programmatic direct mail
Using Postalytics, you can quickly ideate, design, and launch highly effective triggered direct mail campaigns that integrate directly with the other channels that you are already marketing through. Thats why were taking active steps to lessen our impact on the planet, like partnering with the environmental charity One Tree Planted and offering FSC Certified recycled paper options for our customers. Direct mail campaigns can work in tandem with almost all types of marketing campaigns. Instead, by using an excellent direct mail automation tool like PostGrid, you can integrate it with software like HubSpot, Salesforce, and more. The PebblePost Graph is your key to powering relevance in the real world, securely connecting billions of first-party household, online intent, and transaction data points with its privacy-by-design framework. Even today, B2B businesses depend on email marketing to reach out to their prospects.
We know that programmatic direct mail is an automated marketing method. But generally, these emails can go unnoticed or ignored because the customer may never open them. Here, we will elaborate on this new and advanced marketing tool. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. You can target them based on who they are, their interests, hobbies, occupation, and so much more. A few years ago, marketers had to develop a custom solution for implementing programmatic direct mail marketing. They can augment the messaging that you are already attempting to drive home and engage with them in a new, more tangible way. You could add a direct mail touchpoint to your PPC campaigns, social media engagements, sales cadences, etc. It also allows integrating your direct mail campaigns with other marketing channels. It reaches potential customers that have already engaged with your website. The scope of programmatic direct mail is so immense that your imagination is the only limit to its applicational uses. Businesses often waste millions in customer acquisition because they target a general audience instead of specific groups. Thank you! It makes integrating PostGrids API a relatively easy task for you. To sum it up, programmatic direct mail offers one of the best odds of your target audience appreciating your marketing efforts. So, it not only saves you a lot of time but also takes away any chance of manual errors. Programmatic direct mail solves the problem by sending direct mail to a narrowly targeted group of individuals based on their previous engagement with your web resources.
Today, there are numerous options to automate your direct mail, including Postalytics. So, you can easily use a programmatic print and mail service for sending monthly bills or invoices. So, its not so hard to see that traditional mail cant possibly keep up with a businesss direct mail requirements. Otherwise, creating a programmatic direct mail system that is connected with your existing platforms might cost a company tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.
With the ability to connect direct mail as a channel to your other marketing activities and generate deep analytics about the campaigns that you do send, the common misconceptions that keep companies from making the jump into direct mail just arent all that relevant anymore. When the Internet was first launched, the prospect of receiving an email was new and exciting. So, in other words, you get the best of both worlds. Social media marketing, content marketing, etc., are examples of marketing strategies that every marketer has flocked to. When using a direct mail campaign, the biggest concern you have is that the recipient throws away your mailer. But, remember that the programmatic direct mail automation capabilities are not limited to the list above. However, the role of the automated solution ends (except tracking) when you hand over the mailers to the postal service provider. Similarly, you can set up a different direct mail campaign for other triggers. However, you can avoid the mailers getting ignored by your prospects with proper planning and targeting. In this approach, we combine direct mail with modern technology and it is called Programmatic Direct Mail. Competition levels are high, and nefarious actors often use bots to click ads and drive up CPC costs. The average intended household response rate for First-Class mail is 13% and while Standard mail is 11%. Now, marketers focus on driving recipients to online landing pages to respond to offers, just like they do with email and digital campaigns. The response rate for direct mail among people ages 18-21 years old is 12.4%. There are several benefits of using programmatic direct mail marketing to advertise your business, products, and services. Programmatic direct mail marketing takes these worries away. You can either integrate PostGrids address validation API with your website or use a web interface. So, why do savvy marketers feel that programmatic direct mail is a more efficient option for targeted marketing campaigns? Most millennials are taken aback by a nostalgic feeling upon receiving a postcard or a letter. However, programmatic direct mail is a game-changer for direct mail campaigns. is good for is automation. You have to write a personal message, write up the address, and ensure the address format is correct. For example, you can use a direct mail template and switch the name and address with the customer data from the CRM. Unfortunately, that means you've got no way to tell whether the person receiving the mailpiece is actually in the market for your product or service. Todays programmatic direct mail marketing tools use the powerful Intelligent Mail Barcode system from the USPS to track the delivery of mail, and can even track when the USPS determines that an address is no longer valid. Programmatic direct mail marketing is an advanced marketing methodology that combines digital and direct mail via automation. 55 Accord Park Drive, Rockland, MA 02370. But what does this mean? Upsell, cross-sell, and winback existing customers. Modern programmatic direct mail marketing brings the same level of automation that you would expect from your digital campaigns to the physical mailbox. Well, not necessarily. Similarly, you can smartly incorporate direct mail across your various digital marketing campaigns to get the best results.
If youre a typical marketer, youre always looking for an edge to improve your lead generation, nurturing, retargeting, bottom of the funnel and retention campaigns. Email marketing has grown over the years, but many businesses still use direct mail marketing as a more effective way to reach their audience. So keep reading to understand what programmatic direct mail is and how it can help your business. You can personalize every one of your mail pieces in a bulk direct mail campaign. In a case study, we published about the companys marketing program, Mr. Sullivan said, Sending out a stream of emails, just like every other company in our space, didnt set us apart enough, at least to our standards. He wanted to send a personal letter from the companys CEO but thought theyd be hand assembling them in a completely disconnected process.. Hopefully, all of that culminates in a campaign that everyone can agree on. With this unique data asset on your side, you can fuel unparalleled reach, relevance, and performance that scales with your business. So, technically, it should have a much lower ROI, you might wonder. Some of the different features that you can expect when using a direct mail automation platform include: This is the real beauty of programmatic direct mail. However, that is no longer the case any more thanks to powerful direct mail automation tools. Some of you might have even abandoned an email address because it is easier than unsubscribing all the subscribed emails manually.
The number of direct mails you want to use depends on the nature of your unique marketing strategy. More and more savvy marketers are deploying an old-school channel combined with a modern twist to bolster their email and digital efforts. You can even schedule the mail to happen based on the prospects behavior on your website. You can use it to send direct mail to prospective customers. No more are large-scale direct mail campaigns and triggered campaigns for large organizations modern direct mail automation solutions make it viable for everyone. List of Programming Languages Compatible with Inkit HTML to PDF API, How to Convert HTML Page to PDF Using PHP and Retrieve It, How to Create and Retrieve PDF from HTML with cURL. Of course, you always have the option of using your in-house design team to come up with a design.
Once you set up the automation, you dont even have to turn back because its all taken care of.
can vary based on how sophisticated the system you are using. Some of the more popular choices of digital marketing campaigns that you generally see in combination with direct mail campaigns include: Additionally, adding direct mail touchpoints allows you to get super creative with your campaigns. Furthermore, the interface for designing your direct mail is usually simple and uses a drag-and-drop editor. In the old days of direct mail, marketers would use self addressed and stamped Business Reply Cards to manually tally results, often weeks and months after the campaign ended. But, how do you enable such a feature for your business? However, digital marketing is a highly competitive field, and your company can hardly stand out with the same old approach. But, the problem with this is that every marketer often ends up looking for it in the same places. It didnt stir new emotions.
The systematic direct mail tracking leverages the Intelligent Mail Barcode system from the USPS. Instantly autocomplete and verify customer address at scale. So many of us watched in awe as the email was sent and received in a matter of seconds. For example, you can set up a triggered direct mail campaign to run after an email marketing cycle doesn't work. When you send out a direct mail piece, the response rate is usually around 9% percent. Hence, you may only automate parts of your direct mail campaign. However, a better approach is to send direct mail instead of Emails. Even with larger lists, your cost-per-recipient costs shrink with higher volumes. Talk with a specialist about getting started with PostGrid. Programmatic direct mail service also lets you track the response to your direct mail. Programmatic mail is one of these recent advancements giving marketers an edge over their competitors. One of the biggest objections that many marketers face when pitching an expansion into direct mail to management is the time factor.
A direct mail like Postcard, on the other hand, is something you dont see anymore. Today, it holds a special place among the top marketing channels due to its effectiveness in customer engagement, acquisition, and lead generation. That is powerful enough on its own. You dont have to create a custom program for programmatic direct mail marketing, thanks to direct mail automation. Most service providers also allow you to package and ship your direct mail. By doing so, you can send sales material to your B2B prospects with almost no delays. Bots dont have mailing addresses. As far as businesses are concerned, it is unlikely that theyd have to send large packages for their marketing campaigns.
On the other hand, old-school marketing channels like direct mail are making a solid comeback. But imagine how powerful it would be if you could plug direct mail into your existing digital campaigns. A massive challenge in a traditional direct mail campaign is minimizing the time it takes to execute. Modern direct mail automation has features that go well beyond programmatic printing and mailing. Suppose you have seriously considered a direct mail campaign for your business.
Then, if there is no response from the prospect, you can send them a short series of direct mail. Like when a prospect adds a product to their cart but later abandons it. For instance, an eCommerce store could have a specific direct mail campaign when a certain product is purchased. It will also create an impression that yours is a big brand by sending the sales material via postal mail. Now lets look at the. Furthermore, robust software such as PostGrid offers a holistic solution for all your direct mail needs. Traditionally, you would have had to go back and forth due to multiple revisions and pay hourly design costs. More internet users are using adblockers. Hence, you cant afford to get left behind. Perhaps the most significant benefit of programmatic direct mail marketing is higher ROI.
With such integrations in place, you can easily incorporate direct mail into your existing campaigns. By adding additional touchpoints, you increase the conversion rate of a campaign that already has a good ROI. It is not surprising that every new marketing strategy that is popular today is based on digital platforms. Automatically generate and manage PDFs securely at scale. According to Statista, the 2020 global programmatic ad spend was $129.1 billion. If these companies can be successful using old school methods, imagine what is possible with modern automation.
Software triggers mailings when a consumer meets specific parameters or exhibits certain behaviors, such as leaving an item at the checkout form. Lets say an abandoned cart sequence for an eCommerce company. The result is increased revenue and brand loyalty. Then, a different campaign could be triggered when a prospect adds a product to their shopping cart but then never finishes their purchase. However, with programmatic direct mail, you can throw the direct mail into the mix. Do you remember the very first time you opened an email? The whole time youd be incurring hourly design costs. Apart from that, the new direct mail touchpoint can highlight the message you convey. As we have mentioned above, direct mail has an excellent response rate. The reason why the customer did not respond to your Emails might be that they never read it. Maybe each subscriber will receive a series of emails. That is exactly what platforms like Postalytics bring to the table by integrating directly with HubSpot, ActiveCampaign, Salesforce, and other top marketing and sales automation platforms and CRMs. Personalized URLs (PURLs) and QR codes are two of the most popular choices for directing the recipient to an online channel. You know the emails that you receive after you have added an item to your cart and then failed to complete the purchase. However, youd be wrong if you think the only thing. You can even incorporate direct mail into your existing digital campaigns without even breaking a sweat. Direct mail has benefited from the growth of the B2B software industry, opening up the channel to make it viable for companies of all sizes.
Of course, you can still get good ROI mailing postcards using traditional direct mail marketing, but the programmatic system takes the guesswork out of it. While some teams have developers who can hand code HTML creative templates and write JSON webhooks all day long, most marketing teams need software tools to simplify the process. Understand Performance at a Glance with PebblePosts New Performance Dashboard. Adding a new channel, or expanding your use of it, allows you to deepen your connection with existing customers and make better connections with prospects. Another great use of triggered mail is in retargeting campaigns. Perhaps they didn't make a purchase but left at the last stage of the checkout process. Discover, engage, and convert new customers. If your company isnt already leveraging direct mail marketing automation, the question that you should be asking yourself is why?. For example, you can use a simple postcard with pictures or even include a fold-up paper toy. On the other hand, using direct mail gives a higher open rate. Because we live in a time and age where people are overwhelmed by their interactions on digital platforms. It is also one of the reasons why many marketers shy away from expanding to direct mail campaigns. The use of the word programmatic and the phrase direct mail marketing together might sound odd, as it sounds like a mash-up of new technology and a marketing channel that peaked years ago. In B2B, sales cycles can last for months. And you arent just limited to injecting programmatic direct mail marketing into email campaigns either. But with platforms like Postalytics, those time-consuming tasks can be cut down to a fraction of the time. For example, you can set up a direct mail campaign that automatically initiates whenever the customer purchases a specific product. By personalizing your direct mail campaigns, you can gain trust with your customers by providing them with tailored offers. It lets you integrate your direct mail campaigns with your other digital marketing campaigns. Some of the primary operations that you can automate through programmatic direct mail include. Hence, people are more likely to enjoy receiving direct mail than an email that they can ignore forever. Furthermore, it is also ideal for boosting your companys return on ad spend or ROAS. Learn how to use Inkit products and see them in action. Now, more than twenty-five years later, the opposite is true. Oops! Because the programmatic print and mail service likely comes equipped with advanced analytics and tracking features. What about response tracking? What exactly can you do to the existing campaigns? Customers want the brands that they love to engage with them through multiple channels. The simple truth is that traditional direct mail just does not have the scale required for many companies to adopt it. Moreover, the automation capability is so advanced that you get the same level of automation youd expect from a digital campaign. You may then use this data and insights to enhance your customer experience.
Receiving an email is old and mundane, and receiving a personalized piece of direct mail that is addressed just to you can feel exciting. Triggered direct mail is where the ROI in direct mail automation really begins to rise drastically. To do that, you need to integrate a robust direct mail automation tool like PostGrid and enforce programmatic direct mail marketing. But now, the technology tectonic plates have shifted, and modern marketing automation software has made it possible for non-technical teams to inject direct mail marketing directly into their existing email and digital marketing campaigns.
However, thats not always the case. This figure was expected to reach $155 billion in 2021. Furthermore, you will also have to find the correct postage charge and ensure that you send the mail early enough to reach the addressee on time. You can not excite them with an email or gif. With a direct mail tool like PostGrid, you can do it in a matter of seconds. At this point, you might have already thought to yourself, how does direct mail provide such a high ROI? Get product updates, tips, and insights from the team. You can quickly design, launch, and evaluate direct mail campaigns. However, once the recipients reach the landing page or website, you can use the sites existing analytics tools to get deep insights. That campaign could include discount codes, specific upsell requests, or invite them to join a loyalty program. The PebblePost Platform puts performance in your hands, making it easy to onboard your data, define your goals, and measure success all within a single, unified platform. It simplifies the complex direct mail process and optimizes its performance. For more information about programmatic direct mail implementation, get in touch with the Inkit team today! Programmatic direct mail marketing describes the blending of digital and traditional direct mail through true automation. No more expensive design costs. When you inject direct mail into campaigns that are already producing an excellent ROI, an additional touchpoint through a new channel will increase conversion rates. Depending on the level of sophistication of your system, programmatic direct mail may only include parts or all of the process of launching a campaign. 90% of customers expect consistent interactions across channels. Now lets look at the table below to see exactly how beneficial direct mail can be for your business. It may be a traditional platform, but the winds are blowing in favor of more tangible advertising channels. Today, the tracking of direct mail campaign responses does not use reply cards or even phone calls. Doing this increases the chances of a sale. The B2B SaaS (software as a service) industry has grown rapidly in the last decade, with solutions sprouting up for every channel and in even the most niche markets: In previous years, companies would have had to invest in developing their solutions for programmatic direct mail marketing campaigns. It significantly reduces the time and effort required for running a direct mail campaign. Another concern comes from bots. It allows you to track the delivery of your mail, but thats not all. This post explains an automated direct mail marketing technique known as Programmatic Direct Mail. Instead, marketers try to drive the recipient to their online landing page or website. Using Postalytics, you can directly integrate your direct mail automation software with CRMs and marketing automation platforms. However, you need a direct mail automation tool like PostGrid to use the full potential of programmatic direct mail. With those integrations in place, you can take your existing campaigns, you can add a new touchpoint to campaigns that are already performing well. Traditional media like print ads are often too general and fail to capture readers' attention. Direct mail is not easy to ignore, like Emails, and if the customer has an intention to buy, then receiving the mailer will do the trick. By submitting this form, I confirm that I have read and understood Inkit's. Why? But if all of that interaction is taking place through email alone, you are missing out on a big opportunity. However, youd be wrong if you think the only thing programmatic mailing is good for is automation. It is estimated that eCommerce companies lose up to almost $4 billion per year through click fraud. APIs to deliver automated and personalized campaigns, and generate paperless documents at scale. But then, the customer does not complete the checkout process and abandons the cart. The automation offered by programmatic direct mail companies is not limited to design and printing.
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