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True if the Account has completed the Journey. You can find the custom fields created for your Churnzero workspace in Admin > Custom Fields then navigating to either the contact or account table. The number of days the Account is past the completion date. A valid authentication token was not provided with the request, so the API could not associate a user with the request. True if the Account has failed the Journey. True if the Account has failed the JourneyMilestone. The date/time the JourneyMilestoneProgress record was last modified. and and or operators cannot be combined. For fields to properly be inserted into a custom table from Hightouch, they The Developer Tools user permission is required to be set on the User Account configured to make requests. Errors will follow the standard OData error format as shown below. You can sync custom tables using Hightouch through Churnzero's batch import API. Accessed dynamically through Segment Column Set selection. The JourneyMilestoneAchievement associated with this progress. True if this Achievement is externally visible. The date/time the JourneyMilestone record was last modified. The code will just be the numeric HTTP Status code as a string, and the message will provide more detail if possible. The Event Type associated to an Event aggregate. You can sync columns from your source to Churnzero's default and custom fields. Additionally, there is a limit of 5 and or or operators in a single filter expression. The higher-bounds value of the grading scale. Either the request method and path supplied do not specify a known action in the API, or the object specified by the request does not exist. The operating system to build and showcase integrations. Easily showcase integrations, partners, and apps to your customers. ISO 8601 formatted string. to sync properly. This is the template that is used to create a Task instance for Accounts that enter the JourneyMilestone. The JourneyMilestone that this JourneyMilestoneAchievement belongs too. The API Explorer is an interactive interface you can use to build, view, and send HTTP requests that call Apideck APIs without leaving the browser. Accessed dynamically through Segment Column Set selection. The proxy allows you to bypass the token injection and provide custom Authorization headers. All Accounts with the related UserAccount and PrimaryChurnScore embedded inline. Follow up question that can be associated with a survey. ISO 8601 formatted string. The Total Contract Amount of the Parent Account. ISO 8601 formatted string. The Account associated with this progress. In ChurnZero, you can either pull your data in from your CRM system, or manually populate account and contact records yourself. Accessed dynamically through Segment Column Set selection. GET /Account(AccountExternalId='{AccountExternalId}'), GET /Contact(AccountExternalId='{AccountExternalId}',ContactExternalId='{ContactExternalId}'), None (limited to the Segment owner and global Segments), None (limited to the SegmentColumnSet Owner and ShareTypes of 'All' or 'Domain'). Inspect all the traffic going to the Churnzero API. The number of Most Recent Events for the Event Type. Projects and tasks themselves cannot interact with plays, journeys, NPS campaigns, or churn scores. The date the Contact completed the survey. True if the User Account can log into ChurnZero. Specific Segment ids to use can be discovered either from inside the ChurnZero app or by making a request to the Segment endpoint. The date/time the Journey record was last modified. The JourneyMilestone associated with this progress. Unsupported destination objects or modes. multiple resources, they can all be included by referencing the properties with a comma separated list. At some later point, if new fields are imported from those Zendesk Tickets they will become available on the exposed endpoint and documented below. Usually caused by a race condition. Ready to scale your integration strategy? The $top option requests the number of resources to be queried in the collection. (Announcement, Email). The new features, being new endpoints or properties on existing endpoints, will be exposed in an additive fashion. ISO 8601 formatted string. The filter is evaluated for each resource in the result set and only those resources that evaluated to true for the given filter will be included in the result. When querying for Accounts you can include the UserAccount in the response if it is defined. The end of the collection will be signified by a response with an empty result set. ISO 8601 formatted string. Accessed dynamically through Segment Column Set selection. ISO 8601 formatted string. The authentication and request syntax was valid but the server is refusing to complete the request. The permissions are made up of the following: These permissions are configured for a User Permission Group and affect all users belonging to that group. GET /JourneyMilestoneTask({Id})/JourneyMilestone. You have exceeded one of the enforced rate limits in the API. The number of days beyond which the Account is considered Behind, The number of days beyond which the Account is considered Stuck. We offer a GraphQL API that integrates every Unified API.

Login to view your personalized documentation. The date the next reminder will occur. The date/time the Segment record was last modified. We're here to help with any questions. ISO 8601 formatted string. The ID of the Account associated with this survey response. When there are no more results, an empty result set will be returned. The schema definitions for each object requested or returned from ChurnZero's REST API. Since Teamwork does not support custom fields on any of these entities so ChurnZero will pull the standard fields for each entity. The preferred means of relating a record back to an account is through an ID, specifically the account's External ID. The date the Account ended the JourneyMilestone. Therefore, we are not Records can be matched from your source to your Churnzero workspace by your Churnzero Contact / Account ID. ISO 8601 formatted string. The Total Contract Amount of this Account. To create a new Api Key, navigate to the Admin > Api Keys page. The date/time the UserAccount record was last modified.

After you authorize the connection, you will be presented with a summary of the connection information, along with an option to deauthorize if you wish. The JourneyInstance in ChurnZero represents a single progression of an Account through a Journey. These properties are automatically added to $select/$expand options where applicable. These are limited to Account, Contact, Event, and Custom Tables (examples: Zendesk Tickets, Salesforce Opportunities, Intercom Conversations). Churnzero requires that you map at least one default (standard) field in order The top 10 Accounts ordered by ObjectLastModifiedDate. ISO 8601 formatted string. The date/time the Contact record was created. The Id of the Contact associated with this Event. Better API monitoring. The $select option allows resource results to only include the specified properties. The Maximum Event Date for the Event Type. The $count option indicates that the collection response should include the overall count of resources in the collection. This may be null and is mutually exclusive with JourneyMilestoneTaskId. The * option for $expand is a special option that means include all referenced entities. ISO 8601 formatted string. Most notably, anything specified via $filter will affect the count returned. The Event aggregates related to an Entity. The Account that this JourneyInstance belongs too. Map my projects from Company A using the External ID in this mechanism: '[External ID] Company A'. ISO 8601 formatted string. Two thresholds are tracked per minute. Retrieving All available Account SegmentColumnSets via the API, Retrieve All Accounts and return only the fields configured for Segment Column Set id 25, Retrieve All Active Accounts and return only the fields configured for Segment Column Set id 25, Retrieve All Accounts for a defined Segment and return only the fields configured for Segment Column Set id 25, Retrieve All Accounts for a defined Segment and return the fields configured for Segment Column Set id 25 along with Account Name. The date/time for this Account's next renewal. JourneyMilestoneTask definition available in ChurnZero. must be used. This is a dynamic API that will adjust as customizations are made to your ChurnZero instance and as new features are developed for ChurnZero. When you create an account, you have the option to enter an External ID. The number of days this Account has been in the Journey. To find the setup key, navigate to Admin > Application Keys > New App Key and create a new key with the name of your choice. The ID of the Contact associated with this survey response. When using a Column Set, the properties returned in the response are dynamic and determined by the fields configured on the Column Set in the ChurnZero application. The date the Account entered the Journey. The Id of the Journey associated with the Account. Easy to integrate within your current codebase. For example, if Zendesk Tickets are synced into ChurnZero, a new API endpoint for those tickets will be exposed and documented below. Port OpenAPI Specs to Postman Collections, and inject test suite. The date/time this Account started. The date/time the Event occurred. Documentation based off of the ChurnZero demo customer, MarketingPony. The $filter option allows limiting of resources in the collection that is returned for the requested URL. ISO 8601 formatted string. The Journey associated with this progress. The desired Time Frame of the calculation. The ChurnZero REST API is an add-on feature that must be enabled and correctly configured with the necessary permissions to be used.

The date/time the Task record was last modified. This is the template that is used to create an Achievement instance for Accounts that enter the JourneyMilestone. The entity must support Segments (see above). The number of choices available to answer a survey. ISO 8601 formatted string. Accessed dynamically through Segment Column Set selection. ISO 8601 formatted string. ISO 8601 formatted string. ISO 8601 formatted string. The ID that this Account is linked to in an external source. or possibly ISO 8601 formatted string. The day this JourneyMilestone was evaluated for the Account. Any filters used in conjunction with the SegmentColumnSet must use the 'and' operator. The number of Contacts associated with this Account. Requests above the hard max will result in a 429 Too Many Requests response. The date/time the Task record was created. By default, ascending order is utilized unless the direction is specified with desc for descending sort order. The entity associated with this SegmentColumnSet. GET /JourneyMilestoneAchievement({Id})/JourneyMilestone. The date/time the SegmentColumnSet record was last modified. Using the ChurnZero Integration with Teamwork Desk, Your hostname is your Teamwork site URL without the https://. The calculated number of Active Contacts. Visit the Schemas section of Churnzero's. The date/time the JourneyMilestoneTask record was created. Select the Id, Name, and ExternalId for all Accounts, Select the Id, Name, and ExternalId for all Accounts and the UserName of related UserAccounts.

True if the User Account owns Accounts in ChurnZero. If the desired filter cannot be constructed with the available simple or complex operands, then ChurnZero Segments Surveys related to a Contact. Our API reference is generated from our OpenAPI spec. The Attributes related to an Account/Contact. ISO 8601 formatted string. Note: this can be found in the top left of your contact or account page (not the ID in the url). The number of months until the survey reoccurs. The source of the survey response. The number of days an Account is expected to be in the Journey, True if this Journey is configured for sharing.

Check out the OSS libraries we're working on and supporting. The date/time the JourneyMilestoneAchievement record was last modified. This is a one-way sync from Teamwork to ChurnZero: ChurnZero provides a quick link to each project and task in Teamwork, but projects and tasks cannot be edited in ChurnZero. The close date of the Task. Accessed dynamically through Segment Column Set selection. ISO 8601 formatted string. HTTP Basic Authentication can be used with the ChurnZero REST API. The date the Account entered the JourneyMilestone. The date/time the UserAccount record was created. The JourneyMilestoneTask associated with this progress. The Churn Score related to an Account. The JourneyInstance assocated with this progress. The number of Total Events for the Event Type. ISO 8601 formatted string. The top 10 Accounts ordered by ObjectLastModifiedDate, but skip 30 Accounts. ISO 8601 formatted string. The Contact's full name. Inject tokens at runtime. The Id of the Account associated with this Task. The date the Account ended the Journey. The number of days this Account has left for the Journey according to the epectation. To use the custom table API, you must first create the custom table within Churnzero. The SegmentColumnSet must belong to the entity in the request. Available as REST and GraphQL APIs. *We measure API calls per downstream API call to the API provider (e.g., Salesforce, Pipedrive). Confusing API responses from destination systems? The number of days an Account is expected to be in the JourneyMilestone. Query parameters can control the amount and order of the data returned for the resource identified by the URL. In order to see projects from your Teamwork site in your ChurnZero account, you will need to map this external ID by editing the associated company's name. Hightouch supports syncing to the following Churnzero types: Hightouch supports syncing to the following Churnzero objects: Contacts must be associated with an account, and therefore an account external ID must be present in your data. The Journey related to an Account. least one default (standard) field. Tracking 15,000+ APIs and SaaS products. True if the Task Priority is the default. Log in to your ChurnZero Production account and go to. of the company name, as long as it is consistent throughout. The following tables list some common data types supported by the ChurnZero REST API. The #1 integration marketplace builder for SaaS companies. The intent of the soft and hard max thresholds is to coerce an API client into compliance rather than go to an immediate hard error. Given a username of someuser and a password of sup3rS3cr37!

(Text, YesNo, Currency, Date, Number, Percent, SingleSelect, MultiSelect). Check the documentation and the syntax of your request and try again. The Aggregates related to an Account/Contact. Track PII across all API traffic. Once that is done, all projects associated with that company in Teamwork will be mapped to their account in ChurnZero. +160 Tools to build and augment your SaaS application. GET /ChurnScoreFactorCalculation({Id})/Account, GET /ChurnScoreFactorCalculation({Id})/ChurnScore, GET /ChurnScoreFactorCalculation({Id})/ChurnScoreFactor. Built for API consumers. The SegmentColumnSet filter operator must be 'eq'. GET /ChurnScoreCalculation({Id})/ChurnScore. A set of state-the-art unified APIs to build native integrations with other SaaS providers. The description for the JourneyMilestone. manager handle ChurnZero needs to know that every time a company is mapped, the ID is in the same place. There is no default mapping for this. Rate limits are applied to a specific ChurnZero instance on a per minute basis. Helping you discover the best APIs and SaaS products to integrate with. ISO 8601 formatted string. Using a predefined Segment in the ChurnZero REST API is achieved by utilizing the Segment id in a $filter option on an entity that supports Segments. ISO 8601 formatted string. JourneyMilestoneAchievement definition available in ChurnZero. True if the calculation is deemed active. Fight customer churn with fresh customer data in Churnzero. The date/time the SegmentColumnSet record was created. Likewise, if fields are removed from the synced set of data those fields will cease to be available from the ChurnZero REST API. We are now officially SOC 2 Type 2 compliant! True if the Contact has chosen to unsubscribe from marketing emails. A subset of the query string options defined in OData v4 are available for use to tailor access to the data in your ChurnZero instance. The $orderby option allows resources to be sorted in a particular order. The count property will reside at the same level as the values property and will have a key of @odata.count. The date/time the JourneyProgress record was last modified. This represents the progress of the associated Task or Achievement from the perspective of the Journey. This may be null and is mutually exclusive with JourneyMilestoneAchievementId. The date/time the JourneyProgress record was created. The due date of the Task. The Churn Score History related to an Account. A GPT-3 directory covering 150+ apps, use-cases, examples, and demos. The data type of the follow up answer. The number of days this Account is over the expectation for the JourneyMilestone. When you view one of the companies in ChurnZero, the associated projects will show up. Accessed dynamically through Segment Column Set selection. The date that the response was created. We're ready to jump on a call to help unblock you. The SegmentColumnSet must belong to the authorized API User or have a configured ShareType of 'All' or 'Domain'. Accessed dynamically through Segment Column Set selection. The date/time the Journey record was created. Open-source software is part of our core. E.g. must first be created within Churnzero on the "Custom Fields" page. String matching is possible (e.g. Survey definition available in ChurnZero. Please make sure that the account exists in Churnzero already. This is useful to tailor response payloads to reduce the amount of data being returned. The date/time the JourneyMilestone record was created. ISO 8601 formatted string. If you use primarily custom fields, make sure to also map at The segment filter operator must be 'eq'. ISO 8601 formatted string. The number of days this Account has left for the JourneyMilestone according to the epectation. ChurnZero is a real-time customer success platform that helps you understand your customers' product usage, assesses their health, and enable you to manage the customer experience. Survey response collected in ChurnZero for a Survey. Instead, it will be incumbent on the caller to continue to increase $skip by the desired amount until an empty result set is observed. Check out the latest new about Apideck and SaaS ecosystems on our blog, Interviews with the leading SaaS companies who are building next-generation platforms and ecosystems. ISO 8601 formatted string. True if the Task Priority is high priority. The comment that was given for the survey response. When viewing this newly created account, you can see the External ID (e.g. All Accounts with all related resources embedded inline. There is an additional field when syncing contacts, which is the column that contains the external account ID in your query results. Collections that support the $orderby operation will list the available resource properties that can be used for ordering. All Accounts ordered by ObjectLastModifiedDate in ascending order. Not sure how Apideck can help your business? Pre-made building blocks to get started with Apideck. The ChurnZero REST API supports a limited set of filters described in the OData spec for filter options. Typically this is just a combination of FirstName and LastName. Project and task data is supplemental data in ChurnZero: Project and task data can be used in segment and can be used to trigger alerts. When building out the filter operands it may be necessary to URL encode the operand. Read the announcement, Broederminstraat 9, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium. The number of days since this Account's start date. The JourneyInstance assocated with this progress.

+100 Startup programs to help you save on your SaaS spend. The day this Journey was evaluated for the Account. The date/time the JourneyMilestoneStepProgress record was last modified. Churn Score Calculation available in ChurnZero. For example, Email eq '[emailprotected]' should be encoded as Email eq 'user%[emailprotected]' Not into REST APIs? If a particular resource is related to The underlying model/schema has changed. The operators below can be used with resource properties to produce simple or complex operands. The Journey that this JourneyInstance belongs too.

The ID of the Account associated with this calculation. ISO 8601 formatted string. The $skip option requests the number of resources that are to be skipped and not included in the queried collection. by name) but is significantly less accurate. $select can be used in conjunction with $expand to tailor the payload for related resources that are inlined with the response.

(Standard, PointInTime, External). The page size for all collection requests is 100 results. The Id that this Task is linked to in an external source.

Accessed dynamically through Segment Column Set selection. When building a request using Basic Authentication, make sure you add the Authorization header with a value of Basic : where : has been base64 encoded. Human-friendly JSON Schema validation for APIs. Visit the Developers Guide to see more examples and to begin using the API. The ID of the Churn Score Factor associated with this calculation. This is the interface for interacting with the ChurnZero Platform. Include the External ID mechanism you plan to use to map your projects by adding the External ID mechanism to your company names in Teamwork. True if the User Account is active in ChurnZero. 1245) noted at the bottom. Discovering a Segment id (6763) from the URL within the ChurnZero application, Retrieving All available Account Segments via the API, Using a Segment id to retrieve All Accounts that meet the segment criteria for id 6763. Include the total count of Accounts in the query for the Id,Name, and ExternalId of all Accounts. The Id that this User Account is linked to in an external source. The set of predefined reasons for failing the Journey. ISO 8601 formatted string. Once you have the setup step completed, you will need to contact your ChurnZero implementation specialist or CSM with the following: In Teamwork, your company names should be updated to include the relevant External ID as specified in the mapping information sent to ChurnZero. Wrap existing Churnzero API calls with the Apideck Proxy endpoint. The accessibility of the SegmentColumnSet. Accessed dynamically through Segment Column Set selection. All Accounts with a BillingAddressState equal to 'VA', All Accounts with a TotalContractAmount greater than 10000, All Accounts that have IsActive equal to true, All Accounts that have a Name that starts with 'A', All Accounts that have a ObjectCreatedDate greater than 2020-01-01, All Accounts that have the Custom Field Subscribed equal to true, All Accounts with a BillingAddressState equal to 'VA' and a TotalContractAmount greater than 10000. Delivering the best-in-class products to boost your platform strategy. Our Developer-friendly plan includes 20,000 API calls per month and is designed to allow a wide range of use cases. The number of days this Account has been in the JourneyMilestone. ISO 8601 formatted string. ISO 8601 formatted string. True if the Segment is globally accessible. ISO 8601 formatted string. Scroll down for code samples, example requests and responses. ISO 8601 formatted string. Accessed dynamically through Segment Column Set selection. Inspect all the traffic coming and going to the Churnzero API and optionally inject tokens at runtime. This is done at the account and/or contact level. The account ID is the user account the custom table is associated with: This can be found by clicking on your name at the top and selecting "My Account"; your ID is at the end of the URL. For custom fields, please use the CZ API Name as the name of the destination field in Hightouch. The name of the JourneyMilestoneAchievement. (Draft, Paused, Running, Complete, Archived), The campaign type of the survey. The number of Distinct Contacts for the Event Type.

Our team is relentlessly focused on your success. True if the Account has failed the journey. The lower-bounds value of the grading scale. Volume packaging is available on request. The sync targets projects, tasks, and milestones: For each of these, ChurnZero must be given explicit instructions on how to relate a record back to an account.

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