r Corner - Whitewater paddling a
Gear Corner - Whitewater paddling accessories from Salamander Paddle Gear. The start of this trail is actually just over the border in Georgia. This allows for less paddling and a faster float from the put in to the take out. While this branch of the Flint River starts out as Class II and III, theres serious Class IV water farther downstream. I was wrong, and the four of us carried the tandem up the road without an issue of course the last stretch was another steep climb.
Also, instructors and experienced boaters can help you become familiar with various types of whitewater boats, so you can determine what you really like before you invest a bunch of money in a boat. This time I wasn't so worried and forgot to bring some essentials. This section of Bear Creek is a perfect paddle for newbies seeking just a couple of light Class II rapid spots. And dont forget to share this to help your buddies find new paddling places. Did I mention that I was hungry?
The whole trip took about 6 hours including a couple generous breaks to explore. Later in the day, after we had walked our boats through ankle-deep water, Krystal commented wryly that she didnt know how they would have managed without them. I generally never shy away from a river trip, but I was thinking we should bail on the river and find a nice bike trail instead, but Susan wanted to go to the Sipsey. This area was affected by the tornadoes of 2011, so keep in mind that there will be areas of downed trees and debris along the way.
Josh paddled his whitewater kayak all day.
I did suggest that we rig their boats with painter lines to help walk them through shallows, and I think they really appreciated that as the day progressed.
To complicate things even more, I wanted to figure out a biking or hiking shuttle, so we could go downstream on our own. I kept picturing my corpse down in a deep drop-off under my mangled bike. In the end, we went to the right of it. It was definitely not much of a swimmer. Just north of Birmingham, the run is around 5.5 miles, consisting of high Class II and Class III rapids, depending on water flow. Gauge height: 3.25 feet, #SipseyRiver #canoe #kayak #BankheadNationalForest #canoeing #kayaking #Alabama. Josh spent much of the day just doing partial strokes, to try to keep the thing straight. The 265 mile long Tallapoosa River forms part of the Alabama Scenic River Trail and can be a great place to paddle whether youre a beginner or a more experienced kayaker. Yellow Creek Fish Camp owner Jane Hindman rents the boats at her shop for $5 per hour, or bring your own boat. A large paved parking lot with picnic tables, restrooms and a sloping ramp are there for visitors use, and is considered one of the states most convenient river launching sites. Tell us about it. Even if you don't tip, you will likely get soaked unless you have a spray skirt. We dont think youll have trouble finding those on your own.
Little River Canyon National Preserve can be a fantastic place to kayak if youre looking for wild and scenic landscapes and a wide range of wildlife, including federally endangered plants.Kayaking through the Little River Canyon (below the falls) is only for highly skilled and experienced whitewater kayakers, as this section of the river has up to Class VI rapids. The boat was great in whitewater, but there was none of that on the Sipsey this day. I was about to ask about getting a ride back with them at the end when Josh suggested it. I predicted that hiking was in our future, and I was right -- sort of. The family boating arrangements worked out pretty good. Alabama Scenic River Trail. An outfitter should provide a shuttle service (and sometimes other transportation) between put-ins and take-outs along their respective river stretches. That brings up another tip: wear your life jacket for the 100-yard dash. (The numbers on the Alabama Whitewater flow page have been really helpful.) The lush, green foliage and trees hide you away from civilization and will invite you to return year after year.
For perspective, 12,598 miles of U.S. rivers have received this designation of which Alabama's Sipsey accounts for 64 of those milesonly half of one percent. Putting in at Thompson Creek would effectively double your trip (from 9 to 18 miles). All other logistics (boat transportation, vehicle shuttle, navigation, etc.) And bring a change of dry clothes. Krystals response was, Were way past charging. Josh pulled them through.
I actually scraped my way down the rapid, or what Id call a crawl on this day without getting stuck.
5 Easy Hikes Near Birmingham to Help Shake Out the Winter Funk, 4 Top Reasons to Get Your Kids Outside this Winterand What to Do When Youre There, The Best Places to Go Hammock Camping in Alabama, How to Safely Train for Your Next Alabama Race in the Heat. to Kevin who cleared a small path to the far right.
Safety precautions must never be ignored or neglected, and will ensure an unforgettable, injury-free trip. Despite the 30-foot or more drop to the water, we were surprised there were warnings to be prepared for flash floods in the parking area.
Actually, it's probably good you're still reading because we've got boat loads of tips about the Sipsey.
The path from the water to the parking area is long, steep, and difficult to get a car down. Ive done more than my fair share of pullovers, but when you factor in the biker death ride, leaving the boats on the truck was sounding really appealing. We were really happy for the shuttle ride, but were worried that we might be interrupting family time, so we tried to not be too close. Railroad Fork on the Flint River may be fickle, and you have to explore some to find the right spots, but thats what draws some people to whitewater kayaking. I stayed with the boats and gear while everyone else shuttled. When Josh or Krystal asked one of the two to swap places, they obliged cheerfully. There's plenty of room. We launched at 10:30, and I was already ready for lunch.
I think the low level made him a bit nervous, too, and he said he wouldnt mind backup.
The younger members of the group had paddled, but not on moving water.
Fortunately, the two downfalls blocking the river near the launch site were the worst that we saw all day. (I do obsess a bit about painter lines, but they really do come in handy a lot.).
The two kids proved themselves to be real troopers who I never heard complain during the whole trip. I figured we could go a little lower than that because the minimum for whitewater paddlers is probably a bit higher than the minimum for Florida small creek paddlers.
Please direct all licensing questions to legal@getmatcha.com. There were no vehicles in the canoe launch parking area that was across an ancient-looking bridge from the hiking trail parking.
Copyright 2008-2022. The Sipsey River in Bankhead National Forest was about 75 minutes from our campground, but we could tell it was our kind of river. We made it to the Cranal Road launch, and we both agreed that the Sipsey River is undeniably beautiful. Without a kayak skirt you will get wet. As we looked down at the scenic river on that sunny June day, it was obvious that the water level was too low for us to paddle. Both of the youngsters were extremely polite and interesting. There is a lot of wildlife to spot along the way and it can be a peaceful, relaxing trip year round. If youre looking for a little more whitewater on your Alabama paddling trip you might want to head to Locust Fork River. Absent that offer, Susan and I definitely would have been out on a hiking trail instead.
It wouldnt have been that easy to grab a river turtle. There is no whitewater.
Our new river friends turned out to be a very nice family back from several years in Peru doing missionary work. Luckily I didn't need any of them but several in our party did. Daily rental packages (boat, PFDs, paddles, straps) are available for $25-$40 and you can call ahead (205-996-4913) to reserve a boat. Boats need to be returned around 5pm. I jokingly commented that Joshs gang was starting to look like zombies. In one particular trip down the Sipsey, someone in our party "exited" their kayak which then turned over and filled with water. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Do Sharks Attack Kayaks? I was shocked that there was someone else foolhardy enough to even consider the trip. As soon as we saw the river, we were both glad wed made the trip, even if we didnt paddle the river. If there were two pullovers in the first 500 feet, what would it be like further downstream? The Sipsey Recreation area on County Road 60 is the put-in location. They should be experts in the paddling opportunities in their areas and warn of dangers where they exist. This is my favorite kayak paddle. Get kayak updates, guides, tips, gear reviews and offers sent straight to your inbox! To be honest, I would have appreciated them a lot more if wed seen them several hours earlier. Call Us - (256) 287-9582 Riverside Fly Shop 2021. Susan and I both had our solo canoes, which are about as good a boat as you can have if you want to skim down a waterway thats, well, not got much water. Susan and I were spending five nights at Monte Sano State Park in Huntsville, Alabama; and, as we usually do when we are away from home, we looked for nearby places to paddle. When I went down the Sipsey last year, it was my first time so I brought *everything*. Josh and family had already left a vehicle downstream at the takeout.
We recommend getting up some speed and just powering over it. Despite the low water, we were able to paddle most, but certainly not all, of the 12-mile trip. Another option is to put-in at Thompson Creek off Forest Service Road #208. 69 S ~ Bremen, Alabama 35033, Please select one or more requested events below The first comment he made was that hed been there years before and found a shotgun in the rapid.
Josh had whitewater experience and had paddled the Sipsey maybe a handful of times many years back.
A Sipsey River paddle starts at the picnic area on County Road 60 and ends where you park a shuttle vehicle at the Highway 33 Bridge. The farthest put-in upriver is Little River Falls, at a Class V known as the "Suicide Section."
At some point in your life you're bound to tip and lose all your trash downstream so why not preemptively redeem yourself now :). 1/2 Day Guided Trip 1 Person (Drift Boat), 1/2 Day Guided Trip 2 Person (Drift Boat), Full Day Guide Trip 1 Person (Drift Boat), Full Day Guide Trip 2 Person (Drift Boat). I also recommend putting on waterproof pants before you hit the dash. Spring and fall are the ideal times to visit and youll want a flow of 250 cfs for the optimal paddling conditions. The 100-yard dash is located at about the halfway point of this trip and gets its name from the approximately 100 yards of class II rapids.
It was almost 6:00 pm by the time we got to the takeout after about 7.5 hours of paddling / hiking. The water itself was the color of weak tea, but clear enough to easily see the river bottom. As youre introduced to the sport, youll not only learn crucial paddling skills and safety procedures, but youll also learn the different classification of rapids and how water flow makes river navigation possible or more difficult. But there are so many great spots that it can be difficult to pick out the best ones. AL, Just how wet is really the question. Josh was towing a trailer, and he didnt like the road either. You can take out at the Highway 33 bridge after traversing roughly 9 miles of untamed Alabama Wilderness. 205-612-2292. And no, John Foshee's book doesn't really help here. It is truly dependent on you and your paddle. Dont Forget to Fill out your Wavier Click Here, Mailing Address : 17027 Hwy.
Josh and company had plenty of water. The water is a breathtaking shade of green (and cold) and there are numerous waterfalls cascading from high rock bluffs. Weve seen so many river turtles on various trips, that they arent worth noting, but on this day we saw something a little different. Maybe you've heard of the Sipsey River; maybe you haven't. While the main tributary, the East Fork, consists mostly of Class II rapids with a few challenging drops and rocks, the Railroad Fork is one of the most unique river experiences youll encounter. The water is a chilly 45 degrees in January. Once a kayak has tipped and gets even a little water in it it's almost impossible to control. The views along the river made the trip worth the effort.
The Sipsey River: Paddling at Ultra-Low Water is still a Great Hike, Chopping our way down the upper Sopchoppy River. I told Josh that wed happily paddle along with them if they wanted company downstream, as wed had a bit of experience with shallow creeks. Use our map to find the Sipsey Recreation Area on County Road 60 (Cranal Rd). CampingKayaking1/2 Day Guided Trip 1 Person (Wading)1/2 Day Guided Trip 1 Person (Drift Boat)1/2 Day Guided Trip 2 Person (Wading)1/2 Day Guided Trip 2 Person (Drift Boat)Full Day Guide Trip 1 Person (Wading)Full Day Guide Trip 1 Person (Drift Boat)Full Day Guide Trip 2 Person (Wading)Full Day Guide Trip 2 Person (Drift Boat). Getting stuck would mean that it would be even longer until I got to eat. Why are you still reading? Several sources, including Alabama Whitewater, suggested that the minimum water level for the Sipsey River online gauge should be about 4.0 feet. There were giant boulders lining part of our way, and rock walls that towered above us. Ashville, Alabama 35953.
There are many launch points and take-out points along the river, which can make it ideal both for longer overnight trips and for shorter trips. Experienced adventurers will enjoy the laid-back nature of the river and will get a rush from the rough patches. Youll also discover canyons and caves alongside the river, as well as places where you can camp. 2022 RootsRated, Inc. All rights reserved.
We rent NuCanoe Kayaks (sit on top) for floating and fishing on the Sipsey Fork. I was right when Id guessed there wouldnt be any other people on the river on a hot Tuesday with a river that was much too low. Moving water or not, the kids were pretty good paddlers, in my book. -87.398499, Live like a Birmingham local whenever, wherever, Outdoor destinations + local stories & exclusive outdoor events.
Also, you could do an extended trip through Alabama wilderness here and float for 26 miles.
Josh carried the gun back in his boat, but my finger prints are on it, too. We recommend planning for at least 7-9 hours of paddling.
With clear water and a flow that carves its way through the narrow sandstone canyons of northwest Alabama, the Sipsey River is the perfect place to enjoy the wild beauty of the state. This section is more mild and can be good entry level whitewater, with mostly Class I rapids. I like carrying a spare. Motivational Problems It was a Long, Hard Day. We never found the wooden gauge, which we figured had been washed off in the years since hed been here. Whichever the case, stop what you're doing and make the trip todayor at least soon. Part of the Upper Tallapoosa forms the Lloyd Owens Canoe Trail, which can be great for beginners as its mostly flatwater and there are several take-outs. My planned bike shuttle was about 12 miles total: about 8 miles on Alabama Highway 33 and 4 miles on Cranal Road. Halfway down the river, he commented that using the whitewater boat was like paddling a basketball it had absolutely no control whatsoever. Alabama can offer a wide variety of paddling experiences, with stunning scenery and plenty of wildlife.
There were several long stretches, however, where we walked our boats, pulling them along behind us like unhappy mules. If the water level had been any higher than 5.4' that day, we may not have been able to pass under the tree.The second obstacle was another tree down but there were several feet of the tree that were mostly submerged. While beginners can get their feet wet with all-day trips through mellow Class I water, experienced boaters can take quick jaunts through Class III rapids or even negotiate Class IV runs. According to multiple sources including park rangers within Bankhead, the USGS gage height should be within 4-7 feet for safe navigation. Not exactly hypothermia-cold but certainly unpleasant especially once the sun goes behind the trees.
Statistics & Safety Guide. (Shortly after we returned home to Florida, I met a paddling acquaintance on a local creek and mentioned paddling the Sipsey River. When your trip is complete, give us a call and we will shuttle you back to the shop. Davy and I took turns corralling it to shore while our unfortunate friend floated down to catch up with us. Before we pushed off, Id also asked if they had lunch.
Wild and Scenic is simply a designation made to preserve "certain selected rivers which possess outstandingly remarkable scenic, recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, historic, and cultural values" --Wild & Scenic Rivers Act, 1968. The first section from the put-in at the bridge on Highway 14 (just west of Snead, AL) flows for 10 miles to the take-out at Cold Branch Road. STANDARD REQUEST: As always, please pack out what you pack in and more. Dont expect an outfitter's level of expert guidance from big-box stores.
The Sipsey River isnt so rough that beginners cant enjoy the waters. Around here, we dont call just anybody who sells boats an outfitter. There is a launch point at Canyon Mouth Park and you can paddle along the river to Weiss Lake. His book is at least 10 years out of date and it's description of the take-out is outdatednot that it's hard to find mind you. Joshs gang had lunch in the upstream vehicle, so the kids were looking forward to it. A self-guided trip can be done by renting a canoe from the Outdoor Rec Department at UAB in downtown Birmingham. The Most Expensive Bass Boats MONEY CAN BUY! It has everything an experienced paddler could want, making it one of the most well-known destinations for whitewater in Alabama, with numerous Class III and IV rapid sections.
This section of the Flint River north of Cullman shows how vast Alabamas whitewater experience can be if you kindle your sense of adventure and take the time to hunt.
No Boats are allowed above the Pumping Station (2 miles upstream of Hwy 69 Bridge). I did appreciate them, just not as much as I would have when I wasnt quite as tired. If not for a fortunate twist of fate, however, Susan and I would never have paddled the Sipsey River, and we would have missed out on the stunning views and experience it offered. The Sipsey is nature at its best. All of those long-past trips had been at much higher water levels. Our suggestion here is to send your most experienced down first so they can retrieve any lost boats. Outfitters are a good way to try a boat, even if you already own a boat and would like to try a different kind from the one you might already have. Josh had a worn, hand-printed note card with guidelines on the river based on a wooden gauge mounted to the ancient bridge. It was frozen up pretty solid. All rights reserved.
There is an increasingly scaled late fee for returning after 6 pm due to declining visibility and an increase in danger caused by nightly cold water-dense fog. I mentioned my bike shuttle plan. We introduced ourselves with the hope that they knew something about the river that we didnt. The Sipsey River is considered to be one of the last wild swamp streams in Alabama, flowing for 92 miles through one of the most diverse ecosystems in the state. Alabama is filled with natural beauty and peaceful waterways, with lots of opportunities to get out in your kayak no matter what your skill level.
If you want to be extra safe, pack two sets of everything just in case you have mishap unrelated to the 100-yard dash. Water flow is controlled by TVA, which usually plans releases to coincide with summer crowds. Josh looked at me and said, We have a bit of a motivational problem. I wanted to flop down in the water, too, but no one had made me come. The magazine release was not working, and we wanted to make sure it was safe. The currents from Smith Lake Dam while generating move at around 3-5 mph. The moments that make it worthwhile arent handed out, and it takes effort and dedication to make it happen. Susan said she was still energetic, but Im not sure I believed her. If youre into fishing, youve probably heard of Lake Guntersville, as its a frequent location for bass tournaments. Coursing through the Sipsey Wilderness, known as the "Land of 1000 waterfalls," this is Alabamas only river designated as Wild and Scenic by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1958. are up to you.
A bit later, a deer charged across the river right in front of us. 34.285625, Isaac excitedly rescued it by carrying it to the shore that we thought it was headed for. Click the picture to see details at Amazon. Even with north Alabama hills, I figured that wouldnt be much of a problem. My best guess was that we would be spending a lot of time dragging boats and getting stuck in shoals. As we drove in on Highway 33, however, I started having second (and third) thoughts. Its rich wildlife habitats have earned it its place as one of the Ten Natural Wonders in Alabama.The river generally consists of slow moving flatwater, although there is a section called the 100 yard dash, which has faster flowing water of Class II rapids.There are several put-ins and take-outs within Bankhead National Forest and there is a kayak and canoe launch at the Sipsey River Picnic Area where youll also find parking and restrooms.Along the paddling trail youll see waterfalls, bluffs and lots of wildlife. They were leaving lunch in their vehicle, but they had plenty of snacks. Go! If you're even slightly familiar with the Sipsey, then you know how infrequently sufficient the water level is to allow safe navigation of this river. Ella and Isaac took turns in the solo kayak and with their mom. I would drive the truck to the takeout and ride my bike back up to the launch. It turned out to be a family of four: the parents, Josh and Krystal, were in their mid to late 30s and were accompanied by their 13-year-old daughter Ella and 11-year-old son Isaac. Knowing the proper water level is important too.
These boats werent going to be as easy to hop in and out of as our canoes, and I figured they might draw a little bit more water. Very short, very rewarding paddle to nearby Yellow Creek Falls.
How long is the paddle? Since it was just the two of us, we planned to unload our gear at the upstream launch and leave Susan there to watch things. It looked like a handgun, because thats what it was a Smith and Wesson 22 semi-automatic.
If you have some whitewater kayaking experience and youre seeking a challenge thats less daunting than Little River Canyon, head to the Locust Fork section of the Black Warrior. The Sipsey River is a stunningly beautiful body of water with many of years of history, and great options for recreational adventures. Im pretty sure I could have arranged a shuttle via FloridaKayak.org, even that far north, but our schedule was a bit fluid. Launch behind the shop and paddle the Upper Sipsey Fork, Mill Creek, and Boyd Creek then return the boats to the launch when you are done with your adventure.
We only thought the tough part of the trip was over.
From wild rivers and peaceful streams to large lakes and even the Gulf Coast, kayaking in Alabama can be fun wherever you go. We were ready to get on the river!
Written by Hap Pruitt for RootsRated in partnership with BCBS of AL and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Each rental includes a paddle and a life jacket. Based on the location and length of time on the water, this is an all-day adventure, and easily one of the most scenic and remote experiences in the state.
You will need a change of clothes in a dry bag (secured inside your kayak). Read what our Customers experiences were like. The cliffs of the river canyon create a waterfall wonderland after even the slightest rain, as everything funnels off the elevated plateau into the river basin below. Krystal did intervene in a few sibling disagreements during the day, but that was moderately entertaining. Josh rigged kayak paddles to make carry bars, but I was sure his paddles would break.
The scenery isnt bad either, with clear turquoise water that cuts through sandstone cliffs.
Dumping at the 100-yard dash while carrying firearms must not be all that uncommon!). As far as wildlife goes, we did see other creatures, but the most interesting was the up-close encounter with a pileated woodpecker that was bobbing its head up and down only about twenty feet from us. Ella noted that ella in Spanish is she, so if you said, She is Ella youd be saying, She is she. I could see how that would be bothersome! And by "retrieve" I really mean chase your boat until the river calms and they can coral it to shore. A hapless box turtle was bobbing its way across the river. There's a large parking lot with restrooms. This would be a really fun rapid with more water. Summers can be brutally hot and buggy, and the river is even unnavigable for much of this season when there isn't the minimum flow of 75 cfs.
The boulders and rock outcroppings lining the river are raw and beautiful. Looking just downstream from the launch, there were two separate downed trees that would require pulling over. Any purchasethrough our links supports the website. Theres not much more we could ask for from a river, except for, well, water.
Many places are no more than 1.5 feet deep, but the current is not a force to be trifled with, or to be underestimated. If youre a kayaker, you see plenty of potential for adventure, and many reasons to get excited. Olympic athletes have used this section to train.The portions of the river above the falls, around DeSoto State Park, and from Canyon Mouth Park on the other side of the canyon, can be more suitable for all levels of paddlers, with a range of Class I and II whitewater. I waited up on Josh and company as they walked their boats through yet another shallow section. We hadnt had enough of a workout, so we did the nice quarter-mile hike with the boats and gear, except for one thing: Krystals tandem kayak must have weighed a ton, and there was no comfortable way for two people to carry that thing. The water here was deeper than usual, and the deer made a racket getting across.
Paddle this area shortly after a major rainfall and you quickly understand the nickname, Land of 1000 Waterfalls. In addition to the cascades and solitude, the river itself is a stunning example of a pristine natural environment. That includes shoes, socks, gloves, and a hat. There is little current without generation. Another massive plus for paddling the Sipsey is that its federally protected, so camping is allowed alongside the river, a rarity in Alabama.
Roadside Highway 231at the bridges just before you get to the square in Ashville,
You need to be aware of the dangers of faster current and keep the kayak away from the edges of the river to avoid obstructions. That was OK, though, because the water wasnt moving much that day.
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