The right beaker had red dye add
The right beaker had red dye added to it, while the left had black dye added. (11) Ec=E0c(11) (12) Ee=E0e,(12) where Ec and Ee are the energy losses in the contracting and expanding directions, respectively, and c and e are the coefficients of energy loss in the contracting and expanding direction, respectively. [19] The compression ratio of Fraunhofer EMFT micropumps reaches the value of 1, which implies self-priming capability and bubble tolerance even at challenging outlet pressure conditions. On the other hand, there are several sharp edges at the bifurcation sections. As shown in Figure10, the flow trajectory of the fluid in a double-loop tube during a pumping cycle was observed. The Piezoelectric Pump is a thin, compact, and lightweight diaphragm micro-pump which has been specifically designed for space-conscious built-in applications. Quality is our top priority. These three valves are opened and closed sequentially in order to pull fluid from the inlet to the outlet in a process known as peristalsis.[20]. / Capillary pumping is widely used in lateral flow testing.
the minimum fluid volume remaining in the pump chamber in pumping mode. Thanks to MEMS fabrication technology, gas sensors based on MOS, NDIR, electrochemical principles could be miniaturized to fit portable devices as well as smartphones and wearables. Large compression ratio is achieved thanks to special patented technique of piezo mounting, when electrical voltage is applied on the electrodes on the top and bottom of the piezoelectric ceramic during the curing process of the adhesive used for the piezo mounting. The material is either PPSU or PP. A piezoelectric element drives this micro diaphragm pump. Afterwards, under the excitation voltage of 100V RMS (effective voltage), the performances of six pumps were tested. Silicon micropumps at Fraunhofer EMFT are manufactured by silicon micromachining technology. Before applying power excitation, the liquid level of the two beakers was the same and both of them held deionized water with a dye that does not spread easily. Openings of the passive flap valves at the inlet and outlet are oriented according to the flow direction. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. The pump bodies were made of transparent photosensitive resin by SLA (Stereo lithography Apparatus), as shown in Figure7. As shown in Figure9, the function signal generator (AFG1022, Tektronix, Beaverton, WA, USA) provided a sinusoidal signal, which was amplified by a power amplifier (HAS4051, NF, Yokohama, Japan) and applied to the piezoelectric vibrator. Then the movement of these points were measured one by one. 3099067 Together, the micropump is a small miracle of use for the most diverse applications. =
Hence, an appropriate increase of fluid velocity may be beneficial to improve the rectification effect. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. VPMGRF could generate an internal recirculating flow and had a unidirectional pumping effect on the macro level. Micro 3D Perfusion Culture System Nagoya, Aichi 458-8522, Japan Working principle of VPMGRF. The urethra is opened and closed by means of a fluid-filled sleeve that is regulated by the micropump.[44]. back pressure 80 mbar @300 Hz, 250 Vpp, SRS signal, typ. Pump F (l=2.5mm) had a maximum value of 165m at 6Hz. The initial waveform was a sinusoidal waveform with noise but became a smooth waveform curve after 0.05Hz FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation) lowpass filtering. E-Mail:, Microfluidic Chips for full systemic functionality, liquids: controlable flowrate 8 l/min up to 10.000 l/min, typ. As for the pumps with square cross section tubes, Pump D (l=1.5mm) and Pump E (l=2.0mm) had maximum amplitudes of 37 and 59m, respectively, at 7Hz. [18] Advantage of the micropump lies in the possibility to smell sequence of scents without different odors being mixed. Moreover, the structure of the double-loop tube is symmetrical. Produced almost entirely from plastic, our micropumps can be manufactured cost-effectively in high volumes. With the function of rectification, double-loop tubes can be regarded as valve bodies with nonmoving parts. To be specific, the fluid passing through the middle passage during the suction process will flow through the side passage during the discharge process. Bio-inspired applications include a flexible electromagnetic micropump using magnetorheological elastomer to replace lymphatic vessels. The pump body includes a pump chamber and double-loop tubes. With only a few exceptions, micropumps rely on micro-actuation principles, which can reasonably be scaled up only to a certain size. Decomposition view of double-loop tube, Meanwhile, according to the law of conservation of energy, the energy loss of fluid can be expressed as follows: (A3) EiEi=12u12u22u32u22u42u62u32u52u72u42+u52u82u62+u72+u82u92(u2)2+(u3)2(u1)2(u4)2+(u6)2(u2)2(u5)2+(u7)2(u3)2(u8)2(u4)2(u5)2(u9)2(u6)2(u7)2(u8)2.(A3). Result of flow flied in VPMGRF during the pumping cycle (As shown in video 2 in the attachment).
Larger strokes or forces can be achieved if a diaphragm or a piston is coupled directly to a piezoelectric actuator. Hence, it had the function of pumping the fluid in a single direction, along the expanding direction. Note 2: This micropump uses a design for pumping liquid. The vibrators can provide kinetic energy for a fluid, so an extra height difference between inlet and outlet was not needed. The connection between the structured wafer layers is realized by silicon fusion bond. Since MEMS micromachining technologies have appeared, such as deep reactive ion etching and electron beam lithography, it has become easy to achieve the miniaturization of microfluidic devices. As the pumping goes on, the movement trajectory and direction of microspheres are shown by the curves with arrows. The performance of VPMGRFs within the micronano scale must be explored, which will accelerate their application in the fields of chemistry, biomedicine, and biology. First true micropumps were reported in the mid-1970s,[8] but attracted interest only in the 1980s, when Jan Smits and Harald Van Lintel developed MEMS micropumps. Therefore, two beakers were placed at a certain height difference and the liquid could be driven through the double-loop tube by the liquid level difference of h. Glass capillaries and porous media, including nitrocellulose paper and synthetic paper,[23] can be integrated into microfluidic chips. Figure 11. FiguresA1A8 represent the actual movement of fluid in a pumping cycle. As to the VPMGRF itself, the effects of other geometrical parameters on output performances are unknown, such as the angle between the bifurcated tubes, the radius R0, R1, and R2 of the curvature of arc tubes, etc. The pump diaphragm expands with application of a negative voltage to the piezo thus creating negative pressure to suck the fluid into the pump chamber. More recently, efforts have been made to design non-mechanical micropumps that are functional in remote locations due to their non-dependence on external power. These kinds of pumps are possible with titanium dioxide nanoparticles and the speed of pumping can be controlled by both the intensity of the light source and the concentration of particles. Drug delivery application does not require high flow rates, however, the micropumps are supposed to be precise in delivering small doses and demonstrate back pressure independent flow. Non-mechanical pumps function with electro-hydrodynamic, electro-osmotic, electrochemical [14] or ultrasonic flow generation, just to name a few of the actuation mechanisms that are currently studied. The results of rectification between different groups of double-loop tubes are shown in Figure4. [43] Another health issue to be solved by micropump is bladder incontinence. The dispensing quantities range from milliliter, microliter, nanoliter right down to the picoliter range. According to the continuity of fluid, the increasing reading on the precision balance proved that the pump directed the fluid on the right to the left. Table 6. Tel: +49-231-47730-500 Afterwards, the piezoelectric vibrator was applied with the same voltage excitation as before. However, the influence of the cross-sectional area on the rectification effect in the contracting direction is similar between the circular cross section and the square section according to Equation (4). For this pump, there is a dedicated controller or driver that is required to operate this pump: We do also have a pump with a built-in driver available: Note: Details such as specifications, etc., may be changed without notice. As shown in Figure6(a), during the suction process, the vibrator is moving upwards, the pump chamber is expanding, and the external fluid is inhaled through double-loop tubes. As an alternative to silicon polymer-based materials like PDMS, PMMA, PLLA, etc. The circles marked in A1 represent the initial position of the microsphere and the circles in different colors represent the microspheres at different locations in the tube. For these pumps with different section shapes and characteristic lengths, the performance curves of pressure amplitude showed good consistency. As shown in FiguresA1A6, the fluid flowed through the side passage of the double-loop tube in the expanding direction because the silicon carbide powders (marked with arrows) in the middle passage were barely moving. Cited by lists all citing articles based on Crossref citations.Articles with the Crossref icon will open in a new tab. By comparing the pumps with different cross section shapes of double-loop tubes, it can be concluded that the pumps with circular cross section double-loop tubes performed better in terms of the flow rate. flow rate 20 ml/min & typ. To further explore the relationship between the fluid inertia and the rectification effect, six different sets of double-loop tubes with different cross section shapes and areas were designed. back pressure 100 mbar @300 Hz, 250 Vpp, SRS signal, typ. Experiment schematic of double-loop tube. After obtaining the output performance of VPMGRF, we had to further verify the ability to generate recirculating flow. The smallest piezoelectric micropump with dimensions of 3.5x3.5x0.6mm3 was developed by Fraunhofer EMFT[17] the world-renowned research organization with focus on MEMS and Microsystem technologies. Figure 15. The compression ratio of the micropump as one of the critical performance indicator is defined as the ratio between the stroke volume, i.e. The double-loop tubes were connected with a chamber actuated by a piezoelectric vibrator, which constitutes the VPMGRF. Our micropumps can be used in many different ways in medical and analytical technology, mechanical engineering, space research and many other applications. This will intensify the shear stress in the fluid layer, which results in obvious energy loss. To simplify the flow model, unsteady NavierStokes equations were used to deal with a steady model invariant over time, based on the Reynolds-averaged NavierStokes (RANS) model. Microdiaphragm pumps require compact drives that can provide a continuous flow and variable flow rates. Structure of VPMGRF. The flow rate of the micropumps shows a linear dependency on the back pressure.At 0 mbar back pressure the maximum flow rate can be achieved and at the maximum back pressure the flow rate is decreased to 0 ml/min. We use cookies to improve your website experience. As shown in Figure6(b), during the discharge process, the vibrator is moving downwards, the pump chamber is compressed, and the fluid is pressed out from the pump chamber. Figure 12. In order to get in touch with us, please feel free to use our contact form. This phenomenon is due to the formation of Helmholtz discontinuity and vortexes, which verifies the theoretical analysis in Section 2.2. To verify the rectification of the double-loop tube, we had to provide a driving power for the fluid to flow through the double-loop tube. The nonmoving parts are based on the flow resistance mechanism to realize unidirectional fluid pumping macroscopically. Figure15 shows the results of net flow rate over time. Table 2. Figure 7. While positive voltage vice versa drives the diaphragm down, which results in overpressure opening outlet valve and forcing the fluid out of the chamber. Figure12 shows the results of observation of the flow field in VPMGRF. Figure11 shows the results of flow characteristics when the fluid flowed through the double-loop tube in different directions. The mp6-liq micropumps can best be used to promote liquids, while the mp6-gas and mp6-gas+ are specialists for gas promotion. Thus, the rectification effects of fluid in a different direction can be obtained as shown in Tables3 and 4. The silicon carbide powders (marked with the arrows) in the side passage increased as the flow time went on, which indirectly proves that the fluid in the contracting direction flowed through the middle passage. Among the six different sets of double-loop tubes, Tube E, for which the cross section is square with a characteristic length of l=2.0mm, has the best performance of rectification. Registered in England & Wales No. The promising application for MEMS micropumps lies in drug delivery systems for diabetes-, tumor-, hormone-, pain and ocular therapy in forms of ultra-thin patches, targeted delivery within implantable systems or intelligent pills. Our team is very experienced in development and production to advance your innovative ideas. Currently mechanical micropump technology extensively uses Silicon and Glass based micromachining processes for fabrication. Accordingly, the net flow rate can be calculated: (13) E=|EcEe|(13) (14) E=12v2(14) (15) Q=Sv(15) (16) S=r2,(16) where E is the energy loss difference; is the density of the fluid; Q is the net flow rate; S is the sectional area of the tube; and r is the radius of tube. To say is that all of our mp6 micropumps are able to promote liquids, mixtures and gases. The upper surface of the pump chamber is covered by a piezoelectric vibrator. 15 correspond to Parts A E, respectively. back pressure 150 mbar @300 Hz, 250 Vpp, SRS signal. Piezoelectric disk attached to the membrane causes diaphragm deflection driven by the external axial electric field thus expanding and contracting the chamber of the micropump. Generally, it is not on the same order of magnitude as the energy loss at the bifurcation and, thus, can be ignored. Due to the space- and energy-saving construction they are cost-effective even in high quantities. Konrad-Adenauer-Allee 11 The micropumps are offered individually and in evaluation sets. From the above simulation results, it can be concluded that a double-loop tube provides the function of rectification. Each micropump is run by two piezo actuators. The modeling dimensional accuracy is about 0.1mm. Figure13 is the amplitude measuring result on the surface of the vibrator. By comparing the group of curves in Figure14, Figures16 and 18, we can draw the following conclusions. Unable to achieve substantial negative pressure fan cannot overcome pressure drop at the filter diaphragm. The amplitude was greatest near the center of the vibrator and decreased gradually along the radial direction. Note that the below text is very incomplete in terms of providing a good overview of the different micropump types and applications, and therefore please refer to good review articles on the topic.[3][5][6][7]. Figure 17. (a) Flow mechanism during suction; (b) Flow mechanism during discharge; (c) Recirculating flow during a pumping cycle. To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. To make sure that the flows in different directions have the same initial velocity, the liquid level difference was set to 10cm. Figure 6. Eventually, prototypes of VPMGRFs were manufactured successfully; their parameters are given in Table6. The flow characteristics among different lengths is almost consistent when the fluid flows in the contracting direction. The output power of a pump can be expressed as the product of flow rate and output pressure. To be specific, the piezoelectric vibrator first acts on the fluid, then the fluid is subjected to resistance to produce pressure, and lastly the flow rate is generated due to the difference resistance. In addition, the bottom surface is provided with two chamber outlets that are connected with the double-loop tubes through a bent tube. [16] In comparison with other actuation principles piezoelectric actuation enables high stroke volume, high actuation force and fast mechanical response, though requiring comparatively high actuation voltage and complex mounting procedure of the piezo ceramic.[9]. The actuator provides power for the fluid and the valve body plays a diversion role, so as to achieve unidirectional fluid pumping. In general, valve bodies can be classified into those with moving parts (Bao et al., 2019; Carrozza et al., 1995; Dong et al., 2017; Feng & Kim, 2004; L. He et al., 2020; J. W. Kan et al., 2005; Nguyen & Truong, 2004; Zeng et al., 2016) and those with nonmoving parts. We used the dimensionless parameter to represent the ratio of the flow rate through cross sections 66 and 88 during the expanding or contracting process: (1) x=fmax{(Q66)x,(Q88)x}fmin{(Q66)x,(Q88)x},(1) where (Q66)x and (Q88)x are the flow rate through cross sections 66 and 8-8, respectively, obtained from the expanding or contracting process. Figure 3. Hence, the kinetic energy generated by the vibrator can be expressed as follows: (8) E=m02d0RE(r,)mrdr(8) (9) E(r,)m=12(H)2,(9) where E and E(r,) are the total kinetic energy and average kinetic energy per unit mass at a point above the vibrator, and m is the mass of the vibrator. Another silicone tube connected to the outlet was inserted into the empty beaker. Variable flow rate adjustment guarantees a wide range of possible applications. Application of the Fraunhofer EMFT piezoelectric micropump reduces reaction time of the sensor up to 2 seconds through fast sampling of the ambient air. [6], Piezoelectric micropump is one of the most common type of displacement reciprocating diaphragm pumps. Westborough, MA 01581 U.S.A. Additionally, the bonding layer might be affected by the pumped medium. Static valves are defined as valves which have fixed geometry without any moving parts. [30][37], Another class of non-mechanical pumping is light-powered pumping. Later, a silicone tube connected to the inlet of the double-loop tube was inserted into the beaker with a suspension liquid. This work was supported by the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation [grant number 2019B1515120017] and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong [grant number 2018A030310311]. Then, the flow field in a double-loop tube was simulated and the flow characteristics of double-loop tubes with different cross section shapes and areas were investigated. Therefore, we selected a minimum characteristic length of 1.5mm and an interval of 0.5mm. The micropump consists of three silicon layers, one of which as a pump diaphragm confines the pump chamber from above, while two others represent middle valve chip and bottom valve chip. For power components, a piezoelectric vibrator will vibrate in a first-order mode when applied with low-frequency excitation. Head over to our YouTube channel to find a variety of videos centered around the mp6 micropump and additional components and accessories. TEL +1 508 983 1434 What is more, fluid inertia is the main factor affecting the rectification effect. Mit dem Laden des Videos akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerklrung von YouTube.Mehr erfahren. The theoretical model of vibration, the fluid dynamics, and the net flow rate were established. Then, the standard deviation is used to represent the stability: (2) 2=1Ni=1N(xix)2,(2) where xi is the flow rate ratio, xi represents the characteristic length, and x is the average value of xi. Pump D (l=1.5mm), Pump E (l=2.0mm), and Pump F (l=2.5mm) had maximum net flow rates of 3.04, 3.31, and 1.36mL/min, respectively, at 7Hz. Fluid near the wall of the tube would rotate when it flowed through the sharp edge of the tube at bifurcation sections. Therefore, the flow paths of the fluid will reverse during the pumping cycle. These valves provide flow rectification through addition of energy (active) or inducing desired flow behavior by fluid inertia (passive). After that, the positions of the two beakers were interchanged so as to change the direction of flow through the double-loop tube. Moreover, it was more obvious in the expanding direction than in the contracting direction. Result of the flow characteristics when fluid flow through double-loop tube (As shown in video 1 in the attachment). Measurement of net flow rate over time. [31][35] These pumps generate flow through a number of different mechanisms including self-diffusiophoresis, electrophoresis, bubble propulsion and the generation of density gradients. Pump A (d=1.5mm) and Pump B (d= 2.0mm) had the maximum net flow rate of 5.19 and 4.77mL/min, respectively, at 8Hz. Then a glass rod was used to stir them in one direction to suspend them in water. Accordingly, the motion of any point over the vibrator can be obtained: (5) H=H(r,)sin2ft(5) (6) H=dHdt(6) (7) H=dHdt,(7) where H, H, and H are the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of any point on the vibrator; H(r,) is the maximum amplitude of a location on the vibrator; f is the frequency of the excitation source; and t is the time. Measuring result of the output pressure amplitude: (a) Output pressure amplitude of pumps with different circle cross-section tubes under a fixed voltage; (b) Output pressure amplitude of pumps with different circle cross-section tubes under the a fixed frequency; (c) Output pressure amplitude of pumps with different square cross-section tube under a fixed voltage; (d) Output pressure amplitude of pumps with different square cross-section tubes under a fixed frequency. 1, Anglian Business Park, Royston, SG8 5TW, UK | Telephone: +44 (0)1763 242 491 | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Cookie PolicyDolomite Microfluidics is a brand of Blacktrace Holdings Ltd. Controls flow rate by drive voltage and frequency, Ideal for integration into portable microfluidic systems, Ideal for integration into microfluidic systems. Piezoelectric driven micropumps rely on electromechanical property of piezo ceramic to deform in response to applied voltage. In microfluidics, capillary pumping plays an important role because the pumping action does not require external actuation power. We also explored the effects of voltage and frequency on output performances. Table 4. With an increase in the cross-sectional area, the flow resistance decreases and the flow resistance difference narrows; hence, the net flow rate will decrease. Before power excitation was applied to the vibrator, the inlet of VPMGRF was connected to a silicone tube in the beaker full of deionized water. Accordingly, the energy loss of fluid at each part is as follows: (A2) EiEi=E1E1E2E2E3E4E5E3E4E5=121u121((u2)2+(u3)2)2u222((u4)2+(u6)2)3u323((u5)2+(u7)2)4(u42+u52)4(u8)25(u62+u72+u82)5(u9)2,(A2) where Ei and Ei are the energy loss at Part i in the expanding direction and in the contracting direction, respectively, and ui and ui are the velocities of the fluid at cross section i-i, as shown in FigureA1. The technical data can be taken from the data sheets (in the download area). There is no metal in the wetted materials. As the vibrator deforms, a volume change will occur in the pump chamber. This is the function of the rectification mentioned in Section 2.2.1. Therefore, during the pumping process, the fluid would recirculate in the loop of double-loop tubes. The cross section shapes and characteristic lengths affect the output performances of VPMGRFs. As for the pumps with circle cross section tubes, Pump A (d=1.5mm) and Pump B (d=2.0mm) had maximum amplitudes of 41 and 52m, respectively, at 7Hz. According to the analysis in Section 2.2, the greater the inertia of fluid, the more obvious rectification will be achieved. Eventually, experiments were designed to successfully prove the flow characteristics of the double-loop tubes, and the output performances of micropumps were tested. Here, the piezo product range is from simple piezo elements or bending actuators for diaphragm valves, to preloaded piezo stack actuators for large dynamics and forces, to piezo levers, which carry out very fine metering, even at high backpressure. Therefore, the vibrator appeared to arch up and the deformed surface was near a rotating paraboloid. The specific derivation process is given in Appendix A. From the measurement results of these six pumps, it can be concluded that the amplitude increased as the characteristic length of the cross section increased. Figure 14.
0 Figure 9. The following results were obtained: The novel double-loop flow tube had the function of rectification. For double-loop tubes with a circular cross section, the rectification of fluid in both directions became more obvious as the diameter of the tube increased. During the pumping process, the kinetic energy of the vibrator will translate into the kinetic energy of the fluid due to the fluidstructure interaction. In different directions, the fluid will flow through different passages, which is called the function of rectification.
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