WARNING/AVISO Si usted no entien
WARNING/AVISO Si usted no entiende la etiqueta, busque a alguien para Main crops Potatoes, grapes, tobacco, vegetables, citrus, tomatoes, soybeans, turf, and ornamentals. we (and researchers) found to be effective: Adults, age 16 and up dosage: 15 ml (one tablespoon) once daily. METALAXYL-M. Activity Group: Group 4 Fungicide. Water Dispersible Granule. It is mixture of both systemic and contact fungicide it ensure double protection to the target plants due to systemic activity of metalaxyl and contact activity of mancozeb. Ridomil Gold SL Fungicide (1 Pint).
Here are some dosages: - In case of potato late blight disease - 400 l / ha. Individual dosage guide: There is no recommended daily allowance (RDA) for Colloidal Gold. The systemic component is quickly absorbed by the green parts of the plant, transported acropetally, and distributed in the plant.This protects the plant from within, as well as the new growths that occurred shortly after treatment.The offered product is a specific fungicide for funds for 1 liter of fluid. 100-798 EPA Est.
- tomato disease with late blight and alternaria - 400 l / ha.
RIDOMIL GOLD MZ 68 WG is a leading fungicide for control of important diseases caused by the Oomycete fungi. Packing size - 1 Kg. Formulation: Soluble Liquid. Ridomil Gold SL Fungicide Due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties, Ridomil Gold SL protects vegetables, citrus, potatoes and tree nuts from soilborne oomycete diseases. Za pakovanje Ridomil gold 1 kg cena je oko 3100 dinara u poljoprivrednoj apoteci. Number 011-384-3133. Active Ingredient Crop: Pest Dosage: Mancozeb + Metalaxyl: Potato: Late Blight: 5.0 g/L. Crop: Grapes. Garlon keyword, Show keyword suggestions, Related keyword, Domain List DIRECTIONS FOR USE Knapsack sprayer (small holders) Knapsack 20 litre use 50gram /knapsack. Je rchlo prijman (v priebehu 30 mint) zelenmi asami rastln a translokovan akropetlne do novch prrastkov prostrednctvom rastlinnch tiav. "Ridomil Gold" til tomater. CAUTION See additional precautionary statements and directions for use inside booklet. Eliminering af risikoen for sen rdme The brand refers to Syngenta Crop Protection. Add the required number of water soluble packs and allow them to disperse. water Tomato: Early & Late Blight: 5.0 g/L. No. Or put it in a place where small children and animals cannot reach it. Use 2 ml Folio Gold per litre water. Vor- und Nachteile, Anwendungsempfehlungen. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable under normal use and storage conditions. Rajica (na otvorenom) (Solanum lycopersicum) Karenca: 3 dana. The drug should not be stored outdoors. RIDOMIL GOLD MZ 68 WG, 1 kg is a Syngenta fungicide that works against Peronosporales and contains Mancozeb, Mefenoxam. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG este fungicid pentru combaterea manei, cu actiune dubla: sistemica si de contact. How to plant for spraying vegetable crops and flowers. Mefenoxam - koncentracija 40 g / kg. Manufacturer : Syngenta Crop Protection LLC. Ridomil Gold Mz: Quickly permeates the surface of the leaves and gets inside the tissues. Fungicide for the control of heart and root rot in pineapple. The anti-fungal product is intended for the protection of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions or vines. Ridomil Gold SL Label (278.32 KB) Ridomil Gold SL SDS (72.27 KB) Ridomil Gold SL Haznote (25.39 KB) Other Features And Applications. Ridomil Gold: application. Printer-friendly version. Failure to follow directions on this leaflet may result in crop injury or poor disease control. This fungicide is diluted in water in the proportion of 25 g per 10 l of water (in special cases - 50 g per 10 l) It is best not to store this product at home. RIDOMIL GOLD is a leading fungicide for control of important diseases caused by the Oomycete fungi and controls soil and leaf diseases in a number Ridomil Gold Fungicide Price Read More - grape mildew disease - RIDOMIL GOLD MZ is a systemic and residual fungicide for the control of downy mildew and late blight diseases on many crops. Authorisation Number: FPA Reg. It is important to ensure application is done on the the complete crop canopy by using minimum of 200 litres of water per acre. Fungicide. Primjena: U koliini do najvie 5 kg/ha. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT TO BE USED IN FOLIAR APPLICATIONS, UNLESS SPECIFIED ON THIS LABEL OR IN SOLUTIONS USED TO DIP PLANTS. Ridomil Gold should be stored in a dry and warm room with good circulation of fresh air. Fungicides. Do not store food, beverages 550 mg/kg body weight > 2000 mg/kg body weight > 5.58 mg/l air - 4 hours 9. Die Behandlung sollte im zeitigen Frhjahr whrend der Vegetationsperiode beginnen. Ridomil Gold SL Fungicide Due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties, Ridomil Gold SL protects vegetables, citrus, potatoes and tree nuts from soilborne oomycete diseases. Ridomil Gold SL also improves stand, root health and crop vigor and has flexible application methods and a clear, easy-to-use formulation. 5905-GA-001HCC, EPA Est.
Usage Rate Recommendations : 2 - Ridomil Gold EC is a systemic fungicide for use on selected crops to control certain diseases caused by members of the Oomycete class of fungi. Sorzrdsig kontakt ksztmnnyel vdekezznk (pl. Mycogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) was carried out in the present investigation using an aqueous extract of endophytic non-pathogenic Al-ternaria solani F10 (KT721914). EPA Reg. RIDOMIL GOLD SL is a fungicide for the control of Phytophthora Spear Rot in Asparagus. Ridomil Gold MZ WG Grapes . 020 - 66845533. Folio Gold is a combination of multisite fungicide and site specific Phenly aminde group. Add the remainder of the water while continuing to agitate. Siapkan larutan 25 g bahan kering dan 10 liter air, lalu semprotkan anggur empat kali dengan interval 11-14 hari. RIDOMIL GOLD GR 1. It has a high degree of safety on treated plants. Ridomil Gold MZ WG is a dry owable containing 0.04 lbs. The 7 day interval should be observed under continuous heavy disease pressure. water Ridomil Gold MZ Pepite je sistemien in kontakten fungicid v obliki moljivih zrnc (WG), ki water per tree RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL Fungicide should be applied as a thorough drench to the surface of the soil around the base of the tree. A sorzrdst kveten kezdjk a Ridomil Gold MZ-vel val permetezst 2,5 kg/ha dzisban. Ridomil Gold SL Label (278.32 KB) Ridomil Gold SL SDS (72.27 KB) Ridomil Gold SL Haznote (25.39 KB) The company that produces this product is located in Switzerland. Dosage, side effects and contraindications. RIDOMIL GOLD MZ 68 WG FACT SHEET. Product Name: RIDOMIL GOLD SL Page: 2. Partly fill the spray tank with water. Version 1.0 Revision Date: 12/29/2020 SDS Number: S12043975 This version replaces all previous versions. It Ensures a Double Protection To The Target Plants Due To Systemic Activity. Change over to a fungicide with different mode of action within 5-7 days of last appli-cation of Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG. Ridomil Gold 480 SL . 8,49 Lei. METALAXYL-M. Activity Group: Group 4 Fungicide. 070989-MO-001OMS Ridomil Gold GR. The farmers said they often did 3 to 4 weedings before each crop matured and was ready to harvest, and for cabbage this was three months. 1 litre. Crop Disease Dosage (g/20.lt.) The composition of the drug "Ridomil Gold" includes the following substances: mefenoxam (40 g per 1 kg); mancozeb (640 g per 1 kg). Oftest bruges lgemidlet "Ridomil Gold", hvis brugsanvisning skal diskuteres nedenfor, til forebyggelse: rdme og Alternaria tomat eller kartoffel, peronosporoza agurker og lg, Meget effektiv "Ridomil Gold" er fra peronosporovyh svampe. Ridomil Gold is a systemic and contact fungicide for the control of early and late blight on potatoes, tomatoes, grapes; downy mildew in all crops including roses; fungal leaf spot diseases and damping off in vegetables. Works on a wide range of fungal diseases. To obtain a solution using 2.5 grams. Composition: 480 g/L. No. RIDOMIL GOLD MZ is a systemic and residual fungicide for the control of downy mildew and late blight diseases on many crops. Ridomil GoldRidomil Gold MZ Petite is a handy fungicide with double action: systemic and contact. RIDOMIL GOLD MZ 68 WG m systmov a kontaktn inok. : 70630-17-0. chlorothalonil per gallon (720 grams per liter) CHILDREN. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Danger Classifications: Signal Word (OSHA): Authorisation Number: FPA Reg. 60g/kg Metalaxyl-M; 600g/kg Copper; Target Fungal Diseases Late blight and downy mildew diseases. Ridomil Gold 480 SL. Mode of action: Group 4 Fungicide. Ridomil Gold Gebrauchsanweisung fr Tomaten, Bewertungen von Grtnern. Ridomil Gold je snani lijek dvostrukog djelovanja koji sadri sljedee aktivne sastojke: Mancozeb - koncentracija 640 g / kg. RIDOMIL GOLD MZ 68 WG FACT SHEET. Active Ingredient: Mefenoxam + Mancozeb. Formulation: Water Dispersible Granules. Mode of Action: Mefenoxam is a systemic fungicide that penetrates rapidly into the plant through the leaves and stems and is distributed upwards with the flow of sap. This way, new growth is protected as well. RIDOMIL GOLD COPPER. Number 011-384-3133. Formulation: Soluble Liquid. Dosage Spray interval Volume of water per ha 350 g per 100 litres of water Maximum of 4 sprays during period of active growth at 7-10 day inter-vals. of mefenoxam and 0.64 lbs. It helps improve the health of roots and crop vigor if applied during the early season.
The Syngenta Ridomil Gold SL is ideal to use on crops including potatoes, apricots, beans, broccoli, almonds, corn, sage, cauliflower, cranberry, rhubarb, peas, cherry, and celery.
Ridomil Gold: application. Ridomil gold (Metalaxyl+Mancozeb) is a specific fungicide for control of oomycetes fungi (e.g. Metalaxyl-M. Formulation: Soluble Concentrate. Metalaxyl-M. Formulation: Soluble Concentrate. Aus 25 g Trockenmasse und 10 Liter Wasser wird eine Lsung hergestellt, dann werden die Trauben viermal im Abstand von 11-14 Tagen besprht. Processing of tomatoes Ridomil Gold during flowering and ovary. Vndut i livrat de: Inpa Fashion 4.6 detalii. CP product: Ridomil Gold MZ WG . Astfel, protejeaza planta din interior, precum si noile cresteri aparute la scurt timp dupa tratament. Other fungicides must be used to control diseases incited by other classes of fungi. Sanjay Brothers - Offering Ridomil Gold Syngenta Insecticide, 1kg, Pouch at Rs 1340/kg in Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh. Cumperi fr griji - detalii. Kad je u pitanju ovaj Ridomil gold doziranje 25 g na 10 l vode, kod vinove loze i krompira; 25 g na 100 m2 kod paradajza; 65 g na 10 l na 10 m dunih kod maline. : 8018-01-7; metalaksil-M 40 g/kg (4 % w/w), CAS t. Agro Ridomil Gold dissolves well in water, 10 grams of the product is enough for about 0.8-4 liters of water. No. 39578-TX-1 AUSTRALIA Telephone Number: (02) 8876 8444 Emergency Telephone Number: 24 hours - 1800 033 111 To achieve this the following should be met: Application rate: 40 litres/ha Recovery spray VMD: 200-300 microns Optimal flight height: 3 metres It helps improve the health of roots and crop vigor if applied during the early season. The systemic component is quickly absorbed by the green parts of the plant, transported acropetally, and distributed in the plant. This protects the plant from within, as well as the new growths that occurred shortly after treatment. Fungicid - Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG - 25 gr Cod produs: 59429012 . A klaszterek legkorbban 21 nappal az utols eljrs utn gyjthetk. Apply RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL Fungicide at the rate of 2.3 mL of product per 100 metres of row based on a 20 cm spray band and 76 cm row spacing. This is equivalent to an application rate of 300 mL of RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL Fungicide per treated hectare. Ridomil is specially formulated for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as Alternaria (dry spot). formou tank-mix) s jinmi produkty na ochranu rostlin, - Ridomil Gold MZ Pepite se nepouv v zimnm obdob (od listopadu - do bUezna), Ortiva Top, 1 litre . Brand - Syngenta India Ltd. Metalaxy-M 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP. 100-1269 EPA Est. 100-1202 EPA Est. Ridomil GoldTM MZ 68 WG. Ksztsnk 25 g szrazanyagot s 10 liter vizet, majd ngyszer permetezzk a szlt 11-14 napos idkznknt. RIDOMIL GOLD SL is a fungicide for the control of Phytophthora Spear Rot in Asparagus. Read about company. Environment friendly due to pure formulation since less product is used per unit area. 5 / 16 TWA (total dust) 15 mg/m3 OSHA Z-1 TWA (respir-able fraction) 5 mg/m3 OSHA Z-1 titanium dioxide 13463-67-7 TWA (total dust) 15 mg/m3 OSHA Z-1 TWA (Total dust) 10 mg/m3 OSHA P0 TWA 10 mg/m3 (Titanium dioxide) 1 Review(s) Universalis 593 SC, 1 litre the dosage should be calculated according to the recommended dose per ha. of mancozeb per pound of product. By combining the two ingredients of Mefenoxam and Mancozeb, RIDOMIL GOLD MZ provides excellent disease control from within the plant as well as externally. The number of treatments with this fungicide per season should not exceed 4 times. Crop Protection, Fungicide. CAUTION See additional precautionary statements and directions for use on bag. By combining the two ingredients of Mefenoxam and Mancozeb, RIDOMIL GOLD MZ provides excellent disease control from within the plant as well as externally. Fill the spray tank with 1/4 of the required volume of water and start agitation. These substances are aimed at eliminating diseases of the grape bushes. Compara. Manufacturer : Syngenta Crop Protection LLC. Ridomil Gold is a drug that is able to protect plants from developing the most dangerous diseases.
Usage Rate Recommendations : 2 - The dosage is indicated in the manual. A vrus megelzse rdekben a Ridomil Gold fungicidet kell hasznlni. Ridomil Gold 480 SL. Dosage: 2 g in 1 Litre of Water. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION A9600A Use: Fungicide Product identifier on label: RIDOMIL GOLD GR Manufacturer: Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Post Office Box 18300 Greensboro NC 27419 Manufacturer Phone: 1-800-334-9481 Emergency Phone: 1-800-888-8372 Product No. Megelz jelleggel javasolt alkalmazni, de legksbb az els tnetek megjelensekor ki kell permetezni 2,5 kg/ha dzisban. Potatoes, 100-1269 EPA Est.
Start the agitation an add the correct amount of product to the spray tank with the agitation system running. Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG may be applied aerially provided the final spray deposit is uniform on target and that the recovery corresponds to the recom-mended dosage rate. Here the labourers were demanding Kshs 60-70 per day and it took four people up to a week to hand-weed 0.4hectare at a total cost of between Kshs1200-1400 per weeding (equivalent to $21.6-25.2). No. RIDOMIL GOLD MZ 68 WG FACT SHEET. Active ingredients. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Ridomil Gold EC FUNGICIDE ItrrJ - ~/ Ridomil Gold EC Super label (Front Cover) labelmaster Booklet ---For the control of certain diseases in various crops caused by the Oomycete class of fungi One Gallon U. S. Standard Measure One Pint U. S. Standard Measure Active Ingredients': (R)-2-[(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-CCEPTED FEB 2 9 2000 Ridomil Gold Plus is used to manage many fungal diseases with high efficiency, as powdery mildew and late blight diseases in many crops, like potato, tomato, grape, onion and many vegetable crops. Terms of use. Ridomil Gold plus is a systemic and contact fungicide, as wettable powder against the black pod disease of cocoa. In subsequent nonbearing years, apply RIDOMIL GOLD - In subsequent non-bearing years, apply RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL Contains 6.0 lbs. Using a combination of mefenoxam and mancozeb, Ridomil Gold MZ WG controls diseases caused by the Phycomycete family of fungi and other fungal pathogens that affect cucumbers, melons, summer squash, grapes, onions, potatoes, sugar beets, and tomatoes. Can be Applied to Foliage, Soil or As a Seed Treatment. Untuk mencegah virus, fungisida Ridomil Gold harus digunakan. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Fra pulverlaks bruges den ikke. Make the first application at the time of planting, as a preventative treatment and make a second application in late August. Mode of action: Group 4 Fungicide. 7. : 2. late blight and downy mildew diseases). PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Amber liquid Sweet wax 10. rz) ami vdelmet nyjt a korai rizoktnis, alternris s fitoftrs fertzsek ellen. Ridomil Gold is a drug that is able to protect plants from developing the most dangerous diseases. Ridomil Gold SL is a systemic fungicide for use on selected crops to control certain diseases caused by members of the Oomycete class of fungi. Composition: 480 g/L. For an initial, powerful support: 15 ml, twice daily has shown to have excellent results For children: 5 10 ml, once daily as required. Shelf Life: 2 Year - escription paradicsom (szabadfldi): fitoftra, alternria, szeptria. Garlon keyword, Show keyword suggestions, Related keyword, Domain List Prodire u biljno tkivo, destruktivno djeluje na patogene unutar stanica i obnavlja kultiviranu biljku. Kezdje a feldolgozst kora tavasszal a termesztsi idszak alatt. The package fits the necessary dosage. Ridomil Gold MZ WG Label (298.83 KB) Ridomil Gold MZ WG SDS (781.05 KB) Application Advice; Mixing and spraying. The mycosynthesized AgNPs were characterized by means of Ridomil Gold has a number of advantages, the use of which gives high effective results: sprayed tomato bushes can be watered without hindrance just 0.5 hours after using Ridomil, safe for crops if the dosage prescribed in the instructions is followed. 1-877-964-3682 or cic.canada@syngenta.com. Fill the spray tank with 1/4 of the required volume of water and start agitation. PUi oetUovn rostlin pUpravkem Ridomil Gold MZ Pepite ve sklencch je tUeba zajistit nsledujc: - Ridomil Gold MZ Pepite se pouv samostatn, nekombinuje se (napU. Composition: 480 g/L. RIDOMIL GOLD MZ is a fungicide for the control of Early and Late Blight in Potatoes and Tomatoes, Dryberry in Canefruit, Downy Mildew in Grapes, Onions, Cucurbits and Brassica seedbeds, Phytophthora Spear Rot in Asparagus, Phytophthora Crown Rot in Asparagus transplants, and Phytophthora Root Rots in Tree nurseries. PRP: 10,61 Lei. Ridomil_gold_480_sl_infograph_afr.pdf (1.36 MB) Ridomil_gold_480_sl_infograph_eng.pdf (1.35 MB) Ridomil Gold 480 SL - Safety Data Sheet - 08092017.pdf (355.39 KB) Afrikaans Label (1.35 MB) Continue agitation while topping up the spray tank with water and while spraying. Sredstvo se primjenjuje kada postoji rizik od zaraze ili u uvjetima povoljnima za razvoj bolesti. Ridomil Gold GR is a granular fungicide.
Apply 1 mL of RIDOMIL GOLD 480EC in 5 litres of water per tree. The page you were looking for could not be found. Ridomil Gold Plus Label (274.41 KB) Ridomil Gold Plus SDS (157.35 KB) Application Advice; Mixing and spraying. Contains two active substances with an integrated effect. Ridomil Gold GR per acre = //2 / Note: / / Onions Downy Mildew 2 kg in 500 to 700 litres water/ha Make a maximum of 3 applications at 10 day intervals during the period of active growth when conditions of high humidity favour the disease. Add the remainder of the water while continuing to agitate. Ridomil Gold SL is a systemic fungicide, an enhanced formulation of Ridomil Gold SL that provides the same effective control of certain soil-borne and foliar diseases on a wide range of crops in a new, contemporary chemistry.The improved formulation offers enhanced environmental and handling characteristics and is the premier Ridomil Gold. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Yellow to orange clear liquid Ketone-like Target list: Downy Mildew. 500-1500 lt. depending on Ridomil is specially formulated for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as Alternaria (dry spot). RIDOMIL GOLD MZ is a systemic and residual fungicide for the control of downy mildew and late blight diseases on many crops.
application of RIDOMIL Gold MZ WG can be made after harvest, but before leaf fall to minimise carryover of disease into the following season. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume of 50g sachet to a 15 Litres Knapsack Sprayer. Composition: 480 g/L. of mefenoxam and 0.64 lbs. Ridomil Gold EC FUNGICIDE ItrrJ - ~/ Ridomil Gold EC Super label (Front Cover) labelmaster Booklet ---For the control of certain diseases in various crops caused by the Oomycete class of fungi One Gallon U. S. Standard Measure One Pint U. S. Standard Measure Active Ingredients': (R)-2-[(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-CCEPTED FEB 2 9 2000 Dosage-Use 50g of Ridomil per 20 Ltrs water and ensure 2.5kg per Ha is used for thorough coverage. Stvara zatitni film i unitava parazitske gljivice na tretiranoj povrini. Share. Ridomil Gold an effective drug that protects the crop from fungal infections (mildew, black spot, gray and white rot). Key Specs. Ridomil Gold SL also improves stand, root health and crop vigor and has flexible application methods and a clear, easy-to-use formulation. RIDOMIL GOLD controls soil and leaf diseases in a number of crops including vegetables, grapes, citrus, potatoes,ornamentals,tobacco and cotton. Add the required number of water soluble packs and allow them to disperse. FUNGICIDE GROUP 4. 054675-MX-001 Product of France SCP 1269A-L1B 1112 4019037 Fungicide For the control of certain diseases of cucumbers, melons, summer squash, grapes, onions, potatoes, sugar beets, and tomatoes Componenta sistemica este absorbita rapid de partile verzi ale plantei, transportata acropetal si distribuita in planta. 84.88. Ridomil Gold SL is a systemic fungicide for use on selected crops to control certain diseases caused by members of the Oomycete class of fungi. Dozvoljene su najvie dvije primjene tijekom vegetacije, uz razmak od 10 14 dana izmeu primjena. Metalaxyl-M je systmov inn ltka zo skupiny phenylamidov, ktor ovplyvuj syntzu nukleovch kyseln. Conditions to Avoid: None known. 14 zile drept de retur. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Recommended For The Control Of Downy Mildew Disease In Grapes, A Late blight In Potato. EPA Reg. HANDLING AND STORAGE Store the material in a well-ventilated, secure area out of reach of children and domestic animals. Printer-friendly version. Make the first application at the time of planting, as a preventative treatment and make a second application in late August. Ridomil Gold 480 SL . Application Approved RIDOMIL GOLD 480SL 28474 2021-09-16 Page 8 of 22 If this pest control product is to be used on a commodity that may be exported to other countries in the world and you require information on acceptable residue levels in these countries, please contact Syngenta Canada Inc. at 1-87-SYNGENTA / 1-877-964-3682. of mancozeb per pound of product. A soluble concentrate systemic fungicide for the control of diseases in crops as indicated. 054675-MX-001 Product of France SCP 1269A-L1B 1112 4019037 Fungicide For the control of certain diseases of cucumbers, melons, summer squash, grapes, onions, potatoes, sugar beets, and tomatoes It is used as a spray on the affected areas from the moment when the first signs of infection appear. RIDOMIL GOLD 2.5G is a systemic fungicide for the control of soil-borne Phytophthora diseases such as Root Rot of Avocados and Spear Rot of Asparagus.
Since it poses a danger to people and animals. The Syngenta Ridomil Gold SL is ideal to use on crops including potatoes, apricots, beans, broccoli, almonds, corn, sage, cauliflower, cranberry, rhubarb, peas, cherry, and celery. EPA Reg. Mulai pengolahan harus di awal musim semi selama musim tanam. Fungicide for the control of heart and root rot in pineapple. Ridomil Gold MZ WG is a dry owable containing 0.04 lbs. 1 litre. EPA Reg. The number of treatments with this fungicide per season should not exceed 4 times. Ridomil Gold SL is formulated as a soluble concentrate and contains 4 lb active ingredient per gallon. 50 to 100 g per square metre (2 litres/square metre). RIDOMIL GOLD SL Chronic/Subchronic Toxicity Studies Carcinogenicity Toxicity of Other Components Dermal: Inhalation: Eye Contact: Skin Contact: Skin Sensitization: Moderate Irritant Non-Irritating (Rabbit) Not a Sensitizer (Guinea Pig) Dermal (LD50 Rat) : Inhalation (LC50 Rat) : > 2000 mg/kg body weight > 5.58 mg/l air - 4 hours Target Organs But they are also toxic, and if used improperly "Ridomila Gold", the substance can harm the human body. RIDOMIL GOLD 480EC should be applied as a thorough drench to the surface of the soil around the base of the tree. RIDOMIL GOLD MZ PEPITE Ridomil Gold MZ Pepite vsebuje: mankozeb 640 g/kg (64 % w/w), CAS t. Terms of use. Active Ingredient : Mefenoxam 45.3%. Active Ingredient : Mefenoxam 45.3%. = 1,172 mg/kg body weight > 2,020 mg/kg body weight > 3.6 mg/l air - 4 hours Target Organs Other Toxicity Information None 9. Ridomil Gold Plus Label (274.41 KB) Ridomil Gold Plus SDS (157.35 KB) Application Advice; Mixing and spraying. Crop Protection, Fungicide. It is recommended for the leaf spot, late blight, downy mildew phytophthora foot rot, white rust and other fungicidal problems dosage-1-1.5 gms/ ltr of water Can be put in a farm building, or a shed. Fungicid - Ridomil Gold MZ 68 WG - 25 gr Beneficii: Deschiderea coletului la livrare. Conclusion. A Ridomil Gold MZ-t fertzs-veszlyes idszakban javasoljuk kijuttatni a virgzs eltt indtva a permetezsi blokkot. If you continue to see this page, please contact our Customer Interaction Centre for assistance. Fungicide. Kt-hrom alkalommal, blokkszeren juttassuk ki a Ridomil Gold MZ-t 812 naponknt. Ridomil Gold MZ Petite is a handy fungicide with double actions: systemic and contact.
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