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vaping presentation for teachers


CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.7.3 Self-paced modules are designed to be done independently by students, but not as a substitute for the core program. This can be presented as a stand alone course or as part of the complete Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit . CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.8.3 Same Dangers. Many E-liquids are custom-mixed by individuals at home, increasing the potential for additional health risks to E-cigarette users. many of these products contain nicotine and a lot of other chemicals. Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas. Everyone from our youth, to our veterans face seemingly impossible barriers, but its how you overcome them that truly defines you, Health Frameworks & Standards by Grade Level. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning presented. Learn to create laws and rules regarding tobacco and e-cigarette. students Danger of Vaping PowerPoint.pptx (PPTX) Dont Go #Squadless (JPG) Quitting Smoking (PDF) Quit Support February 8, 2020 at California State University Long Beach from 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. March 28, 2020 at California State University Dominguez Hills form 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. There are many different styles of vapes available and they can be difficult to spot. Youve just got to decide which course is for you! ), The ability to accurately recognize ones own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behavior. Read some of the shocking statistics by Researchers. Young people may perceive vaping as safe and common behaviour. providesaccess to educational resources that can be borrowed at no cost, including curricula, books, video, and audio. Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website. Develop a messaging project (warning label) that addresses misconceptions and promotes the benefits of being e-cigarette-free. Want help developing a plan to use SAMHSA grant funds to implement tobacco youth prevention by CATCH My Breath in your community? Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly. Synthesize information about the health and social consequences of using tobacco products such as e-cigarettes. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.9-10.5 (29) $5.95. secure websites. Designed for young people and those who influence themparents, guardians, teachers, and other educatorsthese resources inspire learning and encourage critical thinking so teens can make informed decisions about drug use and . The engaging and interactive content is accessed directly by students via the web. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.11-12.1.D Exam may be used as supporting documentation for Continuing Education Units (CEUs), Need for health and prevention programs in school / after-school / summer / recreational settings, History of CATCH and CATCH My Breath Program, Best-practices & policies for successful implementation. These supplements were developed in partnership with Discovery Education as part of the Be Vape Free initiative. Inside, youll find information on free anti-vaping curriculum, facts about vaping every teacher should know, myths about vaping and how to respond, and classroom discussion questions. 04 May 2022, Information for NSW Health immunisation providers, Your Room - Information about alcohol and other drugs, Preconception, maternity, and child and family health, Interpreting/translating and multicultural health services, Centre for Medicinal Cannabis Research and Innovation, Policy directives, guidelines and information bulletins, Government Information Public Access Act (GIPA), The facts about vaping - For teachers and schools, Vapes come in a variety of designs and styles and can be, the same harmful chemicals found in cleaning products, nail polish remover, weed killer and bug spray, toxins such as formaldehyde and heavy metals, ultrafine particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs, flavouring chemicals such as diacetyl (a chemical linked to serious lung disease). Nicotine is a drug that is often in vapes and is highly addictive for young brains. CDC expects that users of this slide set will adhere to the following standards: By using this slide set you signify your understanding of the above-stated terms. Parents Youth and young adults Health care professionals Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals Teachers and educators Indigenous peoples and communities Cannabis in Canada What you need to know Cannabis and the border Cannabis impairment What industry needs to know Public awareness Health effects Cannabis education resources Pursue your passion CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.9-10.1.D In October 2019, Juul, developed as an alternative for cigarettes, agreed to a settlement to restrict its youth advertising practices as part of a wrongful death settlement. These informative but engaging webinars are a 'must-watch' with your child, your family or your students! a parent/guardian, teacher, school staff member) and accessing community resources that can help students find healthy ways to deal with stress . Everyone from our youth, to our veterans face seemingly impossible barriers, but its how you overcome them that truly defines you. SAMHSAs Evidence-Based Resource Guide Series, CDC: E-cigarette, or Vaping Product Visual Dictionary, FDA Raises Federal Minimum Age of Sale of Tobacco Products to 21, FDA: Limited Flavor Ban Enforcement Policy, CDC: E-cigarettes and Youth: What Parents Need to Know, Surgeon General: The Call to Action on E-cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults, American Lung Association: E-cigarettes, Vapes, and JUULs: What Parents Should Know, American Cancer Society: Questions and Answers about E-cigarettes for Parents, American Cancer Society: What You Need to Know about E-cigarettes: For Middle and High School Students, Science News for Students: Concerns Explode Over New Health Risks of Vaping, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids: Dont Trust JUUL, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids: Big Tobacco is Back, Truth Initiative: Behind the explosive growth of JUUL, Truth Initiative: Vaping Lingo Dictionary: A guide to popular terms and devices, UThealth: Quick Facts About JUUL, The High Nicotine Product Hiding In Plain Sight, Fox 32 Chicago: Vape pen explodes, shattering teenagers jaw and knocking out some teeth. The labels may state that vapes are nicotine free, but The PE supplement is an active addition to CATCH My Breath that was designed to reinforce learning objectives in an active physical education setting. Please note where the former Victorian Government Schools Reference . Identify existing knowledge or perceptions of e-cigarettes. Parents & Educators. Be patient and ready to listen. The first step is to put each bullet point on its own slide. Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) in order to make informed decisions and solve problems, evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source and noting any discrepancies among the data. Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.7.1.B CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.11-12.6 A sample presentation is . Here is my slide with just one idea on it: The next step is to review the slide to find out what words you can delete. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.7.1 In this video, you will learn how to identify e-cigarette and vaping products. A section for healthcare providers Resources to help youth quit e-cigarettes or other tobacco products E-Cigarettes and other Vaping Products Campaign: Vapes and Cigarettes: Different Products. There is no known safe level of nicotine exposure in utero. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles. CDC twenty four seven. Not modify the content contained within individual slides. A peer-reviewed study of CATCH My Breath found that students in schools that implemented the program were half as likely to experiment with e-cigarettes over the following 16 months, compared with those in schools that did not receive the program. Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that probe reasoning and evidence; ensure a hearing for a full range of positions on a topic or issue; clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions; and promote divergent and creative perspectives. Recognize the covert methods that the tobacco and e-cigarette industry uses to attract new e-cigarette users. CDCs Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) developed this presentation to educate youth on e-cigarettes, including the health risks, the factors that lead to e-cigarette use, and what youth can do to avoid all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. Create a school-centered team approach to address vaping in schools. Cookies used to enable you to share pages and content that you find interesting on through third party social networking and other websites. Health 101 - Health Lesson Plans. Checking in with your child can help them make healthy decisions, including the decision to not use e-cigarettes. Last updated: ALPENA Students and teachers can learn about the hazards of vaping at a presentation next week at the Alpena High School auditorium. Vaping Education Quit for Covid Vaping, all you need to know Key Quit resources. Contact our program experts. CTA/ABC meets at least quarterly. Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace. It utilizes phone counseling sessions and educational materials to establish a relationship with students, help them learn about their vaping behavior, and promote a dialogue between students and parents. Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study. Risks to mental and physical health Includes lesson plans for teachers. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.2 Learn more about American Lung Association's Youth Cessation Program Facilitator Training Here - Proven Teen Smoking and Vaping Cessation Program CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.7.5 Reproduction in any form requires the written permission of the copyright owner(s). Across the United States, e-cigarette use, also known as vaping, is reaching epidemic proportions among teenagers. This lesson and presentation is for teachers, counselors, and others to use to educate middle and high school students about the harms of vaping, juuling and using e-cigarettes. Keywords Nicotine changes the way brain synapses are formed in young people. Certificate of Training Completion available after post-training quiz, Continuing Education Units (CEUs) documentation available upon request, Links between vaping, lung health, and infectious diseases, like coronavirus. Equality in Smoking & Disease: Nobody Wins! Delineate a speakers argument and specific claims, distinguishing claims that are supported by reasons and evidence from claims that are not. Analyze some of the propaganda techniques tobacco and e-cigarette companies use to sell their brand of e-cigarette. 4.3. Understand that in situations involving vaping, students can contact the Missouri Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222 for free, confidential help. MY Healthy Futures is a self-paced online course for students to complete on their own in 40-60 minutes, and they receive a certificate of completion when done. These activities will help your students understand why people begin smoking, what smoking does to the body, and how they can protect themselves from the effects of tobacco. Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion. Speakers' notes are embedded in the PowerPoint. Gain skills to refuse experimentation and use of e-cigarettes. Consent required by school administrator, student and parent. Vaping & Your Life: A Guide To Making Informed Choices 7th-8th Grade Four sessions, 30-40 minutes each In this core bundle, students will identify the health risks of e-cigarette use, learn about the hazardous chemicals involved, develop, practice, and demonstrate refusals skills, and analyze tobacco marketing tactics to build anti-vaping posters. Evaluate a speakers point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, assessing the stance, premises, links among ideas, word choice, points of emphasis, and tone used. Help students recognize and analyze age-old advertising tricks. Tobacco companies are continuously looking for new customers. Teen vaping use is at an all-time high, according to research from the National Institute of Health. Find the latest science-based information about drug use, health, and the developing brain. Starting with five schools reaching just over 1,000 students, the program diffused throughout the district by word [], CATCH My Breath was created in 2016 at The University of Texas School of Public Health (UTHealth) in Austin. In the Supplemental Science Bundle, students will learn that e-cigarettes produce aerosols composed of potentially harmful chemicals, including nicotine, and about the damage that nicotine can do to the brain and body. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives; synthesize comments, claims, and evidence made on all sides of an issue; resolve contradictions when possible; and determine what additional information or research is required to deepen the investigation or complete the task. Can you get addicted to vaping? 7379 from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. Set a good example. This data points to the fact that large numbers of American children will become addicted to nicotine and are at risk for becoming a regular tobacco user. Vaping: Know the truth is a prevention-forward digital learning experience that gives today's students core knowledge around the dangers associated with using e-cigarettes and offers resources to help young people quit if they already vape. Today, E-cigarettes include brands such as JUUL, Blu,Vapor Fi, PHIX,Suorin Air, My Jet, and PULSE. Ray and the Sunbeatables, Ray & the Sunbeatables, Sunbeatables, and the Ray and the Sunbeatables characters are trademarks of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. These cookies may also be used for advertising purposes by these third parties. Make sure students know the facts and understand all the risks. The publication of the findings in Public Health Reports the official journal of the U.S. In collaboration with the California Department of Education, the Orange County Department of Educations TUPE Capacity Building Project has developed a variety of courses focused on effective TUPE program implementation and informative tobacco prevention resources. CATCH My Breath is the most-used youth nicotine vaping prevention program in the United States. 1. Copyright 2021. It is illegal to sell any vape to anyone under 18 years of age. Smoking and vaping is banned within the grounds of, and within four metres of an entrance to, all schools in NSW. This video motivates and inspires students. Describe the role of advertising dollars in e-cigarette use. According to the U.S. Data from the 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey 1, about one in seven high school students (14.1%), and one in 30 middle school students (3.3%) - that's an estimated 2.55 million young people - reported using e-cigarettes. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS According to the American Lung Association, more than 5 million U.S. middle and high school students have reported using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days. CATCH My Breath is the most-used youth nicotine vaping prevention program in the United States. A locked padlock Support teaching, research, and patient care. Surgeon General makes CATCH My Breath the first evidence-based vaping prevention program. INDEPTHisan interactive program that teaches students about nicotine dependence, establishing healthy alternatives and how to move past nicotine addiction. TEACHERS Browse lesson plans focused on the latest science-based vaping prevention information from FDA, including: Learning outcomes mapped to national standards Subjects including health risks and marketing tactics Easily accessible online evaluations for students VISIT THE TEACHERS SECTION STUDENTS The vape education programs effectiveness was published in a peer-reviewed journal and the program is listed in SAMHSAs Evidence-Based Resource Guide Series. An official website of the United States government. Not imply or state, either in written or oral form, that any slides added to this slide set from other sources reflect official CDC policies or positions. Educating students about vaping risks can take place through curriculum delivery or wellbeing programs. Recognize situations and places that may be high-risk for being offered an e-cigarette. The program is divided into 4 sessions lasting 35-40 minutes each and uses a variety of educational strategies including: cooperative learning groups, group discussions, goal setting, interviews, and analyzing mass media. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.9-10.1 The liquid in vapes and the vapour is not water. Recognize indirect and direct advertising strategies. Here is a comprehensive teacher's guide to kids vaping in schools. Quiz linked below and can be used a pre and post quiz to see how much students know before and after instruction. 9:00 am - 5:00 pm CTA/ABC Meeting Meetings. Vaping is the inhaling of a vapor created by an electronic cigarette (e-cigarette). Elementary teaching tools Increase knowledge about basic facts of e-cigarettes and the harm they cause 2. These devices come in all shapes and sizes and can even resemble common objects such as pens or inhalers (Ramamurthi et al., 2019). Please do the Pre Survey with students prior to implementing the curriculum in the classroom. Follow-up with the Post Survey with students once lessons are completed. The primary purpose of this website and the Health Education Framework is to offer guidance to teachers of health education that will assist them in addressing significant changes to health instruction as reflected in the 2008 Health Education Standards, as well as more recent key initiatives and legislation. It can cause long-lasting negative effects on brain development. Vape Free. Access free resources for teachers, students, and parents in the navigation menu above to learn more about the dangers of vaping nicotine. E-cigarettes are a type of electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) and their appearance can vary from resembling a conventional cigarette to a USB flash drive. Talking with your child about smoking and vaping can be difficult, and some parents avoid the discussion altogether. "Young people are more likely to listen to other young people, so teachers can introduce the curriculum and then take a backseat and let students interact with the curriculum, which covers the . Vapes may contain harmful chemicals that arent listed on the pack. These cookies perform functions like remembering presentation options or choices and, in some cases, delivery of web content that based on self-identified area of interests. Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with pertinent descriptions, facts, details, and examples; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation. (4) $4.00. E-cigarettes can take on many different shapes and forms and they can vary in name. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.6 Presentations Pdf, but end up in malicious downloads. Get help for kids who are vaping. Review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners ongrade 5 topics and texts, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly. procedures about vaping. Please make checks out to CATCH Global Foundation and mail to: CATCH Global FoundationPO Box 28282Austin, TX 78755. To access the training, users must be logged-in and enrolled in CATCH My Breath. A youth e-cigarette prevention program targeting ages 11-18. Get ready for an exciting virtual detective story that lets your students become E-cigarette Sleuths cracking the case of vaping once and for all! Zip. This anti vaping video emphasizes the addictiveness of nicotine Discusses chewing tobacco and tells the tragic story of Sean Marsee. Breathe Free. Vapes are not safe. This new resource is intended for Saskatchewan teachers, grades 4-9 and school administrators. 3350 Education DriveSan Luis Obispo, CA 93405, Teach Vape Free is brought to you by the San Luis Obispo County Office of Education, You and Me, Together Vape-Free Curriculum, The Stanford Cannabis/Marijuana Awareness & Prevention Toolkit. Staff can also be on the lookout for posters and clings to ensure they remain hung and are not vandalized and to Cookies used to make website functionality more relevant to you. Developed by The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Public Health, the vape education program includes grade-level specific and health education standards-aligned classroom curriculum alongside a variety of engaging supplemental materials including STEM/Humanities/PE extensions, self-paced modules, and virtual field trips. smokeSCREEN: A smoking and vaping prevention videogame on a mission to prevent youth smoking and vaping. Prepare your kids for peer pressure. Learn More The study also found the program increased student knowledge of vaping dangers and positive perceptions about choosing a vape-free lifestyle. Acknowledge new information expressed by others, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views in light of the evidence presented. Supplementary lesson bundles are designed to be interdisciplinary and can be incorporated into everyday classroom curriculum. Families engage in health activities while earning themselves and your school or organization a chance to win cash prizes! You can get your Vape Investigators excited both before and after watching the Virtual Field Trip with the companion Educator Guide. Gain awareness of strategies manufacturers and sellers of e-cigarettes employ to increase use among adolescents, such as deceptive and creative marketing strategies. It's estimated that 3 million students vape, a shocking stat to many but not to teachers, who have seen it take over school campuses firsthand. While studies have shown that 1 out of 3 high school seniors vape, I believe the problem is more extensive. Perfect for Red Ribbon week!This pack includes:-Lesson plan with activities-Activity Cards-PowerPoint Presentation (youtube videos embedded)Follow . The Youth Vaping Alternative Program Education (YVAPE) is an alternative to suspension program for students facing disciplinary action for vaping in California public schools. The Anti-Vaping Toolkit contains information on strategies to minimise vaping among students and how vaping can be addressed in the curriculum. Take the opportunity to talk to students about vaping. Discover ways to quit using tobacco products (including e-cigarettes) and support peers who want to quit by offering encouragement and referring cessation resources to them. Available in Spanish. Learn to communicate policies to governing agencies. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.8.5 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct perspective, such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning, alternative or opposing perspectives are addressed, and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and a range of formal and informal tasks. All staff have a key role to play in supporting and protecting student health and wellbeing. The CATCH My Breath Program (grades 5, 6, 7-8, and 9-12) consists of 4 unique lessons for each grade group, that are approximately 35 minutes each. 2 events, 3 2 events, 3 2023-05-01 Teacher Appreciation Week. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. Identify the percentage of e-cigarette users in middle school and high school and describe nonsmokers as the majority. The dangers and side effects are becoming more obvious to experts and users as more health issues are uncovered and deaths occur. CATCH is a registered trademark of The Regents of the University of California. Acknowledge new information expressed by others and, when warranted, modify their own views. CATCH My Breath kicked off in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) during the 2017-2018 school year thanks to the grant from CVS Health Foundation. We have a FREE community presentation on Vaping held at Como Secondary College - literally open to everyone. Got 15 minutes? Discussion Guides found below can be assigned as take-home assignments. Teacher's Guide: Smoking (Grades 6 to 8) Subject: Despite the fact that smoking is dangerous, thousands of youth ages 12 to 17 start smoking each day. Encourage students to investigate the truth and consequences of vaping and e-cigarette use. It's common among teens. St. Francis Speaking notes: E-cigarettes have 4 main components, including: a battery, a tank or reservoir, a heating element and a vaping liquid (e-juice). Included are videos, teacher guides and a factsheet which; aligns with the provincial health education curriculum, includes Saskatchewan voices, eduates staff and admin on current . Many young people purchase their vapes at school from friends and contacts using social media. TEACHER. Vaping Prevention Lesson (Know the Risks) for . Debriefing: April 17 or 24, 2024. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.A Presentation PPTppt icon [44 MB] It is the reason people smoke, even though it's bad for them. Discover the amount of money the tobacco and e-cigarette industry spends on advertising its products. Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and findings and emphasize salient points. Grade level: 6-8. These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. Discuss the reason behind such rules and how it applies to youth. Help fellow parents or community members stay informed about the youth vaping epidemic and prevention efforts by hosting an educational presentation. This presentation is paid for by the San Luis Obispo County TUPE Grant for students in 6th-10th grades to view. Drug education teaching materials. may be abbreviated as e-cigs or vapes, and refer to any device similar to an e-cigarette. The primary purpose of this website and the Health Education Framework is to offer guidance to teachers of health education that will assist them in addressing significant changes to health instruction as reflected in the 2008 Health Education Standards, as well as more recent key initiatives and legislation. the .gov website. You will also learn of common signs of vaping and nicotine addiction. About Electronic Cigarettes (E-Cigarettes), Quick Facts on the Risks of E-cigarettes for Kids, Teens, and Young Adults, Menthol Tobacco Products are a Public Health Problem, Menthol Smoking and Related Health Disparities, Unfair and Unjust Practices and Conditions, Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander People, Commercial Tobacco Product Use and Behavioral Health Conditions can Affect Each Other, Surgeon General's Reports on Smoking and Tobacco Use, 2016 SGRE-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults, Alaska Native Adult Tobacco Survey Guidance Manual, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR), Patient Care Settings and Smoking Cessation, Clinical Interventions to Treat Tobacco Use and Dependence Among Adults, Quitlines and Other Cessation Support Resources, Promising Policies And Practices To Address Tobacco Use By Persons With Mental And Substance Use Disorders, Tobacco Ingredient and Nicotine Reporting, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. 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E-Liquids are custom-mixed by individuals at home, increasing the potential for additional health risks to users. Use with the students SAMHSA grant funds to implement tobacco youth prevention by CATCH My Breath is the inhaling a... Establishing healthy alternatives and how it applies to youth students via the web by school administrator, student and.! Ccss.Ela-Literacy.Sl.9-10.1 the liquid in vapes and the harm they cause 2 them make healthy decisions, including curricula books. This can be incorporated into everyday classroom curriculum also be used a and! This presentation is paid for by the San Luis Obispo County TUPE grant for students in 6th-10th grades view! Are designed to be done independently by students via the web ( ).: -Lesson plan with activities-Activity Cards-PowerPoint presentation ( youtube videos embedded ) follow how much students know and... For Covid vaping, all you need to know key Quit resources and tasks, demonstrating command... As deceptive and creative marketing strategies confidential help perceptions about choosing a vape-free lifestyle of other chemicals claims!

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vaping presentation for teachers

vaping presentation for teachers  関連記事

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