l add photo to question. If the
Will add photo to question. If the airflow is too weak (dirty filters, externally obstructed, or a failing fan), or the humidity very high at fairly low temperature, ice builds up on the coils. Now it makes sense why I'm seeing that. I checked the hose, and ran water through it from a garden faucet it's completely clear and unobstructed. Undefined behavior (according to clang -fsanitize=integer) on libstdc++ std::random due to negative index on Mersenne Twister engine.
It was a bone dry day. Water would drain between cycles. The p-trap on a AC unit is there to prevent air from coming into the unit through the condensate drain as described here: Since the Air Conditioner is at a negative pressure relative to the outside air, the outside air will rush into the air conditioner through any openings (the condensation drain, is an opening).
The fact you've had it running reliably for years is great. But we'll see. Then the heat pump cuts out, but the fan might keep running.
I had a DeLonghi with "de-icing" system, it heated the cold coil somehow so that instead of slowly melting, the ice would just fall down in solid form.
I hooked up the hose, as per the owner's manual. Internally, our Artic King dehumidifier has a small pipe coming out of the dehumidifier over the bucket. Is this Gap Between New Studs And Joists Okay (Non-Structural)?
Imagine blowing air in each and which would be easier to stop water flowing from.
Unscrew the hose and have a look into the nipple with a flashlight to see if something is growing in there. 2022 iFixit Licensed under Creative Commons Privacy
The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been.
On our A/C the air rushing in through the condensation drain was preventing the water from exiting through the drain. It ended up being the actual drain hose connected to the unit. The former is not relevant here but the latter is. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. of the bucket filling up today. After reading that a black slime/gunk builds up I cleaned both the hose and the 90 degree elbow at the rear of the unit which connects to the hose. The only remaining theory is negative pressure, and while the randomness of it remains unexplained, I've added a trap as explained in an update to the question.
But if it's under negative pressure, perhaps the image shows the amount of water column height needed to keep it from being pulled into the pan. The problem I am describing is with units that employ gravity. Is it permissible to walk along a taxiway at an uncontrolled airport to reach airport facilities? drain tube level with the top of the water bucket. Better drainage has helped but if I don't run a dehumidifier 3-seasons of the year, my tools rust, and anything that absorbs humidity like paper or cardboard will be damp to the touch. The deh was placed higher than the end of the hose outlet (only about 6 inches; deh on a worktop next to a sink). "Hardy-ian", "Hard-ian", "Hard-enian". There must be something about the design of all these that is causing this.. Any clues? My basement is pretty damp without dehumidification. Sorry busy morning and I just looked more closely at this.
What organelles(parts of a cell) did early cells most likely have? If the air is too wet, that will never happen. Pump only pulls from the surface and the bucket remains full.
And if it would be sufficient to install a P trap on the usual continuous flow connection and flush the hose manually once a year or so. Help? Here's one further possibility: an ice blockage. Why? i have the same problem, cleaned the hose, tightened the hose with a plier, water STILL goes in both the bucket and through the hose into the sump pump. @jay613 Why would it matter if the air was from the outside of the house or not with regard to causing negative pressure within the drip pan? I had luck at one point by making sure the machine was pitched downward toward the back(where the hose comes out) as the surface was uneven. CityguyUSA.
Who knows, maybe protecting the area with some large-mesh steel net would have worked too. Hose leak right at the coupler, or faulty gasket in the coupler, or in my case a limp wrist doing the tightening. Maybe a great solution as long as the hose never gunks up thennit may be a bad solution. Hmmm.
If the dehumidifier uses a pump to actively remove water from the collection bucket, then it could be an issue with the controls system. What I can tell is that the ice builds up underneath the condensor coils and blocks the outlet. Can you explain any more? I found this page which has a lot of technical details around p-traps and includes this helpful image: Initially I wrote that I thought the image is inaccurate because water will find it's level. Follow your dehumidifier manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and sanitizing the unit.
After a while the hose drainage would again stop working and the bucket would fill up. Since I did that about 3 weeks ago I havent had any problems but can assume the gunk will build up again and I will have to repeat the process. The higher velocity of the water seems to keep the inside of the hose clear of slime and also cope with any slime in the bucket; far from the hose there appears to be some buildup on the bucket floor but near where the hose picks up it's relatively clean.. The ice should melt and drip, but it can come off in lumps, and those can block the hose outlet. I've had the same effect cause an intermittent leak onto the floor because the outlet from the drip tray to the bucket blocked. Water is 400x heavier than air.
The solution was to return it and buy a more expensive brand that the manufacturer confirmed would remember its settings between power cycles. One thing that is different is that the hole to the bucket is positioned vertically and the hole to the drain is horizontal. On the other hand, why then would the water drain down into the bucket? I too had exactly this happening to me. If it were not working, the bucket would fill up several times a week. Also, it might not be all or nothing. TBD. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Cholera Vaccine: Dubai? A loose or faulty fitting would cause water to drip on the floor, not in the bucket. Does absence of evidence mean evidence of absence? The unit is tilted instead of upright as it should be. This is corroborated by my internet tutorials on a similar problem with central A/Cs. I flushed the hose. I want to give Glen Yates the credit for cracking this (at least for my situation, which may or may not be the same as the OPs) but his comment on the question about p-trap put this together for me. After working perfectly for 5 years, the dehumidifier started draining into the bucket, instead of the floor drain. I had this problem with 5 machines from 3 manufacturers over the last 15 years. Possibly the two above things combine.
Consider the next sentence after the quote above: "So water was building up in our A/C unit and when it would turn off Woosh All that water would pour out of any hole it could find!" Is this a design issue??? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. If it is sealed with a cap it fills up, and the water rises to the level of the higher outlet that goes to the bucket. lter.
Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The end of the hose was cut at an angle to prevent it sucking flat against the base of the bucket. occurrences that are not the result of defective workmanship or materials in this appliance. It might help to run some Clorox water through the pipe to kill off and bacteria to help slow the next blockage. The exit hole to the bucket should suffer exactly the same fate. I just watched this video demonstrating your point. By stoppering the other outlet, the water accumulated in the tray and the ice had time to melt down, or maybe it was just floated upwards, unblocking the hose. New TLC DEA 50E with pump.
How to tell reviewers that I can't update my results. Check Operating Instructions. I can't be sure about every one of the units that did this, but in my current and previous one the hose outlet is outside the cabinet. Intend to use the bucket to collect water, but the back drain plug is removed. Can I use a portable air conditioner/dehumidifier as a dehumidifier in the winter at cold temperatures? Jeremy Roberts
To further clarify, one of my previous units had a "hose adapter" that INTERNALLY screwed into the machine but my current and all other ones had a hose "outlet", fully and permanently integrated into the inner drip tray and sticking outside the machine where the hose attaches.
I cleared some green growth in the hose that apparently had been blocking the water from dripping down the tube . By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Water bucket is not in the proper position. The problem with my current unit and at least one previous one is not a loose hose or gasket. As @ChrisH describes, and I'll add a diagram to the question soon if the water can fall out the hose it does, but if it's capped off the water backs up and falls out another hole into the bucket. I've seen that gunk too in my older machines, but I determined that they were NOT blocking the exit or the hose. I'm going to experiment. Temps are in the 70s. Before calling for service, review this list. The design in your pictures is different from my unit, so it appears that a loose internal hose may not be the problem, at least on the present unit. It does not coil or rise back up at any point. I have created a makeshift "trap" for my unit using its cord keeper. The hose has to go down on normal dehumidifiers but some have pumps and can drain up. In normal circumstances, the unit will cycle frequently enough that the water doesn't reach the level required to go into the bucket (per your drawing.) I had a similar issue that occurred suddenly. There is a bucket to collect water, and also an outlet for a hose where the water can flow out so water does not collect in the bucket. You might have one of these blobs occasionally getting big enough to block the channel that leads to the the drain hose, backing up the condensate until it spills into the tank. I disassembled several of the units, and they all used the same simple system to select hose or bucket: There is drip tray to collect moisture and the tray has two outlets, one higher than the other. The hose is not very long. The slow flow experienced by a relatively narrow hose seemed to further exacerbate the problem as did the small amount of water emitted regularly in continuous drain mode. I like this idea. Buy a more expensive one for something it should be able to do anyway. None of the others even had a pump. Yup, that's what it is. Use the qtip to clean out the l-shaped nozzle. Then I put silicon glue around the hose adapter and pushed it through the hole and the secured it in place with two #8 machine screws, lock washers, and nuts. If the fan shuts down between cycles that would strongly support the negative pressure theory. Make sure there are no curtains, blinds or furniture blocking the front or back of the.
Bangalore? @jroberts1. Possibly a P trap in the exit hose will help. The drain tube is positioned level with the water bucket instead near the bottom. Maybe this will help you as well. The problem turned out to be a large growth of red algae inside the hose. The basement was about 20 C (68 F) but humidity was high, being near the seaside - 60% to 80% all the time. Room temperature is too low, below 41F (5C). This list includes common.
After I chose a preferred referee for a submitted paper, is it un ethical to drop an email to the referee saying that I suggested their name?
My neighbor needs a 20 ft. hose to get from the dehumidifier to the floor drain. But you're right, a shallow tray would have flood the floor. The lower outlet goes to the hose. If it's pulling air through the drain line, water can't exit through it and it ends up in the bucket. My husband has it on a block about halfway to the drain to keep it up. My cheap one just uses fluid flow to select continuous or bucket. It will often be filled and the dehumidifier stopped.
It will be hard to say conclusively if this is working or not, since I cannot correlate this with weather or anything else, and it's quite normal to go more than a month without the problem. The humidity control may not be set low enough. How to achieve full scale deflection on a 30A ammeter with 5V voltage? But if it's running continuously for a long time, there's no pause in the negative pressure and it will drain to the bucket and then stop running once it's full. This solution is what finally answered my problem.
smell from vanity drain hole when AC fan is on.
Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. I've seen gelatinous blobs of some kind of fungus living in a dehumidifier. I just had this happen again and it was after a heavy rainfall that lasted for multiple days. Aug 10, 2021 by good old market segmentation right there. We had a cheap dehumidifier that had to be set explicitly to "continuous mode" before it would employ the pump. Hose to connector or hose connection may be loose.
What next???
But then Glen mentioned a p-trap. I have to look at whether my new dehumidifier is set to run its fan constantly or only when dehumidifying. Nov 1, 2019 by
My dehumidifier was new. We have had a couple of rain storms over the past month where there was more moisture in the basement walls and air than usual. These are error codes and protection code.
They'll melt by the time you can strip the machine down. Maybe the drain is just slowed enough to back up.
Luckily, my drip tray was 5 cm deep, so I could just stopper the drip tray outlet without risking flooding the floor. Tube etc. My next solution was to buy kids craft pipe cleaner, twist 2-3 together to form a single pipe cleaner, and feed it into the back of the 90 degree elbow and as far in the back of the unit as I could.
It only takes a minute to sign up. If the water can get out the hose hole, it will. rev2022.7.29.42699. CityguyUSA, The hose has to flow downward to the drain. For AC there are two reasons for that: to improve efficiency and to allow water to escape. Then I attached the hose to the front. I can positively say that high humidity, ice, and gunk are not the cause. all installed properly. @LSerni could you determine what was causing the water to a) stop flowing through the hose and then later b) start again? So I'm going to be hooking up a p-trap on the drain connection of my unit. One of my dehumidifiers had a pump option that I never used.
Thanks for contributing an answer to Home Improvement Stack Exchange! I place the dehumidifier up on blocks and the end of the hose inside a sump pit, so there is about 3 feet of vertical fall through the hose. And I looked into it and it all makes sense. Convert all small words (2-3 characters) to upper case with awk or sed. Between yesterday and today, the bucket filled up and the machine stopped. E.g.
I bent a Q-tip and stuck it inside the drain hose and slime and backed up water came gushing out.
A p-trap wouldn't help if that were the case. Why is my aircon increasing relative humidity? The negative pressure theory would be exacerbated by a dirty filter, and by periods of high humidity such as after a storm, and by setting the machine's fan to run continuously rather than in cycle with the dehumidification. It's impossible to photograph this without destroying the machine so here is a diagram: Some truly enlightening discussion in the answers and comments here. Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. er has reached its preset level or bucket is full. Also, my current machine is less than two months old and has absolutely no mold, fungus, dust or anything else collecting or blocking anything. Any solution to this problem atm I am using peroxide to clean the system as this will break down any organic material. and it works reliably now, with one particular exception: when we get heavy rains, I have learned that I need to go down and check the bucket. It may save you time and money. Although, if the explanations here are correct it might be better to just flush or replace the hose a couple of times a year. This sounds like a leak at the internal connection from the bucket drip point to the hose adapter. How could it be that the dehumidifier was pulling more water out of the air than a garden hose can handle? It also has an attachment to convert the unit from bucket to hose. Simple and foolproof, unless the fool loses the screw cap for the hose fitting. Check the house fuse/circuit breaker box. What would the term for pomegranate orchard be in latin or ancient greek? Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. That airflow back into the pan prevents water from going into it. I found another black gunk buildup in there. Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Dehumidifier Toshiba TDDP2213ES2C User Manual, Dehumidifier Toshiba TDDP2012ES2 User Manual, Dehumidifier Toshiba TDDP2012ES2C User Manual, Dehumidifier Toshiba RAD-X200H Instruction Manual.
I don't think the negative pressure is enough to suck water up the hose/pipe. Ice. If the fan is on constantly (as I believe it is) the question remains, why does it EVER drain if negative pressure is the culprit? How do we get the water to drain through the hose like it used to instead of collecting in the bucket?
It is lower there than at the humidifier and lower still at the drain.. seems to be working ok. In the end I made a modification to the bucket that resolved things and have since run a deh for several years without tending to it at all: I drilled a hole in the side of the bucket (blue), below the maximum water level (yellow) defined by the float mechanism that shuts off the deh, and slightly smaller than the hose (red) outer diameter, so that the hose made a good seal when pushed through the hole. Use the qtip to clean that nozzle and water should come rushing out. Maybe manually annually, or maybe by connecting the hose to the bucket instead of the hose connection, as described in one of the answers. I'm going to summarize the leading theories that I intend to test through experimentation in the coming weeks: Edit 3 is 33 days after Edit 2. Mine does not run constantly.
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