cross in my pocket plastic canvas
I was given one years ago by a stranger and have cherished it ever since. WITH ALL WHO KNOW MY MASTER
I will take pictures of them and post them one day. or the arms of a mother. So I carry a cross in my pocket Reminding no one but me That Jesus Christ is Lord of my life If only Ill let Him be. Click below to comment. Also inside the pocket is a note folded up with the following verse on it. Its also a daily reminder Of the peace and comfort I share With all who know my Master And give themselves to His care. navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) == "2") {NS2Ch=1}
BETWEEN MY SAVIOR AND ME. Dear Craftingranny , You seen like a great hearted soul , God Bless You ! The chaplaincy team at a local hospital wrote to thank Mothers Union for the crosses, explaining how they use them: Visitors look out for them to take to patients and are disappointed when there are none left.
And to strive to serve Him better Born in Singapore and based in New York City, Brittney maintains a deep interest in the contemporary art landscape of Southeast Asia. Heartfelt thanks to Roz Watnemo for the free Cross pdf. Registered Charity No. Learn how your comment data is processed. In such a wonderful way. See photo for length of each stitch. Assemble pocket by placing the square piece over the bottom of the rectangular piece, matching the plastic canvas holes. Encouraging strong marriages, good parenting, active faith. I thank God for the wonderful person who placed the "Cross in a Pocket" on the tables. Hi Nancy, * Fold the little poem and
Makes a lovely
Or any stitch that you like.
It reminds me too to be thankful For my blessings day by day And to strive to serve Him better In all that I do and say. items made from
240531, For more information about our work around the world please visit the Mothers Union website. I like to give these out rather then tracs. The greatest of God's gifts is LOVE for others. For a safer, faster, more enjoyable user experience, please update your browser today or try a newer browser. of you" gift for nursing homes, someone who is having a hard time, or
a cross in my pocket pattern in plastic canvas? to remind me of you. All
The Plastic Canvas Needles will help you to create works of art that will wow your audience. and only go around the outline of the pieces of plastic canvas.
You might like to try either one of these cross patterns. With all who know my Master Kitchen Towel Topper and Knitted Dish Cloth, Crocheted Baby Set (Shell Stitch) With Matching Afghan and Bloomers, St Paul's rice (or sausage and rice casserole), Beerocks - an old German meat filled bread dough, THINGS YOU DON'T HEAR ANYMORE - HEALTHY TIPS, The Sweetist Great-Grandson This Side of Heaven, THINGS YOU DONT HEAR ANYMORE HEALTHY TIPS, Beerocks an old German meat filled bread dough, St Pauls rice (or sausage and rice casserole). Craftingranny. Row 1, hole 1: pull the needle through the back of the canvas and up through the front. I use to do a lot of plastic canvas years ago now, I crochet( 8 afghans in 5 yrs.) It's not for identification 153Feedbacks, Bronze Request Medal for All Time! NOR IS IT A GOOD LUCK CHARM
Credit and thanks for the free cross animation to:, Free instructions & pictures to stitch the plastic canvas needlepoint cross pocket by Roz Watnemo. It is an easy way for me to remember that I am a Christian no matter what circumstance I may find myself in. Cross arms 8 holes wide. pr("
Craftingranny. (Additional notes from Norwich Once you have made a few Cross in my Pockets you may want to vary the design of the stitching on back and front panels. Put the needle through the third hole in row 1 of the canvas. So glad that I came across your site today.
I will post pictures when completed.
These cross in my pocket have been around the world, I sent 25 of them with my missionary team to Russia, The people there were so glad to get them.,If I can be of any help please let me know. Nor is it a good luck charm The back piece is 11 holes wide and 16 holes high. * For the little 'Pocket',
This pair of metal needles has a blunt tip and is recommended for use with a plastic canvas with a seven-point mesh. Did you know that the letters in frog stand for forever rely on GOD? SO I CARRY A CORSS IN MY POCKET
one for charity too. ThriftyFun is powered by your wisdom! AND TO STRIVE TO SERVE HIM BETTER
Thank you for visiting my website. I have carried a business card size prayer card with a little wooden cross and the cross in my pocket with my Seven great prayers laminated together and I will say it helps me on my life's mission. I love this and will be making some for Christmas gifts.
This is a cute little reminder that anyone can carry. For the cross, whip stitch around the border making two stitches at each outside corner, one going each way. FOR MY BLESSINGS DAY BY DAY
Just in time for Valentine a sweet plastic canvas. Whip stitch across. Insert the Cross in my pocket verse below, and place the cross in the pocket over the verse. When you get to the end of the row, start going through both of the plastic canvas layer, connecting them together as you continue stitching down and around the bottom and up the next side, over the top and back to where you started sewing them together. Now type this poem and reduce the size on a photocopier until it can be neatly folded and tucked in behind the cross. It reminds me, too, to be thankful
Enjoy! Hi Penny,
other rectangle. I think this will be perfect.
It is simple enough for children, but also interesting enough for grown-ups. j=navigator.javaEnabled()
Use whatever colors you like,
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God bless you! Copyright Bev Qualheim 2003, 2018 - All Rights Reserved. That is beautiful you should be very proud of yourself for being such a good example. TO BRING OUT A COIN OF KEY
Cover each piece using a stitch that slants right from the bottom over three holes. I have seen this from a friend at church and have been planning on making some.
Craftingranny. I will always remember
The website indicates that the pattern is free, and may be copiedand used in class but may not sold. The pattern was written by Roz Watnemo, who in turn credits Verna Mae Thomas as the author of the verse below. My first Cross In My Pocket turned out pretty good!!!
needlepoint, a different form of embroidery, can be done with this mesh plastic, it is not suitable for cross stitching. I will take pictures of them and post them one day. : ). Go all the way around the back, until it is neatly bound. The little cross is not magic Nor is it a good luck charm Its not meant to protect me From every physical harm. zero
Stitch across the top of the smaller rectangle, then place on top of the
If you need anymore help let me know 53Requests, scraps of plastic canvas (7 holes per inch), 2 yards of colored yarn (camoflauge is very popular for sending these to soldiers), darning needle with an eye big enough for yarn. Thanks Judy for visiting my website. From a husband to his wife
(Additional note from Norwich team all ends can be threaded through behind stitches on reverse of square and lower front of back piece so that they will be concealed inside the pocket). Thank you for letting me know how to secure the yarn.
Of the price he paid for me. NO MATTER WHERE I MAY BE. I carry a cross in my pocket
Hi Laura,
Oh! (For the pattern and prayer see below).
hope u have a great day. Thank you for this pattern.Im in a semi with my husband and all over the country. Plastic canvas has square holes, so stitching with it can leave little gaps between the X's because it has square holes. Hi I usually leave a length of yarn on the back of the piece and work my stitches over it.
God Bless You . If only I'll let Him be. content is
Compassion for others
"The cross in my pocket" is a plastic canvas cross that sits in a "pocket" that is also made out of plastic canvas. s=screen.width;v=navigator.appName
Depending on who the crosses are given to, its sometimes appropriate to enclose a short prayer within the cross pocket. No matter where I may be. Take the needle and put it through the first hole in row 1 of canvas. It was fun to create them. IT REMINDS ME, TOO, TO BE THANKFUL
It isn't meant to protect me Verna Mae Thomas, Plastic Canvas Design -
A cross in my pocket cross stitch pattern and prayer This pattern is taken from the website which indicates that this it is copyright 2010 Nordic Needle, Inc. Smooth off any little bumps. Thank You for sharing this. Thanks for visiting my website. Its amazing how grateful people are when they receive them, appreciating the care and thoughtfulness that the gift of a cross represents. and times of sharing. It's simply an understanding
Stitches are worked diagonally. God Bless and keep up the good work. =
document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I love to do plastic canvas crafts and am always looking for new and unique project. Of the peace and comfort I share
I wanted to give something to people I meet on our travels. Whatbetter way to share His love than through these sortsof reminders to both the givers and the receivers.
They are available in a variety of colors.
When I put my hand in my pocket Thank you so much for your input is greatly appreciated.Our church is thinking of making them in pink and blue and when a baby or older child is baptised,they would be given on to start their life.
Since He willingly died on the Cross so that His human Creation might have Eternal Life, it is reasonable for us to want to share that fact in any way possible. Using cross stitch, members make these crosses and then give them out to family and friends, and in many other contexts too, praying for these people.
the small one at the bottom is a pin and works up quickly. As soon as I find some plastic canvas I intend to make everyone in my family one.
If you would like to receive or send a heart, a cross or a "hug" just click HERE to order s="na";c="na";j="na";f=""+escape(document.referrer)
just someone you love needs a reminder that you care and so does God. Use [metallic thread or alternative colour] to stitch inside cross, and cross shape on front as well as the cross shape rows on the front square piece. AND TO GIVE THEMSELVES TO HIS CARE.
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Hold the front firmly against the wrong side of the back and whipstitch the two together. Its not for identification For all the world to see Its simply an understanding Between my savior and me.
If you will follow the pictures and the instruction on the page you will find it very easy. The verse is just beautiful. if (navigator.appName == "Netscape" &&
(The above verse/prayer may only be suitable for those who have a personal faith).
Love and prayers Nancy wiley, Thank you ever so much, have been searching for .how to make the cross in my pocket ,came upon your website Thank you so very much for sharing with me.I will be making them for my church. print out poem, fold and place behind cross in pocket. In all that I do and say. As a result, you see an "X" in cross stitch. Using an outdated browser makes your computer unsafe. For my blessings day by day - "Thinking
Its also a daily reminder Of the peace and comfort I share With all who know my Master And give themselves to His care.
Run your needle through a few stitches to hide the end of the yarn, and clip it short.
Thanks for visiting my website. Cover the front and back, leaving the edges for last. Laura, ITS SIMPLY AN UNDERSTANDING
For all the world to see Glad you found what you were looking for. Between my Savior and me. In those days I did not own a digital camera. How do you count a cross stitch on a plastic canvas? can you help me out in a pretty easy and simple pattern. God Bless you also Would you like to send them something that could make them feel better?
I tried to ensure that every soldier got one to place somewhere in their uniform. god bless.
Im so glad you let me know how your cross-in-the pocket turned out Im always happy to know that I have The Camoflage Crosses are on the USS Ronald Reagan Based out of San Diego I sent some to my nephewand he shared with some of his ship matesGreatthings happen through the Lord..God Bless and trust in the Lord! Brittney is a writer, curator and contemporary art gallerist.
The poem was written by Mrs. Verna Mae Thomas, according to my research on the internet.
I love your cross! You must use perforated plastic canvas to do cross stitch.
Hi Carol, So I carry a cross in my pocket From every physical harm.
It isnt meant to protect me From every physical harm. God Bless you. POEM Copyright Mrs.
been of help.
The heart is a symbol
Use this colour for the cross border and the two rows of stitching on the rectangular piece and the square piece of plastic canvas (see photo). Your email address will not be published.
Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! Now start at the right front of the front piece. FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE
When I put my hand in my pocket To bring out a coin or a key The cross is there to remind me Of the price He paid for me. It reminds me of love
In those days I did not own a digital camera.
God Bless you also. Love your site.
How about "THE CROSS IN MY POCKET"? Something that will let them know that GOD is always with them no matter how hard the times seem? So I carry this heart
Reminding no one but me Smooth off any little bumps.
What kind of needle do you use for plastic canvas? Use a complimentary colour of yarn to whip stitch around the top border, beginning with the top of the square piece, going from right to left. A heart gives strength
This is combined with an equally strong interest in contemporary art from the Asian diasporas, alongside the issues of identity, transmigration and global relations. In order to make it, you stitch two intersecting diagonal lines. God Bless you.
display: none !important;
Of the fact that I am a Christian
I would like to share them by making some for my family , and any one I see that looks in need of some extra Help Thank You !
if (v != "Netscape") {c=screen.colorDepth}
I carry a cross in my pocket A simple reminder to me Of the fact that I am a Christian No matter where I may be. patterns to Beverly Qualheim may be sold, but please make
I plan to use Felt for those who dony feel up to crossstitch . Prayer Verse by Mrs. Verna Mae Thomas 1891-1978. place inside the 'pocket'. Add your voice!
Everywhere I go, I always carry a cross as a simple reminder of the fact that I am a Christian. My pocket contains the cross so that I will remember the price He paid for me whenever I put my hand in it to get a coin or key. There is both a cross stitch and an xs on patterns. This little cross is not magic You can use them with yarn, embroidery thread, and more for a polished look. To bring out a coin or a key
if (NS2Ch == 0) {
This little cross is not magic Nor is it a good luck charm. Dear Grandma, I dont mean to offend you;, its just that Ive lost mine to Heaven , and she was my best friend. I CARRY A CROSS IN MY POCKET
Cut the front piece 12 holes by 10 holes. You must use perforated plastic canvas to do cross stitch.
At the HUB where we flew from there was a table in which the troops were given different items before they boarded the plane. Cross shape is 2 holes wide and 12 holes from top to bottom. Copyright 2013 Mothers Union.
Pass the needle down into the bottom of the canvas at the 4th hole on row 1. Each stitch goes diagonally over one plastic canvas junction. OF THE PRICE HE PAID FOR ME. THE CROSS IS THERE TO REMIND ME
Now stitch around both to form pocket. I have been wondering where to find The Cross in my Pocket pattern. I
Nancy Wiley. before I retired from the service I had to go to Iraq for a second time. Additionally, cross-compatible or cross-platform play, crossplay, or cross-play describe how different video game hardware can be used simultaneously by participants in games with online functionality. I would like directions on how to make this. function pr(n) {document.write(n,"\n");}
It should take between 30 and 60 minutes to complete. They really are appreciated. I am not giving you good luck nor am I giving you magic. When I put my hand in my pocket To bring out a coin or a key The cross is there to remind me Of the price He paid for me. Using [a fine] wool measure off 1 yd and thread into a size 20 tapestry needle. Using white for the cross , stitch across top three, then down the side three, then three across one side, then down the side to the bottom, across the bottom three,up the side to the three across, do the three across, do the three up. Pull the needle through the second hole in row 2 of the canvas. Using 7 count plastic canvas cut three pieces: (Additional note from Norwich team before you start try cutting maximum number from sheet by planning on paper- crosses can be cut head to tail). It reminds me too, to be thankful For my blessings day by day And to strive to serve Him better In all that I do and say. suggest using colored Plastic Canvas for even prettier designs. Art Radaris the only editorially independent online news source writing about contemporary art across Asia. one
So, I carry a cross in my pocket Reminding no one but me That Jesus Christ is Lord of my life If only Ill let Him be If only Ill let Him be. I love to sew, crochet, plastic canvas, quilt, I love crafts. That is why I carry
We have a monthly Ladies breakfast and in June I have volunteered to do a craft project. Cut the back piece 12 holes by 20 holes. Thank you again. It with me today. I thought this would be a good one as it doesnt need a lot of skill.
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The Cross is there to remind me
And give themselves to His care.
It's also a daily reminder Happy stitching It always makes me happy to know that I have helped someone.
Thank you.
who stitched in his older years 4,400 cross pockets. of love and caring.
In the 1980s and 90s I crafted a number of plastic canvas Christmas Tree hangings.
Save the edging for last. Nancy Wiley.I also have many friends to make them for and it might also be given to the sick and elderly. Thank you for taking the time to do this in your special way!
Cut the cross 3 holes wide along the vertical part and 3 holes wide along the horizontal part (see photo). For cross-stitching, the plastic canvas is designed with circular holes that give the canvas a full-coverage look.
Art Radar conducts original research and scans global news sources to bring you the taste-changing, news-making and up-and-coming in Asian contemporary art. It felt good to type it.
Row 1, hole number 2 is where the needle should be inserted into the canvas.
Your email address will not be published. At the end of the stitching I run my needle back through the stitches. Your browser does not support the audio tag. -- Verna Thomas. copyrighted to original creators as stated on their patterns.
I would like to make some cross bookmarks for my sunday school classes. Any
then whip stitch around the entire cross. REMINDING NO ONE BUT ME
Free as the Wind, Enchanting as the Gypsy Vanner are the magical tales spinned, Free instructions & pictures to stitch the plastic, canvas needlepoint cross pocket by Roz Watnemo. and warm feelings all over. This is so beautiful. Do you know someone that is chronically ill and is having a hard time dealing with their illness?
It also avoids snagging your floss when you pull it through the circular holes. I was wondering how you make Knots to keep the yarn from unraveling on the Cross in my Pocket ? That Jesus Christ is Lord of my life whip stitch top of front piece then whipstitch both pieces toether. r="&size="+s+"&colors="+c+"&referer="+f+"&java="+j+""
A cross in my pocket verse and prayer I carry a cross in my pocket A simple reminder to me Of the fact that I am a Christian No matter where I may be. How To Remove Paint Off Kitchen Cabinets With Alcohol?
A simple reminder to me
that you love me too!! There is a poem on the art background which reads: A Cross in My Pocket I carry a cross in my pocket. " BORDER=0 SRC=\""+r+"\"><\/A>")}.
Cross in My Pocket
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