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JavaScript is disabled. The Ultra channel's attack also gets you just about where you need to go for extreme metal. Well my friend,. Grabbing yourself an attenuator is always an option, but rather than spending more money you could save a fair bit if you treated yourself to something at a lower wattage. The reason for not giving this 5 stars is the amp doesn't really open up on the 1w setting. I'm actually thinking of installing a switch to toggle it on and off. on January 20, 2019, Music Background: 12 years in a musical journey, By Joe Great amp for at home use or on the stage. Versatile and powerful, this amp's sounds range from the cleanest cleans to densely layered high-gain harmonic overtones. I did some listening to reviews online and was impressed at all the different tones that can be had from the clean and dirty channel. The HK has some very usable features for a gigging muso. Clean channel is very glassy, 'fender-like'. Originally I was dead set on a mini rectifier. This amp does that and then some. True enough. from Aptos, CA on January 27, 2013, Music Background: Recording Engineer and Hobbyist Musician, By Mike But in a crunchy classic way it is awesome. I mated it with 2 H&K 12's and it is loud! The amp's two American-voiced lead channels have massive amounts of gain - which we found were perfect for modern drop-tuned metal - with a wonderfully sculpted top-end that squeals and snarls on demand. Also, take a minute to think about the kind of gain tone youll be going for with your metal amp, and more specifically the pre-amp valves. I play a lot of hard rock and metal, I"ve heard a lot of people having hard time getting that heavy metal but not mine. Aside from the amp's master volume, everything is MIDI-powered. Don't let the 18W fool you. I also want to give a huge thanks to Joel Helton at Sweetwater. Perfectly matched with the H & K 1 x 12 cabinet. Sure. No. For the money, or for a first tube amp I cant see much better options. Not that I have yet, but I am sure gigging would be just fine with it on the 18W setting IF mic'ed up or using the DI to the console. Effects loop is great! If you are between this and the Peavy i prefer the peavy for cleans especially. Help other music gear aficionados by sharing your opinions of gear you've purchased. When it comes to the best amps for metal, finding the best one for you can be a real tough decision. 2 stars for reliability. Tremonti [of Alter Bridge, Creed and Tremonti fame] likes his 15-Watt PRS signature lunchbox so much that he used it for the bulk of his heavier tones on Alter Bridges ace 2019 album, Walk The Sky. I am actually amazed at how loud 1W is though. Opens up well at 5w which is perfect for smaller gigs. The clean sounds are chimey but still warm and vert pure. A mid sweep control would really improve things. I have a warranty with musicians friend, But after warranty is up I have read that h &k customer service really sucks. Whether you're looking for a dependable, affordable workhorse from the likes of PRS, Orange and Marshall; or are tempted by uncompromising, higher-end standouts from EVH, Peavey and Mesa/Boogie, theres plenty of metal amp options out there. As Friedmans flagship offering, the BE-100 Deluxe delivers 100 sweet-sounding watts of handwired all-tube power. I have had this amp head for four months and overall I love it. Great sound, but used minimally it blue a anode fuse which is impossible to get too unless you dismantle the entire amp. Overall, I like the versatility of a nice fender-like clean channel PLUS the amazing and raw lead boost that you could not get in any fender amp. The blue lighting and clear faceplate allow you to see the tubes glowing while you're pushing them. Still playing with all the sounds that this little amp can produce. My only disappointment with this unit is the lack of reverb. For a little more $ the deluxe 20 has a few more options. (800) 222-4700. Power soak is disappointing. on September 15, 2017, By Joe The clean channel is where this amp really shines. from left coast on April 2, 2018. from Florida on May 8, 2017, By Sweetwater Customer The amp can push high-gain distortion to extreme levels, yet the sound never gets compressed into mush. He was blown away by this little lunchbox! Guitar World is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. It was loud and tight with plenty of gain and punchy bass exactly what I was looking for for. Playing it through a marshall 2x12 vintage 30 cab and it sounds nice and fat! Its an amp-tweakers dream, with ridiculous levels of extra control over the in-built digital effects and virtually infinite MIDI switching. Included MIDI controller provides access to a wealth of features, Notes always retain clarity, even with the aggressive Crunch and Lead channels, A small but mighty option for those crushing tones, A pint-sized hybrid amp with an atomic gain section, Its fierce, but not quite enough volume suitable for larger gigs. I am very intrigued by the Triamp MKIII though. Additionally, when powered up, the MT 15s valves are lit by LEDs which glow red for the Lead channel and blue for the Clean. It sounds OK-ish.. Won`t get any playtime as long as my DSL40C is working though. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). from Raleigh,NC on January 16, 2013, By BP from Wisconsin on May 5, 2017, By Richard So, practice in your bedroom at 1w, band practice at 5w, gig at 18w, or with the DI option you can plug directly into the PA for large gigs, or into a mixing board for recording. With the stock tubes, this amp can get pretty brittle, particularly when you start playing up the neck. The VH Micro, whilst being a featherweight, creates some ridiculous tones for us gain-obsessives. from Wisconsin on June 9, 2015. I highly recommend Joel. My Fender Twin Reverb, had blown a power-tube, and courtesy of the opening band's guitarist, he let me use his, plugged into my speakers. Just make sure you keep it cranked at 18 watts when you plug it into the system. Probably. Run it clean, run it fierce, theres plenty of range on that gain control, and a buffered effects loop on the back for hooking up your pedalboard. The Red Box Direct Out is exactly what I was looking for. Its based on the 3rd channel of the VH4 - the most celebrated - and although there are no tubes in sight, youd be surprised at the noise this amp can create. Sound: I have a love/hate relationship with the sound of this amp. Read more about our rating system, how we choose the gear we feature, and exactly how we test each product. I play a lot of classic rock, and blues and this things works prefect for me. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. Like cybermgk said, sterile. PRS Santana II - just dropped off at the luthier shop. My Les Paul is the leading online community and marketplace for Les Paul guitar fans. from Nederland, TX on February 21, 2015, By Tom Cella If you're like me, you're coming across more and more instances where a "silent stage" is required, which doesn't allow you to use your favorite tube amp. from Romeo, Michigan on January 7, 2014, By Mackgoo I love the cleans on it, and the gain channel is just perfect for so many different styles of music. When you kick in the lead boost it's way louder than the unboosted sound. You are using an out of date browser. So, I buy Marshalls. Happy customers, one piece of gear at a time! With any amp - metal or otherwise - its worth bearing in mind whereabouts youll be using it most. Youre less likely to disrupt your neighborly relations too - so thats a win in our book. It was uninspiring, lifeless and cold sounding. Unveiling Donn Aaron's new guitar technique, YouTuber builds super-super thin electric guitar. With a built in Red Box DI, this is the perfect amp for stage and studio. So, while it would seem like you could use this amp essentially as a three channel, it's not really viable live, because the difference between your crunch and high gains sounds is drastically different. I wasn't really even thinking the it was a contender until I plugged in. from New Brighton, PA on November 30, 2017, Music Background: Church Music director, blues hobbiest, recovering bar band guitarist, By Brian Sweetwater has gone above and beyond my expectations for customer support! The only thing I don't care for is the overly bright reverb. There is a variable power control so you can switch it down to half-power or a measly 0.5-watts to get super-cranked tones at bedroom level. Been playing this daily for about 8 months. Sweetwater's Sales Engineers are regarded as the most experienced and knowledgeable professionals in the music industry, with extensive music backgrounds and intense training on the latest products and technologies. Been playing my Fender MIM Strat and DBZ Bolero FM
I've had this amp for a while now, and absolutely love it. Fun, super-versatile amp full of great tones. To me, OD/distortion pedals sound a little tinny on the clean channel and are a little more useful with the blue channel. BUT be carefull. Absolute pristine cleans, growling distortion without getting muddy. Read the full EVH 5150 III 15-Watt LBX head review. Bought this amp and the H&K 1x12 cab with V30 Celestion speaker about 2 weeks ago. By Danny Luten I didn't give the review 5 stars because the head lacks reverb. I Bought this Amp for my son as I wanted my Germino Club 40 Back.This Amp is an *** kicker for the money for its size and the available tones.I own no less than 12 class A Heads soI can easily move things about to compare.This Amp is something to be excited about and well worth consideration. all impressions are not on the little box, but whot comes out of it, already had to relocate the system to the garage, sound is nothing but awesome and with the power soaks, 1, 5, and the 18 versatility is great, used 18 one time and decided to soak it to 5 watts then to 1 watt, and dont let the little number fool you, it is the best sound from just 1 watt. I had a tech replace the socket, but once he did, he encountered the spontaneous volume drop issue that seems to plague these amps. Blackstar? If your thing is bluesy, moderate gain that you can clean up with the volume knob, you'll probably like it. Played in Londen, Japan and all over the U.S. By Tommy Smith But the Mark Series amps have always been more than just shred machines, and judicious gain settings easily straddle classic rock, punk, garage, grunge, or whatever breed of more restrained dirt your heart desires. Enter the VH Micro - a 30W solid state alternative, and get the Diezel tone without remortgaging your house or getting a hernia. The boost channel works well for leads and I suspect that's what it's voiced for, but it's a shame that the chunky low end isn't really useful for rattling bones like it should be. from Nashville TN on September 4, 2018, By bluedot This does not clean up as nicely but it does real well with some reverb and delay. Learn More. To our ears, the Invective .120s tones are familiar but refined in exquisite detail, and range from the cleanest cleans to densely layered high-gain harmonic overtones with percussive attack and tight decay. Overall, right now the best of the best has to be the PRS MT15 Mark Tremonti (opens in new tab). As long as you like gain, this lunchbox head has you covered. Also, the DI out is very convenient for our folks running sound. Great advice, customer service, and always get an honest opinion on gear - even if Sweetwater does not carry it. But then again you shouldn`t put too much emphasis on what guys on a forum thinks. If you like it, then that`s really all that matters. It sounds much better with V30s. Though, I do appreciate that H&K didn"t just slap some crappy reverb in it, and charge $100 more because the great price made spending the money on a quality reverb pedal much less painful on my wallet. Solid EQ to get a nice classic rock tone. A 5-band EQ can be selectable per-channel to be on, off or footswitch-enabled. Bottom line: this amp has enough gain on tap for heavier music, but the voicing really misses the mark. Now is the perfect time to get the gear you want with simple promotional financing. on May 17, 2018, By Aaron I was astounded by the overdrive and clean channel using my A/B pedal. But don"t let that scare you away; the power soak option is great, I play with it on 1 watt in my bedroom and turn the master up to around 2-3 o"clock and it sounds great; I"ve dialed in some rich, and full clean and dirty tones. Don't think I could be happier.
Its not unusual for the best metal amps to have loads of channels, so the three available on the BE-100 Deluxe are fully justified. Add the 18/5/1 watt capability and I was sold. Sure, you could turn any great amp into a metal amp with a great distortion pedal, but for those who take their tones super seriously, it's all about your amp sounding as good as possible. It is also equipped with an effects loop. BA1 1UA. Not only does it look cool, switching from the crystal blue lights of its clean channel to the fiery reds of its lead mode, but the overdriven sounds are good enough to rival what youd expect from boutique amps retailing for up to four times as much. from Massachusetts on August 11, 2014, By todd With its versatile functions and performance features, the Invective .120 is truly one of the best metal amps out there. On top of it all, the blue lights look killer, and I am constantly getting compliments on my tone for being able to play at such a low volume.
Whilst being a thoroughly versatile and capable amp, we have to say that it's the gain tones that make this amp shine. from Raleigh, NC on July 6, 2014, Music Background: Musician, Project Studio Engineer, By Gman from Missouri on July 23, 2014, By Andrew I loved mine at first. Would be great if the boost had its own volume. I threw in all jj's (pre and power amp) tubes and found the tones MUCH warmer and natural. from Sunny California on March 10, 2019, By Paul T I've spent a little time with the Red-Box DI and so far I really like it. Put a tube screamer in front of it to give it a little more edge. Looks like a mixed bag, mostly negative. CHANGE THEM. Additional features include an effects loop and bias adjusters that are accessible from the back panel for ease of servicing, as well as a half-power switch that takes the amp from 15 to 7 watts. I highly recommend this amp and the matching cab. You can play at 1w, 5w or 18w. CONS: Just purchased this amp head and have not yet had it for 24 hours. I have been playing guitar for over 15 years both live and in the studio.
By justin charles It's an absolute tone monster. Thanks to Aaron at Sweetwater. This is the tone I've been searching for, for a modern prog-ish rock outfit. The built-in RedBox DI means I can keep the amp right next to me in the control room to tweak without the hassle of mic'ing up a cab, and it really does sound "right!"
The clean is more Vox than Fendery. I initially played this amp at a music store a few months ago and I immediately fell in love. The control layout of the VH Micro will be recognisable to those who know the VH4, with a three-band EQ, Gain and Master volume controls adorning its front panel. Read our full Boss Katana 100 MKII review.
The problem is/was, I am moving increasingly towards plugging directly into amps sans pedals and the H&K needed several pedals to get me where I wanted to go. I was looking for an amp that would give me power output options for use at home, in the studio, and live ( average size club gigs ) without sacrificing tone etc.. Great emulation of a cab speaker. It's almost there- it boosts the low end toward a satisfying, room filling thump, which I absolutely love. Developed in collaboration with Misha Mansoor of Periphery, the Peavy Invective .120 amp head is built to fit every need of today's modern progressive metal guitarist. I'm going thru a 2 x 12 open back bottom and am in love with my tone, no matter which guitar I'm using, or what effects are in play. An updated version of the most successful model in Hughes & Kettner's TubeMeister range, the GrandMeister 40 Deluxe is a serious tool with the capability to withstand just about anything a guitarist can throw at it. Other amps - the EVH 5150III for instance - are much better suited to the sharp precision of higher gain metallic thunder, from the EVH-like tones its name would suggest though to Gojira levels of brain-melting. Bath The control panel has knobs for volume, shape and gain, with the shape control running from a predominantly mids-scooped tone at one extreme to a more mids-heavy, punchy tone at the other. The EVH 5150III LBX is the shrunken-down, lunchbox version of the beautifully excessive 50 watt 5150 - and with everyone looking to shrink their rigs for the sake of convenience, this small amp head could be just what the modern metal guitarist needs. Great sounding amp! And, as always, my Sweetwater sales representative, Adam Vaughn, provided the top notch service I've grown to expect from the best music supply purveyor on the planet! The DI into my DAW sounds amazing.
My Les Paul has come alive!! I am a Mesa fan all the way but I use this because I live in a condo and I can get the tubes soaked pretty good without trouble from my neighbors.
It has super clean tones and can get dirty too!!!
Hughes & Kettner Triamp MKIII 150-Watt Dual 3-Channel Tube Head | (I do miss the reverb and trem) It's also built very solid. This little Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister 18 head is just amazing! And sometimes it's a bit much. Even just on face value, its an amp that will stand its ground against any other, with shimmering cleans and thunderous high gain.
There are five amp types onboard, which effectively means the Katana is a five-channel amp, with Clean, Crunch, Lead, Acoustic and Brown amp models. Just mic the cabinet. But I went to GC and compared the mini with an Egnater Rebel 30, a Boogie Trans Atlantic, and the HK, and the HK came out on top by a big margin. Have had 'popping' when switching channels at times. Well, not without damaging neighborly-relations. Channels one and two are beautifully named the 'Brown Eye' and 'Hairy Brown Eye', and offer increasingly joyful and impressive levels of filth which we rolled in like pigs. The minuses seem to be price and weight. It's a product of cheap parts and cheap labor and it sounds ok. I really am enjoying the head, it"s a sensitive eq though so it does take time expirementing to dial in the sound you want.
I tried the 5w combo and thought it was ok, not really more than that. It is a great amp for what it does but the clear panel gets foggy due to my humidifier which I need to keep my acoustic guitars healthy. See giveaway details & rules or check out our past winners! I will definitely buy from Joel and Sweetwater again. I recorded direct to board with the Red Box out Sweetwater! This product doesn't have any review media yet! The natural compression of the amp when in the blue channel will help roll off some of the shrill highs and beef up a bit of the low end, resulting in some VERY VERY cool sounds. A serious tool with the capability to withstand just about anything a guitarist can throw at it. published 4 February 22, These powerhouse metal amps from EVH, Peavey, Orange, Hughes & Kettner and more will have you primed to seek and destroy straight from the word go.
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