passive solar architecture
These materials with high thermal mass can store the energy for constant slow re-radiation employing the flywheel effect. If the number exceeds 3. explore insulating glass and/or movable insulation. If the mass is concentrated in a single wall, then its color should be dark--unless its surface is struck early in the day by sunlight, in which case its color should be light to diffuse the the light and heat into the rest of the space. 8. Southerly views from the building site become an important criterion in site selection. A Simple Design Methodology For Passive Solar Houses, with a Brief History of Solar Energy Utilization in the Built Environment, 21st Century Manhattan. Since auxiliary heat requirements are greatly reduced in a passive solar home, compared to a conventional home, smaller direct-vented heaters or a woodstove are often the backd-up heaters of choice for extended cloudy periods . Dennis R. Holloway, Architect. Details: Roof ponds require extra attention to detail since they depend on the buildings structure and roof. The Earth Sheltered Passive Solar Concept.
In hot climates, shading devices used on the south side of the house can be important. The design considerations for a food-growing greenhouse, a living space and a supplementary solar heater are very different, and although it is possible to build a sunspace that will serve all three functions, some compromises may be necessary. If then this is the best arrangement, we should build the south side loftier to get the winter sun and the north side lower to keep out the winter winds. This map shows how magnetic south varies from true south in different parts of the United States. The dome skylight was also a source of heat gain and ventilation. Figure 9: Sunspace thermal storage (a) Provide 3 square feet of concrete (b) or 3 gallons of water (c) for each square foot of glazing. Domus Aurea, (Latin, "Golden House"), floor plan, built by the Emperor Nero, in Rome (64 AD) was a sprawling palace with many rooms for direct solar gain. The system of courtyards created microclimates and acted as a civic solar collector array. Designed by Sir Joseph Paxton, in the early 19th Century. This is particularly effective in a building where heat is required quickly. We next compute a Net Load Coefficient (NLC). We surely have to see through this cloud to know that energy shortfall in the 70's will pale by comparison to what lies ahead in the 90's. Low angle winter sun allows for good solar penetration through the glazing, while high summer sun is reflected off the vertical glass.
Covering the glass panels with movable insulation systems will decrease the amount of heat being released at night.
There is more usable heat gain into a living space adjacent to a sunspace, if there aren't plants and lots of mass soaking it up in the sunspace. Vented Trombe walls are known to be only about 5% more efficient, overall, than non-vented Trombe walls. Pull-down shades or canvas awnings on the outside of the glass of the south-facing windows, solarium, and trombe walls can greatly reduce house heat gain.
At the beginning of the 21st Century it is ironic that the idea of solar energy technology seems so new and daunting. The trombe wall has a multi-layerd mirrorized curtain controlled by photosensor, that drops down durning hot summer days and also during cold winter nights. Your budget will be your best guide, but remember that conservation pays in the short and long run, so when in doubt, opt for higher conservation levels. Rooms that require minimal heating/lighting such as corridors or utility rooms can be places alongside the northern side instead. It is preferable to elongate the east-west axis and paint the northern side with light colors to reflect sun into this area. 9. A Golden Thread, 2500 Years of Solar Architecture and Technology, by Ken Butti and John Perlin, published by Cheshire Books, Palo Alto, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, London, 1980.
4. Otherwise, the surfaces of heat storage materials (thermal mass) should be dark colors of at least 70 percent absorbance. The building interior are bright - The interior of the building would be filled with sufficient light. Solar heat is trapped between the masonry and the glass; it enters the house by migrating through the masonry. Proper insulation enables warmth in winter and. Non-storage materials should be lighter colors, so they will reflect light to the thermal mass that isn't in the sun. Besides providing warmth in the winter, a well-designed passive house should provide coolth and good ventilation in the summer. The sites location and microclimate impact the buildings form and orientation. Summer cooling: The major emphasis on passive solar system is often the importance of allowing heat and light into the space during winter, disregarding the importance of cooling during the summer.
Remember that "solar south" is different from "magnetic south." See also the Project Ouroboros South of the University of Minnesota, and the Earthships of architect, Michael Reynolds. This is the R-value for the entire ceiling, including insulation, finish surface, etc. West windows are a source of high heat gain during the summer, and should be shaded with exterior overhangs. In 1983 J. Douglas Balcomb and the research team at Los Alamos National Laboratory issued a set of direct gain and indirect gain design guidelines for heating passive solar houses located in the U.S. Increasing the amount of thermal mass will stabilize the internal temperatures, making the sunspace more comfortable for people and plants. The typical early solarium of the 1970s projected out from the house, like an addition, and was glazed on the south, east, and west sides as well as the roof. Lost your password? For example, if the house will have a total floor area of nearly 3000 square feet on three stories, the GF will be 5.7. The direct sun can be resisted by overhanging elements as shown in the figure below. This is a propagandistic deception by Big Oil, and only applies to passive solar houses with too high sloped-glass-to-air-volume-ratio, or not enough low AND high vent windows. Preventing this would save the interior fabrics as well as decor and make them long lasting. "Direct-Gain" windows allow sunlight to enter the home directly. The Orangerie (looking east with south-glazed wall to right), 17th Century, Seehof, Bamberg, Germany, Figure 2: A direct gain passive solar house (1973 design by Dennis Holloway, Architect, for. The south wall was perforated to admit solar energy. To do this, look up your home's geometry factor (GF) in Table 1 (below). Few design strategies offer the aesthetic appeal and practical paybacks that a carefully thought out and constructed sunspace does. 6- Sheltered entrance: To prevent cold air from entering the house whenever the door is opened during winter, orient the entrance door away from the winds direction and/or add a windshield next to the entrance. For example, if your NLC is 8.265 and your LCR is 20, then your passive solar collector should have 423 square feet of south-facing glazing. Passive cooling similarly features proper shading and thermal mass within the building envelope, as well as operable windows placed to take advantage of natural ventilation. Massive floors should be dark in color to store the heat low.
There is also the maintenance issue of dust, lint, and pet hairs being drawn into the Trombe air space. In Summer, when the windows are open on a sunny day, the rising mass of warmed air is allowed to escape through the opened top vents which in turn draws in cooler air through the lower vents or through windows in the adjacent house. Given current and future projected fuel costs, the additional construction cost is recovered quickly. Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users. Thermal mass floors that receive solar radiation should not be carpeted. Today's solarium has been modified for greater efficiency and typically is flush with the south wall of the house, therby eliminating the loss of energy from the east and west walls. Properly sized shading over windows and doors helps to control unwanted solar gain during the hot months. Architektur mit der Sonne, by Josef Kiraly, C. F. Mller Verlag, Heidelberg, 1982. Photo by, Orangery, Bronnbach abbey, Wertheim am Main, Germany, 1774. Conventional clad windows with insulated glass can easily be used on the south wall of a sunspace. Integrating these passive strategies will continue to be important in the future, as energy codes become more restrictive, and we strive to reach a carbon-neutral built environment. While some of the solar heat is used immediately, walls, floors, ceilings, and furniture store the excess heat, which radiates into the space throughout the day and night. Locate your building site on the map (Figure 16) to select the Conservation Factor (CF) to be used in your house design. A room you plan to live in must stay warm in the winter, cool in the summer, have minimum glare levels, and moderate humidity. If the openings are 6'-8" doors, the minimum recommended opening is 8 square feet of opening per 100 square feet of glazing area. 2500 years ago, Aeschylus, the Greek playwright, in his play, PROMETHEUS (the mythological fire stealer), observed that ignorant primatives and barbarians "lacked knowledge of houses built of bricks and turned to face the winter sun, dwelling beneath the ground like swarming ants in sunless caves.". Direct gain sunspace addition, Newkirk Residence, Boulder, Colorado; Dennis R. Holloway, Architect, Figure 8: Sunspace with sloped south-wall glazing over reverse-slope vent windows (a). Passive solar homes work best with open floor plans--reduced partitions from main rooms to minor rooms-- to facilitate the thermosiphing movement of solar heat from the south side through the rest of the house. Dennis R. Holloway, Architect. In most climates, buildings can achieve passive comfort for a majority of the time, with needs during extreme periods of weather being met through supplemental systems, ideally from renewable energy resources. For instance, a polished/shiny surface will reflect radiation in larger amounts than matte surfaces. Figure 14b shows the temperature distribution in the wall at various times over a 24-hour period. This is your NLC. Michael Reynolds, designs and builds passive solar houses, called EarthShips. Figure 4: Orientation to true south in a passive solar house glazing array may vary by as much as 30 degrees east or west of south with relatively little loss of overall efficiency (top); A direct-gain system, such as a sunspace (a), floods a space with light, which may cause fabrics to fade. Passive Solar Energy, The Homeowners Guide to Natural Heating and Cooling, by Bruce Anderson & Malcolm Wells, Foreward by Sen. Ted Kennedy, Brick House Press, Andover, Massachusetts, 1981. Many homeowners claim this room becomes the favorite space in the house with its spacious and green outdoor ambiance. The rule-of-thumb for sizing these paired sunspace vents is as follows: take 1/6th of the area of the south glazing and divide that area equally for top and bottom vent area. Note 1: Walton, Jr., J.D. The performance of a vertical glazed south wall more closely follows the demands of heating degree days, heating effectively in winter when the angle of the sun is low and, because of increasing reflectance, allowing less solar gain as the sun rises toward its summer zenith. STEP 2: Recommended Insulation R-Values and Infiltration Rates, Use the following formulas to determine insulation values and recommended infiltration rates. By comparison the passive solar house has many fewer possible technical breakdowns than the active solar house. Bottom: Interior view showing operable vent windows. In temperate climates, use between 0.22 and 0.6 sq-ft. of thermal wall (0.16 0.43 sq ft. for water wall dimensions) for each one sq ft. of floor area.*. 5. There are often times when some passive energy systems are inappropriate, such as having large glass facades in a project that is surrounded by higher buildings, which in this case, the best solution would be to implement a system on the roof. Passive Solar Buildings Concept, Benefits and Performance, Elements Considered for Passive Solar Building Construction, Problems Faced by Passive Solar Buildings, Zero Energy Buildings Features, Benefits and Materials, Types of Skylights for your Building Roofs, Change Orders in Construction Contracts Types, Features and Components, Geogrids- Types, Functions, Applications and Advantages in Construction, Types of Foundation for Buildings and their Uses [PDF], Compressive Strength of Concrete -Cube Test [PDF], Procedure, Results, 16 Types of Heavy Equipment Used in Construction, Methods of Rainwater Harvesting [PDF]: Components, Transport, and Storage, Calculate Quantities of Materials for Concrete -Cement, Sand, Aggregates, 15 Factors Affecting the Selection of Construction Materials, Factors Affecting Construction Cost of a Project. Movable insulation or a higher-R (resistance) glazing system will greatly improve the performance of the glazing. One of the more ingenious indirect gain designs employs the thermal storage wall, or Trombe wall placed three or four inches inside an expanse of south facing glass. To determine the area of the passive solar collector (Trombe wall (indirect gain), sunspace (direct gain), etc.) However, the south wall can be as much as 30 east or west of solar south with only a 15% decrease in efficiency from the optimum. When the term, "passive solar" was introduced into the language of professional solar researchers in the 1970's, most people didn't have a vague notion what it meant. Ancient Africans, Babylonians, Mayans, and Indo-Europeans stuck an arrow into the ground, and using a bow-string as a radius, etched a circle around the arrow. Native American traditional buildings and villages have also utilized passive solar principles for more than 2000 years. The outside ambient temperature was varied from 70oF at 2 P.M. maximum to 30oF at 2 A.M. minimum. Passive systems collect and transport energy by non-mechanical, natural means. So the inner surface of the wall's thermal mass acts as a constant radiator of 86oF to the house's air space. Source: After NATIVE AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE, Peter Nabokov and Robert Easton, Oxford University Press, New York & Oxford, 1989). Because the built environment takes almost 70% of the US national energy budget, it is time to revive the ancient idea that sunlight and architecture can be combined to provide human comfort as well as protection from an increasingly hostile ambient environment.
To distribute the warmed air from the sunspace to the rest of the house, openings are strategically placed in the common wall between the sunspace and the interior living space. 7- Material selection: More energy is consumed if each material is used in its adequate place. The most effective storage-thickness in wood is the first inch. Perhaps the most useful book on passive solar design for owner-builders is THE PASSIVE SOLAR ENERGY BOOK, by Edward Mazria, who makes the following recommendations for sizing the Trombe Wall: "In cold climates (average winter temperatures 20o to 30o F) use between 0.43 and 1.0 square feet of south-facing, double-glazed, masonry thermal storage wall (0.31 and 0.65 square feet for a water wall) for each one square foot of floor space area. 8- System Selection: Each project possesses specific design requirements, which is why different projects require different systems. This creates a building with more morning gain and less in the afternoons. 15- Adjacent Greenhouse: Efficiently using the adjacent greenhouse concept can be a little complicated since the energy being transferred into the building is passing through a structure beforehand; therefore, the dimensions of the greenhouse must be calculated properly. The houses with kivas are built in east-west rows and face south to capture the sunlight. This is good news on sites with attractive views other than to the south. Moveable insulation can provide privacy, summer shading, and increased comfort on cold winter nights, and can be controlled automatically with motors and thermostats. If your fuel costs are high (and whose aren't nowadays! In our modern lexicon of solar architecture a passive solar house is distinct from an active solar house, which uses pumps, motors, storage tanks, storage floors, and various high tech controls to take solar heated fluids, usually water or forced air, from solar collectors, commonly flat plate collectors, and transport and store the energy to the house interior, where it is released as needed. This is still the general rule-of-thumb, but the introduction of energy conserving and radiation-modifying films, available in several major window lines, enables designers and builders to relax this rule. The configuration behind passive systems consists of three types: direct gain, indirect gain, and isolated gain. Northern facades should have relatively smaller windows since they absorb the least thermal energy. Passive solar multi-layered window, Kindergarten in Lindenfof, Vienna, Austria, Karl Ehn, Architect, 1924. In an interview, Douglas Balcomb, our foremost passive solar researcher-spokesperson, said that the viability of passive solar has become an established fact, and the use of direct-gain spaces, sunspaces, and Trombe walls (in that order) will be with us for a long time to come. 2- Structures design: The overall shape and orientation of a project can determine how much sun is being transferred into the space. Either of these options add to the cost of the project, and the obvious disadvantage of movable insulation is that someone has to move it everyday. These can be conventionally manufactured operable or fixed windows on the south wall of the house or standard-dimension insulating glass panels in the wall of the sunspace or solarium. Choose a dark-colored wall to optimize sun absorption. It is only since the Industrial Revolution in the 2Oth and early 21st Centuries that we have forgotten this principle, due to the relative low cost of burning fossil fuels extracted from the Earth. With pundits arguing over the price of the last available fossil fuel, and the end of the AGE OF COMBUSTION, it is time to remember our most important and economic energy resource--the sun. It is much less expensive to make changes on paper than to alter a design once it's built. It is a common rule-of-thumb that, compared to a conventionally designed house of the same square footage, a well-designed sun tempered house can reduce energy bills by 75% with an added construction cost of only 5-10%. It is money well spent to take your preliminary design to a solar engineer or architect for feedback and a computer analysis.
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