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If the student is being picked up by someone other than the person designated parent/guardian, written permission naming the responsible adult must be placed on the back of the registration card, during registration, prior to the student being released.

You have the right to be provided with a copy of the information we have on you in a structured, machine-readable and commonly used format. I understand that the iD Tech Camp is a separate entity from, and in no way related to, Caltech. You can reschedule a lesson through your My Account.

XI. You understand that by registering for an iD Tech program, your participant(s) may access and upload content to social networking sites. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend Northwestern University, its officers, agents and employees from injuries, damages, and loss sustained by me and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with my participation in the iD Tech Summer Camp. The program may decide to pass along damage expenses to the student.

These Terms & Conditions are intended to keep Students safe and make Advising Sessions positive and productive. Learn C++, one of the world's most essential programming languages. Furthermore, any information which is posted to a forum or chat room could include personal information, which would be disclosed and available to all users of that forum or chat room, and is therefore no longer private. Changes cannot be made less than 72 hours prior to the start of a class or once the class has started. Excessive mess resulting in extra housekeeping hours will result in a charge to the program, and may be passed on to the student. Missed classes will be forfeited and cannot be made up or refunded. Assumption of Risk, Release of Claims and Hold Harmless Agreement. Age requirements are outlined within each Site's Terms and Conditions. kingsmen Physical Condition and Insurance. You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third parties. Tampering with or misuse of elevator alarms, emergency call buttons or calling 911 from a room or elevator telephone, except in an emergency, is against the law. We will not republish postings from forums or chat rooms anywhere on the Web.X. California Residents: iD Techs PRIVACY NOTICE FOR CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS supplements the information contained in this Privacy Policy and applies solely to visitors, users, and others who reside in the State of California.I. personally contact instructors outside of session, without permission from iD Tech as set forth below; abide by the rules and regulations of the instructor and iD Tech; attend session in an appropriate, private setting; adhere to the terms of use of any sites used, including following the specified age policies; and. during session; or. Students are not to bring private automobiles or motorcycles to the University. I further, on behalf of myself, my child and anyone claiming through myself or my child, do FOREVER RELEASE President and Fellows of Harvard College (Harvard), its trustees, officers, employees, volunteers, students, agents and assigns from any cause of action, claims, or demands of any nature whatsoever, including but not limited to a claim of negligence which I, my child, or anyone claiming through myself or my child, may now or in the future have against Harvard on account of personal injury, bodily injury, property damage, death or accident of any kind, arising out of or in any way related to my childs participation in the Event howsoever the injury is caused. This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois. Students may place collect and credit card calls from their room phone (if available) and receive long distance calls.

I/We warrant that the undersigned is the parent or legal guardian of the child referenced herein and that I/We have the legal authority to enter into this Agreement and further that the undersigned have read this Agreement and fully understand all provisions referenced herein.

iD Tech has the right to charge a $25 late fee on any payments not paid by the due date. I understand this release does not apply to injuries caused by intentional or grossly negligent conduct on the part of the Releasees. iD Tech is a member of several pre-existing sites (as mentioned above). Bring only a small amount of personal expense money with you since the halls do not have any secured storage facilities. There may be other limitations as to how they apply, and codes must be submitted at the time of registration. The right to access, update or delete the information we have on you. Video Release. I represent and warrant that I have the full right, power and authority to enter into and execute this Release and to grant all rights granted under it. Phone: 1-888-709-8324XV.

Occasionally, staff will take students to a location on and off campus to visit a local venue. If you choose to use our iD Sites & Services from the European Union or other regions of the world with laws governing data collection and uses that differ from the United States, then you recognize and agree that you are transferring your personal information outside of those regions to the United States and you consent to that transfer.XIII. To provide the services which you requested or purchased; To provide you with better services, including conducting audits and data analysis; Providing information to our University partners; and.

You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information. Code of Conduct This Release is made on the undersigned date by and between the undersigned (or if a child under 18 years of age, on behalf of the child by the child's parent or legal guardian) and the Town of Westlake/Westlake Academy.

Links And Third Parties

Lessons are a guidance/tutoring service only.

In the case of lost identification, help is always available from dining and program staff.

Construction and Scope of Agreement. Participation in this event is voluntary and at your own discretion and judgement. plaza Severability. Sensitive data is encrypted on our iD Sites & Services and when stored on the servers.XIV.

iD Tech reserves the right to deny the refund to anyone based on its inability to verify test scores, or to match the student identified in the score announcement to a student that took a SAT preparatory lesson. Only students and program staff are allowed in the living areas of the building.

Waiver and Release of Claims.

V. Universal Payment Plan and Subscriptions. Leaving the program or residence hall without permission and appropriate supervision is a violation of our conduct policy. Health, any participation limitations or needs, immunization and allergy information. Land lines are being phased out of residence halls due to the prevailing use of cell phones by our students. I understand that these injuries or outcomes may arise from my own or others actions, inaction, or negligence; conditions related to travel; or the condition of the Activity location(s). Make sure you provide your name as well as the email(s) and address(es) you wish to have removed. I agree to hold the University and the Auxiliary Organizations harmless from any and all claims, including attorneys fees or damage to my personal property that may occur as a result of my participation in this Activity, including travel to, from and during the Activity. This privacy statement applies only to information collected through iD Sites & Services and not to information collected offline.

Nonetheless, I assume all related risks, both known or unknown to me, of my participation in this Activity, including travel to, from and during the Activity.

You authorize the program staff to attend to health issues or injuries your student may incur while attending the program.

kinneret camps The parent/guardian will be notified and asked to pick up the student immediately. If you have any questions about our privacy statement, please contact us in writing at or by mail at 910 E. Hamilton Avenue, Suite 300, Campbell, CA 95008.XVIII. Only one refund available per student, and refunds will only be processed once per month so may take up to 60 days from initial submittal. Our iD Sites & Services are operated and managed on servers located in the United States.

I understand that the Event is run by iD Tech.

For your convenience, you may have us bill you or you can pay for your orders by credit card. Important Note to Participants and Custodial Parents and Legal Guardians. If I need medical treatment, I agree to be financially responsible for any costs incurred as a result of such treatment. Release, Indemnification, and Hold Harmless Agreement. Students may bring water or beverages to keep in their rooms.

That medical bill is my responsibility. I am responsible for scheduling the session via the link sent out via email or by contacting 1-888-709-8324. Lessons are only available for subjects set out by iD Tech.

Email: Some programs may use wristbands. iD Tech provides several opportunities for social networking for both participants and staff on sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube. Participant agrees that Stanford may record, edit, use, reproduce, publish and distribute by way of any and all media and transmission, the visual and/or audio likeness of Participant and other commentaries, information, and materials the Participant may provide in connection with the Event, which includes, without limitation, Participants name, biographical information, recorded voice, likeness, commentaries, presentation materials, and/or performance at the Event. However, iD Tech reserves the right to allow parents to share their lesson link with one other student. I allow Participant to participate in this Activity. How To Contact Us/Opting Out Of Electronic Communications

Teaching kids to develop video games was extremely gratifying, and it reinforced my love of programming. I know the nature of the Activity and My Child's experience and capabilities and consider My Child to be qualified to participate in the Activity. The undersigned acknowledges that by signing this Release, he/she has read and understands this Release, that he/she has signed this Release of his/her own free will and not under duress or coercion, and that he/she has the authority to execute this Release. We may provide these third parties information collected as needed to perform their functions, but they are prohibited from using it for other purposes and specifically agree to maintain the confidentiality of such information.

Day programs run from 8:30am to 5:30pm.

Non-refundable fees (other than any Payment Plan Fees) will remain in your account as a fully transferable credit that does not expire. This authorization is effective unless revoked in writing.

I understand the legal consequences of signing this document, including (a) releasing the University and the Auxiliary Organizations from all liability, (b) promising not to sue the University and the Auxiliary Organizations, (c) and assuming all risks of participating in this Activity, including travel to, from and during the Activity.

Parents and guardians may request to have a video deleted by sending an email request to No changes can be made within 24 hours of the lesson start time. I understand that my childs participation in iD Tech Camp is completely voluntary.

If there are multiple students in the lesson from different families, we must retain the video to protect the privacy of the students. Students are identified in a variety of ways including room keys and lanyards. THE SITE, SERVICES, INTERNALDRIVE, INC., CONTENT AND MEMBER SUBMISSIONS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. Our Sites & Services may use third-party plug-ins to provide additional services and benefits. I further acknowledge and agree that I have the responsibility to consult with my childs physician to determine if medical conditions exist that would pose a direct threat to my childs health or safety or the health or safety of others. I hereby certify and agree that my child/student has my approval to participate in the iD Tech program (hereinafter "the Activity") to be held at Washington University in St. Louis. I am voluntarily participating in this Activity.

In return for My Child's participation in the Activity: I fully and forever RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, ACQUIT, INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS and COVENANT NOT TO SUE, Vanderbilt University in Nashville, including its governing board, officers, employees, students, agents and volunteers (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Releasees") from any and all liabilities, claims, or injuries, including death, that may be sustained while participating in this activity, including but not limited to travel to, from, and for the activity, or while on premises owned or controlled by Releasees. I have read and understand the foregoing and affirm that my student is participating in the Conference of his/her own free will. I acknowledge that I have read the MITnet Rules of Use ( and understand my obligations as a user of MIT computer services and technology and as a participant in iD Tech programs. All fees (registration, administrative, late, etc.)

For safety and security reasons, iD Tech will video record every class. We may offer forums and chat rooms. I understand that agreeing to this document, I give up substantial rights that I or My Child would have otherwise to receive damages for any loss occasioned by Releasees' fault, and I agree to it voluntarily and without inducement.

Participant acknowledges that he/she has read this Assumption of Risk, Release of Claims, Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement, understands its meaning and effect, and agrees to be bound by its terms. This Agreement shall be governed by, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. The vehicle must be registered and the keys turned in to the program organizers/counselors during the entire program. By agreeing to these terms and conditions I give permission for my child to participate in all activities of iD Tech (the Event) held on Harvard Universitys campus. These third-party sites, products, and services have separate and independent privacy policies. If the referred friend cancels his/her Program, the credit will be removed, and you will be responsible for any account balance that is created as a result of the lost credit. If a student requires an aide to participate in an iD Tech Program, the aide must be age 18 or older, may not be a family member, and if it is an in-person Program, the aide must achieve a favorable result on a criminal background check. Privacy Statement Changes Meal hours will be provided by your program staff and are available from residence hall staff as well. For example, we may have access to certain information from a third party social media or authentication service if you log in to our Services through such a service or otherwise provide us with access to information from the service. Come explore campus! Participant Release and Indemnification Agreement. If the identification is lost, a replacement may be obtained at the front desk or from a staff member. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of California. Students are reminded about proper behavior upon their arrival. It is understood and agreed that, if any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or applications.

You hereby authorize your participant to access social networking sites while at camp and create an account if they choose to do so and if they meet the requirements listed by each site to create an account.

However, in some rare cases, iD Tech Advising Sessions may not be a compatible environment for every student.Students and Parents/Guardians May NEVER: IV.

Parent/Guardian Approval for Participation. Governing Law and Venue. SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN WARRANTIES.

We use cookies and may collect information about you, to provide you with the best experience. iD Tech has the right to charge a $25 late fee on any payments not made in full by the due date. Any of the above-mentioned "Sites" (or other similar sites) have their own distinct rules and regulations.

I waive any right that I may have to review or approve of any finished products, or the uses to which such products may be applied.

I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Releasees for any loss, liability, claim or injury caused by me (my child) while participating in this activity including traveling to, from, and for the activity, or while on premises owned or controlled by Releasees. Parental/Guardian Rights internalDrive, Inc. has adopted and implemented a policy that provides for the termination in appropriate circumstances of the accounts of users who repeatedly infringe or are believed to be or are charged with repeatedly infringing the intellectual property or proprietary rights of others.XXI. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority in the European Economic Area (EEA).XII. During outdoor activities and breaks between lab sessions, students have plenty of time to enjoy the beautiful Southern California weather. Mail will be distributed to program counselor to give to students. West Quad Residence Hall Each code can be used a maximum of 10 times. All students residing in a University of Michigan residence hall must be ten (10) years of age on or before the start of their program. INTERNALDRIVE, INC., AND ITS SUPPLIERS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE SITE, SERVICES, INTERNALDRIVE, INC., CONTENT AND MEMBER SUBMISSIONS, WHETHER THE PROVISION OF SERVICES OR YOUR SUBMISSION OF A MEMBER SUBMISSION WILL PRODUCE ANY LEVEL OF PROFIT OR BUSINESS FOR YOU OR LEAD TO ECONOMIC BENEFIT, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF QUALITY, AVAILABILITY, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. with third-parties, without permission from iD Tech, Contact instructors outside of the Program, Create an account on or log into third-party websites without the permission of their instructor, Use false information to create an account on or log into third-party websites, Share personal information with staff members or ask staff members for their personal information. X. Indemnification

We understand that users and visitors of our iD Sites & Services who are under 13 years of age need special safeguards and privacy protection. No statements, promises, or representations have been made by any party to any other, or relied upon, and no consideration has been offered or promised, other than as may be expressly provided herein. By agreeing to these terms and conditions I give permission for my child to participate in iD Techs camps/academies. The terms of this Release are contractual and not a mere recital. The camp is neither sponsored, controlled, nor supervised by Davidson College, but rather is under the sole sponsorship and supervision of the camp owner, iD Tech Camps.

Bullying, taunting or threatening behavior toward other students is a violation of our conduct policy. You and your participant(s) should also be aware that under no circumstances are iD Tech employees allowed to give personal contact information for social networking sites.

Promotional discounts are limited to one discount per student unless otherwise specified unless otherwise noted. You also give us permission to ask your child to provide feedback of the program they are participating in, and to share all the information provided by your student with our curriculum and social impact partners in an aggregate form. We do not use cookies or similar technologies to track your activities on non-iD Sites & Services or to serve you advertisements based on your browsing activities on non-iD Sites & Services.

I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless UT Dallas and its governing board, officers, employees, and representatives from liability for the injury or death of any person(s) and damage to property that may result from my child's negligent or intentional act or omission while participating in the described camp/academy.

Penalties will be enforced. There may be, however, portions ofwww.iDTech.comthat include areas where participants can post submissions. To exercise any of these rights, please email us at or send your request to: iD Tech 910 E. Hamilton Avenue, Suite 300 Campbell, CA 95008 Lessons expire a year from purchase, with no refund. Students may not refer each other to both qualify for the Refer-a-Friend Discount. Multi-lesson packs are intended to be used in full, and unused lessons will not be refunded. We have chosen Cal Lutheran to host our programs because of its up-and-coming status among top schools in the West and its convenient location in Ventura County. Unless otherwise noted, all financial transactions are made and quoted in U.S. Age Policy I acknowledge that the foregoing release may include any Camp employee(s) that may also be employees of the University, but the release is not intended to waive any rights I may have against the Camp, or any Camp employee in their role as Camp employee.

Information Collected AutomaticallyCookies and other Tracking Technologies

These Terms and Conditions apply to all pages found at and all Programs operated by internalDrive, Inc. (referred to as "iD Tech") including but not limited to iD Tech In-Person programs and iD Tech Online Programs.

Access to any other websites linked to from iD Sites & Services is at your own risk. Those who do so, do so at their own risk. The right of restriction.

Subscriptions cannot be prorated, and unused courses purchased as part of a subscription are not refundable. We reserve the right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this statement at any time.

Additionally, I agree to use the MIT computers and the Internet in accordance with applicable laws, with Institute standards of honesty and personal conduct, and in ways that are responsible, mature, and ethical. Each room will be inspected prior to arrival and before departure and any damages to the room or to University property will be assessed and charged to the program, which may then be assessed to the participant. Our Commitment To Childrens Privacy Some features of our iD Sites & Services permit a child user to enter comments, such as forums and chat rooms, through which the child could provide personal information that would be visible to other users.

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coding camp thousand oaks

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