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infamous 2 ugc trophies


0. This is the final choice which decides which ending you play through. Once youve absorbed your third Blast Core during the story mission, along with a new power, your Static Thrusters (while in the air, ) will also be upgraded, now with an initial upward boost upon using it, as well as the ability to use it to cover more distance. inFAMOUS Second Son. 1. You will encounter the Blast Shard Bomber when doing the side mission, "The Gauntlet", located in Gas Works. Destroy 30 verandas or other large objects. So some of us love UGC levels and will continue playing them long after Cole sees himself the hero or the villian. - Reach Champion Karma Rank; chose Kuo in "Storm the Fort" Side missions are good to generally do as you play since for every 10 you complete unlocks a new power. Locate the building which is on the west side of the island, then make your way up this giant obelisk. Thunder drop into a group of 5 or more enemies. 3-in-1 Blow stunt bonus must show up on screen. Launch poles can also be found on metal towers in the train yards and power plants in the second island. What's a game that has such a big focus on parkour without a trophy for climbing to the top of the city's buildings? By continuing past this page, you agree to abide by the Terms of Service. They'll be automatically listed on your mini-map in the form of a blue pigeon icon when you get close. - Finish 40 side missions Simply pause the game, go to USER-GENERATED CONTENT->SEARCH->Infamous 2 plot summary->Play->Repeat. Go behind the buidling by the dock here, jump on the boat, and hover your way to that tower in the water. Shatter Blast - 2,800 XP Report Save Follow. Since Cole conducts electricity, stepping into water is generally not a good idea for him. Story related. Pick up all the blast shards scattered around New Marais. The series includes the PS3 games "inFAMOUS" "inFAMOUS 2" and "Festival of Blood" as well as the PS4 games "Second Son" and "First Light". Skull Bolt - 1,200 XP Notify me about new: Guides. Jump off and press to do a Thunder Drop down and once youve landed, the trophy should unlock shortly after. With Great Power Comes Greater Power . Just an FYI to everyone playing InFamous FOB, or InFamous 2, that the UGC (user generated content) servers are online and working as of this morning on 08/19/2021. Pincer Bolt - 400 XP This time, however, they are no longer stationary satellite dishes - they have been attached to carrier pigeons. Yeah, he's the guy responsible. Done with the trilogy. Just find the shortest mission possible and repeat until you get the trophy.Play 25 user-generated missions.Subscribe to me today | BENGALURU: TCS, which counts Credit Suisse as one of its key customers, is anticipating some changes in this business in the medium to long term following the UBS takeover, company COO N Ganapathy Subramaniam told TOI in an interview. This trophy will pop after completing the "Leading the Charge." Take over the first island in New Marais. Aesthetically, Infamous 2 pleases both the ears and eyes. Finish the game on hard difficulty. Completing crimes represented in blue will lead to positive karma boosts. PLAYSTATION 3 TROPHIES LIST Earn Bronze (40), Silver (9), Gold (2), Platinum (1) or Secret (0) Trophies to increase your Gamer Level. And no, you can't pick up enemies or civilians with this ability. Do you have a question about this trophy? To do this, you need to complete all the side missions on an island. - Unlocked for purchase after completing the story mission, "The Final Piece" Love hotels lurk in most East Asian cities but in Taiwan the market stands out for having almost no mid-priced hotels - you either get a cheap plain room or a pricey ultra-private stay in themed . Ionic Charge 2 - 1,200 XP In order to unlock this trophy, youll have to head back there again. If you strive to complete the main story and the side missions, you will have this trophy long before you finish the game. Note that depending on your playthrough, keep in mind two missable trophies: See the guide for more details. However, private schools are asked to share the details of at least five vendors where uniforms and books can be purchased. If you made a habit of defeating every enemy you encounter, doing and activating the many side missions, you will easily earn this trophy before you're even close to finishing the game. Tripwire Rocket - 2,000 XP Artillery Bolt - 800 XP Shooting lightning when an enemys in the water does not count. Some other cumulative trophies you might want to concentrate on as you progress just to potentially save time later on are, "Finish What You Started" & "Vehicular Manslaughter". We give the updated Mercenaries mode in Resident Evil 4 Remake a spin in this S-Rank gameplay clip, featuring Leon. Credits to TigerLust for the following tip: While playing missions 35, you will be climbing the ice tower. He has one night to find and kill the Head . Vampires have overrun New Marais and have taken Cole MacGrath and his blood for the resurrection of their leader. Near the end of the mission youll be chased by a helicopter which you must take down in order to progress. The railyard has six or seven of these tanks, so a few trips there should help you get this trophy. - Finish 60 side missions I was able to get the UGC trophies for 2 about 3 months ago, everything is up and running. Positive Karma. You can also search "XP Boost 2" which will have the same amount of time. Refer to It's My Town, Now for details. . You begin the game with this power You will unlock the ability to perform melee Finishers after completing the story mission, "Evolution". Ionic Drain - N/A Ultra Attacks - 1,200 XP Perform a Shockwave Blast(+) just before the missiles hit you and they'll switch directions and head back to the helicopter. To get full negative Karma, you need to make sure that you take all the Evil choices in the main story, do the Evil Karma side missions, and do a decent amount of the evil events that randomly occur, such as assaulting street performers and police patrols. Kill him. Head to the upper-right part of the first island, where you can cross the water and return to the swamp. Clean Up: Not only will this increase the amount of times you can use your electric super powers, but it will also save you the hassle of leaving this task end game. Make sure to change the difficulty to Hard as soon as you are able, otherwise the trophy might not pop. inFAMOUS 2 Platinum Trophy (Platinum) Collect all other inFAMOUS 2 Trophies. Destroy 30 verandas or other large objects. Defeat 25 enemies by throwing cars at them. . One of Rajasthan's richest persons today, Agarwal is a self-made business tycoon who took his venture from a . Sign in and add a guide. - Reach Hero Karma Rank; chose Kuo in "Storm the Fort" For inFamous 2 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Do UGC missions count for trophies?". You also may want to add the "Auto-Collect 305 Shards" by user son-of-sam . You CAN get back without the Static Thruster upgrades, but for the trouble it's worth, it's not worth it. For help with "Pain Builds Character", see that trophy in the guide. - Reach Thug Karma Rank; Get a Rocket Party stunt; chose Nix in "Storm the Fort" Continuous learning to help founders, innovation teams & nonprofits use strategic UX methods to quickly identify, pivot & scale . Megawatt Drain - 500 XP See the video below for more info. Head to the blue marker to work together with Kuo, and upon completing it, youll unlock the trophy. This trophy will pop if you side with Nix for the Good Karma choice, it will pop after the credits once you are placed into free roam mode. Note that even if you die, your progress will still carry over. UGC Curious. If that happens, simply beat the game again (you'll be taken back prior to making your last decision end game) and sit through the credits this time and it should unlock. Unlock and purchase all powers. Climb to the top of the 3 tallest buildings in New Marais. 5 Mary's Teachings will give you the upgraded Vampire Sense. (InFamous First Son) 0. You will definitely earn this naturally. You don't actually get all of the XP you earn in UGC missions; you just get the set amount for completing it. Once you have that decided, it's in your best interest to be consistent for the rest of the game. You'll unlock your very first Ionic Power, the Ionic Vortex during the story mission, "Storm's Coming". The highest place in New Marais as mentioned many times, is that tall behemoth like structure the Ice Tower, located in Gas Works, the third and final unlockable area of the game. According to the DoE circular, schools must display class-wise books in advance for the upcoming . Share this post. As soon as youve reach full positive karma, the trophy will automatically unlock. This trophy is NOT based on unique levels. Unlock and purchase a power of each type by performing stunts. Cluster Grenade - 5,500 XP In order to use them though, youll need to collect Ionic Energy, which is represented as glowing purple orbs that are occasionally dropped and can be picked up from defeated enemies. The minister, who was in the city to inspect the construction, Singh said the tenders of the project have already been allotted by the Public Works Department (PWD . Complete the assassination side missions. Cole will start up the RFI only to find out its true purpose before being stopped by Zeke. Note that there is also a Dead Drop to be collected here. Nightmare Blast - 2,800 XP Defeat an enemy by destroying the object they stand on. In this Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom trailer breakdown, Logan Plant highlights Link's four new powers, along with bringing some speculation surrounding some hidden bits tucked away in the gameplay. Continue with Delsin as the protagonist with a sequel to InFamous Second Son (InFamous Second Son 2/InFamous Second Age) 0. You will easily hit 7+ more enemies, as well as unlocking the trophy, along with the Discerning Taste trophy. Along with gaining the Pincer Bolt ability, youll also be able to purchase new powers as well, along with the Finisher melee power up. Note that the map is meant to be used in compliment to the video. - Reach Outlaw Karma Rank; chose Nix in "Storm the Fort" It will then laser target you, and then shoot two homing rockets at you. Defeat just one of them, and the trophy will unlock. You begin the game with this power Blast Shard Sense - 2,500 XP To use one, simply jump up to them and youll automatically use it and launch into the air. Blamed for the destruction of Empire City and haunted by the ghosts of his past, reluctant hero Cole MacGrath makes a dramatic journey to the historic Southern city of New Marais in an effort to discover his full super-powered potential -- and face a civilization-ending confrontation with a dark and terrifying enemy from his own future. Over the course of the story, youll unlock Ionic Powers that you can use. Good Karma. This trophy will pop if you side with Kuo for the Evil Karma choice, it will pop after the credits once you are placed into free roam mode. An Ultra Melee Combo can be performed the same way, but will require the gauge to be filled all the way up. A prequel game in which the past and the timeline of Kessler or Cole of the future are explored. All achievement and trophy pages on IGN's wikis use a special template. branch of this mission which is the good karma choice. UGC missions will become available to you after the mission. You will now have to turn some valves. We would put more info into this trophy, but we really doubt you need advice as to how to kill civilians. Head towards them and once they start attacking, climb up onto a nearby palm tree or the statue in the middle of the park and wait till they gather in one place. The servers are usually up. 17/04/2023. inFamous 2 Trophy Guide ? Infamous 2 at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies. Story: It is not recommended you mix and match, as in choosing to be a good guy in the beginning, and then deciding to be evil midway. Once you feel you're done, which can be very fast, simply save, and the trophy should come to you shortly after. Written by amilbar15 18 Ratings. Perform 100 finishers or ultra melee combos. Simply find a chain link fence and climb it to unlock this trophy. Ice Launch - 2,400 XP Some tips: First Light is 100% part of the Infamous series. In order for it to count, the Big Destruction stunt bonus must appear on your screen, which is by destroying all the verandas on a building or blowing up several of these towers at once. One of the more simple trophies, all you have to do is climb over a fence to unlock the trophy. If you start a new playthrough without manually saving your previous one then you won't be able to go back. All you need to do is ensure that you get the "Big Destruction" stunt 30 times. Once youve unlocked it, simply head to a nearby intersection and start picking up cars with the Kinetic Pulse. Note that this can be done on the same pole if you wish to do so; it doesnt have to be 50 different poles. Your first opportunity to earn this is during the story mission, Bertran Takes the Stage. branch of the mission which is the Good Karma Choice. This trophy is really easy. Naturally, blue icons work towards Good Karma, whereas Red icons work towards Evil Karma - the latter do not count towards this trophy, though. Defeat 25 enemies by throwing cars at them. You can also earn this trophy by jumping off the Ice Tower, which is actually a lot more daring but more fun. Soon after, youll be told to take out some militants before you can move further on. Switch to easy mode and find a UGC mission which has you fighting swarms of enemies (most of them do) and farm those. You can simply pause the game and go to the UGC, where you can choose to create something from scratch or work from a template. You begin the game with this power So just proceed to any 5 of your choosing and complete them for this trophy. PSNProfiles com. Potentially not needed but if you are missing any trophies after both your playthroughs then check the guide for them and go get them. Directed by James Mangold, the movie also stars Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Antonio Banderas, John Rhys-Davies, Shaunette Renee Wilson, Thomas Kretschmann, Toby Jones, Boyd Holbrook, Oliver Richters, Ethann Isidore, and Mads Mikkelsen. Make your choice depending on which playthrough you are currently doing (Good/Evil). Go to the Mission Filters and change to Newest. The Ionic Vortex will be made automatically available to you as part of the story, after the Storms Coming story mission. Make your way to the Cathedral, in the western part of the first island. This trophy guide will help you collect all trophies in the conclusion of Cole's story! Harass his Luchadore buddies in The Grove and Almonzo will turn up. . UGC Veteran Trophy in inFamous 2. UGC- UGC Curious (Bronze) Play 10 User-Generated Missions This can be continued from Trail . Alpha Rocket - N/A Thug > Outlaw > Infamous Leaning towards the Hero side and you'll be locked out of the Evil powers, and vice versa. The crimes in progress are the randomly occuring events in New Marais, indicated with either a blue or a red icon. Pick up 50% of blast shards scattered around New Marais. Should I play inFAMOUS 2 first? Defeat an enemy or civilian by stepping in water. Once you've done this it may take a minute for the missions to start showing on your map but once they do they are all from the newest filter. Remember, you must kill these 50 enemies when you're not in the middle or a story mission or side mission as the trophy description describes. For the side missions that have an affect on your karma rating stick to the same type depending on your original choice and for the street crimes, there are 4 types of Good Karma street crimes and 4 types of Evil Karma street crimes, stick to the 4 that relate to your choice and ignore the rest. This trophy is automatically unlocked when working towards. Two birds with one stone! Once again, youll be given the option to either go with either one. Stage 2: Collectibles and UGC Missions After finishing the game and watching the final cutscene, you will appear once again in New Marais on the night in which Bloody Mary was revived. Watch the Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny trailer for the upcoming Indiana Jones movie, opening in theaters on June 30, 2023.Harrison Ford returns as the legendary hero archaeologist in the highly anticipated fifth installment in the iconic Indiana Jones movie franchise. But could you imagine how much more fun that would be? A Thunder Drop can be performed by pressing, The highest place in New Marais is the Ice Tower in the Gasworks area, which you also need to climb for, You will unlock the Precision ability after you've collected several Blast Cores in the main story. Fortunately, you won't have to worry about that anymore. Gigawatt Drain - 1,200 XP This trophy is unlocked by completing the side mission. However, you can get around these issues: Problem with UGC cannot connect to server 30,035 Views. Missable Hit at least 6 cars in a single Ionic Vortex. The easiest thing to do for this trophy is to go into the black area on your map as soona s you've entered Marais City and do not have an active mission, and defeat enemies until the trophy pops. Stack them as close to each other as you can and when you have at least 6 cars close together, unleash a Ionic Vortex into the pile with . With your upgraded Thrusters, head to the northwest section of the first island. Use the Precision ability to rack up three head shots in rapid succession. Yeah I personally enjoyed the UGC mission editor a lot, since it gave me a lot to do after the storyline was finished. Infamous 2 has UGC trophies and some framerate drops with explosions, and both games could use some extra challenges, new game + and maybe extra missions. Focus Reset . When trophy hunting, if you need XP to unlock certain things, just search "XP" in the UGC search bar. Our InFamous 2 Achievements & Trophies guide lists every Trophy for this PS3 open-world sequel and tells you how to get them., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. This trophy will pop after completing the "Fooling the Rebels." Youll know youve entered a powered down area when the game notifies you, well, that youre entering a powered down area on the top of your screen. Simply line up 6 cars by using your Kinetic Pulse ability and unleash your Ionic Vortex on them, which should cause this trophy to become yours. When its half way filled, you can perform a Finisher on enemies to finish them off by pressing . In addition, you are not required to purchase all powers on one save file in order to unlock the trophy. [inFamous 2] #81. Infamous Second Son Video Game 2014 IMDb. By that, the Amazing! Walkthrough Guide for inFamous 2 on PlayStation 3 PS3. Hurl 50 objects using the Kinetic Pulse ability. - Reach Guardian Karma Rank; chose Kuo in "Storm the Fort" - Unlocked automatically. Once you've hit the ground, breathe a sigh of relief, applaud yourself for attempting such a crazy feat and your trophy will unlock soon after. Those three buildings are: Simply climb to the very top of these buildings and the trophy will unlock. - Reach Outlaw Karma Rank; Get 5 Clueless Enemy stunts Street crimes range from: Nothing more to say here, pretty straightforward. Kinetic Pulse- 600 XP To perform it, hold to pick up an object or in this case a vehicle, then fire it with or . Menu. Watch the Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny trailer for the upcoming Indiana Jones movie, opening in theaters on June 30, 2023.Harrison Ford returns as the legendary hero archaeologist in the highly anticipated fifth installment in the iconic Indiana Jones movie franchise. This trophy is nearly impossible to miss during either playthrough. To earn this trophy, simply destroy a veranda when an enemy's on it. Take over the second island in New Marais. Completing one a second time or more will not earn you experience, so unless you don't need the experience for your final few upgrades, it is more efficient to only play each mission once. UGC Tutorial Infamous 2 Wiki Guide IGN. UGC missions show up on the map as a green . You wont unlock the Precision power until later on in the story, by competing Good Gets Better. Destroy 30 verandas or other large objects. Negative karma is sorted into three separate ranks: - Get five Watch Your Step stunts This trophy will pop after completing the "Exposing Bertrand." ----- EDIT: This first started working . Pick up all the blast shards scattered around New Marais. TheSims4/UGC; Minecraft/UGC; TheSims/UGC; Fallout4/UGC; MirrorsEdgeCatalyst/UGC; . Thunder drop from the highest place in New Marais. Ionic Vortex - N/A For 19 you will need the Improved Static Thrusters, see "Back to Bayou" for a guide on how to reach that area. . . Complete 80 of these crimes to unlock your trophy. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Cole will start up the RFI only to find out it's true purpose before being stopped by Zeke. With India maintaining its stand of not travelling to Pakistan for any cricket, suspense over the venue for the upcoming Asia Cup continues. . Side Missions: UGC Veteran . That said, focus on purchasing abilities that restores your energy upon use, Reaching the Hero Karmic Rank unlocks the passive ability that allows you to restore energy everytime your bolts hit any normal sized enemy; very useful in powered down areas, The Frost Shield and the Ice Rockets are your best friends; combine this with the Ionic Vortex and the game becomes a cake walk, Bad karma powers focus on Area of Effect abilities; an emphasis in hitting multiple opponents with each blast of your powers, One of the main advantages of being a bad ass, though you could do this on your Good Karma playthrough regardless, is Bio Leeching. You wont unlock the Ultra Combo ability though, until later on in the game. The game currently costs $4.99/3.81 ($2.49/1.90 with PS Plus) on PSN, and was released on October 25, 2011. Alpha Bolt - N/A A new addition in this sequel, power lines not only run across from building to building, vertical power lines (or launch poles) can now be found on the side of buildings throughout New Marais. Platinum trophy ( Platinum ) Collect all other InFamous 2 pleases both the ears and.! Lot, since it gave me a lot more daring but more fun that be! Game currently costs $ 4.99/3.81 ( $ 2.49/1.90 with PS Plus ) on PSN, was! This, you ca n't pick up enemies or civilians with this power so just proceed any. First Ionic power, the trophy will unlock sequel to InFamous Second Son 2/InFamous Second Age 0! Nightmare blast - 2,800 XP defeat an enemy by destroying the object they stand on, youll unlock Precision. Say here, jump on the west side of the first island as the protagonist with a sequel to Second... There should help you Collect all other InFamous 2 trophies get close 2.49/1.90 with PS Plus ) PSN... `` Fooling the Rebels. when doing the side mission, Bertran Takes the.! 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