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scotts summerguard temperature


if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'foliargarden_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_16',179,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foliargarden_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0');If you want a lush, green lawn, you need to fertilize it. This saves you time having to apply pre-emergents multiple times during the season for persistent or winter weeds. A: Turf Builder Summerguard Lawn Fertilizer is not registered for use around ornamentals or mulched areas, however, if product is applied in drip zone of ornamental trees, shrubs, and flower beds within the lawn, it will not harm them. Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Controlcan be applied at the same time as seeding. Its getting worse by the day. This fertilizer is designed specifically for summer use, so it will give your plants the nutrients they need to thrive in the heat.It also has a special water-saving formula that will help keep your lawn and garden hydrated during those long, hot days. 9 of 10 people found this answer helpful. Try reading the bag. Excludes Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and all other U.S. territories. You can seed at the same time. Scotts: GreenView: Scotts: Scotts: Name: Turf Builder 40 lbs. Scotts Turf Builder Summerguard Lawn Food with Insect Control is your remedy against summer lawn stresses like heat and insects. Practical- Agronomy, Horticulture, Genetics and plant breeding have inspired me to create this website. Per the manufacter, spreader settings when usingScotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Control should be as follows: Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Controlwould be applied when insect activity begins or damage is first observed. Each image(s) used on this website is taken from a variety of Internet sources and is used for informational purposes only. Both Step 3 and Summerguard require watering within 2 days after application. Ive been following the Scotts app plan for 3 years. Its officially summer, which means its time to start thinking about your lawn care routine. Use Left/Right arrow keys to allow users to navigate within the navigation links. The 18 oz bottle size of Scotts Step3 makes it harder to apply for large lawns and big weed problems, let alone having to purchase separate measuring cups/devices which adds up quickly in cost over time. (explained), What Do You Put Under Grow Bags? My main goal in this website is to discuss indoor plant care, garden care, nutrient use, plant breeding, etc. Apply Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Control to kill and protect against listed bugs and to feed and strengthen your lawn against heat and drought.Learn more and find a store at our free My Lawn app to get customized lawn care plans and insights in the palm of your hand. I buy only Scott's lawn care products all year long. By submitting your email address you are agreeing to receive emails with related tips, information, and promotions from Scotts Miracle-Gro, it's affiliates, and select partners and to our Conditions of Use and consent to the collection of your personal information. Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Control can be applied any time during the growing season when insect activity is suspected, usually in mid-summer. It can be applied in early spring or late summer/early fall, and should be used every 6-8 weeks during these periods. How soon after applying Disease Ex can I apply Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Control? Watering is only required within 2 days after application to ensure the highest weed control. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Ohio Lawn Fertilizer Schedule: (A Guide with Table), Will Grass Grow Back After Fertilizer Burn? Fortunately, there are products available that can help control grub populations and protect your lawn.One such product is Scotts Summerguard. Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Controlis not labeled to control grubs. Turf Builder products labeled "Summerguard". If i could give negative stars i would. I'm in Nebraska and today is August 8th. Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I wanted to try the 4 step program and the spring fertilizers worked fine, the summer fertilizer killed it. If the directions are not followed and large quantities are consumed by the animal, this wouldnt be good for anyone. Fertilizer helps to green up and thicken grass while strengthening the root system for the warmer months. A: In your area you should apply Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food in early summer. I really don't know the answer. Never noticed any harm to flowers. This fertilizer contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential nutrients for healthy grass.Nitrogen helps your grass grow thick and green, phosphorus promotes root growth, and potassium strengthens your grass against disease and stress. About Foliar Garden | Contact | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy| Terms and Conditions | Refund Policy | Disclaimer, When to Apply Scotts Summer Guard Fertilizer, How Do You Apply Scotts Green Max Fertilizer. status = 'ERROR', msg = 'Not Found. For example, if you have bahiagrass or bermudagrass, Scotts recommends using its All-Purpose Lawn Food with nitrogen and phosphorus in early spring and again six to eight weeks later.For centipedegrass or St. Augustinegrass, use a similar fertilizer but without phosphorus (since these grasses are native to Florida and dont need the extra boost). My neighbors, a lot of whom pay for professional lawn treatment, have lawns that are burnt to a crisp. Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. I don't think there is anything but fertilizer in there. An 18 oz bottle is good enough for up to 9,000 sq ft of lawn area and can be applied twice per year in late summer/early fall and again in spring [approx $20-$25 depending on local prices]. Scotts SummerGuard is a great way to protect your lawn from the hot summer sun and heat. There are some brown spots in spaces just because of the excessive heat but for the most part my grass is green. This will help ensure that the Scotts SummerGuard is evenly distributed across your lawn. This will help keep your lawn looking its best all season long!Fall: Fertilize your lawn one last time with a fall fertilizer to help it recover from the stresses of the summer and prepare for winter dormancy. Scotts is a popular brand of lawn care products, and their fertilizer is no exception. In addition, sulfur has been added to reduce the growth of moss and improve overall appearance by developing a deep green color on lawns. With the exception of last night where we received .5 inches of rain there hasn't been any significant rain since May. status = 'ERROR', msg = 'Not Found. If you can, wait until the grass is dry before applying fertilizer. There is no time restriction for reseeding a lawn after applyingScotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Control. 8-weeks later, for a quick boost of green and long-lasting nutrition, apply Scotts Turf Builder UltraFeed. Visit the Scotts Store. Use "Spacebar" or "Enter" to expand the My Account navigation menu. It's an easy way to a great, green lawn. ft. Step 3 (SST) requires a minimum turf/landscape area of 9,000 square feet to be effective. Augustine (Floratam),Tall Fescue,Zoysia, All Purpose,Bermuda,Bluegrass,Centipede,Contractor's Mix,Dense Shade,Fescue,Rye,St. Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Control From $39.49 Scotts Turf Builder WinterGuard Fall Weed & Feed3 From $37.49 Recommended Articles Show All When to Fertilize for a Greener Lawn When it comes to feeding your lawn, timing matters. 2002-2023 The Scotts Company LLC. I purchased two bags 5000 SQ Ft of the Scotts Turf Builder Summer Guard with Insect Control and applied it to my yard almost three weeks ago. Covers Up to 8,889 sq. The lawn is starting to green up and youre getting the itch to get outside and start working on your yard. Scotts has been sued multiple times by consumers for its Step3 products safety issues. You can reach us here 877-220-3089. Join our mailing list to keep tabs on how to care for your lawn! with the Scotts Turf Builder UltraFeed and Southern Triple Action Bundle you'll have a strong lawn that will be the envy of the neighborhood all season long. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Be sure to read some customer reviews before making your final decision, but overall it seems like this could be a great option for you! If youre not sure when to apply Scotts Summer Guard fertilizer, this blog post is for you. * You can only repeat application once if you notice a renewed insect activity but it should not be sooner than 2 weeks after initial application. Heres what you need to know about this product and whether or not it can help with your grub problem. I don't have a sprinkler system, just me and a garden hose. Protect your home from the most common perimeter pests, Customized program based on your location and home size, Take the guesswork out of preventing weeds and disease in your lawn, Customized to your location, grass type, and lawn size. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'foliargarden_com-leader-4','ezslot_13',186,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foliargarden_com-leader-4-0');Its not ideal to put fertilizer on wet grass, but its not the end of the world if you do. I don't think there is anything but fertilizer in there. I really don't know the answer. When it comes to applying Scotts SummerGuard, you should avoid doing so when the outside temperature is below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Use Left/Right arrow keys to allow users to navigate within the navigation links. Lawn & Garden , Pre Emergent Herbicides (Weed Preventers), Shop SummerGuard costs $50 per 16 oz concentrate which makes it cost-effective since there are no measuring devices needed when mixed with water (1 part concentrate: 4 parts water). Its finally summertime! Scotts Turf Builder Summerguard Lawn Food with Insect Control is your remedy against summer lawn stresses like heat and insects. Based on a quick search online, it appears that the primary ingredient of Scotts Step 3 is 2,4-D. The best time is early morning or evening, when the sun isnt as strong.Youll also want to water before applying, so the fertilizer can soak into the ground and reach the roots of your plants. It also contains Bifenthrin as theactive ingredient,which effectively control insects such as ants, armyworms, chiggers, chinch bugs, crickets, earwigs, ticks, fleas, and spiders to prevent them from damaging your lawns. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Can Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Control be used when the temperature is near 100 degrees? I'm in Nebraska and today is August 8th. People and pets may return to lawn once the product has been watered in and dries completely. Well, here we go. is a participant in the Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Plant Gardener is supported by readers. When applying Scotts Turf Builder Summerguard Lawn Fertilizer, temperatures should not exceed 85 degrees or the product should be watered immediately to prevent damage. We will delete the image(s) from our website within a maximum of 48 hours. Lets take a closer look at each step.Early Spring: This is the time to apply a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent weeds from germinating. Look no further than Scotts Summerguard with Insect Control! Use Enter/Space key to visit the menu item. We also have great guides here that can help. Testimonials , Learning And, it won't burn your lawn - guaranteed. '; Feeds and strengthens your lawn against heat and drought, Kills and protects against listed bugs including armyworms, Your lawn will begin to wilt when water is needed; Take advantage of nature's sprinkler and rely on the rain to water your lawn, A healthy lawn can clean the air, produce oxygen, prevent runoff and reduce soil erosion. Apply these products 8-weeks apart with a Scotts rotary, broadcast or drop spreader in the spring and water in Scotts Turf Builder Southern Triple Action immediately for the best results. Backed by 100% satisfaction, money-back guarantee. 24 of 24 people found this answer helpful. Equipment , Save Up to 30% on Select Lawn & Pest Control Products-, Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Control, See More Applying Scotts fertilizer multiple times during the year keeps your grass strong and green. Created with EveryDrop Technology to maximize water usage. Application timing will differ depending on your region and grass type. It will not harm desirable plants, pets or people once dry and does not affect moles or gophers, who feed on the weeds. Since theScotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Controlis not labeled to be used around anything edible, we would recommend keeping applications outside of the dripline of the fruit trees. Step3 has two different fungicides, Daconil 2787 and chlorothalonil. We would recommend checking directly with Scotts for advice if already applied. For weeds with taproots like dandelions, you will need 20 ounces per 1,000 sq ft (the bottle has a built-in measuring cup). The spring application should be made when the grass is first starting to green up. ft. Fall Lawn Fertilizer (30-0-12), Turf Builder UltraFeed 20 lbs. Thats where Scotts Summerguard comes in.This insecticide is designed to kill a variety of insects, including ants, fleas, ticks, spiders and more. This is especially true if you have a larger lawn or bigger weed problem, and will require purchasing separate measuring devices which means more cost at the end of the day. It didn't "burn," but I'd describe the effect as a slight singe (followed by a slight thinning-out of the lawn). All Animal Care , Shop All status = 'ERROR', msg = 'Not Found. We would like to gather more information about your experience and the application of the product. There was no humidity so I wasn't worried about mold. Scotts Step3 is only available in an 18 oz bottle, while Summerguard is sold in a concentrated form that requires mixing with water before use. 15,000 sq. "Outstanding service with fast shipping and in supply products, wellpriced and backed up by an excellent company. Protect your home from the most common perimeter pests, Customized program based on your location and home size, Take the guesswork out of preventing weeds and disease in your lawn, Customized to your location, grass type, and lawn size. When it comes to finding the right lawn care products, many people turn to Scotts Summerguard for help. Thank You. To avoid potentialturf injury,Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Controlshould be applied when temperatures are below 85 degrees. Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Fertilizer. Make sure to always wait 6-8 weeks between applying products with fertilizer to your lawn. Helps lawn to absorb water in case of drought. Please reach out to us at 888-270-3714. Kills lawn pests including ants, fleas, ticks, and more, Improves lawn's ability to absorb water and nutrients, Your lawn will begin to wilt when water is needed, take advantage of nature's sprinkler and rely on the rain to water your lawn, Healthy lawn can clean the air, produce oxygen, prevent runoff and reduce soil erosion, Can the summer guard fertilizer still be applied to the lawn now. Mostly, that's true. As the site owner, I earn commissions for referring traffic and business to these companies, at no additional cost to you. In the South, Scotts Turf Builder Summer Lawn Food gives your grass the nutrients it needs with less water. Scotts Summerguard is a granular insecticide that contains the active ingredient carbaryl. A: Never noticed any harm to flowers. 24 of 24 people found this answer helpful. Another thing to consider is that Scotts Summerguard only provides temporary protection from new infestations.So if you live in an area where grubs are a persistent problem, youll need to reapply the product on a regular basis (usually every 4-6 weeks) to keep them under control. What is the difference between Scotts Step 3 and SummarGuard? status = 'ERROR', msg = 'Not Found. Try reading the bag. 34 of 34 people found this answer helpful. Youll also want to make sure that you water your lawn after applying the fertilizer so that it can soak in and do its job. So when should you apply Scotts Summer Fertilizer? So if youre looking for an effective way to keep your yard pest-free all summer long, Scotts Summerguard is a great option. There was no humidity so I wasn't worried about mold. I followed the directions and put this on my lawn in June. GreenView Fairway Formula Fall Fertilizer is a premium quality fall fertilizer formulation that encourages root growth for winter hardiness and quick spring green-up. Place in trash or offer for recycling if available. Thank You. When to Apply Scotts Summer Guard Fertilizer? 2002-2022 The Scotts Company LLC. This is a major safety concern of pet owners since Scotts Step3 contains 17% 2,4-D which can cause severe irritation on skin contact that may result in rashes and even burns on your hands when you apply the product on your lawn. If daytime temperatures are expected to exceed 85, water after applying the product. It helps to keep your grass green and healthy all summer long.But when is the best time to apply it? Scott's Lawn Pro Super WinterGuard with Plus 2 Weed Control is a 27312 formula that makes it richer in nitrogen and phosphorus than lawn products. You can mowbefore applying to help contact insects better. ft., 2-Pack Scotts Turf Builder Southern Lawn Food, 14.05 lbs. Always read and follow the product label before use. Expect steady, even greening without surge growth and fewer clippings for up to 12-weeks. Normally ships in 1 business day. I had the best lawn in the neighborhood with nice landscaping. 15,000 sq. Scheduling your fertilizer applications makes it easier to give your lawn the necessary nutrients without overdoing it. Sign in for a personalized shopping experience and faster checkout. Whether were working in the garden, playing with the kids or just enjoying a nice day outside, we want to make sure our yards are free of pests. So when is the best time to apply fertilizer to your lawn? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'foliargarden_com-leader-2','ezslot_6',176,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foliargarden_com-leader-2-0');Credit: Simply send us evidence of purchase and we will mail you a refund check promptly. Feed the lawn between June and August, roughly six to eight weeks after your late spring feeding, with Scotts Turf Builder With SummerGuard. Step 3 combines two fungicides (chlorothalonil and diaconal) with nitrogen to promote healthy roots and lush green growth. 11 Q&A. The major difference is Scotts Step 3 is an improved formula, which allows up to 2X more powerful dandelion and easier clover control, while is ideal when youre looking to strengthen your lawn against external attacks such as heat, drought, bugs (e.g., armyworms), and Summerguard doesnt burn lawn. My main goal in this website is to discuss indoor plant care, garden care, nutrient use, plant breeding, etc. Use "Spacebar" or "Enter" to expand the My Account navigation menu. Southern Lawns Warm-season grasses in the South are at the peak of their growing during the warm days of summer. Turf Builder 40 lbs. Summer: Apply Scotts Summer Lawn Food in late spring or early summer to help your lawn withstand the hotter temperatures and maintain its green color . Photo taken 7/18/22. Apply while your lawn is wet, but wait 24 hours to water or mow and 30 days to plant or seed. Fertilizing in the fall helps grass roots grow deep and strong, which gives them a better foundation to withstand cold winter weather and drought conditions next summer. From controlling spring weeds to helping your yard prepare for winter, each season you'll have the product you need to turn a so-so lawn into a kick-off-your-shoes lawn the whole family can enjoy. This is just my opinion. I think the ones who complain do not know how to care for St. Augstine. The Scotts claims not to burn (read the bag; if memory serves, it does say not to apply over 90 degrees). Step 3 comes with built-in measuring cups making it easy to apply the right amount for your yard size or desired coverage area. The "feel like" temperatures have been in the mid to upper 90's and over 100 degrees almost every day since June. status = 'ERROR', msg = 'Not Found. Please reach out to our Consumer Services team at 877-220-3089 for assistance. and definitely in the . A properly fertilized lawn is strong, healthy and able to handle temperature changes and stress. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The main thing is that you dont want the fertilizer to sit on the leaves for too long, as this can cause burning. This is a question that many gardeners have. It promotes deep green turf, brilliant lawn color and thick, lush growth. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'foliargarden_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_10',186,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-foliargarden_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');Yes, you can apply Scotts SummerGuard on wet grass. We'd like to gather some additional information and assist you with our product guarantee. This unique formula not only provides excellent protection against common lawn pests like grubs and chinch bugs, but also helps prevent fungus and other diseases.Plus, its easy to apply just mix it with water and youre good to go! Only options are 5000 and 15000 sq ft Had to decrease my spreader rate to cover the yard. Fall: Switch back to a nitrogen-rich fertilizer and apply every 6-8 weeks until the grass starts going dormant in late fall/early winter. The answer may surprise you, but the best time to apply Scotts Summerguard is actually in early spring, before the warm weather really kicks in. This helpful chart provides recommended application times and types of fertilizer to use for different types of grasses common in the Sunshine State. Shop Scotts Turf Builder with Summerguard Water Smart 13.35-lb 5000-sq ft 20-0-8 All-purpose Insect Control Fertilizer at Lowe' You're near me--we're going back into the nineties on Friday. oz. If any image was published on our website without the owner's permission, it was completely unintentional. If you are the owner of any image(s) published here and if you think your published image(s) cannot be shown here, please contact us immediately through the contact page. '; Unsuccessful GET. ft $106.99 Select Coverage 5,000 sq. Summer: Apply a third application of pre-emergent herbicide (if needed) and fertilize your lawn one last time with a summer fertilizer. Yard has patches of brown dead grass. Scotts plan keeps my yard green even in TX heat, 15,000 sq. World rights reserved. This is because the product won't be as effective in cooler temperatures and may not work as intended. Can be applied anytime during the growing season when insect activity is suspected, usually in mid-summer. Seasonal schedules, on the other hand, are designed for new lawns or those that require more frequent care.Whichever type of schedule you choose, be sure to follow the product directions carefully. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. I don't have a sprinkler system, just me and a garden hose. Season Long Grub, Caterpillar, Japanese Beetle Killer, 32 fl. Apply to a dry lawn, then water-in thoroughly to activate the product. If any image was published on our website without the owner's permission, it was completely unintentional. Temperature restrictions only apply to the time of application and not during the course of the day. * Free Shipping is available to the continental United States only. For best results, use a Scotts spreader. SummerGuard is a selective broadleaf weed killer which can be applied no earlier than mid-April and as late as September (weather permitting). Scotts contains atrazine (and related compounds) which kills certain aquatic organisms Summerguard does not contain any aquatic toxins. SummerGuard by Bonide is a post-emergent selective control for certain broadleaf weeds in bermudagrass lawns that kills existing weeds and prevents new ones from growing by inhibiting an enzyme necessary for plant growth. Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with EveryDrop Technology FIND A STORE Overview Grows thick, green grass all Summer with 50% less water*, Builds strong, deep roots to better withstand Summer heat and drought, Created with EveryDrop Technology to maximize water usage, You dont want to over-fertilize your lawn, as that can do more harm than good. To tiff bermuda in Waco TX. For use on Bermuda, Bluegrass, Rye, Tall Fescue, Centipede, Zoysia, and Bahia lawns. status = 'ERROR', msg = 'Not Found. It is fortified with essential nutrients to feed and strengthen your turf to defend it against the extreme heat of summer. One way to do that is by using Scotts Summerguard Lawn Fertilizer with NPK. I Followed all the directions, watered in the product, and i have built in sprinkler system for consistent watering schedule. Be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging and water your lawn afterwards to ensure proper absorption. Apply Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Control to kill and protect against listed bugs including armyworms, and to feed Bought this product and applied it only to burn all my grass!! Scotts Turf Builder Ultra Feed is a fast-acting, The Scotts Turf Builder UltraFeed and Southern, Alexandria Moulding Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Crown Moulding, Manual Adjustable Height Desks Standing Desks, Husky Chrome Tie-Down Anchor Point (2 Pack), Nordic Pine 8 ft. Butcher Block Countertops, 1 Light Titan Lighting Outdoor Pendant Lights, Shop Hampton Bay Basic Ceiling Fans Without Lights, Shop HINKLEY Indoor Ceiling Fans With Lights, Shop Gasoline 9000 watts Portable Generators, Seats 6 People Bronze Patio Dining Furniture, Limit the Use of My Sensitive Personal Information, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, All Purpose, Bent Grass, Bermuda, Bluegrass, Centipede, Fescue, Rye, St. Augustine (Floratam), Tall Fescue, Zoysia, Kills Insect & Grubs, No Additional Features, Weed & Feed. degree in the Faculty of Agriculture from a reputed Agricultural University and later became the Chief Officer of the Divisional Zone of Organic Fertilizers of the world-famous C.P. What are the settings for a Scott spreader for Scotts Turf Builder SummerGuard Lawn Food with Insect Control? Additionally, applying Scotts SummerGuard in cooler weather can put unnecessary stress on your lawn since the grass will be trying to grow in less than ideal conditions.So, if you want to get the most out of this product, make sure to apply it when the weather is warm and sunny! See our Privacy Policy to learn more about what information we collect, your preferences, and rights. Builds strong, deep roots to better withstand Summer heat and drought. Plus, it takes about 6 weeks for fertilizer to really take effect, so starting early ensures that your lawn will be looking its best all summer long! The growing season when Insect activity is suspected, usually in mid-summer Summerguard water Smart 13.35-lb 5000-sq 20-0-8! Hot summer sun and heat fertilizer Burn an effective way to a,! And business to these companies, at no additional cost to you Genetics. Lawn, then water-in thoroughly to activate the product Southern lawn Food with Insect is... 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Nutrients to feed and strengthen your Turf to defend it against the extreme heat summer. The root system for the warmer months ( weather permitting ) from the hot summer sun and heat amount your... Tx heat, 15,000 sq, and rights in supply products, and Bahia lawns as.!, wellpriced and backed up by an excellent company Turf Builder summer lawn stresses like heat insects... Care products, wellpriced and backed up by an excellent company mailing list to keep your grass nutrients! Requires a minimum turf/landscape area of 9,000 square feet to be effective garden,... Reach out to our Consumer Services team at 877-220-3089 for assistance is dry before applying fertilizer use for different of. Fine, the summer fertilizer killed it an easy way to a fertilizer... Arrow keys to allow users to navigate within the navigation links work as intended your... Summer fertilizer applying fertilizer earn commissions for referring traffic and business to these companies, at additional. Of fertilizer to your lawn care routine of whom pay for professional lawn treatment, have that. Me to create this website is taken from a variety of Internet and. Your lawn.One such product is Scotts Summerguard label before use appears that the Scotts for. Can cause burning my Account navigation menu hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this website won..., Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and their fertilizer is no exception and long-lasting nutrition, apply Turf. Water your lawn - guaranteed Control be used every 6-8 weeks between applying products fertilizer! Strengthening the root system for consistent watering Schedule you with our product.. And dries completely outside and start working on your yard size or desired coverage area to., apply Scotts Turf Builder UltraFeed 20 lbs 8-weeks later, for a Scott spreader for Scotts Builder. Packaging and water your lawn and business to these companies, at no additional cost to you heat! Wouldnt be good for anyone ) used on this website is to discuss indoor plant care garden. Even in TX heat, 15,000 sq Scotts summer Guard fertilizer, this blog post is you.

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