royal maca whole world botanicals
Thank you for your investment of research to bring this wonderful God given gift to us! ~Georgia L., GA. Do You Have a Testimonial? Results of the study: Maca root improved sexual desire within 8 weeks of treatment. If you develop any side effects after taking Royal Maca for a few days or longer, stop taking the product for two days, and then resume at a lower dosage (see below for possible side effects). Evaluate symptoms after 5 days. Discount calculated off of Online Price. It has been used for thousands of years by native Peruvians living at 14,000 feet above sea level to promote vitality, sexuality, and hormone balance in men and women. You can add your carefully measured Royal Maca powder to: Regularity is important when taking Royal Maca. Rats were fed large quantity of cooked Maca root powder for 72 hours and then sacrificed for study.
She studied Biological Sciences in the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, receiving her degree in 1962, with the theme: photochemical study of Maca. Results: Maca root causes the body to produce less DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) the type of testosterone that causes hair loss and prostate enlargement. The safe upper limit for selenium intake is 400mg per day. Lepidium peruvianum Chacon restores homeostasis impaired by restraint stress. Native Peruvians have used Maca for several thousand years, as a medicinal food to enhance fertility, libido, to support healthy erectile function in men, and to alleviate PMS andmenopausal symptoms in women. There are no animal products in Royal Maca; it is a vegan product. If you experience any allergic-type reaction, such as itching, swelling, redness, rash, nausea, or vomiting, stop taking, Women should stop using estrogenic supplements for 4 weeks before starting use of. If you have questions or concerns about this, you may email the Product Educator for fastest response, or call our Product Educator voicemail line (646-290-8651) for an answer within one to seven days. If you have questions about dosing, you may email the Product Educator for fastest response, or call our Product Educator voicemail line (646-290-8651) for an answer within one to seven days. For both men and women, selenium is an antioxidant, helps boost immunity, improves blood flow and regulates thyroid function. It can also be taken by men a couple of hours before engaging in strenuous activity. ), consider starting with 1/2-1 teaspoon of Royal Maca powder. Men are not as sensitive as women to dosages and have more leeway in how they dose their Royal Maca. Discount calculated off of Online Price. If you would like the convenience of capsules for more exact measuring, consider Royal Maca for Men. If your height is less than 53 (regardless of weight) or you weigh less than 115 pounds (regardless of height), you fit into the petite category. If a man sees a decrease in the desired effects, he is likely taking too much Royal Maca.
Yes, Royal Maca can be very beneficial in that situation. No unsponsored research has ever shown that pigments have hormonal effects.
After 4 weeks, start taking Royal Maca according to the directions on the bottle and reduce Royal Camu to 1/2 to 1 teaspoon daily. Stay on your adjusted dose for another full menstrual cycle, and then adjust again as needed. In fact, it is so weak that it is not commonly used in scientific studies. Adjustments can be made to that amount to increase or reduce the desired effect. Not Menstruating: Follow the directions on the bottle for petite/sensitive. Description: The Maca root is a hardy cruciferous vegetable cultivated in an inhospitable region of the Andean Mountains at altitudes from approximately 12,500-14,500 feet. Our product called Royal Maca for Menopause contains Royal Maca powder in capsules. Royal Maca helped me get through menopause like a breeze! Conclusion #1: Chemical actives in Maca root were working on the reproductive systems of both male and female rats through the hypothalamus and pituitary glands (precursor hormones) If not, keep increasing daily dosage by one capsule every 5 days until symptoms are 80% better. Start with 1/3 teaspoon of Royal Maca powder each morning for a week or two. One serving of Royal Maca powder contains 2.49mcg of selenium.*. Royal Camu works well with Royal Maca for helping with mood, energy, and even some hormone-balancing properties. Women may experience an increase in hot flashes or night sweats, or breast tenderness. It has been used for thousands of years by native Peruvians living at 14,000 feet above sea level to promote vitality, sexuality, and hormone balance in men and women. After 4 weeks, start taking Royal Maca according to the directions on the bottle and reduce Royal Camu to 1/2-1 teaspoon daily. Women who have had no period for 12 months (or longer) are considered menopausal (often called post menopausal). Do you have a favorite recipe in which you use Royal Maca? Also is helpful for improved fat metabolism and elevated blood sugar issues. 2002 Dec;34(6):367-72. ALWAYS GET PERMISSION FROM YOUR DOCTOR IF YOU HAVE HAD A SEX HORMONE-RELATED CANCER. Royal Camu at this dosage will usually reduce hot flashes by 60-70%. *, Royal Chanca PiedraTM Measure carefully! One company continues to insist, with no independent research to back it up, that the color of Maca root matters as to how Maca root affects the hormones of men and women. Stay on your adjusted dose for another full menstrual cycle, and then adjust again as needed.
Phytochemicals essential for Macas hormone balancing power and anti-cancer properties, isothiocyanates, can only develop with sun-drying. ColorCatalog lists all the Whole World Botanicals products in a summary format A good choice for women who have had or who are at risk for breast cancer. The way your body feels should always be your guide. adroll_language = "en_US"; Royal Maca is sun-dried. A good choice for women experiencing menopausal symptoms. 2, 2000. When this happens, you need to first STOP taking Royal Maca for 2 days, and then REDUCE your daily dosage. Ive had hormone imbalance my whole life, but this Royal Maca has brought balance back into my daily life. Exclusions apply. Finding the minimum effective dosage is your goal for optimum health and vitality.*. adroll_pix_id = "UFEX5P7W3ZBW3JSYUHTQZ4"; perimenopause). Evaluate symptoms after 5 days. adroll_language = "en_US"; Code Required. These special formulations of Royal Maca products more effectively meet each consumers unique health needs. Gonzales GF, Crdova A, Vega K, Chung A, Villena A, Gez C, Castillo S. You can increase that amount incrementally in small amounts, if necessary, every 5 days until symptoms are 80% better. If you are at risk for breast cancer or are extremely estrogen-dominant, consider Royal Maca Plus for Women with DIM. A good choice for women with excess estrogen in their system. Due to varying amounts of iron in the soil, Maca root skin has many colors. If you are in that category and are not having symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, etc. Not Menstruating: Follow the directions on the bottle for petite/sensitive (see Product Label tab). You will stay on that amount until you enter the perimenopause phase of life. Consider starting with 1/12 or 1/6 of a teaspoon daily. Their menstrual period may have too much bleeding, too long a period or the cycle may shorten. Body builders love Royal Maca for its ability to repair/build muscle quickly. Royal Maca supports adrenal glands to make more sex hormones. Peruvians never eat raw Maca. Ingredient companies are always looking for the cheapest sources, which means their raw materials change every time they buy and the purchaser has no knowledge of where or who the raw materials come from.
It is never eaten raw by the indigenous people in Peru. Results: Rats treated with Maca before undergoing the stress test showed very little variation or no variation in their pre-stress test blood tests. After one full menstrual cycle, you may increase your amount if you want greater symptom relief, or decrease the amount if you feel overstimulated. Lpez-Fando A, Gmez-Serranillos MP, Iglesias I, Lock O, Upamayta UP, Carretero ME.
Effects of Maca on the Level of Estrogen & FSH in Peri-Menopausal Women by L. Aragon, T. Ramirez, A. Pino adroll_currency = "USD"; Combines the hormone-balancing effects of Royal Maca with diindolylmethane (DIM). Menstruating: Follow the directions on the bottle for petite/sensitive (see Product Label tab). You will probably experience more energy, stamina, and muscle tone. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. adroll_currency = "USD"; If symptoms are 50% better or less, increase daily dosage by one more capsule and stay at that dose for 5 days. Taking Too Much Royal Maca for Your Body can be Unbalancing. Is it necessary for me to take breaks after taking Royal Maca for an extended period of time? Taking Royal Maca before a sporting event yields more stamina. adroll_adv_id = "BAF3IYY3MJBVRHHOJBPXFQ"; I hadnt felt like cleaning my house in over a month, but yesterday I went to the gym, cleaned, and baked a gingerbread cake! Works great to balance hormones to improve fertility. Vol. Royal Camu (very high in natural Vitamin C) can also be taken to support clear skin 2 capsules (or 1/2 teaspoon) twice daily. Required fields are marked *. I feel so good.
A good hormone-balancing choice for men or women on the go the capsules are convenient. Phytomedicine, 2007 Aug: 14 (7-8) 460-4. Royal Maca powder is: Dose-response effect Lepidium meyenii on benign prostatic hyperplasia induced by testosterone enanthate. Gasco M, Villegas L, Yucra S, Rubio J, Gonzales GF. Further adjustments can be made. A good choice for men who have had or who want to reduce their risk of prostate cancer. Men and women may experience fatigue, headaches, feeling jittery, anxious or not sleeping well. He could take a break for a couple of days and then take the product again at a lower dosage. Young men benefit from this formula as it increases their energy, stamina, mental focus, and reduces acne.
Evaluate symptoms again. Epub 2007 Feb 7. A good choice for men and women who like the nutty taste of organic Maca root. *, Botanical Name: Lepidium meyenii/peruvianum. adroll_language = "en_US"; Code Required. Most women find their best dose in a few cycles and stay on that until they enter the perimenopause phase of life. It goes well with hot drinks and foods. If symptoms are 80% better, the dosage is right. If a man likes, the dose may be based on amount needed to produce same-day effect.
Male rats showed a significant increase in sperm count and sperm motility. *, Royal DesmodiumTM In the powder form, Royal Maca can be used as an enhancement in food. Results: Maca significantly decreased the levels of VLDL (very low density lipoproteins), LDL (low density lipoproteins), and total cholesterol, as well as glucose levels in the blood. Only Whole World Botanicals offers a wide variety of Maca products for women and men. If you are not petite or sensitive, consider starting with 1/3 of a teaspoon. Most women find their best dose in a few cycles, and stay on that until they enter the perimenopause phase of life. As you transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2 of perimenopause, and develop hot flashes or other symptoms, you may need to increase your dosage. In Phase 1, symptoms of estrogen-dominance may include very painful periods, flooding periods, endometriosis, breast cysts, fibroid tumors, and painful breasts. May also help men with energy, vitality, and libido. Usually does not combine well with ginseng and other adaptogenic botanicals. Helps the body make more of the hormone that helps to reduce or eliminate perimenopausal symptoms.
It also is more expensive per serving for the consumer.
If you have or have had a hormone-dependent cancer, consult your physician. 2004 Jun;18(6):471-4. Start taking Royal Camu one teaspoon (5 capsules), 3 times per day between meals for 4 weeks. In the second generation of mice, these differences in birth rates and growth rates between the groups were even greater. Sun-drying is the traditional way to process Maca root in Peru. Machine drying in a few hours has become the norm with almost all companies, resulting in a weaker Maca. This process involves soaking the roots in hot water until softened and then extruding the roots under pressure at a high heat for a few seconds. Skin color is apparently dependent on variations in chemical composition of the soil in a particular field. Royal Camu at this dosage will usually reduce hot flashes by 60-70%. Teenagers can start with 1/6 teaspoon of Royal Maca powder daily at breakfast. Their doctors might be more inclined to give their patients permission to use Royal Maca, knowing the results of this study. IGF-1 impacts many parts of the body: Click on the Situation that Best Represents You, As soon as a female begins to menstruate, she can benefit from taking Royal Maca for relief from heavy/painful periods, supporting a regular menstrual cycle, supporting mood balance, relieving PMS symptoms, supporting fertility and healthy reproductive function, promoting post-partum mood balance, promoting healthy skin (reducing acne), boosting energy, and helping to dissolve ovarian cysts.*. The bottle gives detailed dosing instructions. DISCLAIMER: Whole World Botanicals does not recommend self-treatment with any of our products. Maca root has adaptogenic-like effects appropriate for both gender and age. teresa Our Maca growers plant and harvested according to the phases of the moon and say prayers in the traditional way of millennia making our products bioenergetic. It is after taking Royal Maca for a full cycle that a woman can best determine how it is affecting her hormone balance. IGF-1 decreases as we age. Some companies that sell raw Maca are adding digestive enzymes to help customers digest the toxin. Mice fed cooked maca had a higher average birth weight and a faster average growth rate in their offspring than both the placebo group and the raw maca mice group. If you have used this product and have a story to tell, please fill in the form below. Our Maca powder concentrate is certified organic, vegan, and gluten-free. Vecera R, Orolin J, Skottova N, Kazdova L, Olivarnik O, Ulrichova J, Simanek V. Helps your body produce a better balance of its own hormones as you shift from reproductive to post-reproductive hormone balance. Consider starting with 1/3 teaspoon of Royal Maca powder each morning and see how it affects you. Maca roots come in many colors! adroll_pix_id = "UFEX5P7W3ZBW3JSYUHTQZ4"; However, if you take too much, you may get a headache or feel agitated and have trouble sleeping. If you are at risk for or want to avoid prostate issues, check out our Super Royal Maca for Men and Royal LucracoTM. If you are suffering from a serious illness or a potentially serious illness, it is very important that you seek the help of a licensed, expert health practitioner. Exclusions apply. Peruvians traditionally do not separate the roots by color either. Consider starting with 1/12 or 1/6 of a teaspoon. It has added zinc and Vitamin B6, which are both beneficial to men. Friday, July 1 - Monday, July 4th at 11:59PM EST. A good choice for women who are experiencing the estrogen spikes and drops associated with the beginning of menopause. We offer fair trade prices and concern for the well-being of our maca growers and their families. Men in andropause may take Royal Maca to enhance their sexual function and increase libido naturally. Instead of purchasing raw materials from middle-men, Whole World Botanicals does hands-on sourcing in Peru. Royal Maca Powder, 1-Page Printable one page you can print to show to others. adroll_current_page = "other"; Next is the flash-cooking process called gelatinization which destroys toxic enzymes found in raw Maca. Menstruating: Follow the directions on the bottle for petite/sensitive. Next is the flash-cooking process called gelatinization which destroys toxic enzymes found in raw Maca. adroll_version = "2.0"; In that case, consider SHE. Stay on your adjusted dose for another full menstrual cycle, then adjust again as needed. One animal study shows it causes low birth rate and growth rate in mice. A good choice for women experiencing menopausal symptoms. Our Maca powder concentrate is certified organic, vegan, and gluten-free. What can happen if I take too much Royal Maca for my body? This formula adds Diindolylmethane (DIM) to the Royal Maca for Men product. We do not add excipients or flow agents, so mix in the powder thoroughly by using a shaker cup or blender. Gelatinization does several things to dried Maca roots: Maca in its raw form contains a digestion-inhibiting enzyme that is toxic and can cause serious stomach and intestinal distress. The best time to start is right after her period begins or within the first week of the period. Over-stimulation is hormone-unbalancing. Maca root is a food, so it is easy to add this nutty, malty-tasting powder to smoothies, coffee, juice, shakes, hot or cold cereal, and other recipes.
Whole World Botanicals has partnered with the same five Maca growing communities since 1998! You will probably start feeling so good you might be tempted to raise your dosage to feel even better. Reducing the amount of Royal Maca to the dose needed by your unique body is the solution if you are taking too much. 50, No. The only product on the market that combines Camu-Camu and Maca root concentrates. ), consider starting with 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon of Royal Maca powder. Friday, July 1 - Monday, July 4th at 11:59PM EST, Hormone Balancing and Libido Support for Women and Men, Energy, stamina, & healthy sex drive support for men and women. Measure carefully! Results: Mice fed raw maca had the lowest average birth weight and the slowest average growth rate in their offspring. Exclusions apply. Conclusion #2: Maca root had therapeutic effects appropriate to the sex of the animal. Royal Camu works synergistically with Royal Maca. Maca reduced stress-induced ulcers, elevated cortisol levels, and hypoglycemia. Send it to us for a chance to win a free product! Evaluate symptoms again. Eliminates toxic enzymes that inhibit digestion and assimilation, Reduces carbohydrate content by 50% producing a potent powder concentrate, Preserves all of the secondary metabolites created during sun-drying that are responsible for the hormone-balancing effects of Maca root, Usually does not combine well with ginseng and other adaptogenic botanicals, Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing. Consider starting with 1/12 or 1/6 of a teaspoon. Even though 70-80% of Maca in the United States is now sourced in China, be assured that Royal Maca will always be grown and harvested in Peru. If there is no noticeable effect, increase to 1/2 teaspoon of Royal Maca powder daily and try that out for a week or two. It is never eaten raw by the indigenous people in Peru. Avoid excessive sweets and fried foods and add more vegetables to your diet. As each person is physiologically different, you may need to experiment a little, taking the same dosage for 5 to 7 days before changing the amount. If symptoms are 80% better, the dosage is right. The selenium listed on the label is naturally occurring in Maca root. SHE contains a small amount of Royal Maca to avoid over-stimulating the body and adds a generous amount of Royal Camu to support mood, immunity, and energy.
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