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If you have any questions or comments, please contact: Construction: Jason VanNice Bureau of Construction & Materials, 7th Floor 700 SW Harrison St. Topeka, KS 66603-3754 785-296-7138 A remote monitoring system with the intelligent compaction index CMV as the core is designed and developed to address the shortcomings of traditional subgrade compaction quality evaluation methods. The reports Executive Summary states that the project demonstrated tried-and-true Intelligent Compaction (IC) technologies through sixteen (16) field projects and open house activities, numerous meetings and training for State personnel and local earthwork/paving contractors, and assistance on the development of State IC specifications. US National IC Guide Specs. Using genuine parts ensures that your Dynapac product is maintained to factory specifications, minimizing operating costs. January 2020. Director of Research, Transtec Group. 1 2. Tools in the Operations Center provide you and your partners with the ability to analyze, edit, and make collaborative decisions from the same set of information to get higher yields and reduce input costs. into the Standard Specifications. and Bob Horan, P.E. Night Vision: Intelligent Compaction giving paving contractors better results in the dark. Laying and compaction specification for road construction in Germany Subbase 100 - 103 % * 100 - 150 MN/m * 20 mm Using the auto-plan mode, surgeons can create a preoperative plan within five minutes. The reports Executive Summary states that the project demonstrated tried-and-true Intelligent Compaction (IC) technologies through sixteen (16) field projects and open house activities, numerous meetings and training for State personnel and local earthwork/paving contractors, and assistance on the development of State IC specifications. Fly ash, flue ash, coal ash, or pulverised fuel ash (in the UK) plurale tantum: coal combustion residuals (CCRs) is a coal combustion product that is composed of the particulates (fine particles of burned fuel) that are driven out of coal-fired boilers together with the flue gases.Ash that falls to the bottom of the boiler's combustion chamber (commonly called a firebox) is The reports Executive Summary states that the project demonstrated tried-and-true Intelligent Compaction (IC) technologies through sixteen (16) field projects and open house activities, numerous meetings and training for State personnel and local earthwork/paving contractors, and assistance on the development of State IC specifications. Intelligent compaction rollers, which use onboard sensors to measure soil compaction characteristics in real time, have been demonstrated or specified on Mn/DOT construction projects for several years. 1 2. This specification option has the advantages of quantifying risk, establishing a framework for a performance specification, providing information for incentive-based pay, and better linking as-built quality to long-term performance.

Factors affecting correlations are discussed (e.g., soil type, moisture contents, stress level, etc.).

compaction highways Intelligent compaction is the compaction of road materials, such as the layers of soils, aggregate bases, or asphalt pavement materials, using advanced vibratory rollers armed with a unified measurement system, a computer reporting system, GPS-based mapping, and Optional Feedback Control (OFC). Key Specs. Updated Sep 22, 2018. State research personnel will use the tools delivered under this contract to further develop and refine draft specifications. This premium bias SVG-enabled browsers will see the SVG figures with selectable text, other browsers will display the raster PNG version. Description. Airport Specifications Table of Contents (All sections) Section 10: Definitions and Terms. Just In-Time Training (JITT) Required for All Projects January 1, 2017 Training Requirement for: IC Quality Control Technician IC Data Analysis Technician 20. Strongly committed to customer performance, Dynapac - Fayat Group are experts on developing innovative equipment for compaction, paving, milling and concrete applications. Current procedures using conventional compaction machines may result in inadequate and/or non-uniform material densities, which can be one of the major factors in premature pavement failure. IC helps users overcome this issue by optimizing the compaction process. Intelligent Compaction Specifications 19. Transportations Intelligent Compaction (IC) Specifications. For a front tractor tire with great hold, flotation and slip resistance, look to the Firestone Regency Ag Front 4-Rib Tire. Rolled-in rumbles, rumble strips constructed as part of the conventional paving process (modifications to the compaction roller), were tried and found lacking in all factors listed above. Intelligent Compaction (IC) for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Typically noted in the plans: 11/05/21 407SE: Asphalt Pavement Safety Edge: Typically used when 1" or more & no milling 411B: Section 411 - Asphalt Concrete Surface (Hot Mix) Pavement smoothness requirements, usually noted on plans (Typically 4-lane & Interstate) 10/08/18 411C Intelligent materials for a sustainable future. Veta is a map-based tool for viewing and analyzing geospatial data, currently including intelligent compaction (IC), paver-mounted thermal profiling (PMTP), and laser test rolling. All systems is display pass mapping, temperature and CMV Real-time Feedback. Pavement Surface Preparation. 651-366-5456. Using the latest technological advancements to achieve increased removal mileage and EPA SmartWay verified and CARB-compliant fuel efficiency, the Firestone FS591 helps deliver the performance demanded by fleets. Construct subgrade soil (treated or untreated) and flexible base using intelligent compaction (IC) rollers.

Intelligent Compaction Definition Onboard Reporting System Temperature Sensors Global Positioning System Continuous Measurement System. The "95%" spec (usually specified when speaking in terms of the modified Proctor test) is somewhat arbitrary. The FHWA and AASHTO have developed national IC guide specifications.

The Avenir Complete Hip System is compatible with ONE Planner Hip, a web-based preoperative planner for primary total hip arthroplasty.

Intelligent Compaction Measurement Value (ICMV) is a generic term for accelerometer-based measurement system instrumented on vibratory rollers as a key components of intelligent compaction systems.

as a function of time Calculate a soil modulus That modulus is independent of the roller Intelligent roller modifies automatically instantaneously settings (force, ampl., freq.)

The 1-inch surface leveling project entailed going over an existing surface with nominally 1 inch of hot mix asphalt.

This study documents relationships between intelligent compaction measurement values (IC-MVs) and various in-situ point measurement techniques for monitoring compaction of non-granular and granular materials. IC vibratory rollers are equipped with a high precision global positioning system (GPS), infrared temperature sensors, an accelerometer-based measurement system, and an onboard color-coded display. An increasing number of state agencies have also developed their own IC specifications. Density Direct Intelligent Compaction System. For group registrations or other issues, please contact us by email ( or phone (859.288.4960). 3.1 Surface Condition; 3.2 Prime Coat - Flexible Pavements; 3.3 Underseals; 3.4 Seal Coats; 3.5 Existing Surface Preparation for Overlays 4. The output from an IC-equipped roller compaction equipment is a real-time area mapping of the compacted lift stiffness as captured by the IC measure. Checklists, forms, designs and Author: Aria Fathi. into two Every Day Counts Initiative projects selected for demonstrating this new technology. TRBs National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 676: Intelligent Soil Compaction Systems explores intelligent compaction, a new method of achieving and documenting compaction requirements.

Bituminous Engineer. 651-366-5535.

Intelligent Compaction (IC) refers to the compaction of road materials, such as soils, aggregate bases, or asphalt pavement materials, using modern vibratory rollers equipped with an integrated measurement system, an onboard computer reporting system, Global Positioning System (GPS) based mapping, and optional feedback control. The densification of the various layer In 2006, two projects were built using new intelligent compaction specifications adapted from standard earthwork and embankment specifications. Transportations Intelligent Compaction (IC) Specifications. "IC technology provides the opportunity to include compaction as part of the project's overall quality operations. Special Considerations for the Construction of Perpetual Pavements.

ICMV is based on the acceleration signals that represent the rebound force from the compacted materials to the roller drums. Such variability may result in an additional number of passes required, extended working hours, higher energy consumption, and negative environmental impacts.

NIT For "Construction of the Asphalt Surface Sealing System (ASSS) on rockfill Dams (AFRD), TRC and in Intake Areas (as shown on the corresponding drawings)/ includes placing and compaction of 2B filters, application of the prime and tack coat, placing and compaction of the layers of the asphalt surface sealing system, Bituminous coat. As with any new technology, however, Density Direct will require approval by either the resident engineer or state engineer on the project. The costs were yielded by summing the cost of each line item as shown in Table 4. The 15th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI '21) will take place as a virtual event on July 1416, 2021. 2.2 Intelligent Compaction 3. Intelligent Compaction (IC), which uses modern vibratory rollers equipped with an integrated measurement system, an onboard computer reporting system, Global Positioning System (GPS) Strongly committed to customer performance, Dynapac - Fayat Group are experts on developing innovative equipment for compaction, paving, milling and concrete applications.

The NCHRP Project 21-09, Intelligent Soil Compaction Systems, was undertaken to investigate intelligent soil compaction (IC) systems and to develop generic specifications for the application of IC in quality assurance (QA) of soil and aggregate base material compaction. This lets us find the Intelligent Compaction (IC) for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) Typically noted in the plans: 11/05/21 407SE: Asphalt Pavement Safety Edge: Typically used when 1" or more & no milling 411B: Section 411 - Asphalt Concrete Surface (Hot Mix) Pavement smoothness requirements, usually noted on plans (Typically 4-lane & Interstate) 10/08/18 411C according to the department of transportation (dot) intelligent compaction refers to the compaction of road materials, such as soils, aggregate bases and asphalt paving materials, using vibratory rollers equipped with an integrated measurement system, global positioning system (gps), on board computer reporting system, and for asphalt non-contact P-411: Intelligent Compaction for Asphalt Mix Pavement. August 17, 2015. This work shall consist of compacting these materials Conventional compaction yields a cost of US $940.52 per 1.6 lane-kilometer and IC yields a cost. The reports Executive Summary states that the project demonstrated tried-and-true Intelligent Compaction (IC) technologies through sixteen (16) field projects and open house activities, numerous meetings and training for State personnel and local earthwork/paving contractors, and assistance on the development of State IC specifications. Pavement Surface Preparation. This allows for hands-free turns while reducing soil compaction, resulting in picture-perfect headlands and consistent crop growth. Now the major roller manufacturers are investing heavily in developing new technologies that will meet emerging specifications in the States. Note: To provide the highest quality images, this specification uses SVG diagrams with a PNG fallback using the HTML object element. Our global writing staff includes experienced ENL & ESL academic writers in a variety of disciplines. Professional academic writers.

When we talk about road construction, compaction is BOMAG 3 1 2 3 FHWA Soils/Asphalt IC . He also published an IC monograph in Science Press and China Railway Press and led the writing for the Chinese versions of the ISIC ICT book series . Intelligent Compaction. Description. NOTE: The 2015 Standard Specifications can be ordered by using the Standard Specifications and Construction Manual Order Form. Audio, video, and telephone systems. Utility Tractor. The system is designed to simplify compaction by using the programs real time data to alert the operator when the required material stiffness is reached. AsphaltPro is a magazine serving the asphalt industry with a regular rotation of high-quality content integral to running a successful asphalt plant or paving operation moisture/density or stiffness). Tasks The basic compaction degree is 95%, and the depth is 150 mm. Terry Beaudry. NACOE project P105 Implementation of Intelligent Compaction (IC) in Queensland has been investigating the hardware and software requirements to implement IC into Queensland, as well as transferring international knowledge and experience to the local industry. Proven Intelligent Compaction Results from State DOTs. These features enhance the CASE Intelligent Hydraulic System and its four integrated control systems to make the best use of the machines hydraulic power and momentum, resulting in added strength and fuel efficiency. Special Specification for Intelligent Compaction Control of Soil 08/20/2014 01/08/2015: EI 14-015: Demolition Plan Review Checklist 07/16/2014 07/16/2014: EI Special Specifications for Soldier Pile and Lagging Walls and Sta-Pod Armor Units 01/24/2003 05/08/2003: EI 02-025: Visual Resource Analysis Procedure 08/15/2002 05/08/2003: EI Description. At Rock to Road s upcoming PaveTech: A Smart Roads Conference , Mark Eckert, product manager of compaction for Volvo Construction Equipment, will offer a general overview of what intelligent compaction is and why road authorities and contractors are using the technology during the compaction process. Intelligent Compaction (IC) Technology Improvement of Construction Quality for Base and Soil Jimmy Si, PE Richard Williammee, PE Austin Marshall: Specifications Carlos Chang: Statistical Acceptance Anand Puppala: Geotechnical 1 . What is Intelligent Compaction? Export to Excel. Intelligent Compaction. Services: Intelligent Compaction technology Implementation, Program Coordination, Field Evaluations, Just-In-Time-Training and Real-Time Field Support. Serving the needs of liquid asphalt manufacturers and suppliers worldwide since 1919. An intelligent compaction (IC) specification that required variable feedback amplitude control was recently implemented on the TH-64 reconstruction project in Minnesota. Intelligent Power Management (available in transport and/or mobile PTO Although a few countries have developed quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) specifications, broader implementation of these technologies into earthwork construction Rigid Pavement.

Copy of all applicable compaction specifications: Does the roller have an SNM940 wireless modem installed? * Main Contacts. Four construction sites utilizing IC were visited: (1) TH 36 in North St. Paul, IRC:SP-98-2013: Guidelines for the use of Waste Plastic in Hot Bituminous Mixes (Dry Process) in Wearing Courses: 218. Many factors affect pavement compaction quality, which can vary. Conduct .

standard modifications to this specification. required by the construction specifications in real time, Incorporate intelligent compaction through the use of performance-based specifications. When rumble strips were in the early implementation phase, many construction methods were tried and evaluated for cost, productivity, effectiveness, and quality.

INTELLIGENT COMPACTION METHODS USED ON AIRFIELDS IN UTAH AND ALASKA The densification of the various layer Spreading and Compaction Total Thickness Shown on Plans Number of Layers 0.25 foot or less 1 0.260.50 foot 2 0.510.75 foot 3 0.761.00 foot 4 The tack coat application rate varies with the condition of the existing surface to which it is applied. 651-366-5577. Intelligent compaction uses continuous compaction-roller vibration monitoring to assess mechanistic soil properties, continuous modification/adaptation of roller [R-3] Designed for drive axle use on golf courses and parks, the Firestone Turf and Field 5-Rib Tire provides excellent flotation and minimal ground disturbance on sensitive surfaces. 2. Through this quantitative manner, insights into the current IC research practice and development trends have been We also recommend that you attend our Intelligent Compaction webinar, or our Asphalt Academy courses at sites throughout the country to obtain expert instruction on asphalt Specification Databases; Technical Documents; Asphalt Institute.

Construct all areas of embankment, subgrade soil and flexible base (treated or untreated) and all areas of roadway excavation using intelligent compaction (IC) rollers for quality control when shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer. Our products are lighter and easier to install than their mineral counterparts, reducing materials required, waste created and the need for heavy construction equipment. The new Atlas Copco intelligent compaction system is available on CC2200 through CC6200 asphalt rollers. Veta is a free intelligent construction data management (ICDM) tool that standardizes, displays, analyzes, and reports data collected by several types of intelligent compaction (IC) and paver-mounted thermal profiling technologies during construction. [R-1] The Super All Traction II 23 Tire features Firestone's modern, proven 23-degree tread design to maximize traction and improve ride. Based on the actual project, the correlation between the CMV and conventional compaction indexes of compaction degree K and dynamic resilient modulus E is The project incorporated the Intelligent Compaction specifications.

IRC:SP-99-2013: Manual of Specifications and Standards for Expressways` 219. Approaches to the design of telecommunication systems, based on specifications and constraints. Determining Target Intelligent Compaction Measurement Value of Soil: ITM 514: 11/05/2020: N. Siddiki: Test Sections for Aggregates and Recycled Materials: ITM 515: 11/12/2015: N. Siddiki: Determination of the Quality of the Soil Plant Growth Layer: ITM 516: 11/05/2020: N. Siddiki Intelligent Compaction on asphalt is currently used as a process Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. In 2011 and 2017, he presided over the compilation of Chinas first industry construction standards and product standards for intelligent compaction (IC) technology.

Back in 2011 the FHA reported on a major three-year research project which was designed to verify that IC, which at the time had been considered "emerging technology," was mature enough to be implemented in the real world. This allows for hands-free turns while reducing soil compaction, resulting in picture-perfect headlands and consistent crop growth. When New York State Department of Transportation (NYDOT) specs began requiring intelligent compaction (IC) technology for asphalt paving, a major paving contractor in the Northeast got into it in a big way, acquiring eight new articulated tandem rollers equipped with IC systems. Incorporate intelligent compaction through the use of performance-based specifications into two Every Day Counts Initiative projects selected for demonstrating this new technology.

ICMV is a modern compaction quality control metrics and techniques that can cover 100 percent of the compacted area. GPS Site Calibration or Localization Grid 1 Grid 2 Established Provided By State Points With Known Coordinates Rover Recorder 21. The reports Executive Summary states that the project demonstrated tried-and-true Intelligent Compaction (IC) technologies through sixteen (16) field projects and open house activities, numerous meetings and training for State personnel and local earthwork/paving contractors, and assistance on the development of State IC specifications.

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