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delta g rxn calculator


a. P4O10(s) + 6H2O(l) to 4H3PO4(s), Determine delta G rxn using the following information. The sign of G indicates the direction of a chemical reaction and determine if a reaction is spontaneous or not. The change in free energy, \(\Delta G\), is equal to the sum of the enthalpy plus the product of the temperature and entropy of the system. 2HNO3(aq)+NO(g)---->3NO2(g)+H2O(l) Delta Grxn=? If delta H (+) and delta S (-) is it spontaneous? Then how can the entropy change for a reaction be positive if the enthalpy change is negative? Direct link to Ben Alford's post Is there a difference bet, Posted 5 years ago. 2Fe (s) + 3/2O2 (g)----->Fe2O3 (s), Delta G= -742.2. If change of G if positive, then it's non spontaneous. \[NH_{3(g)} + HCl_{(g)} \rightarrow NH_4Cl_{(s)} \nonumber \], \[\Delta{G} = \Delta{H} - T\Delta{S} \nonumber \], but first we need to convert the units for \(\Delta{S}\) into kJ/K (or convert \(\Delta{H}\) into J) and temperature into Kelvin, The definition of Gibbs energy can then be used directly, \[\Delta{G} = -176.0 \;kJ - (298 \cancel{K}) (-0.284.8\; kJ/\cancel{K}) \nonumber \], \[\Delta{G} = -176.0 \;kJ - (-84.9\; kJ) \nonumber \]. ]^{\nu_i} }$. What is the \(\Delta G\) for this formation of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen gas. Calculate the \Delta G °_{rxn} using the following information. She is also highly interested in tech and enjoys learning new things. The delta G equation as a way to define the spontaneity of a chemical reaction The result of the formula for the free energy in a chemical reaction gives us fundamental information on the spontaneity of the reaction. Let's consider the following reversible reaction: \[ A + B \leftrightharpoons C + D \label{1.9} \]. Use thermochemical data to calculate the equilibrium constant If DG exceeds 0, the reaction is not spontaneous and needs additional energy to begin. Imagine you have a reaction and know its initial entropy, enthalpy and that it happens at 20C. What is \(\Delta{G}^{o}\) for isomerization of dihydroxyacetone phosphate to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate? G determines the direction and extent of chemical change. When Gibbs free energy is equal to zero, the forward and backward processes occur at the same rates. \frac{d(n_{i_o}+\nu_i\xi)}{d\xi}=\sum_i\mu_i \nu_i}$, so our criterion for reactive equilibrium is. In that case, let's calculate the Gibbs free energy! compound ?G(f) kj/mol A +387.7 B +547.2 C +402.0 A +, Calculate Delta H, Delta S, and Delta G for the following reaction at 25 degC. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Used the below information to determine if \(NH_4NO_{3(s)}\) will dissolve in water at room temperature. Adding Calculator For Gibbs Free Energy to your Wordpres website is fast and easy! You need to look in your text for a set of thermodynamic tables and apply the following: Therefore, the reaction is only spontaneous at low temperatures (TS). It also recalculates grams per ml to moles. Direct link to Oliver McCann's post According to the laws of , Posted 5 years ago. Thus the equation can be arranged into: G = Go + RTln[C][D] [A][B] with The equation for . K), T is the temperature (298 K), and Q is the reaction quotient. 2C_2H_6(g) + 7O_2(g) to 4CO_2(g) + 6H_2O(g). Calculate the DELTA H (rxn), DELTA S (rxn), DELTA S (universe), DELTA G (rxn). Requested reaction: #3C(s)+4H_2(g)\toC_3H_8(g)#. Calculate delta G_o rxn and E_o cell for a redox reaction with n = 2 that has an equilibrium constant of K = 4.7x 10-2. The "trick" here is to just match the final reaction. how do i see the sign of entropy when both reactant and product have the same phase. It means that the system is at equilibrium, and the concentrations of the reactants and products don't change. Subtract the initial entropy from its final value to find the change in entropy. So as the chemical rxn approaches equilibrium, delta G (without the naught) approaches zero. NO (g) + O (g) NO2 (g) Grxn = ? When the temperature remains constant, it quantifies the maximum amount of work that may be done in a thermodynamic system. According to the laws of thermodynamics, ever spontaneous process will result in an increase in entropy and thus a loss in "usable" energy to do work. copyright 2003-2023 If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. 2KClO_3(s) ---> 2KCl(s) + 3O_{2}(g) b. CH_{4}(g) + 3Cl_{2}(g) ---> CHCl_3(g) + 3HCl(g) Delta G^o for CHCl_3(g) is -70.4 kJ/mol, Calculate delta H degrees_{298} for the process Zn (s) + S(s) to ZnS (s) from the following information: Zn (s) + S (s) + 2O_2 (g) to ZnSO_4 (s) delta H degrees _{298} = -983 kJ ZnS (s) + 2O_2 (g) to ZnSO_4 (s) delta H degrees_{298} = -776 kJ, Given the following data at 298K, calculate delta S for : 2Ag 2 O(s) ? Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. Calculate Delta H for the following equation: Zn(s) + 2H^+(aq) to Zn^{2+}(aq) + H_2(g). Thermodynamics is also connected to concepts in other areas of chemistry. Calculate delta G rxn at 298 K under the condition shown below for the following reaction. If we could wait long enough, we should be able to see carbon in the diamond form turn into the more stable but less shiny, graphite form. Calculate Delta G for each reaction using Delta Gf values: answer kJ .thank you a) H2 (g)+I2 (s)--->2HI (g) b) MnO2 (s)+2CO (g)--->Mn (s)+2CO2 (g) c) NH4Cl (s)--->NH3 (g)+HCl (g) is this correct? The reaction is never spontaneous, no matter what the temperature. 2ADP gives AMP + ATP, Calculate Delta G at 298K for each reaction: a.) For ATP, the nitrogenous base is adenine. For reactive equilibrium, we then require that: $\displaystyle{\frac{dG}{d\xi}=0=\frac{d}{d\xi}\left(\sum_in_i\mu_i\right)=\sum_i\mu_i A state function can be used to describe Gibbs free energy. 2 Hg (g) + O2 (g) --------> 2HgO (s) delta G^o = -180.8kj P (Hg) = 0.025 atm, P (O2) = 0.037 atm 2. Fe2O3 (s) + 3CO (g)-----> 2Fe (s) + 3CO2 (g). 2 H2S(g) + 3 O2(g) ---> 2 SO2(g) + 2 H2O(g) NG° rxn = ? What is \Delta_fH^o for PCI_5 (g) if: PCI_3(g)+Cl_2 (g)\rightarrow PCI_5 (g) \Delta, H^o = -87.9 kJ A) +374.9 kJ/mol B) +199.1 kJ/mol. What is the value of G when a system is at equilibrium? i is the number of particles; i.e., Na3PO4 will have i = 4 (3 for Na and 1 for PO4). ), but it's hard to argue with a positive G! Direct link to estella.matveev's post Hi, could someone explain, Posted 4 years ago. When \(K_{eq}\) is large, almost all reactants are converted to products. It is also possible to calculate the mass of any substance required to reach a desired level of molarity. G (Change in Gibbs Energy) of a reaction or a process indicates whether or not that the reaction occurs spontaniously. PCl5 -----> PCl3 + Cl2 Delta H = +157 kJ P4 + 6Cl2 ----> 4PCl3 Delta H = -1207 kJ Calculate the Delta H for the overall reaction. In the subject heading, 'When is G is negative? Entropy, which is the total of these energies, grows as the temperature rises. H2 (g) +I2 (s) -----> 2HI (g) __________kJ. Calculate the Delta G _rxn using the following information 2 HNO_3(aq) + NO(g) → 3 NO_2(g) + H_20(l), Calculate the \Delta G^{\circ}_{rxn} using the following information. Figuring out the answer has helped me learn this material. Gibbs energy was developed in the 1870s by Josiah Willard Gibbs. The Gibbs energy calculator is the ideal tool for determining whether or not a chemical reaction can happen on its own. Direct link to ila.engl's post Hey Im stuck: The G in , Posted 6 years ago. Calculate delta G^o, for the following reaction. Calculate Standard Enthalpy of Reaction (Hrxn) From Standard Heats of Formation (Hf) 001 - YouTube 0:00 / 6:41 Calculate Standard Enthalpy of Reaction (Hrxn) From Standard Heats of. 2008 University of Pittsburgh Department of Chemical His paper published in 1873, Graphical Methods in the Thermodynamics of Fluids, outlined how his equation could predict the behavior of systems when they are combined. Calculate delta G at 45 degrees Celsius for a reaction for which delta H = -76.6 kJ and delta S = -392 J/K. Direct link to tyersome's post Great question! Calculate the Delta G degrees_(rxn) using the following information. I think you are correct. The total sum of all energy in a system is measured by enthalpy. c. Calculate Eocell for the redox reaction above. Once you recognize that carbon graphite solid and dihydrogen gas are the standard states, then this is just the formation reaction to form #"C"_3"H"_8(g)# from its elements: #3"C"("graphite") + 4"H"_2(g) -> "C"_3"H"_8(g)#. This reaction takes so long that it is not detectable on the timescale of (ordinary) humans, hence the saying, "diamonds are forever." #DeltaG_(rxn)^@ = DeltaG_f("C"_3"H"_8(g))^@#. Grxn =G + RTlnKp Where; R = 8.314 J/Kmol T = 298 K Grxn = -28.0 kJ + (8.314 * 298 * ln 3.4) * 10^-3 Grxn = -25kJ/mol Learn more about Kp: Advertisement Alleei Answer : The value of is -24.9 kJ/mol Explanation : First we have to calculate the value of 'Q'. STP is not standard conditions. mol-1, while entropy's is J/K. The solution dilution calculator calculates how to dilute a stock solution at a known concentration to get an arbitrary volume. Is there a difference between the notation G and the notation G, and if so, what is it? Then indicate if the reaction is entropy driven, enthalpy driven or neither. 2005 - 2023 Wyzant, Inc, a division of IXL Learning - All Rights Reserved, Drawing Cyclohexane Rings Organic Chemistry, A=387.7 B= -609.4 C= 402.0 delta Gf (Kj/mol). I'd rather look it up!). Use the data given in the table to calculate the value of delta G rxn at 25 C for the reaction described by the equation A + B---><---- C, J.R. S. Entropy is the measure of a systems thermal energy per, Relative abundance is the percentage of a particular isotope with. Direct link to Andrew M's post Sure. (by using fugacities). The concentrations of all aqueous solutions are 1 M. Measurements are generally taken at a temperature of 25 C (298 K). The Nernst equation relates the standard-state cell potential with the cell potential of the cell at any moment in time: \[ E = E^o - \dfrac {RT}{nF} \ln Q \label{1.18} \], \[ E = E^o - \dfrac {RT}{nF} \ln Q \label{1.19} \], \[ nFE = nFE^o - RT \ln Q \label{1.20} \], \[ \Delta G = \Delta G^o + RT \ln Q \label{1.21} \], \[ nFE = nFE^o - RT \ln Q \label{1.22} \], \[ \Delta G = \Delta G^o + RT \ln Q \label{1.23} \]. Calculate the Delta Grxn using the following information. Why does Gibbs free energy have to be negative? #-("C"_3"H"_8(g) + cancel(5"O"_2(g)) -> cancel(3"CO"_2(g)) + cancel(4"H"_2"O"(g)))#, #-DeltaG_(rxn,1)^@ = -(-"2074 kJ")# Introduction : the purpose of this calculator is to calculate the value of the enthalphy of a reaction (delta H) or the Gibbs free energy of a reaction (delta G). $a\ln[x] = \ln\left [x^a\right]$, while the second is the For example: The second law of thermodynamics says that the entropy of the universe always increases for a spontaneous process: At constant temperature and pressure, the change in Gibbs free energy is defined as. -14.2 kJ c. -10.1 kJ d. -6.18 kJ e. +14.2 kJ, Calculate \Delta G^o for the following reaction at 25 deg-C: 2C2H2(g) + 5O2(g) \rightarrow 4CO2(g) + 2H2O(l), Calculate delta G for the following reaction at 25degree C: 3Zn2+(aq) + 2Al(s)<---->3Zn(s) + 2Al3+(aq) Anwser in kJ/Mol, Calculate delta G degree for each reaction using delta G degree_f values: (a) H_2(g) + I_2(s) --> 2HI(g) (b) MnO_2(s) + 2CO(g) --> Mn(s) + 2CO_2(g) (c) NH_4Cl(s) --> NH_3(g) + HCl(g), Calculate delta G at 45 C for the following reactions for which delta S and delta H is given. Calculate Delta G for the following reaction: I_2 (s) + 2Br^-(aq) ---> 2I^-(aq) + Br_2(l), Given: I_2(s) + 2e^- ---> 2I^-(aq); E^o = 0.53 V, Br_2 (l) + 2e^- ---> 2Br^-(aq); E^o = 1.07 V. Calculate delta G^o for the following reaction at 25C: 3Fe^2+(aq) + 2Al(s) <-->3Fe(s) + 2Al^3+(aq), Calculate delta G^o for the following reaction at 425 ^oC, H_2(g) + I_2(g) => 2HI(g) given, k = 56. This tool applies the formula to real-life examples. He originally termed this energy as the available energy in a system. Gibbs free energy tells us about the maximum energy available in the system to do work. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. For Free. For CTP it's cytosine, and Uracil for UTP. It does free work is what textbooks say but didn't get the intuitive feel. You are given reactions to flip around and do things with: #"C"_3"H"_8(g) + 5"O"_2(g) -> 3"CO"_2(g) + 4"H"_2"O"(g)#, #DeltaG_(rxn,1)^@ = -"2074 kJ/mol"#, #"C"("graphite") + "O"_2(g) -> "CO"_2(g)#, #DeltaG_(rxn,2)^@ = -"394.4 kJ/mol"#, #2"H"_2(g) + "O"_2(g) -> 2"H"_2"O"(g)#, #DeltaG_(rxn,3)^@ = -"457.22 kJ/2 mol H"_2"O"(g)#, (Note that the third reaction is not written in a standard manner, and we should note that it is double of a formation reaction. I find it to be: #color(blue)(DeltaG_f^@("C"_3"H"_8(g)) = -"24.40 kJ/mol")#, 8475 views Parmis is a content creator who has a passion for writing and creating new things. Standard Free Energy Change: For a particular compound, the standard free energy change defines the change in free energy. This quantity is the energy associated with a chemical reaction that can be used to do work, and is the sum of its enthalpy (H) and the product of the temperature and the entropy (S) of the system. Direct link to Kaavinnan Brothers's post Hi all, Sal sir said we , Posted 6 years ago. all $i$ components (much like $\sum_i$ denotes the arrow_forward. Calculate Delta G for the following reaction. The entropy, S, is positive when something goes from a solid to liquid, or liquid to gas, which is increasing in disorder. is lowered. The LibreTexts libraries arePowered by NICE CXone Expertand are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. The $\Pi_i$ operator denotes the product of Since everything is constant, no energy is available to do any work (unless the process is disturbed!). Calculate Delta H for the reaction H(g) + Br(g) --> HBr(g), given the following information: H_2(g) + Br_2(g) --> 2HBr(g) Delta H = -72 kJ H_2(g) --> 2H(g) Delta H = +436 kJ Br_2(g)= 2Br(g) Delta H = +224 kJ, Calculate the \Delta H o , \Delta S o \Delta S surroundings, \Delta S universe and \Delta G o for the following reaction at 25 \circ C: 2 NiS (s) + 3 O_2 (g) --- > 2 SO_2 (g) + 2 NIO (s) \Delta H o =. How to calculate delta h for the reaction: 2B(s)+3H_2(g) \rightarrow B_2H_6(g) Given the following data: 2B(s)+3/2O_2(g) \rightarrow B_2O_3(s) delta H = -1273 kj B_2H_6(g)+3O_2(g) \rightarrow B_2O_3(, Find Delta G for the following reaction: 2CH3OH(l) + 3O2(g) arrow 2CO2(g) + 4H2O(g), Find Delta G for the following reaction: 2Al(s) + 3Br2(l) arrow 2Al3+(aq) + 6Br-(aq). Name of Species Delta Hf (kJ/mole) Delta Gf (kJ/mole) S (J/mole-K) CO 2 (g) -393.5 -394.4 213.7 CH 3 OH (l) -238.6 -166.2 127 COCl 2 (g) -220 -206 283.7 delta, start text, S, end text, start subscript, start text, u, n, i, v, e, r, s, e, end text, end subscript, equals, delta, start text, S, end text, start subscript, start text, s, y, s, t, e, m, end text, end subscript, plus, delta, start text, S, end text, start subscript, start text, s, u, r, r, o, u, n, d, i, n, g, s, end text, end subscript, is greater than, 0, delta, start text, G, end text, equals, delta, start text, H, end text, minus, start text, T, end text, delta, start text, S, end text, start text, C, end text, left parenthesis, s, comma, start text, d, i, a, m, o, n, d, end text, right parenthesis, right arrow, start text, C, end text, left parenthesis, s, comma, start text, g, r, a, p, h, i, t, e, end text, right parenthesis, delta, start text, S, end text, start subscript, start text, u, n, i, v, e, r, s, e, end text, 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parenthesis, delta, start text, G, end text, start subscript, start text, r, x, n, end text, end subscript, start text, T, end text, equals, 20, degrees, start text, C, end text, plus, 273, equals, 293, start text, K, end text, minus, 10, degrees, start text, C, end text, start text, E, end text, start subscript, start text, c, e, l, l, end text, end subscript, delta, start text, H, end text, start subscript, start text, r, x, n, end text, end subscript, equals, minus, 120, start fraction, start text, k, J, end text, divided by, start text, m, o, l, negative, r, x, n, end text, end fraction, delta, start text, S, end text, start subscript, start text, r, x, n, end text, end subscript, equals, minus, 150, start fraction, start text, J, end text, divided by, start text, m, o, l, negative, r, x, n, end text, dot, start text, K, end text, end fraction, 2, start text, N, O, end text, left parenthesis, g, right parenthesis, plus, start text, O, end text, start subscript, 2, end subscript, left parenthesis, g, right parenthesis, right arrow, 2, start text, N, O, end text, start subscript, 2, end subscript, left parenthesis, g, right parenthesis, start text, T, end text, is greater than, 800, start text, K, end text, start text, T, end text, is less than, 800, start text, K, end text. can an exothermic reaction be a not spontaneous reaction ? Non spontaneous - needs constant external energy applied to it in order for the process to continue and once you stop the external action the process will cease. Gf(kJ/mol) -110.9 87.6 51.3 -237.1, Calculate the \Delta G^{\circ}_{rxn} using the following information. Standard conditions are 1.0 M solutions and gases at 1.0 atm. Calculate Delta H for the reaction: 2H_2S(g) + 3O_2(g) to 2SO_2(g) + 2H_2O(g). Understand what Gibbs free energy is by learning the Gibbs free energy definition. Yes, this reaction is spontaneous at room temperature since \(\Delta{G}\) is negative. Thus, we must. How do we determine, without any calculations, the spontaneity of the equation? H_{2}(g)+CO(g)\rightarrow CH_{2}O(g) \Delta H^{\circ}=+1.9KJ;\Delta S^{\circ}=-109.6J/K a. The reaction is not spontaneous because DG > 0, DG 0. This is essentially what we are used to as a typical equilibrium Delta g stands for change in Gibbs Free Energy. Is Gibbs free energy affected by a catalyst? equilibrium constant at 25C for the following reaction: $C_2H_4(g)+H_2O(g) \Longleftrightarrow C_2H_5OH(g)$. Do we really have to investigate the whole universe, too? Estimate \Delta H^{\circ}_{rxn} for the following reaction: 4NH_{3}(g)+7O_{2}(g) ---> 4NO_{2}(g)+6H_{2}O(g) 2. G rxn = G 1 +G 2 +G 3 = G rxn,1 +3G rxn,2 +2G rxn,3 = 2074 kJ 1183.2 kJ 914.44 kJ = 23.64 kJ = 23.64 kJ/mol propane And this compares well with the literature value below. C3H8 (g) + 2O2 (g) => 3CO2 (g) + 4H2O (g) asked by Zach September 19, 2008 1 answer The following equation relates the standard-state free energy of reaction with the free energy at any point in a given reaction (not necessarily at standard-state conditions): \[ \Delta G = \Delta G^o + RT \ln Q \label{1.10} \]. You don't need to contribute anything; the response will start on its own due to the atoms involved. Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\): The Enthalpy of Reaction. Unfortunately, using the second law in the above form can be somewhat cumbersome in practice. Substituting \(K_{eq}\) into Equation 1.14, we have: \[\Delta{G}^{o} = -RT \ln K_{eq} \label{1.15} \], \[\Delta{G}^{o} = -2.303RT log_{10} K_{eq} \label{1.16} \], \[K_{eq} = 10^{-\Delta{G}^{o}/(2.303RT)} \label{1.17} \]. Formula to calculate delta g. G is change in Gibbs free energy. G= Change in Gibb's Free Energy ;H= Change in enthalpy; S= Change in Entropy; T= Temperature. It is the most work that has ever been produced by a closed system without growth. Paste the code to your website and the calculator will appear on that spot automatically! Direct link to Jasgeet Singh's post The Entropy change is giv, Posted 6 years ago. delta H(rxn) = delta H products - delta H reactants. For a particular compound, the standard free energy change defines the change in free energy that is related with its generation from its components which are present in stable forms. Accessibility StatementFor more information contact us atinfo@libretexts.orgor check out our status page at Three melting ice cubes in a puddle of water on a mirrored surface. T is temperature in Kelvin. On right, chunk of black graphitic carbon. S = (H G) / T . The delta G formula for how to calculate Gibbs free energy (the Gibbs free energy equation) is: G = H T S where: G - Change in Gibbs free energy; H - Change in enthalpy; S - Change in entropy; and T - Temperature in Kelvin. At what temperature does the reaction become spontaneous? When G = 0 the reaction (or a process) is at equilibrium. {/eq}. CF_3CH_2O^- + CH_3CH_2OH to CF_3CH_2OH + CH_3CH_2O^- a. delta G degrees_{rxn} = 0. b. delta G degrees_{rxn} greater than 0. c. delta G degrees_{rxn} less than 0. d. Indeterminant. Gibbs free energy is zero for systems at the equilibrium because there is no net change in any of the quantities it depends on. 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) to C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g). A. Delta Ssys B. Delta Ssurr C. Delta Suniv, For the reaction: 2 H_2 (g) + O_2 (g) to 2 H_2O (l) Calculate the Delta S_{sys}. Use the data given here to calculate the values of G rxn at 2 5 C for the reaction described by the equation A + B C G rin Previous question Next question This problem has been solved! Direct link to izzahsyamimi042's post can an exothermic reactio, Posted 4 years ago. See Answer Calculate the {eq}\Delta G^{\circ}_{rxn} FeO(s) + CO(g) to Fe(s) + CO2(g); delta H deg = -11.0 kJ; delta S deg = -17.4 J/K. Delta Gf(kJ/mol) 4HNO3(g)= -73.5, 5N2H4(l)=149.3, 12H2O(l)= -237.1 Please show work! answered expert verified Use Hess's law to calculate Grxn using the following information. NH_3(g) \rightarrow 1/2 N_2(g) + 3/2 H_2(g) \Delta H = 46 kJ 2H_2(g) + O_2(g) \rightarrow 2H_2O(g) \Delta H = -484 kJ a. Use the free energies of formation given below to calculate the equilibrium constant (K) for the following reaction at 298n K. expression (from Freshman Chemistry, for example), except that now What is the delta G degrees_{rxn} for the following equilibrium? The temperature change is multiplied to obtain Entropy. This looks like a homework question, so I'll give you some hints to get you on the riht path rather than answering directly. When a process occurs at constant temperature \text T T and pressure \text P P, we can rearrange the second law of thermodynamics and define a new quantity known as Gibbs free energy: \text {Gibbs free energy}=\text G =\text H - \text {TS} Gibbs free energy = G = H TS. Work that has ever been produced by a closed system without growth the temperature ( K. Maximum amount of work that may be done in a system is equilibrium! Reaction can happen on its own ; s cytosine, and Q is the value of when. 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delta g rxn calculator  関連記事

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