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noctigon k1 sbt90 2


Tint ramping & instant channel swiching LED Flashlights. The vast majority of tailswitches are mechanical (they connect & disconnect power completely). GPL Ghostscript 9.06; modified using iText 5.3.2 2000-2012 1T3XT BVBA (AGPL-version) From left to right:Emisar D4V2Fireflies E07x ProNoctigon K1Noctigon K9.3Noctigon KR1Convoy 4X18ANoctigon K1 (Again)Sofirn BLF LT1, Weight without battery: 322g / 11.4ozWeight with Molicel P42A battery: 388g / 13.7oz. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Rating in accordance with IPX-8 (2 meters under water) Impact resistant to 1 meter. 4 0 obj Constant current, temperature step-down, Waterproof and dustproof to IP67 standard (up to 1 meter), Dimensions: 173mm(length) * 72mm(head) * 26.5mm(body), W1 (Osram CULNM1.TG): 900lm, Lux : 650Kcd (650,000cd), W2 (Osram CULPM1.TG): 1500lm, Lux: 600Kcd (600,000cd), XHP70.3 HI 6500K/5000K: 2500lm, Lux: 140Kcd (140,000cd), XHP70.3 HI 4000K: 2000lm, Lux: 110Kcd (110,000cd), FC-40, 2200lm, Lux: 70Kcd (70,000cd) depends on the CCT. The threads on my year-old sample are buttery smooth, but the threads on my brand new sample are a little rough. Anybody have experience with or educated guesses about this light? 1. Light starts out at 4-5000 lumens, and then tapers down to 2000 lumens by 30 seconds. You can select the data of all common cells Here to find out how long it will last, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, K1 SBT90.2-Beam Shots,Videos and Comparisons, Provide details like specifications, materials, or measurements. It fluctuates between 900 and 1000 lumens until just after the 1 hour mark, where low voltage stepdowns kick in. I hate that Ive recently started an obsession with TIR optics. Mines a loaner without the full retail package. For me, lights are mostly just toys so K1 is better for me. High (120): starts out at 1550 lumens and drops slowly to 1100 over the course of about 15 minutes. <>stream Turbo (150): starts out at 4100 lumens (a little under the advertised output of 4500 lumens). This is a lot more reliable at keeping particulates out than the cheap rubber flap port covers used on most lights with integrated charging. Just make sure the cell you use can provide enough current for your driver (either 5A or 7.5A depending on the emitter) which shouldnt be too hard. It also makes it tedious to let tests run until the cell is completely empty, so I didnt. How did I choose those particular modes? This is the flashlite from the meme look to the sky and follow the beacon and it really can make a beacon on cloudy nights. High reaches the exact same maximum output all the way until the cell is effectively empty. With this light clocking in at around $90, that can no longer be said. Youll note probably, that the emitter being seen in this review is not in that list above! Also has Sbt90.2 led with Driver VN4 and RS54 clicky. My K1 SBT90 is my current go to big light. Can anyone point me in the direction of a good review? Bottom of ramp is level 1. The same could be said of the lumintop X9L, KR1vn90, Amutorch XT45 but those lights are still a lot of fun! ~$50 less expensive. It just starts out at a lower level. 52 202. The creamy color and output is amazing. Medium (W1, 75): Medium is a nice, perfectly flat, 106 lumens until low voltage stepdowns kick in at 8.5 hours. Add Your Review, 21700 Battery is NOT included in the price, it should be purchased separately,, CNC machined from aircraft-grade aluminium, 1*21700 unprotected battery (not included in the price, 18650 battery can also be used as emergency). 2. SBT90.2 can hold ~1200 lumens pretty comfortably in a host this size. It costs so much more than most of the other options (literallymorethan the base price of the lightextra), will generate huge amounts of heat, and will drain through an 18650 very quickly. C-to-C charging and A-to-C charging both work fine. I know this light will do exactly what it says it will do and look forward to using it very soon. No charging solution is included with KR1. I use Samsung 30Qs in all my 18650 lights because theyre a great balance of capacity and current output. Olight Warrior 3S Review Phenomenal EDC/Tactical Hybrid, Emisar D4K Review Enthusiast EDC Powerhouse, Convoy M1 SFT40 Review High Value Compact Thrower, Simple basic operation (1 click on/off and hold to change brightness), Customizable minimum & maximum brightness, Customizable smooth or stepped brightness adjustment, Sunset timer (dims the light over a customizable period of time). Contribute to Illini2000/Anduril2 development by creating an account on GitHub. It stays in that same vicinity until low voltage stepdowns kick in just after 2 hours. /Length 292978 SHGDGR . Specification: Product: Pocket throw flashlight. It's just awesome at distance and still useful close up. Below are a couple comparison shots between my KR1 W1 and a KR1vn with SBT90.2, just for fun. Why those modes? KR1 accepts unprotected flat top 18650 batteries. Three body colors are available. Removing the tailcap reveals anodized square-cut threads, with minimal lube. SOLD Noctigon K1 Sbt90.2 delensed. [Noctigon K1 - SBT90.2] Foggy and Rainy. In the beamshots above, the trees where Im aiming the hotspot are 175M away. Unihead construction. Beast mode. A basic lanyard is included in the box, as well as a lanyard attachment ring. This cream anodizing color is no longer available, but it looks smooth and even. Normally a nylon belt holster is included, but I dont have it so I cant comment on that. You can also set manual mode memory which is where you choose what mode the light always turns on in. I have never seen better centering. A candela measurement was taken at 8 meters with a Digital Illuminance HS1010A (the meter included with the Texas Ace Lumen Tube) on the highest brightness, and other candela figures were calculated relative to that. Weltool TC59 Click-On Lock-Out Tail Cap For Surefire (#165165514949), Weltool DF2E Copper adapter for LH Series Light head to SF MH30 MH60 E Series (#165024237224), Lumintop GT Nano COPPER 450 Lumens EDC Keychain LED Flashlight (#114741772557). The Noctigon K1 21700 flashlight also benefits from some cooling fins in the "neck" area, around the switch. | I havent done runtime tests, just played around with it, but I love it, beam isnt too cool for my taste thankfully. I bought the K1 after seeing a few you tube reviews and opted for the W1 osram in cool white. In terms of heat? Of the 3 it's s by far the most useful. It's an insane combo of extreme brightness like an XHP70.2, with extreme throw like an XHP35-HI. Ive set up the stepped ramp with 4 steps so, with turbo added, I get the 5 modes I like. I love the form factor of this light. Mike. Like a laser beam out the lense! Mechanical lockout doesnt even work anyway (more on that momentarily). I did observe LVP turn off the light if I tried to use Turbo when the cell was around 3 volts, so that indicates to me that the LVP does, in fact, work. Learn more. Its so good that I bought another one when the SFT40 version was released and its even more incredible than the W1 version. Is the U22 III still IPX8 if the rubber cover over the charging port comes off? Hello I was was wondering if anyone knew what the range of the Noctigon K1 in sbt90.2 4500 lumens is? Below is the first round of beamshots from when I first posted this review. then again, who is running turbo for more then 30s-60s anyway? If I could make one change to the design of this light, I would eliminate the anodizing on the tailcap threads as well as the o-ring holding the clip in place. (Identity) And it really makes the red or green charge indicators pop!! Theyre quite long threads, so many twists are required. Driver VN4 with RS54 clicky. Thats a huge deal to me, as it means I can update my light as it ages. Disclaimer: Lumen measurements were taken on a Texas Ace 3.5 Lumen Tube. endobj This light looks interesting to me. The threads for the bezel are pretty nice too and are trapezoidally cut. Mode Spacing: Mode spacing & ramp speed smoothness are pretty bad on Anduril 1. I estimate W1 at 0.15lm and SFT40 at 0.4lm. A cigar grip works remarkably well too, thanks to the curves in the body tube. Noctigon K1 Thrower 1*21700 LED Flashlight. Even a 1mm white flat cant run at peak output in a light this size without reaching scalding temps while draining a 21700. I just adore the user interface, which was my biggest complaint with 4X18A. Since Im already familiar with Anduril 2, having it included on K1 just feels right, and using it is second nature. Liked it? Mankerlight manufactures innovative LED flashlight and EDC gear for outdoor enthusiasts etc. 10/10, cant wait to buy this in blue or red just for fun. 0.5ms. The same that I said about the Noctigon K9.3 can be said about the Noctigon K1 21700 flashlight. Its impressively and satisfactorily low. Includes aluminum football kicking tee. Ive got these lights set up how I like it with 5 levels. In the beamshots above, the trees where I'm aiming the hotspot are 175M away. The low modes are way too far apart and the high modes are way too close together. first of all specs are just specs. This section is not comprehensive. Many thanks Hank - I will be keeping an eye out for your future products, as and when I look to extend my collection of lights further. It just starts out at a lower level. I really think an SST-40 sliced/dedomed is far and away a better emitter for lights like this, or an XHP35 HI. Im using a Molicel P42A for my testing. Current: I could not do current measurements on KR1 due to the dual-tube design. So, your light isnt totally useless until you unlock it. This is a review of that flashlight. The tailcap has a spring, too. I dont have $10,000 or even $1,000 worth of testing equipment. Similar head size, but with more cooling fins. My only suggestion would be a quick manual as I know the buttons support clicks but i'm not sure exactly what does what. The hotspot is a little bit narrower & more intense than 4X18A, and the spill from K1 is a lot narrower than 4X18A because the K1 has a much deeper reflector. Through the tailcap end (as seen below) is theonlyway to install cells, too. /Filter /FlateDecode Two 26650 (optionally included) or 26800 batteries instead of one 21700. Point being, it's durable. I seen a TikTok video and all I gotta say that brightness is really good and that door dash driver must of felt really Good thinking he was going to get that side quest. LVP: I observed both low voltage warning stepdowns and complete low voltage shutoff eventially on both lights. Its a very, very good thrower. View cart for details. SFT40 will get you nearly as much throw, a very impressive 2200 lumens, costs $45less, will generate less heat in this very small host, and wont drain your battery as quickly. Dual-switch design with dramatically simpler UI. 3.WITHDRAWN FOR NOW Eagtac S200C2vn with Sbt90.2. In summary, my experience in purchasing this torch from Hank has been great in all areas. Ill cover it below anyway. Medium (80): is a perfectly flat 600 lumens until low voltage stepdowns kick in at 2:15. The RGB backlighting makes it even better! KR1 has a unique and attractive design. Beast mode. The threads are square cut, anodized, and appropriately lubed. \DV+r.Ghz~|~xrg. Current: Im not equipped to do extreme duration runtime tests or extremely high current measurements. In . (LogOut/ 4. One minor downside to this switch setup is that mechanical lockout doesnt work. The red is just neat especially with the W2 and easier on the eyes but not go as far. For really serious long-range S&R I guess I'd take the Acebeam, but you can carry one Noctigon K1 and a handful of extra batteries and it still won't weigh nearly as much. >> Everything I wanted, as well as expected from this flashlight since I saw the prototype. Not really. 5 57. Its a directional pouch, with bezel-up carry only. Its just not as secure as Id like. Ive seen 1Lumens review on that light and Im tempted. Otherwise, do yourself a favor and add the Noctigon KR4 Deep Carry Clip to your cart (shown installed on my KR1 throughout the review, and in the left of the photo below). I've held off on this badboy for a while now and finally gave in. I have a modded MF01 mini using 7 Osram 2mm white flat emitters, and its 7000 lumen turbo doesnt heat up the smaller MF01 mini as the lone SBT90.2 does the MK37. Please consider claims within 10% of what I measure to be perfectly reasonable (accurate, even). If I didnt include a particular light here, it doesnt mean its bad or doesnt deserve to be here. Its worth noting that the contacts on the end of the battery tube connect directly to the cell as far as I can tell, so dont just toss the battery tube in a pocket with your keys, as that will likely cause a short and lead to some dangerous problems. I think the anodizing just takes a little bit of use to break in and smooth out. Im really interested in seeing what kind of current it pulls, and what its thermal performance and runtime curves are. The W1 Green is efficient, throws the farthest and is like a thicker green laser pointer. Medium (SFT40, 80): Medium is a nice, perfectly flat, 310 lumens until low voltage stepdowns kick in at 3 hours and 20 minutes. The max ramp is plenty bright and not going to overheat. I got mine in W2.2 6000k, and it has a great blue tint on the beam. I calculate moonlight here to be 0.13 lumens. It is worlds better for typical daily carry, so much so that Ive ordered several extras to put on other lights. #flashlight #noctigon #sbt90.2 #beamshots #jacksonleeflashlights Everybody saying the light is too small for a SBT90.2, would you say the same about the Noctigon K1 SBT90.2, Fireflies T9R SBT90.2, etc? I tried carrying K1 in a jacket pocket but its just too big. There are thick, stiff, gold plated springs everywhere too for high current. Just for good measure, I texted the parasitic drain of the charging circuit in the battery tube when its disconnected from the head, and I got less than 1 microamp, which is nothing. Smartly, the bezel is stainless steel. If you have the budget and taste for these things go for it, but I wont. A side e-switch is used in the Noctigon K1 21700 flashlight. Anduril 2 is hands down the best flashlight user interface available at the time of writing. Looks awesome. Thats an option you might or might not like it might be a little cooler than you wanted (see below), but itwill provide the best throw out of those options listed. This switch (unlike on the K9.3) is multi-colored and offers some information about cell voltage and the like. $100 now $75 now $65. Its far too complex to do a whole UI breakdown, but here are some of my favorite features: There are a few features that I greatly appreciated on K1 which dont exist in Convoy 4X18A. Share expert tips on how to use this product or pair it with other items. In this particular case for all 3V measurements I observed heavy stepdowns shortly after turn on on all modes except Turbo. Smartly, the bezel is stainless steel. They're quite long threads, so many twists are required. Nearby. I by no means know a ton about thermal dissipation and technical data as others here, but i have experience with small sbt90 lights and hot rod lights. Theres nothing else quite like it besides its sibling, Noction KR4. 8 0 obj I got a couple of these lights, I haven't used them long but they are really high quality. Cooling fins on the head are deep and well finished. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. I see its 440kcd but what does that translate to in meters? 2ms. And heres the light beside my custom engraved TorchLAB BOSS 35, an 18350 light. Left: Noctigon K1 (SBT90.2) vsRight: Astrolux FT03S (SBT90.2)Both flashlights use the same SBT90.2 LED, have Anduril firmware UI and have nearly same size head.K1 uses 21700 battery (built-in USB-C charging)FT03S uses 26650 battery (built-in USB-C charging)At this close distance, it's difficult to tell the difference in beam pattern since they're close in performance.Also compare the longer distance beamshots:1) Noctigon K1 (SBT90.2) beamshot Astrolux FT03S (SBT90.2) beamshot These beamshots are always with the following settings: f8, ISO100, 0.3s shutter, and manual 5000K exposure. Hank graciously includes flashing pads on the visible side of the driver for easy firmware updates. He was very responsive, polite and totally factual in his replies. But then the light would be bigger, and defeat the purpose of a portable light. You will not find a better spot in this price range. 2014-02-11T17:25:39+09:002014-02-11T17:25:40+09:00CubePDF Use single quotes (') for phrases. Its a design that works though, and it keeps it lightweight. Anduril 2 fixes that. Close. If I didnt include a particular light here, it doesnt mean its bad or doesnt deserve to be here. Build quality is excellent, as Ive come to expect from Hank. where 1, 2, 3, etc are different levels of low. Overall, Im extremely happy with the purchase and great communication by Hank. What about Sky Lumens Olight Warrior X Turbo SBT90.2 mod? List the details of your shipping policy. Notably, my W1 version (5A driver) is a little bit better regulated than the SFT40 version (9A driver). endstream super Taschenlampe,,mit hervoragender Reichweite Low voltage stepdowns kick in after 16 minutes. 5ms. Slipped on wet shale and landed on it before I even got to turn it on. Your question has been received. {@_u"JN The box is standard fare from Emisar/Noctigon. Maybe there was and it wasnt included with my package. Charging a P42A takes about two and a half hours. And here is the second round of beamshots I took when I got the SFT40 version. endobj UI has me questioning, and the 2021 Maxtoch M1 (reflector NM1) is competing for the same spot in my lineup. All I'm really hoping for is around 60 seconds above 75% spec, but the graphs I've seen seem to be more like 10-30 secondsand then dropping . I assume this is because the extra 4A of draw on the cell from the 9A driver increases voltage sag and limits output a little bit more. NYLON FLASHLIGHT HOLSTER (NOT FULLBODY). 15 3 11.43 762 76.2 133. endobj The W2 Blue is a close second just because its so different and with the W2 emitter floods a good amount, but not as practical as the others . KR1 is somewhat unique in that it uses an electronic tailswich. 650KCD THATS JUST UNDER 1-MILE. There are thick, strong, gold-plated springs at either end of the body tube. 0.2ms. Higher sustained brightness and dramatically longer runtime. SBT90.2 when ran at highest output is truly a monster. The quality of the metal and materials is top notch. The main way to carry this Noctigon K1 21700 flashlight is going to be the included pouch. I simply cannot list every possible competitor. Reddit user calmlikea3omb kindly lent me this light for a honest review! Driver VN4 with RS54 clicky. Noctigon K1 sbt90.2 4500L range? endobj Add an image in your Collapsible content settings for more visual interest. It stays in that ballpark for a little over a minute, then starts a 45-second decline to a little under 1500 lumens. However, as a newbie Flashaholic I just had to order one after seeing Toykeepers review on the Budget Light Forum. 5 476. But this is a typical Anduril flashlight, so you probably already know how that works. To overheat it means I can update my light as it means I can update my light it... It included on K1 just feels right, and it keeps it lightweight switch setup that... 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