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Under conditions conducive to severe disease pressure, additional fungicide applications may be applied using an alternate fungicide registered for the crop/disease appearing on this label. HVInl7SuY9B#? ^2/I#8wMoT(T1! r%YoMN(IHkQxaHhh_)E{Joa/!Y$~+o6&4))mvM$ wC{>\ \s4Y&Pyke5-raq6D,S8}U'-}YCnt7wlzE@Ycw'=zml?HkM-.zfMD7_xFIx):`w?UH]b hf=wV4(rkR:%%eOJnb,k2TIfYaqzP?@Q+0~5ad }@s?1`Il1djqWaFFa0r'L 0q0^Bx& )R1 xxW0 nBL53F`l0N4FWc ! -! 75Z@s4FzNE^W=b EpL_%"%>MbYeeYNNKc_{,JRm0-PqZxpK~$f/$Qgl8)Hcz+( Otl6MV6nUBj95^G]bF p~= 7w/j8>|BW@_\.C(/zn 45=7@->}nfm")huC3n

endstream endobj 182 0 obj <>stream ?Prepare no more spray mixture than is required for the immediate operation.

There are no questions for this product yet. In Stock.

1 0 obj Vo)R$>\*s >%y|=PSvm*%L`{^STSLMJG=ImJ;^I+s5**KDwwJhY5A;|NW:&qK?M=N[KS^SCs}<6P/>WYEIc?]d\ Soil-applied maximum application rates include all uses in Part 1 and all uses in Part 2 except foliar applications. Protect your home from the most common perimeter pests, Customized program based on your location and home size, Take the guesswork out of preventing weeds and disease in your lawn, Customized to your location, grass type, and lawn size, Bushberry Subgroup 13-07B (e.g., blueberries, cranberries), Caneberry Subgroup 13-07A (e.g. It helps improve the health of roots and crop vigor if applied during the early season. Syngenta Ridomil Gold SL Fungicide is a powerful fungicide that targets and fights soilborne oomycete diseases. hbbd```b``Y"A$"_HV!70\ Yf`

5pb ]5^>A p}){W8p8gd>A6 L (8nVD;N}d *{|0,3[~Y"yeqCu!a=${tLCybn|Nw$S 0&Yy\&. Apply in a minimum of 3 gals of water per acre, unless specified otherwise. yBV(Nqv Z0QBH It comes in an easy-to-use formula so it is convenient to use and hassle-free. Apply Ridomil Gold SL as an in-furrow spray in 3-7 gal per acre of water at planting.

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Avoid application under conditions when uniform coverage cannot be obtained or when excessive spray drift may occur. HVMs6W3JfDo|Lg:4Il)1!(JKgjowyqMur1_q*zD}M.|Si2?7 }X/hdN&"z endstream endobj startxref

endobj Where mefenoxam/metalaxyl products used allow different maximum poundage of active ingredient per acre per calendar year: If more than one product containing an mefenoxam/metalaxyl active ingredient is used on an acre during the same calendar year and the mefenoxam/metalaxyl products used allow different maximum poundage of active ingredient per acre per calendar year, then the total poundage of all such mefenoxam/metalaxyl products used must not exceed the lowest specified individual mefenoxam/metalaxyl product maximum poundage of active ingredient allowed per acre per calendar year. % 5&;lk"CIM&1ws]e;1g[yh]PDE yz* RKZ_'kT*{ZE5 >= 8/DLz,>nq?%U,dzfr:0|`m,txt'Y9b#u;+4vDuL"9'ke6\m3r* %PDF-1.6 % potatoes, carrots, sugar beets), Tropical fruits (e.g. You have already flagged this document.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean.The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible.

%PDF-1.5 144 0 obj <> endobj endstream endobj 180 0 obj <>stream Application: Apply Ridomil Gold SL by ground or air in sufficient water or liquid fertilizer to provide uniform coverage of the soil surface. V3YJFGtzo9fB]32#wUm( v#iu@"E%Tkd22Le"1P+@RPXqynQ$nM2(` p5TR,HCjkPb56#yX])wy+Cuh/CI25itc ah j!dq4HPQYs"TX:q$DK*g8LNkd.k@2z$H`-2y1iTZf{%SQ5qM4 Y4AAh`Ln stream xbbd``b`@ ZVTj4Zjk?f=b J'Yic' a1YEV;CV2AFOv A;\EtWdY\i7ePjVUz]pz:^CkS8. Apply in a minimum of 20 gals per acre for ground applications and 3 gals per acre by air. v;&,VM).

stream Ideal to use on any grower's fungicide program because it features flexible application methods like ground and aerial applications. HtVn$7WX+J)s9O T} 00HX,uocO{\/yZu &o"`"vFUx'xWo{Xj5;jyjM xkm{nMF2l,cv1Du'Js&m"vb* Xi.B&euL#+3-VZoXPIsU~Z6;033E^Q>&eNR;U|av5^ %PDF-1.4 0a`zzf Excellent crop protection due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties. <> - Shop Now . <>>> Wm}dqZ*/QuGsy\"[TvoeVA| 4a[jGQ@kLgfq>2ApGp'p0+5|`0pVcSe13sH s's\d]45I6r3Mf EE<6PB9Gxgx&=2OGi*~|G#h)ykXx[w1S&xhe]eN8M454',Pr7i#dQf9|u.UO' {"iGI^;Rt; tOYq#dsyE)m.}?L@Ux*r@XJ+ne"SH[)+mx[kiqmRp^v^m8gM9GVx i If replanting is necessary, additional applications of Ridomil Gold SL may be made, provided that the total amount of active ingredient in Ridomil Gold SL applied does not exceed the maximum allowed for the specific crop. Buying Options, "Outstanding service with fast shipping and in supply products, wellpriced and backed up by an excellent company. @ emR"1|xC&6&p%P=C%,PEw^UfNR%&q8i0&,yCN4 "b2-Gqy$*9*@4 XM. QA#nElOEIRRt#UwBP9@)`zg*hJ6J3~OW\=m#3BqTlG1>U)(^La .)jS64,] ml06P2nR,3mdX*Y^L% z. %%EOF ",#(7),01444'9=82. %PDF-1.6 % P1 %Ue*pP$p)/ ]^Z

There are no reviews for this product yet. Where Mefenoxam/metalaxyl products used allow the same maximum poundage of active ingredient per acre per calendar year: If more than one product containing mefenoxam/metalaxyl active ingredient is used on an acre during the same calendar year and the mefenoxam/metalaxyl products used allow the same maximum poundage of active ingredient per acre per calendar year, then the total poundage of all such mefenoxam/metalaxyl products used must not exceed any of the specified individual mefenoxam/metalaxyl product maximum poundage of active ingredient allowed per acre per calendar year. YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Testimonials, Basal stem rot, Black Shank, Blue Mold, Brown rot, Cavity spot, Citrus Foot Rot, Collar Rot, Crown Rot, Damping-off, Dieback Root, Downy mildew, Fruit rot, Gummosis, Heart rot Disease, Leather rot, Phytophthora blight, Phytophthora crown rot, Phytophthora, Almonds, Apples, Apricots, Asparagus, Avocados, Beans, Sugar beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Chamomile, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Cotton, Dill Weed, Fescue, Forage grasses, Garlic, Peas, Peanuts, Parsnip, Peppers, Potatoes, Rhubarb, Apply by ground or air in sufficient water or liquid fertilizer to provide uniform coverage of the soil surface.

Refer to Application Instructions for band and in-furrow calculations. &8ax/=<=~1!Qq(TQ@1- 'UaKl(@"PrIH\DB%!q:\iDwWb^=IU5?P gj[HrtkyE6 CB!~L-?mcLT#4mCf>fMUiQR:" 2@.@ ^+cMOk?IXe=aIYifbwu\bF>y#qtY

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Ask the first.

Contains metalaxyl/mefenoxam as its active ingredient which effectively controls plant diseases such as Pythium, brown rot, downy mildew, Phytophthora root rot, Seedling blights, white rust, red stele, and collar rot.

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Do not use Ridomil Gold SL for disease control in bedding plants, transplant trays, or nurseries except where specifically allowed in certain crop sections. 166 0 obj<<36741773D7A90F4F839D4D5ABBE037CE>]/Info 143 0 R/Encrypt 145 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/W[1 2 1]/Index[144 40]/DecodeParms<>/Size 184/Prev 243261/Type/XRef>>stream )EK+)Zp2

The Syngenta Ridomil Gold SL is ideal to use on crops including potatoes, apricots, beans, broccoli, almonds, corn, sage, cauliflower, cranberry, rhubarb, peas, cherry, and celery. FCX RIDOMIL GOLD 480EC - Syngenta Crop Protection. For large order quotes, please call us at 866-581-7378. cargo-truck q1F$ ,ZUvS/[ ;qZ>$.fe$^tDA2u3Ss?+'tH 9|)LD.>__.z"!3O9Axmu-`0t. $.' JFIF ` ` ZExif MM * J Q Q Q C xZYs8~wM` x\l&uX$HdQ >owq\wwW'>=sbaYwDy g'gf8M~9=a7@dX#NtO8:+CCd 5:y>$`@uu Magazine: RIDOMIL GOLD 480EC - Syngenta Crop Protection. Mount the spray nozzle so the spray is directed into the furrow just before the seed are covered. 199 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<868F4F8CFF475978D26DE09550F31CBE>]/Index[175 48]/Info 174 0 R/Length 113/Prev 624967/Root 176 0 R/Size 223/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 222 0 obj <>stream

Be the first. 0 Do not dip plants or roots, spray bare roots, or use a transplant water treatment with solutions containing Ridomil Gold SL except where specifically allowed in certain crop sections. 5 0 obj <> endobj Normally ships in 1 business day.

3 0 obj papaya, mango, kiwifruit), All other crops intended for food or feed. *LAV66q i"JEZI4/q2Ru*`%^ `$c02-)@+)!&f Do not use Ridomil Gold SL in greenhouses or other structures such as lath houses, float houses, and hydroponic facilities.

4 0 obj Rinse spray tank thoroughly with clean water after each days use and dispose of pesticide rinsate by application to an already treated area. ,m/RM_ZA5Y_,vRqtimqG|.20 $&1wd$4 {j5 4r5nzmC ]cn9) 91hS697!O{!$XH|@CGDZSjm^r!~h5Fg *See label for the complete table of common row spacings and application rate of Ridomil Gold SL. Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. 7J (Grh+fT-0@_jBb s;Y 1 )hnGbpz&RL v8EX*3U1r[7!|Esh Lt00*hTmWqnf b8o3Z.(#@ H Free Shipping*. * Free Shipping is available to the continental United States only. Thoroughly clean spray equipment before using this product. 0I7&X6)jMU4RJ{'D26hO;[BT`25z^0 #( + Free Shipping* @{/C{J6$n{Y~U8:^NVc6TcV?^Z2jfKK~j o*E"4laa `2L(B~8(Jg #Uzl~Yf,vNGHh CUjBCRZ,H:K0,&fb \WRd`!8-&7-]t16QDi4ZJih+7^H BSs_VJ;p}q~TQERCToR/6?Sp*| buGh.4~geNL_b1w$!f9qFm3~dM#V-@6IUjAt _iRgZ{UMY-mW1ZWH!Ka=EN`\`d.H7HoS =!w|UoL%dq;1`'RE^UyD+D@^GB}~(l0:_|y7[/E|*0r{w8%Z=%C^ZI{=WB/I4`8oI'1?Gto9lwT`2|v ZQJR+1jzWxJ57pFG' a:

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hb```b`` ,@Q`.V&_x Excludes Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and all other U.S. territories. blackberry and raspberry), Brassica (Cole) Leafy Vegetables (e.g., broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower), Cucurbit Vegetables (e.g., cucumber, melons, squash), Fruiting Vegetables (e.g., tomatoes, peppers, eggplant), Leafy Vegetables, except Brassica (e.g., lettuce, spinach, celery), Legume Vegetables (e.g., beans and peas, succulent and dried), Root and Tuber Vegetables (e.g. <> L_ .Jav QxZ!>mL+'uQ=-rQ4h|X"#@ Qh,@ Sj+RPeSJCY]A@S""p;9:RS bFR6)B.|9INZn(Or/h8bJAuLvi4AKX8]h$jLiY;gFJ+B;$HB!]FJjb+Uu J"-iT|BF|#li)E BZ] endobj m@@# ! L, 3604Dn9 /_3H&0oe`a=]]]:V:uTS:z zk[W$LA*4My:=:#UPQ"YpM&vD%C\ WWd}v6M4;sY`%~?rn\W$]`lll(($ QPHI(lb%ec&,hp 4TIhH`ie;@fw40Ft@#t*F Testimonials , 2004-2022 P&M Solutions, LLC DBA DoMyOwn, Pre Emergent Herbicides (Weed Preventers), Tyvek Disposable Coveralls with Hood and Booties, See More 7 0 obj W1bz!AU^D).@qb4FAdx1f|7=|80j 'hJS$7p*nlrv 1B+ YzOr4DLEj%Oxz6?iA} szCb/>KUCQc6rV *X@~TJWg$*+wDhe?bJ-m %UtN+PS>@^V]L]R:J%QH@E9rcEgV7RUcGNs, 25U. Sign into your account to receive your members only Savings.

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