ishing - Any Polyurethane clear
Finishing - Any Polyurethane clear coat, or you can use an oil/wax finish, it's up to you. Speedbor wood bit or Large diameter drill bit and Electric Drill.
Be extremely careful while operating power saws, belt sanders, and other automated tools.
This saves unnecessary time sanding and leaves a better end result. like somebody already mentioned if you go perpendicular to the grain it will be stronger. Just be advised that it may take considerably longer this way, so you will need to be patient. Did you make this project? Since the ring will be fairly thin youll want to choose a fairly dense and strong wood. The first step in making a wood ring is choosing the right wood. Once the ring is near its final shape, you can heat temper it using a heat gun or possibly another heat source. By and large though, the steps you need to take are pretty much the same.
on Introduction.
Wood glue works great to bind them together.One thing that helps is I own a sawmill business so I have access to all the hardwood I need!
If you damage your materials or end up with a ring that's the wrong size, you'll have no choice but to start over from scratch.
You can use anything like tung oil, linseed oil, or the like.
I have decided to use the creation of, Rustic and Main will feature centuries, and sometimes, A Saw (Hacksaw, scroll saw, or band saw, etc.). This makes it less likely that your wood will crack or that your rings structure wont hold up over time. All are important questions before you begin, because it will determine the type of wood you need to use and the actual shape of the wood ring you want to make. This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff.
Ipe, for example, is so dense it will actually sink in water.
Preferably a dense, strong wood!
Thanks, I purchased it from Woodcraft.
congratulations! Measure, mark, and saw the corners carefully to avoid cutting into the body of the ring. You can do multiple coats if you like. Youre done! Thanks to you it was a lot easier and she's more than just my girlfriend now!I ended up having to make a second ring for her because the first one was way to loose.
8 years ago I suppose this article could be titled How to make a wooden ring since there is nothing particularly wedding-specific about it, but for me and most guys, a wedding ring is the only ring we wear. Rock the drill back and forth a bit if necessary.
There are other finishing methods as well that you could try, such as using a UV curable clearcoat that creates a much stronger finish. The rings will serve as a token, connecting us to those old stories and places. If you don't have access to a vice or C-clamp, try using a pair of pliers to grip the outermost edge of the wood.
So the first one I made ended up breaking after about 6 months, but I also didnt put poly on it.
We use cookies to make wikiHow great. I have had a lot of people reach out to me with interest in the wooden rings I wear and have made a few for other people. Measurements are approximate.
Even a small slip has the potential to result in serious injury. Are you wanting any special designs or engraving?,,,,, If you slip up, theres no going back so dont be heavy-handed!
To be certain that the ring will come out the right size, take one of your own rings and slide the bit inside. All thats left now is to give your wooden ring a nice coat of drying oil.
I have wanted to try my hand at this, but dont have a lathe also. After marking and drilling a hole in your raw materials using one of your own rings as a guide, you'll gradually sand the wood until it begins to take shape. I am pretty satisfied with the result, it was my first time to try to make a ring like that.As mentioned, I should find a better way to handle the gem. I chose this option because I may use the billet for something else and didnt want to lose the width of the wood. Since 2014, Wolf & Iron has been helping men heed the High Call on their lives through a podcast that inspires, products they value, and a community that equips them to be the husbands, fathers, and leaders God has called them to be. Note: Only drill about half way though and then flip the block over.
We're going to start with the inside of the ring.
Do you want a wooden ring thats simple or intricate?
Start by drilling halfway through your blank, making sure to go slow. You cant always tell the type of wood you are getting, though, so just try and go for the darker pieces which is generally heart wood. Each has its own unique characteristic and the significance of being made by myself.
Local wood supply stores usually have a bin of exotic wood billets which are perfect for these projects. If you want to do this, just give it a thin coat and rub it in for a bit.
By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. on Step 3. i think it might be easier if instead of cutting the wood (i assume you used a band saw or something of the sort) if you used a holw cutting bit for a drill and got the perfect circle like that.
Beveling wears down the squared corners, making the ring more comfortable to slide on and off.
You'll transform the blank to a finished ring through repeated sanding and shaping.
For this step I have chosen to use Tung oil because that is what I had lying around. It should be able to fit without touching.
My latest one is ebony I made that one wide then the others. If he wants to know if it is truely a diamond on the Mohs scale just find the next hardes thing, see which cuts first. I hope that it will keep the brilliant in place. For clarity, this square piece of wood weve cut is commonly referred to as a blank.
Then, follow up with one more light sanding to bevel the edges and work out any remaining rough spots. if not, it's cubic zirconium.
Now you need to sand your ring down to the marking you made in the last step. The downside to this is that it will need retreated every few months.
Heres our recommended list: Now onto the main event! Tung oil will dry to a plastic like consistency, filling in the natural pores of the wood while still allowing the natural color and grain to show through.
Once you do that, freehand the outer shape of your ring. If your blank doesnt slide over your finger easily, you need to keep sanding. I think I have a size 10 ring finger, and a 3/4 bit seems to be a good starting point. They both cracked during the drilling step. I've made several since trying out different patterns and wood types.
The grain in these types of woods is so weak that youre unlikely to even get past the drilling phase without breaking them.
If it starts to smoke or black forms, you may want to dip it in oil to cool. here are some sets available from amazon can buy one for about 10 bucks just go slow and it wont crack.
Cut off the corners to save time on sanding.
Drill bit ready?
Its an excellent wood for making bows as well. I also tried Cyanoacrylate glue (here in Italy "super attak") but it did not work, after a couple of days the gem fell off (fortunately I did not loose it). Once a little darkness begins to form, flip it over and get the other side. How manly!
You could make a hundred rings for around $5. As stated earlier, the rings will end up being fairly thin. on Step 9.
Seems that it's stronger if still in a block so therefore it's easier to drill the centre hole first. 11 years ago Finally, cut off the corners of the wooden square, and sand the edges of the ring until it's round and smooth.
Develop the tech skills you need for work and life. This is beneficial for a marriage. Remember, you cant put the wood back on.
I will likely introduce whiskey barrel rings and other woods that have some significance apart from the aesthetic qualities of the wood itself. Do you want it to be rustic or are you looking for something more modern? One of the best ways to do this is by holding your ring at an angle and rotate it until youve sanded the entire circumference.
Once the ring has been sanded down fairly round, do the rest by hand or back to the belt sander. Itshould slide over theknuckle fairly easily. Under no circumstances should you attempt to hold the blank by hand.
However, whatever youve got on hand will work. It has to get hot enough to get a little smoke going.
Exerting too much pressure can cause your wood to splinter. I have mine in a vice grip, mainly so I could take the picture. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Update:This article has become one of the most read on Wolf & Iron!
No not preachy.
Turns out it only took me about an hour or so of actual working time to knock out my first ring. No need to worry if youre unable to track down a fancy finishthe natural oils secreted by your skin will coat the ring with enough wear. If you dont have access to a power saw, you can also do it the old fashioned way using a handsaw, though this will require more time and labor due to the density of the wood. on Introduction. By using our site, you agree to our. For those of you who arent on the DIY train and would rather leave all this back in woodshop class, dont worry weve got you covered, too. Wedding rings are great, because they tell other women to leave you alone. As you're doing this continuously check the size of the hole by sliding it onto your finger.
Probably 5-7mm is best for a ring but you could make it thicker or thinner to suit you. For more precise dimensions, try tracing with the aid of a scribing compass. 2022, Wolf & Iron. Last Updated: May 17, 2022
9 years ago (mine was about 3/8" thick). Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 109,789 times. If you have never had a chance to make something out of a pricer exotic wood, now's your chance since you don't need too much of it.Materials Needed.
Look for sample wood billets at local stores that specialize in home improvement and woodworking. Simple `ingredients' and simple equipments to get a good looking ring.I had a brilliant lying in a little box on my desk and I really love rings.I decided to put that gem on a ring and to give it to my girlfriend.But I am not a jeweler nor I have the right equipment, so I decided to use wood as raw material and to use my limited set of utensils.I actually did not use it for a proposal, I just gave it to my girlfriend as a normal gift.But it can be a good engagement ring for the guys that want to give something special to their lovers.The close-up pictures were taken with a Pentax K10 D and a Tamron AF 90mm f/2.8 SP Di macro lens.The other pictures, with a Pentax SMC-DA 16-45mm f/4 ED AL zoom lens.
As it says on the tin, once sanding the inside of the hole is done, you should trim the corners off your blank.
Wet Formed Leather Harmonica Case With 3d Printed Logo. Now that the inside is about 80% finished, it's time to focus on the outside. 12 years ago after reading this instructable i decied to make two rings out of the rosewood and a ring box out of the mahogany for my parents 25th wedding anniversary. Of course, as with any DIY project, the first step is actually figuring out what you want to make! Then I tried two different finishing techniques: Beeswax / Tung oilThis was the first way I tried, I melted some beeswax and mixed it with tung oil, that I then applied to my ring. Reply
Everything sanded?
Thanks so much for making this instructable! You'll want to sand it until it fits onto your finger, and is not loose.
Heat treating your ring will go a long way to strengthening your new wooden ring. Also, about a year ago I started to get slight carpal tunnel feelings in my hands from all of the typing I do. You will be sanding the the inside more later so be sure you don't over sand at this step. Did you make this project?
If you try and create a ring by slicing off an end of the wood, it will likely crack. Also, do you find it hard to sand evenly?Overall, great job, great instructable thanks! After it has cooled down, slowly try to put it back on. Waxes and oils act as a natural buffer against dirt, moisture, and scratches, and will keep your ring from cracking or splitting over time. Thanks! Finish by applying a coat of beeswax or a natural oil to protect the wood from damage and impart a smooth, polished luster.
Once all the tedious sanding is over, you can now bevel the edges and the inside of the ring! Once your coatings on, congratulations! If the piece of scrap wood youre using is larger than 1" (3.5 cm), it may be necessary to measure and mark both vertically and horizontally. Actually, the one I have now is probably my 3rd ring. Hold off on testing the rings fit until youve sanded it thoroughly. Constantly keep the ring moving so you dont end up with a flat spot. Now don't get me wrong the glass jewel will take some damage.
Eyeball the ring as it is being sanded to get it close to the line you drew. They have local stores, but I ordered mine off their website: Great job!
Check. This leaves less room for any accidents that could destroy your hard work.
The rings definitely arent perfectly round but no one can tell.
Im excited and cant wait to show you what Im up to! That's really gorgeous! I was trying to make a wooden ring for my girlfriend before this and it was very difficult. 12 years ago
Its not a completely necessary step since the natural oils on your hands will coat it over time, but a good oil coating can cool your ring quickly and help protect it from becoming brittle. Freehand the diameter of the ring and cut off the angles.
on Introduction, it actually looks more towards a type of dark walnut or mahogany. i used wax as a polish at first but quickly realized that wax scuffs too easily and have since been coating every piece of jewelry with a lacquer spray.
Share it with us!
This wood looks wonderful!I just found some cherry, I am planning to make some more rings with it.Let us see how they will come :), i have two pieces of different woods, the first is i have no clue what it is and the second is a piece of walnut.
Take your time. Rustic and Main will be a place where those can come together. That depends on how thick you want your ring to be.
So all that you can tell is that whatever you are cutting with is harder than or softer than. Now all thats left is for your to do is to enjoy your new wooden ring or give it to someone special. Notice how the blank grains are lined up with the pressure of the vice. If sanding by hand, this step is really going to take a while because the woods are much more dense than say, pine. If using a belt sander, just be sure to keep the ring moving so one side doesnt get a flat spot, and go slowly.
This ring was not made by me, but if i can do this right it should look similar, im thinking of just cutting it out with a large plug, drilling a hole though the middle matching my finger, then sanding it to perfection(no scartches, unevenness) and maybe using a mineral, linseed, or simple laquer finish on it, Reply Glass is around 5.5, or I should say window glass plate, 5.5 is. Exposure to intense heat will cause the fibers in the wood to draw up, making them stronger. scrape it on glass and if it leaves a scrape, it's a diamond. Powered by Shopify To learn how to heat temper and seal your wooden ring, scroll down! the ring looks great. if i can i will post images of what it turned out lik, 12 years ago
I ended up using a piece of cherry and black walnut together so the cherry would support the black walnut.
Urban Designer has plenty of ready-made rings that are sure to be exactly what youre looking for, no elbow-grease required. Wear safety goggles, make sure the ring is secure in the clamp or jig, and be really careful when cutting off the corners of the blank.
It does make sense in a way but I've tried cutting a hole in a thin slice of wood and it always breaks. Heat treated? I would never have thought of using a Dremel to burn a finish into the ring.
Flip before going through all the way. The next few have lasted for longer so far.
i wear different ones about everyday and the only one that broke was one that got stuck on my nephews finger and i tried getting it off dry instead of using soap. You can add on chamfered or rounded edges at this time as well. I noticed my wedding ring began to feel cold and heavy and soI stopped wearing it for quite some time.
First things first, you are going to need to cut out your ring blank. Its usually easy enough to make a few at a time and see what holds up and what you like.
).I believe that it is a cubic zirconia gem, but I am not an expert, so as far as I know it can be a real diamond!If you are not so lucky you can easily buy a cubic zirconia, or a real diamond, from eBay.Sometimes cubic zirconia is referres as "synthetic diamond" or "lab created diamond".Then you need some wood.I used a dark-red wood, but do not ask me what kind is it. Cloth rags to apply clear coat or oil/wax, Spade bit or hole saw (slightly smaller then your ring finger), Take your wood and layer it, adding an even coating of glue in between each layer and clamp until dry (24hrs), If you want to use a solid piece of wood, then instead of layering, cut your wood down to the desired thickness of your ring. Some people describe it as a cold sensation. Steer clear of softwoods like pine, spruce, and cedar. Next, drill through the square at the point you marked using a drill bit that's slightly narrower than your ring finger, and draw a ring shape around the hole. Any hardwood - amount will vary depending on how many you want to make. You may want to get a little creative here. 11 years ago Handmade wooden rings can make a great one-of-a-kind gift for your friends and loved ones. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. For a size 10 ring finger, a 3/4 bit seems to be a good starting point.
Linseed or another drying oil could also be used. Coat the ring with oil and rub it in for a few seconds. The plasticine leaved some residuals on the wood.But I loke the contrast between the shine of the brillant and the darkness of the wood, plus the constrast between the rough surface of the wood and the clean surface of the stone. Take your wood, and using a spade bit that is smaller then your ring finger, drill out a hole.
; 10 years ago I decided that I wanted to attempt to my my own wooden wedding ring, however since I don't have a lathe, I wasn't sure how easy or hard it would be. To fashion your own wooden rings, all you need is a block of dense scrap wood, along with access to a drill press, vice, and Dremel tool or automated belt sander.
By drilling halfway through the blank at a time, you can minimize the risk of chipping or breaking your materials.
Too much, however,can make the wood brittle. Use your best judgement. To easily manipulate the brillant I attached it to a piece of plasticine.I also cleaned it with acetone, as suggesten on the glue packaging. (We also highly recommend koa wood for the cool koa wood ring we mentioned earlier), Electric drill with a wood bit or large drill bit, Sanding tool (whether paper or a belt sander).
I do not really know but I think it is some kind of oak. Sorry carpfluff, that is an old wives tale. The important thing here to be patient and attentive to detail. For reference, a 3/4 bit is a good starting point for a size 10 ring!
Sure, it's possible to whittle this project using a pocketknife instead of the drill bit in Part 2, and using sandpaper instead of a Dremel tool. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, Wood!
I've been interested in making wooden rings for quite some time now, and this looks like a good way to do it. After your blank is marked, use your saw to cut against the grain (not with the grain)! Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Note: This step is completely optional but highly recommended! good job Congratulations to the groom, Reply
Head over to and sign up to learn more or see more information at the bottom of this article! There is something known as the Mohs hardness scale. Using the polishing felt I polished the ring.I wanted to make it dark and shiny so I set the Dremel to maximum speed.The felt kind of burned the wood (I could actually smell burned wood) under it making it darker and polished.Be careful not to burn it completely and to give an uniform tone to the wood. Like many, I find myself in a place where I enjoy the rustic qualities of old as well as the modern conveniences of the present.
I wanted to make a wooden one anyhow but it took a while to get around to it.
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