dust collector for workshop
), I use a large shop vac with a Dust Deputy from Oneida attached. We have created these special content collections organized to give you a deep dive into a range of topics that matter. Thats collected the old-fashioned way with a broom and dustpan or a broom and shop vac. Alan Gesler, I have an Oneida SuperCell hanging on the wall and drag the hose from machine to machine. Gerald R. Jensen, My career was in chemical industry manufacturing, and I spent a major portion of my time making sure my folks were kept safe, even when they didnt want to be. The high suction provides plenty of velocity through 212 " hose connected to smaller ports, such as on a router table or random-orbit sander. If you had to recommend three, which hand planes should I start with? This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Shaker candle stand with Christian Beckvoort, Tool review: Infinity "Quick-Snap" vacuum hose and adapters, Workshop tip: Plastic tubing keeps bag in dust-collector bin, Workshop Tip: Simple micro-adjuster for any crosscut fence, Editor's Letter: Technology and the future of woodworking.
When turning, I wear one of the air-filtering helmets and have begun to wear it more often. For example, in our shop, a diagonal trunk to the bandsaw and router table would have reduced duct length and eliminated two elbows. Although I initially doubted their effectiveness, due to dust still collecting on the tops of everything in the shop, I now am sold when I see how much is trapped in the filters. (All my large dust makers are ducted for 4 vacuum hose connections). Is it OK to copy projects from the magazine? Blessed with an eye for potential, David Willett looked at his dark, unfinished 112-car garage built in 1956 and saw the bones of a workshop.
I studied central dust collection systems and even have the ceiling space to accommodate one. My planer and joiner are moved to an outlet that utilizes the Vortex so all of the chips produced get sucked directly into its bag. Cindy Navarro, I have a central dust collection system that works very well for me. Freud 18 "-radius flute bit no. UNLIMITED Membership is like taking a master class in woodworking for less than $10 a month.
I have a 3hp Delta dust collector with a 4 inlet. Tom Fuchs, I guess I have four dust collection systems in my shop.
Get woodworking tips, expert advice and special offers in your inbox. Or better yet, modify the tool port to match the duct size. If you make a purchase using the links included, we may earn commission. Difficult? Seal them with weather stripping, tape, or caulk. In-depth articles, up-close photography, and detailed illustrations. Some 2-hp dust collectors run on 110-volt circuits. In addition to better filtration, an aftermarket filter with more surface area can decrease resistance to air exiting the collector, improving cfm.
We shadowed two experienced makers and installers of custom cabinetry to bring you simple tips and tricks that will keep your built-in projects (and your sanity) on the bubble.. Airflow drops as dust coats the filter bag interior, but filtration typically improves. Dust collectors come in two types: single-stage, above, and cyclone, below. But if this puts ducts in walking paths and work areas, vertical branches may be required. Quick-Clamp uses snap-tension clamps that latch onto the lip at the end of each pipe and fitting. Just as a car can negotiate a large-radius curve faster than a sharp corner, a gradual transition in direction allows air to keep moving quickly, preventing dust from falling out of the flow. Two-bag collectors typically have more power and airflow than a single-bag. There is no bag and NOTHING has ever collected on the wall, shrubbery or ground around this exhaust port. Nah. Several American readers also wanted to express their patriotism. In last issues eZine, Rob wished our U.S. readers a happy Fourth of July (Independence Day in the U.S.). Manufacturers determine cfm in a variety of ways. To protect your health, seals throughout the system must be tight and the filter must trap the smallest particles. If the port doesn't match the hose, use an adapter [Sources]. This makes emptying all this built-in apparatus much easier. Our biweekly podcast allows editors, authors, and special guests to answer your woodworking questions and connect with the online woodworking community. This puts it out of the way, yet close to the chip-producing tools that demand the most of a dust collector: the tablesaw and planer.
I save the shavings, dust, etc., and add them to my shelled corn when I fill my bins for the winter. Every foot of ductwork adds friction to the airflow, creating resistance, as do changes in duct direction, a reduction in duct diameter, and the rough surfaces of flex hose. Cut the 4" hole in a 1 1267" block, drill screw pilot holes, then bandsaw the block in half. A hood behind the blade of a radial-arm saw directs sawdust up to the dust-collection duct. Hes built dozens of round Shaker stands over four decades, so there is no one more qualified than Christian Becksvoort to demonstrate making this classic. Living in Florida and heavily reliant on air conditioning, I also wanted to find a way to return the air directly, instead of pulling in warm air from the outdoors. In a cyclone, the airflow pulls dust into a conical chamber where it spins around, gradually losing velocity so the majority of the material falls into a collection bin. 99-029, Woodcraft. When running the planer and jointer, I often wish the barrel was much larger. So, plan your layout with short duct runs, minimal turns, and the least flex hose needed to connect tools to the ductwork. The typical method for determining what size dust collector to purchase involves finding the static pressure (sp) of your ductwork, the airflow in cubic feet per minute (cfm) required to move dust from your tools, and plotting those two numbers on the fan curve for a given dust collector.
Response to Floor Question: Dont Forget the Appliances, Woodworking | Blog | Videos | Plans | How To, Rob wondered what your solutions are for dust collection, Order Woodworking Plans, DVDs and Supplies. Each branch has a blast gate that I have to set whenever I get ready to use a specific tool. After separating the dust, the system exhausts outside. Place blast gates in easily accessible spots.
One branch goes directly to the compound miter saw setup, while the other branch goes to the 20 of 4 hose with a quick-release connector at the business end.
But running ductwork up before routing it back down increases a run's length, adding resistance. Last week Rob wondered what your solutions are for dust collection, and many of you share the brief (and extensive!) Both are on casters, and I can roll them around as needed. 2022 The Taunton Press, Inc. All rights reserved. It also overcomes far more resistance, reducing the need to minimize sharp turns, duct length, and flex hose. I added a door so the canister could be cleaned or replaced, and installed acoustic insulation in the box to absorb sound. This serves my larger generators well (table saw, planer, jointer, etc.). An Oneida dust centrifuge separates the particles and sends them into a barrel with a plexiglass window I crafted, so maybe Ill know when to empty it. I THINK that was the right move (I KNOW it was the cheaper one), but Im willing to learn otherwise. Sign up for eletters today and get the latest techniques and how-to from Fine Woodworking, plus special offers. This may inflict a temporary hit on your budget, but a too-weak collector simply won't do the job. The chicken-or-egg conundrum: Until the dust collector is in use, you don't know how effective it truly is at capturing dust.
The only escape is not to make sawdust, but that aint gonna happen. pwhite4383, I use a dust collector on casters for the stationary machinery with 4 dust ports and a Festool shop vac for portable machinery. Either can serve a whole-shop system. Unfinished garage becomes a woodworking haven. Start your 14-day FREE trial - and get building. Its in the room (garage) next to the shop with 6 PVC piping going through the wall to the shop. Get instant access to over 100 digital plans available only to UNLIMITED members. PVC electrical conduit for the ducting, as it has larger radius bends than plumbing pipe, reducing friction that would otherwise steal velocity. Click for full details. A well-planned dust-collection system traps the tiniest of particlesthe ones that can cause the most lung damagebefore they become airborne.
But Id still need some 4 flex hose to make the last few feet of connection to my mobile equipment, so I opted to horse around 20 of flexible piping instead. Consider these pointers to keep your shop and your lungs in great shape. Heres how. Our recommendation is to find a collector with a minimum of 2 hp, a 12" or larger impeller, and a rating of at least 1,300 cfm.
Thankfully, we have no neighbors within 1,000 feet to complain about noise or dust if it didnt Overall, Im fairly happy with this rig. To save even more floor space, I raised the shop floor to allow the ducting to pass below it and emerge where its needed, eliminating hoses underfoot. After sealing them, you'll know whether the dust-collector filter does its job well or requires an upgrade. In short, everything is on wheels, except for a few tools that can live permanently mounted to a wall. I STILL have and use a shop vacuum on my few tools that dont have 4 ports installed. Storing 20 of 4 hose by draping it over the unit is an annoyance. Wow, what a difference! Phil Zoeller, I use a Grizzly dust collector, a shop vac and a Grizzly ambient air filter. Art Abrahamson, I have a JET Vortex set up to collect sawdust from my lathe, and it has a gate that I use as a vacuum to clean up the floor and tools. Although my woodworking friends say it cant be, I am sensitized to walnut dust. I installed it after a year of spreading sawdust everywhere.
A gasket in the clamp creates an air-tight seal. I settled on this pairing because while the JET is a great unit, it doesnt really like wood turnings, and the process of dumping the collection bag is a serious pain. It takes 1300 .3-micron particles side by side to span 164 ". Its that I found a way to locate them outside my shop. I use a shop vac with an Oneida Dust Deputy on sanders, routers, etc. In both styles, a motor-driven impeller pulls debris-laden air through an inlet. Overhead trunk lines keep ducts out from underfoot. Thin-wall PVC costs less than schedule 40 and proves plenty sturdy for dust-collection use. Get more info about the types of ductwork. Run the largest pipe you can as close to the tool as possible. Alexa, start the vacuum, or Alexa, stop the vacuum. It works. Im not allergic to walnuts or walnut oil, but walnut dust causes an asthma-like reaction. Its not perfect but works pretty well. Chuck Albright, I have a mobile Oneida 3hp dust collector connected to my large machines. So I take dust control seriously in my shop for myself and any visitors. Operate gates [below], whether shop-made or purchased, by pulling or pushing the gate open or closed. Choose ductwork in a diameter that matches the inlet on your dust collector [ below]. Eliminate raising dust with a broom by using a shop vacuum with a floor-sweep attachment and a HEPA filter. A channel routed around the opening in this bracket cradles a Quick-Clamp gasket to secure the duct. Options for ductwork include PVC and several types of metal piping. I also have a shop-made fine dust filtration box with four 16 x 20 disposable filters. Elbows have smooth interiors and large radii, and heavy-gauge construction ensures durability. So the Oneida dust centrifuge WORKS! Avoid filters labeled "HEPA-type" or "HEPA-like," or that make vague claims such as "removes up to 99 percent of the smallest particles." In last issues eZine, Rob asked whether painting wood was a sin, or just very wrong., Woodworker's Journal Adirondack Lawn Chair Plan - Reprint, Woodworker's Journal 25 Jigs and Fixtures, CD, The Way to Woodwork Mastering the Table Saw, DVD, Civil War Officer's Chair Downloadable Plan, Ultimate Miter Saw Stand - Downloadable Plan. Theres a 4 Y connector at the vacuums intake port. Handheld tools, such as random-orbit sanders and routers, don't easily connect to the large ductwork of a whole-shop system, and the small dust port on such tools chokes off airflow. Although it is nothing like my friends dust collection system (3hp Powermatic) who poured his concrete floor over the 6 PVC with risers to his various machines and automatic open/close blast gates as machines are turned on, but then you could eat off the floor of his shop. Randy Walter, Heres what I use: 1) Broom and dust pan; 2) Two shop vacs connected to small machines and one mobile vac; 3) Box fan enclosed by four large filters on shop floor; 4) Clear View Cyclone 5 hp with 6 pipes.
From Fine Woodworking issue #293.
Rabbeting a shelf; Strength vs. appearance, Editor's Letter: A new tool with every project. Start your 14-day FREE trial - and get building!
I made a number of other moves to add efficiency. Im using a relatively small Grizzly 4 intake wall unit. With only one machine in use at a time, this works well as I use a section of flex hose to connect to each machine. Dylos DC-1100 Pro air quality monitor, woodmagazine.com/dylos. With only basic woodworking skills, a tablesaw, and a few simple tools, you can make custom cabinets for your home or shop. The 4" and 6" diameters match the inlets on many collectors, but collectors with 5" inlets require adapters, and the mismatched duct reduces system performance.
Collecting dust at its source not only makes you a tidy woodworker, it can keep you a healthier one, too. Painted Wood: A Sin? They have been certified by a third-party tester to trap at least 99.97 percent of .3-micron particles.
Only the smallest particles pass through the impeller and on to the filter, so the filter stays cleaner, and airflow remains constant.
Consistently high readings indicate you should inspect your system for leaks. Our testing shows that in most cases, halving the claimed cfm provides a truer measure of performance when attached to ductwork. ; Radial Arm Saws: OK for Dadoing? Then there are brooms and a vacuum sweeper. Rout the recesses right to hold a lid upright. I made that from plywood instead of metal, to dampen motor and fan vibration that would resonate through the walls. The first step in setting up an effective whole-shop system involves selecting the dust-collector location and from there, laying out duct runs to each tool, providing the air a path with the least resistance possible. Become an UNLIMITED member and get it all: searchable online archive of every issue, how-to videos, Complete Illustrated Guide to Woodworking digital series, print magazine, e-newsletter, and more. The building is rickety; the tin roof doesnt leak except when its raining. Let Mother Nature be your co-designer as you build dazzling projects with wavy edges, bristly burrs, bark inclusions, and other flaws that give wood a look of unrefined beauty.
Large hoods, purchased or shop-made, can corral and direct dust to your collector [below]. Attaching flex hose requires adapters. Then 4 PVC comes up through the floor in five places for the table saw, band saw, planer, jointer and one extra for whatever. When calculating the full cost of a system, save money on ductwork, if needed, to invest in a better collector and filter. Blast gates control airflow to branch lines, directing airflow to only the tool in use, helping the dust collector operate most efficiently. Filters: American Fabric and Filter, 877-742-3653, americanfabricfilter.com. Instead connect them to a shop vacuum or dust extractor with HEPA filtration [below]. Collectively, these work well for me. Gary Petersen, First, Form follows function. My shop is a single 20 x 40 room in an old farm shed/barn (formerly occupied by mules until the arrival of Massey-Ferguson). Collecting dust from mitersaws, radial-arm saws, and lathes can prove difficult because their open design lets material fly all over. When I built my shop four years ago, I decided to forego a central system with ducts and to use a portable Mini-Gorilla from Oneida Air Systems. Some piping is under the floor (raised via 28 joists off the concrete) and some hidden behind the workbench on the floor. Wood chunks or metal debris drawn into the airflow can damage the impeller as they pass through. Since my shop is in the basement of our home, keeping the dust under control is important so we have a healthy environment. I heat my house and my shop with a boiler that will burn wood pellets or corn. But the voice-activated On/Off switch eliminated my biggest user complaint when the rig first began to work. Leaks around filters, collection bags, fittings, and ducts reduce a collector's effectiveness. Anything larger requires 220 volts. The high volumes of air a whole-shop dust collector moves can collapse 26-gauge and thinner snap-lock pipe, so look for heavier-gauge pipe and fittings. The problem is finding a fan curve: Most manufacturers don't provide them. All working together with a recently installed one-ton mini-split A/C makes woodworking in south Louisiana enjoyable. Lynn Barbier, I still use mostly an old-fashioned broom and dustpan for most my dust collection and a shop vac to get in the machines and tight spots. However, most list a cfm number. Each product we feature has been independently selected and reviewed by our editorial team. Editor, My JET 1hp dust collector is the best tool in my shop. The bandsaw, a less-demanding tool, sits at the end of the longest trunk. Clamp a short section of flex hose to the tool port and then to the duct. Look for a more complete review in an upcoming issue. I figure why waste the BTUs from the shavings? Dust-collection fittings, adapters, and accessories: Woodcraft, 800-225-1153, woodcraft.com, Rockler. I still have dust, just somewhat less. Our initial testing shows that the three motors create nearly ten times the suction of a standard collector, and two to three times the cfm of a shop vacuum.
Most are connected with PVC to a small cyclone and a shop vac. WOOD magazine Design Editor John Olson fabricated a holder [below] to secure vertical duct runs. Placing tools that require the greatest airflow closest to the collector reduces the amount of ductwork, allowing faster-moving air that better collects dust and debris. As we worked with Oneida Air Systems to design a dust-collection system for our photo shop, they asked us to try the Supercell cyclone [opener photo], a new, small-shop approach to sucking up dust.
Theyre similar to many othersI have a large single-stage collector connected to a large cyclone separator (Oneida Super Dust Deputy). I had it all plumbed up with gates and branch lines, etc., but Ive found that just a single direct hose with no gates or branch lines to the machine Im using works the best. A larger port may be hiding behind a wye adapter. Upgrading to an aftermarket filter [below, Sources] can improve a collector that offers sufficient cfm but poor filtration. Spiral pipe requires pop rivets or sheet-metal screws to connect fittings, and joints must be caulked or taped. Oneida Air Systems, which provided technical advice for this article, provides a free design service for customers. The higher cfm proves sufficient for drawing dust through 4" duct connected to stationary tools. If you have more than 20' of ductwork in any one run, you plan to open more than one branch at a time, or use lots of flex hose, bump up to a higher cfm, which may mean a 35 hp model. Theres no heat/AC and ambiance aplenty! Illustrations by Dan Thornton Which hand planes should a power-tool woodworker buy first? You'll be glad you did. The dust collector is so quiet in the shop that I had to hang little tape flags in the opening to see when it is running.
Net result: I still have a dirty shop that NEVER will become a Better Homes photo shoot, but its not hip-deep in sawdust anymore! Richard T. Rodgers, The easiest way to deal with sawdust is to use hand tools. Peter Fabri, I have a Rockler Dust Right wall-mounted vacuum with a cyclone dust separator. I also have a RIGID vacuum with dust gates to my smaller tools. A dust extractor connected to the port of a random-orbit sander pulls dust through the holes in the sanding pad and traps it. The corn burns hot enough that I have very little creosote build-up from the wood. Dave Palas, My dust collection consists of a broom and dust pan, a shop vac with a Dust Genie Cyclone attachment and a larger dust collection bag unit with a large Dust Genie Cyclone attachment. Consider one of these three other clear finishes for your next project.
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