French would-be electricians too, notably the Abb PierreBerthelon who had already written about the benefits of electricity and health, and other related subjects. 1. from Electricity in Agriculture and Horticulture by Lemstrom, 1904. I didnt expect that electricity could be used in this way. Spiral antennas inspired by Luigi Ighina. 7. Bury it slightly. Electro culture stimulates plant growth with three major mechanisms: It does absolutely no harm to the plants or to those peoples standing nearby. Said Prof. Liu Binjiang, agriculture scientist from CAAS and the leader in this project. 9. In 1783 hepublished De llectricit des vegetaux, which included a description of the first electro-culture tool: the electro-vegetatometer! Schumann wave generator. We were at the end of june when Mr. Thvenin told me that. Of course it is a matter of current, but it is not produced by a powerplant. At the center of this vertical cylinder you plant an antenna made of a copper pipe non connected to the grid at all (Schematic D). Pyramids in kits. Electrostatic energetic field. Dont ask how precisely it was too complicated to read and translate 18thc technical French but the image below should give you the general idea.
Although the work was not a classified secret he was unable to ascertain why effectively the committees findings should have been suppressed like this. It was chaired by Sir John Snell, Chairman of the Electricity Commission. https://revolution-green.com/china-making-vegetables-grow-bigger-faster-stronger-using-electricity/, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/10/china-has-made-a-shocking-food-production-discovery-electro-culture/. I will present electroculture techniques in detail how to use in agriculture and in your garden. 22. Avoids scaling. Chimes in 432 hz. (LogOut/ He published a 700+ pages long Essay onElectricityin 1781 which reported his findings that the germination of seeds and the sprouting of bulbs was quicker and when plantswere electrified, they grew with more vigour than usual.
Eternal knowledge festival. Later it was tried in vineyards and produced sweeter larger grapes that produced better quality wine.
It is neither connected to the other mesh, nor to the antenna (Schematic B). due to the invention of what was called an Earth, zinc and copper plates were put into the soil and connected above ground by wires. Connected to a galvanized wire lay or buried in the ground facing north south. Sitemap, Electroculture Gardening Techniques for Beginners - Elevate your garden. De la fertilisation lectrique des plantes. (e in b.c))if(0>=c.offsetWidth&&0>=c.offsetHeight)a=!1;else{d=c.getBoundingClientRect();var f=document.body;a=d.top+("pageYOffset"in window?window.pageYOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollTop);d=d.left+("pageXOffset"in window?window.pageXOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollLeft);f=a.toString()+","+d;b.b.hasOwnProperty(f)?a=!1:(b.b[f]=!0,a=a<=b.g.height&&d<=b.g.width)}a&&(b.a.push(e),b.c[e]=!0)}y.prototype.checkImageForCriticality=function(b){b.getBoundingClientRect&&z(this,b)};u("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality",function(b){x.checkImageForCriticality(b)});u("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkCriticalImages",function(){A(x)});function A(b){b.b={};for(var c=["IMG","INPUT"],a=[],d=0;d
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