opening 5 is for connection in
One opening 5 is for connection in the conventional manner via a pipe 11 to the drain in the floor of a swimming pool, while the other opening 7 is for connection in a conventional manner via a pipe 15 to the swimming pool pump. The weir assembly comprises a circular or doughnut shape float housing in the form of an inverted circular trough 29 provided with a depending skirt 31 slidably fitting the housing but with sufficient clearance so as not to impair vertical movements of the weir assembly when functioning. 7, 8 and 9 are views depicting a novel method of installing a skimmer assembly in a wall of a liner type pool. Additional objects of my invention will be brought out in the following description of a preferred embodiment of the same, taken in conjunctin with the accompanying drawings wherein: FIG. It will fill up to the level of the water in the pool, with the pool pump in a quiescent state, and the weir assembly will float with its upper portion slightly above the level of the surrounding water. Thus the resulting differential effect upon the float, will serve to lower the float to a point below the level of the water in the tunnel. Available skimmer assemblies present additional problems which the present invention seeks to remedy.
Please try again. We also use these cookies to understand how customers use our services (for example, by measuring site visits) so we can make improvements. For ameliorating these adverse conditions, the float 29 is provided with additional buoyancy means 39 at preferably equally spaced locations about the upper surface thereof, and to a height such that they will be only partially submerged during functioning cycles of the weir assembly. 7) and following this by passing the opposite flange through the opening (See FIG. A skimmer assembly adapted for installation through an opening in a pool wall from the rear side thereof to mask the otherwise exposed edges of the wall opening, includes a circular type weir involving a float having means for offering resistance to dropping of the float in response to operation of the pool pump, whereby to minimize and stabilize the layer of water flowing over the weir.
4; FIG. The entire skimmer assembly is then retracted to bring three of the flanges into contact with the metal panel 65 of the wall, following which, the skimmer assembly may be mounted to the metal panel by bolts through the metal panel and contacting flanges. In both embodiments, dropping of the weir is resisted to a much greater degree than in prior art weir assemblies of similiar types, with the resut that in each embodiment, the layer of water flowing over the weir, will be thinner with a resulting increase in the velocity of water over the weir and greater stability to the weir assembly. Conventional type skimmers utilizing hinged weirs, oscillate freely with wave motion and consequently are not conducive toward causing a thin layer of water to flow over the weir, still less a thin layer which is more or less stable. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. Preferably the inner wall is formed with an initial portion 51 at an approximate angle of 45 with the vertical outer wall, and a second portion 53 making an angle of approximately 10 with said outer wall. At the location on the pool wall for mounting of the skimmer assembly, the metal panel is provided with a rectangular opening 71 whose one dimension is longer than that of the corresponding tunnel flanges, and whose other dimension is less than the remaining tunnel flanges and preferably approximately the comparable dimension of the mouth of the tunnel. An adjustable cover assembly 19 slidably fits the upper end of the housing to enable adjustment as to height to match up with the pool deck 21. Assignors: JACUZZI BROS., INC., JACUZZI WHIRLPOOL BATH, INC. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in. 3 is a fragmentary view in section depicting the substitution of a vacuum attachment for use in lieu of the weir assembly of FIG. Installed just above the strainer basket is a floating weir assembly 27. Assigned to JACUZZI INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION, Assignors: JACUZZI INC., A FORMER DELAWARE CORPORATION, NUNC PRO TUNC ASSIGNMENT EFFECTIVE AS OF 6-30-98, Assignors: JACUZZI INC.( A FORMER DELAWARE CORPORATION), , , BUILDINGS OR LIKE STRUCTURES FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSES; SWIMMING OR SPLASH BATHS OR POOLS; MASTS; FENCING; TENTS OR CANOPIES, IN GENERAL, Devices or arrangements for circulating water, i.e. NUNC PRO TUNC ASSIGNMENT EFFECTIVE AS OF 6-30-98;ASSIGNOR:JACUZZI INC.( A FORMER DELAWARE CORPORATION);REEL/FRAME:010061/0874. 5 is a plan view of the weir assembly of FIG. JACUZZI INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION, CALIFORNIA, Free format text: 1, for use in vacuuming a pool; FIG. With this simplified design of the second embodiment, the float characteristic is primarily attributed to the fact that when installed in the weir assembly housing, air will be trapped within the inverted channel to create an air chamber, thus providing the necessary buoyancy. Sorry, there was a problem saving your cookie preferences. 1996-2022,, Inc. or its affiliates, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. Owner name: It also analyses reviews to verify trustworthiness. Assigned to JACUZZI INC., A CORP. OF DE A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF WALTER KIDDE & CO., INC. BY CHANGE OF NAME KIDDE, INC. A DE CORP. JACUZZI INC., A CORP. OF DE A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF WALTER KIDDE & CO., INC. BY CHANGE OF NAME KIDDE, INC. A DE CORP. NUNC PRO TUNC ASSIGNMENT (SEE DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS). Specification: Item Type: Skimmer Assembly Material: Plastic Product Size: Approx. While the mode of operation of the embodiment described above is not too clear, it is believed that, by reason of the clearance existing between the skirt and the proximate wall of the weir assembly housing, the buoyancy force against the bottom 33 of the float of the weir assembly will always be that exerted by the water at the level of the water in the tunnel, and that this buoyancy force will be opposed by the suction force of the pump when the pump is functioning, plus the weight of the layer of water flowing over the weir. In this embodiment the necessary additional buoyancy force to acheive objects of the present invention, is attributed to the fact that the air, being trapped, becomes an air cushion having the qualities of a spring, and will, accordingly, due to compression of this air cushion, offer resistance to dropping of the float by action of the pump.
The skimmer assembly thus illustrated involves a substantially cylindrical housing 1 terminating in a bottom 3 provided with a pair of openings 5, 7, the housing being associated with a tunnel 9 extending laterally therefrom at an intermediate location thereof, both the cylindrical housing and tunnel preferably being of plastic, reinforced by external molded ribbing. This leaves a slim opening along the remaining flange, which opening is then closed by a backing plate 77 applied against the rear of this flange and the proximate edge of the metal panel opening, to which the backing plate is affixed by mounting bolts. This vacuum cover includes a vertical neck 60 for attachment of a vacuum hose 61 which connects to a pool vacuum cleaner. 9). Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings, help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.
Application filed by Jacuzzi Brothers Inc. Up to this point, the skimmer assembly will function in a more or less conventional manner when installed in a pool wall, and properly connected to the pool pump. In conjunction with the foregoing features of the skimmer assembly of the present invention, the skimmer assembly is so designed as to greatly facilitate installation thereof in the wall of a pool, particularly a pool of the liner type wherein the wall is fabricated of metal panel 65 which is then covered with a liner 66 of plastic or comparable material. Unable to add item to List. 6 is a front view partly broken away of the skimmer assembly installed in a pool wall; FIGS. Upon starting up of the pump, water will be withdrawn from the weir assembly housing to the point that the weir assembly will now be somewhat submerged below the level of the water in the tunnel, thereby causing a flow of water over the weir into the weir assembly housing and to the pump, via the strainer basket which will remove any debris such as leaves and the like.
JACUZZI INC., 11511 NEW BENTON HIGHWAY, LITTLE ROC, Free format text: Efficiency in skimming can be realized by reducing the thickness of the layer of water flowing over the weir, for this results in higher velocities at the surface to give better skimming action. Extend Machine Life Timely replacement of accessories is conducive to the extension of the service life of the machine, this skimmer gate weir baffle is suitable forPENTAIR. The present invention relates to swimming pool installations and more particularly to a skimmer assembly for installation in the wall of a pool to promote skimming of the surface of a pool in order to remove floating debris which may have accumulated therein. From the foregoing description of my invention in its preferred form, it will be appreciated that the same fulfills all the objects attributed thereto, and while I have illustrated and described my invention in considerable details, it will be appreciated that the same is subject to alteration and modification without departing from the underlying principles involved, and I, accordingly, do not desire to be limited in my protection to the specific details illustrated and described, except as may be necessitated by the appended claims.
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