A further important observation
A further important observation regarding adverse responses to developmental exposures of animals to very low doses of BPA is that many relate to disease trends in humans.
4. 2009). These additives include inorganic fillers such as carbon and silica that reinforce the material, plasticizers to render the material pliable, thermal and ultraviolet stabilizers, flame retardants and colourings. Eat sea urchins. However, there is considerable regional variation in recycling rates and globally only a small proportion of plastic waste is recycled (see Barnes et al. Degradation of these polymers in landfills is also likely to be slow and may create unwanted methane emissions. 2009). Studies of mixtures of chemicals therefore also need to extend beyond mixtures of the same class of chemical, such as mixtures of different phthalates or of different PCBs. As a consequence, use of degradable polymers is not advocated for primary retail packaging (WRAP 2009). Lead students in a class brainstorm to think about as many things made of plastic that they touched that day that they can remember. A recent workshop convened in the USA by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration concluded that microplastics be defined as pieces <5 mm with a suggested lower size boundary of 333 m so as to focus on microplastics that will be captured using conventional sampling approaches (Arthur et al. More importantly, what are the environmental and health impacts of having this synthetic material literally at our fingertips every single day? Consumer products could be found on roughly half of the objects. 2009). As plastic build up in our lands, rivers and oceans, to the detriment of living organisms, the usefulness of resources and the functioning ecosystem services, it becomes a pollutant (Hill, 2010).
In adults, there is some evidence of a negative association between phthalate metabolites and semen quality (Meeker & Sathyanarayana) and between high exposures to phthalates (workers producing PVC flooring) and free testosterone levels. On Henderson Island, an uninhabited atoll in the Pitcairn Group isolated halfway between Chile and New Zealand, scientists found plastic items from Russia, the United States, Europe, South America, Japan, and China. Stomachs so packed with plastics reduce the urge to eat, causing starvation. Now, after centuries of degradation, both people and wildlife are finding their way back to city waters. Can restoring mangroves protect Miami from rising seas? Plastic debris distribution is extremely variable due to a variety of factors including wind and ocean currents, metropolitan areas, coastline geography, and trade routes. Then, with a partner, have students summarize the criteria on the rubric. It has also been suggested that because of the longevity of plastics, disposal to landfill may simply be storing problems for the future (Barnes et al. Indeed we also need to consider a 5th R, molecular redesign, as an emerging and potentially very important strategy. In conclusion, plastics offer considerable benefits for the future, but it is evident that our current approaches to production, use and disposal are not sustainable and present concerns for wildlife and human health. The biomonitoring approach has demonstrated phthalates and BPA, as well as other additives in plastics and their metabolites, are present in the human population. 2009) and this will be considered later in 6. 2009; Gregory 2009). Except maybe plastic.. Inform students that they will now be creating a bar graph so they can see which types of plastics are in their classroom. However, it is the very same strengths of plastic which make them so problematicthey remain in the environment, longafter they are disposed. Substantial quantities of plastic have accumulated in the natural environment and in landfills. And people seem to be listening. An initial attempt at examining more than one phthalate as a contributor to abnormal genital development in babies has shown the importance of this approach (Swan 2008).
As a result of its versatility, plastic has replaced many traditional materials (i.e. They are often described as renewable polymers since the original biomass, for example corn grown in agriculture, can be reproduced. The recycling message is simple; both industry and society need to regard end-of-life items, including plastics, as raw materials rather than waste.
This lists the logos of programs or partners of NG Education which have provided or contributed the content on this page. A., Hamber J. But theyre also destroying the marshes that keep the lagoon alive. Collect, represent, and analyze data to understand the use of plastic in their classroom. Have students read through the project description and rubric and identify areas of confusion.
There are also some data on littering in the urban environment (for example compiled by EnCams in the UK; http://www.encams.org/home); however, by comparison with the marine environment, there is a distinct lack of data on the accumulation of plastic debris in natural terrestrial and freshwater habitats. 2009). Conservation organizations such as the UK Marine Conservation Society play an important role in education, and the annual beach cleans they organize can be a good way to raise public awareness and to collect data on trends in the abundance of debris on shorelines (see www.mcsuk.org and Ocean Conservancy, International Coastal Cleanup www.oceanconservancy.org). Manufacturing compounds contaminate the air by discharging gases into the air and water. 2009). Trash is also carried to sea by major rivers, which act as conveyor belts, picking up more and more trash as they move downstream. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Better yet, we should break the plastic addiction. Looking ahead, we do not appear to be approaching the end of the plastic age described by Yarsley and Couzens in the 1940s, and there is much that plastics can contribute to society. A., vom Saal F. S.2009, Components of plastic: experimental studies in animals and relevance for human health, Teuten E. L., Rowland S. J., Galloway T. S., Thompson R. C.2007, Potential for plastics to transport hydrophobic contaminants, Transport and release of chemicals from plastics to the environment and to wildlife, Thompson R. C., Olsen Y., Mitchell R. P., Davis A., Rowland S. J., John A. W. G., McGonigle D., Russell A. E.2004, Thompson R., Moore C., Andrady A., Gregory M., Takada H., Weisberg S.2005, Environmental Impacts of Polyvinyl Chloride Building Materials, A Healthy Building Network Report, Save the North Sea Fulmar Study 20022004: a regional pilot project for the Fulmar-Litter-EcoQO in the OSPAR area, Vandenberg L. N., Hauser R., Marcus M., Olea N., Welshons W. V.2007, Low-dose BPA: confirmed by extensive literature, Endocrine disruptors in bottled mineral water: total estrogenic burden and migration from plastic bottles, Wormuth M., Scheringer M., Vollenweider M., Hungerbuhler K.2006.
As a consequence, it is currently not possible to recycle a substantial proportion of the packaging in a typical shopping basket (Hopewell et al. Code of Ethics|
2005) and probably contributes to the high levels of BPA found in these babies since BPA is an additive in PVC plastic (Calafat et al. (2009). They do not degrade effectively in landfills and little is known about the timescale, extent or consequences of their degradation in natural environments (Barnes et al. However, life cycle analyses are required to help establish the most appropriate usage, disposal (e.g. However, plastic has a dark side.
So while biodegradable polymers offer some waste management solutions, there are limitations and considerable misunderstanding among the general public about their application (WRAP 2007). 2008). Washington, DC 20036, Careers| The rate and extent to which BPA is metabolized affect the interpretation of these findings, but even very low doses of BPA have been shown to cause significant stimulation of insulin secretion followed by insulin resistance in mice, a significant decrease in sperm production by rats, a decrease in maternal behaviour in mice and disruption of hippocampal synapses, leading to the appearance of a brain typical of that seen in senility in both rats and monkeys.
2009). However, these projects only target plastic pollution on the surface. On shorelines the quantities of debris, predominantly plastic, are greater in the Northern than in the Southern Hemisphere (Barnes 2005). Divide the room into a grid (5 x 6 units that go to the ceiling) and assign pairs or a small group of students to each unit of the grid. Please be respectful of copyright. Ask teams to group their sticky notes into like items based on the purpose of the plastic (e.g., food packaging, furniture, electronics). 2009; Oehlmann et al. They are going to answer the question asked in the video. (2009). Nearly every species of seabird eats plastics. Plastic particles have been found in our drinking water, food, the air we breathe, and, yes, within our bodies, according to reliable studies. Scrubbers are micro debris such as those found in household and cosmetic products. To gain the maximum benefit from degradable, biodegradable and compostable materials, it is, therefore, essential to identify specific uses that offer clear advantages and to refine national and international standards (e.g. Despite their buoyant nature, plastics can become fouled with marine life and sediment causing items to sink to the seabed. International Research Workshop on the occurrence, effects and fate of microplastic marine debris, 911 September 2008 NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS-OR&R30, Biodiversityinvasions by marine life on plastic debris, Remote islands reveal rapid rise of southern hemisphere sea debris, Barnes D. K. A., Galgani F., Thompson R. C., Barlaz M.2009, Accumulation and fragmentation of plastic debris in global environments, Vinyl chloridea classical industrial toxicant of new interest, Characterization of man-made foreign matter and its presence in multiple size fractions from mixed waste composting, Ghost fishing in European waters: impacts and management responses, Browne M. A., Dissanayake A., Galloway T. S., Lowe D. M., Thompson R. C.2008. Step 2: Be aware of plastic use that may be sensitive topics for students (e.g., hearing aids, prosthetics, and dental devices). 2009; Ryan et al. Measures to reduce the quantity of plastic debris in the natural environment include: (d) educational signage to reduce contamination via storm drains and (e) via industrial spillage, together with (f) booms to intercept and facilitate the removal of riverine debris. Koch & Calafat (2009) show that while mean/median exposures for the general population were below levels determined to be safe for daily exposure (USA, EPA reference dose, RfD; and European Union tolerable daily intake, TDI), the upper percentiles of di-butyl phthalate and DEHP urinary metabolite concentrations show that for some people daily intake might be substantially higher than previously assumed and could exceed estimated safe daily exposure levels.
2006; NAS 2008). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2007). 3. There is a role for individuals, via appropriate use and disposal, particularly recycling; for industry by adopting green chemistry, material reduction and by designing products for reuse and/or end-of-life recyclability and for governments and policymakers by setting standards and targets, by defining appropriate product labelling to inform and incentivize change and by funding relevant academic research and technological developments. Barnes et al.
2009). 2000), a biodegradable polymer sourced from corn and potatoes, has entered the marketplace and has the potential to make a valuable contribution among other strategies for waste management. Research on experimental animals informs epidemiologists about the potential for adverse effects in humans and thus plays a critical role in chemical risk assessments. There is now strong evidence to indicate significant potential lies in increasing our ability to effectively recycle end-of-life plastic products (WRAP 2006, 2008; Defra 2007; fig 1c). Plastic contains numerous compounds that have been accused of being endocrine disruptors and carcinogens. However, energy recovery does not reduce the demand for raw material used in plastic production, hence it is considered less energy efficient than product recovery via recycling (WRAP 2006; Defra 2007). Shaxson (2009) considers this interface from the perspectives of industry, the scientist and the policymaker. Here, we consider the subject from seven perspectives: plastics as materials; accumulation of plastic waste in the natural environment; effects of plastic debris in the environment and on wildlife; effects on humans; production, usage, disposal and waste management solutions; biopolymers, degradable and biodegradable polymer solutions; and policy measures. Break Free From Plastic, a non-profit organisation, mobilised over 70,000 volunteers in 51 countries to acquire and recognize plastic waste in 2019. Plastic pollution in the world's oceans was reported to be around 150 million tonnes in 2016, with that number expected to rise to 250 million tonnes by 2025. 2009). Around 10 per cent by weight of the municipal waste stream is plastic (Barnes et al. The potential for transport varies among contaminants, polymers and possibly also according to the state of environmental weathering of the debris. It has also demonstrated that the most common human exposure scenario is to a large number of these chemicals simultaneously. It is evident that plastics bring many societal benefits and offer future technological and medical advances. In the USA guidelines (Operation Clean-Sweep, figure1e) on handling of resin pellets are reported to have reduced spillage during trials (Moore et al.
A wide range of species with different modes of feeding including filter feeders, deposit feeders and detritivores are known to ingest plastics. Each year, the amount of plastic in the ocean waste reaching the seas grows, with the majority of the plastic approaching the seas in fragments smaller than 5 millimetres.
(2009) is the need to modify our approach to chemical testing for risk assessment. They consider their own regular interactions with plastic and how the utility and durability of plastic has contributed to its widespread use. Plastics made from fossil fuels are just over a century old. 8600 Rockville Pike There is evidence that appropriate education can influence behaviour. Teuten et al. However, the problems attracting most public and media attention are those resulting in ingestion and entanglement by wildlife. Data that have principally been collected using laboratory exposures are summarized by Oehlmann et al. 1. As a result, the UN has placed a penalty upon this trade of waste plastic until it meets the requirements. Gyres and oceanic convergences appear to be particularly contaminated, as do enclosed seas such as the Mediterranean (Barnes et al. https://www.britannica.com/science/plastic-pollution. Even with such changes, plastic debris that is already in the environment will persist for a considerable time to come. Such compounds are toxic to humans in high doses, killing the endocrine system. For example, an inverse relationship has been reported between the concentrations of DEHP metabolites in the mother's urine and anogenital distance, penile width and testicular decent in male offspring (Swan et al. They will best know the preferred format. For BPA, there is an extensive published literature showing adverse effects of exposure at very low doses, based on administration during development and to adult experimental animals. Science, 347(6223), pp.768-771. It should be noted that most work on animals has used phthalate exposures much higher than estimated daily human exposures (see above), and researchers have only recently started to investigate possible biological effects within the range of median human phthalate exposure (Talsness et al. If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact u@osu.edu. Biomonitoring (e.g. (LogOut/ Accessibility Yet over a third of current production is used to make items of packaging, which are then rapidly discarded.
Students learn basic background information about the plastics crisis, including what defines plastics, where plastic pollution comes from, and how it gets into the ocean.
On a piece of paper, have students respond to the following questions based on the data collected in this activity: Collect the exit ticket and review responses. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. Importing countries also lack the ability to process most of the plastics waste.
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