potassium alum vs aluminum
Copyright However, it is specific types of manmade synthetic aluminium that have the health scares associated with them. Regular antiperspirant deodorants usually contain eitherAluminum Chloride, Chlorohydrate or Zirconium, all of which have health concerns. Have you made the switch to a natural deodorant? Try These Tips Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "What Is Alum and How Is It Used?" Well, not only did we find an alum stone that's completely unpackaged and will last you for years at a time, but wediscovered the secret to making it effective! Isnt the potassium alum in them just an aluminum salt? June 15, 2022, Fresh "No-Makeup" Makeup For Spring You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. Of course, common usage doesnt put a compound in the clear. Regular antiperspirant deodorants usually contain either, free from all the additives and ingredients that usually cause irritation. There are several interesting science projects that use alum. Before you apply, make sure you've either showered, shaved, or simply cleansed the underarm area with a little soap and/or hot water. Keep reading to find out the dangers of using a deodorant with aluminum, as well as a few of our favorite all natural alternatives! Potassium alum (and other alums) is a natural mineral salt made up of molecules that are too large to be absorbed by your skin. Your Mobile number and Email id will not be published. This is enough to scare us off for good!
a whirl, formulated with just a few, simple ingredients, all of which you can pronounce and available in 4 gorgeous scents, along with an unscented option for sensitive skin and noses. For a stick deodorant that you may be used to give our. Natural Potassium Alum vs Synthetic Aluminum, http://potassiumalum.com/natural-potassium-alum-and-synthetic/, https://nowtoronto.com/lifestyle/ecoholic/is-the-alum-in-crystal-deodorants-really-safer-than-the-aluminum-in-antiperspirants/, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9796505, http://naturalspasupplies.co.uk/product-info/alum-crystals/alum-blog-info/. But it just doesnt mean its healthy, because its normal. More than thirty years ago I started using baking soda as a deodorant, but have given up even that. An added benefit of its toning properties! ThoughtCo, May.
As aluminium ions are drawn into the cells, there is water that passes in with them and causes the cells to swell and squeeze the ducts closed so that sweat cannot get out. Green People. Sometimes alum is seen in its crystalline form, although it is most often sold as a powder. Synthetic or not, your crystal has a lower impact than the stew of nefarious ingredients in drugstore sticks. 1995 also suggest that Aluminium chlorhydrate salt is thought to form an obstructive plug of aluminium hydroxide within the sweat duct. When an antiperspirant claims to be "aluminum-free," they are saying it does not contain aluminum chlorohydrate, aluminum chloride, aluminum hydroxybromide or aluminum zirconiumall forms of aluminum commonly used in antiperspirants and deodorants. These wet-n-rub rocks seem a little suspicious, however. To use it to stop bleeding, wet the top and rub over the cut until it dries, and it should stop bleeding almost right away.
9 Mint & Prebiotics Deodorant 75ml, Minty roll-on men's deodorant for all skin types, Subscribe to our newsletter to receive your 15% discount code and receive all our offers straight to your inbox, Follow the latest natural beauty news and tips from our organic skin care experts. While this is a safer choice, it is not entirely aluminum-free. Required fields are marked *. Alzheimer's disease and cancer are two illnesses known to be associated with aluminum exposure. We hope the products we share can help ground you in routines that are empowering and uplifting andthat are sustainable, responsibly sourced, and plastic-free. You can also use this after a bikini wax or sugar wax because it calms the skin, protects against infection and should soothe any inflammation or bumps that can occur. Refreshing Aloe Vera deodorant for all skin types, An effective, ultra-gentle deodorant for sensitive skin, Green People for Men - No. Your email address will not be published. Sign up for our weekly newsletter and we'll keep you up to date with our latest arrivals, promotions and more! Its important to remember that when making the switch to an all natural, toxin-free deodorant, your body will go through a detox period. But first, what exactly is a crystal mineral deodorant? When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. This aluminum can also be absorbed into your body where it can then build up as part of your body burden. Here, you can find a curated selection of joyful and sustainable options for skincare, haircare, and wellness to help you take care of yourself while taking care of the planet. These are archives of Q&A asked by readers and answered by Debra Lynn Dadd (from 2005-2019) or Lisa Powers (from 2019-2020). The main difference between a deodorant with Potassium Alum, and a deodorant with Aluminium Chloride and Aluminium Chlorohydrate is that Potassium Alum does not black the sweat glands, and is therefore not considered an antiperspirant. If youre using a conventional brand deodorant and take a peek at the ingredient list, youll likely see aluminum on the label. The packaging is made of sustainable materials as much as possible Check out our products and tell us what you think! Potassium alum on the other hand is a mineral salt with a large molecular structure that sits on the surface of your skin rather than being absorbed. While theres been no conclusive evidence of aluminum causing cancer, studies have shown aluminum found in the breast tissue of breast cancer tumors. On the other hand, Potassium Alum has a much bigger molecular weight, at about 450 Daltons, which is too large to be absorbed through the skin. We loved this Mind Body Green article on howcrystal deodorants work and what dermatologists had to say. Click here to read our full disclaimer policy. July 04, 2022, What Really Happens When You Switch to Natural Deodorant Older Post She has taught science courses at the high school, college, and graduate levels. Some even come in crystal or stone-like form. Give your body a few weeks to adjust to the difference and you should see it start to work. In fact, in some parts, its presence in water is the only thing that allows it to be drunk without harm. A different aluminium type called alum, is the aluminium in crystal deodorant stones. June 27, 2022, Your Simple Guide To Natural Sunscreen To be clear, theres no conclusive evidence linking aluminum to Alzheimers, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers the link not resolved.. Rather, it is truly a deodorant, which will help prevent odor instead of keeping the armpits dry. How is this any different from other deodorants with aluminum in them? All rights Reserved, In addition, wetted crystals are actually broken down into ions, the smallest possible form of aluminium, which is easily dissolved in water. We are committed to protect the planet, its resources and all those who populate it. Check out our growing list of over twentyrave reviews. This is what makes deodorants with these ingredients an antiperspirant. This is enough to scare us off for good! For a stick deodorant that you may be used to give our Humble Deodorant a whirl, formulated with just a few, simple ingredients, all of which you can pronounce and available in 4 gorgeous scents, along with an unscented option for sensitive skin and noses. All our products are made in Sweden. And theres that little gotcha moment even knowing the right ingredients is not enough if theyve been synthetically produced using the toxic chemicals youre trying to avoid. June 18, 2022, Curating the best makeup brushes to use, and which brush does what + we'll keep you up to date with our latest arrivals, promotions and more! Required fields are marked *, Copyright 2018 Hello Natural Living. In 2004, the FDA directed makers of all aluminum-laced antiperspirants to warn people with kidney disease to consult a physician before using them. Its also worth noting that potassium alum has been used since Roman times for the purification of drinking water, so Ill leave the verdict up to you. The supposition that Aluminium Chlorhydrate blocks the pores is substantiated in the Merck Manual online Aluminum chloride hexahydrate in a 6 to 20% solution in absolute ethyl alcohol is indicated for topical treatment of axillary, palmar, and plantar sweating; these preparations require a prescription. It is also antiseptic, meaning it can help soothe any razor bumps, razor burn or redness. The top has definitely gotten flatter so I know its not magic Im going to guess five years but it totally depends. Since theres no doubt that potassium alum contains aluminium, if your switch to natural deodorants is in an effort to reduce the amount of aluminium build up in the body, you will want to look for something other than a crystal deodorant. . They also have a much smaller molecular mass (between 250-350 Daltons), meaning they can easily enter the skin and get into the bloodstream. Here's our best tips and tricks for each use. Aluminum is a heavy metal that accumulates in the body and may increase your risk of cancer. Potassium alum is also toxic to people, and is considered an environmental toxin. Clear crystals result from potassium alum, while purple crystals grow from chrome alum.. Copyright 2022, The Truth Beauty Company. Aluminum is a heavy metal that accumulates in the body and may. But just because its natural, it doesnt mean its safe. Yes, we take guest post and will link back to your site. (What, you dont find the vaccine thing comforting?). As a crystal deodorant, they look stunning on your counter and one stone can lastyou for years! Disclaimer Policy | Affiliate Policy | Privacy Policy | Cookies Policy | Terms & Conditions. Sweating stops until slowly the water escapes and the cellular swelling decreases and then the sweating process will resume. Also, thealuminum found inconventional deodorants is thought to be an endocrine disruptor which causes all kinds of hormonal problems and health risks. If you are interested in reading more about theingredients we use,go to the ingredients page. Be sure to dry it off between uses and store it on a tray (we like using an upturned jar lid!) This mineral salt stone is quite versatile, and I for one am a convert. Lets have a look at crystal deodorant ingredients. While theres been no conclusive evidence of aluminum causing cancer, studies have shown aluminum found in the breast tissue of breast cancer tumors.
What I can tell you is that plenty of people ingest potassium alum (aka potash alum or aluminum potassium sulfate) quite intentionally. Are deodorant crystals safe? You might have seen the Crystal brand deodorant in drug stores,in a plastic applicator just like regular roll-on deodorants. Aluminium is the third most abundant element on the planet and we ingest it in large proportions every day in water and food. As a deodorant, as an aftershave cream and as a styptic for minor bleeding from shaving, it also has cosmetic applications. Posts are subject to approval. Sweat is necessary for your body to detox and a health body has a lovely smell, not a foul odor. All specific medical questions should be presented to your own health care provider and you should seek medical advice regarding and before making any changes related to your health. The alum stone won't hide odor that's already there, but it can prevent any from appearing on clean skin!
It is important to note that they are made of potassium alum which is a different chemical compound than the aluminum found in conventional deodorants, and they do not possess the same health risks. The Best Natural Deodorant: A Cheat Sheet, Shopping Guide: Bicarb Free Deodorants For Sensitive Skin, How to Detox Your Armpits (So Natural Deodorant Will Work For You), Whats the Alternative? Read the ingredients: its exactly the same product. Many people get confused about alum because the press talks about aluminium being bad for us. You can use an alum stone as a deodorant, aftershave or astringent. It is not a heavy metal and has not been linked to breast cancer or Alzheimers. What Is Alum and How Is It Used? Ancient Egyptians used it as a dye, as a mordant in textiles andfortanning. April 27, 2022. The formulations consist of active raw materials, we never use cheap fillers. The liquid is decanted and the alum crystallizes out of solution. The World Health Organization advises people in developing countries to add a pinch to water storage vessels to prevent fecal coliform contamination. Please feel free to email us at contact@thetruthbeautycompany.com should you have any further questions. It is also sold as a large crystal as a "deodorant rock" for underarm use. Sweating it the bodys natural way of releasing toxins, but when this process is hindered, then toxins will simply stay in the body, along with trapped traces of this nasty heavy metal that can put your health at risk with regular use. Antiperspirants and deodorants are an industrial consumer invention, not found in nature. And considering crystal deodorants in stone form ask that water be applied before use, and that the first and largest ingredient in any crystal deodorant spray is water, and that our bodies are largely made up of water, the theory that any aluminium in a potassium alum based deodorant wont be absorbed through the skin struggles to stand up to these findings. Potassium alum is a fine white powder that you can find sold with kitchen spices or pickling ingredients. But it behaves differently, argue its proponents, who maintain its not absorbed by the body because of the size and negative ionic charge of the particles. Your email address will not be published. Checkout JEE MAINS 2022 Question Paper Analysis : What Is The Difference Between Potassium Alum And Aluminium. It is thought to work when aluminium ions are taken into the cells that line the eccrine-gland ducts at the opening of the epidermis in the top layer of the skin. These last two salts react with peptides and amino acids in the skin to form a gel which then blocks sweat ducts and glands, preventing perspiration. Assuming the alum in a crystal isnt absorbed by the body and youre in the clear health-wise, how does health-store deo fare on the eco scale? Others prefer citrus or tea-tree based deodorants. Potassium Alum has a much larger molecule (around 480 Daltons) which is too large to be absorbed through the skin (the maximum size that can be absorbed is less than 450 Daltons). During this time you may sweat more, but its simply your bodys way of releasing stored toxins that may have negatively impacted your health. 16, 2022, thoughtco.com/what-is-alum-608508. So is crystal deodorant safe? FREE SHIPPING on U.S orders over $60 We ship carbon-neutral and plastic-free , Yes, alum stones are a safe and effective natural deodorant. There are some great alternatives and it really comes down to what works for the individual.
Yes, alum stones are a safe and effective natural deodorant. So is potassium alum deodorant safe? Well, potassium alum occurs in one of two ways: as a naturally occurring mineral (called alunite or kalunite), or synthesized from leached alumina from mined bauxite, by means of some fancy chemistry. The history of alum stones is absolutely fascinating, and there's so many ways to use them. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your device and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, B.A., Physics and Mathematics, Hastings College, purification of drinking water as a chemical flocculant, in styptic pencil to stop bleeding from minor cuts, pickling agent to help keep pickles crisp, an ingredient in some homemade and commercial modeling clay, an ingredient in some depilatory (hair removal) waxes. Still, the FDA acknowledges that a small amount of aluminum can be absorbed through the skin and that those with kidney problems may have trouble excreting it. You must check the reCAPTCHA button before hitting the Sign Up button. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) deems it safeas well, which gives us peace of mind. Whats your fave? (Any chem students up for a little experimentation?). While conventional brand deodorants usually contain a slew of other nasties as well, aluminum is the one youre going to want to keep your eye on.
Firstly, the last two that I mentioned react with peptides and amino acids in the skin to create a gel like barrier, which blocks sweat ducts and glands. We source the purest natural and certified organic ingredients. A lot of our customers say it makes their skin feel super silky and soft after use. For sensitive individuals, NonTox U does not guarantee that you will not have a reaction to any recommended product because everyone is different. Your Mobile number and Email id will not be published. There are two main differences between Potassium alum (Aluminium potassium sulfate dodecahydrate) and the salts Aluminium chloride and Aluminium chlorohydrate which are commonly used in antiperspirants. As an astringent, they can be used in skincare as a treatment for blemishes and acne. Q: Is the alum in crystal deodorants really safer than the aluminum in antiperspirants? Crystal deodorants sound about as safe and natural as they come mineral salts originating from mineral crystals. Be careful to not over-use this treatment as it candry out your skin orthrowyour natural oils out of balance. As an aftershave, they are multipurpose in that they tone the skin and stop bleeding. Thats right. Bea Johnson says hers lasts about ten years! There have been some claims that there may be a connection between Alzheimer's disease, breast cancer and Aluminium Chlorohydrate. as well, aluminum is the one youre going to want to keep your eye on. The solution blocks sweat ducts and is most effective when applied nightly and covered tightly with a thin polyvinylidene or polyethylene film; it should be washed off in the morning. Reiber et al. It is safe for sensitive skin and free of toxins. While this is a better alternative, it is not completely aluminum-free. And while manufacturers say that its understood that potassium alum isnt absorbed into the skin, what they really mean is that there has been no research done on this. What granola-eating earth-lovers wouldnt want to stick it to Procter & Gamble by rubbing a crystal, of all things, under their arms? It's touted as all natural and has recently come back into popularity, but a lot of people have never had success with it. If you're still feeling skeptical, we totally get it. As with any topical product, discontinue use if skin irritation occurs and consult your doctor. Crystal deodorants will often state that theyre free of aluminium chlorohydrate, aluminium chlorohydroxide and aluminium zirconium. It is not particularly good for living organisms in the body so over eons we have evolved a particularly efficient and effective system for allowing naturally occurring Aluminum and its salt derivatives to pass through the body without effect. Alum stones are a mineral salt in crystal form, made of a single ingredient: potassium alum. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, Four Steps To Clear, Hydrated Skin This Summer The alum stonemineral salt crystal can be a great spot treatment for oily complexions and acne prone skin. Its used in pickling to add crunch, and in some natural aftershaves to help heal little nicks. You should not rely exclusively on information provided on NonTox U for your health needs. Yet another reason you might want to make the switch to a crystal deodorant. You can find it at pharmacies as a styptic pencil for first aid, at barbershops as an aftershave, and in cosmetics as an astringent. If its got the visible imperfections of a quartz crystal, its likely naturally sourced if its more consistently opaque, it could be synthetic. 1990), but this hypothesis has not been clinically confirmed. 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It's popular for use after shaving, but we also like to keep one in our first aid kitto treat small cuts and abrasions as well. Eco Friendly Feminine Products, Natural & Organic Baby Shampoo Cheat Sheet. It is a styptic, meaning it tightens tissue and helps blood to clot, so you can use it on your face, legs, or anywhere else you have a cut. Here weshare all our best tips andbreak down what an alum stone is actually made of and how it works. I found one called Crystal Mineral Deodorant Stick unscented. The theme should be health and beauty related. You may experience a detox period if you're switching from traditional deodorant. Unlike other deodorants, alum stones don't cover up body odor with fragrances or perfumes. Alum stonesdiffer from antiperspirants in that they are not thought to disrupt the microbiome of your skin. And can I just say Crystal Deodorants in Sport formulations? Simply wet the top and apply to affected areas. to keep it long-lasting. This is not the same chemical compound as the aluminum which is found in most conventional deodorants. To apply as deodorant, simply wet the top of the alum stone and rub it onto your skin as you would any deodorant. Copyright NonTox U LLC, 2021. A naturally occurring mineral salt, potassium aluminium sulphate, is potassium alum. Well, yes. The most common form is potassium alum, also known as potassium aluminum sulfate. As an aftershave, it depends how often you use it but probably around the same. Actually, this is where you may be very wrong. They form a protective layer on your skin that inhibits the growth of odor-causing bacteria. Aluminium Chlorohydrate is a synthetic ingredient of antiperspirants/deodorants, designed to be absorbed into and to block the pores under the arms, to prevent perspiration. A block of salt that can be used as deodorant, aftershave and a styptic? To use your alum stone as an aftershave, wet the top of the stone and apply to your skin directly after you shave. A couple of times a week should be fine. May 07, 2022, Skin Feeling Sensitive? 12H2O are considered to be an alum. Its also used as an adjuvant/immune booster in vaccines. To stop the flow of sweat to your skins surface, the aluminum plugs sweat ducts in the top layer of your skin stopping the the natural flow of sweat to your skins surface. Answers have been edited and updated as of December, 2020. FREE shipping - Central & Eastern Canada over $80, Western Canada & USA over $100, If youre using a conventional brand deodorant and take a peek at the ingredient list, youll likely see aluminum on the label. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. "What Is Alum and How Is It Used?" Subscribe to our newsletter to save 15% on your first order and receive expert eco beauty tips straight to your inbox. Self care isn't selfish. You can use your stone until its too small to hold. To be honest, theres no hard clinical research investigating the matter, so its anyones guess. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. (2022, May 16). Check out our Safer Deodorants Cheat Sheet to find out what really is natural and safe! Potassium alum is used most often, although ammonium alum, ferric alum, and soda alum may be used for many of the same purposes. It has been used as a deodorant for a long time as well, and ours has a smooth rounded shape that's easy to hold and easy to apply. Beginning in medieval times, itwas used in medicine as a styptic for minor wounds and cuts. All Rights Reserved. +44 (0)1403 740350, Save 15% when you sign up to our newsletter. If you find it easier, you can also apply your alum stonethe night before and in our experience it lasts through to the next evening. As a mineral salt, it is naturally antimicrobial and antiseptic, which allows it to fight bacteria. No deodorant is worth your health so make the switch today! Smooth it onto your underarm area until most of the water is absorbed, to create an invisible salt layer. After that its basically a small rock so you wont want to try to compost it, but you can keep it as decorative or sand it down into a powder, add it to water and turn it into a deodorant spray! BUT, potassium alum can also besynthetically produced, often using aluminium hydroxide (a white cosmetic opacifying agent) mixed with potassium or ammonium sulphate insulphuricacid. Instead of reacting with the skin and creating a gel like barrier, this type of salt actually remains on the surface of the skin and prevents the bacteria which causes sweaty odors from multiplying, as it is naturally anti-microbial. It links to some helpful research articles, too. We've updated our Privacy Policy, which will go in to effect on September 1, 2022.
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