wharton venture capital course
Independent Study Projects require extensive independent work and a considerable amount of writing. , : , .
The course will also analyze corporate financial policy, including capital structure, cost of capital, dividend policy, and related issues.
Sanaa Hamad Hamid Al-shukili is taking this course right now.
Organize and share your learning with Class Central Lists. Along the way, we will address the standard argument that smart, profit-seeing agents can correct any distortions caused by irrational investors. Private and Public Financing, and Calculating Breakeven. The course covers a wide range of applications, including the use of derivatives in asset management, the valuation of corporate securities such as stocks and corporate bonds with embedded options, interest rate and credit derivatives, as well as crude oil derivatives. ! (Formerly FNCE 841) This course familiarizes students with financial, strategic and legal issues associated with the restructuring of financially distressed firms and investment in distressed securities. This course explores strategic, business and legal decision making in a fluid real world corporate context. In addition to course prerequisites, FNCE 6130 is recommended but not required. Classes are conducted in a standard lecture format with discussion required. We will examine how current and historical events are reshaping the industry and highlight the basic analytics of managing a bank's exposure to liquidity, credit, market and reputational risk. In terms of methodologies, we apply the non-arbitrage principle and the law of one price to dynamic models through three different approaches: the binomial tree model, the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model, and the simulation-based risk neutral pricing approach. (Formerly FNCE 728) The focus of this course is on the valuation of companies. This course will introduce students to data science for financial applications using the Python programming language and its ecosystem of packages (e.g., Dask, Matplotlib, Numpy, Numba, Pandas, SciPy, Scikit-Learn, StatsModels). Through these cases, from the decision-makers perspective, we will explore the different paths that can be taken and consider issues. We emphasize practical considerations of implementing strategies using derivatives as tools, especially when no-arbitrage conditions do not hold.
We believe strongly that diagnosing and treating the "disease" of fiscal mismanagement is an interdisciplinary endeavor drawing on finance, economics, political science, and the law. (Formerly FNCE 887) The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to shareholder activism. We use data, current events of the 2007-2018 period as the basis for discussion and assignments. (Formerly named International Corporate Finance) This course analyzes the financial management problems that result from operating in global environments. The primary objective is to provide a framework, concepts, and tools for analyzing financial decisions based on fundamental principles of modern financial theory. Upon completion of this course, students should acquire a clear understanding of the major principles concerning individuals' portfolio decisions under uncertainty and the valuations of financial securities. This exam gives you a chance to walk away feeling proud of yourself for all that you have accomplished.
Classes will cover a series of timely financial and legal subjects as well as case studies that deal with topical problems in corporate governance, investment strategy, finance, private equity, executive compensation, and potential corporate and criminal behavior. The course is taught in lecture format, and illustrates key concepts by drawing on a collection of case studies and visits from industry experts. Key topics include national income accounting, production and economic growth, employment, business cycles, monetary and fiscal policy, and international finance. In general, this course seeks to provide students with an overall context for understanding energy issues and risks, and how these might affect financing and investment decisions for both providers of energy and end-users of energy. Student are thus expected to work in teams and demonstrate a high level of independent learning and initiative.
The class will conduct a semester long case study, taking a specific transaction from the management presentation stage, to various modules in the deal process including: business diligence, industry diligence, accounting diligence, legal diligence, financial modeling, financing, valuation, negotiating the stock purchase agreement, and culminating in an investment committee presentation and recommendation. Prerequisites: FNCE 6110 AND (STAT 6130 OR STAT 6210). (Formerly FNCE 885) The course exposes students to this fast-growing and exciting intersection between finance (Fin) and technology (Tech) while emphasizing the role data and analytics play. The course is built around data/code examples, cases, guest lectures, and group projects.
(Formerly FNCE 884) The goal of this course is to put students in the seat of a private equity professional working on an investment from start to finish.
By the end of this module, you'll be able to use business models to create customers who will come back for more, and know what key attributes to emphasize if you want to attract investment from venture capital. Performance evaluation and investing in hedge funds from the investor's perspective will be discussed as will be issues of potential changes in regulation, risk management, and the use of leverage. Why cities exist, when fiscal policy fails, investments in infrastructure, realities of local governments such as inequality, crime, corruption, high cost of living, congestion, and unfunded pensions and debt, will be covered. We will also examine infrastructure investing as a alternative asset class from the investors' perspective. In each of these areas, we start by analyzing the marketplace, the incumbents, and then proceed to analyze the impact of the most relevant technologies have on the business. The relevant accounting topics and the appropriate finance theory are integrated to show how to implement the valuation frameworks discussed on a step-by-step basis.
() , : : : , : : . : : : , : , , () . Get your certificate in Exam Preparation. Youll learn about terms, and term sheets, exit modes and what exit strategy might be best for you. The course will highlight how big data and data analytics shape the way finance is practiced. This course covers infrastructure financing and investing from various angles. Regardless, Impact Investing is becoming a distinct career specialization for finance professionals despite the diverse skillset each must have and the uncertainty of the new field's growth. All rights reserved, The Economist Executive Education Navigator, executive-education courses at your fingertips, University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School, Finance and Accounting for the Non-Financial Manager, Investment managers and finance industry professionals who are responsible for finding and selecting VC funds in which to invest, Professional services providers, such as CPAs and attorneys, who work frequently with VC firms, Executives leading corporate M&A and business development, Economic development and other government officials responsible for attracting VC activity to a municipality or state, Learn how VC funds are structured, how they operate, and why organizational structure matters to limited partners, general partners, and even founders, Understand how to raise capital from limited partners, including the design of partnership agreements that enable effective relationships, Develop a systematic way to screen, analyze, and value high-growth investment opportunities in nascent industries, Discover effective ways to manage innovative processes, Acquire a framework to negotiate, price, and structure the best investor terms, Learn how to best navigate the shareholders agreement to avoid costly mistakes, Identify how and when to exit the investment. The approach is rigorous and analytical.
An equal number of graduate law and business students will be enrolled in this class.
ISP in Finance are intended to give students the opportunity to study a particular topic in Finance in greater depth than is covered in the curriculum.
This course explores different financing models, including bootstrapping, organic growth, debt and risk capital, and also provides a clear overview of equity financing including the key types of investors: angels, venture capital, and crowdfunding. It will also present the major hedge fund strategies, describe operation, control, administration, due diligence and valuation issues. This course covers one of the most exciting and fundamental areas in finance. Alumna social entrepreneur Gayle Jennings-OByrne is changing the market for women entrepreneurs of color. Outer Ring Road, Devarabeesanahalli Village, Enter pincode for exact delivery dates/charges. This course focuses on international financial institutions, especially the activities of global, systemically important banks. The second half of the class discusses the implications of these policies for equity and bond valuations.
Omar F. completed this course, spending 2 hours a week on it and found the course difficulty to be easy. This course explores the highly active and sophisticated deal making environment that is the hallmark of modern corporate restructuring. (Formerly FNCE 726) The objective of this course is to study the major decision-making areas of managerial finance and some selected topics in financial theory. Working in teams, students will be required to build an integrated financial model to value the business, negotiate the key terms of the transaction agreements, and put together an investment committee presentation, defending their investment thesis and valuation.
Learn how to prepare for the exams required to take certifications needed while you are at school. You'll also learn to calculate how much money you are losing each month (the burn rate), and when you can expect to become self-sustaining (the breakeven point). No prior knowledge of the industry is required, but students are expected to rapidly acquire a working knowledge of real estate markets.
Venture Capital, a program from Wharton Executive Education, will lift the veil on one of the most exciting and perhaps least transparent areas in finance. University of Pennsylvania MBA/MA Lauder Joint Degree in International Studies Program, Francis J. FNCE 7050 is recommended but not required.
We will argue that their systematic biases can aggregate into observed market inefficiencies, thus giving rise to apparently profitable trading strategies. These may include leasing, mergers and acquisitions, corporate reorganizations, financial planning, and working capital management, and some other selected topics. The objective of this course is to provide students with detailed knowledge of corporate structures, valuation methods, project finance, risk management practices, corporate governance issues, and geo-political risks in the energy industry. Applications for FNCE 8990 ISP's will not be accepted after the THIRD WEEK OF THE SEMESTER.
From tiny beginnings, the Impact Investment space has expanded and now commands significant attention from policymakers, wealthy and public-spirited individuals, academia and, not least, the world's largest asset managers and philanthropic foundations. The Certificate Exam is designed to test your specific skills, comprehension and retention of the material covered in class. Some programming and experience is helpful though knowledge of Python is not assumed. Help, David Bell, Ethan Mollick, Laura Huang, David Hsu, Karl T. Ulrich, Lori Rosenkopf and Kartik Hosanagar, 4.3 rating, based on 6 Class Central reviews, 4.8 rating at Coursera based on 1086 ratings, Start your review of Entrepreneurship 4: Financing and Profitability. Start-ups can benefit from a wide variety of financing options on the path to profitability, but how do you know which one to choose? In addition, the course covers other valuation techniques such as leveraged buyout analysis. The objective of this course is to give you a broad understanding of the instruments traded in modern financial markets, the mechanisms that facilitate their trading and issuance, as well as, the motivations of issuers and investors across different asset classes. Dissertation Committee and Proposal Defense, Applications for Courses and Independent Study Projects, Course Registration Request Form for Non-MBA students. FNCE 6130 is recommended but not required. It provides specific coverage and examples of developments from(1) market-place lending, (2) blockchain and distributed ledgers, (3) quantitative trading and its use of non-standard inputs. You're just a few steps away from getting your Certificate Exam!
We will consider design, issuance, and pricing of financial instruments, the arbitrage strategies which keep their prices in-line with one another, and the associated economic and financial stability issues.
These include: investment decisions under uncertainty, mean-variance theory, capital market equilibrium, arbitrage pricing theory, state prices, dynamic programming, and risk-neutral valuation as applied to option prices and fixed-income securities. We explain the economic rationale for the policy prescriptions to reach the goals and how these policies are actually implemented by the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) in the US, the European Central Bank (ECB), Bank of Israel (BOI) and some remarks on other countries. Jay Bishen, WG22, reflects on his internship at the Development Finance Corporation, a U.S. government agency.
I would like to own a large company with very high income. We will study the determinants of the level of national income, employment, investment, interest rates, the supply of money, inflation, exchange rates, and the formulation and operation of stabilization policies. The course will balance functional and institutional perspectives by highlighting the problems capital markets participants are seeking to solve, as well as, the existing assets and markets which have arisen to accomplish these goals.
We learn about how 2U is benefitting from edX, but very little about how edX benefits from 2U. The approach is rigorous and analytical but the course will not cover several topics included in the full semester Corporate Finance course, including: market efficiency, corporate financial policy (including capital structure, cost of capital, dividend policy, and related issues), and options. This course covers fixed income securities (including fixed income derivatives) and provides an introduction to the markets in which they are traded, as well as to the tools that are used to value these securities and to assess and manage their risk. , *** - , : , . The email will contain your contact information so a school representative will be able to get in touch with you. Youll also be ready for the capstone project, in which you will get feedback on your own pitch deck, and may even be selected to pitch to investors from venture capital firms. This course will examine the provision of public services for firms and people through cities. The class focuses on risk management, investing, and arbitrage in these markets.
PTNR01A998WXY {Wharton Executive Education Venture Capital} Video Course, {Wharton Executive Education Venture Capital} Video Course. Other areas that are covered in FNCE 6110 are covered more in depth and more rigorously in FNCE 7030.
The goal of this course is to provide the foundation needed to recognize and understand broad economic and financial movements in the global economy.
The course is primarily comprised of two key components. . In addition to prerequisites, FNCE 7050 is highly recommended but not required. We want to help you get going on your new career path. We seek to understand the underlying economic, political, and legal/regulatory causes of such events so that they may be prevented in the future.
Project evaluation, financing strategies, investment decision making and capital markets are covered. The second element of the course is a series of case study panels based on market trends from the previous year that bring together key participants from recent deals, including the CEO or chairman of the company, the judge, the lead banker and lead lawyer, and the lead investors to give their insight and perspectives to the class. Lecture with discussion required. He has a wonderful business. FNCE 7030 or FNCE 7070 are recommended. FNCE 7030 and FNCE 7070 are recommended but not required. Additional topics will differ according to individual instructors. The course is structured around three main FinTech areas: (i) Lending/Banking services, (ii) Clearing (iii) Trading.
In this module, you'll learn the three key elements of your pitch to funders, and the examine the most common methods of exiting the entrepreneurial phase. The course covers current conceptual and theoretical valuation frameworks and translates those frameworks into practical approaches for valuing companies. Some of the areas that may be covered in the course, subject to time constraints, include: FinTech, investment management, corporate finance, corporate governance, venture capital, private equity. The Global Business Week (GBW) is set of classes offered annually to WEMBA second years. Topics covered include discounted cash flow techniques, corporate capital budgeting and valuation, investment decisions under uncertainty, and capital asset pricing.
Because improving your career should not be work, Course information from University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School. This course serves as an introduction to business finance (corporate financial management and investments) for both non-majors and majors preparing for upper-level course work. You'll learn the structure and best practices for an executive summary, your pitch deck, and your pro-forma financial statements, and discover why these are so important to potential investors. This course will cover critical aspects and characteristics of hedge funds and the hedge fund industry.
The purpose of the course is to train students to think systematically about the current state of the economy and macroeconomic policy, and to be able to evaluate the economic environment within which business and financial decisions are made. If we want to create a world thats a better place, we need people who can bring that sense of social justice and combine it with some practical Wharton toolkits so that they can be more impactful..
The lectures expose the students to the institutional and empirical facts as well as approaches followed by leading shareholder activists. By the end of this module, you'll be able to pick the financing pathway that's best for your enterprise, use common valuation strategies to set a reasonable price for your company, and negotiate favorable terms.
Now that you've decided to continue your education and progress in your career, you're on a great path towards success.
It will explore how different buyers approach the process of finding, evaluating, and analyzing opportunities in the corporate-control market; how they structure deals and how deal structure affects both value creation and value division; how they add value after transaction completion; and how they realize their ultimate objectives (such as enhanced market position or a profitable exit).
By the end of this course, youll have an understanding of what success looks like and how it can be financed. , (), . We will pay special attention to recent topics, such as partnerships with the private sector, enterprise zones, the role of technology, environmental challenges, and real estate policies that promote housing affordability, such as rent control and inclusionary zoning. These include investment decision making under uncertainty, cost of capital, capital structure, pricing of selected financial instruments and corporate liabilities, and dividend policy. Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania We consider distressed debt as an asset class, develop techniques for investing in distressed securities and assess investment opportunities using the concepts of value investing. () .
Most classes for Certified Exam Preparation Certification are taught online, in a very hands-on environment. [ , . It aims at: 1) Introducing the main models used in practical applications to price and hedge derivatives; 2) Understanding their comparative advantages and limitations, as well as how they are calibrated and applied. The first module covers mergers and acquisitions, and the second one studies buyouts by private equity partnerships. Evangelists believe it may be the key to freeing the world from poverty. Infrastructure covers roads and bridges (the original infrastructure), to railroads, airports (the more recent infrastructure), to telecommunications and solar and wind power installations (modern infrastructure). My only critique is that its to easy at times, and I find myself wishing there was more assessments or projects.
This half-semester course combines lectures and cases, and will go through actual situation where companies need to make strategic decisions on raising equity capital. You'll discover how term sheets work, and what the terms mean, and you'll also examine the other terms used when financing with angel investors, friends and family, loans, and crowdfunding. The core of the course connects between the legal and actual goals that central banks follow and the related economic analysis on which these goals and policies are set.
Background: I have worked at a startup for the past 3 years, so I was already familiar with the concepts. You'll also hear from a successful entrepreneur and venture capitalist from Greylock Partners, who will talk about what indicators of success his firms looks for when deciding where to invest. To do so, students will investigate a variety of empirical questions from different areas within finance by way of data labs, or case studies that rely on data and analytics. This course explores Impact Investing, a discipline that seeks to generate social benefits as well as financial returns. 4 weeks long, 6-7 hours worth of material, Arabic, French, Portuguese, Russian, English, Spanish, Concrete Details Emerge on edXs Role After 2U Acquisition, Course review: Supply Chain Management by ASU, New Free JavaScript & Web Development Bootcamps (Start Sep 5), 10 Best Microsoft Power BI Courses to Take in 2022, 6000+ OpenCourseWare Courses from Top Institutions, Course review: Copywriting for Beginners and Pros Free Course with Exercises, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Learn How to Sign up to Coursera courses for free, 1600+ Coursera Courses That Are Still Completely Free, Best Online Courses of the Year (2022 Edition), Most Popular Courses of the Year (2022 Edition), 250 Top FREE Coursera Courses of All Time. The course is divided into two broad modules.
Designed for investors and entrepreneurs alike, participants will come away with a greater understanding of how venture capital (VC) works; how the best venture capitalists source, screen, and value deals; and how to design contracts that protect both investors and founders. You'll learn about the added benefits of working with venture capital firms, when and why to consider debt financing, and the latest trends in crowdfunding. Students will learn about the substance, process and mechanics of private equity investing, through the lens of the investment professional. Prerequisites: (ACCT 6110 OR ACCT 6130) AND FNCE 6110.
You'll learn the most important rule of entrepreneurship, the different kinds of business models, how to determine who your best customers are and how to develop strategies to retain them. We will provide descriptions of types of infrastructure, examine the financing needs of different infrastructure projects, consider the historic role of public and private funding, assess the changing needs of consumers, role of technology and the increasing demands posed by a globalizing economy.
Topics covered include discounted cash flow techniques; corporate capital budgeting and valuation; investment decisions under uncertainty; capital asset pricing; options; and market efficiency. Study & Get Succeed (Wharton Executive Education Venture Capital). We will address different phases of a company's life cycle. By the end of this module, you'll be able to create an effective pitch, and begin developing an exit strategy for your company that's relevant, effective and profitable. We will address different phases of a company's life cycle.
Financial derivatives serve as building blocks to understand broad classes of financial problems, such as complex asset portfolios, strategic corporate decisions, and stages in venture capital investing. We then explore the evidence for both views in the context of capital structure, investment, dividend, and merger decisions. The course covers the various options available for distressed firms, such as out-of-court workouts, exchange offers, prepackaged and pre-negotiated, bankruptcies, distressed asset sales, 363 auctions, and Chapter 11 reorganization. Some areas of financial management not covered in FNCE 6110 are covered in FNCE 7030. The latter part of the course extends the analysis to corporate decision making. The course contains cases that help students evaluate the impact of more complex financing and capital markets tools used in real estate. By the end of this course, students will be able to evaluate and discuss the global economic environment in which business and financial decisions are made. Further, we will examine more closely the preferences and trading decisions of individual investors. and The course focuses on financial tools, techniques, and best practices used in buyouts (financial buyers) and acquisitions (strategic buyers). We've gathered everything you will need for you to feel ready for this important step towards an educational path that's right for you surrounded by supportive people who are happy to see you take that first step, such as yourself! Students learn about the features of financial instruments and the motivations of market participants. Farhan is taking this course right now, spending 8 hours a week on it and found the course difficulty to be very easy.
Disclaimer: When you click submit, we will send an email on your behalf to The Wharton School from which you are requesting information. That's why we're providing this comprehensive preparation course that includes Practice exam to assist you in completing a technical assessment and other valuable resources. This course provides an introduction to real estate with a focus on investment and financing issues. This course will cover methods and topics that form the foundations of modern asset pricing. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Derek Stevens completed this course, spending 2 hours a week on it and found the course difficulty to be easy. The application for ISP's should outline a plan of study that requires at least as much work as a typical course in the Finance Department that meets twice a week. Key topics include managing currency risk through hedging and financing, calculating the cost of capital for foreign operations, assessing sovereign risks, capital budgeting from a project and parent perspective, and international taxation. This is a Wharton Global Modular Course on Finance in the Middle East and North Africa. Lizbeth Nunez, WG22, reflects on her internship with Firework Ventures an impact venture capital firm co-founded by alum Ashley Bittner, WG13, that invests in future-of-work companies. This class has very interesting material. Class Central is learner-supported.
, . There is an abundance of evidence suggesting that the standard economic paradigm - rational agents in an efficient market - does not adequately describe behavior in financial markets. I loved it. By the end of this module, you'll be able to perform your own breakeven analysis so you can make a more informed choice about the best source of financing for you company.
While it will touch upon various strategic, organizational, and general management issues, the main lens for studying these transactions will be a financial one.
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