transpacific sailing routes
In Yachting World August 2022 issue we talk to one of the biggest names on the offshore racing scene, Kevin Escoffier and take a look around his brand new foiling. If you are lucky, you will be able to sail the whole way, but make sure to bring enough fuel in case you get stuck. You dont want to venture above 35 degrees north either because of the variable winds in the horse latitudes (The horse latitudes are between 30 and 35 degrees south. If my destination is California, I usually sail to about 40 degrees north before turning east and if I am headed to Washington State or British Columbia I sail to 45 degrees north. Ive seen my share of bad weather at sea, but the scariest waves I have ever seen were while trying to cross Grays Harbor Bar (In Southern Washington) as an unexpected gale was building in mid-winter. I have written this guide to help you decide what sailing routes to choose and to give you a solid understanding of them so you can carve your own watery wake into the great blue beyond. They were so named because in the days of commercial sail, becalmed ships would throw horses over the side to lighten the load). You should have a pleasant sail through the SE trades up the coast of South America, and then cross the ITCZ for the second time. For sailors who are based on the West Coast who want to experience a voyage similar to the North Atlantic circuit, an excellent alternative is a one year sailing circumnavigation of the Eastern Pacific Ocean. In order to arrive in the Southern Ocean when the weather is most favorable, most cruisers will need to depart by September or October. Every year there is a great migration of ocean-going sailboats crossing the Atlantic from Europe to the Americas. For the majority of European sailors and those based on the East Coast of the US, the most obvious starting point for a Pacific passage is the Panama Canal. The quickest route across the Pacific is the one that makes the most of the favorable winds throughout the journey. It can seem daunting to someone who has never spent much time away from the security of land. The passage to the Galapagos should pose no major problems but you will probably have to sail through The Doldrums and you will cross the equator.
The worst is caused when the west flowing Aghulas current collides with an opposing wind blowing up from the Southern Ocean. With proper planning and a solid understanding of offshore sailing routes I know that I can sail anywhere in the world. Any drugs youll be taking with you should all have prescriptions from a qualified doctor. Are You Ready to Sail Across the Pacific? Photos: Tor Johnson / Dan Bower / Olivier Parent / Alamy. Some refuse to insure boats that stay, and others impose heavy fees on clients who do so. Later that day, I had already begun to draw a design for a boat of my own and I had traced my future sailing route around the world with a green crayon in my fathers atlas. Leaving from Seattle, its a 90-mile sail down the Strait of Juan de Fuca to the entrance of the Pacific Ocean. On the other hand, leaving from the Panama Canal gives you the perfect opportunity to visit the San Blas Islands and the Las Perlas Islands. The ideal time to cross the North Atlantic is between March and May, depending upon your port of departure (Unless you are crossing the far north via Newfoundland, Greenland, and Iceland, which is better done between June through August.). If you are lucky, you will be able to sail north of it and get consistent winds the whole way across. Here you can rest, reprovision and make your final preparations for the crossing to the Caribbean. The schedule for most sailors is to make the crossing some time in March or April while the North Pacific is clear of storms, arrive in French Polynesia in April or May, and cruise the South Pacific until November. Early in your passage, you will have to traverse the Gulf Stream current. We discussed the crossing from Mexico to French Polynesia in the Trans-Pacific Sailing Routes section above. Keeping the vessel in California until the following spring and departing for Polynesia in March or April, or. You want to be well past the Horn by the end of March when the weather turns even more dangerous. After living in Frankfurt, Dubai and Sibiu, I'm now living in Budapest, Hungary, but I always make it back to Cornwall for sailing in the summer. If you make this crossing later in the year you will need to keep a very close eye on the tracks of tropical storms.
Immense and diverse, the expanse of the Pacific offers some of the finest tradewinds cruising youll ever experience and a wealth of friendly cultures. For this reason, I like to make a stop at Christmas Island, Kiribati on the voyage between Tahiti and Hawaii. It is tempting to rush off to the Society Islands (which include Tahiti, Moorea, Raiatea and Bora Bora) and tackle the inevitable jobs list, but most people regret it. Even during the winter, you will want to watch the weather carefully and consider the use of a professional weather router to help make your crossing as safe and enjoyable as possible.. Keep in mind, even in the right season the sailing can sometimes get exciting. This will give you a better sailing angle later on in the passage. The Cook Islands, Tonga and Fiji are just some of the many highlights, so dont be tempted to rush back home too quickly. Find a secure marina (there are lots of excellent options) and trade your boat for a camper van or RV for an antipodal road trip through NZ and Oz. What Route Can I Take to Sail Across the Pacific? Ocean-going rowboats choose a similar route to cross the Atlantic because of the favorable winds and currents. I dont know the height of the waves, but needless to say, I wont try that again any time soon! For instance, when youre sailing from the Galapagos to the Marquesas Islands, the fastest route involves setting a course south-southwest down to 3 to 4 degrees south latitude. It can be a welcome stop to reprovision and attend to any outstanding jobs on the list. Rest and reprovision in Bermuda for a few days (or a few weeks), and when the weather report looks good you can depart for the Azores. How long does it take to sail across the Pacific? The national park in the Galapagos is sensitive to foreign species and so you can expect to have all your fresh food removed when you arrive. Then you can sail north along the coast of Belize and Mexico to Cancun, which is a perfect final stop before crossing over to Cuba or directly across the Gulf Stream to Florida, whichever you prefer. A few brave cruisers choose to sail back to North America by way of Hawaii or the Great Circle route via Japan and Alaska. Others may choose to put their boat up in a marina and enjoy an overland tour of the continent. But if you are brave, and you understand the risks associated with sailing through this area, the Red Sea route opens up a fascinating and exotic part of the world for the intrepid sailor. I like to leave Hawaii with enough fuel to motor for 1,000 NM, and I have always had enough for the entire passage. Just tell us the best email address to send your tips to: Improve Sailing Under no circumstances should you try to make this passage during hurricane season. By May, you would be in Tahiti, beginning your cruise of the South Pacific. Depending on the position of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) you may be able to sail down the rhumb line or, if not, head a bit further south for more stable conditions. The authorities also dont like any growth on your hull they can turn you away or make you go out of the park to have your hull cleaned (an 80-mile round trip), so its worth pressure washing in Panama and getting all through-hull fittings thoroughly cleaned if youre unsure. Before you know it, three weeks will have passed and you will be scanning the horizon for the first glimpse of a paradise island in the Caribbean. I was five years old, and my parents had taken me to visit the boat show in the Tacoma Dome for the first time. You might be forced to have your hull cleaned too. The best sailing conditions are usually encountered if you depart from Cabo San Lucas or Puerto Vallarta. Any attempt to cross the Pacific needs stringent planning and preparations, but in the end, its totally worth it. With a little luck, and the help of an iron genny, (sailor-speak for engine) you will be back in the trades in 3 to 5 days. The possibility of encountering a cyclone in French Polynesia is much lower than further west in the South Pacific, so some cruisers keep sailing through the year. Once south of Point Conception, the weather becomes much nicer, even during the winter. To answer that question, first you need to choose a launching point. If that is you, then its worth slowing down and enjoying more of what Tonga, Fiji and Vanuatu have to offer. The Netherlands This is the end of the safe sailing season in the Indian Ocean, but the start of the austral summer at the Cape of Good Hope. After crossing the Equator, you are again in the trade wind belt, but this time the wind is from the SE, directly from the Cape of Good Hope. Sailors who leave from Panama will want to plan to be through the Panama Canal by December or January. If you plan to remain in the Caribbean for the summer months, make sure to check with your insurance company before you leave. Bermuda is less than a weeks sail from most ports on the East Coast, and makes an excellent port of call on the way across the Atlantic. Fortunately for the cruising sailor, the worst of the weather can be avoided by careful weather routing. Sasker van Heringawei 16E The chances of a big storm at that time of the year is much lower than the middle of the season. Squalls (a kind of localized storm with strong wind and rain) can strike with little notice. Because it is impossible to sail straight into the wind, and to avoid the light airs of the South Atlantic High, the typical route around South Africa first passes south along the coast of Brazil. Im still delivering yachts all over the world, but I have never taken my eyes off the prize a sailing voyage around the world. I still have yet to close a circle around the world, but I have a heck of a lot of experience planning offshore sailing routes across the oceans. Due to the risk of piracy off Somalia and the political situation in the Middle East, less than ten percent of circumnavigators currently choose this route. Once past this Point Nemo, you will want to prepare for your descent toward Cape Horn, the Everest of the oceans. There has been less swell, more regular winds and no squalls, and after you arrive in the Marquesas youre rarely more than four days from your next destination. Arriving in the Marquesas is a pleasurable culture shock and is as dramatic socially as it is scenically. You may want to be prepared to keep your boat in Alaska for the winter in order to avoid crossing the North Pacific Ocean in the stormy winter season. The summer is short in the far north, and the ice free season is usually limited to just part of August and September. You really cant beat real world experience for a Pacific passage. The Pacific Ocean is by far and away the most diverse for cruising. Planning for a return passage to Europe from the Caribbean is a little more complex. Regardless of your destination on the West Coast, when you cross from Hawaii to the mainland you will need to sail around the Pacific High. The first is the North Pacific Hurricane Season, which lasts from June until November, and the other is the South Pacific Cyclone Season, which is between November and May. Cape Horn itself is only a few hundred miles from Antarctica. Its worth taking the time to explore the region and youll find you can spend months, even years, cruising there. It requires hard work, perseverance, the ability to adapt, and the willingness to take on a certain amount of (calculated) risk to run a remote business at sea. For the Pacific ocean, the cyclone season will dictate when you can attempt your crossing. The adventurous can drift snorkel through the passes on an incoming tide, and you can effortlessly glide amongst sharks and large fish feeding. When examining planning charts and contemplating sailing the Pacific Ocean, it looks huge. This site is owned and operated by Truly Content. The Society Islands have an interior like the Marquesas and lagoons like the Tuamotus, but neither are quite as good. In April, get back on your boat and sail across the Tasman Sea, or up the Great Barrier Reef if you are already in Australia. If you are departing from the Pacific Northwest, you will want to sail down the Pacific Coast to California before the end of September for the most favorable weather. If you time it right and miss the cyclone season, sailing across the Pacific can amount to some incredible cruising experiences. Check and then check again. From west to east, they are the Cape of Good Hope (Africa), Cape Leeuwin (Mainland Australia), SE Cape (Tasmania), SW Cape (New Zealand), and the most notorious of them all, Cape Horn (South America). Then I will make any changes necessary to my boat and get my finances in order before leaving on a three year westabout circumnavigation. Hi, I'm Shawn, and when I was 2 years old, I was sailing (with my parents) on the English Channel during a proper storm (and by proper I mean something along the lines of force 10). Its a good target to stay between 45 to 50 degrees south for this part of the voyage. There are tricky coral passes to negotiate, and it helps to speak French, but time spent preparing and planning can help make it plain sailing and, in my experience, the cruise of a lifetime. This allows you to cross the Indian Ocean and get into the safety of South African waters before the cyclone season starts in late November. In order to take advantage of this brief window, you will need to be positioned at the entrance to the NW Passage by late July.
The sail from Portugal to the Equator is through the NE trades, so this part of the voyage is comparatively tame. Make sure to take a look, it will help you to get a good overview easily. By sailing directly north from Hawaii, you may even be able to avoid the Pacific High altogether and finish your circuit with a coastal cruise down the beautiful Inside Passage. Like they say, its a tough job, but somebodys gotta do it. The sail from the Canaries to the Caribbean is about 2700 to 3000 NM depending on your routing and your port of arrival. Read on for more details on what you should factor into your timings and some essential preparations to take care of before you leave. Rather than focusing too much on the length of the journey, consider it a chance to settle into your adventure and appreciate the solitude of the sail. Sailing directly from California to Polynesia in the winter. But zoom in on the chartplotter and the islands and island groups are plentiful. We will begin with a one-year sailing circumnavigation of the North Atlantic from the East Coast of the USA. Most cruisers choose to spend at least six months cruising through French Polynesia, the Cook Islands, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia before finishing in New Zealand, Australia, or hauling out their boat and flying home for the cyclone season. Stopping here can add a few hundred miles to your crossing, but some sailors decide to stop here in order to take advantage of stronger trade winds further south. The Marquesas and Tuamotus are, in my opinion, the best bits of French Polynesia. With the polar ice melting faster every year, the NW passage through Northern Canada is becoming more accessible to sailors and commercial vessels every year. South of 40 degrees, the prevailing winds are behind you again, but you will likely encounter a gale every 3 to 5 days. You may want to wait until November to make the final sail up the Caribbean Islands back to Florida in order to time your arrival with the end of the Atlantic hurricane season. One popular alternative is to hire a yacht delivery captain to bring your vessel back home for you. Once you have made your way through the NW Passage, winter will already be well on its way. On the other hand, leaving earlier in the season gives you plenty of time to complete your journey without the pressure of the cyclone season bearing down on you. This is a great option for sailors who want to take a year off to sail offshore and see much of the world, but dont quite want to commit to a round the world sail. The Canary Islands are a perfect place to solve any issues that come up on the passage from Gibraltar. The route through the canal is complex and you run the risk of being delayed during peak periods. The Five Great Capes are the southernmost points of Africa, Oceania and the Americas. My profession has allowed me to sail all over the world from Greenland to the Southern Ocean and many places in between. A cruising sailors blog, newsfeed or Instagram account from the Pacific is an onslaught of images and videos of every flavour of paradise from the green, dramatic and rugged landscape of the Marquesas with its huge waterfalls, the coral atolls and blue lagoons of the Tuamotus, to Tahiti and Bora Bora, the volcanic eruptions and cauldrons of lava in Vanuatu, the breaching whales of the Coral Sea Enough already, as they say! 3. Las Perlas is made up of over 220 islands and islets so theres plenty to enjoy before you start the long journey westwards. This could get you back to Florida in under a year. Snorkelling is the highlight here and the lagoons are home to the prettiest and most diverse coral I have ever seen. Just like the passage north from Tahiti, prior to departure from Hawaii you will want to make sure that the coast is clear for tropical depressions that could affect your route. Voyages like this are certainly possible, but they dont leave much time for enjoying the sights along the way. Its also a good idea to read up on other sailors experiences of the route youre planning to take. You might choose to go on the northern route, crossing through the Torres Strait, or the southern route. You must make one very long crossing, the 3,000 miles from the Galapagos Islands to the Marquesas, but this is usually fast sailing with a favourable current bringing the passage time down to one similar to a transatlantic crossing.
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