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hyde beyblade age


Phi is responsible for the destruction of five Beys, more than any in the entire Burst series. Aiger won 10th place in the 2018 Japan popularity poll and 6th in the 2020 poll. Watch Phi and Hyde on Beyblade Burst Turbo!Hi Bladers! That Bey is mine" - To Hyde after he grabs Dread Hades 11Turn Zephyr'. The suit also sports white hexagons with chartreuse borders: three on the pauldron, two on each forearm, and one on the left and right robe flap. However, similar to Valt, he has been thoughtful of his strategies and wins battles because of them. Beyblade Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. How in the world did you mess up such an easy match? The suit also sports white hexagons with chartreuse borders: three on the pauldron, two on each forearm, and one on the left and right robe flap. Seeing Aiger's strong determination, Valt conceded. And just like his older brother, Phi, he has heterochromia eyes; his right eye being red and his left eye green. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Age Occupation "It's about time! BEYBLADE BURST Episode 51- Final Showdown! I mean, really Phi! "When you look at me like that, it makes me want to break you. 3, 2, 1 Let it Rip! The spirit inside Achilles encourages Aiger to battles and become the strongest blader. Phi ans hyde origins. Hyde later tried to reason with his Phi after the battle, but he refused to listen, hinting that despite everything Phi has done, Hyde still cares about his brother. Jan 21, 2022 - Explore Ryan Henderson's board "Beyblade Phi & Hyde" on Pinterest. So I noticed something on YouTube & other social media Beyblade communities , people are very interested in character ages , since we don't know age of all characters some have to be guessed. Blader, but also burst into tears when she conceded a single point Here is me ramblind nonsense again lol Evel helped to create Phi's new Beyblade and continually shows interest in collecting data on Phoenix. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Ranjiro Kiyama&Hae-jin Oh(Battle Royale), Aiger Akabane, Ranjiro Kiyama,Fubuki Sumiye, Hae-jin Oh,Suoh Genji,Laban Vanot,Xavier Bogard&Kyle Hakim(Battle Royale), Dread Phoenix 10 Friction: Phi's upgraded Beyblade in. - to, "You may think you're in control, but Fafnir's fate is in my hands! It is worth noting that he destroyed Achilles by accident, though. However, this also led to Aiger becoming obsessed with winning at all costs and ignoring his peers' concerns for him. Episode 06 - Winter Knight! Valt is very supportive of Aiger, and always encourages him to keep getting stronger whenever the two meet. "Have you come to mock me?" Contents 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Biography 3.1 Background 4 Beyblades 4.1 Special Moves 5 Battles 6 Official Description 6.1 Beyblade Burst Turbo 7 Relationships 7.1 Aiger Akabane Tag-Team Battle! He was perfect and didnt cry. Watch Phi and Hyde on Beyblade Burst Turbo!Hi Bladers! Episode 34 - The Beasts Bare Their Fangs! Although Xavier still came out on top, Breaker Xcalius bursts just as Xavier is about to pick it up. He makes up with his brother in the final two episodes after Aiger defeats him. Luna (, Runa) is the protagonist of the Beyblade fanon series, Beyblade Burst Universe. Between light and darkness, the strongest of the two is the darkness." Phi took an interest in Aiger during the Luinor Cup, because of the latter's strong bond with Achilles, and begun waiting for when he would become an opponent worthy to destroy. In the anime, Hyde allows Evel to maintain a laboratory in the Dread Tower, even though he seems to know that Evel's loyalty may be shallow. In contrast to his elder brother, Hyde is an extrovert, expressing his thoughts without hesitation, and boasts about how strong he is. "Take that back, I'm not a monkey!" Burst Turbo, Burst Rise ", "Impossible, no matter how hard you try, it is your fate to lose to me." Voice Actor(s) The robe is segmented into four flaps: the front one has purple markings on it, the left and right flaps have a silver plating with purple markings, and the last one is pure white. This is Valt's beyblade throughoutthe series and it was upgraded and evolved into stronger versions. His ruthless behavior was first shown when he destroyed Laban's Vise Leopard and Kyle's phone after they tried to read his true nature. Episode 37 - Turbo Clash! When Aiger's resonance became corrupt, Valt takes notice of this and vows to save him just like he did for his friend Shu Kurenai. See more ideas about beyblade burst, beyblade characters, hyde. The hexagonal details in the purple sections of his suit resemble the designs in the layer of his Beyblade. English Voice Actor This put a severe strain on the brothers' relationship in the present. 112. :eyes: :eyes: Phi starts boasting about being a "god" and think he can control fate and would not loose after obtained Dread Phoenix. ", "On second thought, maybe you were nice enough to give up your toy so I could play it?" Calling himself the 'Lord of Destruction', he has destroyed 5 beys in total and Burst all the Beys in the Battle Royale. Over time, however, the two grew to respect one another and later developed a friendly rivalry. List of Hasbro Beyblade Burst App QR Codes, List of Beyblade Burst QuadStrike episodes, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Aiger looks similar to Valt, except he has lighter skin, turquoise eyes, wears red clothing and his hair and eyebrows are maroon. He also acts like a big-shot at times, such as when he brags about his victories and so-called "invincibility". Beyblade(s) As revealed in the Manga, Phi's blood type is RH Null, an extremely rare blood group. Episode 42 - Battle Royale! These traits are a double-edge sword; when he lost toValt Aoi, he became shocked and infuriated at his loss. Phi is very destructive, (even being aptly titled 'God of Destruction') insanely powerful and has an incredibly strong resonance with his bey Dead Pheonix. Episode 39 - Into the Vortex! Episode 42 - Battle Royale! In the sunny. During the last few rounds of the Battleship Cruise, Aiger witnessed Phi break Laban's Vise Leopard. Diving Dread Cannon Crush: Phoenix and the Dead Armor hit the wall to skyrocket into the air to hit the opponent with its powerful pincer attack in midair. During his and Aiger's final battle, Phi made incredibly creepy faces, laughing maniacally, whispering to him in a evil way, and using deadly new moves in an attempt to trap him in a dark void and break him. Nika shares an interest in Beyblade just like Valt, and nevertheless supports him on his way to the The outfit that Phi wears after acquiring Dread Phoenix bears a striking resemblance to Shu's. Around her Granted Wish. When Hyde tried to get the pieces of Dread Hades back, he is turned down by his brother. - when he unleashed Phoenix spirit. Episode 43 - Lord of Destruction! Valt watched Aiger's final battle with Phi and was happy when he finally defeated him. However, Phi turned him down, as he planned to save him for last. In Turbo, Nika has grown taller and now wears a violet dress over He is the younger twin brother of Phi . When he demanded that Hearts give the bey to him, he refused and kept Hades to himself which Hearts' relationship was severely strained. 1 Blader in The World A Huge Stormy Adventure! The twins share everything with their mother, and are the main source of information for Chiharu regarding Valt's progress in Beyblade. BladerBattleship Cruise Tournament Runner Up Valtryek! Advertisement Coins. Also Known As ", "You and I both know that the Dread Tower was created for me and me alone. When they were children Hyde always lost to Phi which resulted in resentment towards him, leading towards him being more intense towards facing his brother. Having lived on a farm for most of his life, Aiger loves animals. Beyblade burst Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Videos For Kids. "How about you tell me, your highness?" "'Bond', you say? He is an enthusiastic Beyblader who founded Beigoma Academy's Beigoma Academy BeyClub where he served as captain. Hyde, known as Hearts (, Htsu) is a Blader appearing in the Beyblade Burst Turbo anime. Fortunately, Aiger defeated Phi in the Turbo penultimate episode, thus sparing Valtryek from destruction. He is the first character in the Burst series to have a dark personality and Bey. Like we promised! It craves your destruction." In Beyblade Burst Rise, he became older and wiser after the events of Beyblade Burst Turbo, he and Valt still maintain their friendship as it shown in episodes 25 and 26, when they congratulated the Victories for saving Beyblade all over the world. Japanese It also matches with her twin brother for having names He attempted to corrupt Shu during their battle, but failed because Shu was able to break free from corruption in the past and knew how to resist it. When he resonates with his Bey, Hyde's hair turns rose pink at the ends and moves like fire. Subscribe for . -after Phi's loss to Aiger, "You lose and then you take it out on your Bey? The second being. Like his brother, Hyde also possesses a dark presence and thirst for conflict. ", "I taught you to respect the wondrous art of destruction, shouldn't you say thank you?" "Phi, I can't believe you lost to a wimp like this. Light Launcher (Current)Launcher Grip (Current)BeyLogger V2 (Current) After obtaining Dread Phoenix, Phi changed his attire to a black, gloved bodysuit, similar to his younger brother's, but with dark-red lines on the torso, arm sleeves, and legs. Trust in Valtryek! The original Beyblade anime didn't have a lot of it, but a manga called Beyblade Battle Saint Lolita turned that on its head. Revive Phoenix 10 FrictionDread Phoenix 10 Friction (Current) -after defeating Shu, "Don't forget. Valt Aoi is the main protagonist of the Beyblade Burst Series, Valt Aoi Like Aiger and Valt (previously), Phi owns a gold Level Chip on his Bey. First Appearance (anime) Over the course of his journey, Aiger received two upgrades to his Beyblade: Z Achilles 11Xtend+, which was destroyed during his battle with Phi in the Dread Tower, and his new, Turbo Beyblade, Turbo Achilles 00 Dimension, which was made after the destruction of Z Achilles' Energy Layer. - to Aiger after when talking about how he destroyed Valt Aoi's, "Aiger, there's something I've been longing to hear, the sound of your despair!" Episode 15 - A Fierce Battle! Aiger Akabane, known as Aiga Akaba (, Akaba Aiga) in Japan, is the main protagonist of the anime and manga series, Beyblade Burst Turbo. They make up in the final two episodes. Aiger wins against him after being Burst by Fubuki and this would be their last face-off on the cruise. {Shu Kurenai X OC} by Aiko Akatsuki. Takehito Koyasu He also has a habit of acting like an entertainer: providing enough amusement to the audiences' content, which was during his first match withAiger Akabane. But once I'm finished with you, only dust will remain!" (1080p), BEYBLADE BURST TURBO Episode 1- Time to go Turbo! - taunting Aiger, "Beys attract other Beys the same way Bladers attract other Bladers. Beast Betromoth! The lines on the torso are angular with four hexagons, the upper two sports a line that joins together on the vertical line at the abdominal section, which is connected to a straight line at the waist that arcs into a hexagonal line at each hip section, the leg lines start running down from the hip section, which are mirrored vertical angles, and run straight down to the knee section where it connects to a "V"-style line that feeds into two lines running down the shin and arcs around the ankle to form a square-style border and ends with a square at the foot's base, and the arm lines feed down and arcs around the hand section twice: forming two circles on the wrist and a horizontal line going around the palm to the backhand. "I am the Lord of Destruction, and I'll wipe every bey out of existence." Not afraid to voice his opinions, Aiger is very competitive and isnt shy about letting others know that hes the strongest out there. Lost Spiral! He wears a black collar with silver studs, and a black gloved, bodysuit with dark-yellow lines on the torso, arm sleeves, and legs. Phi took an interest in Aiger during the Luinor Cup. Lord Destructo (Called by Ranjiro Kiyama). -when Phi asks if he knows how he lost. - after defeating Valt Aoi in the final episode of Beyblade Burst Turbo. Hyde seems to have an interest in Aiger due to his strong resonance. "PHI?! Despite this, Nika is shown to be very caring towards others and will openly show concern for them. Birthday. The definitive subreddit for Beyblade Burst news, thoughts, and more Beyblade Burst related material. Episode 05 - Into the Darkness! He is also far more mature than this brother, such as when he scolded Phi for blaming his loss to Aiger on his Bey and not understanding why he lost. "It seems that we have a copycat on our hands." Unlike his brother, however, Hyde isn't evil nor as arrogant and has no desire to destroy Beys. Hyde, known asHearts (,Htsu) is a Blader appearing in theBeyblade Burst Turboanime. Union Sword: An attachment for Union Achilles' Union Base, increasing Union Achilles' attack power. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In Battle Saint Lolita, the story of Beyblade gets a retelling where all of the characters have female equivalents. Phi is Hyde's brother in the anime. Eyes With hisWonder Valtryek 12 Volcanic, he successfully defends the title against multiple challengers, including former world champion,Lui Shirosagi, but loses toAiger Akabanein a match that destroys hisBeyblade. His jacket has a light-cyan circle with an upside-down dark-blue "A" on the back and three yellow buttons on the front: one on the right side with a dark-blue Beyblade symbol, and two on the left, the upper one an upside-down dark blue "A", and the bottom a dark-blue star. D Got inspired so i made hyde his redesign Linor Cup! Infinite Shield: An attachment for Infinite Achilles' Infinite Ring, increasing Infinite Achilles' defenses. In Superking, Aiger has once again grown taller. Ahahsujshhsjsus miss me so so sorry for not being on here very long i dont really get much free time cuz i recently got a new job and i am working realllly hard XD "I will become stronger. BEYBLADE(S) Revive Pheonix 10 Friction(Former) Dread(Dead) Pheonix 10 Friction(Current) Personality. bobbles. He also is the second Turbo blader to launch with his left hand afterSuoh. Black (with Dark-Grey rings) Gold (Glowing) Gender Male Birthday November 11th Age 14 (Evolution) 16 (Turbo) 18 (Surge) Occupation Blader No. collar, she wears a red ribbon. (More in Phi's section) But after all that, Laban is another one of the people who helped Aiger master his Turbo-Awakening and he is also seen watching Aiger's matches. In TurboValt enters his second year as world champion and gives hisStrike Valtryekanupgradeto prepare for competition. The way he launches looks similar to the launch of Phi but in an opposite direction. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Phis power is unearthly, his cruelty is legendary, and he is feared because his greatest pleasure lies in destruction. When he resonates with his Bey, Hyde's hair turns rose pink at the ends and moves like fire. His attire consists of a space-cadet blue sweatshirt with white borders on the sleeves and a red symbol, a crimson coat with a three-pronged tail and a shade of yellow borders and stripes, a white belt with indigo studs and buckle with an orange-red border, indigo diamond-shaped earrings, and burgundy pants fused with a pair of shoes. Lemme try to explain whats happening Turbo Spryzen! And when the two battled each other for the World Champion title, Aiger emerged victorious, and Valt was proud of him for having beaten him. For a full gallery of images of Aiger, see Aiger Akabane/Gallery. -after Phi's loss to Aiger, "Oh, please. Episode 48 - Blading Together! In Rise, Aiger has grown taller and now wears an orange-yellow shirt with a turquoise zipper, a red Letterman's jacket with long sleeves, white wrist collars and borders with a dark blue stripe and retains both the dark-blue upside-down "A" and buttons from his previous jacket, a pair of blue jeans with stitched-in patches, and red sneakers with a yellow border, white laces and white toe caps. Lost Luinor! Aiger is the first Burst protagonist to reuse parts, as he did reuse the. Yo what if aiger saw hyde on everything he ate like valt saw wakiya that would be so funny then at the same time not because aiger would probably viciously Uhm so im trying to sleep right? related to the summer. always seen with pigtails, which are held up with two star-shaped hair Evel helped to create phi's new beyblade and continally shows interest in collecting data on Phoenix. Phi is the first character to have a condition called Heterochromia iridum, where a person has two different eye colors. In this quiz you can find out which Beyblade Turbo Four Member you are!!! Ironically, Phi broke the corrupted resonance that he created in Aiger. Double Dread Cannon: Phoenix knocks the Dead Armor at the opponent, then after it rebounds it knocks it at the opponent a second time, for a double attack. shoulder injury, Nika was very concerned for his well-being and felt When Dragon was destroyed, he cheers up Dante by reminding him what Beyblade is reallyall about. God of Destruction (Japanese)Lord of Destruction (English)Lord Destructo (Called by Ranjiro Kiyama) ", "You and I both know that the Dread Tower is for me and me alone. 16) His attire consists of a space-cadet blue sweatshirt with white borders on the sleeves and a red symbol, a crimson coat with a three-pronged tail and a shade of yellow borders and stripes, a white belt with indigo studs and buckle with an orange-red border, indigo diamond-shaped earrings, and burgundy pants fused with a pair of shoes. Like Aiger, Phi defeated all members of the Turbo 4. Who would win, Hyde (With Dread Hades before it was destroyed and absorbed by Pheonix) or Arthur (With Prime Apocalypse) votes Hyde Arthur . He then sets out on a journey to the big city to challenge and defeat Valt; a goal he eventually achieved with the dark power of his Turbo Beyblade. Battleship Cruise! Hyde shares his birthday with his twin brother. poking out of her mouth. Aiger is a hot-headed blader who cannot stand losing as he was infuriated after his defeat at the hands of Valt Aoi. In the anime, Hyde allows Evel to maintain a laboratory at The Dread Tower, even though he seems to know that Evel's loyalty may be shallow. Episode 25 - The Mysterious Masked Blader! "We're the best team in the WORLD!!!" What the fuck! Episode 16 - A Group Lesson! Anime & Manga Personality Beyblade Beyblade Turbo Four Beyblade Burst Beyblade Personality. In Beyblade Burst Rise, Aiger and Valt remained friends despite the past, they also supported and cheer on team Victories throughout the rest of the match. He began watching over Aiger at Fubuki's insistence, even accompanying him on his journey to Dread Tower. Phi is a tall, fair skinned man with long white hair and two differently colored eyes: a blue right eye and a red left eye. Since then, Ranjiro had begun supporting Aiger in his matches, and at one point he even returned his Bey to him after the Wild Bey Gang Bladers had stolen it. This was even more so confirmed after Phi broke Hyde's Dread Hades and used a fragment from its layer to transform Revive Phoenix into Dread Phoenix. He lives in a forest. Even after the loss, Valt continues to pursue his Beyblading career and seeks to helpAiger Akabane, who has become possessed byZ Achillesand builds a new Beyblade:Turbo Valtryek. Two years after the International Blader's Cup, the story focuses on Aiger Akabane, a "wild child" that grew up in nature.After battling Valt Aoi, he became inspired to become the No.1 Blader in the world, along with his Beyblade, Z Achilles 11 Xtend.He aims to fight strong opponents in an effort to become stronger himself. Hyper Horusood! including various work around within Aoi Pan, their family bakery. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. (Flashback). In Turbo, Nika is often seen carrying a tablet. Anime/Manga Phi destroyed Laban's Vise Leopard after Laban tried to read his future. In this quiz you can find out which Beyblade Turbo Four Member you are!!! He fights with his Beyblade Dread Hades 11Turn Zephyr'. One day, the twins' butler presented them with a gift from their father: a pair of Beyblades called Dread Hades and Revive Phoenix. "I'm done playing games with you." Beyblade Burst Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Occupation Results include - Phi, Hyde, Laban, and Xavier! Phi also has the ability to corrupt his opponents, as he was responsible for causing Aiger's dark power, and attempted to corrupt Shu during their battle, but failed. Assault! ", "It seems your eyes have come upon something they never should have seen. During his time in theBattleship Cruise, he appeared introverted and kept to himself. During Beyblade matches, Nika "Have you come to mock me?" He now does everything it takes to win, including pushing Achilles beyond its limits. Toko and Nika Aoi met Aiger Akabane when he was transferred to Beigoma Academy, they found out that Aiger was a blader and they all became friends, the two often help him out before matches just like they did with their brother Valt and showed no hate towards Aiger after his Z Achilles shattered Valt's Wonder Valtryek. In the past, Phi and his brother, Hyde were raised in Dread Tower and were of noble birth, but when their butler presented them with Dread Hades and Revive Phoenix, Hyde claimed Hades first, which angered Phi as he originally wanted Hades. He wears a dark purple collar with silver studs, and a black gloved, bodysuit with dark-yellow lines on the torso, arm sleeves, and legs. Hyde and his twin brother, Phi were born into royalty and raised together in Dread Tower. Orange Hyde is Phi's younger twin brother and both share a condition called Heterochromia iridum. (Vision)Bonding! Age. Unbreakable Bond! He fights with his Beyblade Dread Hades 11Turn Zephyr'. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . 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