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They are frequently performed as an essential step in preparation for line stopping. LuWKtq4w=cH8TPJ2"Rgy@4 0000081968 00000 n
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Our standards of quality and craftsmanship are renowned, so when you work with us, you can count on a great job every time. TEAMs hot tap technicians are put through a rigorous, method specific, multi-level certification and training process resulting in the industrys most knowledgeable and experienced team. 0000005390 00000 n
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When it comes to heat treating, there is no one option that fits all. 0000079522 00000 n
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0C]P ;T@ h If you have a question about steam pipe leak repair, cold tapping pipelines or anything within our range of engineering solutions, feel free to fill out an online enquiry form.
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This results in less re-work, more time-on-tools and less manual data entry for improved efficiencies. Our digital platform turns slow paper-driven bolting processes into streamlined, fully-automated and fully transparent operations. We have achieved numerous industry firsts and maintain our position at the forefront of technology and best practices. TEAM responds to our clients needs for increased asset management efficiency and reliability by providing higher value solutions with integrated services, covering projects from inception to completion. Y -`e>&MK$Yx\`XEGhA["_}l`8Ynjb 0-k1p\_ b
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Stop treating bolted joints differently from welded joints, Piping systems from to 48 in diameter (15 mm to 1,219.2 mm), Piping systems with temperatures from cryogenic to 1,350F (732C), Pressured piping systems from vacuum to 4,300 psig (296 bar), Eliminates shutdowns or service interruptions, Avoids costly redesign of pipeline sections, Provides access to the largest and most diverse inventory of hot tapping equipment in the industry, Ensures fast delivery of resources to your job site.
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Taking this route can cause catastrophic outcomes. Reliable- over a decade of experience in hot tapping services for clients in various industries across the regions.
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This allows for time and cost saving opportunities to be identified from reduced man hours and increased time on tools throughout the project. 0000080740 00000 n
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Hot tapping provides a safe, reliable, and effective means to create a branch connection on live piping and pressure vessels while they continue to remain in service. ky4NEB*VR6~RVX/-Ze?i1XxiT 0000004382 00000 n
0000001866 00000 n
Custom fittings for any size, flange rating, Compatible with existing hot tapping/plugging equipment, Available in 3 to 36 sizes, any alloy, Handles critical service for extended periods of time, Effective in fluctuating temperatures and pressures, Custom-manufactured options available for any size, shape, pressure, temperature, process or material, Pressure control fittings for steel piping, 1-1/4 to 3 threaded fittings with completion plug, O-ring and cap, 4 to 12 flanged fittings with completion plug, O-ring and blind flange, Available drilled, ground-to-size, unground. Fitting taps; i.e. <<56FA3188DE5F624A8E3C66AF7A28969D>]>>
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Hot tapping / Cold tapping pipeline services are also the first procedure in mechanical and inflatable pipeline stops, where the opening on the pipe(coring pipe)allows line stop plug head (mechanical or inflatable) to be inserted. 0000002194 00000 n
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Often, a local spot or bulls eye PWHT configuration is allowed for PWHT of attachment or repair welds. Hot taps are typically used as a tie-in point for new piping but are also often performed as a means to deploy instrumentation without shutdown. startxref
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All processes offered by Alstern such as hot tapping/cold tapping pipeline services, mechanical & inflatable pipeline stop and more are executed with skill and precision by our highly qualified engineers & pipeline specialists in Singapore and across the Asia Pacific. %%EOF
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Cold tap prevents ignition, especially fuel line.. 0000002357 00000 n
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Hot tap / Cold tap is a method of employing an under-pressured drilling machine to provide a branch off pipeline from existing main pipe. x^p_H2 0000005265 00000 n
Our sales, engineering, manufacturing and field personnel draw from decades of experience and wisdom to provide you with solutions for any type of piping problem, without shut down or interruption of service. ad5.2^2y?>K,pryJ*64JQ&\ylv&\eF?MWt7[ O
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This eliminates lost revenue by avoiding often costly and inconvenient outages. 0000082266 00000 n
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Whether hot tapping a pressurized pipe system, storage tank, pipe elbow, blind flange or containment wall you can count on our experience to see your project is completed safely, efficiently, and on time.
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Cold tap is used for system that carry flammable medium. All TEAM fittings and equipment can be paired with our integrated hot tap and line intervention services. endstream
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Our hot tap procedures follow methodical steps due to the specialized nature of working on under pressure systems. 0000002680 00000 n
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Share your concerns and our consultants will be in touch right away, Copyright 2021 Alstern Technologies. 0000001992 00000 n
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Alternatively, you can call one of our branches in a location most suitable for you.
Suitable for both hot taps and line stops, Compatible with standard hot tapping/plugging, No potential for weld to penetrate tapping area, Full range of reducing branch sizes available. trailer
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0000081798 00000 n
Eliminating on-stream transmission and
O:jTM))M4w]x42EtIH36yC{SU[[j]&oIsOyp 5Cc_,qU&lJeh{c @: H|TN1WX^c! All Rights Reserved, NDT SERVICES ULTRASONIC THICKNESS & FLOW MEASUREMENT, Branch off a new pipeline without affecting the pressurise operating system, Convenient- Do not required draining of entire pipeline content to branch off, Carbon steel, galvanised steel, stainless steel, ductile and cast iron, Pipe medium: Water, oil based solvent, gas, steam, wastewater and fuel (Cold-Tap).
This is done via a coring process on the existing operating pipeline without any interruptions to the flow of medium and system.
High-energy piping (HEP) systems operate at extreme pressures and temperatures where a number of damage mechanisms can cause wall thinning, cracking, material degradation or other component failures.
HWr}WKD1*lsSvcV[c HU~#Wrz AJ2)a0}33,U_(b]jO8ig4 In addition to governing codes, are you following AWS & WRC recommended practices for heat treating?
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Our team of professionals are here to help! As the worlds foremost authority and pioneer in the field of hot tap design and installation, TEAM provides custom and off-the-shelf solutions to satisfy your unique project needs. With our collaborative approach, well ensure that your job is carried to your exact specifications and requirements. TEAM designs, develops and manufactures the most complete and time-tested hot tap and line stop equipment inventory in the world. 0000053632 00000 n
0000053721 00000 n
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All Content 2022 TEAM Inc. All Rights Reserved. 0000080870 00000 n
!MR*!M Both joints are used on the same line with the same pressure, same processes, same cycling and same stresses. 0000082738 00000 n
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Yet, one joint is often fabricated with a certified technician, tested and inspected, Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT), Alternating Ground Current Field Measurement (ACFM), Advanced Engineering & Mechanical Integrity, Health, Safety, Environment, and Security, Gas Distribution and Transmission Fittings, Setting research-based standards for on-line leak repair safety, Fragmented valve repair service offerings may increase risk, Detect creep damage sooner with matrix phased array inspection, Prevent failures due to faulty heat-treating methods. 0000007682 00000 n
0000002782 00000 n
0000082946 00000 n
0000001436 00000 n
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0000009864 00000 n
0000017761 00000 n
Highly trained and certified TEAM technicians perform a thorough review of every specific hot tapping application ensuring a safe and successful implementation. 0000010885 00000 n
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