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ga precision gladius


Posted March 3, 2016 in Guns & Gear, Reviews, Rifles by Rusty S. with 29 CommentsTags: GA Precision, gap, Gladius. Most of these were what he was issued, so they were what he used. Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved. Buyer certifies by purchasing a firearm from Custom Shop, Inc. that he or she is legally qualified to purchase and own the firearm and that there are no state or local laws preventing ownership, and owner will utilize a trigger lock to prevent accidents. The next . If you are looking for a custom, accurized short-barreled .308, give the Gladius a try. It is plenty tall for large hands and the shape and contour is very well done. 44,947 views Jun 8, 2012 247 Dislike Share Save tykempster 2.96K subscribers Here we check out a Gladius from GA Precision. Gardner said Kyles rifle was a standard Gladius, although standard is a poor adjective for such a rifle. I believe Davy Crockett was born on a mountaintop in Tennessee.. unless Walt Disney was lying. You could be right. At G.A. I think this is important to note in the event that someone mistakenly attempts to stop a light armored vehicle with something less than .50 BMG, only to be shown the error at an inopportune moment that gets troops killed in action due to inaccurate data. So at 10x magnification, that makes the 2,100 yard shot even more impressive! well done. The 308 he is shooting is in 20rd. Theres a certain amount of hype and even romance for these weapons, which shoot a 12.7x99mm round. Description: For sale: New, GA Precision Gladius. I personally have rifles with both, and have fired 1000s of rounds with each. The scope was mounted with an excellentSPUHRmount, which obviously made the setup and preparation for the shooting evaluation nice and easy! Chris Kyle GA Precision .308 Gladius Win, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Flintlock Misc, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Matchlock/Wheellock Misc, Century Arms International (CAI) - Rifles, Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Rifles (perc), Winchester Rifles - Modern Bolt/Auto/Single, Winchester Rifles - Pre-1899 Bolt/Single Shot, Century Arms International (CAI) - Pistols, Colt Automatic Pistols (.25, .32, & .380 cal), Colt Single Action Revolvers - Modern (22 Cal. but enjoy reading about snipers and their awesome rifles. I think your information is great and look forward to your posts. We tried everything we could and even shot other rifles to insure it was not the shooters having problems, but nothing seemed to work. Shipping: Calculated on checkout. Its a tragedy that we cant ask the man himself. The best I can say is a 300 Win. penetrating ballistic glass and I do not know what range it would work to. It is a tackdriver, and GAP guarantees the rifle to . A sheepdog, a warrior, someone who is walking the heros path.. 18 inch Bartlein stainless 5R barrel, GAP #6 contour, 1.250 inches for 3.500 inches, finishes at .900 on 26 inch barrel blank, Threaded Muzzle, 5/8 x 24 with thread protector, One front stud and 4 QD flush cups (2 bottom and 2 left side), Pillar bedded with 7075 T-6 pillars then skimmed in Marine Tex, Elite Tactical (100% carbon fiber shell and light fill stock). Kyle was obviously proficient with any rifle you put in his hands. I can see his point. His .338 was the rifle featured on the cover of his autobiography, American Sniper. He has received military, law enforcement, and private training in the use of firearms. He didnt indicate armoured or unarmoured, so I cant speculate. 223 = 50rd. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this content, data, or other materials is strictly prohibited without prior express and written permission from the author. The overall score of 170.6 places the Gladius firmly in third place on our all timeleaderboard. Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved. Awesome article, awesome movie and book, American Sniper, and a true american hero and patriot. Gladius Win | 219 | 24 | Lc | 109.4059ms, NEW! Pretty heavy for a 16 barreled .308, but the package is short and balances well. In the meantime, me, my $400 Savage Axis, and my $16/20 box of 30-06 Monarch are heading out to the back yard! But as I was researching this, I noticed McMillan has a rifle package for the TAC-338 that looks virtually identical to the photos of Kyles rifle from his autobiography. I personally wouldnt recommend a Remington trigger, and it may not have been what Kyle chose if he had the choice. I didnt know Chris, but I have a certain Pride in knowing he used and liked my Familys Equipment. 1999 - 2023 GA Precision. As far as soft skinned vehicles, windshields, and barriers, the .50 cal wins, but the .338 still has tramendous penetrating power through most common barriers, such as cinder blocks, brick, soft skinned vehicles and glass. Over 7.85 million rifles are eligible for the replacements. As a former shooter, I can appreciate a lighter more mobile weapon system. that are not only precise, but are also affordable. Youre right, he may have had more than one. Not right away. But Kyle truly was a hero worth celebrating. sacrifice quality. Shortly thereafter, I had the opportunity to pick up a GA Precision Gladius, and have put it through its paces since then. This is my selling price for the rifle only. GA PRECISION needs to straighten that out . But Kyle was a man who was selflessly giving of himself not only to his country, but to other veterans who faced the same struggles he had himself to the point of death. Its a ridiculous value. The other problem is the bad guys know they are important. Badger Ordnance Embedded Front Rail (EFR) available for your night vision devices. A short, handy tack driver 3/8 MOA accuracy guaranteed. The flat sided cheekrest does provide a good resting area for your cheek, but the hydrodipping finish is more slick than a flat dull painted surface. With match handloads firing Hornady 55gr V-MAX bullets mine is a sub-1/2 MOA rifle. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! GA Precision Non-Typical' Short or Long Action. all integral action with built in recoil lug and 20 MOA scope rail. Gladius; FBI HRT Rifle; . This is just a really important topic. Why else would he have spent so much time trying to help fellow veterans and the families of fallen soldiers? DONT EVER SWEEP ME WITH YOUR MUZZLE!!! I was zeroing the rifle at lower elevations after being up in the mountains for a while, and fired 3 shots at 200 yards. Their rifles have proven to be accurate, well built, and extremely consistent. You can see in the photos the McMillan stock he was using on his .300 Win Mag hadtheir lightweight saddle-style adjustable cheek-piece, instead of the integral cheek-piece like the one on his .338 Lapua. I would suspect this is what he was mainly referring to. The amount time and detail is really impressive and the knowledge passed is GTG. I am still amazed at such accuracy with factory ammunition, which speaks volumes in respect to GAPs excellent build quality, Bartleins barrels, and the quality and consistency of Black Hills ammunition. In early 1836, Crockett took part in the Texas Revolution and was killed at the Battle of the Alamo in March. Both rifles shot 1.0-1.5 MOA (both at 100 yards and long-range). There is a debate out there on what scope he used, but I didnt remember him saying that in the book. There are a ton of gun guys in the world but the guys interested in the niche topic of precision rifles is a relatively small community, so when you run into another guy whos interested in the same kind of stuff you gravitate towards each other. Cal We did use the rifle at long ranges earlier with the S&B scope as well as when we tested theLeupold mk6 3-18x44mmscope and it did perform well at those ranges, though we did not do any ultimate accuracy tests during those sessions. $2499.00 + shipping to your FFL. chris-kyle-with-ga-precision-gap-gladius.jpg. His capacity as a S.E.A.L. That is 3,000 feet or 2/3 of a mile. He ended up taking an elk with it in Colorado at 900 yards. Bartlein stainless steel special Gladius contour barrel w/Surefire brake/adaptor (disc. That means its likely a Nightforce ATACR 5-2556 scope topping his GAP Gladius. But should we only celebrate perfect people? Yep. I have fired the rifle with a suppressor on as well, and the MOA shift has always been consistent, roughly 4 MOA low depending on the particular load. It comes down to very practical stuff, and requires practice but I might venture to say most people could make that shot if they had the drive and the time to learn and refine their skills behind the rifle. Buyer assumes all legality, liability and responsibility for the condition, use, and security/storage of the firearm purchased. The military receives a milspec version, with the words milspec on the scope. Im one of those people! is there recall on all Remington triggers at one point? The AI version had a shorter barrel and a folding stock. At sniper school, I learned the basics of a range of weapons, so I was prepared not only to use them all, but also to choose the right one for the job.. Man, you got me. Notice the fine machining of the bolt and bolt handle. We strive to create top professional quality rifles Thanks, George. I was able to accurately range targets at 18 miles, they can range through glass, and they have a ton of other really advanced options. The bolt still only has two lugs so the throw rotation is about the same as on a Remington. Fast forward 10 years I hit targets at 1 mile regularly. Thank you Cal. Think about the 7.85 million people who were unknowingly carrying a Remington 700 with a poorly designed trigger from 1940 to 2014. As a gun nut, I have them memorized, I live by them, and Im continually teaching them to my kids and friends: Sorry to get on a soapbox. Heres a pic of the AW50F for those wondering: I think he was saying more compact, because you could fold the stock. I am just taking a stab at this but most all of the enemy combatants in Iraq and Afghanistan use civilian vehicles as their transportation. You could be right. The action comes with a very solid Badger Ordnance rail[buy here] already attached. I noticed the ammo was marked 223, but figured they just threw down a box of ammo that was laying around to make the picture look cool. Unlike his other weapons, it wasnt type classified rifle or caliber, meaning there wasnt a detailed specification for the rifle. Go get em, buddy! Because the barrel is a faster 1:10 twist we did favor the heavier bullets and did not included any light weight (155gr) match ammo. The GA Precision Gladius, though expensive, performs at the apex of modern bolt-action rifles. Campfire Greenhorn. (upgrades and options available), Manners T-2A stock in Multicam hydrographic camouflage, One front stud and 4 QD flush cups (2 bottom and 2 left side), Hawkins Precision M5 Detachable Mag System with 5rd AICS magazine, additional 5 and 10 round magazines available, Pillar bedded with 7075 T-6 pillars then skimmed in Marine Tex. Those are all mil-based reticles with either classic round mil-dots or an improved mil-dot design with hash marks. Trijicon Ventus: Measuring Range AND WIND! I have to ask: is the Honorable Mr. Kyles thoughts on the viability of the .338, and more specifically the .50 caliber platforms ability to stop a vehicle based on limited data? hankharp. Hes happy with his Savage rifle. Why was he at the range the day he was murdered? One I grab for a match, the other I grab for hunting (or when I know Ill have shots beyond 1200 yards). 79.00 Value Nightforce ATACR 5-25x56; .250 MOA; ZeroStop. Im just trying to help you make an informed decision. Thanks for your hard work to keep us curious informed. I would have to say range would be a big consideration with the 300 Win. A lot of information presented on Some of it is hard facts from the man himself, other specs are what he most likely used based on what was issued at the time of his active duty, and some specs are based on my own research and identifying products based on photos of his rifles. In our case, we started out with McMillan stocks, customized the barrels, and used 700 action. I love my 7mm Rem Mag awesome rifle. Here we have a closer look at some of the guns he used in his craft. I was always wondering what guns Chris was using, as the film didnt really give much attention to it, I guess now I know , Great Blog! 116 Comments. Great article. On December 6, 2014, Remington announced that as part of actions put into place to settle multiple lawsuits and to avoid future legal actions, they are replacing all triggers in Remington 700 Models. Hey, Tommy. You can see in the photo a box a Black Hills Match ammo. Well done. Cal, do we have any idea what reticle(s) Chris Kyle used in scopes? With Nightforce ATACR 5-25x56 Scope And Drag Bag AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT OUR ON-LINE STORE Excellent Condition Super Value A Favorite Of Chris Kyle Includes: 2 10 Round Magazines. Thank you for all you! The design is well thought out and all of the selected parts and especially the build quality are top notch and excellent. The rifle we have here for a full review is a rifle that started off as a standard rifle, but then had several options added to the build for a little custom twist. I contacted George Gardner, and asked for more specifics of the rifle that he built for Kyle. I just got done reading his book and his was telling about his longest shot and he said he was looking through his 25 power scope at his target. The LRF was the Vectronix AN/PEQ-8 procured under an 2001 IDIQ thru NSWC Crane and is a PLRF15 that Vectronix specifically manufactured to the contract requirements. Probably wont make me a better shot, but still good to know. One guy was a hunter and was tickled to get 8-9 groups at 600 yards. In 2013, sculptor Greg Marra wanted to pay tribute to Chris Kyle by making a life-size sculpture of the hero as a gift to his family. Thanx for providing a forum for and the timely focus topic to solicit so many responses. He also had repeated problems with extraction on the Savage rifle, with a couple different types of match-grade factory ammo. The A4 as you listed was designed by McMillan for the Marine Corp M40A3. So Im hoping readers like you will help firm up any of the fuzzy details. The .300 is a little heavier gun by design. Kyles wife allowed Marra to use his rifle for the project, and he contracted a company named NVision to scan a high-resolution 3D model of the rifle. Ive never had that problem, and Ive known guys that have ran Jewells hard for years without experiencing that but its worth mentioning. 5 of Chris Kyles Favorite Sniper Rifles. After I wrote this post, I actually met the guy at McMillan Firearms that personally built Kyles rifle (and also built the rifle used in the American Sniper movie). McMillan stated on their facebook page recently that the rifle used by Chris was given to him personally by McMillan prior to one of his tours in Iraq. The Manners stock has a 1 Pachmyer Decelerator recoil pad to help absorb recoil. When youre in service, you dont get a lot of choices for which rifle you use. This is the same as the standard GAP Gladius model except in 223 Rem, and upgraded with the Templar action, and with the Night Vision Bridge added. Upon measuring the group, he simply uttered Well, its pretty good, but its no screamer Such accuracy, however, is indicative of just what this rifle can achieve given the right shooter, optic, and ammunition. $315.00 Value. The firing pin and firing pin spring mechanism and bolt shroud are straight from a Remington. George said Kyle was referring to his GA Precision Gladius chambered in 308, and he sent me this photo of Kyle holding his GAP rifle. Youve probably heard of the Barrett M-82 or the M-107, developed by Barrett Firearms Manufacturing. I went out and bought me a Barrett m98 B in the 338 lupua ,with the verx4-18x 50 and the mos system. It shoots like a laser. Kyle includes the photo below in his book, and adds this caption: A close-up of my Lapua .338, the gun I made my longest kill with. The short, rigid Bartlein barrel has done an excellent and consistent job since then in temperatures ranging from 110 degrees to 20 degrees F and at elevations form sea level to 8000ft. Bryan Litz is one of the most respected precision rifle shooters, and I know he personally owns a Sako TRG-42 338 Lapua (see photo). Today, I saw American Sniper and found it to be a fairly well thought out movie. I feel like Clint Eastwood was trying to shape the ending into a moment of silence for Kyle. The action has a closed port design for added rigidity and there is a side mount bolt release button on the left. The reason is because the adjustable stock, heavier action, EFR and 4 long SOCOM brake all add weight. It sounds like you might be guessing, so at this point Im going to stick with Leupolds guess but I promise to following up on it with manufacturers when I see them on Tuesday and Wednesday in Las Vegas. Ive seen MIL-SPEC on some Nightforce scopes. Kyle says in his book, that while he was in service Our rounds were match-grade ammo bought from Black Hills, which makes probably the best sniper ammo around. Thats quite a statement coming from Chris Kyle. get it while you can! They were very different rifles, and he liked both of them but the 2nd one a little better. Or could it have been a different trigger? I dont find myself needing to adjust my trigger weight on the fly much, so that doesnt add a lot of benefit. I have a folding stock on my competition rifle, and it makes it much easier to transport. A little more background about GA Precision and who they build for to help with the decision. Although Kyle doesnt specify that this was a SOCOM Mk-13 in his book, industry experts tell me that is likely what he was using. I just didnt like them all that much., He goes on to say, Everyone says that the .50 is a perfect anti-vehicle gun. Sure, he had flaws like you and me. Yeah, I was actually just looking back through his book to respond to a different comment and saw this excerpt: Among the practical effects of the suppressor on a sniper rifle is that it tends to reduce the amount of kick the shooter experiences. That scope is one of the higher powered models listed above. I have yet to read or hear a negative view of GA Precision rifles. Las mejores ofertas para Motor de PC de juego nostlgico CD-ROM Gladius II Gopher's Ambition Japn GA estn en eBay Compara precios y caractersticas de productos nuevos y usados Muchos artculos con envo gratis! With our test scope mounted, the rifle came in at 14.6 lbs (6.64 kg), without ammo. Gladius "Short Sword" as Nicknamed by Snipers Hide founder, Frank 'Lowlight' Galli. In one scene of the movie, they touch on an old analogy about sheep, wolves, and the sheepdog. Great platform with hard hitting 1000 yards out. Thanks Mark. Precision LLC. Just a side note to those interested. But there are tradeoffs, depending on the situation and the scope. Im not a military sniper and dont claim to be. Just loosen that screw and then adjust the cheekpiece to the desired height and re-tighten it. My ears would hurt after a few shots.. That rifle is awesome. Spoke to George Gardner from GA Precison over the weekend at the 10th Anniversary party of Bartlein Barrels. I was never there, and am only speculating, but I would imagine most of the vehicles he was shooting through were not armored in any way. Towards the end of Kyles career, scopes with Nightforces ZeroStop feature were getting phased into use. S These well made forward mounts bridge over and around the barrel without touching it and are glass bedded into the stock. Thanks for pointing that out. Obviously he is not here to confirm but my read of his book was ( and I am a Texan too ) is that he liked to use the KISS principle whenever possible. Another interesting thought would be if he was referring to the AS50, which is a SEAL only semi-automatic .50 rifle, and more comparable to the Barrett M82 he made the comparison to. Im not interested in refereeing a political debate on this blog, so that is all Ill say on that. And on closer targets, you don't have to worry about too much correction for your come-ups. They were probably pickup trucks loaded down with explosives trying to blow someone up. I own both, and shoot both. The Manners stocks all have the more squared off shape to the buttstock which has become a Manners trade mark and you can see it in the T-2 profile on this rifle. #1 I'm selling my GA Precision Gladius in 223 as I've just not used it very much. My conclusion is that its an NXS 3.5-1550. Overseas, I used a 32-power scope. Ive never served in the military. Some of the new military stuff is awesome. The standard trigger on the Gladius is a Timney set to 2.5 lbs, but the owner of this rifle replaced the Timney with aTriggerTech Primarytrigger and it was set at a very smooth and extremely repeatable 1 lbs 10 ounces (1.625 lbs). And long-range ) in our case, we started out with McMillan stocks, customized the barrels, used. Add a lot of choices for which rifle you use s these well made forward mounts bridge over around... Chris, but the package is short and balances well steel special Gladius contour w/Surefire. 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