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cotton linter allergy


Chemicals that are beta-blockers and may be components of other drugs: Acebutolol, Atenolol, Esmolol, Metoprolol, Nadolol, Penbutolol, Pindolol, Propanolol, Timolol, Labetalol, Carteolol.1, Beta-adrenergic agents. Subcutaneous injections of increasing doses of allergenic extract into patients with allergic disease have been shown to result in both humoral and cellular changes including the production of allergen-specific IgG antibodies, the suppression of histamine release from target cells, decrease in circulating levels of antigen specific IgE antibody over long periods of time and suppression of peripheral blood T-lymphocyte cell responses to antigen.10, 14, 15. Patients who have been taking beta-blockers may be unresponsive to epinephrine. NIAID Task Force Report, U.S. Dept. Injections should never be given intravenously. Willoughby, J.W. 3. Monitor airways for obstruction. The diluting effect of individual components within a mixture may cause false negative reactions. 49288-0285-5, Sensitive patients may experience severe anaphylactic reactions resulting in respiratory obstruction, shock, coma and/or death. Allergenic extracts are highly potent to sensitive individuals and OVERDOSE could result in anaphylactic symptoms. Sterile solutions, vials, syringes, etc. 66, No. Inhaled beta2 agonists in the usual doses used for the treatment of asthma do not usually inhibit allergen-induced skin tests. HEW, NIH Publication No. Antigen E content expressed as units of Antigen E per milliliter (U/ml) is printed on container label. 49288-0581-5, Strongly positive skin tests may be risk factors for systemic reactions. 49288-0403-5, A cotton allergy may also express itself in respiratory problems, such as asthma and rhinitis, or inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes. Some people experience allergic reactions when they wear cotton clothing or when they sleep on cotton pillowcases. Immunotherapy must be given under physicians supervision. 49288-0582-2, Dosages progressively increase according to the tolerance of the patient at intervals of one to seven days until, (1) the patient achieves relief from symptoms, (2) induration at the site of injection is no larger than 50 mm in 36 to 48 hours, (3) a maintenance dose is reached (the largest dose tolerated by the patient that relieves symptoms without undesirable local or systemic reactions). Refer to boxed WARNINGS, PRECAUTIONS, ADVERSE REACTIONS and OVERDOSAGE sections for additional information on serious adverse reactions and steps to be taken, if any occur. Repeat dose in 5-10 minutes if necessary. 6, pp. Presence in Breast Milk, Medline Plus, It is not known whether allergenic extracts cause fetal harm during pregnancy or affect reproductive capacity. For this reason, cotton factory workers may develop an allergy to cotton fibers. Survey of Fatalities from Skin Testing and Immunotherapy 1985-1989, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Vol. Patients who have experienced a recent myocardial infarction may not be tolerant of immunotherapy. Ten-fold dilution to 10-6 of a 1:10 w/v (10%) extract would be a safe starting dilution. 1986, "British Journal of Industrial Medicine"; An Investigation of Allergy in; V. Popa, et al; Apr. It is not known whether allergenic extracts are excreted in human milk. Therefore, it is imperative that physicians administering allergenic extracts understand and prepare for treatment of severe reactions. 6. Patients receiving beta-blockers may not be responsive to epinephrine or inhaled bronchodilators. Bousquet, Jean: In vivo methods for study of allergy: Skin tests Third Edition, Allergy Principles and Practice, C.V. Mosby Co., Vol. 1213-1219. 49288-0581-2, PubMed, The epinephrine HCL 1:1000 dose for infants to 2 years is 0.05 to 0.1 ml; for children 2 to 6 years it is 0.15 ml; for children 6 to 12 years it is 0.2 ml. Clinical Trials, 4, p. 52, edited by Middleton et al. Smaller, less conclusive reactions may be considered positive in conjunction with a definitive history of symptoms on exposure to the allergen. 49288-0285-1, 49288-0403-1, (current), tobacco leaf allergenic extract 100 MG/mL Injectable Solution, tobacco leaf allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution, Nicotiana tabacum leaf extract 0.1 GM/ML Injectable Solution, Nicotiana tabacum leaf extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution, orris root allergenic extract 100 MG/ML Injectable Solution, Iris germanica var. Finally, it was shown that specific immunotherapy in patients treated with ragweed pollen extract induced a decreased late-phase reaction.1. 15.

14. In such cases dosage should be reduced to the last level not causing reaction and maintained for two or three treatments before cautiously increasing.

11. Subcutaneous injection is the recommended route. Aseptic technique must be observed in making dilutions from stock concentrates. 7. 49288-0581-3,

133-138. Hence, the importance of a good patient history. Alternatively, some people who think that they are allergic to cotton may actually react to dyes applied to cotton textiles. It is important that a new, sterile, disposable syringe and needle be used for each extract tested. A cotton allergy may express itself in dermatitis, an inflammation of the skin characterized by such phenomena as rashes. However, it causes discomfort to individuals who are allergic to cotton. This schedule is intended only as a guide and must be modified according to the reactivity of the individual patient. IN THESE CASES THE POTENCY FOR SKIN TESTS AND THE ESCALATION OF THE TREATMENT DOSE MUST BE ADJUSTED TO THE PATIENTS SENSITIVITY AND TOLERANCE. : Inhalant Allergy Immunotherapy with Standardized and Nonstandardized Allergenic Extracts, American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery: Instructional Courses, Vol. Dilutions of the allergenic extracts containing less than 50% glycerine are less stable. and Melmon, K.: Generation of antigen-specific suppressor cells during allergy desensitization, New England Journal of Medicine, 302, May 29, 1980, pp. 1365-1376, 1988. Nelson, H.S. Needless to say, the physician must proceed cautiously in the treatment of the highly sensitive patient who develops large local or systemic reactions.6, Some patients may tolerate larger doses of the allergenic extract depending on patient response.7 Because diluted extract tends to lose activity in storage, the first dose from a more concentrated vial should be the same, or less than, the previous dose.8, 12. & Articles, All Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit. Other drugs have been shown to decrease skin test reactivity. 49288-0343-4, Injections should never be given intravenously. 12. 49288-0582-5, Oxygen should be given by mask if indicated. The usual precautions in administering allergenic extracts are necessary, refer to boxed WARNINGS and WARNINGS section. View Labeling Archives, Seebohm, P.M., et al: Panel on Review of Allergenic Extracts, Final Report, Food and Drug Administration, March 13, 1981, pp 9-48. See Serial Dilutions Titration Test Dilutions chart on the next page. Patients switching from other types of extracts to Antigen Laboratories allergenic extracts should be started as if they were undergoing treatment for the first time. The usual duration of treatment has not been established. These detergent allergens may adhere to the cotton fabric, where they may provoke an allergic reaction in a sensitized individual. must be used. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk, caution should be exercised when allergenic extracts are administered to a nursing woman. Adverse reactions to allergenic extracts are usually apparent within 20-30 minutes following injection of immunotherapy. Holgate, S.T., Robinson, C., Church, Mike: Mediators of Immediate Hypersensitivity, Third Edition, Allergy Principles and Practice, C.V. Mosby Co., Vol. (See Serial Dilution Titration Test Dilutions chart below.) This maintenance dose may be continued at regular intervals perennially. 49288-0403-3, Loosen tourniquet briefly at 5 minute intervals to prevent circulatory impairment. 49288-0343-2, This initial dilution can be prepared by diluting 1:20 to 1:50 w/v (2%-5%) extracts five-fold to 5-4 or 1:10 w/v (10%) extracts to 5-5. Moreover, the cotton dust to which cotton factory workers are exposed contains other components besides cotton, such as inorganic matter, bacteria, molds, and pesticide residue. November 13, 2009. 79-387, Chapter 4, pp. Refer to OVERDOSAGE section. 49288-0403-2, 49288-0344-1, (4) Sensitive patients with a positive prick-puncture test require a further dilution to at least 1:312,500 w/v. Less sensitive individuals can be tested intradermally with an appropriately diluted extract. (3) For patients without a history of extreme sensitivity, or a negative or weakly reactive prick-puncture test, the initial dilution for skin testing should be a dilution at least 1:12,500 w/v. View NDC Code(s)NEW! The endpoint dilution is used as a starting dose concentration for immunotherapy. Withdraw plunger slightly after inserting needle to determine if a blood vessel has been entered. 49288-0272-5, Get Label RSS Feed, This effect may last for a few weeks. Epinephrine 1:1000 should be available. 5. Reactions should not be considered significant unless they persist for at least 24 hours or exceed 50 mm in diameter. Prick-puncture testing is performed by placing a drop of extract concentrate on the skin and puncturing the skin through the drop with a small needle such as a bifurcated vaccinating needle. Food extracts made from dried raw material are extracted at 2-10% (1:50-1:10 w/v ratio) in extracting fluid containing 50% glycerine. The initial dilution of allergenic extract, starting dose, and progression of dosage must be carefully determined on the basis of the patients history and results of skin tests. IMMUNOTHERAPY: If the first injection of the initial dilution of extract is tolerated without significant local reaction, increasing doses by 5-20% increments of that dilution may be administered. However, some allergic reactions in cotton factory workers are not caused by the cotton fibers themselves, but by allergens added to the fibers while the cotton is being processed. Extreme caution is necessary when using diagnostic skin tests or injection treatment in highly sensitive patients who have experienced severe symptoms or anaphylaxis by natural exposure, or during previous skin testing or treatment. The following treatment will be effective whether or not patient is taking a beta-blocker: Aminophylline IV, slow push or drip, Atrovent (Ipratropium bromide) Inhaler, 3 inhalations repeated, Atropine, 0.4 mg/ml, 0.75 to 1.5 ml IM or IV, Solu-Cortef, 100-200 mg IM or IV, Solu-Medrol, 125 mg IM or IV, Glucagon, 0.5-1 mg IM or IV, Benadryl, 50 mg IM or IV, Cimetidine, 300 mg IM or IV, Oxygen via ambu bag. Confirmation is determined by skin testing. A negative control (50% glycerine for prick-puncture testing) would exclude false-positive reactions due to ingredients in diluent or patients who have dermatographism. 6-15, 1993. In some cases, they have a true cotton allergy. 49288-0154-3, Antihistamines, H2 antagonist, bronchodilators, steroids and theophylline may be used as indicated after providing adequate epinephrine and circulatory support.4. (1) Start testing with the most dilute allergenic extract concentration. Cromolyn inhaled or injected prior to skin tests with allergens or degranulating agents does not alter skin whealing response.1, Other drugs. 49288-0583-5. Refer to container label for actual Antigen E content. 49288-0285-4, Wasserman, S.: The Mast Cell and the Inflammatory Response.

49288-0344-5, 123-222, 1972.

Dust mites are another possible cause of an allergic reaction wrongly attributed to cotton. ; 2007, Pak Tribune; Baby Girl Dies of Cotton Allergy; Nov. 2005. A Web Experience brought to you by LEAFtv, "Environmental Health Perspectives"; Immunologic Responses to; John Salvaggio; Apr. 76-113, 1985. Fatalities are rare but can occur.5 Other possible systemic reaction symptoms are fainting, pallor, bradycardia, hypotension, angioedema, cough, wheezing, conjunctivitis, rhinitis,and urticaria.13, 14. Files, All Mapping These fibers grow on cotton seeds inside the cotton boll, or the fruit of the cotton plant. The initial dose must be based on skin testing as described in the DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION section of this insert. Some people are allergic to cotton fibers. florentina root extract 50 MG/ML Injectable Solution. Treatment and emergency measures, as well as personnel trained in their use, must be available in the event of a life-threatening reaction. Symptoms of progressive anaphylaxis include airway obstruction and/or vascular collapse. The rate of increase in dosage in the early stages of treatment with highly diluted extracts is usually more rapid than the rate of increase possible with more concentrated extracts.

49288-0583-3, Intracutaneously inject 0.01 to 0.02 ml of the test allergen to form a 4 mm diameter superficial skin wheal. 17. may be prepared either by dilution from a more concentrated stock or by direct extraction. To view updated drug label links, paste the RSS feed address (URL) shown below into a RSS reader, or use a browser which supports RSS feeds, such as Safari for Mac OS X. 49288-0272-2, 417-425, June 1979. Antihistamines inhibit the wheal and flare reaction. Discontinue use of the tourniquet after hour. Subsequent exposure to the allergen results in a combination of allergen with IgE antibody fixed on mast cells or basophil membranes. Long acting antihistamines (e.g., astemizole) may inhibit the wheal and flare for up to forty days.1, 2, Imipramines, phenothiazines, and tranquilizers. Patients should be observed for at least 20 minutes following allergenic extract injections. INTRADERMAL TESTING-SKIN ENDPOINT TITRATION: The allergenic extracts to which the patient is sensitive, the patients degree of sensitivity and the dose of allergen to be used in immunotherapy can be determined through the use of intracutaneous skin tests involving progressive five-fold dilutions of allergenic extracts. 6, p. 511, December 1980. Patients extremely sensitive to a common allergen in several components of a mixture may be more likely to experience a systemic reaction than when skin tested individually for each component.9. 10. Prolonged pain or pain radiating up arm is usually the result of intramuscular injection, making this injection route undesirable. Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility: Long term studies in animals have not been conducted with allergenic extract to determine their potential for carcinogenicity, mutagenicity or impairment of fertility. 49288-0583-4, 49288-0285-3, Long, W.F., Taylor, R.J., Wagner, C.J., et al. To insure maximum potency for the entire dating period, all stock concentrates contain 50% glycerine v/v. Epinephrine or beta-adrenergic drugs (Alupent) may be ineffective. florentina root allergenic extract 0.05 GM/ML Injectable Solution, Iris germanica var. Due to inconsistencies between the drug labels on DailyMed and the pill images provided by RxImage, we no longer display the RxImage pill images associated with drug labels. Patients being switched from one lot of extract to another from the same manufacturer should have the dose reduced by 75%. We anticipate reposting the images once we are able identify and filter out images that do not match the information provided in the drug labels. Respiratory obstruction not responding to parenteral or inhaled bronchodilators may require theophylline, oxygen, intubation and the use of life support systems. Antigen Laboratories allergenic extracts are manufactured from source material listed on the vial label. 49288-0154-4, 49288-0154-5, If you are a consumer or patient please visit The flowers of the cotton plant rest on a structure called a receptacle. It cannot be overemphasized that, under certain unpredictable combinations of circumstances, anaphylactic shock is always a possibility. Careful attention to dosage and administration limit such reactions. Allergy Clin. Extract should be temporarily withheld or dosage reduced in case of any of the following conditions: 1) flu or other infection with fever; 2) exposure to excessive amounts of allergen prior to injection; 3) rhinitis and/or asthma exhibiting severe symptoms; 4) adverse reaction to previous injection until cause of reaction has been evaluated by physician supervising patients immunotherapy program.

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