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This system contains the student


This system contains the student detail, academic history of the student, the courses taken, due report, attendance and exam detail. Net Project Source Code, Report. HTML documents are plain text (also known as ASCII) files that can be created using any text editor (e.g.). Data Duplicacy: Before entering every record they have to make sure that the same record doesnt exist. Operational Manual: The user after getting into the main screen he can the following jobs in the following ways: Data Entry: For data entry the user has to supply the roll number of the student in every form as it is the primary key for identification of a particular student. Directives. 2.4.3. Efficient database, control handling and maintenance Effective and efficient data security, consistency, integrity, and non-redundancy enable. They are: Wastage Of Time: The staff was wasting a lot of time in entering the data into the different type of registers of all students. A relational model provides a very simple yet powerful way of representing data. Economical Feasibility: Whether there are sufficient benefits in creating the system to make the costs acceptable or not and the costs of not creating so great that the project must be undertaken. This method had inflated scope of on-line education and on-line courses. ADVANTAGES OF PL/SQL: PROCEDURAL CAPABILITY: Loops, branching assignments etc are used in PL/SQL which is used in traditional programming languages. The SQL includes commands for specifying the beginning and ending of a transaction. CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION AND POSSIBLE FURTHER STUDIES GLOSSARY, BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INTERNET SITES 1 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTRODUCTION The Course Management System project deals with the course management of Students. endstream endobj 158 0 obj<> endobj 159 0 obj<> endobj 160 0 obj<> endobj 161 0 obj(/GKs={5-k) endobj 1 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/Page>> endobj 2 0 obj<>stream As it is in 2NF and all non-key attributes are independent to each other. 4.4. There are two types of testing. Then he can do the work of his requirement. OF WORKING DAYS(NOWD) NO. The student will have the college search option in that he must give the details which course he would like to take up and in which location he needs to specify. It is used to list the attributes desired in the result of the query. Problem Identification From all the interviews, studies on systems like record maintenances, report preparations, etc we found many problems that the staff was facing. The advantages of JSP are twofold. Du br holde forventningene dine til resultatene av plastisk kirurgi realistiske. unique COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NAME 30 DOB CHARACTE R DATE REGDNO VARCHAR2 10 SEX CHARACTE R 1 RELIGION CHARACTE R 10 CATEGORY CHARACTE R 3 NATION CHARACTE R 10 MS CHARACTE R 1 DOA DATE 7 MTONGUE CHARACTE R 10 TCNO VARCHAR2 10 FNAME CHARACTE 30 7 29 It shows the name of the student. Proposed Computer System The effective system management requires well-coordinated and integrated approach towards various problems with respect to the system. ii. 2NF: The relation is already in 2NF. Their authorization is simpler than that of thousands of "untrusted" client-PCs.

If null values are not to be allowed then it should be defined NOT NULL. If the user enters any kind of peculiar data or invalid data the system produces an error message and guides the user for correct data entry. 6 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM View definition. Large data bases and space management control:Oracle supports the largest of Databases. As for 1NF the attribute of the relation should be atomic data items. They have to check the same for every record while entering the data into every register. Ja7 9L0yC.+KnWB&mP;B)D1!R!J;D|+&2l9CU;fSl6V$ ilJY$MCE:4yl+E[wwwb?5J9Wx6Ofdw~VB 3HcV^@z=LG64K[G)4]h=z,IGP6V%Y ]r2,YLQH6hwm:F- lNa+v)Q~cvs|Sg*C)'Xe}l}@JVyv< +:QE'YvPvb7?%m-r:O+vX}:P vQaGTM[S4yUcIZYL$ )>'VaP;&v*fONr#t8Q5]KpN!f8S`nZJ,1p)@vCmvMY9^38w'%Ed8cj;j>*-k&w\xLz#";unF.rFU)8rW@i{?,IZ0-]>su%+[ SYSTEM ANALYSISPROBLEM IDENTIFICATION PROPOSED SYSTEM FEASIBILITY STUDY CONVERSION OF RELATIONS EXISTING SYSTEM DESIGN 5. 0000008372 00000 n Conclusion: This system is developed to fulfill the requirements of the end users who are going to use this system.

OF WORKING DAYS (NOWD) and MONTH are fully functional dependent on the key attributes ROLLNO and YEAR. Because it is already in 2NF and all non-key attributes fees and fines are independent to each other. Hvis du tror at kostnadene for kosmetisk kirurgi er for hye i USA, br du vurdere gjre operasjonen i India eller Mexico. =K_]axYNz#H+`l Online Course Portal for a Campus is a web

The different types of reports prepared by the clerks where also studied to visualize and characterize the system, its integrated components and operational use. Installation: To install the Course Management System project go to the Package folder and open it. If we use this kind of roll numbering even after computerization of this Course Management System then we will face problems for the uniqueness of student as roll number is the primary key for the identification of the student. Det er viktig underske alle aspekter av kosmetisk kirurgi fr du planlegger en prosedyre for forbedre helsen din eller forbedre utseendet ditt. The web server maps this request to a specific file. 3. An expression language for accessing server-side objects. RELATIONAL CONSTRAINTS:(1)Domain constraints:-In a relation the following domain of constraints are followed: Value of each attribute must be atomic. Event Handling: JavaScripts event handling capabilities provide greater control over the user interface that HTML alone. i. Instructor Logins to the System. yVG\ 0000002205 00000 n Than He Completes Homework. 9. An HTML document is simply a text file that contains information you want to publish. A student can have more than one academic history according to the class. Synopsis of Content Management, A PROJECT REPORT On 4.3. MOGAE DIGITAL Pvt. It shows the name of the COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM R father of the student. Similarly for +3 some other fields are filled up and all other fields are remaining blank. [emailprotected] Spesielt hvis du kan bevise at du trenger f prosedyren utfrt av medisinske rsaker. Roll Number: The system of roll numbering a student is also not convenient as the roll numbers are getting repeated every three years. The first time you access a JSP page, you may notice that it takes a short time to responds. Open control panel. 4.5.7.Exam Details: An exam detail report of each student is maintained, this shows the examination status of the student. ENTITY SETS:- STUDETAIL:{ Roll no, Name, Date Of Birth, Registration Number, Tc Number, Sex, Religion, Category, Nationality, Marital Status, Mother Tongue, Fathers Name, Fathers Occupation, Course Taken, Staying With, Date Of Admission, Phone, Present Address, Permanent Address }. Click - >ODBC Data Sources (32bit) iii. 4.5.1. Ronald F. Clayton RDBMS offer a certain independence from storage details for the clients. INTEGRATION WITH RDBMS: PL/SQL integrates with any RDBMS in native datatype declaration. (2)Key constraints:-Under this are: (i)Primary key should be in relation to identify all the entities uniquely. It shows on which date the student had taken admission in the college. Compilation problem is isolated. In the Proposed System , The Teachers and Students Can maintain their courses Online, in a Easy and User friendly environment. Most widely used query language is SQL (Structured Query Language). 0000007002 00000 n For vre en god kandidat for denne typen prosedyrer, br du vre nr optimal kroppsvekt. It is one record based data model. To enter into the system the user has to then supply his username and password. (ii)Candidate key should be there if there are more than one keys. A relational database may be the collection of one or more than one tables.

2.3. RELATIONAL MODEL The relational model is today the primary data model for commercial data-processing applications. Expressions.

JSP technology also contains an API that is used by developers of Web containers. HWnF}9dK ia}O5IKV1Fb]O]VdngZeDJIR }]X+*nl.^'k4\NfKO+ZxVKP{"e59]mj(\JnUykr\CK\{_acZ5y?9/" The client only receives the results of a calculation - through the business-object, of course. They are if the student had taken part in NCC, NSS, Sports or any other cultural activities. But must of them are based on one of two fundamental approaches: 1. Second it is portable to other OS and Non-MS Web servers. Sjekk online vurderinger. IMPROVED PERFORMANCE: Instead of sending the SQL statements one by one, In PL/SQL the entire blocks of statements can be send to the RDBMS at one time. The one exception is when .jsp files changes in which case the server notices and recompiles a new background servlet. 2.1.1. TAKING:It is a one-to-many relationship that associates the entity set STUDENT and the entity set COURSE. One or more data files. It shows the permanent citys code or pin number of the student where he/she is staying permanently while studying in the college. in conjunction with on-line courses this computer are often updated with alternative data like job updates, on-line communication details, coming events, government job, and tips for teaching. En kosmetisk kirurg vil at du skal ha din ideelle vekt for f en vellykket prosedyre. Data Security: The data stored in the registers and books is not secure as any unauthorized person can access the data at anytime without the will and permission of the administration staff. BENEFITS OF USING ORACLE:1. Nr du vurderer kosmetisk kirurgi, vil du vre sikker p at kirurgen du bruker er kompetent.

Controlled availability:Oracle ca n selectively control the availability of data at the data base level and sub data level. This includes the exam name, the course id, whether appeared 18 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM the exam or not, the maximum mark of the exam and the mark secured by the student. He also then gets the 34 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM main screen with all the privileges. The where clause corresponds to the selection predicate of the relational-algebra. 2.2.1.

It shows to which country the student belongs to, i.e. Basing on his requirements he will get the list of the colleges or universities present in that location offering that course.

It is a record.. (3)ATTRIBUTE: Columns are usually referred as attributes.

the 3NF as it is already in 2NF and non-key independent. However a second type of object can be transmitted to the clients computer yet is initiated by the server. Data-control language (DCL). This is time necessary for server to create and compile the background servlet. 'Microsoft ODBC for Oracle' vii. The SQL DML includes a query language based on both relational-algebra and the tuple relational calculus. Adding interactivity to a web site is not limited to server-side programs. !A8/--"IJMoHG!GZsD \

A student is an active student of the college till him/her taking TC. RESOURSE METHODOLOGY3.1 OBJECT OF STUDY 3.2 LITERATURE SURVEY 4. It is the transfer certificate number of the student. OA6]EqzzW%]C~+4m:c$Fun5n6G@X4@R~Igw/n;8r |v__=}5voAt,w~ =Uux9r/3F(=3?p(LW{x=etG? Etter litt underskelser kan du finne ut om kosmetisk kirurgi er for deg eller ikke. 6.3 IMPLIMENTATION After all the coding is over and testing is over from end users and officials the next step is system implementation. whether he/she is SC/ST/OBC/GEN. ACADEMIC:{ Roll no, Class, Name Of Board/University Passed, Name Of School/College Passed, Maximum Marks, Marks Secured, Division, Status, Year Of Passing}. 15 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The student must register into the application by providing all the basic and general information after registration student can log in with the default username and password, the student can change the password and he can also recover his password if he forgot the password. 7oX6RjU;j D41/c.wk(U(t;Bay1_~OL*%1;NJ(`CeDg^`Z$v+[ fg =/^pIB7Ho^+t1R;Tu|:v.4l=/hzt+|(43c]C8MKGs9%pw:C7\o54# xb```b``d`e``Wbe@ ^(GG!+~XZaiae`MAb%; my5Jzx_isuK9/sKTrQX\a`Rf`R`P1@P--54,A HVn8}7HdIe9[]tK"qPc+E{|IZl $5. Admin Module : Admin Logs in to the System, Admin can create Students and Instructors and Courses and Can Also delete them. 3NF: It is already in 3NF. It contains the atomic values. JavaScript is also is a powerful means of controlling events in browser and accessing the Document Object Model (DOM) for programming DHTML. The most influential commercially marketed query language is SQL. 9 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 7. If there is even an error in compiling, you can expect the server to somehow report the problem usually in the page returned to the client. 39 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM C.3: Architecture of JSP A JSP is simple text file consisting of HTML content along with JAVA code called as JSP elements.

3NF: It is already in 3NF.

16 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4.4.3 E-R Diagram DATA FLOW DIAGRAM 17 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4.5. APPENDIX - B: WEB SERVER A user enters a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) into a browser. APPENDIX D: CLIENT SIDE VALIDATION For client side validation we are using JavaScript and HTML in our program. Enthusiastic end users to use computerized system. Connectivity:Oracle allows different types of computers and operating system to share information across networks. (2)TUPLE: Rows of each table are referred as a tuple. temperature template safety chart service refrigerator forms inspection report log freezer form baking INTRODUCTION2. COURSE:{C_id, C_name}. 0000001235 00000 n CONVERSIONS OF RELATIONS 4.4.1. In the future, even radical changes, like lets say switching form an RDBMS to an OODBS, wont influence the client.

In the next window ix. trailer Les Denne Artikkelen Frst! Technical Feasibility: Whether the work for the SIS project can be done with thr4 current equipment, existing software technology is required, what is the likelihood to be developed? ACADEMIC HISTORY:Before normalization the table was as follows: ACADEMIC:ROLLNO CLASS 25 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NAME OF BOARD/UNIVERSITY PASSED (NOBU) NAME OF SCHOOL/COLLEGE PASSED (NOSC) ANNUAL/SUPPLIMENTARY (STATUS) MAXIMUM MARKS (MAXMARKS) MARKSECURED (MARKSEC) DIVISION YEAR OF PASSING (YOP) 1NF: It is already in 1NF. 4.2. service azbil engineer system project engineers control dcs distributed experienced trained coordinator professionals inspection lead well site th Namely Users and Administrator Users: These are the authorized people who can login and do the following jobs: Data Entry Data Modification Report Generation Administrator: He is the prime authority of the project.

Please Add the Metro rail management system project. 6.3.3 User Manual: Course Management System (SIS) is a user friendly and interactive project based on Graphic User Interface system. Hence, it is in 3NF. In a network two very broad categories of objects are transmitted between the server and client: passive information and dynamic, active programs. (4)RELATION: Tables are usually referred as relations. Research methodology helps understand the existing system and develop an efficient system. 0000003627 00000 n

Then there he gets a common dialog box to make the user to select the kind of file for output where the output can be stored. 5. System implementation contains: System Manual User Manual 6.3.1 System Manual: This has all information about hardware and software requirements, and how the system is to be installed. (ii)Foreign key:-Suppose student relation is having student# and it uses dept# for relating with department relation and the dept# is the primary fey of the relation department. WX4E+\xaE[Mpz& (4)Entity integrity, referential integrity, and foreign keys:(i)Entity integrity:-No primary key value can be null. 10. The information gathered from the end user is accounted to form the basis of creating the design strategy.

%PDF-1.5 % It shows the permanent state name of the student where he/she is staying permanently while studying in the college. Alternatively, the recovery subsystem could ensure that the program is resumed from the point at which it was interrupted so that its full effect is recorded in the database. Du kommer til nske forst alt som er involvert i kosmetisk kirurgi som kostnader, risiko, og hvordan du skal forberede deg p den faktiske operasjonen.

Scattered Data: When all the data about a particular student is needed, the employee has to search for all the scattered records which takes a long time to collect. One is how users specify request for data: Which of the various query languages they use? The SQL language has several parts: Data-definition language (DDL). 20 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 3NF: In this relation, when the record of a +2 student is entered, then the Compulsory 1, Compulsory 2, Optional 1, Optional 2, Optional 3 and Fourth Optional fields are filled up and all other fields are remains empty. We were also given to observe the type of reports that are generated and the references made for the generation of those reports. SQL user a combination of relational-algebra and relational-calculus constructs. 3.2.1 Existing Systems Investigation We made a preliminary survey of the Course Management System of the college i.e., how and what information about a 11 COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM student is stored, how many different kinds of records are maintained, in what way they are maintained and what do they contain. 5.1 NORMALIZATION 5.1.1 STUDETAIL:Before normalization the STUDETAIL table was as follows: STUDETAIL:ROLLNO NAME DOB REGDNO SEX RELIGION CATEGORY NATION MS DOA MTONGUE TCNO FNAME FOCCUPATION STAYING WITH PRESENT ADDRESS PERMANENT ADDRESS COURSE TAKEN 1NF: The relation STUDETAIL is not in first normal form because the attribute COURSE TAKEN is a multivalued attribute. D#]I3yTKE;A"9 ! l>PO9-$(98U'qy:3O[\x|x!_a[X9?Z5Nn-/Lm772sd,qQ+N2-ESf)+KeIVqvz>gD vXTgXkc|6C;[n?Y? Portability:Application developed for Oracle can be proved to any operating system with little or no modification.

The SQL DDL provides commands for defining relation schemas, deleting relations, and modifying relation schemas.

Mechanisms for defining extensions to the language. ATTENDANCE:{Roll no, Year, Month, Number Of Working Days, Number Of Days Present}.

jA,(Z7%j-odJ|2)4e|6-+cas-Sml4l @@8p6-Xkk/hZbCcZ5L(d^ae!hGdHd l There will be a file called setup.exe just double click it to run the installing program. Student Course Administ, CMS (Content Management System) 1. INTRODUCTION2. Free Academic Projects and Classroom Trainings, Farmers Medium of Communication for Support Price of Crops, Online Banking System .Net Project Abstract, Report and Source Code, Asp.Net Tourism Project with SQL Database operations, Office Administration System VB.Net Project, Student Exams Backlog Management System Project using PHP & MySQL, Class Scheduling System Python Project using Django Framework, Library Management System Database Project using PHP & MySQL/MS Access, Pharmacy Management System Python Bootstrap Project, Real Time Bus Tracking System Android App, Course Recommendation through Online (CRO) Android App, Mba Project Report on Hospital Management, Body Fitness Prediction using Random Forest Classifier Project, Intelligent Customer Help Desk Python and Node-Red Project, CRM for Online Book Store Salesforce Project Analysis and Development, LSTM based Automated Essay Scoring System Python Project using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, Analysing Region Wise E-Commerce Data Using IBM Cognos Dashboard, Intelligent Access Control for Safety Critical Areas Project using IoT Analytics and IBM Cloud Services, AI-Powered News Articles Search Web Application using IBM Cloud and Slack Bot, Employee Work Appreciation based on Customers Feedback Project using IBM Cognitive Services, Development of E-Commerce Store Portal using Bootstrap and ReactJS. To set the DSN follow the following steps.

This makes maintenance expensive. SQL The formal languages provide concise notation for representing queries. 2NF: It is already in 2NF.

For example, a program might be provided by the server to display properly the data that the server is sending. Learn how we and our ad partner Google, collect and use data. `l+6]#G-F =^mJ2m9VJ "a=[g`8%\g-1Yf:(&`AC:pCIqvi(C)]s4eL3Ype9%9sz(u%3,MY5gp[)9{Pz(6N(YSk:YahA_]=ie%(W Y3\XG0b72-MX]ppY}%J~B:ATex~@4B^R{|0!l7(^uOnIfAhpv=2pJyP-jUCtHVh[$y&f:JuRxT`+"U0$YDv_]X) )WEO ~4 Y"dW[yiLIsgIkeK f8PA'. Distributed Data Base System:Oracle combines the data physically located on different computer to one logical data base that can be accessed by all data base users.

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This system contains the student

This system contains the student  関連記事

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