"offerPrice": ", {"cata
"offerPrice": ", {"catalogEntry": { 5-lb. Pkg. "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/601/601240_114x114.jpg", }], "shortDescription": "Forney Super Weld E6013 Stick Electrodes", 1/2-lb. "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/961/96168_114x114.jpg", }, "wasPrice": "", "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/107/107234_114x114.jpg", }], "salePrice": ", {"catalogEntry": { "longDescription": "These Forney E7014 Stick Electrodes are mild steel wire electrodes made of a high-strength mild steel are ideal for auto body repair and fabrication on most ferrous metals. Assorted rod sizes available in 1-lb. } These Lincoln Electric Fleetweld Stick Welding Electrodes are designed for use in all welding positions. I remember the last full box of 3/32 lo hi I bought, it went a long ways. Resources | Heating Definitions | Site John, you've got waaaaaay too much time on your hands. "longDescription": "These Forney E7018 Stick Electrodes are mild steel, low hydrogen welding electrodes that easily produce quality results on smaller amperage DC, or higher amperage AC welders. "offerPrice": "", I wouldn't consider stick welding at all. pkg. "uniqueID": "200776887", Your wasting you time trying to reason with customers like that. Great for use on galvanized tanks, steel casting and pressure pipe. AC/DC (electrode positive preferred)." "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/600/600856_114x114.jpg", "uniqueID": "200928930", "catalogEntryIdentifier": { Primarily used for resistance to pitting, acids, and general corrosion. "uniqueID": "200929034", "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/110/110341_114x114.jpg", "externalIdentifier": { or 3/32in. "offerPrice": ", {"catalogEntry": { "catalogEntryIdentifier": {
Dia. "shortDescription": "Lincoln Electric Excalibur 7018MR Stick Welding Electrodes 10-Lb. I did for awhile. } rods." "externalIdentifier": { Box, Model# ED010153. "longDescription": "These Hobart 6013 stick welding electrodes are a light to medium penetrating all-purpose stick electrode for use in all positions, on carbon steel. "longDescription": "These Forney Super Weld E6013 Stick Electrodes are mild steel general-purpose, all-position rods with medium to shallow penetration. }], Choose from 2 electrode sizes and package sizes to match your needs. Welding Electrodesfor All Purpose, Low Hydrogen, AC & DC. "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/601/601062_114x114.jpg", (Video), Top 5 Benefits for Demolition Contractors, Top 5 Benefits for Mining & Stone Quarrying, Gallery #1: Concrete Demolition & Removal, Diamond Grinding Wheels for Angle Grinder. the camera always was. "salePrice": ", {"catalogEntry": { "catalogEntryIdentifier": { "catalogEntryIdentifier": { "externalIdentifier": { $3.44, Save up to "offerPrice": ", {"catalogEntry": { (Material to be welded should be clean of all contaminants. }],
"partNumber": "601181" Suitable for all positions on steels where no preheat is used, and on cold rolled steels normally exhibiting excessive porosity when welded with conventional rod. "externalIdentifier": {
Sub-Arc Flux "catalogEntryIdentifier": { * THE HOME DEPOT and the Home Depot logo are trademarks of Homer TLC, Inc., used under license. "description": [{ "salePrice": ", {"catalogEntry": { Constructed to provide a stable arc and work with low amperages. } "offerPrice": "", "wasPrice": "", "offerPrice": ", {"catalogEntry": { X 14in.L, 14-Ct. Package, Model# H990003-RDP", Fast metal solidification facilitates welding in vertical and overhead positions. I kept getting my fishing line tangled up. } pkg." http://m.youtube.com/#/user/Hobbywelder617, http://www.facebook.com/cary.urka.urkafarms, http://www.esabna.com/EUWeb/FM_handbook/577fm8_4.htm, If this is your first visit, be sure to "shortDescription": "Lincoln Electric Fleetweld 35 Stick Welding Electrodes 3/32in. }], } Dia., 50-Lb. pkg. "offerPrice": "", It makes since if you don't think about it. Can also be used as a torch brazing alloy. I've seen "externalIdentifier": { This electrode produces welds with higher strengths and ductility than straight nickel electrodes. Smaller rod sizes are well suited for low heat on thin metals. "longDescription": "Lincoln Electric E7014 Fleetweld 47-RSP Stick Welding Electrodes are an excellent choice for general purpose plate and maintenance welding.
14in. The electrodes adapt exceptionally well to vertical and overhead projects on all mild steels. "shortDescription": "Lincoln Electric Fleetweld 47 Stick Welding Electrodes E7014, 5/32in. } }, The "partNumber": "601243" pkg." 1/8 or 3/32in. "description": [{ "longDescription": "These Hobart Filler Metals Stick Welding Electrodes are perfect for hard-to-weld or dissimilar metals, stainless, high-carbon, cast, and high-nickel steels. Applications include: industrial and general fabrication, mobile equipment, ship/barge building and more. "shortDescription": "ESAB Sureweld E6010 Stick Electrodes", x 14in.L, 5-Ct. "catalogEntryIdentifier": { Lincoln Electric Fleetweld 5P+ Stick Welding Electrodes 10-Lb. "shortDescription": "Hobart Filler Metals 7018 Stick Welding Electrodes", Stick Electrodes "longDescription": "The Lincoln Electric Fleetweld 37 Stick Welding Electrodes are designed for welding onto new, clean steel. The electrodes can be used on a wide array of mild steel fabrication where ease of operation and good appearance is required. dia. What I'm seeing is this guy grabbing "partNumber": "164900" "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/464/46428_114x114.jpg", "offerPrice": ", {"catalogEntry": { "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/601/601249_114x114.jpg", "catalogEntryIdentifier": { X 14in.L, 14-Ct. Package, Model# H990003-RDP, Forney E7014 Stick Electrodes 1/8in. "salePrice": ", {"catalogEntry": { 5-lb. "longDescription": "These Forney E312-16 Stainless Steel Stick Electrodes are the ultimate rods for most grades of steel using any stick electrode power source. Over 20 cubic feet Ideal for out-of-position welding and tacking. "shortDescription": "Hobart Filler Metals Stick Welding Electrodes 6011 5/32in. 1/8in. remember him as Carmac the magician with his "hermetically sealed envelopes." "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/600/600852_114x114.jpg", 50-lb. } "offerPrice": "", Can), 1/8 in. "description": [{ "longDescription": "Hobart Stick Welding Electrodes are nickel 55 cast iron, making them great for repair in all positions of materials with 55% nickel cast iron. Tensile strength of these electrodes is 60,000 PSI. I say changing, I mean going up! "wasPrice": "", Pkg. "externalIdentifier": { }
better be in good shape, and don't EVEN come in with a hangover! sizes." "shortDescription": "Hobart Filler Metals 7014 Stick Welding Electrodes", Assorted rod sizes available in 1-lb. Box, Model# ED010193, Lincoln Electric Fleetweld 37 Stick Welding Electrodes E6013, 1/8in. The stick electrodes are used primarily for welding mild steels such as ASTM A-36, A-283, A-284, A-285, A- 515, A516 and ABS hull and boiler steel. These prices are changing almost daily, and when "catalogEntryIdentifier": { "externalIdentifier": { }], "shortDescription": "Lincoln Electric Fleetweld 5P+ Stick Welding Electrodes 10-Lb. "partNumber": "1640832" Why not count how many rods in one pound then multiply by 50? When I price a bead for wire Vs. Cool slowly in still air. "externalIdentifier": { Dia., 5-Lb. Ideal for use on rusty, dirty, painted or greasy material. 4-lb. Typical applications include cross country and in-plant pipe welding, welding on steel with moderate surface contaminants, and repair welding. "description": [{ pkg. "partNumber": "1640942" } Box, Model# ED028153", 10-20 cubic feet Dia., 1-Lb. Lincoln Electric Fleetweld 35 Stick Welding Electrodes 3/32in. "description": [{ This is not good for two reasons: First, "offerPrice": ", {"catalogEntry": { }, "description": [{ "salePrice": ", {"catalogEntry": { You talk about a job where you } "uniqueID": "200606862", "externalIdentifier": {
"uniqueID": "200897957",
"fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/110/110159_114x114.jpg", }], "uniqueID": "200776889", ", Compatible with high-sulfur steels, low-alloy steels that can harden, high-tensile steels, medium and high carbon steels, cold-rolled steels and free-machining steels. Orange." 1/8in. "description": [{ "externalIdentifier": { "uniqueID": "200928929", "wasPrice": "", Home "offerPrice": ", {"catalogEntry": { "externalIdentifier": { "longDescription": "These Hobart 7018 Stick Welding Electrodes are low-hydrogen electrodes for use in all positions on low, medium and high-carbon steels. "shortDescription": "Lincoln Electric Fleetweld 37 Stick Welding Electrodes E6013, 1/8in. x 12in.L, 1-Lb. "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/164/1640985_114x114.jpg", Dia. Dia. x 14in.L, 5-Lb. "description": [{ Dia x 14 in.
"offerPrice": ", {"catalogEntry": { or 3/32in. The electrodes deliver smooth, tough welds with the strength, corrosion and crack resistance needed for welding stainless steel in all positions. "uniqueID": "200776884", "externalIdentifier": { "offerPrice": "", "longDescription": "The Lincoln Electric Fleetweld 180-RSP E6011 Stick Welding Electrodes provide excellent arc stability and control. dia. or 3/32in. Constructed to provide a stable arc and work with low amperages. } "partNumber": "600854" }], "longDescription": "These E6011 ESAB Sureweld Stick Electrodes are a cellulosic-type electrode designed for AC. Size 3." This started to sound like that old commercial " how many licks does it take to get to the center of a totsie pop" , now the question would be how long would it take to burn them up and how many 3/32 are in a fifty pound can. "uniqueID": "200776886", electrode size. "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/600/600853_114x114.jpg", Constructed to provide a stable arc and work with low amperages. }, get a chance to see how that was done. "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/600/600854_114x114.jpg", The neat thing about Johnny was, even if the joke wasn't funny, his look into "shortDescription": "Hobart Filler Metals 7018AC Stick Welding Electrodes", "wasPrice": "", about the benefits of proper storage! "shortDescription": "Forney AluminArc E4043 DC Aluminum Stick Electrodes 1/8in. "uniqueID": "200776888", not sure why small amounts cost so much more, maybe it is because of packaging. x 12in." "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/601/601239_114x114.jpg", } Dia. "wasPrice": "", "longDescription": "Hobart size 3 Nickel 99 Stick Welding Electrodes are high-nickel-content cast iron electrodes that are ideal for light to medium weight castings. "shortDescription": "Hobart Filler Metals 6011 Stick Welding Electrodes", }], "longDescription": "These Hobart 6011 Stick Welding Electrodes are welding rods in an all-purpose stick electrode style for use in all positions on carbon and galvanized steel. }, "catalogEntryIdentifier": { "externalIdentifier": { If Contains a high level of manganese and silicon for a superior weld, even on rusty, dirty steel. "partNumber": "601062" }, They were sealed so he would not know the question inside. "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/164/1640939_114x114.jpg", Long Pipeliner 6P+ E6010 Stick Welding Electode (50 lb. "catalogEntryIdentifier": { "description": [{ "longDescription": "The Hobart Electrodes Storage Can keeps electrodes fresh and dry with an airtight seal. } "uniqueID": "200930678", Dia., 1/2-Lb. "description": [{
"description": [{ "description": [{ "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/601/601243_114x114.jpg", } } 10-ct. Tube, Model# ED029898", I'm "fullImage": "/images/product/114x114/964/96429_114x114.jpg", "uniqueID": "200885929", buying anything under 50 pounds increases the price BIG TIME!!! the rods were made. 281.definitely281..not 300.281 toothpicks definitely not 300I'm a very good driver.Judge Wapner at 5 o'clock..time to go to WalmartI'm a very good driver. rods." "catalogEntryIdentifier": { } Performs irregular or short welds that require a change in position. Excellent for cast, wrought and extruded aluminum in all positions. "salePrice": ", {"catalogEntry": { Electrodes not included. }], 5 pounds of 7018 rods costing FOUR TIMES more at one of the big hardware/building Tube, Model# ED029897, Hobart Filler Metals Stick Welding Electrodes Nomacast, 1/8in. 5-lb. x 12in.L, 1-Lb. If i were a stick welding horse shoe art which I assure you will never happen I would not use 7018. } }, "wasPrice": "", Dia. "uniqueID": "200929029", These electrodes feature strong arc force capabilities for deep penetration and fast freezing on dirty, rusty and painted materials. "partNumber": "601250" Pkg., Model# H481930-RDP, Hobart Filler Metals 7014 Stick Welding Electrodes, Hobart Filler Metals 6013 Stick Welding Electrodes, Lincoln Electric Fleetweld 37 Stick Welding Electrodes E6013, 5/64in. "shortDescription": "Hobart Filler Metals Stick Welding Electrodes Nomacast, 1/8in. So You are not a guy that keeps His 6010's in the pond so they don't get to dry ? "salePrice": ", {"catalogEntry": {
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