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electricity meter pulse counter arduino


ACS 712 measure positive and negative 20Amps, corresponding to the analog output 100mV/A 2. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. yes good old pulse counting:) the only problem with it is it seems to be harder to get frequent and accurate reading for power as it requires timing the pulses accurately, although the interrupt method is better for that, its just a pain that the arduino only has the 2 interrupts. Single optical pulse counting using a JeeNode board and a Hope RFM12 RF module: In such cases an optical sensor can be used to interface with the meter. 1: 12V 100A battery can be messier on this? wvmarle: The internal pull-up might not be strong enough, and in that case a 1 k resistor must be connected between the 3.3 V terminal and the pulse input to provide adequate current. A light-dependent resistor is unlikely to be satisfactory due to its very slow response time. therefore, instantaneous power P = 3600 / T where T is the time between the falling edge of each pulse. everything was great done but he also needed to put the whole program, Question From what I understand, 24V is a fairly standard supply for such meter systems, but other voltages can usually be used. For more detail: Reading pulses from meters with pulse outputs.. The utility stores all the readings. Meters often have a fairly wide pulse output supply voltage range of 3 to 35V. I just want those data to be logged through ardruino whatever possible to mobile or pc through cable or wireless.Is it possible ? Straight polling is considerably faster than isr code, because volatile variables have overhead. on Step 3, can anybody mail me full program of this in my mail please. The meters S0- terminal should connect to GND, and the S0+ terminal to the pulse input. Also if you guys are interested in doing this, let me know if there is a way in which I can contribute. on Step 10, this was very helpful & also a nice project for domestic purpose. T_high remains constant during operation. This happens more than the utility companies like to admit. Im not up to speed on avr assembly, but there is a machine specific modification that can significantly speed up an interrupt. Even the tightest polling loop is many times longer than that, so interrupt is the way to go to capture the most events (events closer together than the max resolution are read as one event. My experiments said that doing all the work in the interrupt gives a resolution of 14kHz max. Higher voltages are desirable when there is more noise in the environment and the cable runs are longer. Often, this will be labelled or described in the documentation as S0. D0 -> Arduino - Not Connected 8. The value of R1 and R2 can be lower one but the problem is that when resistance is low higher current flow through it as a result large amount of power (P = I^2R) dissipated in the form of heat. I also thought on the same lines as Michael suggested, putting a photo-diode or LDR in front of the blinking LED and measure the energy in a non-intrusive manner. Using an Arduino to measure gas consumption. ARDUINO ETHERNET SHIELD ( Amazon ), 4. Can somebody help me the arduino code please. The load is regulated by the mppt driver and it works perfect. Notes on optical sensors (results of initial tests). Many meters have pulse outputs, including electricity meters: single phase, 3-phase, import, export.. Gas meters, Water flow meters etc. D6 -> Arduino pin 3 14. VSS -> Arduino GND 2. Ive made many incarnations of this code, the one I originally posted left its use and optimization to the OP. 10K POTENTIOMETER ( Amazon )6. Then I decided to monitor the voltage, current, power & energy involved in the system. Thanks. Forum has moved to: Less likely to be successful is optically detecting the spin of the little pointers on a rotating dial. The red pulse-output LED can be seen in the A100c picture above. Lots of people have done this. Mouser has them. can i connect arduino to rapsberry-pi and send the data to it, and makes rapsberry-pi do the data logging and data uploading to For the case of higher power meters (often three-phase) each pulse corresponds to a greater amount of energy eg. The two smaller holes are the pulse output connections. Live wire proximity:The pulse outputs are usually very close to live wires, so watch out for those too! The main thing thats being added here to the wealth of information on the internet about pulse counting is how to count pulses from more than two pulse outputs sources (up to 12 sources) using a continuos sampling and direct port manipulation Arduino sketch as opposed to interrupt driven counting. My hardware beeps instead of clicks if counts overlap.). Many have connection diagrams similar to this one that comes with the A100c. When I went solar, though, my new net meter only has a pulse in debug mode. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. The pulse width T_high varies depending on the pulse output meter. Can you please help me out for this project,like arduino code and connections and all,etc. During my childhood days continuing studies after dusk was a real challenge. Of course theres still one major avenue for optimisation left: write the thing in assembler code. Reading pulses from meters with pulse outputs.. In a nutshell then, that is why I split the counting algorithm between the ISR and loop(): To count as fast as possible, and catch nearly every event. (And the interrupt itself also has some overhead.) Marcel and Apoorva Garg: Have a look at the links Jerry has posted and also another link thats worth looking at: Using an arduino to monitor gas by Ken Boak: I've been thinking about this for a little while and was thinking about using a photodiode sat in front of the flashing LED on the meter. We need individual power consumption details of multiple electronic devices. There are only two interrupt pins on the Arduino, if you wish to count pulses from more than two sources then please read on! If they have a rotating aluminum disk with a black line on the edge, rotation can be detected with combination laser or LED in combination with a photodetector. 2 years ago, Me too. In bread board diagram I have shown LED as a load but the actual load is different.WORKING PRINCIPLE : The Hall Effect is the production of a voltage difference (the Hall voltage) across an electrical conductor, transverse to an electric current in the conductor and a magnetic field perpendicular to the current. I dont have an arduino shield at the moment, but i have a rapsberry-pi 3B.

Thanks Apoorva Garg for the offer of contribution, if you would like to document your implementation here, that would be most welcome. Other sensors that operate in the visible and infra-red ranges should be usable. I did something like this, see - I used an interrupt-driven sketch, it's on that blog post, and probably has some bugs. When the battery voltage is 6.5v I got 3.25v from the voltage divider and sample1 = 696 in serial monitor ,where sample1 is ADC value corresponds to 3.25vFor better understanding I have attached the real time simulation by 123D.circuit for voltage measurement Calibration: 3.25v equivalent to 696 1 is equivalent to 3.25/696=4.669mv Vout = (4.669*sample1)/1000 volt Actual battery voltage = (2*Vout) voltARDUINO CODE: // taking 150 samples from voltage divider with a interval of 2sec and then average the samples data collected for(int i=0;i<150;i++) { sample1=sample1+analogRead(A2); //read the voltage from the divider circuit delay (2); } sample1=sample1/150; voltage=4.669*2*sample1/1000; For current measurement I used a Hall Effect current sensor ACS 712 (20 A).There are different current range ACS712 sensor available in the market, so choose according to your requirement. For single-phase domestic electricity meters (e.g. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The red pulse-output LED can be seen in the A100c picture above. Calculating Energy Some meters have one of the pulse output connectors connected to neutral. While its written for the Radiation Watch detector, you can work it by putting a switch between pin 2 and ground. 4 years ago. Main problem is choosing the right resistors to withstand 10A current flowing in the circuit. Some people have even played with trying to intercept the radio transmissions of various types of meters, with limited success. See Splitting between a short interrupt, and doing the analysis in loop() got to 43kHz. 06 Programmed Automatic Driving Car using arduino, Temperature-controlled USB fan using Arduino, Arduino Video Camera Imaging Projects, Interfacing(USB RS232 I2c -ISP) Projects, Sensor Transducer Detector Projects, Huge List of tutorials & Components based resources & info. I belong to a village of Odisha, India where frequent power cut is very common. BREAD BOARD ( Amazon ), Power : Power is product of voltage (volt) and current (Amp) P=VxI Unit of power is Watt or KWEnergy: Energy is product of power (watt) and time (Hour) E= Pxt Unit of Energy is Watt Hour or Kilowatt Hour (kWh) From the above formula it is clear that to measure Energy we need three parameters 1. Some electric meters don't emit readable pulses. Wonder why that function has so much overhead! Calculating Power ThanksJerry for the info and taking the time to write! Inside the sensor is a small p.c.b. After facing lot of hardships the project was successful. But I am trying to improve the beta version code so that a single code can contain all the features(LCD display,Xively data uploading and data storing in a SD card).The code for data logging is attached bellow.If any one write a better code by modifying my code please share with me.This is my first technical instructable ,If anyone find any mistake in it , feel free to comments.. so that I can improve myself.If you find areas of improvement in this project please comments or message me,So the project will be more powerful.I think it will be helpful for others as well as for me. I used R1=10k and R2 =10K. When counting pulses from only one or two meters, it's best to use the interrupt method. I am trying to apply this deba168 energy meter to my simple off grid PV system. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. No test current through the output voltage is VCC / 2 =5v/2=2.5VCalibration: Analog read produces a value of 0-1023, equating to 0v to 5v So Analog read 1 = (5/1024) V =4.89mv Value = (4.89*Analog Read value)/1000 V But as per data sheets offset is 2.5V (When current zero you will get 2.5V from the sensor's output) Actual value = (value-2.5) V Current in amp =actual value*10ARDUINO CODE: // taking 150 samples from sensors with a interval of 2sec and then average the samples data collected for(int i=0;i<150;i++) { sample2+=analogRead(A3); //read the current from sensor delay(2); } sample2=sample2/150; val =(5.0*sample2)/1024.0; actualval =val-2.5; // offset voltage is 2.5v amps =actualval*10; For time measurement there is no need of any external hardware, as ARDUINO itself has inbuilt timer. I wish to made this, but I have some questions about this project. /** Energy monitoring data upload to xively **/ #include #include #include #include #define API_KEY "xxxxxxxx" // Enter your Xively API key #define FEED_ID xxxxxxxxx // Enter your Xively feed ID // MAC address for your Ethernet shield byte mac[] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED}; // Analog pin which we're monitoring (0 and 1 are used by the Ethernet shield) int sensorPin = 2; unsigned long lastConnectionTime = 0; // last time we connected to Cosm const unsigned long connectionInterval = 15000; // delay between connecting to Cosm in milliseconds // Initialize the Cosm library // Define the string for our datastream ID char sensorId[] = "POWER"; char sensorId2[] = "ENERGY"; XivelyDatastream datastreams[] = { XivelyDatastream(sensorId, strlen(sensorId), DATASTREAM_FLOAT), XivelyDatastream(sensorId2, strlen(sensorId2), DATASTREAM_FLOAT), DATASTREAM_FLOAT), }; // Wrap the datastream into a feed XivelyFeed feed(FEED_ID, datastreams, 2 /* number of datastreams */); EthernetClient client; XivelyClient xivelyclient(client); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Initializing network"); while (Ethernet.begin(mac) != 1) { Serial.println("Error getting IP address via DHCP, trying again"); delay(15000); } Serial.println("Network initialized"); Serial.println(); } void loop() { if (millis() - lastConnectionTime > connectionInterval) { sendData(); // send data to xively getData(); // read the datastream back from xively lastConnectionTime = millis(); // update connection time so we wait before connecting again } } void sendData() { int sensor1 = watt; int sensor2 = energy; datastreams[0].setFloat(sensor1); // power value datastreams[1].setFloat(sensor2); // energy value Serial.print("Read power "); Serial.println(datastreams[0].getFloat()); Serial.print("Read energy "); Serial.println(datastreams[1].getFloat()); Serial.println("Uploading to Xively"); int ret = xivelyclient.put(feed, API_KEY); Serial.print("PUT return code: "); Serial.println(ret); Serial.println(); } // get the value of the datastream from xively, printing out the value we received void getData() { Serial.println("Reading data from Xively"); int ret = xivelyclient.get(feed, API_KEY); Serial.print("GET return code: "); Serial.println(ret); if (ret > 0) { Serial.print("Datastream is: "); Serial.println(feed[0]); Serial.print("Power value is: "); Serial.println(feed[0].getFloat()); Serial.print("Datastream is: "); Serial.println(feed[1]); Serial.print("Energy value is: "); Serial.println(feed[1].getFloat()); } Serial.println(); For data storing in a SD card you have to import the SD libraryFor tutorial click hereTo know more about the SD library click hereThe code for storing data in to a SD card is written separately as I don't have sufficient memory in my ARDUINO UNO after writing code for LCD display and data uploading My gas and electric service is provided by the same company, which has installed "smart" meters throughout their territory. 1 Wh = 3600J Their field staff has no way of knowing whether your sensor will interfere with the meter or is some attempt to defraud the utility.

The millis() function returns the no of milliseconds since the Arduino board began running the current program.ARDUINO CODE: long milisec = millis(); // calculate time in milliseconds long time=milisec/1000; // convert milliseconds to seconds, totamps=totamps+amps; // calculate total amps avgamps=totamps/time; // average amps amphr=(avgamps*time)/3600; // amp-hour watt =voltage*amps; // power=voltage*current energy=(watt*time)/3600; Watt-sec is again convert to Watt-Hr by dividing 1hr(3600sec) // energy=(watt*time)/(1000*3600); for reading in kWh. Hye can i get a full program code without the xively? So different resistance value can be chosen but care should be taken to minimize the power loss across the resistance. All modern meters have an optical pulse output LED. D3 -> Arduino - Not Connected 11. A -> Arduino Pin 13 + Resistor (Backlight power) 16. Many meters have pulse outputs, examples include: single phase and three phase electrical energy meters, Gas meters, Water meters. To know more about Hall Effect sensor click here The data sheet of ACS 712 sensor is found here From Data Sheet 1. Interesting, didn't know you had a pulse-reading page too ;). 2 years ago D1 -> Arduino - Not Connected 9. I'm still interested in doing this project and would take it up in sometime. Watch out for mains connected pulse outputs:Make sure your meter's pulse output is not connected to the high voltage mains (within the meter). RW -> Arduino pin 7 6. Question 3 years ago They won't make the data available to residential customers. Inside the meter, there is a switch possibly a reed relay but more likely an optically isolated transistor. Although a wealth of information about pulse counting is available, this document deals with counting pulses from as many as 12 sources, using a continuous sampling and direct port manipulation (vice interrupt driven) Arduino sketch. Some people have found that this can be optically detected as it goes around. Thanks. The code is the most important part. How to interface with wired / switched pulse outputs is discussed also. ACS 712 CURRENT SENSOR ( Amazon )4. Many water meters have a strong rotating magnet in the meter body that is magnetically coupled to the usage counter. I will add your link to the page, thanks. 2 years ago, i can't create a cloud for wi-fi module.please help me. and it can be use it with 200W solar panel. Answer D2 -> Arduino - Not Connected 10. Actually we started this when we tried to address the problem faced while doing automated meter reading(AMR) in India, the protocol on which the electronic meters exchange data (Over the optical port) was a proprietary one, therefore it was difficult to make your own custom solution for reading the data from meter. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The S0 interface is a standardised hardware interface, defined in EN62053-31. Apart from Electronics I love 3D printing, Woodworking and to make crafts from used , //////////////////////////////////////////print power and energy to a LCD////////////////////////////////////////////////, ARDUINO MPPT SOLAR CHARGE CONTROLLER ( Version-3.0), Arduino Robotic Arm Controlled by Touch Interface., But in either case you don't get to do an action in response to a pulse coming in, as what you seem originally to wanted to do (but the code you posted doesn't, hence my question). And how much watt panel can be used. Submitted by Guest (not verified) on Sun, 13/11/2011 - 23:24. ETHERNET CABLE (Amazon)8. If the meters pulse output isNOTlabelled as S0, then you should assume that it cannot be directly connected to an Arduino, emonTx or emonPi and you need to determine exactly what it is. Was able to detect pulses from a bright LED, but not from the Reporter 5193B meter.

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electricity meter pulse counter arduino

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