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tripoli compound ingredients


Are there characteristics that can make one compound formulation easier to clean than another? 41 0 obj <>stream 0000002625 00000 n Dressing grinding wheels, using a special tool to true wheel the surface. Recommended for use with untreated sisal or cloth buffs. What is interesting is the range of materials people put into this group. 0000001133 00000 n

0000021062 00000 n Buffing wheels are also stitched in different patterns.

This is usually referred to as the coloring ability of the compound.

0000003585 00000 n Gold & Platinum Members Therefore, something else is needed to keep the grain suspended in the water. An emulsion is formed when the saponifiable material is combined with an alkaline (this explains the emergence of alkaline cleaning systems).

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168 Wealthy Street SW, Grand Rapids MI 49503, We are located at:168 Wealthy Street SW,Grand Rapids MI 49503, Formax Manufacturing, All Rights Reserved, SISAL / CLOTH BUFFING WHEEL BAR COMPOUNDS. Since the iodine attaches where there is a double or triple carbon bond, the higher the iodine value, the easier it is to clean.

Amine or another emulsifying agent helps form the soap with the acid which then sets-up the compound emulsion.

startxref They are also less prone to snagging small parts while polishing. Sisal is a slender, hard, cellular strand of fiber that has demonstrated its great strength and tough resiliency in the form of binder twine, cord & rope for many years.

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Pleated or vented cotton or sisal wheels are another type of non-jewelry wheel.

We do not discuss buff spindle speed or surface speed in this report.

For years, the industry has found a fast, accurate and reliable measure of surface finish to be elusive. Unfortunately, it is the same greases that aid in "sticking" to the buffing wheel that also detracts by sticking to the metal workpiece after buffing. Color can come from the polishing agent like green chrome oxide or red ferric oxide, but it can also come from coloring dyes like yellow in yellow rouge or carbon black for black rouge.

To polish 18k gold takes a different set of materials than those needed to polish platinum.

Abrasives come in different particle or grit sizes depending on how much material needs to be removed. Community

Other grains may also be used but are less common for industrial use.

The people in the aluminum wheel industry use many of the same buffing and polishing compounds as the people in the dental appliance industry and we in the jewelry industry use. It is recommended for silver, brass and copper. mild steel, stainless steel, and carbon steel.

The This is one of the jobs for the binder system in the liquid compound. Non-ferrous Metal not containing iron i.e. A green, insoluble powder (Cr2O3).Very little abrasive effect used in green rouge.

There are primarily two types of grain used in buffing compound: Alumina is used in compounds to buff ferrous metals (steel, stainless steel, etc.) 77 0 obj <>stream Do remember that metals like gold absorb much of the ferric oxide when buffed and comes up a bold, bright gold color, if you use a black or white or green compound it will absorb the dye and not be the same color as the red rouge polished piece. That topic is another full report in itself. Each hard abrasive particle acts like a single point cutting tool. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). As a guideline for us, we can say that the looser the buff the slower it must run to do its work properly.

premium online videos. This compound is also a favorite in coloring aluminum and brass. There is no one all inclusive polish or buff. Zippo Bias Cut Buffing Wheels

This can vary greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Covering all aspects of tree and hedge workin Hampshire, Surrey and Berkshire, Highly qualified to NPTC standardsand have a combined 17 years industry experience. The cotton muslin buff also comes in a treated version that some people like when they apply Tripoli, bobbing compound or Grey Star type products.

One of the most important things to think about in polishing of precious metals is handling, or at least the avoidance of it.

The terms are deburring, polishing and buffing. 12 30 I found Contour Tree and Garden Care to be very professional in all aspects of the work carried out by their tree surgeons, The two guys that completed the work from Contour did a great job , offering good value , they seemed very knowledgeable and professional .

A buff stitched with just one row of stitching near the center is called a loosely stitched buff.

Whenever you need a reliable tripoli to get the job done, this is a go-to product. These hard felt buffs are very useful but care must be taken as they can produce a line or ring on a piece of jewelry.

This product contains ceramic particles mixed in a rubber carrier.

0000003013 00000 n

Mohs scale-Order Based on Scratch hardness .

Primarily used in final finish buffing operations on stainless steel, steel, brass, aluminum, nickel, and chrome.

Some polishing compounds are red rouge, yellow rouge, white rouge, black rouge, green rouge. Some would disagree that there is a super finish category, but there are those who believe that there is something above red rouge, so for this discussion we will include it. Concentric circle and radial stitching are the most common patterns. b`e` ,@Q @Bl(U00gn{'q|TmR}%30XCGGG` \dD2 ``EX, 0000003698 00000 n 0000002117 00000 n To polish and enhance the shine on a beautiful piece of jewelry requires a totally different set of polishes and buffs than to get a real professional shine on stainless steel or, aluminum or chrome.

Cotton muslin and cotton flannel are the most used buff.

A brief look at the Orchid archives on just one proprietary material (ZAM) shows the range of opinions on whether the material is a pre-polish a polish or a super polish.

0000004802 00000 n The faces of these wheels are pre-raked to accept compound immediately. Aluminum oxide is a material that is regularly used in lapidary polishing as well as metal polish. brass, aluminum, copper, pewter.

When pulverized, washed and decanted, it is turned into crocus or red rouge for cutting and Polishing metal. The chemical composition is usually more than 95 percent silica (silicon dioxide, SiO2), but the impurities may impart desirable physical properties. Use on platinum, chrome, and stainless steel.

It has a structure and properties greatly resembling diamond. Copyright John Fisher. The range of oxide used was from 5% to 90%.

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Aluminum oxides labeled as A and B are not all equal in quality or performance. receive 25% off our HWoZ_1*~ & WmPYoc;3@tWH`gn9:D5:*xX_B _7zk,r.

Loosely stitched buffs are generally used for final buffing with rouge, and will flare out to give a wide-angle ultra smooth polishing surface.

Dedecos rubberized abrasive wheels for polishing gold and silver. Pressure Refers to weight exerted on component by rotating buff. Organic Solvents A family of volatile chemicals used for degreasing.

I use it for a 1st cut before I use the Matchless blue or for customers on a budget it will cut and produce a fairly high shine. Stearic acid (animal fat acid), and paraffin wax (mineral grease) seem to be the predominate materials.

When we purchase a bar of red, white or green rouge we have no idea of the amount of oxide used or the size of the particle used in manufacturing the bar.

Orange Peel Surface imperfection which looks like the surface of an orange.

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A more saturated carbon chain results in a more stable compound. Once the binders/greases have been saponified, they can be easily removed with water. Primarily used in the final finish of steel, stainless steel, and zinc.

These are great questions to ask but our industry has not historically done a great job in answering them.

One of the difficulties in using and understanding rouge or abrasive compounds is that each manufacturer uses his own recipe to make the finished material. trailer

Use with yellow buffs.

Domet flannel, which is the softer flannel, is a cotton warp and wool weft, flannel. -1!o7! '

The Sisal Buffing Wheel Story Medium cutting action. Buffing is the step to get a smooth, bright, high luster final finish. This Willow had a weak, low union of the two stems which showed signs of possible failure. Polishing General term for bobbing and buffing.

A light weight, glassy volcanic rock that is crushed into a powder for use in jewelry work Emery compound is gray or black in color and is used for coarse buffing and fast cutting action on stainless steel and ferrous metals producing non-polished finishes on metal. Abrasives are those materials used in operations such as grinding, polishing, lapping, honing, pressure blasting or other similar process.


Speed Usually referred to as surface speed of buff face. Can be used on precious metals and steels, stainless and plastics.

This report is an attempt to discuss two of those factors, the different compounds and buffing wheels.

Bring out the natural luster of my metal, Petroleum Waxadds tackiness to the buffing compound.

Made of very fine uniform aluminum oxide abrasive, produces a good cut with no wild scratches and works to good color on all metals. Home Learning Center Jewelry Making Fabrication Finishing Polishing and Cleaning Buffing and Polishing Materials.

Rouge, is French for red, and even though it is then semantically incorrect to call green or white polishing compound rouge, we do it anyway. ,B?t,'*~ VJ{Awe0W7faNH >dO js

They are taken from two different references. On a telephone conversation with Matchless Metal Company a large supplier of abrasive compounds, they indicated the their chrome oxide was less than 1 micron. Tripoli composition. Very little abrasive effect used in white rouge. 0000003474 00000 n When we polish something, the surface of the metal is smoothed directionally, making the ions on the surface line up like soldiers.

All grades made in standard 2 x 2 x 10 bar size and packed 24 Bars per Carton.

Iodine Value: This test measures the saturation of the carbon chain.

These special buffs come in medium and coarse grades. This compound will cut and gloss in one operation. Platinum Tripoli and yellow bobbing compound.

The green rouge is a chrome oxide, and is considered the best all around luster compound for these materials. Buying at tool shows, flea markets and the internet is fine, just remember we have even seen bars of compound as coarse as a rough emery around, 200 grit, sold not only as jewelers rouge, but actually stated that it was suitable for use on precious metals.

The moral is, stay with a consistent reliable supplier, generally then you will get consistent materials. hVn@ylTR IQEd-ue02}gv!%Ib p`& %! 8#IJpp <<55F4F5E53636AA438C5F7982844D40A6>]/Prev 54750>> YL[pl%cFqy0GtXJ~g~=:b1!LI.4&UeOn6xIl~o&=oa6kLo%tYtO{LscST>^0t;eSIY&W.Q.%~!-xGY_*YD2'`Ub{7-[o-b2rYO`[[[[[[[[_(3E,Y\A.tspstspstspstspv d< gFnnnnnnnnnn>>>>WM3_Wcmucq2 Community

A third grain, silica, is sometimes added to very fine (i.e., small grain size) Tripoli or Alumina to make color compound that can be used on either ferrous or nonferrous materials.


[Log On], The Voice of the Finishing Industry since 1936, William M. Schaffner, Schaffner Manufacturing Company, A Conversation With Jase Kaser of Kaser Blasting & Coatings, Japanese Automotive Supply Chain Reliance on Plating Job Shops, A Top Name in Finishing in More Ways (and Locations) Than One. is the heart of Ganoksin.

Carrying out routine maintenance on this White Poplar, not suitable for all species but pollarding is a good way to prevent a tree becoming too large for its surroundings and having to be removed all together.

It should always be used with water for lubrication, and should also be rinsed frequently (for jewelry applications), for woodworking, paraffin oil can be used for lubrication. 0000020702 00000 n

The binder system of most buffing compounds is composed of three items: The emulsion keeps the grain/grease agglomerate in suspension in the water, enabling the compound to be easily transported with automatic systems to the compound guns where it is then sprayed on the wheel (Figure 2).


Titer: This test measures the melting point of the binder system.

It is often categorized as a type of Tripoli.

If the compound will be not be used completely within 30 days store in an airtight container to extend the shelf life and maintain optimal performance.

Darker-colored, coarser grains are called crocus and are used for grinding.

This compound is water based.

g.g`d8t'Lv2=cRg( `_t1na`bw@Lb>@ @p Binder Part of compound which holds abrasive on polishing buff.

| (Bar color: Brown). Will produce moderate color when used with untreated cloth buffs. To date 21,452 people have contributed questions and answers to the Community over the past 20 years and counting. Particle Size Abrasive particle size has a profound effect on compound performance.

Craftsmen who make knives are big users of hard felt buffs because they maintain the smooth, sharp lines of a highly polished blade.

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| GMX is made of long lasting Aluminum Oxide grit in a unique composite of laminated cotton fiber and a rubber bond.

One handy buff of synthetic fibers uses no compound at all, as the fibers are coated with special abrasive materials to impart a very attractive brushed surface texture to metals and soft plastics.

The type of grain also determines hardness, but for many grains the manufacturing process is a large factor as well.

Felt buffs are made of tightly compressed wool fibers and are used where flat surfaces, designs, sharp edges and flatness must be maintained.


Another often-used breakdown of compounds is: These include the brown Tripoli and bobbing compound. The finer grains are called rouge (French for red) and are used for polishing steel and precious metals. Hard felt wheels are used with a variety of compounds.

This table of grit size to micron size is for reference only.

Rouge Name given to iron oxide grease bars for polishing precious metals.

You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. There are two classifications of white diamond, XXX White Diamond which is a superior dry compound for cut on gold, silver, brass, copper and plastics and XXXX White Diamond which has finer abrasives for better color, less cut and scratch. We also offer an online community which has emerged from this project.

Users have permission to download the information and share it as long as no money is made.

Store in a sealed container. Figure 3 provides a list of some of the more standard grains that are typically used in buffing compounds and the relative characteristics of each.

It consists of abrasives, which do the work, held in suspension by wax or grease, which acts as a binder to hold the abrasive to the buff.

Although the name tripoli was chosen because of the rocks superficial resemblance to tripolite, a diatomite or from Tripolitania region, Libya, the term does not include diatomite, or hardened diatomaceous earth. These qualities, along with its natural abrading and grease absorbing characteristics, provide an ideal buffing wheel fabric.

Jewelers rouge is made with ferric oxide, which gives it the red color.

Copyright Contour Tree and Garden Care | All rights reserved.

The acid value of the binder in the buffing compounds can range from a high of 200 to around 30.

Removal Rate (of stock) Rate at which metal is removed. Store away from heat, product flash point is above 350F. Peripheral Speed Speed of the outermost surface of the polishing buff.

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The first underlying question was "How do I remove all my scratches, handling marks and other imperfections?" Its not only a cut but also has a nice color shine to it as well.

Grand Rapids, MI 49503, Call: (800) 242-2833 Fax:(616) 456-7507, Privacy and Terms Proposition 65 Statement COVID-19 Update Formax Manufacturing, All Rights Reserved, A Word About Buffing

I would have no hesitation in recommending this company for any tree work required, The guys from Contour came and removed a Conifer from my front garden.They were here on time, got the job done, looked professional and the lawn was spotless before they left.

We do this without picking a winner.

This grease is what causes the compound to stick to the rotating buffing wheel where the job of finishing is accomplished.

0000020387 00000 n Rouge is often mixed with a binder and caked into a bar form for easy application to a buffing wheel. :%y6w9xY.`_/o/1~9@|+Gaec6K6_f>nf~A GXZ|pdb:t:4wyz`0rYoNO$T. z>c}gvYAurX+jvZ8: KUkZu9M0M`[C#nV79NO_T?aK&bU.^Mr+p%(+lHD2$ #9 Ls4-n0z $-iS>D,lB%/UHfgrRQ. Unfortunately, a balance must be found keeping the melt point low for cleaning and keeping it high for better tenacity to the buffing wheel.

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Finer than Tripoli, coarser than rouge. Produces a chrome color, Aluminum oxide, yellow Rouge compound has a slight abrasive action combined with final finishing quality. Chalk Mined in Neuberg on the Danube, mild abrasive consisting of silica and alumina.

Diamonds may be a girls best friend, but what is that minerals closest relative? Therefore the higher the acid value the more readily the compound will clean from the part. White Diamond Compound is used on brass, copper, aluminum, bronze, nickel, silver, gold and softer metals.

Use with yellow buffs. 0

In todays competitive industry, where customers demand precision and reproducible results, that mindset is a dangerous one. Blaze incorporates a coarse (100 grit) silicon carbide abrasive with a silicone rubber bond.

Corrections? There are two types of aluminum oxide used in lapidary polish, sometimes called A and B. This work will be carried out again in around 4 years time. endstream endobj 48 0 obj <>stream

0000011359 00000 n As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases referred from our site.

This Scots Pine was in decline showing signs of decay at the base, deemed unstable it was to be dismantled to ground level.

Guaranteed for quality and performance.Tip: Fresh composition will provide the best results.

These include Gray Tripoli, Graystar, white diamond, and crocus.

Used for fast cutting action and some degree of color on all metals. 0000014816 00000 n

Use Tripoli first to remove scratches and pits then follow with rouge for high luster. Chamois buffs are used with buffing compounds only. 0000023609 00000 n

If we are to compete in a competitive world market, if we are to regain our place in the world as leaders in metal finishing, we must answer these questions better.

Carrier Same as binder, but also includes water in the case of liquid compounds.

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The powdered stone is usually mixed with a binder and molded into cakes for easy application to buffing wheels. This is usually referred to as the cutting ability of the compound. Most often used in ceramic grinding or final polishing due to high hardness and cost. Our 20 year old community is home to over 40,000 discussion threads!

Once there is an accurate measure to define an acceptable finish, you can then vary the grain size and material to find the right balance between cut and color.

A proprietary mixture of aluminum oxide and chrome oxide with an unidentified binder. H\@=OQEn[qJdtOD9*]c}i!^PEwjruwY}g{t%+jxJoKtiWxJk>u+1UWkph1[rYe?]7sbn. These very hard wheels are made of silicon carbide in a resinoid bond.

These wheels and cylinders contain silicon carbide grit in a silicone rubber.

0000004914 00000 n

Consists of mixture of calcium and magnesium oxides now rarely used. Keep away from excessive heat. 0000000016 00000 n

The friable variety is more typical. The grain is what produces the desired finish on the part and without it there would be virtually no refinement in the surface roughness of the metal. Fast-cutting silicon carbide abrasive is uniformly dispersed throughout a silicone rubber bond. Looking for a Tree Surgeon in Berkshire, Hampshire or Surrey ?

Bobbing Compound is used with a brush or muslin wheel to remove scratches and fire scale.

This is also different than white rouge. One company sells three different green rouges.

Not as aggressive as D14 or D32 Tripoli. Profilometers have been very good at measuring rougher surfaces such as that produced by abrasive belts or flap wheels.

Surface Manipulation Articles and Videos, Grinding wheels are available in various vitrified or resin bonded composite, Brushing wheels are available with various natural or synthetic bristle materials, Felting wheels are available in various felt fabric materials, Pre-polishing wheels are available in various wrought fabric materials, Polishing wheels are available in various fine fabric materials, Buffing wheels are available in various very fine fabric materials, Stainless or White Rouge B or C, Gold Filled, Gold Plate, Brass and Copper Plate, Buffing Wheel Types: (A) Stitched Sisal (B) Stitched Muslin (C) Loose Muslin (D) Cotton Flannel N/R Not Recommended. Brushes are intended to reach into tight recesses and are used with a variety of compounds.

Unfortunately this can drive you crazy when purchasing compounds. This is often tied closely with the second question "How do I bring out the natural luster of my metal?"

The following tables, although not specific to the jewelry industry gives a good overview of the different metal finishing operations and some of the characteristics of the operation. xref

0000023987 00000 n

Visit the hb```f`` Ferrous Refers to metal containing mainly iron i.e. Sisal wheels, generally not used in jewelry making are made of layers of woven tampico and cloth, and are aggressive extra firm buffs and are used mostly on stainless steel. Typical iodine values for compound are 1 to 10. Zam has a burnishing action and it may remove detail if used heavily.

There is an expensive orange platinum rouge, (apparently an alumina polish) made in Germany and sold by Gesswein.

The product would destroy plate and damage gold in a minute.

It consists almost entirely of silica, with a small percentage of Alumna and other impurities, and is derived from siliceous limestones after the Removal of the calcareous matter.

There are three generally used terms used by many in the jewelry and metal polishing industry that are often used interchangeably.

Request a Quote for more information.

tripoli, porous, friable, microcrystalline siliceous rock of sedimentary origin that is composed chiefly of chalcedony and microcrystalline quartz.

The answer to both questions is "yes." Ganoksin is the worlds largest educational internet site for the jewelry, gemology and metals field. Wheel Diameter Size of the polishing buff. This is understandable as this is one of the differentiators between polish quality companies.

Cotton buffing wheels are the most common, felt wheels are also popular as are the brushes. Thats O.K. 0000001231 00000 n The molecular composition of different metals is as different as the appearance, density and luster of the metals themselves.

Stainless Steel Many different types, 18/8 and 316 grades are the commonest.

0000019235 00000 n Description: Tripoli bar compositionTypical Application: Metal finishing.

Lightweight, glassy volcanic rock that is crushed into a powder for use in jewelry work for producing non-polished finishes on metal. {*u|/%(TaBiV~\nYmcfya+~ } | Reg. Wear appropriate safety clothing and respiratory protection. Close Stitched Buff Buff where spiral rows of stitching are 3/8 apart or less. May be used for cut and color as one step, rather than two operations. I have no idea of the difference in polishing characteristics between synthetic and natural materials.

Learn more. . A smaller micron size being one indicator of higher quality.

This compound is water based for easy cleaning in ultrasonic.

Getting information on particle size is very difficult. diameter, and also in a variety of special shapes such as those used to polish the inside of rings, cups and bowls, crevices, etc. This is especially important for the remaining unsaponifiable materials in the binder but both saponifiable and unsaponifiable binders must melt before they can be removed. Thank you., This was one of our larger projects we have taken on and kept us busy throughout last week.

We can avoid this enormously by not handling anymore than is necessary.

The size of the alumina particle is very different.

Saponification: This test measures the ability of the binder system to form an emulsion. The bonding material has little if any effect on the cutting or polishing action of the agents and it appears that all of them use similar binding materials.

2022 oO

Acid Value: This test measures the amount of free fatty acid in the binder system. Finishers must continue to ask ourselves tough questions and not rest until we get answers that again make our products and processes the envy of the world.

Buffing Use of grease compound on buff to produce polished surface. These buffs run cooler and carry more compound and are very aggressive.

They include blue rouge, Blue magic, Fabuluster, and yes even Zam. In polishing it appears that the old axiom if you like it, use it, is still alive and well.

Produces high luster for final finish. Green Compounds For use on stainless steels, contain chrome oxide to produce deep color. U|W|;#tm:/)s|f~F~a~AC?!y~/={r\"{f,2m6oLk5++2fOY8NS8NS8NS8NS8NS8NSgY`e2gA ? ?rN3e'N(:QvDg|otDC'FoFoFoFoFo^ +v?TaH[M{v;V.7' !

Unlike other cutting tools, it is not held in a fixed position and this unique ability to "roll" when encountering an excessive torque produces the unique finish.

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tripoli compound ingredients

tripoli compound ingredients  関連記事

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