0001676 00000 n A beautifully d
0000001676 00000 n A beautifully designed window air conditioner with the latest environmental-friendly R32 refrigerant gas that runs more quietly than most other window ACs. View ArmaFlex tube and sheet installation tips, new product news and more. 0000026445 00000 n Offering many of the same benefits as our outdoor products, our indoor round and flat oval duct systems are excellent fiber free solutions for clean air environments. Zrfgg}-kWft,2Z)K@88rKF14 TG^kZ.fkDzvz,w/Tn)g9K 0^ FsHhrNyeJRbL_2b|tNyYAh0Hh10%'SfA 4e%aI@)48dY The problem with this is that over time the liner breaks down and releases the fiberglass fibers into the air. Sometimes, hospital projects may call for at least 3/4 (20mm) thick PE insulations with the density of the PE foam should not be less than 2 lb/ft3 (30 kg/m3) and the thermal conductivity of the fiberglass should not be more than 0.24 btu.in/hr/sqft/F (0.035 W/mK). Asthma and bronchitis can be aggravated by exposure to fiberglass. Relevant post: Duct Insulation Guide: How-to, Selection & Thickness. 0000023793 00000 n 0000018011 00000 n Liners also help insulate the ducts, keeping your residence more comfortable and energy efficient. To simply state, if acoustical performance is the main project requirement, like in a school or medical facility for example, then specifiers should consider selecting duct liner. 0000052768 00000 n Fiberglass continues to be used in duct installation today but is now required to be produced with strict erosion restriction guidelines. Often, the AHU supply air temperature is around 57F (14C) and the room temperature is around 75F (24C). Special insulation slabs or rolls, usually glass wool, are fixed to the internal walls for effective noise control. xref The cost of sealing your overhead air ducts is easier on your pocketbook than complete replacement of your overhead system because restoration work typically found with replacement is minimal or eliminated. endstream endobj 133 0 obj <>/Metadata 25 0 R/OpenAction 134 0 R/PageLabels 22 0 R/Pages 24 0 R/StructTreeRoot 27 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 134 0 obj <> endobj 135 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 4/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 589.5 783.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 136 0 obj <> endobj 137 0 obj <> endobj 138 0 obj <> endobj 139 0 obj <> endobj 140 0 obj <> endobj 141 0 obj <> endobj 142 0 obj <> endobj 143 0 obj <>stream 0000033032 00000 n In applications like warehouses however where sound control is not an issue, then duct wrap is a perfectly viable alternative that will offer the same or similar thermal performance as a duct liner. 0000021618 00000 n "I can't say enough good things about my experience with Trenchless Innovations. 2wF&m1C#Lyv4IHe86A~rsb[!!0nAsJg1dP58yIofD5>/;f_KB_pJ"0K_P]o+Y)x*NeD\Z_ ,cr\ 0000008695 00000 n Additionally, you will see decreases in your energy bill too because with leaks sealed up, your system is running more efficiently. There are only a few types of insulations used for HVAC ducts. 0000006221 00000 n 0000051891 00000 n These environmental changes take its toll on the duct liner, breaking down its primary seal. *h> 0000009311 00000 n It costs around $1,500-$6,000 to have air ducts replaced in Chicago, IL. n#eSk{$U mPBdq,?r$g#1 u. 0000023336 00000 n 0000039759 00000 n 0000045323 00000 n Thermaduct and Thermaround provide some of the highest R-values in the industry with the use of our quality KoolDuct phenolic panels. L4d+*D 0000002206 00000 n Outdoor ductwork is subjected to rain, wind, ice and snow on rooftops across the United States and Canada. Some things that can affect the overall price are: The material the new air ducts are made of. 0000055325 00000 n For sound insulation applications, perforated foils must be used rather than solid foils because we need those holes for the material to absorb sound effectively. 0000004665 00000 n Many homes today still contain above-ground ducts that arent as energy efficient as their modern counterparts. 0000038713 00000 n The primary seal is a black gritty coating on the surface of the duct liner which locks down the fiberglass fibers. 0000045176 00000 n Youll save money. 0000016283 00000 n Even when the duct is internally insulated, duct joints are still required to be externally insulated to prevent condensation. 0000003291 00000 n 0000048657 00000 n Sealing around your ductwork is important because even the smallest of leaks can allow debris to get into your air ducts. A few ways to tell if your air ducts are leaking in Chicago, IL include: If you notice any of the issues above, you may have a leak in your air ducts. 0000055922 00000 n 0000021345 00000 n 0000024246 00000 n With my experience, I want to help people solve their HVAC problems. PE insulations are more expensive than fiberglass insulations and thus, concealed ducts are usually not insulated with PE foam. Sealing your above ground air ducts provides many long-lasting benefits: Increased system efficiency. AHU ducts have high wind speed which can tear the fiberglass and aluminium foil. 0000046856 00000 n 0000013172 00000 n 0000003906 00000 n yYC0dS{_e^"8qWP2 *#yUG^/Wzt5HHcxA2w]t9.|'^i^CC\DIX5&2lVNLLHj]VR LxkgY[ cehR +23l?.+6/!~op9~";^ ^ginft^qF[N Nm Different lining options are available should applications require and will be paired with applicable coupling and draw band connection materials. 0000047737 00000 n Our sealing process provides an airtight seal to restore your ducts by coating the seams or joints or by coating the entire interior of your air ducts. 0000015136 00000 n While no long-term health effects should occur from touching fiberglass. 0000004280 00000 n endstream endobj 161 0 obj <>stream 1% of all proceeds go to fund carbon removal. Liners are fairly easy to install and are reasonably priced. To get your ductwork sealed. Helpful online resources for successful mechanical insulation applications. Download product data sheets, specifications, installation manuals, price lists and other documents. To learn more about the different components used in HVAC, purchase and download the HVAC Basics (eBook). 0000010233 00000 n endstream endobj 149 0 obj <> endobj 150 0 obj <> endobj 151 0 obj <>stream Below is a photo of a fiberglass perforated aluminium foil internally insulated FCU duct. However, rockwool is more preferred because they don't tear easily with the high wind speed inside AHU ducts. 0000002917 00000 n 0000035056 00000 n What is duct wrap used for? aToJu]R6v6Xz==}3=S5ZJ4qKX] 3x= ${zKE06'n64\;x@}|7}U+;Y{aCZ NY#YFGm14; AIRCONDLOUNGE DOTCOM is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. 0000047985 00000 n 0000047668 00000 n 0000023180 00000 n 0000003056 00000 n 0000011982 00000 n When older ducts with fiberglass insulation are damaged or deteriorated, they could potentially expose raw fiberglass fibers into the airstream if they were not manufactured with any protective barrier. 0000009398 00000 n A high efficiency and very reliable wall-mounted mini split with the latest environmental-friendly R32 refrigerant gas and quality from Japan. Many engineers find it particularly difficult to choose between a centrifugal chiller Hi, my name is Yu Chang Zhen. Duct wrap must be applied around the duct after the ducts have already been installed so installing and insulating the duct is a two-step process. 0000006824 00000 n 0000003384 00000 n The higher the NRC value, the better the acoustical performance and sound absorption. To learn more about getting your. E AX6&FB >95^Ox5{uW{f.REu"}p^;SSwLNJ@hau3_q34O9FVg92Au$A]]w0BGP5e\3K1z%#iU!mmbRB?jk5P(k_Sa6fI D|twPz7eik(]@iY tXA-^[^v==ZK}T7s\B,Sn:6'5U The safety of fiberglass air ducts may be called into question in older types of ductwork. 0000023001 00000 n 0000004868 00000 n One last advantage of sealing your ducts? Check them out if you're looking to buy one. One area of leakage can destroy your insulation value and create a dangerous environment for mold growth once water finds its way in. 0000004766 00000 n 0000012106 00000 n 0000003871 00000 n 0000001318 00000 n While the UL 181 Listed KoolDuct interior meets the needs of many hospitals and food grade facilities, Thermaduct products are available with several lining and reinforcement options to meet the needs of clean air environments. 0000012156 00000 n It is a fresh air duct insulated using 1/8 (3mm) thick PE insulations. Sealing of leaking overhead air ducts and encapsulating fiberglass fibers and odors in overhead ducts are two solutions provided by Trenchless Innovations to remedy these common problems. How much does it cost to have air ducts replaced near Chicago? 0000044287 00000 n 0000006917 00000 n This further allows duct products to be made in large quantities quickly. 7:{E+O&r~N{o:[T|GFk*f?nWg|s`i97e9~wE.Q-2l! 0000002383 00000 n Compressor is the heart and soul of air conditioners in HVAC. Your energy bills have drastically increased. Fiberglass duct liner provides thermal insulation for air ducts, preventing the air ducts from losing expensive conditioned air. 0000056411 00000 n Low noise operation and high efficiency. So, I'll share the 4 common types of duct insulations and their specifications. Thus, the internal insulation of FCU ducts are mostly 1 (25mm) thick with fiberglass. 0000001769 00000 n 0000054912 00000 n For hospitals, pharmaceutical and food grade facilities, Thermaduct products are an ideal choice for high efficiency and fiber free air distribution. 0000026286 00000 n Get notified of new posts and updates as well as receive offers from aircondlounge. If the air ducts are difficult to access, the contractor may need to cut into ceilings or floors to access them. With over 20 years of experience, Trenchless Innovations has a solution to any underground or overhead air duct problem you may be experiencing. 0000043885 00000 n If the internal fiberglass lining to too deteriorated, the lining must be removed and replaced. Some things that can affect the overall price are: Another thing that can impact the cost is how accessible the air ducts are. Yz#hXC;]Xc &p.EPnKaT]j;qA We promise satisfaction with our efficient, lasting results. 0000043970 00000 n 0000039428 00000 n 0000038997 00000 n 0000008122 00000 n It is important to note why ducts are insulated. Frequently Asked Questions about mechanical insulation and component foam materials. %29BE9jB)cuC_)^ 0000023757 00000 n 0000039843 00000 n 0000012079 00000 n 132 0 obj <> endobj Fiber-free, flexible elastomeric foam insulation for mechanical systems including: plumbing, refrigeration, HVAC and solar applications. 0000028462 00000 n For overhead air duct systems that contain this deteriorating fiberglass duct liner, we encapsulate and seal the loose particles. %PDF-1.4 % It is insulated with rockwools and the rockwools are secured by perforated metal sheets. Below is a general guideline of the insulation thickness for various temperature differences:Temperature DifferenceRecommended Thickness30F (16.7C)1 (25mm)35F (19.5C)1 (25mm)40F (22.2C)1-1/2(38mm)45F (25.0C)1-1/2 (38mm)50F (27.8C)2 (50mm). Fiberglass is also used for the internal insulation of air conditioning ducts to suppress noise. 0000009920 00000 n The density of the fiberglass remains not less than 2 lb/ft3 (32 kg/m3) and the thermal conductivity of the fiberglass should not be more than 0.24 btu.in/hr/sqft/F (0.035 W/mK). Our exterior systems, Thermaduct and Thermaround, use a virtually seamless vinyl cladding to protect conditioned air from threats that commonly arise from traditional lined or wrapped ductwork and utilize an aluminum Kingspan KoolDuct insulated interior surface. 0000032107 00000 n There are some insulation products that are specifically manufactured for factory application by sheet-metal fabricators for pre-lined rectangular ducts using automated coil lines, saving field installation time. 0000034662 00000 n Polyethylene (PE) is often used to insulate air conditioning ducts as well as exhaust ventilation ducts. endstream endobj 160 0 obj <>stream FCUs are not as noisy as AHUs. Additionally, if your air ducts have leaks that are not sealed, your home will not be cooled and heated as effectively. An insulation like an elastomeric foam is non-particulating and releases no fibers into the air. 0000053512 00000 n If the air velocity exceeds 1500 fpm (7.6 m/s), perforated metal plates should be used instead of perforated metal sheets to increase the integrity. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What is the purpose of an air duct liner near Chicago? 0000005769 00000 n 0000004395 00000 n 0000052181 00000 n Kick start your HVAC design journey with nine (9) calculators, five (5) diagrams and three (3) charts. To learn more about getting your air ducts replaced, contact us today. Lining a duct with elastomeric foam offers thermal protection from energy loss and condensation control, and also provides sound absorption and vibration damping from airborne and structure-borne HVAC noise. Usually, fiberglass with perforated aluminium foil is used to internally insulate FCU ducts. 0000044089 00000 n The EPA estimates that indoor air is two to five times more polluted than the air outdoors. Your home is not heated and cooled evenly. 0000005243 00000 n 0000026114 00000 n H\N@}Y;w4iH4aOD6i3o$|^C7-f6c7[B6/L5nmi|av}VU&Oc~>xOnmzoyi{UY)}mkUfxI^W9y.XdVw9a GJr f S)f Leaky air ducts waste energy and cause your system to work harder. Turbulent airstreams wick the raw fiberglass fibers through the ventilation system, creating additional deposits within HVAC components and exposing building occupants to raw fiberglass fibers. 0000028004 00000 n trailer <]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 737 0 obj<>stream 0000034411 00000 n Start typing to browse our database. Our process also encapsulates odors, such as the residual smoke smell from a fire or smells from heavy cigarette use, by sealing them in and thus, making your indoor air fresher and cleaner. 0000044578 00000 n aircondlounge is a participant in the Stripe Climate. 0000003932 00000 n Temporary stomach irritation may occur if fibers are swallowed. 0000005544 00000 n Wrapping a duct may be the best option when access to the inside of the duct may not be possible. 0000003180 00000 n Real-world case studies for challenging construction projects across the US. endstream endobj 202 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[27 105]/Length 26/Size 132/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream 0000027043 00000 n 0000025800 00000 n Averagely, internal insulations stretch about 20 ft (6 m) and 4 ft (1.2 m) from the supply air outlet of AHUs and FCUs respectively. 0000006206 00000 n 0000010992 00000 n Pair this with our 1000 micron, UV stable vinyl cladding and virtually seamless design and you have a durable water tight system. 0000011511 00000 n 0000048284 00000 n HTMo@+s*>lHQ6IVza6]q;ve;f{n; _-,J 0000024307 00000 n Sealing your overhead ductwork increases the efficiency of your HVAC system and keeps pollutants out of your indoor air. 669 0 obj <> endobj xref 669 69 0000000016 00000 n Contact us online today! There are only a few select insulation materials with antimicrobial properties like Armacells closed-cell elastomeric foam with Microban anti-microbial additive. ALL RIGHT RESERVED. Whatever system application you chose, know that Armacell has you covered, inside and out. In selecting insulation materials, it is critical to select a solution that will withstand the rigors of maintenance and modifications over the life of the system. Over time internal fiberglass duct liner is exposed to varying degrees of air turbulence, temperature and humidity. %%EOF Our foam is used for padding, gaskets, seals and acoustical purposes. Providing Professional Comercial and Residential Air Duct Cleaning Services Throughout Colorado: Inc. - Colorado Air Duct Cleaning Experts | 5535 W. 56th. trailer <]/Prev 140657>> startxref 0 %%EOF 47 0 obj <>stream Lining selections can be made during the design or submittal phase of your Thermaduct purchase. 0000039080 00000 n endstream endobj 154 0 obj <>stream r\a WXAMuAXAuA#tptptptptpF60^\\zUf)Y,e"KR} 0Y+\gW_QdgJ7]{5CM{7o7o7BV*]48m1^>u/p' y|U Usually, air conditioning ducts are required to have at least 1 (25mm) thick fiberglass insulations for the supply and return air ducts with the density of the fiberglass should not be less than 2 lb/ft3 (32 kg/m3) and the thermal conductivity of the fiberglass should not be more than 0.24 btu.in/hr/sqft/F (0.035 W/mK). Our process promotes healthy air quality by sealing cracks in your pipes where common irritants, such as dust, dirt or fiberglass fibers find their way in. 0000045853 00000 n 0000003617 00000 n All our materials are biosoluble and safe to use. HT]o0+N[CSMNp8Mhsp0{g`;' OxS? Press Submit to search. .yA/d+qEvBk2k4N,G.HY(iQP7{s&5nAgNheXY)h Bgt+V",]Q',p*cUY3,v1i[*\o6Z}LNYdL\E;1{A/hR&B9T^7Ry8bq;`+$kWYYG4OYZd:"ObJUp4*;b`Yg 1EY,ed& H[ma h0fG"ph6B1 ^ g)-%x&w8S]^R{Ux>hc nzhhs80ruz)[io9x)WZ z$vV{Ez0zS(q_S:P;T+BaihXJ04UPMNs{ol_eWZ%?nQ(W " How do you seal around ductwork in my Chicago area home? 0000028225 00000 n 0000054061 00000 n 0000006035 00000 n Sometimes, fiberglass with the same specification can be used to replace rockwool. 0000006107 00000 n Talk to your local Thermaduct representative or contact us to solve your outdoor and indoor duct issues today. 0000055573 00000 n So, the temperature difference may be around 20F (10C). Large buildings often need chillers for cooling. 0000052591 00000 n Additionally, if your air ducts have leaks that are not sealed, your home will not be cooled and heated as effectively. While duct liners certainly play an important role in providing thermal and acoustical insulation for HVAC systems, duct wrap provides another important function outside of the duct. 0000037596 00000 n endstream endobj 144 0 obj <> endobj 145 0 obj <> endobj 146 0 obj <> endobj 147 0 obj <> endobj 148 0 obj <>stream 0000010092 00000 n Pursuit the truth and learn the fundamental ways to approach the chilled-water system. A Duct Liner is meant to reduce the noise from your HVAC system. 0000023900 00000 n 0000053454 00000 n Wrapping the duct with elastomeric foam provides excellent protection from energy loss or condensation control as well as some vibration damping benefits. 0000053857 00000 n I enjoy working on air conditioners and ventilation fans because Malaysia is a very hot country. endstream endobj 155 0 obj <> endobj 156 0 obj <> endobj 157 0 obj <> endobj 158 0 obj [177 0 R] endobj 159 0 obj <>stream Youll feel better because the air in your home or business will be cleaner. 0000026506 00000 n hbba`b``3E0 2 Glossary of terms from the mechanical insulation and component foam industries. 0000002837 00000 n The bottom line? Deteriorating fiberglass duct liner is a very common cause for indoor air quality complaints and adverse health effects. 0000035384 00000 n 0000061168 00000 n Duct liner is a product that is used to line the inside of the duct. 0000052281 00000 n However, insulations are sometimes pasted on the internal surface of ducts to suppress noise especially for the ducts of air handling units (AHUs). xxy'*Ng_0a{`Pih5KUq|N ?`i Y7(>+$ ! 0000023443 00000 n Apart from the above 4 types of duct insulations, there are other types of duct insulations such as polyurethane, closed-cell (superlon) and pre-fabricated ducts. 0000045651 00000 n The standard interior of both InspiralR and Floval is a Kingspan KoolDuct aluminum facing utilizing our patent pending fabrication methods. 0000004461 00000 n Some insulations are not suitable for internal duct applications. 0000047837 00000 n 0000004617 00000 n %PDF-1.4 % Glass fabric is used to reach maximum acoustic absorption and easy to clean. Information for contractors who require the best products for their projects. Soreness in the nose and throat can result when fibers are inhaled. . Eyes may become red and irritated after exposure to fiberglass as occupants touch horizontal surfaces with deposits of fiberglass fibers, and rub their eyes. But, there are many types of chillers available on the market. <<925229BB308D6B44892A1B76D9FF4EB3>]/Prev 78018/XRefStm 2206>> 0000005202 00000 n The specification of insulations is different for external and internal duct applications.
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