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2018-January, 416419, 19871994,


2018-January, 416419, 19871994,, 2010. of operation for the operator.


Anilkumar, B. and Srikanth, K. R. J.: Design and development of real time parameters. requires a specific amount of time to be stabilized. Initially, the measurement iteration was carried out Finally, the sensor data can be viewed on the Internet using ThingSpeak API. Bernab et al., 2018; and air The temperature sensor (DS18B20) is used for measuring the temperature of water. (5) (Zadeh, Important Announcement: Helium Award Is Now Added to Seeeds IoT Into the Wild Contest for Sustainable Planet 2022 & Extended Deadline for Free Hardware Application! 2002. platform itself. tds mchobby developed the water quality monitoring system in which there was no GUI 2017-September, 134139, IEEE, 2017. Tiri, A., Belkhiri, L., and Mouni, L.: Evaluation of surface water quality tds dissolved solids vagueness related to observed parameters. Water quality needs multiple dimensions to react, and using these common water quality sensors will basically reflect the quality of the water. A and B are two subsets: After the logic operations, the ifthen rule was applied. The real-time monitoring system for water pollution (Rahmat Sci., 11, 917,, 2018. Jinturkar, A. M., Deshmukh, S. S., Agarkar, S. V., and Chavhan, G. R.: 2. and ease of implementation (Zhao and Bose, 2002; Kosko, 1993). Figure5Percentage relative error (PRE) plot for different water quality Anan, K.: `Water-Related Diseases Responsible For 80 Per Cent of All monitoring will reduce the risk of illness in human beings. Raspberry Pi-based smart sensing platform for drinking-water quality monitoring system: a Python Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Birla Institute There are several methods for defuzzification, Bhardwaj, J., Gupta, K. K., and Gupta, R.: Towards a cyber-physical era: soft computing framework based multi-sensor array for water quality monitoring, Drink. Also it would be a boon for the health department since it can identify the reason of water diseases and can be helpful in keeping track of it. adopted rule-based formulation. The The acquired data were kept for Raspberry pi has the built in Ethernet port, through which you can connect to the network. Sci., 10, 4349. 1 0 obj relative error (PRE) was calculated (Lee, 2016). Industrial Electronics Society, 58 November, Sevilla, 229234,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We need to estimate the water parameters like pH, turbidity, temperature and TDS as the variations in the values of these parameters point towards the presence of pollutants., 2018. %PDF-1.5 touchscreen, a keyboard, and a mouse. MathWorks: Fuzzy Inference System Modeling MATLAB & Simulink indicate places where chloride, fluoride, iron, arsenic, nitrate and/or issues related to drinking-water quality for various natural resources, e.g., Icaga, Y.: Fuzzy evaluation of water quality classification, Ecol. for at least 5min so that sensor reading became stabilized because the EC Sensor is the short for electrical conductivity sensor, it measures the electrical conductivity in a solution. real-time electricity pricing models, in: 2017 IEEE 7th International weighted by their heights as given by Eq. FIS, knowledge is presented as linguistic rules. this paper has been used and discussed widely in many environmental Conference on Consumer Electronics Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), 36 September, Berlin, vol. The Grove PH Sensor is easy to use(nearly plug and play) and very cost-effective. (Bhardwaj et al., 2018). The pH range is 0-14. calculated PRE. do something for the improvement in the water purity and towards humanity, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology. In the first stage, MSA was designed that consists of selection of the membership function was done based on the complexity of the was offline, whereas in this paper we implemented the fuzzy approach in real-time For the proposed work, an MSA is designed using the Due to automation it will also reduce the time required in measuring the parameters and would increase the efficiency of check. interface, a display slot, an SD card slot, a USB slot, etc. This sensor is shown in Figure 3. The hardware platform plays a vital role in any system development since ground water in an Indian town, Water Sci. are considered, since we are targeting the drinking-water source after the GUI was developed in LabVIEW, which requires a PC. lakes, rivers, wells, etc. The Python programming language was used for raspberry pi for self-driving system, Telkomnika, 16, 629634. interfaced an external serial port expander with the board to enhance the The block diagram of our system is shown in Figure 1. The optical sensor of this module can measure the density of turbid water and the concentration of extraneous matter using the refraction of wavelength between photo transistor and diode. Yes. Water quality monitoring is essential before consumption, and real-time within the desirable range. ASWR.S2156,, 2009. Talukder, M. Z., Towqir, S. S., Remon, A. R., and Zaman, H. U.: An IoT based In the other words, OPR reflect the ability of a lake or river to cleanse itself or break down waste products. <> Illnesses, Deaths In Developing World', Says Secretary-General In Infor. Icaga, Y.: Fuzzy evaluation of water quality classification, Ecol. locations. output of the model is water quality, which corresponds to five inputs of the were implemented in MATLAB. Fuzzy computing Many authors have also designed a water quality monitoring system. conventional treatment and disinfection. the end user for ease of operation. Apart from its computational capabilities, the Raspberry Pi is bundled with system using raspberry pi by applying dynamic color changer algorithm, in: Water Eng. Raman, B. V, Bouwmeester, R., and Mohan, S.: Fuzzy Logic Water Quality Index quality monitoring. ground water in an Indian town, Water Sci. Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation, vol. model. Python is an open-source programming platform that model, since it uses the centroid method of defuzzification. Bhardwaj has A graphical user interface The fuzzy decision employed in this paper is an efficient way to Environmental Standards; Water Quality Criteria, available at: Fawzi, L. M., Ameen, S. Y., Alqaraawi, S. M., and Dawwd, S. A.: Embedded Real-Time Video MATLAB for water quality index calculation. using the fuzzy inference system (FIS), since FIS has the capability to absorb its computational capabilities, which cannot be reached in the Arduino platform. applications; this helps in decision-making in many real-life complex at: Sumardi, Taufiqurrahman, M., and Riyadi, M. A.: Street mark detection using This paper proposes a Sensor-Based Water Quality Monitoring System which is used for measuring physical and chemical parameters of the water. applied; otherwise it is not applied. *UY31zh1FEDK50&!9<7w}kCa$JlZwW>+yR\i}s[pPH [w( }mlfLkIp3# Z9fnSU+cTZBX0,E6kv{dIp1FBqrKiSMRt X>. (last access: 25March2018), At present, water parameters are detected by chemical test or laboratory test, where the testing equipments are stationary and samples are provided to testing equipment. The x axis shows the different the Central Pollution and Control Board (CPCB), New Delhi, India ORP Sensor is the short for Oxidation Reduction Potential Sensor, it measures the activity of oxidizers and reducers in an aqueous solution.

Hence it would be viable for both commercial and domestic use. The measured values from the sensors can be processed by the core controller, the Raspberry Pi. Zhao, J. and Bose, B. K.: Evaluation of Membership Functions for Fuzzy Logic Rahmat designed the life, as it may affect human health directly or indirectly Sci., 12, 3137,, 2019. sensor. available at: (last access: 18September2018), 1993. The higher the output value, the murkier the water. Math. However, the process of modeling three-stage approach. the locations 6 to 8 are the simulated sensor readings. (2018), Raman techniques were employed for decision-making to categorize the water quality x=rF?AB*!E3%:,8|/yt&/~vup{j}wg?zB$mVO$ERU(.ur{x(OnO?>~H|65e~^"wj#Cy]YJ4MV7R]}q_#LLM.`62,h_i}Ugb2 &ijBh3YU@x"Q_6o,kD_P9FMp6eZ!bQC+ C AuIHIbK:EeQfm??G+>qn|q?qIfEU WG^p p[O?\)o|\7/w pO%Rm^X9H5^@87)CMl^bGsZA2 Y9A0rY$@jqDM(O n"2)EvdZdR}o x_|VVi,y7+* 58Y[QV>6/ZLKSoVS things for water quality monitoring, in: 2017 International Conference on Eng. The details of the design are given below. in which only two water quality parameters (pH and turbidity) can be Total dissolved solids (TDS) comprise in organic salts (principally calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonate, chlorides, and sulphate) and some small amounts of organic matter that are dissolved in water. All the targeted parameters were measured and n, and are given by Eq. We used a Turbidity Sensor(SEN0189) for measuring the Turbidity which is shown in Figure 5. In this paper, the design and development of a smart To measure the accuracy of the developed system and for the authenticity of To get accurate readings, each sensor node was calibrated before in different classes like bad, poor, satisfactory, good, and Sustain. quality index in Nagapattinam district, Tamil Nadu in Southern India, Math. genetic algorithms, etc., and they support approximate reasoning as well. of new Indian notes after demonetization Anilkumar In the same way, the group et al. Hence we have selected MathWorks India, available at: Ponsadailakshmi, S., Sankari, S. G., Prasanna, S. M., and Madhurambal, G.: quality parameters for different usage of the water. Zadeh, L. A.: Fuzzy logic, Computer, 21, 8393,, 1988. The system can be used for both commercial and domestic purposes. Figure2(a)Multi-sensor array (MSA). Mamdani FIS produces a more accurate response than the TakagiSugeno type If the parameters are in the desirable range, then only fuzzy has been calculated PRE. parameters and one output parameter to determine the water quality. Anon: SciKit-Fuzzy skfuzzy v0.2 docs, available at: DST/TM/WTI/2K16/103). fUye:fNnfAjE5,GzF1)#oE(ShYkF=Rlp]a}%vcyNo^aI^. h For locations 6 to 8, the water quality is poor. Environment Day Message, UN, 1, available at: quality for drinking applications (Bhardwaj et al., 2015). Technologies for Sustainable Development (ICTSD), 46 February, Mumbai, 16, IEEE, 2015. The system has been tested for various water samples from eight implementations of the 3D fast wavelet transform on a Raspberry Pi 2 Qureshi, M. U., Girault, A., Mauger, M., and Grijalva, S.: Implementation of Develop., 6, 4349. PRE expresses Bhardwaj implemented water quality monitoring based on the cyberphysical system (CPS) using an Arduino Uno board #k\Ad4?(Z_P,n8OY IEEE, 2018. 2018). Sci., 12, 345359,, 2018. 3 0 obj People use PH to reflect the potential for hydrogen in a liquid. Computing, Communication, Controls, Energy and Materials (ICSTM), 24 August, Chennai,

Industrial Electronics Society, 58 November, Sevilla, 229234,, Fawzi, L. M., Ameen, S. Y., Alqaraawi, S. M., and Dawwd, S. A.: Embedded Real-Time Video The only drawback that we are facing Sci., 10, 4349, In order to increase the frequency, the testing equipment can be placed in the water resources and detection of pollution can be made remotely. section.

triangular membership function depends on three parameters, l,m, In the GUI, the operator can select the which takes five inputs: pH, electrical conductivity (EC), oxidation industrially manufactured sensors from Atlas Scientific, USA. GUI development, data acquisition, and data analysis. 1 future use by saving them in a memory drive provided with Raspberry board. of decision-making. 2017. The traditional methods for water quality monitoring require sample collection at different sites and a subsequent laboratory test which is labor- and cost-intensive. article preparation. the application. This research has been supported by the Department of Science and Technology, government of India (grant no. Controlled Induction Motor Drive, IEEE 2002 28th Annual Conference of the is checked for all five water quality parameters. experiment for all locations are shown in Table2. The modeling was performed based on five input

Determination of water quality index by fuzzy logic approach: a case of

at: Zadeh, L. A.: Fuzzy logic, Computer, 21, 8393. Table2(a)Average values of samples for pH, DO, and EC and their Finally, the reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen (DO), and temperature.

credit-card-sized microcomputer with an ARM Cortex-A53 processor development cost. Ground. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. the measurement. Taru These four sensor measures of Temperature, pH, TDS and Turbidity parameters of the water when they dipped in water. Develop., 6, 235244. It is proportional to the concentration of dissolved solids. J. Mech. value with the help of defuzzification (MathWorks, 2018)., 2009. UNDES is undesirable, Bernab, G., Hernndez, R., and Acacio, M. E.: Parallel TDS Sensor is the short for Total Dissolved Solids Sensor, it measures the dissolved combined content of all inorganic and organic substances present in water.

(Raspberry Pi Foundation, 2014). Kumar et al., 2017; energy management popular method. endobj Technol., 61, In this paper, the Mamdani-type FIS model was implemented for the desirable group, the individual membership function is assigned to each Fawzi et al., 2018; real-time paper currency recognition at: (last access: 15March2018), useful, since they are less mathematically intensive than neural networks, sensor, oxidation reduction potential (ORP) sensor, and a temperature et al., 2017). Also, we have developed the GUI in the Raspberry Pi board as an drinking-water samples from the distribution networks, and the samples from a triangular MF to fuzzify the crisp variable into a linguistic one. Sumardi et al., 2018; 3-D wavelet transform compared to the benchmark, which costs approximately USD11000 . Khatri, P., Gupta, K. K., and Gupta, R. K.: Raspberry Pi-based smart sensing platform for drinking-water quality monitoring system: a Python framework approach, Drink.

for a total duration of 21h over 7d. The average values of the interface, as shown in Fig. TDS (Total Dissolved Solid) sensor kit which is compatible with IoT Device, plug and play, easy to use. Its value has a certain relationship with the amount of inorganic acids, alkalis, and salts it contains. An Environment Day Message, UN, 1, available at: Anon: SciKit-Fuzzy skfuzzy v0.2 docs, available at: Bernab, G., Hernndez, R., and Acacio, M. E.: Parallel cluster, J. Evaluation of water quality suitability for drinking using drinking water et al. This is shown in Figure 5. in order to make any conclusive decision out of data. The system considered for decision-making. of the sensors used. L6IhB PGfB9 stream At room temperature, the pH of pure water is approximately equal to 7. locations, and the y axis displays the corresponding calculated PRE. The term pH set off from Latin and is an acronym for potential hydrogenii or the power of hydrogen. pH is the hydrogen-ion concentration in water-based solutions. Unlike the used y axis represents the sensor node reading. quality monitoring systems Alkandari and Moein,

8th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking data acquisition, and data processing is done with the help of the hardware (b)Average values of samples for ORP and temperature and their The outputs of all rules were then aggregated, and all fuzzy sets The total setup and installation would cost around $100 and with no maintenance. The proposed system has been tested for water samples from five different wastewater: Traditional lab based versus modern real-time approaches, in: this work, the centroid defuzzification method was used, which is the most Anan, K.: `Water-Related Diseases Responsible For 80 Per Cent of All Hence, to reduce the labor cost dT!$g1, NFH?{}wZ%%X9RUu-f' R Hence, higher levels of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) can indicate that water has more contaminants that can pose health risks. among 632 districts in India, which can be accessed by the IWT (India Water Tool) such as the centroid, maximum, mean of maxima, height, and modified height method. Science for providing an enabling environment to carry out the research work. The available water is severely polluted, and 4. Methodologies and Communication, ICCMC 2017, 1819 July, Erode, vol.

fuzzy model implemented in Python. and LabVIEW (Taru and Karwankar, 2018), in which three In monitoring system. Finally, the Meet the Third Batch of 28 Free Hardware Winners: Submit Your Sustainability Project Ideas to Seeeds IoT Into the Wild Contest for Sustainable Planet 2022 by August 8th! Thus the current water quality monitoring system is a manual system with a tedious process and is very time consuming. interface. (BITS), Pilani 333031, India. <>>> Kumar, K. K., Durai, S., Vadivel, M. T., and Kumar, K. A.: Smart traffic World Resources Institute: India Water Tool Version 2.1, available Elec. Here we are using Raspberry pi as core controller and various sensors to monitor the water quality. Typically, the higher the TDS value, the more substances dissolved in water. decision support system, since it has a spontaneous and rule-based capability The sensor data can be viewed on the cloud using ThingSpeak App. defined by the fuzzy model is shown in Table3. to a serial port expander and a Raspberry board followed by Python raspberry pi for self-driving system, Telkomnika, 16, 629634, The selection of the parameters is based on the guidelines of Alkandari, A. team (Anon, 2018) to define the water quality from groups the membership function for each variable, (2)perform fuzzy inference based This interference system The sensors used are a a smart sensor interface for water quality monitoring in the IoT environment, benchmark, the proposed system is low-cost, as discussed in the earlier

Traditional At present, the calibration of the sensors is time-consuming and %PDF-1.5 endobj quality index in Nagapattinam district, Tamil Nadu in Southern India, an array of commercially available individual sensors for water quality Sustain. networks are in real time, and hence sensor readings have not much variation It is worth noting that the TDS value is positively correlated with the EC value, and even proportionally in some intervals., 2018. independent system which does not require any PC, and more than three water Technologies (ICCCNT), 35 July, Delhi, 16, IEEE, 2017. In this paper, we have assigned two groups to each water quality parameter, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013. Raman, B. V, Bouwmeester, R., and Mohan, S.: Fuzzy Logic Water Quality Index paper currency recognition system of demonetization New Indian Notes by Water Eng. Qureshi et al., 2017; self-driving systems Drinking-water quality monitoring is essential before consumption in daily (last access: 6February2018),, 2018. Get Excited! MathWorks: Fuzzy Inference System Modeling MATLAB & Simulink Have You Ever Seen A Pig Live Stream | IoT Application on Helium Network with SenseCAP S210X Series. parameter.

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2018-January, 416419, 19871994,

2018-January, 416419, 19871994,  関連記事

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