An increase in United States' wh
An increase in United States' wheat aid increased the duration of armed civil conflicts in recipient countries, and ethnic polarization heightened this effect. Norwegian Refugee Council), and church/religious-based NGOs (e.g. Hosein Karimi, Negin Masoudi Alavi. (27) According to this approach there are two ways by which aid may affect conflict: first, through resource transfers and, second, through implicit ethical messages. He is the General Secretary of the Pan-African movement.). Education, including non-violence training, work with youth on prejudice reduction, and help to come to grips with the past. Another fairly typical service offered by development agencies as well as by the Civil Peace Services is trauma counselling for children and refugees. 300 0 obj <> endobj However, they do not only implement the projects which are designed in the North as the term local partner sometimes seems to infer, but in many, if not most countries, play an important role of their own as well. 0000128652 00000 n These efforts brought in 204,000 silver taels, the equivalent of $710million in 2012 silver prices.[35]. %PDF-1.6 % The 198385 famine in Ethiopia caused upwards of 1 million deaths and was documented by a BBC news crew, with Michael Buerk describing "a biblical famine in the 20th Century" and "the closest thing to hell on Earth". xref [56] When delivering humanitarian aid, it is thus important for humanitarian actors, such as the United Nations, to include challenges specific to women in their humanitarian response.
Conflict Impact Assessment research, a new branch of peace research, evaluates the impact of these kinds of projects on conflict. [17] Her findings were that in every 1,000 soldiers, 600 were dying of communicable and infectious diseases. 2015 Jun;4(2).
Collaboration: When aid agencies refuse to co-operate with each other, and even worse, bad-mouth one another (e.g. The embryonic formation of the International Committee of the Red Cross had begun to take shape in 1863 when the private Geneva Society of Public Welfare created a permanent sub-committee called "The International Committee for Aid to Wounded in Situations of War". (Diringer 2001:18). i "4I00iXEVL7/8y3s z International Review of the Red Cross 94 (2013): 1324, Bugnion, Francois. It was approved by the CHS Technical Advisory Group in 2014, and has since been endorsed by many humanitarian actors such as "the Boards of the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP), People in Aid and the Sphere Project". 326 0 obj<>stream Often in disaster situations, international aid agencies work in hand with local agencies. Aid can be seized by armed groups, and even if it does reach the intended recipients, "it is difficult to exclude local members of local militia group from being direct recipients if they are also malnourished and qualify to receive aid. The need for aid is ever-increasing and has long outstripped the financial resources available. In reaching out to international communities, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)[3] of the United Nations (UN) is responsible for coordination responses to emergencies. Legitimisation effects: Aid legitimises some people and some actions, and de-legitimises others. However, to my knowledge only a few generalisations can be made so far. Bugnion, Francois. "Birth of an Idea: The Founding of the International Committee of the Red Cross and of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement: From Solferino to the Original Geneva Convention (18591864)."
(19): Concept of the German Gesellschaft fr Technische Zusammenarbeit-GTZ. Nevertheless, research on Iraq shows that "small-scale [projects], local aid spending reduces conflict by creating incentives for average citizens to support the government in subtle ways. [27] This diplomatic conference was exceptional, not due to the number or status of its attendees but rather because of its very raison d'tre. (29): When humanitarian aid satisfies basic needs, then the political elites are free of their responsibility, and need no longer justify their actions to civil society. [46], Securing access to humanitarian aid in post-disasters, conflicts, and complex emergencies is a major concern for humanitarian actors. (7), There are many lessons to be learned from humanitarian aid and development work, concerning mainly the Do No Harm approach and other issues of impact by presence in the field; the question of partiality and impartiality; and several issues concerning organisational structures (8) and activities, e.g. ; and the four Geneva conventions of 1949. The Inter-Agency Standing Committee provides guidelines for humanitarian actors on how be inclusive of gender when delivering humanitarian aid. (8): For example, several organisations have a larger number of personnel standing by for emergency deployment. [70], Reports of sexual exploitation in sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian response have been reported following humanitarian interventions in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone in 2002,[71] in Central African Republic[72] and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
startxref (24): Services Overseas in Mexico and Mozambique. To win assent for interventions, aid agencies often espouse the principles of humanitarian impartiality and neutrality. (29), The implicit ethical messages conveyed through aid may include: carrying the message of acceptance of the terms of war by negotiating passage with warring parties or hiring armed guards to protect the delivery; bestowing legitimacy on warriors and undermining peace-time values (when, for example, it becomes obvious that the aid organisation values the life of its own international staff higher than that of local people); and reinforcing animosity by making atrocities committed in the course of the war public in their fundraising campaigns. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) coordinates the international humanitarian response to a crisis or emergency pursuant to Resolution 46/182 of the United Nations General Assembly. ), Ethiopia: A Country Study, U.S. aid chief to travel to Ethiopia in diplomatic push on Tigray. [4], The International Committee of the Red Cross understands humanitarian relief as a norm in both international and non-international armed conflicts, and countries or war parties that prevent humanitarian relief are generally widely criticized. Now more and more development and aid organisations recognise that the sustainability of their efforts depends on a safe environment. While organisations try to transfer Northern values and technologies to the South, it is becoming more and more clear that the Northern way leads to an impasse, that development aid often has negative impact on local economies, and that it inhibits rather then supports self-reliance. Am J Nurs. [44] However, evidence has shown how cash transfers can be better for recipients as it gives them choice and control, they can be more cost-efficient and better for local markets and economies. International Review of the Red Cross 94 (2013): 1300. Waste and corruption are hard to quantify, in part because they are often a taboo subject, but they appear to be significant in humanitarian aid. In: [High Level Panel on Humanitarian Cash Transfers, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian response, Hard Choices: Moral Dilemmas in Humanitarian Intervention, Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, Rule 55. [45], How aid is delivered can affect the quality and quantity of aid. The ICRC was a response to - the battle of Solferino. [60] Aid stealing is one of the prime ways in which conflict is promoted by humanitarian aid. The total number of humanitarian aid workers around the world has been calculated by ALNAP, a network of agencies working in the Humanitarian System, as 210,800 in 2008. [16] Nightingale and her team established a kitchen, laundry and increased hygiene. 2. [12][13] In 1854, when the Crimean War began[14] Florence Nightingale and her team of 38 nurses arrived to Barracks Hospital of Scutari where there were thousands of sick and wounded soldiers. It can support either those people and actions that pursue war, or those that pursue and maintain non-war. [9], Humanitarian efforts that precede the work of Henri Dunant include British aid to distressed populations on the continent and in Sweden during the Napoleonic Wars,[10][11] and the international relief campaigns during the Great Irish Famine in the 1840s. (3): See Anderson 1996, especially p. 16 ff., Donini 1996, de Waal/Omaar 1996. Many of these organisations also run development programs. Adjustment to normal life again can be a problem, with feelings such as guilt being caused by the simple knowledge that international aid workers can leave a crisis zone, whilst nationals cannot. 3. 0000128760 00000 n These activities can be found in most of the work descriptions of development agencies - e.g. The most prevalent issue faced by humanitarian aid workers is PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). "[59] Similarly, another study also shows that aid flows can "reduce conflict because increasing aid revenues can relax government budget constraints, which can [in return] increase military spending and deter opposing groups from engaging in conflict. The borders between humanitarian aid and development work tend to dissolve increasingly as the same organisations engage in both. Florence Nightingale and the Crimean War. [41], Aid is funded by donations from individuals, corporations, governments and other organizations. 0000001711 00000 n This is made up of roughly 50% from NGOs, 25% from the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement and 25% from the UN system.
0000056335 00000 n The Humanitarians: The International Committee of the Red Cross. 0000092607 00000 n 0000128582 00000 n (18) Some even speak of a continuum concept: Development Co-operation - Emergency Relief - Rehabilitation - Development Co-operation, with the principal focus on the use of emergency relief and rehabilitation to support development of local structures and capacities capable of sustainable development.(19).
Understanding Uncertainty. Oxfam and CARE were founded after WW II. [51] Basic needs, including access to shelter, clean water, and child protection are supplemented by the UNs efforts to facilitate social integration and legal regularization for displaced individuals.[50]. [2] Humanitarian aid can come from either local or international communities. International Review of the Red Cross 94 (2013): 1320. trailer
The four UN entities that have primary roles in delivering humanitarian aid are United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Programme (WFP). Humanitarianism in Question: Politics, Power, Ethics. 0000006751 00000 n
In some cases the presence of humanitarian aid and development organisations may play a more general protective function: Mahony/Eguren give the example of Sri Lanka where according to one confidential source who had worked with both the UN and large international humanitarian NGOs in Sri Lanka, this sort of implicit protection was an even more important service to Sri Lanka than the actual material aid offered by either the UN or the NGOs. in the not yet published and not-quotable case studies of the Reflecting on Peace Practices-Project, the interviews I conducted with representatives of development agencies and different other publications, e.g. Besides development projects they also support human rights work, monitor elections, help with the resettlement of refugees, and do training in political science and human rights. 0000003371 00000 n
Though it would be wrong to generalise, at least some of these have broken with the ethical and behavioural codes of their older siblings in regard to absolute neutrality in the field. Demilitarisation (e.g. [5] Such was the case for the Derg regime, preventing relief to the population of Tigray in the 1980s,[63] and the prevention of relief aid in the Tigray War of 20202021 by the Abiy Ahmed Ali regime of Ethiopia was again widely condemned.[64][65]. 5. (31) Issues include that development projects: have cemented local inequities instead of alleviating poverty; have fostered conflicts over resources instead of protecting them; have supported authoritarian regimes; have called cultural values into question; and have created and inflated an NGO market, where NGOs are being founded only to reserve donations from abroad. (6) While some of them see conflict as part of the environment to be taken into account when planning a project, others have started projects concentrating on conflict transformation itself. Early attempts were in private hands and were limited in their financial and organizational capabilities. 0000002116 00000 n
It recommends agencies to collect data disaggregated by sex and age to better understand which group of the population is in need of what type of aid. Powerlessness: When field-based aid staff disclaim responsibility for the impacts of their aid programs, referring to their headquarters, or the donor, the message received is that individuals need not accept accountability for the impacts of their actions - which people in war zones tend to believe anyway. Representatives of these initiatives began meeting together on a regular basis in 2003 in order to share common issues and harmonise activities where possible.[75]. In addition to post-conflict settings, a large portion of aid is often directed at countries currently undergoing conflicts. Nurs Midwifery Stud. (20): For example the Code of Conduct that the ICRC and the Red Crescent Movement formulated together with other NGOs in Disaster Response Programmes, see: Humanitarian Charter 2000:314 pp.
"Birth of an Idea: The Founding of the International Committee of the Red Cross and of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement: From Solferino to the Original Geneva Convention (18591864)." His graphic account of the immense suffering he witnessed, written in his book A Memory of Solferino, became a foundational text to modern humanitarianism. [48] However, humanitarian diplomacy is also used by state actors as part of their foreign policy. [1], Humanitarian aid is seen as "a fundamental expression of the universal value of solidarity between people and a moral imperative". However, gaining secure access often involves negotiation and the practice of humanitarian diplomacy. In some cases, development organisations have also engaged in peacekeeping activities. [23], After publishing his foundational text in 1862, progress came quickly for Dunant and his efforts to create a permanent relief society and International Humanitarian Law. Publicity: Finally, when NGO headquarters makes use of pictures of atrocities in order to raise funds, they may reinforce the demonisation of one side in a war and, thus, reinforce the sense that one side is evil and the other good. The most well-known origin story of formalized humanitarian aid is that of Henri Dunant, a Swiss businessman and social activist, who upon seeing the sheer destruction and inhumane abandonment of wounded soldiers from the Battle of Solferino in June 1859, canceled his plans and began a relief response. Once she returned to Great Britain she campaigned for the founding of the Royal Commission on the Health of the Army. (33): See Roche 1999 for some published examples. there is one development NGO that claims that it reaches 2.5 Mil rural people living in poverty (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee, see Roche 1999:12). (31): Some critics of humanitarian aid do not content themselves with criticising negative by-products but question the legitimacy of humanitarian aid as a whole. "[60] Furthermore, analyzing the relationship between conflict and food aid, a recent research shows that the United States' food aid promoted civil conflict in recipient countries on average. Forsythe, David. In Bangladesh e.g.
Nevertheless, since the 2010 Haiti Earthquake, the institutional and operational focus of humanitarian aid has been on leveraging technology to enhance humanitarian action, ensuring that more formal relationships are established, and improving the interaction between formal humanitarian organizations such as the United Nations (UN) Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and informal volunteer and technological communities known as digital humanitarians. However, the conflation is viewed critically by practitioners. The Humanitarians: The International Committee of the Red Cross. Distributional effects: Aid is usually targeted to certain groups which means that other people do not receive it, thereby tending to reinforce the conflict, especially if one of the groups is identifiable with pre-formed sides in the conflict. [17] She advocated for the use of statistics and coxcombs to portray the needs of those in conflict settings. [42], The Central Emergency Response Fund was created at the 2005 Central Emergency Response Fund at the United Nations General Assembly. It has dealt with the question of what impact humanitarian aid might have on conflict, and eventually formulated a set of issues for awareness, based on a number of case studiesusually known as the Do No Harm approach. Composed of five Geneva citizens, this committee endorsed Dunant's vision to legally neutralize medical personnel responding to wounded soldiers. Cultural work/media, e.g. 0000005984 00000 n (22): DAC Task Force on Conflict, Peace and Development Co-operation: DAC Guidelines on Conflict, Peace and Development Co-operation, Paris: OCD 1997. [15], Nightingale's contributions still influence humanitarian aid efforts. women specific challenges are listed and sex and age disaggregated data are used so when they deliver aid to a country facing a humanitarian crisis, girls and women can have access to the aid they need. [36], Live Aid, a 1985 fund-raising effort headed by Bob Geldof induced millions of people in the West to donate money and to urge their governments to participate in the relief effort in Ethiopia. In recent years, a number of concerns have been raised about the mental health of aid workers.[68][69].
"Birth of an Idea: The Founding of the International Committee of the Red Cross and of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement: From Solferino to the Original Geneva Convention (18591864)." Each year there are about 4.000 (paid) volunteers in the field, each having a contract of 2 years. It was only in the 1980s, that global news coverage and celebrity endorsement were mobilized to galvanize large-scale government-led famine (and other forms of) relief in response to disasters around the world. This is not only never correct but reinforces existing stereotypes and thereby warfare. At the same time, the number of personnel the organisations maintain in the field varies substantially. Mdecins sans Frontires; Oxfam), NGOs based in one country (e.g.
Roche 2000. "Birth of an Idea: The Founding of the International Committee of the Red Cross and of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement: From Solferino to the Original Geneva Convention (18591864)." Four of the most widely known initiatives are, ALNAP, the CHS Alliance, the Sphere Project and the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS). [21] Beyond this, in his two-week experience attending to the wounded soldiers of all nationalities, Dunant inadvertently established the vital conceptual pillars of what would later become the International Committee of the Red Cross and International Humanitarian Law: impartiality and neutrality. [37], A 2004 reform initiative by Jan Egeland, resulted in the creation of the Humanitarian Cluster System, designed to improve coordination between humanitarian agencies working on the same issues.[38]. Ed: undp) The volunteers are professionals coming from more than 125 countries in the world, almost 75% being citizens of developing countries. 0000007520 00000 n Emergency aid provides relief to victims who are unable to deal on their own with the emergency situation - food, medical aid, shelter, etc. Substitution effects: When aid agencies assume responsibility for civilian survival in war zones, the aid they give frees up whatever internal resources exist for the pursuit of warfare. 0000001988 00000 n Another contributing factor may be the general growing consciousness of the possibilities and necessities of conflict resolution. See Slim 1997:123. (22) According to these recommendations, development co-operation might contribute to good governance, respect of human rights, and the reform of police and juridical apparatus, by training personnel and counselling those responsible for such reforms. Some of the proceeds also went to the famine hit areas of Eritrea. There is a debate on linking humanitarian aid and development efforts, which was reinforced by the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016. AIDR uses human and machine intelligence to automatically tag up to thousands of messages per minute so humanitarian organizations are able to take faster decisions depending on the trends from the data collected during a specific kind emergency.
UNDP, UNHCR, World Food Program, UNICEF), and the World Bank.
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