program addresses contemporary
The program addresses contemporary international issues, with classroom seminars and lectures, as well as educational & cultural events, conferences, professional trainings, tours, visits and meetings with foreign officials, which are further incorporated into the curriculum. Deal with complex situations resulting from globalized societies and economies. in total and has duration of two semesters, which take place in both Berlin, Germany and Siena, Italy, a Professional Development Training Program, designed individually for each student and a Thesis to be submitted towards the completion of the program. The International Telematic University Uninettuno (UTIU) is a single institution with a wide-reaching audience. Stella Way, Fall Semester Start: October 2nd , 2014. Proof of English language proficiency adequate to enable the applicant to study in this language (see language requirements). The general structure of the program is available below: This unique structure of the program provides the students with the advantage of learning in 2 different major European cities and thus the opportunity to gain academic, professional and personal experience from living in different cultures. Your DAAD Team. The professional development training programme is designed individually with each student and comprises some or all of the following main components: Elective courses for semester two (students must select two). A minimum requirement of 210 ECTS or a 4-year degree program(normative time-to-degree). Essay - An Essay relating to applicants personal interests and passions, pertaining to the fields of the MA program is required. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Legal Notice | Do Not Sell (CA and NV residents), Copyright1995-2020EducationDynamics, LLC. The program consists of 60 ECTS credits in total and has duration of two semesters, which take place in both Berlin, Germany and Siena, Italy and a Professional Development Training Program, designed individually for each student. The following certificates are recognised as proof of your language proficience. If students prefer, however, they are able to participate in semester one and two in the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin and then semester three and four online. see your personal application deadline & tuition fee. Our aim is to attract students from a variety of backgrounds and countries that will foster a unique and diverse learning environment. Together, "International Relations" and "Cultural Diplomacy" open new horizonsbased on intercultural understanding in a globalised society. Program outcomes vary according to each institutions specific program curriculum. If you have third-party cookies blocked, please enable them, refresh, and try again.
Possible themes and reading materials will be sent to the applicant in the e-mail responding to the online application. Furthermore, the programs structure provides a unique opportunity to benefit from the study environment in both an international nongovernmental organization and a traditional public University. but will help us tremendously to determine how we can improve the usability of our website. The CCDS focuses in particular on exploring the balancing between hard and soft power, the process of globalization in an interdependent world, international economics & business multiculturalism, intercultural dialogue & exchange, human rights, religion, and the ability for culturally based initiatives to further mutual understanding and in turn to foster global peace and stability. The Online MA is divided into sixteen modules comprising both mandatory and elected subjects. Rather, the panel considers academic achievement as well as personal qualities such as strength of character, motivation and the ability and willingness to take on new academic challenges. You MUST claim your prize within 72 hours, if not we will redraw. *Elective Courses The decision of the offered elective courses is made by the CCDS faculty, in accordance with the timing period of the Semester, logistical issues as well the planned activities of the ICD during the prospective period. On a practical level, it allows students to create a solid professional network and form a concrete base for future academic and professional career choices, preparing students for engagement in the international arena, civil society, politics, governmental organizations and international economic organizations, as well as the private sector.
Malvern View Business Park, personalized information on deadlines, fees, scholarships, visa etc. Thema des Expertentalks: Glck ist kein Zufall - wie Geisteshaltung und Einstellung die Chance auf positive Fgungen steigert. Next Start: Students will attend 5 modular classes and will be assessed based on class participation and the completion of term papers. Bishops Cleeve, The program follows the conventional university structure of 3 Semesters: one year academic program divided into two study semesters, where Students are offered facultative courses to accompany mandatory courses, a professional development experience and the final thesis to be submitted after the 3rd semester, which is dedicated to the Thesis writing. Please visit the websites of the universities for up-to-date information. Best regards, So what does this mean for you? *The program is structured as a 3 Semesters program, however Students who wish to finalize the program earlier, are able to submit their thesis prior to the final deadline, which is the end of the third semester. Scholarships, equalling up to a 10% deduction of tuition costs, are available for students based on educational excellence and financial need. "International Relations" will enable graduates to deal with complex situations that result from globalized societies and economies. All rights reserved. Juli (Wintersemester), 15. This particular emphasis on Cultural Diplomacy and its historical and contemporary application in the public sector, private sector and civil society, provides students with expertise in three distinct academic fields, thus with an academic and practical advantage in the European and Global Arena., MA Program in International Economics, Business & CD (Regular track), MA Program in International Economics, Business & CD (Short track), MA Program in International Relations and CD (Short track), MA Program in International Relations and CD (Regular track), MA Program in International Relations, Global Health & Cultural Diplomacy (Short track), The History and Evolution of the Field of Cultural Diplomacy, International Case Studies of applied Cultural Diplomacy, Future Trends in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, Nation Branding and Unilateral Cultural Diplomacy, International Governance: Trade, Finance and Common Pool Resources, Module International Financial Markets and Institutions, Development of Cultural Diplomacy Initiative, Participating in and Contributing to ICDs Projects, Activities and Conferences, Internship in external Organizations and Institutes. The CCDS programs offer high levels of leadership and provide students the skills to shape their future leadership roles, while addressing the critical issues challenging the world today. The International Telematic University Uninettuno (UTIU). If you have studied at least 1 semester in an English language, a certificate which attests this fact will be sufficient as well. Course
9,000 , 45 The sources for school statistics and data is the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System unless otherwise noted. Candidates will include recent BA graduates as well as young professionals who combine academic backgrounds with work experience. Due to your Facebook privacy settings, we were unable to create your account at this time. The main priority of the curriculum for the first semester is to provide students with a solid foundation and understanding of the history and contemporary practice of Cultural Diplomacy, as well as future applications of the field. The degree prepares students for careers in diverse fields, such as the field of international relations, the humanities, politics, and culture, with a special focus on Cultural Diplomacy institutions and the application of Cultural Diplomacy in the framework of foreign policy and international economics. SOCIAL SCIENCE The first semester of the program is hosted by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin and the second semester is hosted by the University of Siena. In this way, they can expand on their learning experience in a productive and cooperative way. MA in International Economics and Cultural Diplomacy, PG Diploma in Business Administration: Public Relations Management, 207 Ku'damm Karree, Kurfurstendamm, 10719, The Institute For Cultural Diplomacy courses, EMAGISTER Servicios de formacin, S.L. This should be accompanied by the following documents: Does the university recognize "other equivalent language certificates"? During course of their studies, the students receive guidance via an online tutoring system, which equips them with the necessary tools for successful studies. The program may be scheduled in the period either immediately following the first semester (before the second semester, pending on the date of the enrolment to the program) or following the second semester either in Berlin or in the location of the students choice (however under the supervision of the students professional advisors at the ICD). Read more, The MA Degree in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy is a two-year program offered by Furtwangen University (HFU) in partnership The program provides a foundation in International Relations, and Cultural Diplomacy, using a historical and case study approach in the framework of international relations theory and political science. To get the most out of FindAMasters, finish your profile and receive these benefits: *Offer only available for the duration of your active subscription, and subject to change. This exceptional learning environment leads to original research and independent study opportunities. Across the world you can have access to knowledge without any space, time or geographic limits. Already have a myFindAMasters Account? If study places are still available, applications will be considered until 2 weeks before the start of the semester. Exchange partner schools Who would you like to address this question to? Spring Semester: April, 10th, 2015 Individuals are required to hold a BA degree (or equivalent Degree) of minimum of 3 years studies, as degrees from across the world and from any field are acceptable*. Personal Statement- Applicants are asked to submit a personal statement of no more than 700 words explaining their motivation for undertaking the MA Program. For students with an interest in foreign policy, international affairs, cultural diplomacy, political science, or international economics, the programs provide a platform from which students can gain hands-on experience and high-level knowledge; equipping students with the tools to launch their career even before the completion of their studies. Credits obtained through our MA program are equivalent to those of courses at universities in all other 30+ signatory countries. Agriculture Horticulture and Veterinary Studies, The History and Evolution of the Field of Cultural Diplomacy, International Case Studies of Cultural Diplomacy, Future Trends in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, Nation Branding and Unilateral Cultural Diplomacy, International Relations & Global governance, Contemporary crisis, conflict resolutions & Negotiations, Political change and ideological challenges in Europe, International Relations in the EU- Mediterranean region, Development of Cultural Diplomacy Initiative, Participating in and Contributing to ICDs Projects, Activities and Conferences. A minimum of 72 points must be gained on the Internet-based TOEFL test (iBT) or the equivalent on other similar language tests. Semester 1 (30 Credits)The main priority of the curriculum for the first semester is to provide students with a solid foundation and understanding of the history and contemporary practice of Cultural Diplomacy, as well as future applications of the field. Cheltenham, GL52 7DQ, C) 2006-2022 Masters Compare is a trading name of Think Postgrad Ltd Dear students and all interested parties. No matriculation required - students are registered to the program as external students according to Federal Law LHG 33 (Externenprfung). The program provides a foundation in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, using a historical and case study approach in the framework of international relations theory and political science. By providing information or agreeing to be contacted by a Sponsored School, you are in no way obligated to apply to or enroll with the school. The Essay should be of no less than 2 A4 pages long and of no more than 5 A4 pages long. More information on the programme is provided in the section "Course organisation". Please select another method to sign up. Additional Documentation (not compulsory)- recommendation/reference letters, *Current undergraduate students (who are due to graduate in the Summer of 2014 towards enrolment to the Fall semester 2014) are required to submit a confirmation of their current studies and copy of their current transcripts. During the second semester, students will take a professional development training programme at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy as well as two elective courses. Although each scholarship request will be evaluated on an individual basis, students are expected to have an above-average grade point of 4.5 (on a 5.0 scale) in order to qualify for a grant and then to prove financial need. Our aim is to attract students from a variety of backgrounds and countries that will foster a unique and diverse learning environment. MA Program in Global Governance & Cultural Diplomacy, Address Rather, our admissions panel considers academic achievement as well as personal qualities such as strength of character, motivation and the ability and willingness to take on new academic challenges. Proficiency in written and spoken English at minimum level B2 Common European Framework of Reference is required. Students can broaden the scope of their knowledge, study and learn about different cultures. If relevant for application to the fast track program: copies of employer letters of reference (in German or English, or translated). Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, Genthinerstr. Based on this decision, it is possible that only two courses will be offered in the given semester and students will need to take these courses. The Degrees are all awarded by the Universities, which are recognized as fully accredited institutions of higher education with the right to award university degrees, are part of the Bologna Process set in place by the European Commission, and use the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) to award degrees. Copyright 2005-2022 Compensation may impact where the Sponsored Schools appear on our websites, including whether they appear as a match through our education matching services tool, the order in which they appear in a listing, and/or their ranking. The curriculum is designed to include a mixture of video-lessons, seminars, exercises, conferences, as well as tutoring and research activities. Students will earn 30 credits per semester during the MA program, for a total of 120 credits upon completion. Students should consult with a representative from the school they select to learn more about career opportunities in that field. Students will meet with leading experts working in international organizations, embassies, and academic institutions, and will engage with specialists in the areas of International Relations, Global Governance, Communication, Politics, Human Rights, Culture, Peace Building, Multilateral Diplomacy, Conflict Resolution, and Development. Individuals studying for an MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy will represent a diverse range of cultural and academic backgrounds, and will have consistently demonstrated academic excellence and leadership. 78120 Furtwangen im Schwarzwald. Summer Semester: May 31st. Individuals studying for the MA will represent a diverse range of cultural and academic backgrounds. Fall Semester: October 1st, 2015, Application deadline Copyright EuroEducation Net. ARTS & DESIGN
2015 The program consists of 120 ECTS credits in total and has duration of four semesters, which take place in the Center of Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS) of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy - Berlin, Germany and the Babes-Bolyai University Cluj, Roman, API in Berlin, Germany: FUBEST European Studies. Do you want hassle-free information and advice? This is an offer for educational opportunities that may lead to employment and not an offer for nor a guarantee of employment. We are verifying your question adjusts to our publishing rules. The Professional Development Training Program provides students with the opportunity to apply in practice what they learn in theory in their studies. The professional development training programme is designed individually with each student. At Uninettuno , prestigious professors from the most important universities of the world teach courses in various languages in both real and virtual classrooms over the Internet. Certificate for language competencies- required for applicants whose mother tongue is not English. SCIENCE, COMPUTER, IT The international environment of the Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies offers students a unique opportunity to interact with leading experts and academics at a wide variety of international organizations and research centers. You will be required to defend your thesis before a panel of faculty members prior to receiving a final grade. The professional development program at the ICD is designed individually with each of the students and is composed of part or all of the following main components:, Registered Office Address: Terms of Use | The students play an active role in their studies and interact with the aforementioned individuals due to the flexible and interactive nature of studying online. The traditional academic components of a degree in these fields have been adapted to fit in the dynamic, rapidly changing world. Log in. Disclosure: EducationDynamics receives compensation for the featured schools on our websites (see Sponsored Schools or Sponsored Listings or Sponsored Results). The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is part of the Bologna Process set in place by the European Commission, and uses the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) to award degrees. The program provides students with practical experience for both academic and professional development, preparing students for careers in diverse fields, such as international relations, the humanities, politics, Culture, foreign policy and international economics. We will only publish your name and question. Read more, The Program is offered by offered by Furtwangen University (HFU) in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy. The Master of Arts in International Economics, Business & Cultural Diplomacy is a two-year program offered by Furtwangen University (HFU) in partnership with the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy. All courses will be taught in English, and proficiency in English is therefore a pre-requisite for application. Summer Semester: July 1st, 2015 Educate Abroad Guide to Online & DL Degree Courses, HOME IU International University of Applied Sciences, Weekly advice, student stories and study fairs. Fall Semester: August 31st, 2015. All rights reserved | Contact | Imprint | Privacy Policy, The program provides a foundation in International Relations, and Cultural Diplomacy, using a historical and case study approach in the framework of international relations theory and political science. Have you got time to answer some quick questions about Masters study? Credits obtained through the MA program are equivalent to those of courses at universities in all other 30+ signatory countries. Januar (Sommersemester), ja (intern akkreditiert im Rahmen der Systemakkreditierung der Hochschule), International Economics, Business & Cultural Diplo, Bewerben und Einreisen fr Internationals. The Furtwangen University (HFU) is part of the Bologna Process set in place by the European Commission, and uses the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) to award degrees. Fall, Winter and Spring each year. "Cultural Diplomacy" facilitates and improves relationships and collaboration between disparate cultures. Curriculum Vitae (Resum) no longer than 2 A4 pages. Examples of proof of such proficiency include proof of having studied for a minimum of one semester in an English-taught study programme, a minimum of one years work experience in an English-speaking foreign country, or a relevant internationally recognised language test. Professional Development Training Programme. We were unable to log you in with your Google account at this time. The programs provide advanced knowledge and analytical tools for the study and practice of cultural diplomacy and the potential that it has in shaping international policies and global strategies. Letter of motivation in English(1 to maximum 2 pages in length, DIN A4, typed)., Robert-Gerwig-Platz 1 The degree focuses on several academic disciplines related to International Relations, International Economics, and Global Politics, with a particular emphasis on Cultural Diplomacy and its historical and contemporary application in the public sector, private sector and civil society. To learn about the possible Start Dates of the program for the academic year 2020-21, please click HERE. The International Telematic University Uninettuno is a distance-learning institute allowing individuals to study from anywhere. If you have studied at least 1 semester in an English language and/or have extensive working experience in the English language, a certificate/Document which attests this fact will be sufficient as well. Our websites do not provide, nor are they intended to provide, a comprehensive list of all schools (a) in the United States (b) located in a specific geographic area or (c) that offer a particular program of study. We use our own and third-party cookies to gather browsing data and show advertising. We are reviewing your question. Read more, You are interested in various technologies and always wanted to learn more about information management? * Elective Courses for Semester One (one of which each student must undertake), include: Students will begin their academic studies at the University of Siena during the second semester of the program. Am Donnerstag, den 21.07.2022 um 17 Uhr - lernt unsere Fakultt noch besser kennen! 20, 10785 Berlin, Germany, Date of commencement
"International Relations" will enable graduates to deal with complex situations that result from globalised societies and economies. After three semesters of academic study, during the fourth semester you are required to complete a Master's thesis which will be an in-depth analysis on a topic of your choice related to the theme of the programme. You will be provided with guidance on how to choose an appropriate topic and how to identify and locate the necessary sources. Digital learning materials Scholarships, equalling up to a 10% deduction of tuition costs, are available for students based on educational excellence and financial need. Looking to list your Masters programmes? The data you provide will be passed on to these centres so that we can inform you about each course. If you have studied at least 1 semester in an English language, a certificate which attests this fact will be sufficient as well. The program provides a foundation in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, using a historical and case study approach in the framework of international relations theory and political science. The degree prepares students for careers in diverse fields, such as the field of international relations, the humanities, politics, and culture, with a special focus on cultural diplomacy institutions and the application of Cultural Diplomacy in the framework of foreign policy and international economics According to your answers, we noticed you might not be elegible to enroll into this course, possibly because of: qualification requirements, location or others. Additional Documentation (not compulsory)- recommendation/reference letters. Personal Statement- Applicants are asked to submit a personal statement of no more than 700 words explaining their motivation for undertaking the MA Program. BUSINESS & MBA Official Undergraduate Degree certificate and Transcript*. The degree prepares students for careers in a number of diverse fields, such as the field of international relations, the humanities, politics, and culture, with a special focus upon the application of Cultural Diplomacy in the framework of global governance and global politics. University of Siena, Italy, Copyright 1995 - 2022 EuroEducation Net Log in here. We've been helping students find the right postgraduate course for over a decade. Enrolments to the Program are possible towards the fall, winter and spring semesters start each year. Summer semester Start: June 2nd, 2014 Possible themes and reading materials will be sent to the applicant in the e-mail responding to the online application. Essay - An Essay relating to applicants personal interests and passions, pertaining to the fields of the MA program is required. 1,100, Discover all our International Relations courses. EDUCATION & TEACHING, MA in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, The Berlin-based "International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy" programme provides a deep understanding of international politics, society and economics with a strong intercultural focus. Our advisors and other users will be able to reply to you. Curriculum Vitae (Resum) no longer than 2 A4 pages. The CCDSs faculty and advisory members have worked intensively and collectively to design innovative degree programs that provide a unique approach to the study of the fields of international relations, global economics, intercultural relations, art & culture, globalization and global governance. Or do you prefer the center to contact you? The program guarantees to provide students with additional expertise in the field of cultural diplomacy, a new and attractive field of studies, which is currently offered as an academic field only through the Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy. The information on this page is for informational and research purposes only and is not an assurance of financial aid. To that end, our approach to contemporary global affairs focuses also on the increasingly important roles of soft power and cultural diplomacy in world affairs. 9 ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY The CCDS programs are divided into the following categories: Distance Learning Courses, Professional Development Certificate Programs, and Degree Programs in Cultural Diplomacy.
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