endent upon a PC to acquire data
Dependent upon a PC to acquire data, PC-connected instruments usually share these common traits: Beyond their ability to operate independently, stand-alone data logger products usually share a number of common traits: Data loggers that need a PC to acquire data must connect to them in some manner. USB data acquisition (DAQ) devices with 8 SE/4 DIFF analog inputs, 11- to 14-bit resolution, up to 50 kS/s sample rate, up to two 12-bit analog outputs, 16 digital I/O and one 32-bit counter. Additional devices will be detected automatically and ready to use immediately without any complex configurations. The build quality is not compromised. Portable, Up to 32 Universal Input Channels, 4 24-bit A/D Converters. Not sure what you need? CAS DataLoggers is a distributor of data loggers, data acquisition equipment, temperature monitoring systems, and paperless recorders. For more information see the Dewesoft Supercounters online PRO training course. WiFi, Vibrating Wire Strain Gauge Support, Up to 15 Analog Sensor Inputs.
Let us help you with your inquiries, brochures and pricing requirements. Designed to fit most applications and budgets, USB and Ethernet data acquisition devices offer analog input and output, digital I/O, and counter/timers. Award-winning and versatile 8-channelUSB data acquisition system with unmatched price/performance ratio and hand-sizefootprint. Download software, plugins, manuals, brochures, drivers, and more. It is very easy to extend the channel count on MINITAURs DAQ system. All past webinars are available to rewatch in our Webinar archive. Accessories that perfectly fit our data acquisition systems. We ship our Equipment quickly and can have it to you the next day if needed. Vibrating wire strain gauge support, up to 48 analog inputs with modem. Free online PRO training courses with exams for measurement professionals and those who would like to become one. 8 Universal Analog Input Channels, 8 Digital I/Os, 2 Relay Outputs. Versatile, intelligent, programable.
Users can retract or extend the toolbar by pressing the Tool button. They allow simultaneous monitoring of multiple analog and digital signal types with one data loggerfor example, recording temperature using a thermocouple, voltage output of a pressure sensor, and totalizing the pulse output of a flow meter. We strive to meet all your Test Equipment needs at the most competitive prices in the market! Our DAQ software gives you many advantages over other DAQ systems. MINITAURs is a rugged, compact, mobile DAQ system with cutting-edge signal conditioning. The product has communication isolation and input/output isolation, so that it can not only resist interference during use, ensure accurate and stable data transmission, but also in case of strong electricity, it will only burn out the collection product at most and the entire system will not be damaged. The OM-DAQXL is an eight or 16 channel analog input portable data logger with a seven inch resistive touch-screen color display. Common ways to connect are the same as PC-connected products: By definition, pc-connected data loggers use a PCs memory for data storage. It works like magic. Powerful data processing computerand highly reliable SSD data logger for SIRIUS modular data acquisition systems for mobile and field test and measurement applications. Connecting the DAQ systemand sensors could not be faster or easier. All DAQ systems offer IP67 degrees of protection and are thus waterproof, dustproof, and shock-resistant up to 100G. Rugged DAQ device can withstanda maximum temperature range from -40 C to 85 C. Features like: will make you ready for measurementin seconds. DewesoftX offers all-in-one advanced data visualization, analysis, andreporting tools: DewesoftX is designed with the mindset of atest engineer and offers a complete testing solution ina single software package that is a joy to use. We are taking proactive measures to work with our suppliers to identify and mitigate any potential supply chain disruptions and will continue to provide updates in the future, as needed. This is done through standard interfaces, which are found on all PCs. These MX Multi-Channel data loggers are compatible with the MX Gateway to transmit near real-time data to Onsets cloud-based HOBOlink software, giving you access to your data anytime, anywhere. In addition to supporting standard 4-wire sensors, it also supports 2-wire and 3-wire sensor inputs. Click on the SD sensor measurements below to learn more. unlimited FREE licenses to view and analyze stored data files. ), Protective rubber boot - Comes with hard carrying case, Powers from rechargeable lithium-ion battery and/or AC adaptor. Getting precise and graphically rich results is as easy as ever. Universal input or mixed-input data loggers are among the most popular and most flexible products. Rugged aluminum mounting plates for fitting Dewesoft data acquisition instruments and accessories in various scenarios. Measure current SBOX computer inside MINITAUR-S data acquisition instruments can be configured with optional 10 Hz or 100 Hz GPS receiver with optional Real-Time Kinematics (RTK) support for the most precise (down to 1cm) position-basedtest and measurement applications. Having issues? Special-purpose data loggers are available for temperature and humidity, voltage, thermocouple, and event applications to name just a few. Data loggers from DATAQ Instruments address a wide range of applications, both for general- and special-purpose situations. The unit can be operated on a bench using the tilt stand or wall mounted using the given keyhole mount. It is equipped with 2 relay outputs and 8 digital ports that are individually configurable as inputs or outputs.Up to 128 math channels can be used to perform operations on the measured values. Thanks for contacting us. Call us today 1-800-956-4437. New major releases are released every 3 months constantly adding new features, optimization, and other improvements. Signup for the Dewesoft newsletter and be informed of the latest innovations, product updates and events. We build our equipment to last. fully synchronized for time and amplitude. Just drag and drop one of the many flexible visual displays and connect them to your channels. Universal Input, Up to 15 Analog Sensor Inputs, 12 Flexible Digital Terminals. One of our specialists will get in touch as soon as possible. The OM-DAQXLs touch screen user interface (UI) makes configuring the data logger for operation straightforward and simple. If you arent happy, simply return the product for a full refund (U.S. customers only). Data Logger Model DL-1080 (8 Analog & 8 Digital Channel, No Display). Versatile, powerful and cost effective data loggers handling analog, digital and other types of variables with high resolution and speed. Counter inputs are fully synchronized with analog and CAN bus data and enable easy applications like balancing, order tracking, and torsional vibrations. Application notes USB data acquisition (DAQ) devices with 8 SE analog inputs, 12-bit resolution, up to 100 kS/s sample rate, two analog outputs, and 16 digital I/O, one counter/timer. HFS-3 Thin Film Heat Flux Sensor from Omega Engineering, Inc. High Temperature and Humidity Transmitter with Remote Probe to Measure Temperatures from -40 to +180 C, High Temperature Thermocouple Probes for Extreme Temperatures, Measuring Conductivity, Resistivity and Salinity with the Multi- Parameter Input Transmitter, Measuring Temperature and Humidity with the Multi-Use PDF Data Logger, Measuring Temperature Targets and Metals with Miniature Infrared Temperature Sensor, Measuring the Surface Temperature of Solids and Liquids with USB Non-Contact Temperature Sensor, The Coriolis Mass Flow Meter for Measuring Mass Flow Rate and Temperature, The FDT- 30T Series Transit-Time Ultrasonic Flow Meter, Thermocouples with Ceramic Fiber Insulation with Inconel Overbraid to Measure Temperatures up to 1090 C, Using the Pt 100 & Thermocouple for Air Steam, Laboratory and Industrial Applications, Viewing Barometric Pressure, Temperature and Humidity with the iServer MicroServer, Owned and operated by AZoNetwork, 2000-2022, 8 (OM-DAQXL-1) or 16 (OM-DAQXL-2) analog channel inputs, Measures voltage, current, thermocouples, RTDS, thermistors, strain gauge, frequency and pulse, Fast sampling rate125 samples/second (1 Channel), Large data storage: 1 GB internal memory, 32 GB SD card or 32 GB USB drive, USB device (PC communication) and USB host (USB drive, mouse, etc. The DewesoftX is the only software from Dewesoft driving our data acquisition systems. TS01 Non-contact IR Temperature Sensor 4-20mA, 2mm SC-SC Single Mode Duplex Fiber Jumper (50m), 3mm SC-SC Single Mode Duplex Fiber Jumper (3m), You have choosen:[[togetherChouseinfo.num]], Total amount: Sorry, we don't support Internet Explorer Version 8 or below. DewesoftX Professional includes advanced features for data storing, visualization, export, and also includes an extensive math library for signal processing. USB data acquisition (DAQ) devices with 6 SE analog inputs, 16-bit resolution, up to 750 kS/s sample rate per channel, 16 digital I/O, and one counter/timer. These versatile devices can be configured via software to measurevoltage,current,thermocouples, strain gauges, pressure sensor, flow meters and many other sensor types. Environmental, Up to 6 Analog Inputs, 6 Digital Terminals, Cellular Modem. Convenient wireless setup and easy It can be conveniently used to communicate with the host computer.
KRYPTON DAQ systems offerIP67 degree of protection and can operate in the extreme temperature range from -40 to+85Cand offer high shock protection. The module RS485 communication interface has optoelectronic isolation, and the application layer adopts the standard Modbus RTU protocol, which conforms to industrial standards. Synchronized videocan be added forfree. Any of Dewesoft USB data acquisition system like SIRIUS DAQ systemor DEWE-43A DAQ systemcan be connected into one of the six MINITAURs USB ports for additional analog, counter, encoder and/or CAN channels. Onset continues to monitor the latest coronavirus developments and guidance from local authorities, the Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization. We use cookies to enhance your experience. DewesoftX data visualisationDewesoftX math and signal analsyscapabilitiesDewesoftX export and reporting. DewesoftX software will automatically detect the connected DAQ systems and TEDS-equippedsensors and will configure the entire channel configuration for you. The data is displayed in four different ways: Waveform, Table only, Waveform and Table, and Digital. Dewesoft has 16 subsidiaries and over 35 authorized distributors around the world. To complete the signup, we have sen't you a confirmation email. Other multi-channel product solutions can measure a variety of measurements at the same time, like voltage, ac rms, 4-20 mA process current, and many more. New Self-Describing (SD) sensors automatically communicate configuration information to HOBO MX Multi-Channel data loggers. PCI data acquisition (DAQ) board with eight analog inputs, 12-bit resolution, 40 kS/s sample rate, three 16-bit counters, four digital outputs and three digital inputs. Rugged, high-resolution, and shockproof LCD displays and display accessories for mobile, and in-vehicletest and measurement applications. With plug and play functionality, smart sensors, and advanced TEDS supportmaking measurements with MINITAURs is easier than riding a bike. The home screen is the main screen of the data loggers user interface.
We guarantee you that your hardware will be free from defects and functional. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Copyright 2000 - 2022 Dewesoft d.o.o., all rights reserved. [[togetherChouseinfo.price]][[currency]]. It is an ideal solution for various automotive and mobiledata acquisition applications. Rugged data acquisition systems and data loggers for testing inharsh environments. Please widen your search or, DL-1080 8-channel Data Logger (no display), DL-1081 8-channel Data Logger with detachable color LCD display, 8 digital I/Os (individually configured as inputs or outputs), 24VDC output to power up to eight 4 to 20mA transmitters, Ethernet interface for LAN and internet use, USB-device interface for configuring, monitoring and download, USB-host interface for logged data retrieval through a USB flash drive, Up to 100 channels can be logged at a user-configurable rate, Data downloading through the configuration software or through the freely distributed downloaded DLL. Even though each data source can have different sampling rates, all your data will be perfectly synchronized down to few milliseconds. The unit also has three LEDs for different indications (power, logging, and alarm). JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The 512k internal basic memory is used to store data and can be greatly expanded with an SD card up to 16GB. This is done by measuring the exact time of the rising edge of the signal with an additional counter.
MINITAURs | 8 Channel Data Acquisition System | Dewesoft. Universal Input, Up to 15 Analog Inputs, 12 Digital Terminals, Cellular Modem. Integrated strain relief and a locking jack ensure that the sensor is secured to your data logger, for convenient plug-and-play operation. Data acquisition and real-time control merged in a single easy-to-use device. Our DAQ hardware has an application to a myriad of industrial processes. If you have questions or concerns, we have trained staff that can assist you over the phone. Data Display Area: This is the area where different inputs (up to four channels) are displayed vs. time. Voila! Bluetooth or USB data acquisition (DAQ) devices with 8 SE/4 DIFF analog inputs, 11-bit (SE)/12-bit (DIFF) resolution, 1 kS/s (Bluetooth) or 47 kS/s (USB) sample rates, two 12-bit analog outputs, one 32-bit counter, and eight digital I/O. Join Dewesoft experts at one of our in-house training sessions in our headquarters in Slovenia or any of our 17 worldwide offices. Rugged and distributed EtherCAT data acquisition system for field measurementin extreme and harshenvironments. High-speed USB data acquisition (DAQ) devices with 8 SE/4 DIFF analog inputs, 13-bit resolution, up to 1 MS/s sample rate, up to four analog outputs, 16 digital I/O and one 32-bit counter. Versatile 8-channel data acquisition system and data logger with cutting edge signal conditioning at anattractive price. ), Programmable Voltage or thermocouple type per channel, Includes WinDaq and fully documented command protocol, 4 or 8 differential and isolated channels, Better than 2 V resolution on the 10 mV range, 8 isolated wide range channels measuring 10mV to 1000V, Measure mixed accelerometer, TC, RTD, strain, voltage inputs, Uses two standard "AA" batteries (included), Encapsulated packaging provides IP67 rating, Records temperature with a time and date stamp once every 10 minutes, Single-use temp & RH data logger for food market, Environmental -10 to +50 C (+14 to +122 F), Environmental -35 to +80C (-31 to +176F), Environmental -40C to +125C (-40F to +257F), Extra protection from corrosion, impact and water ingress, Environmental -20C to +60C (-4F to +140F), Environmental -18C to +55C (-0.4F to +131F), Environmental -35C to +80C (-31F to +176F), 0 to 100% RH, Environmental -35C to +80C (-31F to +176F), 0 to 100%, Environmental -18C to +55C (-0.4F to +131F) and 0-100%RH, Measure -18 to +55C (-0.4 to +131F), 0-100%RH, and 300-1200mbar, Environmental -20C to +60C (-4F to +140F), 0 to 100% RH, Free Android App for setup, download, and display, Measures when, how long, and how many events occur, Environmental -30C to +80C (-22F to 176F), 0-100% RH, Environmental 10C to 65C (15F to 150F), 0-100% RH, LCD display for alpha and graphical data display, Environmental -30C to +80C (-22F to 176F), Includes two thermistor probes (41-inch length). You can use this module to realize rapid networking, build a monitoring system, or connect with PLC, configuration software, Industrial Personal Computer, OPC, and other systems. Our team of sales engineers specialize in finding accurate and efficient solutions for your specific data recording needs. Dewesoft is a unique working place and ranks among the best companies to work for in Slovenia. We take special care of our employees. Measure weight with load cells. From 2 to 128-plus mixed-inputs. Security is extremely guaranteed. Up to 32 alarm events can be detected, allowing output activations, e-mails and SNMP trap sending.The RS485 interface can operate as a Modbus RTU master or slave. Navigation Toolbar: This toolbar gives access to all the tasks and menus of the data logger. But dont get confused by a great price. Supported Input and Output Data Interfaces, Accelerometers, TACHOS, AND Angle Sensors, Internal Combustion Engine Measurement, Analysis and Thermodynamics, Brake Noise Testing - Brake Squeal Analysis, Class 1 Sound Level Meter and Noise Measurement, FFT Spectrum Analyzer and Frequency Analyzer, Electric Motor Testing and Inverter Testing, Standby Power and Power Consumption Testing, Electrical Equipment and Lighting Testing, High-precision Power Quality Analyzer and Meter, Wind Power Quality and Wind Turbine Testing, Railway Power Analysis and Power System Testing, Rotational and Torsional Vibration Analysis, Octave Analysis for Predictive Maintenance and Monitoring, Static and Dynamic Balancing of Rotating Machines, Dewesoft Supercounters online PRO training course, DewesoftX math and signal analsyscapabilities, Merging DAQ and a Real-time Control Systems, Construction Noise and Vibration Monitoring, Vibration and Modal Analysis on Space Telescope, Correlating Power & Vibration Measurements, Energy Consumption of Electric Motorcycle, Measuring Effects of Vibration on Buildings, Easy-to-use data acquisition systems you will. Sensor parameters stored inside the SD sensor eliminate the need for programming or extensive setup, supporting fast deployment. USB data acquisition (DAQ) devices with up to 8 thermocouple or 16 voltage inputs, 24-bit resolution, up to 1 kS/s sample rate up to two 16-bit analog outputs, eight digital I/O, and two 32-bit counters. In-house training is pre-scheduled and free to attend for everyone. Spend less time configuring your DAQ systems and be more productive.
View our webinar on HOBO MX Multi-Channel Data Loggers, Convenient wireless setup and easy data offload via Bluetooth, Highly accurate measurements and large memory, Fast deployment using optional SD sensors with automatic configuration, Wide range of measurements from compatibility with existing sensors, Option to add the MX Gateway for near real-time, remote access to data in cloud-based HOBOlink software, Remotely view and analyze data from your HOBO MX Multi-Channel data logger, Create custom dashboards for data visualization, Export data or set automated data delivery. Having trouble deciding which product is right for your application? DL-1081(with display) AE/2134.62, Catalog-Page-122a AEMC-DL1080-Data-Sheet, Sorry, no products were found fitting that criteria. Portable, Up to 32 Universal Input Channels, 2 24-bit A/D Converters. Status/information display: This status bar offers data such as battery charge percentage, lock/unlock data logger, system clock (displays current time and date), status of the four alarm outputs and logging mode indication. Measure strain There are a variety of ranges to choose from, and users can switch them at will according to their needs. Powerful storing capabilities with more than 500 MB/s sustained stream rates mean you can always store data at full speedand never again worry about losing data that could compromise your tests. Environmental Logger, Up to 6 Analog Sensor Inputs, 8 Flexible Digital Terminals. Join our great team of experts in various areas of professional expertise, and remember we are Dewesoft. Our data acquisition and control devices offer high-quality signal conditioning, data recording, signal processing, andreal-time control front-endin a single device. Its flexibility and endless functionalityfor signal processingwill help yousolve all your test and measurement needs. Copyright 2022 Technical Diagnostic Services, Inc. All rights reserved.
Measure shock & vibration Dewesoft wants to be everyone's second home. 8 digital I/Os (individually configured as inputs or outputs), 24VDC output to power up to eight 4 to 20mA transmitters, Ethernet interface for LAN and internet use, USB-device interface for configuring, monitoring and download, USB-host interface for logged data retrieval through a USB flash drive, Up to 100 channels can be logged at a user configurable rate, Data downloading through the configuration software or through the freely distributed downloaded DLL.
USB data acquisition (DAQ) devices with eight simultaneous analog inputs (A/D per channel), 16-bit resolution, one 32-bit counter, and eight digital I/O. All the selections, menus, and configurations can be opened from the display touch screen. The health and well-being of our customers, suppliers, employees, and the surrounding community is of the utmost importance to us, so we are taking the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe. Manage, receive and retrieve data from virtually anywhere, Measures temperature, pressure, flow, current, voltage, and more, Stand-alone data logger option allows in-the-field measurements to be saved to Flash Memory, Record from as low as 0.0017 Hz to as high as 160,000 Hz throughput, Provided with software that delivers PC-based storage and a real time display of acquire data, Sometimes powered directly from the PC, or supplied with an external power supply, Built-in memory of various sizes or the ability to support removable memory devices like SD memory cards and USB thumb drives, Often, but not always slower sampling rates than PC-connected data loggers, Often are battery-operated, or can be purchased with a battery option, Cloud-based solutions require Internet access, Since they require Internet access Cloud-based solutions must connect via hard-wired Ethernet or WiFi, More display flexibility (scroll, sweep, etc. synchronized acquisition of analog, counter, video, GPS, CAN bus, and many other sources. Up to 32 analog input channels, 2000 m/sec sampling rate. 8-Channel Oven Data Logger for Oven Temperature Profiling, Achieving High Accuracy with the Turbine Flow Meter Stainless Steel Flange Mount. Dewesoft training portal is full of training resources for users who want to learn and elevate their measurement knowledge and master Dewesoft products and solutions. 12.1" Touch Screen, Paperless Chart Recorder, for Up to 48 Channel Inputs. Read our reviews and testimonials. Each input is programmable and can be configured for millivolts, milliamps, volts, strain gauge, thermocouple, thermistor, RTD or frequency.
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