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capreno herbicide label


Broadcast applications ofCaprenoherbicide in corn grown for seed are recommended from the V1 to V5 growth stages. Labels provide a maximum corn growth stage after which broadcast applications should not be made (Table 1). 0000061624 00000 n

Spray additives can increase the rate of herbicide uptake by the crop. 0000000016 00000 n This contamination could causeanunwanted interaction with the herbicides applied to corn. Terms and conditions apply.

Check with your seed brand representative for the registration status in your state. SPe3 - Pour protger les organismes aquatiques, respecter une zone non traite de 20 mtres par rapport aux points d'eau comportant un dispositif vgtalis permanent d'une largeur de 20 mtres en bordure des points d'eau.SPe3 - Pour protger les plantes non cibles, respecter une zone non traite de 5 mtres par rapport la zone non cultive adjacente. Injury symptoms resulting from spray additives include chlorotic mottling or necrosis of leaves and may only be temporary as the crop recovers. 0000009570 00000 n Repeated use of herbicides having similar modes of action allow resistant weed species to be selected for and spread. H373 - Risque prsum d'effets graves pour les organes (yeux, reins, foie) la suite d'expositions rptes ou d'une exposition prolonge. En cas d'urgence, appelez le 15 ou le 112 et le centre antipoison puis signalez vos symptmes au rseau Phyt'attitude au 0 800 887 887. Not all applicants will qualify. ONLY USE FORMULATIONS THAT ARE SPECIFICALLY LABELED FOR SUCH USES AND APPROVED FOR SUCH USE IN THE STATE OF APPLICATION. "Laudis doesn't control it, but thiencarbazone-methyl does." Attention H361d - Susceptible de nuire au foetus. To qualify, a borrower must be a member of Farmers Business Network, Inc. and meet certain underwriting requirements. Drop nozzles should be used for optimum spray coverage and weed control when corn is 24 to 30 inches tall. When using a tank mixture, follow the recommendations for the most restrictive label language of the products being used in the tank mix. 0000008840 00000 n Se laver les mains aprs toute manipulation/utilisation/intervention dans une parcelle pralablement traite. EUH 208- Contient Tembotrione, Isoxadifen-ethyl, 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one, 2-mthylisothiazol-3(2H)-one.

2018. Agitate the CAPRENO Herbicide product container by shaking, circulating, or stirring prior to adding the herbicide into the spray tank.3. University of Nebraska. BayerService Infos vous rpond immdiatement par tlphone ou dans la journe par email. per acre, For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label provided, Amaranth, PalmerAmaranth, PowellAmaranth, SpinyAmaranth, TumbleweedBarnyardgrassBuckwheat, Wild Buffalobur Burcucumber Carpetweed Mollugo Chickweed, Common Cocklebur, Common Dandelion Deadnettle, PurpleDock, Curly Foxtail, Giant Foxtail, Yellow GalinsogaHemp Henbit Jimsonweed Knotweed, Prostrate Kochia Ladysthumb Lambsquarters, CommonLambsquarters, Common Mallow, Venice Marestail/Horseweed Melon, Smell Morningglory, CottonMorningglory, IvyleafMorningglory, PittedMustard, Wild Nightshade, Black Nightshade, Eastern Black Nightshade, Hairy Panicum, Fall Pigweed, Red Root Pigweed, Redroot Pigweed, Smooth Plantain, Blackseed Pokeweed, CommonPotato, Volunteer Purslane, Common Pusley, FloridaRagweed, Common Ragweed, Giant Sesbania, HempShepherdS- PurseSicklepod Sida, Prickly (Teaweed) Smartweed, Pale Smartweed, PennsylvaniaSmartweed, Pennsylvania Sunflower, Common Thistle, Canada Thistle, RussianVelvetleaf Waterhemp, CommonWaterhemp, Common Waterhemp, Tall, For specific details onthese areas of useand use rates check the label provided. %PDF-1.4 % In the next couple years, Bayer officials will be testing the product to see whether to include glyphosate in the premix, or whether to include it as a tank mix option. CAPRENO est un herbicide de post-leve de la culture de mas. When choosingaherbicide or tank mix combination to be appliedPOST,growers need to consider the weed species present, weed heights, and the corn growth stage. See the IRM/Grower Guide for additional information. Bayer CropScience plans to introduce early next decade a new postemergence corn herbicide called Capreno. Cette spcialit est efficace sur les principales gramines et dicotyldones du mas. Actualit phytosanitaire et innovation produit, Protger mes cultures avec les solutions de biocontrle, Dcouvrez notre dossier ddi au Biocontrle, Urgence environnementale, exigences en termes de sant et volution des consciences amnent nos concitoyens modifier leurs habitudes alimentaires et poussent lagriculture franaise , tembotrione 345g/l, soit 28.3% (m/m) thiencarbazone-methyl 68g/l, soit 5.6% (m/m) isoxadifen-thyl 134g/l, soit 11.0% (m/m), SC - suspension concentre (concentr fluidifiable). To stage older plants, dig up the plant and split the stalk down into the root ball. Please switch to a supported browser: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari. SPRAY ADDITIVESCAPRENO Herbicide is a suspension concentrate that requires the use of an external adjuvant and a nitrogen fertilizer source to achieve optimum weed control when weeds are present at time of application. Agworld DBX empowers you with the right crop input label information for informed pest management & plant protection, powered by Greenbook. 2022 Meredith Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. revient lagriculteur ou lemployeur de salaris utilisateurs de produits phytopharmaceutiques. Fill spray tank with 50% of the required volume of water, or liquid fertilizer prior to the addition of CAPRENO Herbicide and begin agitation.2. - Ne pas appliquer sur une culture affaiblie par le gel ou la scheresse, les carences minrales ou toutes autres causes. CAPRENO Herbicide also contains a safener, which greatly reduces or prevents the temporary yellowing or stunting crop response associated with the contained herbicide chemistries when applied postemergence. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible and should consider the impacts of these conditions on the growers fields.Roundup Ready 2 Technologycontains genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate. Maintain and ensure thorough dispersion and sufficient agitation during both mixing and spraying.4. La responsabilit du choix et de la dcision du port des E.P.I. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. If tank mixing with another pesticide, add the tank mix product next.5. Users of this database must read and follow the actual product label affixed to the container before use of the product. Demonstations will be up to 10,000 acres. Herbicide product labels should be followed regarding spray additives that are recommended. The use of adjuvants such as non- ionic surfactants or refined vegetable oils will result in unacceptable or erratic weed control. All Rights Reserved. L'utilisateur devra veiller au bon tat vgtatif de la culture : ne pas traiter des mas mal implants, en mauvais tat vgtatif, en mauvais tat sanitaire, souffrant du froid, d'excs d'eau, de scheresse, ou susceptibles de subir de grands carts thermiques. XtendiMax is a restricted use pesticide. <> Prior to adding CAPRENO Herbicide, ensure that the spray tank, filters and nozzles have been thoroughly cleaned and that agitation system is properly working.1. To test for compatibility, use a small container and mix a small amount (0.5 to 1qt) of spray solution, combining all ingredients in the same ratio as the anticipated use. Not all products are registered in all states and may be subject to use restrictions. FBN Direct pharmacy products and services are offered by FBN Pharmacy LLC and are available only in states where FBN Pharmacy LLC is licensed. Terms and conditions apply. Pest Management Bulletin. For over than 35 years, Greenbook has been the trusted, go-to crop inputs reference guide for farmers, ranchers, agronomists, retailers and crop advisers alike. For additional product information call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our website Our services provide estimates or recommendations based on models. Crop injury, ineffectiveness or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors as weather conditions, presence of other materials, or the manner of use or application, all of which are beyond the control of Bayer CropScience LP. P280 - Porter des gants de protection/des vtements de protection/un quipement de protection des yeux/du visage.P308+P313 - EN CAS d'exposition prouve ou suspecte : consulter un mdecin.P391 - Recueillir le produit rpandu.P501 - Eliminer le contenu/rcipient dans le lieu d'limination conformment la rglementation locale. 0000006360 00000 n Peut produire une raction allergique. Lun. Mesures de protection des individus : se reporter imprativement au paragraphe de ltiquette intitul Prcautions prendre. Privilgiez chaque fois que possible les mthodes alternatives et les produits prsentant le risque le plus faible pour la sant humaine et animale et pour l'environnement, conformment aux principes de la protection intgre, consultez Aprs un mas desherb avec CAPRENO selon les bonnes pratiques agricoles, il est possible d'implanter, dans le cadre de la rotation, les cultures suivantes, en respectant les dlais entre l'application de CAPRENO et le semis :- 4 mois : le colza d'hiver (avec labour)- 5 mois : bl d'hiver (avec ou sans labour), orge d'hiver (avec labour)- 10 mois : soja (avec ou sans labour), le pois de printemps (avec ou sans labour), les haricots (avec ou sans labour), les betteraves sucre (avec ou sans labour), le tournesol (avec ou sans labour), bl de printemps(avec ou sans labour) et l'orge de printemps (avec ou sans labour). 1 0 obj This Label Database does not replace the official manufacture issued label.

Remplir au 3/4 d'eau la cuve du pulvrisateur, agiter le bidon de CAPRENO, verser la dose ncessaire et rajouter l'adjuvant. En cas d'accident sur un mas trait avec CAPRENO ncessitant le remplacement de la culture, il est possible d'implanter un autre mas en respectant un dlai d'1 mois entre l'application de CAPRENO et le semis.Avec ou sans labour, il n'est pas possible d'implanter les cultures de remplacement suivantes : pois, haricot, tournesol, soja, ray-grass. Plant height is determined by measuring from the soil surface to the arch of the uppermost leaf that is more than 50% emerged (Figure 1). Symptoms on susceptible weed species progress from stunted growth to yellowing and bleaching to necrosis resulting in eventual plant death generally within 7 to 14 days after application. <>stream Only protected handlers may be in the same area during application. The sprout logo, Farmers Business Network, FBN, FBN Direct and "F2F Genetics Network" are trademarks or registered trademarks of Farmer's Business Network, Inc. Products sold or distributed through FBN Direct are offered by FBN Inputs, LLC and are available only in states where FBN Inputs, LLC is licensed and where those products are registered for sale or use, if applicable. Consult local agricultural and weed authorities for additional IPM strategies established for your area. Texas A&M University. Corn ear development can be affected if POST-applied herbicides are applied late in the growing season. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticides. - Eliminer les fonds de cuve conformment la rglementation en vigueur. 3 0 obj To prevent damage to crops and other desirable plants, read and follow all directions and precautions on this label before using.In the State of New York Only: Not For Use In Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Avant toute utilisation, lisez l'tiquette et les informations concernant le produit.N agrment RH02118 distribution de produits phytopharmaceutiques des utilisateurs professionnels.

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